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Grigory Drozd boxer personal biography. Grigory Drozd - biography - career - video fights

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An excerpt characterizing Drozd, Grigory Anatolyevich

- Throw her into the fire! – the little man shouted contentedly.
Well, that's it. Her fragile and short life came to its terrible conclusion. Two people grabbed her and threw her onto a wooden tower, on which a gloomy, emotionless “performer” was waiting, holding thick ropes in his hands. There was a fire burning there... Esclarmonde was seriously hurt, but then she smiled bitterly to herself - very soon she would have much more pain...
- What is your name? – Arcee’s survey continued.
- Corba de Pereil...
A short moment later, her poor mother was thrown just as roughly next to her.
So, one after another, the Cathars passed the “selection”, and the number of those sentenced kept increasing... All of them could save their lives. All you had to do was lie and renounce what you believed. But no one agreed to pay such a price...
The flames of the fire cracked and hissed - the damp wood did not want to burn at full power. But the wind grew stronger and from time to time brought burning tongues of fire to one of the condemned. The clothes on the unfortunate man flared up, turning the person into a burning torch... Screams were heard - apparently, not everyone could endure such pain.

Esclarmonde was trembling from cold and fear... No matter how brave she was, the sight of her burning friends gave her a real shock... She was completely exhausted and unhappy. She really wanted to call someone for help... But she knew for sure that no one would help or come.
Little Vidomir appeared before my eyes. She will never see him grow... will never know if his life will be happy. She was a mother who hugged her child just once, for a moment... And she would never give birth to Svetozar’s other children, because her life was ending right now, on this bonfire... next to others.
Esclarmonde took a deep breath, ignoring the freezing cold. What a pity that there was no sun!.. She loved to bask under its gentle rays!.. But that day the sky was gloomy, gray and heavy. It said goodbye to them...
Somehow holding back the bitter tears that were ready to flow, Esclarmonde raised her head high. She would never show how bad she really felt!.. No way!!! She'll endure it somehow. The wait wasn't that long...
The mother was nearby. And just about ready to burst into flames...
Father stood like a stone statue, looking at both of them, and there was not a single drop of blood in his frozen face... It seemed as if life had left him, rushing away to where they would very soon go too.
A heart-rending scream was heard nearby - it was my mother who burst into flames...
- Korba! Korba, forgive me!!! – it was the father who shouted.
Suddenly Esclarmonde felt a gentle, affectionate touch... She knew that it was the Light of her Dawn. Svetozar... It was he who extended his hand from afar to say the last “goodbye”... To say that he was with her, that he knew how scared and painful she would be... He asked her to be strong...
A wild, sharp pain slashed through the body - here it is! It's here!!! A burning, roaring flame touched his face. Her hair flared up... A second later her body was in full flame... A sweet, bright girl, almost a child, accepted her death in silence. For some time she still heard her father screaming wildly, calling her name. Then everything disappeared... Her pure soul went into a good and correct world. Without giving up and without breaking. Exactly the way she wanted.
Suddenly, completely out of place, singing was heard... It was the clergy present at the execution who began to sing in order to drown out the screams of the burning “convicts.” With voices hoarse from the cold, they sang psalms about the forgiveness and kindness of the Lord...
Finally, evening came at the walls of Montsegur.
The terrible fire was burning out, sometimes still flaring up in the wind as dying red coals. During the day the wind had strengthened and was now raging at full speed, carrying black clouds of soot and burning throughout the valley, seasoned with the sweetish smell of burnt human flesh...
At the funeral pyre, bumping into those nearby, a strange, detached man wandered lostly... From time to time, screaming out someone's name, he suddenly grabbed his head and began to sob loudly, heartbreakingly. The crowd surrounding him parted, respecting the grief of others. And the man again walked slowly, not seeing or noticing anything... He was gray-haired, hunched over and tired. Sharp gusts of wind blew his long gray hair, tore his thin dark clothes from his body... For a moment the man turned around and - oh, gods!.. He was still very young!!! His haggard, thin face was breathing with pain... And his wide-open gray eyes looked in surprise, seemingly not understanding where and why he was. Suddenly the man screamed wildly and... threw himself straight into the fire!.. Or rather, into what was left of him... People standing nearby tried to grab his hand, but did not have time. The man fell prostrate on the dying red coals, clutching something colored to his chest...
And he didn't breathe.
Finally, having somehow dragged him away from the fire, those around him saw what he was holding, tightly clutched in his thin, frozen fist... It was a bright hair ribbon, the kind that young Occitan brides wore before their wedding... Which meant - everything just a few hours ago he was still a happy young groom...
The wind still disturbed his long hair that had turned gray during the day, quietly playing in the burnt strands... But the man no longer felt or heard anything. Having found his beloved again, he walked with her hand in hand along the sparkling starry road of Qatar, meeting their new stellar future... He was again very happy.
Still wandering around the dying fire, people with faces frozen in grief were looking for the remains of their relatives and friends... Also, not feeling the piercing wind and cold, they rolled out the burnt bones of their sons, daughters, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands from the ashes. ... Or even just friends... From time to time, someone would cry and pick up a ring blackened in the fire... a half-burnt shoe... and even the head of a doll, which, having rolled to the side, did not have time to burn completely...
The same little man, Hugues de Arcy, was very pleased. It was finally over - the Qatari heretics were dead. Now he could safely go home. Shouting to the frozen knight on guard to bring his horse, Arcee turned to the warriors sitting by the fire to give them his final orders. His mood was joyful and upbeat - the mission, which had lasted for many months, had finally come to a “happy” end... His duty was fulfilled. And he could honestly be proud of himself. A short moment later, the rapid clatter of horse hooves could be heard in the distance - the seneschal of the city of Carcassonne was hurrying home, where a hearty hot dinner and a warm fireplace awaited him to warm his frozen, road-weary body.
On high mountain Montsegur heard the loud and sorrowful crying of eagles - they were seeing off their faithful friends and owners on their last journey... The eagles were crying very loudly... In the village of Montsegur, people timidly closed their doors. The cry of the eagles echoed throughout the valley. They were mourning...

