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Story. History of the Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev

GBOU SPO Kazan Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev
(GBOU SPO "skating rink named after P.V. Dementiev")
original name

Kazan Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev

Former names

Kazan Aviation College

Year of foundation

Zalalov Ilgiz Irekovich

Legal address

420036, Kazan, st. Kopylova, 2b


Laureate of “100 BEST EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL UNIVERSITIES OF RUSSIA”; Winner of the Competition of the priority national project “EDUCATION” 2008, 2009; Winner of the competition among universities and colleges for the preparation of applied bachelor's degrees in 2010.

Coordinates: Tatarstan_scale:2000 55°51′18″ n. w. 49°05′08″ E. d. /  55.85500° N. w. 49.08556° E. d. / 55.85500; 49.08556(G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1932

Kazan Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev (KATK), former Kazan Aviation College (KAT) - founded in 1932, received college status in 2007. Bears the name of the long-time Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR Pyotr Vasilyevich Dementyev. Located on Kopylova Street and Square in the Sotsgorod microdistrict of the city of Kazan.


Organized during the period of the birth and rapid development of aviation in our country at the Kazan Aviation Institute. Based on the order of Glavaviaprom dated April 10, 1932, the technical school from May 2, 1932. exists as an independent educational institution.

1946 – 1947. Branches No. 1 and No. 2 are being created at the Kazan Engine and Kazan Aviation Plants.

1959 A correspondence department is opening.

1964 Branch No. 2 was transformed into the Kazan Evening Aviation College with a branch at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

1970 – 2007. The technical school was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the TASSR, the Tatar Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the TASSR. Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the TASSR, Letter of Gratitude from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

1972 – 1987. Basic technical school for secondary educational institutions of the TASSR.

1997 The Kazan Evening Aviation College was attached to the Kazan Aviation Technical School.

2007 Based on the results of state accreditation of the technical school, the type of educational institution is determined - college. The college is named after the twice Hero of Socialist Labor P.V. Dementyev, our fellow countryman, Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

Major Innovations in College

  • Creation of innovative college infrastructure.
  • Creation of a unified information and educational space of the college and entry into the information and educational space of the Republic of Tatarstan, AviaAss, Russia.
  • Use of information and communication technologies for learning.
  • Dual targeted advanced professional training on orders from enterprises.
  • Implementation of network interaction based on the integration of information, material and human resources with educational institutions and enterprises of the aviation industry.
  • Implementation of continuous education NPO-SPO-HPE.
  • Introduction and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary Vocational Education.
  • Organization and implementation of distance educational technologies
  • Development of social partnership with enterprises.
  • Training and retraining of qualified specialists and the unemployed population in blue-collar professions.
  • Improving the qualifications of workers and specialists.
  • Providing additional educational services.
  • Research activities of teachers and students.
  • Providing a health-saving educational environment.
  • Development of student self-government through the youth public association “Student Federation”.

Training by specialty

  • Mechanical engineering technology 151901
  • Aircraft production 160108
  • Production of aircraft engines 160706
  • Automation of technological processes and production (by industry) 220703
  • Information systems (by industry) 230401
  • Computer systems and complexes 230113
  • Computer networks 230111
  • Economics and accounting (by industry) 080114

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An excerpt characterizing the Kazan Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev

The mechanism of the state organism needs these people, just as wolves are needed in the body of nature, and they always exist, always appear and stick around, no matter how incongruous their presence and proximity to the head of government seems. Only this necessity can explain how the cruel, uneducated, uncourtly Arakcheev, who personally tore out the mustaches of the grenadiers and could not withstand danger due to his weak nerves, could maintain such strength despite the knightly noble and gentle character of Alexander.
Balashev found Marshal Davout in the barn of a peasant's hut, sitting on a barrel and busy with writing (he was checking accounts). The adjutant stood next to him. It was possible to find a better place, but Marshal Davout was one of those people who deliberately put themselves in the gloomiest conditions of life in order to have the right to be gloomy. For the same reason, they are always hastily and persistently busy. “Where is there to think about the happy side of human life, when, you see, I’m sitting on a barrel in a dirty barn and working,” said the expression on his face. The main pleasure and need of these people is to, having encountered the revival of life, throw gloomy, stubborn activity into the eyes of this revival. Davout gave himself this pleasure when Balashev was brought in to him. He went even deeper into his work when the Russian general entered, and, looking through his glasses at Balashev’s animated face, impressed by the wonderful morning and the conversation with Murat, he did not get up, did not even move, but frowned even more and grinned viciously.
Noticing the unpleasant impression this technique produced on Balashev’s face, Davout raised his head and coldly asked what he needed.
Assuming that such a reception could be given to him only because Davout does not know that he is the adjutant general of Emperor Alexander and even his representative before Napoleon, Balashev hastened to announce his rank and appointment. Contrary to his expectations, Davout, after listening to Balashev, became even more severe and rude.
- Where is your package? - he said. – Donnez le moi, ije l"enverrai a l"Empereur. [Give it to me, I will send it to the emperor.]
Balashev said that he had orders to personally hand over the package to the emperor himself.
“The orders of your emperor are carried out in your army, but here,” said Davout, “you must do what you are told.”
And as if in order to make the Russian general even more aware of his dependence on brute force, Davout sent the adjutant for the duty officer.
Balashev took out the package containing the sovereign’s letter and placed it on the table (a table consisting of a door with torn hinges sticking out, placed on two barrels). Davout took the envelope and read the inscription.
“You have absolutely the right to show or not show me respect,” said Balashev. “But let me point out that I have the honor to bear the title of His Majesty’s Adjutant General...”
Davout looked at him silently, and some excitement and embarrassment expressed on Balashev’s face apparently gave him pleasure.
“You will be given your due,” he said and, putting the envelope in his pocket, he left the barn.
A minute later, the Marshal's adjutant, Mr. de Castres, entered and led Balashev into the room prepared for him.
Balashev dined that day with the marshal in the same barn, on the same board on barrels.
The next day, Davout left early in the morning and, inviting Balashev to his place, impressively told him that he asked him to stay here, move along with the luggage if they had orders to do so, and not talk to anyone except Mister de Castro.
After four days of solitude, boredom, a sense of subordination and insignificance, especially palpable after the environment of power in which he had so recently found himself, after several marches along with the marshal’s luggage, with the French troops occupying the entire area, Balashev was brought to Vilna, now occupied by the French , to the same outpost where he left four days ago.
The next day, the imperial chamberlain, monsieur de Turenne, came to Balashev and conveyed to him the desire of Emperor Napoleon to honor him with an audience.
Four days ago, at the house to which Balashev was taken, there were sentries of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, but now there were two French grenadiers in blue uniforms open on their chests and in shaggy hats, a convoy of hussars and lancers and a brilliant retinue of adjutants, pages and generals waiting to leave Napoleon around a riding horse standing at the porch and his Mameluke Rustav. Napoleon received Balashev in the very house in Vilva from which Alexander sent him.

Kazan Aviation College organized in March 1932 at the Kazan Aviation Institute on the basis of construction and highway technical schools. Based on the order of the Head of Aviation Industry of the USSR dated April 10, 1932, the technical school has existed as an independent educational institution since May 3, 1932. In the fall of 1932, the technical school made its first intake of 90 students out of 295 applicants.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, hundreds of students, teachers, workers and employees volunteered to defend their homeland at the front. 11 teachers and staff died defending their homeland. From July 1, 1941, all aviation technical school students were sent to work at factories in Kazan. Training and production workshops were transferred to the production of military products. All students and teachers combined their studies with work on defensive structures, collective and state farm fields, and logging sites.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, there was an acute shortage of personnel at enterprises in the industry. In 1946-47, the technical school successively opened branch No. 1 (at the Kazan Engine Plant), branch No. 2 (at the Kazan Aviation Plant), and in 1952 - branch No. 3 (at the Elektropribor plant). In 1959, a correspondence department was opened. In 1964, branch No. 2 was transformed into the Kazan Evening Aviation College and a branch was opened at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

In 1997, by the decision of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kazan Evening Aviation College was attached to the technical school, together with its branch at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

In 1970, the technical school was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the TASSR, the Tatar Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the TASSR.

For 75 years, the college has trained more than 35 thousand specialists with secondary vocational education for the industry of the republic and the country. Mid-level specialists were trained in 33 specialties, such as aircraft installation, aircraft engine installation, aircraft design, welding production, metal cutting, radar installations, special engines, installation of aircraft radio-electric equipment, production of automation and telemechanics equipment, operation and adjustment of program-controlled machines , aircraft instrumentation, electronic instruments and devices, and others.

