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And it seemed to him that he heard him. Fund of assessment works in the Russian language, methodological development in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left. She ran to the station and came back.

It began to rain frequently, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha. Silently he crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky.

On the terrace from which the canvas had been removed, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time. But he soon gave in too. And, when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully.

A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of the rain and cut through the darkness.

And to those who heard him, it seemed as if the pitch-dark night itself was groaning and striving for light.. And I wanted to go to the warmth, to the bright fire, to my beloved heart.

(According to L. Andreev) (107 words)

Assignment (students' choice)

  1. Name the signs by which this passage can be called a text. What type and style of speech does he belong to?
    • What words are used figuratively in the text? Find epithets, comparisons, metaphors in the text. What is their role?
    • what is the role of epithets in the text?
  2. Label the part of speech above each word of the highlighted sentence;
    • prove that the highlighted word is an adverb;
    • what is the role of adverbs in this text? Prove;
    • execute parsing complex sentence;
    • What spelling and punctuation rules can be illustrated with examples from the text? Group them.


(Option 1)


Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, ran to the station and - wet and dirty - returned back. Here she did something that no one, however, saw: she climbed onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, scratched with her claws. The rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.

It began to rain, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem strangely empty, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time, but soon he too gave in.

And, when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully. A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of rain, cutting through the darkness, rushing over the naked fields.

And to those who heard him, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and wanted to go to the warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving heart

Grammar tasks.

Option 1.

Perform a complete syntactic analysis of sentences and construct their diagrams.


2) The rooms were empty and no one answered Kusaka

Option 2.

1). It seemed to Kusaka that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and yearning for light; he wanted warmth, a bright fire, a loving heart.

2). It began to rain, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere.

The text is taken from the book “Russian language lessons in 9th grade:” Author. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 2001. (p. 116)


(Option 2)


Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, got to the station and - wet and dirty - came back.. back. Here she did something that no one, however, saw, went up onto the terrace, etc., standing up on her hind legs. blah claws. In the room it was empty and n. who is not the answer. l Kusake.

Beginning It was raining frequently and... everywhere became n. engine all the darkness of autumn. her nights. Quickly and silently it is filled. l empty dacha. noisy issue he crawled out of the bushes and, together with D., we waited, poured from the (un)friendly sky. On ter. ac. e with the tora was n. that p. Rusina why is she k..hall. x countries about the empty light for a long time still p. ryal sl. feet of dirty feet, but he soon gave in too.

And when there (wasn’t) anymore. opinions that n. night has come, the dog stings. bno h. howled. Sound as sharp as fatherly. nye note c. a howl burst into M. Noton. The sound of rain, cutting through the darkness, rushed over the outcrop. new fields.

And to the one who heard him in the hall. What a groan. and she is rushing towards the light herself. clear...dark night. their. flowed into the warmth towards the bright fire towards the loving. to my heart

Grammar tasks.

Option 1.

Perform a complete syntactic analysis of sentences and construct their diagrams.

1) Here, however, no one saw Kusaka: she climbed onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, scratched with her claws.

2) The rooms were empty and no one answered Kusaka

Option 2.

Perform a complete syntactic analysis of sentences and construct their diagrams.

1).It seemed to Kusaka that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and yearning for light; he wanted warmth, a bright fire, a loving heart.

2),It began to rain, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere.

Control dictation No. 3 on the topic “Balance Science”
The lake stretched out in the dark frame of the evening twilight shores. The reeds lined the sides like a dense wall, the boat moored by someone was black, the tops thrown out on dry land were black, and only the water itself was still light. Lying on her back in the middle of the lake, Varka did not notice either the shores or the surrounding reeds, she saw only the sky, huge and high, and in its immeasurable depth, on the motionless curls of clouds, the still pink light of a long-extinguished dawn. And she also saw water starting right next to her eyes. The mirror-like clear surface of the lake, sensitive to everything that stretched above it, was filled with browned clouds and no longer seemed like a lake, but like the sky, a bottomless space, and it was impossible to say where the real clouds ended and where their reflection was. Two worlds, water and sky, covered in the evening pensive peace, merged together, and Varka was joyful and eerie like this, alone, motionless, soaring in the very middle of this closed light abyss, both below and above filled with clouds. (According to E. Nosov)

(152 words)

Grammar task:

1. Parse the sentences:

1st option: The reeds were dark on the sides like a dense wall, the boat moored by someone was black, the tops thrown out on dry land were black, and only the water itself was still light. 2nd option: Two worlds, water and sky, covered in the evening pensive peace , merged together, and Varka felt joyful and eerie like this, alone, motionless, floating in the very middle of this closed light abyss, filled with clouds below and above.

3. Perform morphological analysis:

1st option: Varka

2nd option: clouds

1st option: stretched, motionless

2nd option: darkened, mirrored

5. Write out examples of conjunctions from the text: option 1 - connecting,

Option 2 is the opposite.

Control dictation No. 4 on the topic “SPP”
Mysterious Horseman

The traveler rode without urging his horse with either a whip or spurs, until he disappeared into the foggy distance, barely illuminated by the moon. Almost at the same moment another traveler appeared on the outskirts of the village and drove along the same road.

He probably also went on a long journey. He was wearing a dark cloak with a hood that fell in loose folds behind his horse's croup.

