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Interview with graduates. Teacher Interview Questions What to Say About a Good Student for an Interview

Being a teacher is one of the noblest professions. To learn more about people in this profession, we have prepared questions for teachers on Teacher's Day. Many of the questions are quite difficult, even tricky, with a trick, while others are humorous and funny. They are perfect for school interview which can be done with teachers.

Look at this list to find the questions you can ask your teacher. You'll love the way your school's teachers answer school questions.

Questions for teachers on Teacher's Day

  1. Is it true that children today have forgotten how to write correctly?
  2. What do teachers actually do in the staff room?
  3. How do you manage your likes and dislikes in the classroom?
  4. How should a young teacher behave if a high school student confesses his love to him?
  5. What would you like to change in your teaching methods or approach to schooling?
  6. Is it easy to be a teacher, what difficulties are the most difficult for this profession to endure?
  7. What prompted you to take up the teaching path?
  8. What do you like most about schooling, and what do you hate most?
  9. If you had to choose a new profession again, would you agree to become a teacher?
  10. Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to quit your job?
  11. What is the stupidest or strangest question a student/student has asked you?
  12. What's the worst thing about the current education system?
  13. Which historical character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
  14. When did you get the idea to become a teacher?
  15. Which teachers influenced your entire future life?
  16. What key factors (features) helped you become a good teacher?
  17. What is the most important advice I want to give the baby to the parents primary school?
  18. What do you know about your students?
  19. If you could get one thing from the Secretary of Education, what would it be?
  20. Do teachers have other holidays besides school holidays?
  21. What age of students is the most aggressive?
  22. If you were to become a student at our school, who would be your favorite teacher?
  23. Is there something you would like to teach your students, but you can't?
  24. What is the most curious, shameful thing that happened to you during class?
  25. Do you think that your profession influences the upbringing of your own children?
  26. What is the most difficult thing about being a teacher?
  27. What is the worst experience you have had working with student parents?
  28. What are the signs that students are manipulating you?
  29. What academic mistake have you made that you regret the most?
  30. Do you have school favorites?
  31. For the sake of revenge, can you lower a student's grade in exams?
  32. Who is the most popular hero in our school?

Funny questions for teachers on Teacher's Day

  • If ham comes from pigs and beef from cows, then which animal does bread come from?
  • Why don't people on the other side of the earth fall?
  • A girl in a physics lesson: “If there is a speed of light, then what is the speed of darkness?
  • Why do meteorites always land in craters?
  • Is the African sun the same as in Russia? Then why is it warmer there?
  • If Russian is the language of Pushkin, then what language do our surnames represent?
  • If, according to the teacher, mathematics is so simple, then why does the mathematician have so many problems with his students?
  • How do you discipline your family members (children, spouse) when they behave badly? Do you turn them out the door, give them a bad grade, or call their parents in for a conversation?
  • When you come home, do your children stand up and say “Good evening, teacher”?
  • If I have problems, can I use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve them?
  • Do you chew your pens or pencils?
  • Which super hero is most like you?
  • What do you drink with dinner?
  • Why do teachers ask students questions (why, why, how many), do they not know the answer themselves?
  • Can you curl your tongue into a tube out of pleasure?
  • Why don't the skies fall on us?

Comic questions for teachers

  1. The farmer has 17 sheep. All but nine die. How many sheep does he have left? (answer: 9 sheep).
  2. There are ten candles burning in the dining room. Three of them were blown by the draft. How many candles are left by morning? (Answer: three candles, since the seven remaining candles will completely melt, and the only intact candles will be the three extinguished by the draft).
  3. What word in Russian is always spelled incorrectly? (Word: wrong).
  4. Which would be correct to say: “The yolk of an egg is white” or “the egg has a white yolk?” (Answer: Both options are incorrect because egg yolks are yellow).
  5. A man is standing on one side of the river, his dog is on the other. He calls the dog, who crossed the river so quickly that he didn’t even get wet. However, the dog was not running across the bridge and was not in the boat. The question is, how did the dog cross the river? (Answer: on ice, since the river was frozen).
  6. If you give me food, I will live, but if you give me water, I will die. Who am I? (Fire).
  7. Your parents have six sons, including you, and each son has one sister. How many people does your family have? (Answer: 9 people: both parents, six sons and one daughter, who is a sister to all the boys).
  8. What is black when purchased, red when used, and white after use? (Charcoal).
  9. I have no eyes, no legs, no ears, but at the same time I move the earth, who am I? (Earthworm).