The terrible end of the wonderful empire of Qatar - the empire of Light and Love, Goodness and Knowledge - has come to its end...
Somewhere in the depths of the Occitan mountains there were still fugitive Cathars. They hid with their families in the Lombriv and Ornolak caves, unable to decide what to do next... Having lost the last Perfects, they felt like children who no longer had support.
They were persecuted.
They were game, for the capture of which large rewards were given.

And yet, the Cathars did not give up yet... Having moved to the caves, they felt at home there. They knew every turn there, every crevice, so it was almost impossible to track them. Although the servants of the king and the church tried their best, hoping for the promised rewards. They wandered around the caves, not knowing exactly where they should look. They got lost and died... And some of the lost ones went crazy, unable to find their way back to the open and familiar sunny world...
The pursuers were especially afraid of the Sakani cave - it ended with six in separate moves, zigzag leading straight down. Nobody knew the real depth of these moves. There were legends that one of those passages led straight to the underground city of the Gods, into which not a single person dared to descend.
After waiting a little, Dad became furious. The Cathars did not want to disappear!.. This small group of exhausted and incomprehensible people did not give up!.. Despite the losses, despite the hardships, despite everything - they still LIVED. And Dad was afraid of them... He didn’t understand them. What motivated these strange, proud, unapproachable people?! Why didn’t they give up, seeing that they had no chance of salvation?.. Dad wanted them to disappear. So that not a single damned Qatar remains on earth!.. Unable to think of anything better, he ordered hordes of dogs to be sent into the caves...
The knights came to life. Now everything seemed simple and easy - they didn’t have to come up with plans to catch the “infidels.” They went into the caves “armed” with dozens of trained hunting dogs, which were supposed to lead them to the very heart of the refuge of the Qatari fugitives. Everything was simple. All that was left was to wait a little. Compared to the siege of Montsegur, this was a trifle...
The caves welcomed Qatar, opening their dark, damp arms for them... The life of the fugitives became difficult and lonely. Rather, it was like survival... Although there were still very, very many people willing to help the fugitives. In the small towns of Occitania, such as the principality of de Foix, Castellum de Verdunum and others, the Cathars still lived under the cover of local lords. Only now they no longer gathered openly, trying to be more careful, because the Pope’s bloodhounds did not agree to calm down, wanting at all costs to exterminate this Occitan “heresy” that was hiding throughout the country...
“Be diligent in exterminating heresy by any means! God will inspire you! – the Pope’s call to the crusaders sounded. And the church messengers really tried...
- Tell me, Sever, of those who went into the caves, did anyone live to see the day when it was possible to go to the surface without fear? Did anyone manage to save their life?
– Unfortunately, no, Isidora. The Montsegur Cathars did not survive... Although, as I just told you, there were other Cathars who existed in Occitania for quite a long time. Only a century later the last Qatar was destroyed there. But their life was completely different, much more secretive and dangerous. People frightened by the Inquisition betrayed them, wanting to save their lives. Therefore, some of the remaining Katar moved to the caves. Someone settled in the forests. But that was later, and they were much more prepared for such a life. Those whose relatives and friends died in Montsegur did not want to live long with their pain... Deeply grieving for the dead, tired of hatred and persecution, they finally decided to reunite with them in that other, much kinder and purer life . There were about five hundred of them, including several old people and children. And with them were four Perfect Ones who came to the rescue from a neighboring town.