Unlike the first, this rider was in a hurry. It seemed like he wanted to catch up with someone. From time to time he leaned forward and peered carefully into the distance, as if he was waiting to see a silhouette silhouetted against the sky.

Soon the second horseman also disappeared in the same place where his predecessor disappeared from sight. That's what it would seem like to someone watching him from the village. But then a third horseman appeared on the outskirts of the village and began to advance in the same direction. He was wearing a bright red cloak that hid his figure. From under the wide skirt one could see a hunting rifle lying across the saddle. (153 words)
Grammar task:

1st option: Soon the second horseman also disappeared in the same place where his predecessor disappeared from sight. 2nd option: So it would seem to someone who would watch him from the village.

2. Write out three phrases from your sentence with different types subordinating connection and disassemble and disassemble them.

3.Draw diagrams of your WBS

4. Word-formation analysis.

1st option: the one who hid, went

2nd option: lying down, appeared

5. Circle the means of communication. simple sentences as part of complex sentences.

Control dictation No. 5 on the topic “Main groups of SPP”
You drive for an hour or two... You come across a silent old man-mound or a stone woman on the way, placed by God knows who. A night bird flies silently over the earth, and little by little steppe legends, stories of people you meet, tales of a steppe nanny and everything that you yourself were able to see and comprehend with your soul come to mind. And then in the chatter of insects, in suspicious figures and mounds, in the blue sky, in the moonlight, in the flight of a night bird - in everything that you see and hear, the triumph of beauty, youth, the prime of life and a passionate thirst for life begin to appear. And I want to fly over the steppe with a night bird. And in the triumph of beauty, in the excess of happiness, you feel tension and melancholy, as if the steppe realizes that it is lonely, that its wealth and inspiration are perishing as a gift to the world, unsung by anyone and unnecessary to anyone, and through the joyful hum you hear its sad, hopeless call : singer, singer! (According to A. Chekhov)

Grammar task:

1. Parse the IPS:

1st option: And then in the chatter of insects, in suspicious figures and mounds, in the blue sky, in the moonlight, in the flight of a night bird - in everything you see and hear, the triumph of beauty, youth, the prime of life and passionate thirst begin to appear life. 2nd option: And in the triumph of beauty, in an excess of happiness, you feel tension and melancholy, as if the steppe realizes that it is lonely, that its wealth and inspiration are dying for nothing for the world, not praised by anyone and unnecessary to anyone, and through the joyful roar you hear her sad, hopeless call: singer, singer!

2. Write out three phrases from your sentence with different types of subordinating connections and parse and parse them.

3.Make diagrams of your WBS:

4. Word-formation analysis.

1st option: you feel hopeless

2nd option: flies by, gets caught

5. Write out one subordinating and one coordinating conjunction from the text.

Control dictation No. 6 on the topic “SPRVS”

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left. She ran to the station and came back.

It began to rain frequently, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha. He silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down from the inhospitable sky along with the rain.

On the terrace from which the canvas had been removed, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time, but soon he too gave in. And, when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully.

A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of the rain and cut through the darkness.

And to those who heard him, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to their beloved heart. (According to L. Andreev)
Grammar task:

1. Parse the SPRVS:

1st option: On the terrace from which the canvas had been removed, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time, but he soon gave in. 2nd option: And to those who heard him, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a beloved heart.

2. Write out three phrases from your sentence with different types of subordinating connections and parse and parse them.

3.Make diagrams of your SPRVS

4. Word-formation analysis.

1st option: ran, quickly

2nd option: filled in, dull

5. Write out one subordinating and one coordinating conjunction from the text. Make a morphological analysis.

which no one, however, had seen: for the first time she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, looked into the glass door and even scratched with her claws. But the rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.

A heavy rain began to fall, and the darkness of the long autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem vast and strangely empty, the light struggled with the darkness for a long time and sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet, but soon it too gave in. Night has come.

And when there was no longer any doubt that it had come, the dog howled pitifully and loudly. With a ringing note, sharp as despair, this howl burst into the monotonous, gloomily submissive sound of the rain, cut through the darkness and, fading, rushed over the dark and naked field.

The dog howled - evenly, persistently and hopelessly calm. And to those who heard this howl, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving woman’s heart.

The dog howled.

1) determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

2) title the text.

3) determine the style and type of text.

help urgently needed for tomorrow!!!

Topic: compassion and heartlessness as criteria for human morality
thought: the heartlessness of people
text: poor dog
style: artistic
type: narrative or description, sorry, not sure exactly what it is

From Guest >>

Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, ran to the station and - wet and dirty - returned to the dacha. There she did another new thing, which no one, however, saw: for the first time she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs, looked into the glass door and even scratched with her claws. But the rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.

A heavy rain began to fall, and the darkness of the long autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem vast and strangely empty, the light struggled with the darkness for a long time and sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet, but soon it too gave in. Night has come.

And when there was no longer any doubt that it had come, the dog howled pitifully and loudly. With a ringing note, sharp as despair, this howl burst into the monotonous, gloomily submissive sound of the rain, cut through the darkness and, fading, rushed over the dark and naked field.

The dog howled - evenly, persistently and hopelessly calm. And to those who heard this howl, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving woman’s heart.

The dog howled.

1) determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

2) title the text.

3) determine the style and type of text.

help urgently needed for tomorrow!!!