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Guis personal account is the coordination center of Guis. Vacancies of the State Public Institution “Center for Coordination of the Main Information System Chief Legal Adviser of the Legal Department

GKU "Center for Coordination of GU IS" stands for state government institution "Center for Coordination of Activities of State Institutions of Engineering Services administrative districts and districts of the city of Moscow." This engineering service was created to coordinate the activities of GU IS districts and GU IS districts, as well as to provide information and analytical support for the work of the Moscow Municipal Economy Complex. The State Public Institution “Coordination Center for GU IS” provides the following types of services absolutely free of charge for management companies of all organizational and legal entities forms:
1. Settlement services;
2. All types of passport office services;
3. Round-the-clock uninterrupted service to residential buildings and communications within the framework of the activities of the joint dispatch services (UDS);
4. Keeping the local area clean.
The State Institution “Center for Coordination of GU IS” also carries out information and methodological activities: develops standard contracts, provides operational reporting forms of various frequency, and also works on one-time instructions from the Moscow Government.
The State IP Coordination Center has its own official website, where anyone can find detailed information about the organization itself, the services provided, and will also be able to undergo the necessary consultation. On the organization’s website you can find the addresses of the district or district GUIS. In addition to all of the above, the official website provides the opportunity to use an online service called “GUIS Personal Area».
You can go to your personal account from the official GUIS website. To do this, you must first enter the site address in the address bar of your browser: After which you will find yourself on the main page of the site, where there are various active tabs. Using these tabs, you can navigate the site in search of the required information. Among the available tabs of the official website, on the main page you will see the “Personal Account” tab.

Home page

Clicking on this tab will take you to a new page on the site. On the page that opens there is a form for logging into your GUIS personal account. In this form, you must select your district from the list of proposed ones and indicate your login and password. You can obtain information for entering your GUIS personal account from an employee of the GUIS of your district.

Login form

When you log into your GUIS personal account, you will be able to independently carry out the following actions:
1. Enter readings from individual hot water consumption meters;
2. Enter readings from individual cold water consumption meters;
3. Get information about tariffs;
4. Print the Unified Payment Document at home;
5. Check the amount of charges and make payments for consumed water resources;
6. If necessary, change the password to log into the system.
The GUIS personal account has a simple and understandable interface, while working with which no unnecessary questions arise. If you want to transfer cold water meter readings, you need to click on the button called “Cold water”. After which a new window will open, where all previous readings will be indicated. In the window that opens, you need to enter the last meter reading and the date of entry.

Entering meter readings

It is advisable to enter meter readings within a certain period, namely from the 20th of the current month to the 3rd of the next month. Meter readings must be entered in cubic meters. The transfer of readings from the hot water consumption meter follows the same principle. Only in your GUIS personal account you need to click on the “Hot water” button.
If for some reason you have indicated an incorrect meter reading, you are given the opportunity to delete the last value. This operation is available only in the first 24 hours after entering the readings.
GUIS personal account is an online service of the GU IS coordination center, with the help of which any resident of the city of Moscow can remotely carry out the necessary operations to pay for consumed water and transmit the readings of the corresponding meters.
We recommend that you often look through the “News” section, which is posted on the official website of the State Public Institution “Coordination Center for State IP”. Here you can find a lot useful information and always be aware of any innovations of the organization.
If you have any difficulties related to the incorrect operation of the GUIS of your personal account, then you can call the hotline and ask a question that is within the competence of the organization. You can also ask your question through your personal account by writing a letter to full description Your problem.

In accordance with clause 3.1.1 of the Moscow Government Decree dated April 24, 2007 N 299-PP “On measures to bring the management system of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow into compliance with the Housing Code Russian Federation":

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for the performance by state institutions of the city of Moscow and district engineering services of functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings ().

2. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government Shvetsova L.I. and Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government V.N. Silkin.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

on the procedure for government agencies of the city of Moscow and district engineering services to perform functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings

This Regulation was developed in pursuance of clause 3.1.1 of Moscow Government Decree No. 299-PP dated April 24, 2007 “On measures to bring the management system of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow into compliance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation” and establishes the procedure for interaction between government agencies of the city Moscow District Engineering Services with the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow on issues of representing the interests of the City of Moscow related to the implementation of owner rights in apartment buildings in which there are residential and non-residential premises that are state owned by the City of Moscow.

