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Illuminati Wiki. Secret societies



There are very few historically documented or confirmed references to the Illuminati. And most likely, this is why various conspiracy theories are attributed to the Illuminati, many consider them to be Freemasons, although this fact is only partly true, while others consider the Illuminati to be Reptilians or Anunnaki [which is also quite understandable why] , but we'll talk about them later. For example, the first mentions of three Illuminati orders/communities, as well as a brief mention of the Bavarian Illuminati, are reported Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, here is a quote from him:

"... IN 575 oznik Spain mystic-fanatical union under the name Alombrados.
IN 623 g similar union Guerients fiddling around in France, also soon suppressed by the Inquisition. Both communities ceased to exist due to their persecution by the Inquisition.
IN 722 south of France an alliance was formed with the mystical-theosophical movement, which ceased to exist only with the onset of the revolution...
Primarily, the Illuminati are members of a society founded in ae 1776 Dame Weishaupt. In 1785, decisive measures were taken against the Illuminati ..."

"Society of Bavarian Illuminati" founded May 1, 1776 University of Ingolstadt by a young German professor Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) originally consisted of only five members [these were students and close friends] The main core of the order included nine members, who were primarily officials.

Weishaupt was educated from the age of eight under the guidance of a Jesuit [The Jesuit Order, officially the Society of Jesus, is a male monastic order of the Roman Catholic Church, founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola] was a fan of their tactics and external techniques. After 15 years of studying at the gymnasium, where his educators and teachers paid the main attention to the fact that the students devoted all their time to worship and only one day a week was devoted to classes, and even those consisted of meaningless cramming of textbooks without any explanations, Weishaupt entered the university, in which the same dominates scholasticism *.

Diligently studying ethics and being carried away by the idea of ​​moral improvement, he gradually comes to the idea of ​​joining a secret society. At first, his attention was attracted to the Fraco-Masonic lodges, about which he had previously formed a high opinion, but after studying Masonic works, he was greatly disappointed: he was struck by the lack of conspiracy among the Masons, as well as the emptiness of the internal content of the Masonic degrees. And little by little, Adam Weishaupt began to develop a desire to found a new secret society, which would have the goal of improving people and creating human happiness.

Weishaupt was a sworn enemy of the Jesuits, but borrowed the organization of his society from them. It was based on a strict hierarchical order, the subordination of members of society to the will of its head and the principle of justifying means by ends. Weishaupt was a well-known supporter deism * intended to use his organization for the purpose of disseminating and popularizing this teaching, as well as liberal ideas of enlightenment. The goals were: the fight against ignorance and the spread of morality. The official goal of the Illuminati was the improvement and ennoblement of humanity through the “building of a new Jerusalem” [which in my opinion is not surprising, what is the name of the founder, and cramming and daily worship in the Jesuit college did their job]

At first, the Illuminati Order was concentrated in the south of Germany, in Bavaria [hence the Bavarian order] , but from the end of 1779, a zealous Illuminati, the Marquis of Constanzo, began a propaganda trip around Germany and met a young freemason Baron in Frankwurt am Main Adolf von Knigge (1752-1796), who at one time wanted to reform Freemasonry.

Like the Freemasons, they were divided into various categories, and only the highest category of initiates discovered the secret goal of the society: the replacement of the Christian religion with deism and the monarchical form of government with a republican one. In 1780, the Order of the Illuminati numbered up to 2 thousand members [most of whom, by the way, were former Masons] Many high-ranking officials belonged to it.

In 1784 Discord arose between Weishaupt and Knigge, due to the fact that they had different views on religious and political ideals - this was why von Knigge's exit from the order Llluminati.

But at that time the growing order was already harboring within itself the seeds of decay. Jesuit tactics compromised the moral goals that the founders set for themselves. Mutual espionage brought distrust and suspicion, and the pursuit of new members of the order caused many suspicious people to join the order. By that time, the order already had quite a few enemies: the Illuminati was hated by the Bavarian clergy, especially secret and former Jesuits, lodges of strict obedience and Rosicrucians [Order of the Rose and Cross] They viewed the order with hostility and envy. The attacks on the order themselves began in 1783.