Tricky questions for teachers

Do you want to interview a teacher, but don't want to ask him the usual standard questions? Then these tricky teacher questions are just the thing for you.

  1. What does the ideal teacher's day party look like?
  2. What subject did you get the most Fs in during your school or college years?
  3. Is change for the teacher or the student?
  4. What excuses did you give when you were late for class?
  5. Did you have to cheat at school or use cheat sheets in exams?
  6. The teacher sets an example for the students, if he is late for class, does that mean the students can do the same?
  7. If a student doesn't read books, can he become president?
  8. What's your favorite school cafeteria dish?
  9. Do you want to teach school until you are 100 years old?
  10. What was your worst lesson?
  11. Have you ever wanted to hit a student? What was this about?
  12. Have you ever fallen in love with a student?
  13. Do teachers take drugs to calm themselves?
  14. Does the teacher learn something from his students? What have you learned?
  15. Would you agree to take the Unified State Exam or final exams?
  16. Did you know that in Japan teachers are not required to honor the emperor? But we are not in Japan, is that good or bad?
  17. Is it true that the only way to succeed in life is to be a nerd?
  18. As a student, have you ever disliked one of your teachers? Why?
  19. If you are smarter than me, does that make me wiser than you?
  20. You are very worried about our exam grades, but what were your grades in the exams?
  21. What were your first days at university like: were you completely occupied with studying, were you bored or did you feel like skipping classes?
  22. What funny, funny nicknames did you give to teachers when you were a student?
  23. Have you made fun of or trolled teachers?
  24. In class, which teacher from your school would you like to be a student of? Why?
  25. What would you like to change in your behavior when you return to your school desk?
  26. Why do they teach subjects today that are simply useless in life?
  27. Why should students compromise their health by doing a lot of homework instead of getting proper rest?
  28. Do you always understand students who are really feeling bad?

Strange questions

  1. Where is the Great Wall of China?
  2. Isn't the moon the same as the sun, just turned off for the day?
  3. What are pyramidal things in Egypt?
  4. How do islands not float away?
  5. Are there real bears?
  6. How old was the average 18-year-old in 1942?

Teacher Interview Questions

Like all educational interviews, teacher interviews also have specific questions. They are focused on knowledge of work methodology, a sense of calling, and the ability to manage student discipline. Here is a list of common questions in this interview format:

  1. What is your education?
  2. Why do you want to work in education?
  3. How do you plan to conduct your courses, classes, lessons?
  4. How do you feel about school discipline?
  5. What is your attitude towards modern education?
  6. What do you think about psychology in education?
  7. What do you think about pedagogy?
  8. Do you consider yourself a risk taker?
  9. Do you consider yourself a positive teacher?
  10. What will you do if a student calls you a bad teacher?
  11. If you were a school principal, what goals would you set for the next school year?
  12. Which last book did you manage to read it completely?
  13. How would you motivate students to read?
  14. In what decade would you like to become a teacher? Why?
  15. Do you have a favorite that motivates you?

Questions about life outside of school

  1. What is one of your hidden talents?
  2. What might students be surprised to see when they see you outside the school doors?
  3. How do you dream of spending your vacation after the school year?
  4. How do you manage to spend your summer holidays?
  5. What books would you like to have on a desert island?
  6. What will be your last lesson?

Questions about school

  1. What traditions or superstitions do teachers have? Do you adhere to them yourself?
  2. What school day is considered good or successful for a teacher?
  3. What student achievement this year makes or will make you proud?
  4. How do you manage to maintain endurance and patience? [the question is especially relevant for experienced teachers]
  5. What inspires you?
  6. What technologies make learning easier or more difficult?
  7. What's the best/worst thing about being a teacher?

Questions about students

  1. What worries you about the behavior of modern students? Why?
  2. What will help a teacher gain the respect of students?
  3. What time is better for studying: morning or lunch?
  4. What part of your knowledge do you want to pass on to your students?
  5. How do you feel when a student whispers to a neighbor and ignores your comments?
  6. What helps you be patient with those students that even God cannot handle?
  7. How do you manage to remember the names of all your students, do you have any associations with them?
  8. Having the opportunity to visit anywhere in the world with your class, where would you like to go?
  9. Do you keep in touch with any of your former students on social networks?
  10. Do you have a personal diary about your students?
  11. What song should students listen to while doing homework?
  12. What is the first thing you remember from your time as a teacher?
  13. Do you think your pupils/students will remember you and the class in which they studied?