On the night of their voluntary “departure” from the unjust and evil material world, all the Cathars went outside to last time breathe in the wonderful spring air to once again look at the familiar glow of the distant stars they love so much... where their tired, exhausted Qatari soul will fly away very soon.
The night was gentle, quiet and warm. The earth was fragrant with the smells of acacias, blossoming cherries and thyme... People inhaled the intoxicating aroma, experiencing real childhood pleasure!.. For almost three long months they did not see the clear night sky, did not breathe real air. After all, in spite of everything, no matter what happened on it, it was their land!.. Their native and beloved Occitania. Only now it was filled with hordes of the Devil, from which there was no escape.
Without saying a word, the Cathars turned to Montsegur. They wanted to take one last look at their HOME. To the Temple of the Sun, sacred to each of them. A strange, long procession of thin, emaciated people unexpectedly easily ascended to the highest of Qatari castles. It was as if nature itself was helping them!.. Or perhaps these were the souls of those with whom they were going to meet very soon?
At the foot of Montsegur a small part of the Crusader army was located. Apparently, the holy fathers were still afraid that the crazy Cathars might return. And they were guarding... The sad column passed like quiet ghosts next to the sleeping guards - no one even moved...
– They used “blackout”, right? – I asked in surprise. – Did all the Cathars know how to do this?..
- No, Isidora. “You forgot that the Perfect Ones were with them,” North answered and calmly continued.
Having reached the top, the people stopped. In the light of the moon, the ruins of Montsegur looked ominous and unusual. It was as if every stone, soaked in the blood and pain of the dead Qatar, called for revenge on those who had come again... And although there was dead silence around, it seemed to people that they could still hear the dying cries of their relatives and friends, burning in the flames of the terrifying “cleansing” papal bonfire . Montsegur towered over them, menacing and... unnecessary to anyone, like a wounded animal left to die alone...

Grigory Anatolyevich Drozd(born August 26, 1979, Prokopyevsk), Russian boxer-professional, performing in the first heavyweight division. World champion in the first heavyweight version according to the WBC (2014-present), European champion according to the EBU version (2013-2014). President of the Moscow Thai Boxing Federation. Also a sports commentator.

made his debut in the professional ring in April 2001 in the first heavy weight category. In 2002 he won the title of champion of Siberia, in 2003 the title of champion of Russia. In March 2004, he knocked out experienced Mexican boxer Saul Montana in the 9th round. In January 2006, he knocked out his undefeated compatriot Pavel Melkomyan (19-0). In September 2006, in a qualifying match for the status of mandatory challenger for the WBA world title, he lost by knockout to the Turk, Firat Arslan. In 2008 he knocked out American Rob Calloway, and in his next fight he knocked out American Darnell Wilson. He was injured and did not enter the ring for a year and a half. In 2012, he defeated the Frenchman Jean-Marc Monrose. On October 5, 2013, in Moscow, he won the European title, inflicting the first defeat in his career on the Polish boxer Mateusz Masternak. On March 15, 2014, he defended this title, knocking out French boxer Jeremy Wanna in the 1st round.

