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"The history of road signs." Abstract of GCD in the educational field "Security

The first road signs appeared with the emergence of roads. Primitive travelers broke branches, made marks on the bark, setting the first road signs appeared with
the emergence of roads. Primitive
travelers broke branches, made
marks on the bark, placed stones along the roads.
The next step is to give
roadside structures
shapes to highlight them on
background of the surrounding landscape.
Polovtsian woman
is now located
in the museum-reserve

The world's first system of road signs arose in Ancient Rome in the 3rd century. BC

Along the most important roads
the Romans put miles
pillars with carvings on them
distance to Rimsky
Near the Temple of Saturn in
the center of Rome was
Golden milepost, from
which all were measured
roads going to all ends
Roman Empire.

In the 16th century, on the orders of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, mileposts were installed on the road leading from Moscow to Kolomenskoye.

However, their ubiquity
distribution began with
the time of Peter I.
Pretty fast milestones
pillars appeared on everyone
roads of the state.

The appearance of self-propelled carriages on the roads required fundamental changes in the organization of road traffic.

No matter how imperfect the first ones were
cars, but they moved much faster
horse-drawn carriages.
The driver of the car should have gone faster
react to danger.
In addition, the horse reacts to an obstacle
what can't be said about horsepower?
car hood.

In 1903, the first road signs appeared on the streets of Paris.

At first, each country had its own road signs.
But road transport between countries
began to be carried out quite often, arose
the need to introduce signs of international
meanings. In 1909, the “International
convention regarding movement
This convention adopted
4 road signs: “Rough Road”, “Curvy”
road", "Crossroads", "Intersection with railway

In 1930, at the Geneva Conference on Road Traffic, a new “Convention for the Introduction of Uniformity in Road Signaling” was adopted. Number of characters

In 1930 in Geneva at the Road Conference
movement adopted a new “Convention on the Introduction
uniformity in road signaling." Number
characters increased to 26.
In 1927, the Soviet Union introduced
action 6 road signs.
In 1933, 16 more were added to them.
The signs of that time were different from

On January 1, 1961, unified traffic rules on the streets of cities and towns began to apply in the USSR.

Warning signs – 19.
Prohibiting – 22.
Index marks – 10.
In the pictures there are signs “Traveling without stopping
"Intersection with
secondary road"

In 1980, a new standard “Road Signs” was introduced

With some changes, it was in effect until 2006.
The next changes took place in 1987.
The next update occurred in 1994.
New changes introduced on January 1, 2006 and 1
January 2008
The goal of all changes is to bring domestic
standard to more closely match
International Convention.

Currently, more than two and a half hundred road signs of eight groups are used on the streets and roads of Russia, which are regulated in detail

Currently on the streets and roads of Russia
more than two and a half hundred are used
road signs of eight groups, in detail
regulating almost all aspects
Modern signs are not
just installing
speed limit, but also
determine the speed itself.

Which group do road signs belong to?


Groups of road signs.

Informs about approaching
dangerous area
Priority signs
Set the order of travel
Restrictions are introduced or lifted
Indicate the direction of movement
Signs of special
Enter or cancel modes
Inform about the location
objects whether speed limit
Inform about the location
information (plates)
Clarify or limit action

Road signs are one of the most
dynamic groups of technical equipment
traffic organization.
Development of transport, specifics of road
movements put forward new demands for
successful satisfaction of which new ones are introduced
road signs.

Olga Popova Vladimirovna
"The history of road signs." GCD summary for educational field"Safety"

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten № 50


Directly educational activities for children

senior preschool age

By educational field« Safety»

« History of road signs»

Made up:

Deputy Head for Educational and Methodological Work

Popova Olga Vladimirovna


Target: Introduce children to the history of road signs. Consolidate knowledge about road signs, types of traffic lights. Fix the name in speech road signs. Improve the dialogical form of speech and the ability to reason. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of mutual assistance.

Dictionary: populated area, terrain.

Equipment: large road signs, d/game "Collect road sign and name it» , items: stone, branch, bark, sculpture, pillar; didactic game "Extra traffic light", 2 city street layouts, road signs for layout, two magnetic easels.