Currently the college has about 2,000 students. For enterprises of the industrial complex of the Republic of Tatarstan, the college trains specialists in 9 specialties: “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, “Aircraft Production”, “Aircraft Engine Production”, “Automation of Technological Processes and Production” (by industry), “Automated Management Information Processing Systems” ( by industry), “Maintenance of computer equipment and computer networks”, “Economics and accounting” (by industry), “Management” (by industry), “Marketing” (by industry).
Over the years of its existence, the college has grown into one of the largest secondary vocational educational institutions with an industry focus.

The college has formed traditions of leadership in innovative approaches to educational activities. Thus, the technical school was among the first in the republic to begin the use and development of computer technology. In 1971, the technical school purchased a stationary computer from the Kazan Computer Plant, and later a “Nairi” machine. The computer laboratory of the technical school purchased the first personal computers BK-001 in the USSR for the needs of the educational process. An integrated course “Informatics and Mathematics” was introduced, and new generations of personal computers were purchased annually. All this made it possible to create a modern information and computing center in the college.

Since 2000, the college has been developing a dual form of education. Specialists trained using this innovative educational technology are in demand by aviation enterprises, have a high degree of adaptation to production and are highly retained in the enterprise. Since 2004, the college has been given the status of a federal experimental site and has been entrusted with conducting an experiment on the topic “Development of content and educational technologies that ensure the quality of training of mid-level specialists for mechanical engineering enterprises producing high-tech products.”

Since 2001, the college has been implementing an increased level of training in technical specialties with in-depth training in the field of automation of production processes, as well as in the field of organizing aviation production.
The college is actively involved in resolving issues of staffing the Program of development and graduation at KAPO named after. S.P. Gorbunov aircraft TU - 214 and TU - 334.
The college has a tradition of good organization of student creativity. He was a regular participant in representative exhibitions of students' technical creativity among educational institutions of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, all-Union exhibitions at the Polytechnic Museum and at the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements and achieved results. College students still participate in various republican, interregional and all-Russian competitive events, where, as a rule, they take high prizes.

Since the beginning of the 70s, students of the technical school annually took part in the work of student construction teams, both in the regions of the republic and in Moldova and Astrakhan.
The college's potential is quite high. First of all, it is a stable and professional teaching staff. Of the 120 teachers, 60 have the highest and first categories. College teachers Pototskaya I.B., Sabitova G.A., Sokolova E.R., Nikolaev E.N. became prize-winners of the republican competitions “Teacher of Secondary Educational Institutions”.
Significant contributions to the development of the college were made by: L.P. Fomin– Director of the college from 1971 to 1989, Honored School Teacher of the TASSR and the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation, awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor; V.M. Sokhabeev, director of the college, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation; honored school teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan L.N. Samoldina, R.I. Shevchenko, G.S. Gogoleva, L.M. Zakharenko; awarded with the badge “Honorary Worker of the Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation” and “For Merit in Education” V.N. Abramova, R.A. Bagautdinov, B.V. Borisov, L.A. Enaleeva. L.A. Kabakina, L.I. Lavrenova, I.V. Leshcheva, V.N. Lunochkin, Yu.N. Marulin, N.N. Palilova, I.B. Pototskaya, V.A. Rybakov, P.F. Semchenkov, N.G. Samoilova, N.V. Troitskaya, Yu.I. Uteev, V.L. Khramov, G.K. Yumshanova.
In 2006, the technical school became a laureate of the first competition “100 best secondary educational institutions in Russia” and he was awarded the “European Quality Gold Medal”.
In 2007, the technical school was given the status of a college.

In 2007, the college was named after twice Hero of Socialist Labor Pyotr Vasilyevich Dementyev, our fellow countryman, Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

Due to its authority, the technical school (college) has been the base for secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan for many years. From 1972 to 1987 and from 1999 to the present, it is the center of the Board of Directors of the Secondary Special Education Institution of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Coordination Center for the Development of the Tatar Language in Secondary Special Educational Institutions of the Republic is actively and fruitfully working in the college. In 2003, on the basis of the college under the Board of Directors of the Secondary Secondary Educational Institution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republican Coordination Methodological Center for Secondary Vocational Education was created, which made it possible to revive educational and methodological work in secondary educational institutions of the republic.
The college has high authority at the federal level. System-wide events of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Education were carried out on the basis of the college. Teachers and college leaders were members of the working groups of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Russian Federation for Education. The director of the college is a member of the presidium of the Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia, deputy chairman of the Board of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of the Volga Federal District.