Grigory Drozd was born into a miner's family in the city of Prokopyevsk (south western Siberia, Kuzbass region in the Kemerovo region). Graduated from the Siberian State Academy physical culture. He started playing sports at the age of 12. Having joined the karate section, he devoted three years to this type of martial arts, but seeing no prospects, he switched to coach Vitaly Ilyin, under whose tutelage he became the world champion in kickboxing. At the age of 15, Drozd became the champion of Russia in kickboxing among youth in the light-contact section, then he took third place at the Asian Championship. In 1995 he won the CIS Muay Thai tournament. In 1997, at the age of 17, he took third place at the World Muay Thai Championships, being the youngest athlete in the tournament. After that, he won the European Championships twice and received the title of international master of sports. In 2001, a second trip to Bangkok took place, and Gregory won gold medal World Thai Boxing Championship. On April 4, 2015, at a meeting of the Moscow Thai Boxing Federation, Grigory Drozd was elected president of the Federation.

Grigory Anatolyevich Drozd (born August 26, 1979, Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region) is a Russian professional boxer who competes in the first heavyweight division. European champion according to the EBU (2013-2014), world champion in the first heavyweight division according to the WBC (2014-2015).
World champion in kickboxing. World champion and two-time European champion in Thai boxing. Master of Sports in Thai Boxing. President of the Moscow Thai Boxing Federation. Also a sports commentator.


Grigory Drozd was born into a mining family in the city of Prokopyevsk (south of western Siberia, Kuzbass region in the Kemerovo region). Graduated from the Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture.
He began to engage in sports at the age of 12, joining the karate section, and devoted three years to this type of martial arts, but, seeing no prospects, he switched to coach Vitaly Ilyin, under whose tutelage he became the world champion in kickboxing. At the age of 15, Drozd became the champion of Russia in kickboxing among youth in the light-contact section, then he took third place at the Asian Championship. In 1995 he won the CIS Muay Thai tournament.
In 1997, at the age of 17, he took third place at the World Muay Thai Championships, being the youngest athlete in the tournament. After that, he won the European Championships twice and received the title of international master of sports.
In 2001, a second trip to Bangkok took place, and Gregory won the gold medal at the World Muay Thai Championships.
On April 4, 2015, at a meeting of the Moscow Thai Boxing Federation, Grigory Drozd was elected president of the Federation

Professional boxing career

He made his debut in the professional ring in April 2001 in the first heavy weight category. In 2002 he won the title of champion of Siberia, in 2003 the title of champion of Russia.
In March 2004, he knocked out experienced Mexican boxer Saul Montana in the 9th round.
In January 2006, he knocked out his undefeated compatriot Pavel Melkomyan (19-0).
In September 2006, in a qualifying match for the status of mandatory challenger for the WBA world title, he lost by knockout to the Turk, Firat Arslan.
In 2008 he knocked out American Rob Calloway, and in his next fight he knocked out American Darnell Wilson. He was injured and did not enter the ring for a year and a half.
In 2012 he defeated the Frenchman Jean-Marc Montrose.
On October 5, 2013, in Moscow, he won the European title, inflicting the first defeat in his career on the Polish boxer Mateusz Masternak.
On March 15, 2014, he defended this title, knocking out French boxer Jeremy Wanna in the 1st round.
Championship fight with Krzysztof Wlodarczyk[edit | edit wiki text]
On September 27, 2014, Grigory Drozd defeated the WBC world champion, Pole Krzysztof Wlodarczyk, taking away the prestigious belt. Wlodarczyk, who had already completed six mandatory defenses, was considered the favorite in the fight; he was preferred by bookmakers and experts, while Drozd was considered an outsider. The Russian dominated almost the entire fight, significantly surpassing the Polish athlete in the number of accurate strikes. In the 8th round, Wlodarczyk took a knee to save himself from Drozd's attack. The Pole was given a knockdown. As a result of the fight, by unanimous decision of the judges, the Russian was declared the winner, winning the world title for the first time. In post-match interviews, Wlodarczyk explained his disastrous defeat by life’s troubles, which did not allow him to fully prepare and fight.
On May 22, in the 9th round, he defeated Polish boxer Lukasz Janik by technical knockout.
On March 16, 2016, due to injuries, he was unable to compete against Ilunga Makabu and the WBC declared him champion on vacation.