Integration educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication. Species activities: cognitive, gaming, communicative, motor, productive.

GCD move:

Children enter the hall.

Q. Guys, today I invite you to talk about road signs, we can say that we will take you on a journey into the past and get acquainted with the history of road signs, but the guests who are sitting in this hall will go with us, let’s go with them let's say hello(children say hello) .

Q. Before we start the conversation, I would like to read you a letter that Boy Kolya sent us. (The teacher reads the letter) « Dear guys, I found out that today you will talk about road signs. Could you tell me what is the relation to road signs have objects, which I am sending you are a stone, a broken branch and tree bark. I would really like to know what benefits they brought to people in the old days. Help me, please, find out this” (the teacher takes the items: bark, stone, branch)

Q. Guys, do you agree to help Boy Kolya unravel the purpose of these items? (Yes,

(the teacher invites the children to come to the table and look at the objects that the boy sent)

What do you think? way, these items are related to the rules traffic? (children's answers are listened to)

Q. Guys, I like that you tried to reason. But now, I would like to tell you what these objects mean and why people needed them in the old days. (the teacher invites the children to sit on chairs)

The teacher's story about history of road signs: As soon as a person "invented" roads, he needed road signs, for example to indicate routes. To do this, travelers broke branches and made marks on the bark of trees, placed them along roads stones of a certain shape.

Q. Guys, do you think it’s easy for a person to see such signs? (No) Why? (such road signs can be missed, drive by). What do you think, could these signs confuse people? (Yes) Explain why you think so? (because the branch will break, and the person may think that it is road sign and go in the other direction and get lost).

Q. You answered correctly, well done. So people started thinking about how to do signs are more visible. And then people along roads they started erecting statues. (the teacher shows the children sample road sign - statues) And when people learned to write, they began to make inscriptions on stones, most often these were the names of settlements. What is it "settlement"? (this is a city or village where people live)– You are absolutely right.

Q. Then people began to erect tall pillars with eagles on top. Later, the poles began to indicate the distance and the name of the area. Such pillars began to be painted with black and white stripes. Why do you think? (to make it easier to see) That's right, these stripes were visible at any time of the day.

And only many years later, when the first cars appeared, the first road signs: symbols were drawn on a black or blue background with white paint - (The teacher demonstrates image of these signs: "Uneven road» , "Twisted road» , "Crossroads" And "Intersection with the railway Expensive» ).

Guys, what do you think these words meant in the old days? road signs? (listen to the children’s suggestions). Now, guys, I’ll tell you their correct name, and you show it on the easel.

V. Guys, now I suggest you look at these road signs. (the teacher puts modern road signs"Uneven road» , « Dangerous turns» , « Railway moving with a barrier", "The intersection of equivalent roads» ) Who can tell what these are called road signs? How signs old and new times are similar, but what is their difference? (Similar to the one in the center road signs have the same image - symbols, the differences are new signs have a triangular shape, with a red border, very bright color, the name has changed a little). Right.

Guys, to fix the name of these road signs(the teacher points to modern 4 sign) I suggest you collect them from the parts and say their name. ( "Uneven road» , "Dangerous Turns", « Railway moving with a barrier", "Intersection of equivalent roads)

Q. Guys, do you think the quantity has changed? road signs nowadays? why do you think so? (the number has increased road transport there are more rules traffic).

B. Name, what else road signs, You know? (you can invite the children to stand in a circle - answers in a chain.) ("Pedestrian crossing", "No Pedestrians", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Overground pedestrian crossing", "Bicycle track» , "Bus Stop Location", "Tram stop", "Give in the road» , "No entry" etc.)

(Physical minute: Guys, now let's rest a little m:

We walk down the street, follow all the rules and repeat the warm-up movements without hesitations: we turn left, we turn right, there are no cars and the path is open, the pedestrian is already in a hurry! He walks boldly along the zebra crossing and follows all the rules!