1. Functions of government agencies of the city of Moscow, district engineering services

1.1. State institutions of the city of Moscow, district engineering services (hereinafter referred to as GU IS districts) are organizations authorized by the Moscow Government that perform the following functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings:

1.1.1. Concluding agreements for the management of apartment buildings and agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, maintenance, accounting and storage of these agreements, sending copies of such agreements to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow, as well as monitoring the implementation of these contracts.

1.1.2. Participation in general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings: Initiating general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings on issues of management of apartment buildings.

1.1.3. Participation in the activities of homeowners' associations (hereinafter - HOA): Joining the HOA. Initiation of general meetings of HOA members. Participation in the boards of HOAs (subject to appropriate decisions of general meetings of premises owners and HOA members).

1.1.4. Ensuring the maintenance of accounting and statistical records of residential and non-residential premises owned by the state of the city of Moscow.

2. The procedure for interaction between the GU IS districts, the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Property Department of the City of Moscow when performing functions to represent the interests of the City of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings

2.1. GU IP districts have the right:

2.1.1. Request from the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow information and documents necessary for the implementation of the functions established by these Regulations by the GU IS of the districts.

2.1.2. Request from the management organization (including homeowners' associations) information and documents necessary for the implementation of the functions established by these Regulations by the State Information System of the districts.

2.1.3. Interact with management organizations (including HOAs) and owners of premises in apartment buildings on issues of execution of management contracts for apartment buildings or agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, ensuring the safety of premises owned by the city of Moscow.

On the basis of which the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building is established;

On the basis of which the debt of users of premises owned by the city of Moscow was established.

2.2. GU IS districts are obliged to:

2.2.1. Perform functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of the premises (these Regulations) in the manner established by these Regulations.

2.2.2. Submit monthly (before the 10th day of the next month) to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow information on accounting and statistical records, respectively, of residential and non-residential premises owned by the City of Moscow, in the form approved by these departments.

2.2.3. Interact with management organizations regarding the execution of management contracts for apartment buildings.

2.2.4. Interact with HOAs on issues related to the management of apartment buildings.

2.2.5. Submit to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow, upon their request, information and documents on the performance of functions to represent the interests of the City of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings.

2.2.6. Eliminate violations of the requirements of legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow, these Regulations, identified by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow.

2.2.7. Once a quarter, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, submit a report to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow, the Property Department of the City of Moscow and the district government on the work performed related to representing the interests of the City of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises.

2.3. The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow, the Department of Property of the City of Moscow has the right to:

2.3.1. Request information and documents from the regional IP department about the performance of functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings.

2.3.2. Send information to the District Information Administration and the district administration about violations of the requirements of federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow and this Regulation committed by the District Information Administration in order to eliminate violations.

2.4. The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow, the Department of Property of the City of Moscow provide, at the request of the State Administration for Information System of Districts, information and documents necessary for the implementation of the functions specified in these Regulations.

2.5. The functions of representing the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings are carried out by the heads of the GU IS districts or specialists authorized by the heads of the GU IP districts, in the prescribed manner.

3. The procedure for concluding management agreements for apartment buildings by GU IS districts

3.1. Before concluding agreements for the management of apartment buildings, GU IS districts send them for approval to the Office of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow in the corresponding administrative district (hereinafter referred to as the Department Office) and the Territorial Agency of the Property Department of the City of Moscow in the corresponding administrative district (hereinafter referred to as the Territorial Agency) . Along with the contracts, documents are sent that are the basis for their conclusion (minutes of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on the choice of management method and management organization or the decision of the competition commission).

The department's management and the Territorial Agency review the submitted contracts within 10 days and, if there are no comments, agree on them. If there are any comments, they send their proposals to the district IP GU.

GU IS districts make decisions on concluding management agreements for apartment buildings, taking into account proposals from the Department Management and the Territorial Agency.

3.2. GU IS districts, within 10 days from the date of concluding management agreements for apartment buildings, send copies of the relevant agreements to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow for accounting in the prescribed manner.

4. The procedure for the participation of GU IS districts in general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings

For this purpose, the GU IS of the districts, no later than 5 days before the date of general meetings of premises owners, sends to the Department Administration, the Territorial Agency (if there are residential and/or non-residential premises in the house, respectively, which are the property of the city of Moscow) and the district administration:

A copy of the notice and a copy of the draft written decision on issues put to a vote at the general meeting;

4.2. The department's management and the Territorial Agency, within three days after receiving the documents specified in these Regulations, send a written conclusion containing consent or reasonable objections to the proposed voting option to the GU IS of the districts and the district administration.