General information
Full name:

Grigory Anatolyevich Drozd


Pretty Boy

Date of birth:
Place of birth:

Prokopyevsk, USSR


Odintsovo, Russia

First heavy weight (up to 90.717 kg)

Arm span:

Sergey Vasiliev


Andrey Ryabinsky


1 (515 points)
May 2015

Professional career
First fight:
Last Stand:
Championship belt:
Number of battles:
Number of wins:
Wins by knockout:
Amateur career
Number of battles:
Number of wins:
Number of defeats:

Grigory Drozd - biography - career - video of fights.

Documentary film - Grigory Drozd: A story as long as a battle

Biography of Grigory Drozd

Grigory Anatolyevich Drozd (born August 26, 1979, Prokopyevsk) is a Russian professional boxer who competes in the first heavyweight division. World cruiserweight champion according to WBC 2014-2015. European champion according to EBU in the first heavyweight 2013-2014. Asian champion according to PABA in the first heavyweight 2008-2009. Russian champion in first heavyweight 2003.

World champion in kickboxing. World champion and two-time European champion in Thai boxing. Master of Sports in Thai Boxing. Vice-President of the Russian Thai Boxing Federation 2016 and President of the Moscow Thai Boxing Federation. Also a sports commentator.

Grigory Drozd was born into a mining family in the city of Prokopyevsk (south of western Siberia, Kuzbass region in the Kemerovo region). Graduated from the Siberian State Academy of Physical Culture.

He began to engage in sports at the age of 12, joining the karate section, and devoted three years to this type of martial arts, but, seeing no prospects, he switched to coach Vitaly Ilyin, under whose tutelage he became the world champion in kickboxing. At the age of 15, Drozd became the champion of Russia in kickboxing among youth in the light-contact section, then he took third place at the Asian Championship. In 1995 he won the CIS Muay Thai tournament.

In 1997, at the age of 17, he took third place at the World Muay Thai Championships, being the youngest athlete in the tournament. After that, he won the European Championships twice and received the title of international master of sports.

In 2001, a second trip to Bangkok took place, and Gregory won the gold medal at the World Muay Thai Championships.

On April 4, 2015, at a meeting of the Moscow Thai Boxing Federation, Grigory Drozd was elected president of the Federation.

Film - Before the fight - Grigory Drozd

Professional career of Grigory Drozd

He made his debut in the professional ring in April 2001 in the first heavy weight category. In 2002 he won the title of champion of Siberia, in 2003 the title of champion of Russia.

In March 2004, he knocked out experienced Mexican boxer Saul Montana in the 9th round.

In January 2006, he knocked out his undefeated compatriot Pavel Melkomyan (19-0).

Fight with Firat Arslan

In September 2006, in a qualifying match for the status of mandatory challenger for the WBA world title, he lost by knockout to the Turk, Firat Arslan.

In 2008 he knocked out American Rob Calloway, and in his next fight he knocked out American Darnell Wilson. He was injured and did not enter the ring for a year and a half.

In 2012 he defeated the Frenchman Jean-Marc Montrose.

Fight with Mateus Masternak

On October 5, 2013, in Moscow, he won the European title, inflicting the first defeat in his career on the Polish boxer Mateusz Masternak.