Thousands of college graduates work at large enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan and in various cities of the country. Many of them became honored scientists, major government representatives, authoritative business leaders of enterprises and organizations, and simply exemplary workers.
The College is proud of its outstanding alumni. Among them: Hero of the Soviet Union, captain 1st rank Abdrakhmanov A.K.; Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant A.V. Kozin, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ivanov I.I.; Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, currently – General Director of KAMAZ OJSC - Kogogin S.A.; Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR V.N. Ivanov; Head of the Main Directorate, member of the Board of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry V.I. Samarin; Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the TASSR Kotov A.M.; Deputy Minister of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the USSR, Honored Builder of the TASSR Troitsky M.T.; Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Lipatov N.G.; Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, former rector of Kazan State Economic University Nazmeev Yu.G.; People's Artist of the USSR Azat Abbasov, world and USSR volleyball champion Nil Fasakhov; scientists: Kaidrikov R.A., Mnekin R.V., Fafurin A.V., Avksentyev A.A., Vakhitov M.B., Zhuravlev B.L., Bilyalov N.S., Samartsev V.V., Kuznetsov V.D.; former heads of defense enterprises: Yaushev A.M., Galeev A.M., Emaletdinov Yu.F., Lomakin T.S., Yakubov N.S., Lebedev A.I., Pavlov A.F., Lavrentiev A. P.; Today's leaders of large enterprises: Apakov R.U., Vinokur V.I. and many others.

A significant number of college graduates occupy positions of deputy managers, heads of bureaus, workshops, departments, group leaders, foremen, technologists, mechanics at the largest enterprises of the city of Kazan and the republic. Most of them have been awarded government awards, which indicates the high quality of specialist training.

Kazan Aviation College organized in March 1932 at the Kazan Aviation Institute on the basis of construction and highway technical schools. Based on the order of the Head of Aviation Industry of the USSR dated April 10, 1932, the technical school has existed as an independent educational institution since May 3, 1932. In the fall of 1932, the technical school made its first intake of 90 students out of 295 applicants.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, hundreds of students, teachers, workers and employees volunteered to defend their homeland at the front. 11 teachers and staff died defending their homeland. From July 1, 1941, all aviation technical school students were sent to work at factories in Kazan. Training and production workshops were transferred to the production of military products. All students and teachers combined their studies with work on defensive structures, collective and state farm fields, and logging sites.
After the end of the Great Patriotic War, there was an acute shortage of personnel at enterprises in the industry. In 1946-47, the technical school successively opened branch No. 1 (at the Kazan Engine Plant), branch No. 2 (at the Kazan Aviation Plant), and in 1952 - branch No. 3 (at the Elektropribor plant). In 1959, a correspondence department was opened. In 1964, branch No. 2 was transformed into the Kazan Evening Aviation College and a branch was opened at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

In 1997, by the decision of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kazan Evening Aviation College was attached to the technical school, together with its branch at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

In 1970, the technical school was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the TASSR, the Tatar Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the TASSR.

For 75 years, the college has trained more than 35 thousand specialists with secondary vocational education for the industry of the republic and the country. Mid-level specialists were trained in 33 specialties, such as aircraft installation, aircraft engine installation, aircraft design, welding production, metal cutting, radar installations, special engines, installation of aircraft radio-electric equipment, production of automation and telemechanics equipment, operation and adjustment of program-controlled machines , aircraft instrumentation, electronic instruments and devices, and others.

Currently the college has about 2,000 students. For enterprises of the industrial complex of the Republic of Tatarstan, the college trains specialists in 9 specialties: “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, “Aircraft Production”, “Aircraft Engine Production”, “Automation of Technological Processes and Production” (by industry), “Automated Management Information Processing Systems” ( by industry), “Maintenance of computer equipment and computer networks”, “Economics and accounting” (by industry), “Management” (by industry), “Marketing” (by industry).
Over the years of its existence, the college has grown into one of the largest secondary vocational educational institutions with an industry focus.

The college has formed traditions of leadership in innovative approaches to educational activities. Thus, the technical school was among the first in the republic to begin the use and development of computer technology. In 1971, the technical school purchased a stationary computer from the Kazan Computer Plant, and later a “Nairi” machine. The computer laboratory of the technical school purchased the first personal computers BK-001 in the USSR for the needs of the educational process. An integrated course “Informatics and Mathematics” was introduced, and new generations of personal computers were purchased annually. All this made it possible to create a modern information and computing center in the college.