If necessary, representatives of the department, the Territorial Agency and the district government have the right to attend the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building.

4.3. GU IS districts have the right to initiate general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings in which there are residential and/or non-residential premises that are state owned by the city of Moscow. In this case, before convening such meetings, the GU IS of the districts send to the Department Office, the Territorial Agency and the district government for approval a notice containing:

Draft notice with the agenda of the general meeting;

Information about the apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow for residential and non-residential premises;

Draft charter of the homeowners association (if created).

4.4. The department's management and the Territorial Agency, within 7 days after receiving the notification specified in these Regulations, send to the GU IS of the districts and the district administration a written conclusion containing consent or reasonable objections to the initiation of general meetings.

4.5. On issues submitted to general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings, the GU IS of the districts make decisions taking into account the conclusion of the Department and the Territorial Agency.

4.6. All decisions made at general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings are notified by the Department Management, the Territorial Agency and the district administration within 10 days from the date of registration of the minutes of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings.

5. The procedure for the participation of district IP GUs in the activities of HOAs (upon the district IP GUs becoming members of the HOA)

5.1. When notifications are received from initiative groups (initiators) about holding general meetings of HOA members in person or in the form of absentee voting, the GU IS of the districts, no later than 5 days before the date of the meetings, send these notifications to the Department Office, the Territorial Agency and the district government.

Simultaneously with the notification, the State Information Directorate of the districts sends:

A copy of the notice and a copy of the written decision on the issues put to vote;

Information about the apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow for residential and non-residential premises;

5.2. The department's management and the Territorial Agency, upon receipt of notifications of general meetings of HOA members no later than 3 days before the date of general meetings or before the deadline for accepting written decisions of HOA members, send written conclusions containing consent or reasonable objections to the GU IS of the districts and the district administration against the proposed voting option.

5.4. If it is necessary to initiate general meetings of HOA members, the GU IS of the districts shall be sent for approval to the Department Office, the Territorial Agency and the district government before initiating general meetings, a notice containing:

Justification of the reason for holding the said meeting and the proposed voting option;

Information about the apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow for residential and non-residential premises;

Draft agenda for the general meeting (notification and written decision on issues put to vote).

5.5. The department's management and the Territorial Agency, within 7 days after receiving notifications, send written conclusions to the GU IS of the districts and the district administration containing consent or reasonable objections to the initiation of general meetings of HOA members.

GU IS districts initiate general meetings of HOA members and vote, taking into account proposals from the Department Management and the Territorial Agency.

5.6. On issues submitted to general meetings of HOA members, the GU IS of the districts make decisions taking into account the written opinions of the Department and the Territorial Agency.

5.7. The Department Management, the Territorial Agency and the district administration are notified of all decisions made at general meetings of HOA members by the district IP Directorate within 10 days from the date of registration of the minutes of general meetings of HOA members.

5.8. GU IP of the districts inform the Department Management and the Territorial Agency about the entry of the GU IP of the district into members of homeowners' associations within three days from the date of signing the corresponding application.

6. The procedure for concluding agreements for the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings by the GU IS districts

6.1. In the event that GU IS districts are not members of homeowners' associations, GU IS districts enter into agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings with homeowners' associations.

6.2. Before concluding agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings with homeowners' associations, GU IS districts send draft agreements, as well as documents that serve as the basis for their conclusion (minutes of the general meeting of members of the homeowners' association on establishing the amount of payments and contributions for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building; information about the apartment building indicating the share of the city of Moscow for residential and non-residential premises), for approval.

6.3. The department's management and the Territorial Agency review the submitted draft agreements within 10 days and, if there are no comments, agree on them. If there are any comments, they send their proposals to the State Administration for Information System of the districts and the district administration.

GU IS of districts make decisions on the conclusion of these agreements, taking into account proposals from the Department Management and the Territorial Agency.

ABOUT decisions made The GU IS of the districts notify the Department Management, the Territorial Agency and the district government.

6.4. GU IS districts, within 10 days from the date of concluding agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, send copies of the relevant agreements to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow for accounting.