Here is a list of questions from which you can choose the appropriate ones to ask your teachers. It is important to remember that an interview is a conversation. So keep it natural and use questions wisely. Remember it is better to get honest answers to several interesting questions, instead of a dozen lengthy answers to one stupid question?

If you see a catch, use it. It will be interesting and fun. Don't be afraid to veer off topic a little when the opportunity arises. At the same time, remember that these questions for teachers on Teacher's Day are an excellent start to learning more about your teachers, understanding the difficulties or, conversely, the attractive aspects of this profession.

Best regards, Helen

By the way, look at questions with substitution of answers for teachers (reversals).

Any state has four main
pillars on which his well-being rests:
army, internal maintenance system
law enforcement, health and education.
It is these state institutions
determine the present and future of any country.
Society reacts very sensitively to the slightest
changes occurring in any of these
regions government activities. To
understand how one evaluates the existing
modern school education system
Russian society, we held a small
sociological survey. For representativeness
we interviewed five representatives
different fields of activity and different ages.
The questions were about school life, system
education in general, about the goals and objectives that
the school sets before the students, as well as about
methods objective assessment received
students knowledge.

First, let's find out
What is an "interview"?
An interview is a conversation conducted according to a specific plan, involving
direct contact between the interviewer and the respondent, with recording of answers
done either by the interviewer himself or mechanically.
Main advantages of the interview:
1. The interview situation is close in form to everyday conversation,
promotes a relaxed atmosphere of communication and
increasing the sincerity of responses.
2. The ability to observe the human reactions of the respondent allows you to
conversation, adjust its plan, modify its form or sequence
3. The personal nature of interaction ensures a more serious
the informant's attitude towards the conversation.
4. Oral contact eliminates unplanned perceptions
questions by clarifying or clarifying them.

Mikhail Yurievich Fesik, life safety teacher in high school №3
1) What qualities should a leader have?
-A leader must have a sense of purpose. He must also be able to
organize and lead all students.
2) You are a man, a military man and taught at a school, but, nevertheless,
work at school. Why?
-I retired, but sitting at home is boring. This profession is similar to the one
which I liked. I like working at school.
3) Many teenagers face difficult choices: where to go to study, what
engage in life. What advice would you give them?
-You need to do what you like. Focus on what's in life
can bring more financial and moral satisfaction.
4) Tell me, do you have children?
-How important is it to you, as a parent, that they study well and
-At 85%. Because if you study with less impact, then the probability
receipts tend to zero. And without higher education, accordingly, not
there will be good material support later life and your family
Thank you for your attention.
Took an interview
Golovinskaya Maria
10 a

Irina Viktorovna Putyagina, librarian of secondary school No. 3
1) What qualities do you think a leader should have?
-He must be purposeful, charismatic, and able to
convince people to reach their goals. He is decent, honest, kind
a person who can lead.
2) Why did you decide to connect your life with school
-Librarian is a very ancient profession. The library is
the mother of the school. This is a very good read because who
reads, he knows a lot. If you have the information, you can
achieve a lot.
3) What role does the library play in raising children?
-Very big. From a book that a child reads in childhood,
His actions and, accordingly, the fate of our country depend.
4) How do you feel about the fact that in our region there is a six-day
school week?
-It is advisable to have two days off, like in the good old days
times, because “it’s time for business, but time for fun.” Saturday man
can read a book, take up his hobby, devote a day
children, travel.
Took an interview
Khokhlova Kristina
10 b

Anya Hakobyan, student of grade 10 “B”, secondary school No. 3
1) What qualities do you think a leader should have?
- I believe that a leader must have such qualities as
kindness and honesty. He must be able to lead and be
2) In this case, what qualities should not be present in a leader?
-He shouldn't be angry and envious.
3) What values ​​do you think the school instills in us?
-First of all, it is kindness, friendliness, patience. She
also develops in us such character traits as the ability
get out of any situation of varying complexity.
4) You moved to our school this year. Tell me if it was hard for you
get used to the new team?
-It was quite easy for me, since this is not the first time I
I had to change schools. I was very well received in my
-Well, the last question, since we are talking about school: what
Do you have any associations with the word itself, “school”?
-The word school brings up only one bad thing for me: Unified State Examination.
Took an interview
Alla Lyfar
10 a


