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Interesting information about English-speaking countries: facts about the language. English Speaking Countries Countries of the world conversational topic English

English-speaking countries – English-speaking countries

The popularity of the English language

There are over 300 million people in the world speaking English. English is used as an official language (along with a few others) in many international organizations, such as the UN and IOC. This language is recognized as the state language in a lot of countries all over the world.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 64 million people in Great Britain whose first language is English (97% of population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the leading global cities. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and contributed a lot to the development of new territories.


The history of the USA started with 13 British colonies set along the Atlantic coast. On July, 4, 1776 they proclaimed their independence from Great Britain. Today the country consists of 50 states and the federal District of Columbia, where Washington, the capital of the USA, is located. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with English being the first language for about 80% of its population.


The first European colonists came to this country from France. But after that for many years Canada was under British rule until the country gained its independence in the XX century. There are two official languages ​​in Canada. English is the first language for nearly 70% of Canadians. Canada is the second largest country in the world with rich oil, coal and natural gas fields.


Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole continent. The exploration of the continent began in the late XVIII century when the first British colonies were formed. Australia was a place where prisoners were serving their sentences in exile. Today the country is among the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.

New Zealand

New Zealand occupies two large islands and many small ones in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. First Europeans started visiting New Zealand in the late XVIII century with the territory being announced as a British colony in 1788. The country gained its independence in the middle of the XX century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by more than 96% of the population.

English language prevalence

More than 300 million people around the world speak English. English is used as an official language (along with several others) in many international organizations such as the UN and the IOC. This language is recognized as the official language in many countries of the world.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In the UK, English is the first language of 64 million people (97% of the population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the world's leading cities. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and made a great contribution to the development of new territories.


The history of the United States begins with 13 British colonies located along the Atlantic coast. On July 4, 1776, the United States declared independence. Today the country includes 50 states and the District of Columbia, where Washington, the capital of the United States, is located. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking English as their first language.


The first European conquerors arrived here from France. The country was then under British control for a long time until it became independent in the 20th century. The country has two official languages. English is the first language of 70% of Canadians. Canada is the world's second largest country by area and has rich deposits of oil, coal and natural gas.


Australia is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. Its development began at the end of the 18th century with the advent of the first British colonies. Australia was the place where prisoners were sent to serve their sentences. Today Australia is one of the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.

New Zealand

New Zealand occupies 2 large islands and many small ones in the southwest Pacific Ocean. The first Europeans appeared in New Zealand at the end of the 18th century, and in 1788 it was declared a British colony. The country gained independence in the middle of the 20th century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by about 96% of the population.

Other English-speaking Countries

I’d like to tell you about another countries, where English is the official language. At first, the USA. After 350 years of development the United States of America still holds the leading position in the western world. The USA is the most powerful and highly developed country in the world. What makes the USA the leader of the western world is its economical, political and military dominiance over other countries. Canada is the second largest country in the world. Only Russia has a greater land Canada is located in North America. About 28 million people live in Canada.

Canada is an independent nation. But according to the Constitution Act of 1982 British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is recognized as Queen of Canada. Canada's people are varied. About 57% of all Canadians have some English ancestry. Both English and French are official languages ​​of the country. Other large ethnic groups are German, Irish and Scottish people.

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It’s the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states and two territories. Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The Britain monarch, Queen Elizabeth II is also queen of Australia and country’s head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia.

The country is located on two main islands - the North Island and the South Island. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. English is the official language of New Zealand and is spoken throughout the country. New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is the monarch of New Zealand. Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852.

New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living in the world. New Zealand’s economy depends on trade with many countries - Australia, Britain and the USA.

OtherEnglish-speaking countries (translation)

I want to talk about other countries where English is the official language. First of all, this. After 350 years of development, the United States of America still occupies a leading position in the Western world. The USA is the most powerful and highly developed country in the world. Economic, political and military superiority over other countries makes the United States the leader of the Western world.

is the second largest country in the world. Only Russia has a large area. Canada is located in North America. About 28 million people live in Canada. Canada is an independent state. But according to the Constitutional Act of 1982, the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is recognized as the Queen of Canada. Canada's population is diverse. About 57% of Canadians are of English ancestry. English and French are the official languages ​​of the country. The other large ethnic group is the Germans, Irish and Scots.

is the only country in the world that is a continent. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states and two territories. Australia is a constitutional monarchy, like the UK. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also the queen and head of government of Australia. But the Queen does not have much power in the Australian government. New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. New Zealand belongs to a large group of islands called Polynesia.

The country is located on two main islands - North and South. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. English is the official language of New Zealand and is spoken throughout the country.

- a constitutional monarchy. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is the monarch of New Zealand. Britain established a constitution for New Zealand in 1852. New Zealand has one of the highest standards of living in the world. The New Zealand economy depends on trade with many countries - Australia, Britain, the USA. (No Ratings Yet)

English is the second most spoken language in the world. It was surpassed only by the Mandarin dialect of Chinese, and only because in terms of quantity population China surpasses all the powers of the world. In different countries in different parts of the world you can hear English spoken. Most of them are English-speaking countries, a list of which will be presented in this article.

Language of the world

We can safely say that English has conquered the whole world. It is the language of international communication, politics, business, tourism, science, better education and many other areas of human life. It is the most taught throughout the world, and not just in countries where it is considered state. Since the 18th century, the native language of Great Britain has spread around the world along with its speakers, who explored and captured new territories, expanding their military, economic and cultural influence on them. Therefore, many modern English-speaking countries are former British colonies. The times of active expansion are long gone, but English has firmly established itself in these states, coexisting peacefully with the indigenous languages ​​of the local residents. Anglophone, or English-speaking, countries are so called due to the fact that this language is one of the official or predominant languages ​​in them. In addition to the sovereign states that will be represented on the list, there is also a considerable list of objects and territories that are dependent on other powers, in which English also predominates.

Europe and America

English in Europe is the official language of the United Kingdom, which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as Canada, Ireland, and Malta. Although these countries have other official languages, English remains the dominant language, it is the language used to make laws, it is spoken in government, and it is the language used for most education. In general, it prevails in all major areas of life. In the United States, it is the official language of 31 states, but it predominates in all of them, both in the field of record keeping and at the everyday level. English is spoken in North American countries such as Bahamas, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Saint Lucia. Other English-speaking countries in America are Grenada, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, Belize, and Guyana.

Extensive geography

Australia is a country where, in principle, there is no official language, but English is de facto one. Other English-speaking countries in Oceania: New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Kiribati, Tonga and other small island states.

In Asia, besides India and the Philippines, Pakistan and Singapore are also English-speaking countries. English is spoken in many states of Africa. These are South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Sudan, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Namibia, Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana and some others. Despite the official status of English in many of the listed countries, only a small number of citizens know it and speak it fluently. These are residents of large cities, well-educated people and those who are directly involved in the tourism business, such as service personnel. This is especially true for resort and island countries.