The soul of the conspiracy against the Illuminati was the court confessor, the secret Jesuit Frank, who in his letters to like-minded people joyfully reported:

"punched last hour Illuminati... I am working with all my might to destroy the Illuminati in the name of the religion of Christ, for the glory of the fatherland, for the glory of youth."

The result of these intrigues [Karl-Theodor heard rumors that the Illuminati were dissatisfied with his political plans and that the order was promoting the plans of the Austrian Emperor Joseph II to subjugate Bovaria] yul uka Elector Karl-Theodor * t July 22, 1784, which ordered the closure of most Masonic and Illuminati lodges.

Following this May 2, 1785, Elector of Bavaria Karl Theodor, issues a new decree closing all secret societies without exception, after which the persecution of the Illuminati immediately began - this became the end of the order's existence.

Weishaupt was expelled from Ingolstadt, after which he secretly hurried to leave the city [fled like the last rat from a sinking ship, leaving behind his friends and his seriously ill wife] went to Regensburg, where he found the patronage of the secret Illuminati Ernest Saxe-Gotha, who granted the exile the title of gofrat.
[meaning of the title: court councilor, first council at the court, the title was created in the country in 1498.]

In the period from 1784 to 1787, as a result of intrigues and conspiracies, four decrees were created against the Illuminati. Pope Pius VI also condemned the Illuminati [and it is not surprising, given the goals they pursued: substitution of religious teachings, moral self-improvement, humanity and sociability, craving for knowledge, what the church really did not want, it contradicted the goals of the church: duping the population and threatened with loss of authority and power] , and in 1787, membership in the Bavarian Illuminati society was declared criminal and punishable by death. The order was outlawed and presumably disintegrated.

But what is surprising is how in the beginning Great French Revolution *(1879-1899) supporters and enemies remembered the Order of the Illuminati and under their pen the order again acquired the formidable character of an explicitly political secret society pursuing revolutionary goals.

During the times of the RSFSR and the USSR, it was a symbol of creation and labor for the people. That's how we accepted him. At that time it was also said that this was a mystical symbol that had a secret meaning for the implementation of nefarious plans; many attributed it to the Freemasons.

From E. Chuiko’s address to the Russians:

"Even if the Masons put something “of their own” into this emblem, if the nomenklatura desecrated it, then our grandfathers and fathers sanctified this sign with their sweat and we do not have the right to simply throw it out of use.”

Some people believe, again from unreliable sources, that, I quote, “it’s possible that [hammer and sickle] Koro will be a symbol of cleansing the land of our Ancestors from defilement,” perhaps it will be so.

By the way, the sickle, as a lunar symbol, was used in pagan pantheons by many lunar gods, and in particular by gods who were in one way or another associated with death or the other world. Here are clear examples of this:

A partial Moon in the radiance of its rays means mourning, the apotheosis of death. In medieval emblems of the Western world and especially when associated with a star - the crescent moon - symbolic image paradise, as depicted in the first picture, in the second picture the goddess of death and winter is Morana.

Dark goddess Kali, wife of Shiva. Note that the sickle-shaped blade depicts the all-seeing eye, in this case depicted as the Eye of Ra [Egyptian sun god]

And there are plenty of such examples; inquisitive minds can independently trace this symbolism, but let’s not deviate from the topic and continue the conversation directly about secret societies.

Now that everything has become clear with the Illuminati, the i’s have been dotted, we can move on to an equally secret organization, namely the Rosicrucian Order.

Over the past two millennia, certain mysterious people have appeared and disappeared in our world. They have always been shrouded in mystery and therefore gave rise to a lot of legends. They felt a mystical fear of them. Acting in different countries and changing their appearance, they kept only their name unchanged - “Illuminati”. Discarding fiction and turning to historical sources, let's try to find out who the Illuminati really are.

From the cult of Cybele to enlightenment

The first information about them, dating back to the 2nd century, is filled with nightmares. The Illuminati sect arose in Greece among admirers of the dark and cruel cult of the goddess Cybele. Its high priest Montanus first introduced this name, which has survived centuries, into use. What the rituals associated with the veneration of the goddess were can be understood from the description of the ritual of accepting new members of the sect.