Karen Margaryan, specialist of the youth affairs department of the administration
municipal formation of Yeisk district, student of RGEU (RINH)
direction of jurisprudence.
1) What qualities do you think a leader should have? For example, at
school president.
- A leader must be an example for everyone, find mutual language with
peers, be able to unite people and set a goal for them.
2) How important is comfort at school?
- I think it is important that the student feels comfortable being in
class, at the same time nothing should distract him from his studies
3) Do you think school activities benefit students?
-Yes, such events are of great benefit because they
raise children from a social and cultural perspective. Except for school
lessons, students still have the opportunity to learn something for themselves
school activities and take your mind off your studies.
4) Since you work directly with young people, what do you love?
my job?
-This is exactly the kind of work that a person needs at an age like us.
It is very modern and interesting, on which you can recharge
positive energy.
Took an interview
Pepelyaeva Anastasia
10 b




Golovinsky Oleg Evgenievich, electronics engineer
1) What qualities should a leader have?
- I believe that the first and most important quality is a clear vision of the goal and paths with
with which this goal can be achieved. Another necessary
The attribute of a leader is the ability to influence others, as well as
responsibility and charisma.
2) Were you satisfied with the school canteen?
- I did, because, not having sufficient experience and knowledge, I could not
judge the quality of our canteen, but the taste of school cutlet with bread
I still remember.
3) What qualities do school events foster in children?
- Ability to work in a team, a sense of community, and also identify
individual inclinations.
4) Well, the last question: now children are taking exams using the OGE and USE forms,
earlier - with tickets. Which system do you think is better?
-Personally, I think that the entire system that existed BEFORE the Unified State Exam was
more efficient. According to the tickets, you give a detailed answer to each question,
telling everything from start to finish. And live communication with the teacher is much better,
since the teacher can directly assess the student’s level of knowledge
and filter out his errors associated, for example, with excitement. The Unified State Exam is akin to
car – guessed/wrong.
Took an interview
- Thank you for the detailed answers.
Korpenko Olesya
10 a


Summing up the interview, we can conclude that the current system
education has many complaints from respondents. Many
believe that it requires serious but thoughtful reform. IN
at the same time, almost all respondents noted a number of
positive aspects regarding school education and
secondary school as a social institution.
Secondary school, how the state education instrument plays
huge role in the development of the state. She is not static, she is very
dynamically develops and changes, meeting all requirements and
challenges of our rapidly changing times, however, not always
keeping up with these changes.
It remains to wish our education in general and the secondary school in
in particular, close attention to the needs of the country's leadership
on the one hand, as well as respect and help from students on the other
sides. Then our education will again be the best education in
the world as it has always been.

Students of the Russian state university physical culture, sports, youth and tourism majors in Public Relations are implementing the PR project Our School with their own eyes. As part of this project, we conducted an interview with one amazing girl, an 11th grade student at school 1078. Her name is Lipartia Tamara.

Tamara, tell us what position you hold in your school and the Youth Council of the Golyanovo district?

“At school since 2009, I have been the president of the School Duma, and I also work in the Youth Council of the Golyanovo East district Administrative District of the city of Moscow and hold the position of chairman. In addition to this, I work in our district with young people, but already in the District Youth Council.”

What is the “School Duma”?

“Well, you can call it school self-government. Today we need to strive to erase the boundaries between teacher and student, to live according to the laws of a large friendly family. Our school does this well. There is no such thing here that if you are a student, then your opinion is not taken into account. It is in our school that the student’s voice is heard and important. The school council is involved in all holidays and events, we organize them ourselves and this is not only everything that happens traditionally (Teacher’s Day, New Year etc.), we celebrate such holidays as Mother's Day, National Unity Day. We even held our own “Minute of Glory” at school. In addition, we very actively promote and implement projects with the youth council of the Golyanovo district (the adventure game “Quest”, the competition “New Year’s Entrance”). In addition to such creative and fun events, we try to do educational process, take part in it. We will be conducting raids soon school uniform and academic performance. There are guys who like to do this kind of work - making tables, writing reports, coming up with psychological tests. I prefer organizing events.”

Do you enjoy your extracurricular activities?