Since 2000, the college has been developing a dual form of education. Specialists trained using this innovative educational technology are in demand by aviation enterprises, have a high degree of adaptation to production and are highly retained in the enterprise. Since 2004, the college has been given the status of a federal experimental site and has been entrusted with conducting an experiment on the topic “Development of content and educational technologies that ensure the quality of training of mid-level specialists for mechanical engineering enterprises producing high-tech products.”

Since 2001, the college has been implementing an increased level of training in technical specialties with in-depth training in the field of automation of production processes, as well as in the field of organizing aviation production.
The college is actively involved in resolving issues of staffing the Program of development and graduation at KAPO named after. S.P. Gorbunov aircraft TU - 214 and TU - 334.
The college has a tradition of good organization of student creativity. He was a regular participant in representative exhibitions of students' technical creativity among educational institutions of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, all-Union exhibitions at the Polytechnic Museum and at the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements and achieved results. College students still participate in various republican, interregional and all-Russian competitive events, where, as a rule, they take high prizes.

Since the beginning of the 70s, students of the technical school annually took part in the work of student construction teams, both in the regions of the republic and in Moldova and Astrakhan.
The college's potential is quite high. First of all, it is a stable and professional teaching staff. Of the 120 teachers, 60 have the highest and first categories. College teachers Pototskaya I.B., Sabitova G.A., Sokolova E.R., Nikolaev E.N. became prize-winners of the republican competitions “Teacher of Secondary Educational Institutions”.
Significant contributions to the development of the college were made by: L.P. Fomin- Director of the college from 1971 to 1989, Honored School Teacher of the TASSR and the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation, awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor; V.M. Sokhabeev, director of the college, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation; honored school teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan L.N. Samoldina, R.I. Shevchenko, G.S. Gogoleva, L.M. Zakharenko; awarded with the badge “Honorary Worker of the Secondary Professional Education of the Russian Federation” and “For Merit in Education” V.N. Abramova, R.A. Bagautdinov, B.V. Borisov, L.A. Enaleeva. L.A. Kabakina, L.I. Lavrenova, I.V. Leshcheva, V.N. Lunochkin, Yu.N. Marulin, N.N. Palilova, I.B. Pototskaya, V.A. Rybakov, P.F. Semchenkov, N.G. Samoilova, N.V. Troitskaya, Yu.I. Uteev, V.L. Khramov, G.K. Yumshanova.
In 2006, the technical school became a laureate of the first competition “100 best secondary educational institutions in Russia” and he was awarded the “European Quality Gold Medal”.
In 2007, the technical school was given the status of a college.

In 2007, the college was named after twice Hero of Socialist Labor Pyotr Vasilyevich Dementyev, our fellow countryman, Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

Due to its authority, the technical school (college) has been the base for secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan for many years. From 1972 to 1987 and from 1999 to the present, it is the center of the Board of Directors of the Secondary Special Education Institution of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The Coordination Center for the Development of the Tatar Language in Secondary Special Educational Institutions of the Republic is actively and fruitfully working in the college. In 2003, on the basis of the college under the Board of Directors of the Secondary Secondary Educational Institution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republican Coordination Methodological Center for Secondary Vocational Education was created, which made it possible to revive educational and methodological work in secondary educational institutions of the republic.
The college has high authority at the federal level. System-wide events of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Education were carried out on the basis of the college. Teachers and college leaders were members of the working groups of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Russian Federation for Education. The director of the college is a member of the presidium of the Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia, deputy chairman of the Board of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of the Volga Federal District.