Documents that have reached us tell how temple priests, in a wild frenzy, inflict bloody wounds on themselves with daggers, and the neophyte himself (a new member of the brotherhood), as a sign of renunciation from the world and complete withdrawal into the bosom of the goddess Cybele, castrates himself. All their other rituals are also filled with blood and mystical horror.

Community of the first Illuminati

In Greece during this period paganism dominated, but Christian communities had already appeared. And this same Montanus, having become interested in a teaching that was new to everyone and taking its main provisions as a basis, created a secret society of the Christian persuasion, the members of which were called enlightened, that is, illuminated by the light of truth. The main provisions of this truth were predictions of the imminent end of the world and the need to renounce all material goods for complete spiritual purification.

The founder of the society himself suffered from epilepsy and passed off his seizures, during which he rolled on the ground and shouted something incoherent, as invasions of the Holy Spirit. This was a success with his followers. But the first Illuminati did not last long. The pagan emperor persecuted them for their connection with Christianity. Later, for distorting the true teaching, Christians also turned away from them, declaring the Illuminati heretics. Over time, their historical traces were completely lost.

Illuminati among Syrian Dervishes

Four centuries later, the Syrian dervishes felt enlightened. These beggars (in the literal sense of the word) followers of a religious-mystical movement close to Buddhism led a wandering lifestyle or settled in monasteries. They were popular among the people because they knew how to cure diseases with prayers and spells, predict the future and summon spirits. Sometimes dervishes united into brotherhoods. To figure out who the Illuminati are in Syria, you need to turn to one of these brotherhoods called the enlightened ones.

These wanderers, blackened by the sun and dust, formed their own divine light, running counter to the generally accepted religion. This was followed by an immediate reaction from the authorities, especially since the dervishes, enlightened by their teaching, moved from secret activities to public agitation.

Unauthorized performances have always ended badly. The authorities quickly figured out who the Illuminati were. Wandering preachers began to be caught and executed. Executions were invented in sophisticated ways, so that others would certainly be discouraged from becoming enlightened. However, it was not possible to completely destroy the current, and it is believed that in deep secrecy it could exist until the present day.

From the mountains of Afghanistan - to conquer the world

Until the 15th century, nothing is known about the activities of the Illuminati. They were revived this time in A major religious figure of that time, Bayazet Anzari, formed a secret mystical society, the name of which in translation sounded like “enlightened ones,” that is, the same Illuminati. The purpose of creating society was “modest” - just the possession of the world.

Adherents of the new teaching went through eight steps under the guidance of Anzari on the path to perfection and at the end became owners of magical knowledge that, in their opinion, could ensure the success of their plan. From them a special caste of magicians was formed - the Illuminati. Soon the enlightened ones tried to take practical steps to conquer the world. They decided to start with India and Persia. But, having too small an army and too much arrogance, almost all of them died in this adventure.

Spanish Illuminati

Around the same years in Spain, at the very height of the Inquisition, the Order of the Illuminati arose. It was, like all other similar organizations, secret and mystical. But this time his adherents took up arms against the teachings of the Christian church itself. Rejecting all church rituals, they argued that the soul itself could easily improve and become enlightened without prayers, sacraments and everything else that Christianity prescribes.

The enlightened soul is able to contemplate the Holy Spirit and rise to heaven. Even the very concept of sin and repentance was excluded according to their theory. One can imagine how the inquisitor fathers salivated at the news of such clients. As a result, those who repented ended their lives in the basements of monastery prisons, and those who persisted rose to heaven along with the smoke of the fires.

Illuminati activities in Picardy and the south of France

But it was still not possible to completely destroy the Illuminati order. Some of them safely fled to France and there, in Picardy, continued their activities. Of course, they kept the same name. Their center was Maubison Abbey. However, here, according to contemporaries, worldly, purely mercantile ones were added to the purely religious goals of activity. A struggle began for the souls and wallets of local parishioners, as a result of which their activities were banned in 1635.