On March 15, 2014, he defended this title, knocking out French boxer Jeremy Wanna in the 1st round.
Championship fight with Krzysztof Wlodarczyk

On September 27, 2014, Grigory Drozd defeated the WBC world champion, Pole Krzysztof Wlodarczyk, taking away the prestigious belt. Wlodarczyk, who had already completed six mandatory defenses, was considered the favorite in the fight; he was preferred by bookmakers and experts, while Drozd was considered an outsider. The Russian dominated almost the entire fight, significantly surpassing the Polish athlete in the number of accurate strikes. In the 8th round, Wlodarczyk took a knee to save himself from Drozd's attack. The Pole was given a knockdown. As a result of the fight, by unanimous decision of the judges, the Russian was declared the winner, winning the world title for the first time. In post-match interviews, Wlodarczyk explained his disastrous defeat by life’s troubles, which did not allow him to fully prepare and fight.

On March 16, 2016, due to injuries, he was unable to compete against Ilunga Makabu and the WBC declared him champion on vacation.


The Russian boxing school, starting from Soviet times, has always been famous for its students. For many years in a row Russian fighters There have always been those who climbed to the top of the sport, winning various significant international tournaments and titles. Grigory Drozd, who today is among the best heavyweights on the planet, was no exception in this sport. His biography is worth learning in more detail, because it may well turn out to be a practical guide for many of us on what success can be achieved in life by working hard and achieving our goals.

Native Siberian

The future world champion was born on August 26, 1979 in the Kemerovo region, the city of Prokopyevsk. His father was a simple miner. Initially, Grigory Drozdul was interested in karate, which he began to practice at the age of 12. But three years later the young man found himself in the boxing section. His first coach was Honored Coach of Russia Vitaly Ilyin, who was able to bring the guy to the highest sports level. At the age of 15, Gregory becomes the national champion in kickboxing, after which he takes 3rd place at the Asian Championship. In 1995, the athlete won the CIS Muay Thai tournament. In 1997, being the youngest fighter, Grigory Drozd won third place at the world championship in Thai boxing.

After that, he twice became the best on the European continent, for which he was awarded the title of international master of sports. The final chord in the Thai boxing fights for Grigory was the World Championship in Bangkok, which the Russian fighter won in 2001.

Transition to professional boxing

Grigory Drozd had his first fight as a professional in April 2001. The debut took place in the first heavy weight (up to 90.7 kg), in which the fighter successfully performs to this day. In 2002, the boxer won the Siberian championship, and in 2003 - the All-Russian championship. March 2004 was marked for Grigory Anatolyevich with a magnificent knockout victory over an experienced opponent from Mexico named Saul Montana. The winning streak continued in January 2006, when Drozd “turned off the light” in the eyes of Pavel Melkomyan, who was undefeated at that time.

After this, Grigory Drozd’s next fight took place in 2012, in which he defeated the Frenchman Jean-Marc Montrose. The forced downtime was justified by the Russian’s rather serious injury.

October 2013 brought a significant victory for Drozd over Mateusz Masternak. This allowed Drozd to receive the title of European champion. At the same time, the defeat for the Pole was the first in his career.

The title defense took place on March 15, 2014. And it also turned out to be quite successful for our hero. Already in the first round, Drozd knocks out his French opponent Jeremy Hunn.

Reaching the top

Such rapid professional development of the Russian boxing star did not go unnoticed by functionaries. And therefore, on September 27, 2014, Grigory Drozd, whose weight always fit perfectly into the limit of his chosen category, enters the ring against the then current world champion Krzysztof Wolodarczyk. Grigory emerged victorious from this fight and became the new king of cruiserweight according to the WBC.

Let us pay attention to the fact that during the fight the Pole was given a knockdown when he knelt, defending himself from the Russian’s attacks. It is worth noting that initially in this fight Drozd was considered an outsider according to various experts and bookmakers. But his unconditional, confident and brilliant victory on points put everything in its place.

Unfortunately, in August 2015, the public learned that Gregory had suffered a very nasty knee injury and would not be able to fight mandatory challenger Ilunga Makabu in November. On at the moment The battle has been rescheduled to approximately spring 2016.

Life outside the ring

Sport, of course, takes up the lion's share of personal time for all athletes, especially in its form like boxing. Grigory Drozd is also no exception in this matter, being distinguished by his colossal efficiency and hard work.

However, the famous fighter managed to find time to get higher education in Siberian state academy physical culture. In addition, he periodically acts as a sports commentator, and also devotes time to popularizing sports among youth in his homeland.