Thousands of college graduates work at large enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan and in various cities of the country. Many of them became honored scientists, major government representatives, authoritative business leaders of enterprises and organizations, and simply exemplary workers.
The College is proud of its outstanding alumni. Among them: Hero of the Soviet Union, captain 1st rank Abdrakhmanov A.K.; Hero of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant A.V. Kozin, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I.I.; Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, currently - General Director of KAMAZ OJSC - Kogogin S.A.; Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Radio Industry of the USSR V.N. Ivanov; Head of the Main Directorate, member of the Board of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry V.I. Samarin; Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the TASSR Kotov A.M.; Deputy Minister of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the USSR, Honored Builder of the TASSR Troitsky M.T.; Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Lipatov N.G.; Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, former rector of Kazan State Economic University Nazmeev Yu.G.; People's Artist of the USSR Azat Abbasov, world and USSR volleyball champion Nil Fasakhov; scientists: Kaidrikov R.A., Mnekin R.V., Fafurin A.V., Avksentyev A.A., Vakhitov M.B., Zhuravlev B.L., Bilyalov N.S., Samartsev V.V., Kuznetsov V.D.; former heads of defense enterprises: Yaushev A.M., Galeev A.M., Emaletdinov Yu.F., Lomakin T.S., Yakubov N.S., Lebedev A.I., Pavlov A.F., Lavrentiev A. P.; Today's leaders of large enterprises: Apakov R.U., Vinokur V.I. and many others.

A significant number of college graduates occupy positions of deputy managers, heads of bureaus, workshops, departments, group leaders, foremen, technologists, mechanics at the largest enterprises of the city of Kazan and the republic. Most of them have been awarded government awards, which indicates the high quality of specialist training.

(GAPOU "skating rink named after P.V. Dementiev")
original name Kazan Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev
Former names Kazan Aviation College
Year of foundation 2nd of March
Director Zalalov Ilgiz Irekovich
Location Kazan
Legal address 420036, Kazan, st. Kopylova, 2b
Awards Laureate of “100 BEST EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL UNIVERSITIES OF RUSSIA”; Winner of the Competition of the priority national project “EDUCATION” 2008, 2009; Winner of the competition among universities and colleges for the preparation of applied bachelor's degrees in 2010.

Kazan Aviation Technical College named after P. V. Dementiev (KATK), former Kazan Aviation College (KAT) - founded in 1932, received college status in 2007. Bears the name of the long-time Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR Pyotr Vasilievich Dementiev. Located on Kopylova Street and Square in the Sotsgorod microdistrict of the city of Kazan.


Organized during the period of the birth and rapid development of aviation in our country at the Kazan Aviation Institute. Based on the order of Glavaviaprom dated April 10, 1932, the technical school from May 2, 1932. exists as an independent educational institution.

1946 – 1947. Branches No. 1 and No. 2 are being created at the Kazan Engine and Kazan Aviation Plants.

1959 A correspondence department is opening.

1964 Branch No. 2 was transformed into the Kazan Evening Aviation College with a branch at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

1970 – 2007. The technical school was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the TASSR, the Tatar Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the TASSR. Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the TASSR, Letter of Gratitude from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

1972 – 1987. Basic technical school for secondary educational institutions of the TASSR.

1997 The Kazan Evening Aviation College was attached to the Kazan Aviation Technical School.

2007 Based on the results of state accreditation of the technical school, the type of educational institution is determined - college. The college is named after the twice Hero of Socialist Labor P.V. Dementyev, our fellow countryman, Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

Major Innovations in College

  • Creation of innovative college infrastructure.
  • Creation of a unified information and educational space of the college and entry into the information and educational space of the Republic of Tatarstan, AviaAss, Russia.
  • Use of information and communication technologies for learning.
  • Dual targeted advanced professional training on orders from enterprises.
  • Implementation of network interaction based on the integration of information, material and human resources with educational institutions and enterprises of the aviation industry.
  • Implementation of continuous education NPO-SPO-HPE.
  • Introduction and implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary Vocational Education.
  • Organization and implementation of distance educational technologies
  • Development of social partnership with enterprises.
  • Training and retraining of qualified specialists and the unemployed population in blue-collar professions.
  • Improving the qualifications of workers and specialists.
  • Providing additional educational services.
  • Research activities of teachers and students.
  • Providing a health-saving educational environment.
  • Development of student self-government through the youth public association “Student Federation”.

Full-time (full-time) training in specialties:

  • Department of Secondary Vocational Education:
    • Mechanical engineering technology,
    • Aircraft production,
    • Production of aircraft engines,
    • Automation of technological processes and production (by industry),
    • Information systems (by industry),
    • Computer networks,
    • Computer systems and complexes; Department of Primary Vocational Education:
    • Aviation equipment assembler,
    • Machine operator (metalworking) operator of computer-controlled machines,
    • Aviation electrician,
    • Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment,
    • Welder (electric and gas welding work),
    • Master of Digital Information Processing. - part-time (evening) form of education:
    • Aircraft production; - correspondence courses:
    • Mechanical engineering technology.