However, the land of France turned out to be very fertile for enlightened mystics. A hundred years later, a society with the same name appears in the south of the country. At the beginning, their activities took on a wide scope and made it possible to attract numerous neophytes. But over time, their ideas began to lose popularity, and the Illuminati became lost among numerous other religious associations.

A truly strong and influential mystical society with that name appeared in France in 1786. It is characterized by the fact that its adherents were both the Illuminati and the Freemasons. Their teachings were based on the works of the Danish mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg. The founders of the society, the Polish freemason Gabrienki and the former Benedictine monk Joseph de Perietti, demanded that all followers strictly perform magical rituals based on the teachings of Swedenborg.

Illuminati organizations in Paris and London

From the south, the Illuminati and Freemasons moved their activities to Paris, and from there abroad. Their influence covered many European countries. The largest branch of the organization was located in London. The Illuminati sign appeared on the banks of the Thames. Public interest in the Illuminati was very high, and this probably explains the birth of a large number of various legends associated with their activities. There were even ridiculous rumors that the Illuminati and Zionists were in cahoots to seek world domination through magic and mystical practices.

Myths created by print

Numerous printed materials on this topic have appeared. To be convinced of the fantastic nature of everything stated in them, it is enough to open the monograph “Secret Societies”, published in those years in England. In it, the author, talking about who the Illuminati are, without a shadow of embarrassment, talks about the ritual of initiation of a new member into their society that he allegedly saw.

In the description you can find a gloomy hall and coffins with the dead, and animated skeletons taking part in the ceremony, and all other paraphernalia of the Middle Ages. In this version, the alleged Illuminati conspiracy received obvious support from otherworldly forces. But this was already the enlightened 18th century, and the fires of the Inquisition in this part of Europe had long gone out.

Illuminati organization in Germany

But the most powerful and influential was the organization that appeared in 1776 in Bavaria. Its founder was a professor of church law. German pedantry and thoroughness were fully demonstrated in the creation of the society. The society was called the “Order of the Illuminati.” This gave him a mysterious quality. The fact is that in Germany at that time little was known about who the Illuminati were. Immediately after the creation of the society, Weishaupt became a member of the Masonic lodge in Munich. The step allowed him to enter the circle of the most influential people in Germany.

With their support, the organization received recognition in many European countries, which contributed to the widespread dissemination of doctrines. It is interesting that the goal that the Illuminati set for itself was a new world order. It, according to Weishaupt, included the overthrow of monarchies, the destruction of private property, the elimination of the institution of marriage and the eradication of all religions in favor of his teachings.

To implement the plan, a whole system was developed, including elements of mysticism, ancient philosophy and the basics of economics. Various spectacular rituals were widely practiced to influence adherents. All this was a success. Weishaupt's enlightened people numbered in the hundreds of thousands. But, having experienced glory and triumph, this organization also ceased to exist, crushed by the powerful press of state and church power.

Modern fabrications about the Illuminati

The world is structured in such a way that everything mysterious and hidden has an attractive force. It makes our imagination work, which, if real facts missing, he immediately completes the picture with the most fantastic details. When it comes to various societies, especially those that have achieved serious results, the flight of human imagination is limitless. The Illuminati and Zionists especially suffered from idle fabrications.

All serious historians of the Bavarian society called the Illuminati claim that its activities ceased in the late 1870s. However, rumors that the Illuminati are still alive today remain extremely popular. Moreover, some people even claim that the heads of almost all governments in the world belong to the organization once founded by Weishaupt. In literally every political statement they hear the secret message of the Illuminati.

Illuminati symbolism in Dan Brown's novel

They find evidence of their fabrications everywhere. Suffice it to recall the interpretation of the symbolism depicted on the dollar bill, set out in such detail by Dan Brown in his acclaimed bestseller “Angels and Demons.” In literally every symbol he saw a sign of the Illuminati. There is no point in listing them. Anyone can open the pages of the novel themselves and get all the information in chapter 31. I just want to say that, if desired, the obscure can always be interpreted in any sense.