7. Control and coordination of the activities of GU IS districts to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings

7.1. Control over the fulfillment of the functions established by these Regulations for representing the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings and coordination of the activities of the GU IS districts is carried out by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the city of Moscow, the Department of Property of the city of Moscow and the administration of the corresponding district.

7.2. Control over the adoption of decisions by the GU IS districts to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings at general meetings of owners of premises and members of homeowners' associations in accordance with the conclusions of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of the City of Moscow and the Department of Property of the City of Moscow is carried out by the council the corresponding area.

Order of the Moscow Government of May 14, 2008 N 1040-RP “On the procedure for the performance by state institutions of the city of Moscow and district engineering services of functions to represent the interests of the city of Moscow as the owner of premises in apartment buildings”

Vacancies of the State Public Institution “Center for Coordination of GU IS”

Chief Legal Advisor of the Legal Department



Working conditions:

Leading legal consultant of the contract department


  • higher professional (legal) education;
  • work experience in the field of housing and communal services as a specialist, legal adviser for at least 3 years;
  • knowledge of civil, housing, administrative law and other current legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow in the field of housing and communal services;
  • experienced PC user: MS Office, Legal reference systems;
  • experience in negotiations and claims work with contractors;
  • ability to conduct cases in Arbitration Courts and courts of general jurisdiction;
  • knowledge Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”;
  • diligence, responsibility, punctuality, decision-making ability, teamwork.


  • develop and take part in the development of documents of a legal, analytical, informational nature;
  • prepare substantiated answers and legal opinions;
  • represent the interests of the Institution in the courts, as well as in state and public organizations when considering legal issues;
  • monitor current legislation regarding the penitent activities of the Institution;
  • take part in the preparation of opinions on legal issues arising in the activities of the Institution;
  • develop draft local regulations, conduct a legal examination of existing local regulations for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • monitor the current legislation of the Russian Federation as it relates to the activities of the Institution.

Working conditions:

Working hours: 5/2 (Mon-Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; Fri: from 8.00 to 15.45).

Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Contact the HR department of the State Public Institution “Coordination Center of State Information System”, tel. 221-39-30 (ext. 1012), Alekseeva Natalya Nikolaevna.

Specialist of the non-residential premises department


  • incomplete higher, secondary specialized education;
  • experienced PC user: MS Office, legal reference systems;
  • diligence, responsibility, punctuality;
  • skill to work in team.


  • maintaining a database of agreements between owners/tenants of non-residential premises;
  • keeping records of accruals and payments for non-residential premises for utilities and other services to tenants and owners of non-residential premises in the EIRC ACS software;
  • generation and provision of reports.

Working conditions:

Working hours: 5/2 (Mon - Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; Fri: from 8.00 to 15.45).

Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Contact the HR department of the State Public Institution “Coordination Center of State Information System”, tel. 221-39-30 (ext. 1012), Alekseeva Natalya Nikolaevna.

Specialist in the department for monitoring and coordinating the functioning of automated control systems in areas of activity


  • Higher or incomplete higher education (final year student, but without active full-time study);
  • PC-experienced user: MS Office‚ reference and legal systems;
  • One year of work experience in the housing and communal services sector (desirable);
  • Responsibility, punctuality, accuracy, diligence;
  • Ability to work in a team, complete assigned tasks in a short time;
  • Compliance with information security principles.


  • Collection, synthesis and analysis of information;
  • Generating reports in Excel;
  • Writing business letters;
  • Conducting business negotiations.

Working conditions:

Working hours: 5/2 (Mon-Thu: from 8.00 to 17.00; Fri: from 8.00 to 15.45).

Registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Contact the HR department of the State Public Institution “Coordination Center of State Information System”, tel. 221-39-30 (ext. 1012), Alekseeva Natalya Nikolaevna.

Deputy Head of the Department for Work with Non-Residential Premises in the TiNAO of Moscow


  • Higher education;
  • Experienced PC user: MS Office, legal reference systems;
  • Knowledge of EIRC ACS is desirable;
  • Organizational abilities and skills;
  • Knowledge of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the regulatory framework in the field of housing and communal services.


  • Monitoring the work of the department for calculating payments for non-residential premises for utilities and other services to tenants and owners of non-residential premises in the ACS EIRTs;
  • Control over the formation and provision of reporting;
  • Interaction with suppliers of housing and communal services.

Working conditions:

Working hours: 5/2 (Mon-Thurs: from 8.00 to 17.00; Fri: from 8.00 to 15.45).