“Of course, I like what I do. This is still not a job, but a hobby from which I receive not material benefits, but, above all, pleasure. In fact, it is happiness when you hold an event, for example, on May 9, and then a veteran comes up to you and says: “Thank you for the holiday that you made for Us!” And you can see from his eyes that he is truly grateful to us and touched by this event. After such words, you understand that all your work is worth your efforts.”

How do you combine your work and studies?

“In fact, if you really want to, you can do anything. I would like to quote one Georgian historian: “The wise fight against fate, but only the foolish lose heart.” If you want to do your job, you need to combine it. Despite my activities, I graduated from the 9th grade with honors, but I don’t know how it will turn out now, in the 11th grade.”

Where do you plan to go after graduation?

“At first I thought I would get creative education, because music, the stage is my life. In order to test my strength in this type of activity, I took part in the Tandem Project project; in 2010, I organized day parties in the best clubs in Moscow for young people. After the mistakes I made, I realized that first I need to get a good education as an economist or entrepreneur, and my creative potential and the opportunities are here to stay.”

Tell us about yourself better day At school.

“In fact, the question is very complex, now I will explain why. Every day at this school is unique and the best, because I am surrounded by people so close to me that I cannot choose one day. My guys are my support in life. It was at school that I found my best friends. I know that if I need their help Hard time, they will not abandon me, but will come to my call. “I have a friendly class, I have good relationships with the teachers at school.”

Do you have a tradition at school? If yes, then tell us a little about them.

“In fact, there are no traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. But of course, our school has something of its own. I have already talked about Mother’s Day, and I also think it can be called a tradition that we invite veterans to all holidays, because world-famous labor veterans worked at our school. This is very honorable and important for us.
For me, the most important thing is that the school is like a kind of green oasis, among the cold names of the Golyanovsky streets, because the school has an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and mutual understanding.”

Are there often sporting events at school?

“Thank you for raising this issue. Sport is an integral part of school life. The guys showed themselves not only in the district, taking first places in sports such as volleyball, football, athletics, basketball, but also showed themselves excellently at district competitions. The school team recently took 1st place among girls in cross-country athletics at the Spartakiad, and the boys took 3rd place in the same Spartakiad. As you understand, in our school there are not only creative people, but, dare I say it, great athletes!”

What are your wishes to the junior classes – the future generation?

“I would like to wish the guys to believe in themselves and not be afraid of anything! Because in this life there is nothing impossible. You need to want and make a little effort, there must be a desire and a certain goal, and then everything will work out.”

School life is neither more nor less, but eleven whole years! How many unforgettable events this eleventh anniversary contains! Lessons, exams, breaks, games, hikes, discoveries, holidays, feelings. School years These are the years of development and formation. Graduates are happy people! They are happy with their youth, positivity, and prospects. We wish them to move forward, not give in to difficulties, and achieve their goals! And today we invite our respected graduates to answer several questions. We came up with not the simplest questions for graduates, but interesting ones.

Questions for graduates

1. Are you satisfied with the person you have become?
2. What other subject would you add to the school curriculum?
3. Which teacher at your school laughs the most contagiously?
4. Is it possible to buy happiness with money?
5. What was the name of your first teacher?
6. In what subject did you get the first A?
7. How do you see your future?
8. Which one school case made you look at familiar things in a new way?
9. With what literary hero would you enter into controversy?
10. Which one school holiday do you remember most?
11. Whose teaching style do you like the most?
12. If your life was a movie, what title would you give the movie?
13. Who do you think is the kindest in the class?
14. Which student would you go on reconnaissance with?
15. Do you have a school idol?
16. What would you spend a million dollars on?
17. Which teacher would you read your poems to?
18. How long can you live without communication?
19. What book have you read ten times?
20. Name three character traits that you would like to get rid of.
21. What was the most difficult thing for you in your school life?
22. If you turn back time, what three mistakes would you make during school?
23. What is the wisest thought that came to you during your school years?

Fun questions for graduates

1. What are our girls made of?
Answer: “From handkerchiefs, and balls, from riddles, and marmalades...”

2. Where is it seen, where is it heard, dad decides, but who passes it?
Answer: Vasya

3. How many years was Deniska going to spend under the bed from Dragunsky’s story?
Answer: twenty years, story “Twenty Years Under the Bed”

4. Who is the bravest hare rescuer?
Answer: Grandfather Mazay “Grandfather Mazay and the Hares”

5. For which girl is a note in the form of a schematic image of a flying bird put on the list of completed tasks?
Answer: for Tick (check the box)

6. What animal appeals to a slow-thinking person?
Answer: giraffe (“it’s like a giraffe”)

7. Which mittens are used for strict supervision?
Answer: in hedgehogs

8. What color of Christmas tree is remembered by a person who shows surprise or annoyance?
Answer: green (“Christmas trees are green!”)