Enlightened ones in our country

Do the Illuminati exist in Russia? Yes, of course they exist. It is not difficult to verify this, even just by making a request on the Internet. The page that opens will inform you that this organization aims to establish equality and justice on earth, giving people Light. Implementation paths are not indicated. Judging by the fact that the word “light” is written with a capital letter, one can guess about some sacred meaning inherent in it. In general, everything is very foggy and vague. However, it is possible that this is only for us, for the uninitiated. This is how all the Illuminati behaved. Russian or foreign, they always tried to shroud themselves in mystery.

Many have heard the term “Illuminati,” but few people know who it is. This cult has been shrouded in mystery from the very beginning of its activities. Representatives of this ghost organization live in every corner of the world and it is always not at all simple people, before which ordinary people experience a mystical feeling.

Who are the Illuminati and what do they do?

The Order of the Illuminati is an occult-philosophical organization that secretly influences the lives of all people. According to some historians, the Illuminati ("enlightened ones") are involved in political life many countries actually high level. The greatest power in the order belongs to the 7 highest Illuminati, who are trained from birth. Ordinary Illuminati clearly fulfill their roles and their actions often lead to armed conflicts, financial and political crises.

Who is this - the Illuminati:

  • prudent, intelligent individuals with a wide variety of talents;
  • insensitive and heartless leaders who use ordinary people as puppets.

Illuminati - symbols and signs

The most famous symbol of the Illuminati is the pyramid. It can be seen on the dollar bill. The pyramid symbolizes the structure of society: the bulk of people and the enlightened layer are separated by an “abyss.” In addition to this, there are also such signs and symbols of the Illuminati:

Illuminati - myth or reality?

Questions about whether the Illuminati exists and who it is have been worrying people for many centuries. Since representatives of this society strive for global domination, their representatives include dictators who tried to conquer the whole world. The Illuminati also includes 13 well-known families in the world, including the Kennedys, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Onassis, etc. Proof of the existence of the secret order of the Illuminati are such organizations as the UN and the EU, which prevent wars, but at the same time unite countries.

Where did the Illuminati come from?

The whole truth about the Illuminati is revealed by studying the history of the cult, which originated approximately two thousand years ago. Its first representatives include worshipers of the Greek goddess Cybele. The founder, Priest Montanus, performed dark and cruel rituals involving mutilation. Despite the prevailing paganism at that time, Montanus took Christian principles as the basis for his cult. Members of the sect were considered enlightened - possessing secret knowledge. The sect was persecuted by both pagans and Christians, because was very different from both the first and the second.

Then the teaching begins its journey around the world. The Illuminati include the brotherhood of Syrian dervishes who worshiped the divine light, which existed 4 centuries later than the cult of Cybele. The common people respected the wandering representatives of this movement for their knowledge and ability to heal with prayers and spells. The authorities considered the brotherhood of dervishes illegal and brutally persecuted them, organizing public executions individual preachers.

Reborn again secret teaching in Afghanistan. In the 15th century, the followers of Bayazet Anzari, who similarly called themselves enlightened, set as their goal the conquest of the entire world. Adherents of the teaching received magical knowledge, which was supposed to ensure the successful achievement of the goal. However, the first steps - attempts to conquer India and Persia - failed due to the arrogance of the cult leaders.

At the end of the 18th century, the Illuminati society was once again revived in France under the leadership of the Polish freemason Gabrienka and the monk Joseph de Perietti. During this period, the Illuminati covered many European countries with its presence, and the largest branch settled in London. Interest in the cult among ordinary people increased many times over; even a book “Secret Societies” appeared, which described the terrible rituals of the Illuminati, although for the most part this was the fruit of the author’s imagination.

One of the most famous societies, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, was founded in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Ingolstadt. The leader of the adherents was Adam Weishaupt, a theologian and philosopher. The order is associated with many different conspiracy theories related to the conquest of world domination and the seizure of total control over people, scientific resources and money.

How to recognize the Illuminati?

The Illuminati society did not accept and accepts everyone under its wing. To recognize a cult adherent, you need to take into account several signs together. A man must:

  • to be rich, influential, ambitious;
  • belong to a powerful family;
  • graduate from a prestigious university, famous example– Yale University, where the Young Illuminati Society – “Skull and Bones” – operates.

Illuminati philosophy

The secret society of the Illuminati calls its main idea the bringing of society and the whole world to a new order, independent of religions and illusory ideals. Adherents of the cult strive for triumph over time and space, therefore they consider themselves above not only people, but also the law. For the Illuminati, ordinary people are just tools, a weak-willed mass that they control.

What do the Illuminati want?

The goals of the Illuminati have remained unchanged since the creation of the organization - this is control over the world through the management of people. using many techniques.

  1. Is being adjusted public opinion using literature, media, rumors.
  2. Base habits and weaknesses are encouraged - homosexuality, promiscuity, the pursuit of pleasure.
  3. The population is being indoctrinated with views that are ready-made and beneficial to the Illuminati, and spiritual forces are being undermined by empty demagoguery.
  4. Strong personalities not associated with the Illuminati are deprived of any support and are suppressed.
  5. People are intimidated by riots, wars, famine, and the spread of infection.
  6. Assistance is provided to states with the aim of attracting people to their side.
  7. Laws are being adopted that undermine individual freedom and worsen education.

Illuminati and Freemasons - the difference

The Illuminati and the Freemasons are similar organizations in worldview, and their members often switched from one to the other in the 18th century. It is believed that after 1785 the Illuminati cult dried up, and only the Masons remained, who can be considered the successors of the “enlightened ones.” The difference between these two societies is that the Freemasons were more drawn to mystical rites, and the Illuminati preferred to influence people with money and power.

Who opposes the Freemasons and the Illuminati?

The Masons and the Illuminati are currently the oldest societies, a kind of “gentlemen’s club”. However, there are those who want to destroy the Illuminati - such organizations include the Order of the Dragon, which includes such powerful families as the Habsburgs, Stuarts and Romanovs. It is believed that adherents oppose the Freemasons Order of Malta, Order of the White Eagle, Swan and many others.

How to become an Illuminati?

For the most part, modern Illuminati are Freemasons, members of the Order of Skull and Bones. This student society does not include strangers - only members of powerful and wealthy families. Other people with any talents - singers, actors, scientists, etc. can also be attracted to the number of adherents. Candidates of applicants are considered by the lodge, and a decision is made after voting - three negative votes are the reason for refusal.

Illuminati in show business

The Illuminati consider show business to be one of their tools for influencing people, especially young people. The goal of these figures is to alienate the younger generation from their parents and guide them along the right path. Illuminati stars - who are they:

Illuminati - interesting facts

Based on the foregoing, we can admit that the Illuminati rules the world and is a real force that decides the destinies of individuals and entire nations. Some people believe that President Trump is the king of the Illuminati because... the victory of this politician was predicted by the Portuguese mystic Horatio Villegas. The mystic also associates the beginning of the third world war with the election of this president. There is a version that the Illuminati were Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei.

Another interesting fact is that the hierarchy within the Illuminati order and in ordinary society often does not coincide. Those. a person with a high rank, for example, in the government of a country, in an order, can only be an ordinary performer who does not make any decisions. And an insignificant owner of a cafe or hotel among the Illuminati can have real power and might.

Some are also associated with the Illuminati mysterious deaths show business representatives:

Books about the Illuminati

The teachings of the Illuminati have been described more than once in literary sources.

  1. “Illuminati. Trap and Conspiracy by Luis Miguel Martinez Otero. The book tells the story of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt.
  2. "Angels and Demons" Dan Brown. An adventure detective story about a mysterious order and its confrontation with the official church.
  3. "Falsified History" by Etienne Casse. This book turns all the reader’s ideas about the world upside down and tells not only about the Illuminati, but also the Masons and Templars.

To figure out who they really are Illuminati and where they came from, let's look at two of the most common misconceptions associated with the Illuminati. Thus, some researchers (for example, Jacques Elyul) believe that the society (or order) of the Illuminati was formed in the 11th century by Joachim of Flores.

It supposedly existed until 1507 - initially professing the Christian doctrine of universal equality, and ending with transformation into a sect of robbers and rapists - when it was destroyed by the church army.