9. Which representative of domestic animals (its adult relative is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Lublin) did one respectable grandmother become friends with?
Answer: with a gray goat (“Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother”)

Who are the most...

1. The most adventurous traveler, retired collegiate adviser... Chichikov
2. The highest guardian of order... Uncle Styopa
3. The most romantic letter writer... Tatyana Larina(“I’m writing to you - what more…”)
4. The most immortal fairy tale character... Koschei the Deathless
5. The most uncollected person in the world... absent-minded man from Basseynaya street
6. The most famous trinity, who wanted to provide a transport service, but due to inconsistency in their actions, they were unable to do so... Swan, Crayfish and Pike
7. The most famous flying two-winged insect, with a precious belly... Cluttering fly, gilded belly
8. The most undereducated young nobleman, the son of a malicious serf lady... Mitrofanushka(“Minor”)

So, sir. We all once went to school for the first time. We all remember how we wanted or didn’t want to study. We all remember how much we liked our first teacher.

When sending our child to school, we want to be sure that everything will be fine.

What is important to get from elementary school?...

I think that for every parent (of course, I’m not talking about overwhelmed mothers who are sincerely convinced of the need to cram tons of necessary and unnecessary information into their child and force him to go to all possible additional classes, overloading him) it is IMPORTANT that in the elementary school:

4. broadened your horizons

5. Didn’t discourage the desire to learn by showing that it’s interesting

6. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT: they did not break or suppress the child’s inclinations and talents.

For elementary school, it is still better to choose not a super strong school (in the future, you can always transfer, already understanding what is more interesting for your child), but a Teacher. Those. A person who will spend a good half of the day with your child (if not more).

Therefore, it seems to me that it is best to go to the school at your place of registration or the one you have chosen, and get acquainted with those teachers who are recruiting the first class.

Moreover, not just get acquainted and ask standard questions that concern you, but conduct some kind of interview. After all, roughly speaking, this person will work for you.

But we are all human and we understand that we wouldn’t like it if some woman came and began to examine or interrogate you.

Therefore, having agreed on a conversation with the teacher, remember that you are looking for a person and are worried about your child. And when starting a conversation, first of all, emphasize that you would like your child to have a good, calm, fun and interesting time at school. Therefore, you would like to ask the teacher a number of questions about himself. Say that you understand that some questions will be unexpected, ask not to be surprised, because the first teacher is so important (the teachers will agree with you).

I offer a list of questions.) (Imagine that you are conducting an interview - but not an assessment)

1. Do you like your job? Why?

2. Why did you become a teacher?

3. What do you enjoy most about your job?

4. What not?

5. What are you reading now? not for work, but just for myself.

6. What do you consider to be the greatest achievement in your teaching practice?

7. How do you increase the interest and motivation of your students?

8. How do you feel about your students showing individuality and asserting their right to personal opinion? (pay attention here, a good teacher understands that even kids have their own personal opinions)

9. What would you ask your students to talk about to get to know them better?

10. How do you deal with students who have bad behavior and upbringing?

11. What do you want your students to remember after leaving elementary school?

12. What special methods and technologies do you use in your lessons?

13. Describe the ideal lesson as you imagine it?

14. Have you ever had failed lessons? Tell us about the worst? (maybe at the beginning of my career, what I remember)

15. What are five adjectives that you can use to describe yourself?

16. What personal qualities do you consider most useful in teaching?

17.Tell me about your idea of school education?

18. If you had the opportunity to open your own school, what would it be?

19. What topics in your subjects do you enjoy most and why?

20. How do you imagine an ideal child? (again, attention! ideality is a framework into which one is driven)

Once again, I remind you, you don’t need to show that you are conducting a real interview, show that you are concerned, that it is really important and interesting to you (people love when they are interested in them), be sure to thank them for their time and for agreeing to the meeting.

And of course, right away, by how the person reacted to the offer to meet, how he conducted the conversation, what he said - you will understand how interested he is in his work, loves it, loves children, what positions he has in relation to children, and so what the person in general.

Happy conversations and great teachers to everyone)