Well, Joachim of Flora (Fiore) was an extraordinary Italian mystic and theologian who founded his own monastery. He, in principle, could be considered as the creator of the Illuminati movement (with which he is related by his rejection of the church and Holy Scripture), but here’s the problem: the years of his life are 1130/1135 – 1201/1202! He simply physically could not create any unions, orders or sects when he was born a century later!!!

Another misconception is the opinion that the Illuminati society was founded (in the same 11th century!) by the well-known Hassan ibn Sabbah, the head of the Ismaili sect, or Assassins (they were also called hashishins, since they all used hashish).

These were real murderers who terrorized the entire Muslim world, they were certainly not expedient. But Umberto Eco, the famous author of “The Name of the Rose” and “Foucault’s Pendulum,” wittily notes that the strategy and tactics of the Templars are fundamentally strikingly reminiscent of the habits of the assassins!

Therefore, let's give up idle speculation and forget that the Illuminati allegedly came to the world in the 11th century! In reality this happened much earlier.

Cult of Cybele

Paradoxical but true:

Modern Illuminati and practiced or rituals - with a certain degree of tolerance go back to the cult of the ancient goddess of fertility Cybele!

Lived in the 2nd century AD. the powerful priest of this cult, Montanus, was the one who first introduced the term “Illuminati” into use. It is possible that many of our readers are hearing about Cybele for the first time, so it will be useful to say at least a few words about her cult.

Cybele was revered in Greece and Rome, considered the Great Mother of the Gods. Her cult, which originated in Phrygia (the territory of modern Turkey), was gloomy and cruel. For example, the ritual for accepting new members was as follows:

  • The temple priests, armed with daggers, inflicted bloody wounds on each other, and the neophytes were ordered to castrate themselves at the same time.
  • Castration was supposed to symbolize the conscious departure of the believer from everyday life into the bosom of the goddess Cybele.

The festivities in honor of Cybele were distinguished by incredible pomp, which contrasted sharply with the ascetic living conditions of the followers of the cult themselves. By the way, this principle of the unity of opposites is clearly visible in the cult of the Phrygian god Attis, the son of Cybele.

According to legend, Attis, the honorary guard of the temple of Cybele, took a vow of celibacy to his formidable mother. The inescapable male flesh of the young god imperiously demanded its own, and Attis broke his vow, being carried away by one charming and innocent nymph. Having learned about this, Cybele killed the unfortunate nymph, and sent madness to her son, in the impulse of which Attis castrated himself. From his blood, which irrigated the earth, spring flowers and trees appeared...

Secret Society of the Illuminati

Well, such is the cult, such are its rituals and the legends associated with it. However, let's return to Montanus - the first Illuminati. Alas, our information about this person is scanty...

It is known that he became interested in Christianity and devoted some time to in-depth acquaintance with this religious teaching. Not entirely satisfied with the nature of the information received, he decided to found a secret Christian society. Montan called himself and his students Illuminati (that is, enlightened ones).

Montanus was a visionary and often had prophetic visions. Let us also mention that he suffered from epilepsy. When, in the ecstasy of yet another sermon of his teaching, he had a seizure, and, falling to the ground, began to convulse, this made an indelible impression on the villagers listening to him!

Such states, Montand taught, are sacred moments of communion with the Holy Spirit. That is why the flock, once again convinced of the truth of Motnan’s teachings, immeasurably revered their extravagant preacher. Montanus chose Phrygia, which he knew well, as the place for his sermons. In carrying out his sacred mission, Montanus was actively assisted by two mysterious persons, also considered prophetesses.

  1. One of them was called Priscilla.
  2. And the other - Maximilla.

They, like their patron, skillfully brought themselves to religious ecstasy and inimitably shuddered in convulsions.

However, what did the recent priest of Cybele, and now the Illuminati, preach about?

Montand was firmly convinced:

  • The end of the world is just around the corner
  • To approach the finale with dignity, spiritual cleansing is necessary.
  • Purity of soul is achieved by strict adherence to strict moral principles.
  • Moral imperfection involves a complete renunciation of material goods.

It goes without saying that the barely nascent institution of the Orthodox Church could not welcome the spread of ideas about the imminent and inevitable end of all things and the need for severe asceticism. The first Illuminati began to be persecuted; Montana himself was declared a heresiarch by the church.

However, illegal activities Illuminati Montana and their followers continued in the countries of Asia Minor and North Africa until the 9th century. Further traces of this secret society are lost, appearing from time to time and puzzling researchers.

More recently, we began to discuss with great interest everything related to worldwide conspiracies, world authorities, hidden societies and other similar topics. This was facilitated by cinematic films and fiction. More and more people began to remember all kinds of secret organizations and societies, sects. A lot of data has appeared in World Wide Web. Most often, discussions and disputes arise regarding several secret societies: the Illuminati and the Freemasons. They are designated as similar, and as enemy, and as the same.

Everyone intends to set people on the righteous path

After reading the works of D. Brown, who subtly felt that the reader lacks mysterious and supernatural detectives, people imagine the Illuminati as threatening and furious. One should have a perfect knowledge of historical moments in order to find out who the Illuminati really are and whether they can be found today.

To do this, it is necessary to plunge into the Age of Enlightenment, that is, the mid-eighteenth century. As we know from history, drastic ideological changes were taking place in Europe at this time. Religion became obsolete, but there was nothing to replace it. Because of this, a large number of theories of secret societies appeared, which tried to build life on the latest views and beliefs.

Similar secret societies and concepts appeared at lightning speed. In addition, the Freemasons in the eighteenth century became very famous among a noble circle of people with a good education; the century itself was considered “golden”. The Masons had their own organized structure: a secret lodge with its own conditions, with a special celebration on the occasion of acceptance into the Masons, with rules within the society, with its own symbols and secret rituals hidden from the ignorant.

Like Masonic lodges, many secret societies began to organize. For example, the Order of the Illuminati (enlightened), which appeared in 1776 in Bavaria. The head of this order, A. Weishaupt, believed that humanity should be led by the “enlightened” and correct the world. The Illuminati wanted to create a different society without mystical, religious prejudices, prejudices and so on. At the same time, they were based on reasonable considerations of mercy, justice and rationality. This is how the Illuminati tried to make people equal so that human relations became harmonious.

Are the Illuminati Masonic “heretics”?

At the end of the eighteenth century in Bavaria there were quite a lot of small secret societies similar to the Illuminati, of which there were no more than seven hundred people. Led by Weishaupt, the Order did not last even one decade. It was liquidated in 1784 by the government, as a confrontation began against very active secret societies. But the “enlightened” still had an important achievement - they can now be found on the official lists of secret societies. After the lists, the name of this society appeared in anti-Masonic books, and at the end of the twentieth century, various conspiracy theorists began to borrow this big word. Therefore, there is no all-powerful, completely disguised Illuminati secret society that controls world domination. At least there is no evidence for this that can be looked at.

The true Illuminati ceased to exist in 1785, the members of the society were distributed among various European Masonic lodges. Moreover, many were at first Freemasons, since Weishaupt lured over to his side the Freemasons who were on lowest level and were not satisfied with their status in the lodge. It is quite difficult to understand issues relating to the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Most of the Illuminati were Freemasons in the past. Some even managed, while in the status of a Freemason, to join the Illuminati without leaving the Masonic lodges, and after 1785 they returned to the Freemasons. Everything is very confusing.

In other words, the Illuminati can also be considered Freemasons. However, the Illuminati had some ideas that differed from the Freemasons. First of all, this is a rejection of mysticism and religion. Weishaupt and his like-minded people believed in God as the Creator of the world, but they believed that this was where His active role ended. After the creation of the world, everything fell on the shoulders of humanity, everything began to depend on the morality, desire and reason of people. In this regard, the Illuminati had nothing to do with the mystical ritual rites and mysterious moods of the Freemasons. In other words, the Illuminati can be classified as a "heretical group" that has deviated from Freemasonry. It can also be noted that the Masons and the Illuminati had the same goal, but they preferred to achieve it through different means.