Q. Guys, what do you think could happen on the streets of our city if everyone disappears? road signs and traffic lights? (rules will not be followed in the city traffic. Without road signs, traffic lights, constant accidents will occur. If the rules are not followed traffic, then not only cars, but also pedestrians may suffer; pedestrians will not know where to cross the street, and car drivers will not let each other pass).

Q. Guys, I completely agree with you that it is very difficult to live in a city in which there are no road signs, no traffic lights and rules not followed traffic. There can be many accidents and people get hurt large number people.

V. I think it's time to play, boy Kolya sent for you different types traffic lights that he drew, but he can't define: which of them exist, and we can see them on the streets of the city, and which ones he invented himself. (each child completes this task independently)– after completing this task, sheets with traffic lights are placed on magnetic boards, the children explain which traffic lights depicted and exist in reality, and which do not exist)

Q. Guys, you made me happy, you completed this task and were able to determine which traffic lights Kolya drew correctly.

Q. Guys, I suggest you approach the layouts on which city ​​streets are depicted, you need to try to place it correctly road signs and traffic lights. And explain why you made this choice. Guys, please stand around the tables, since you will be able to see the street from any side and you can begin this task.

(children work independently in subgroups, then explain the completed task)

Conclusion: Guys, all people should know road signs and their importance for pedestrians and drivers, follow the rules road movement and take care of your security. Today you showed that road signs are your friends, and we will write a letter to the boy Kolya, but not in words, but with the help of drawings, and your knowledge will help him learn a lot of new things about road signs.

MADOOU combined type kindergarten No. 60 AGO “History of road signs”

The project was completed

Gubanov Andrey and parents


Kopytova Irina Nikolaevna

Teacher 1KK


Now there are many different road signs, but they appeared a long time ago.


I don't know the history of road signs

I have some questions:

1. When did the first road signs appear?

2. How have they changed over time?

3. Were there road signs at a time when there was no transport yet?

4. Do road signs have any benefit?

5. What groups are road signs divided into?

Get acquainted with the history of road signs

1.Find information sources And

2.consider, explore and study

found material;

3. create a presentation based on the selected material;

4.draw conclusions.

Planned result

1. Information sources were found and

materials on the history of road signs;

2. examined, examined and studied the found materials;

3. a presentation has been created based on the selected material;

4. conclusions are drawn;

5. The hypothesis put forward is confirmed;

6. Answers to the questions posed have been found.

  • Got acquainted with the history of road signs

We looked for books that interested us

We studied other sources of information, for example, games.

  • We selected the material via the Internet.

Find out what road signs are installed in your area of ​​residence

Here's what we found out

“The history of road signs”


Road markings in ancient times

The first road signs appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of roads. To mark the route, primitive travelers broke branches and made marks on the bark of trees, and placed stones of a certain shape along the roads.

Painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”. A fairy-tale hero sits on his horse at a crossroads and thinks - where should he go? And information is carved in stone. So this stone can be considered a road sign .

Road sign system in Ancient Rome



Milestones in Russia

Milestones began to be painted with black and white stripes, ensuring better visibility at any time of the day.

Appearance on the roads the first self-propelled crews required fundamental changes in the organization of traffic.

And in 1903, appeared on the streets of Paris first road signs:

Two main systems of road signs in the pre-war years

European, based on the use of symbols

Anglo-American, in which inscriptions were used instead of symbols.

from January 1, 1961, unified traffic rules on the streets of cities, towns and roads of the USSR came into force

Along with the new rules, new road signs were introduced:

Modern groups road signs in Russia

warning signs

signs of special regulations

priority signs

information signs

prohibition signs

service signs

mandatory signs

additional information signs

Warning signs

Warn drivers and pedestrians about the upcoming danger and its nature.

Shape: white triangle with red border.

Priority signs

Determine the order of passage at intersections and narrow sections of the road.

Shape: no specific shape.

Prohibition signs

Prohibit any actions by drivers and pedestrians.

Shape: white circle with a red border.

Mandatory signs

They are prescribed and allowed to move in a certain direction.

Shape: blue circle with white symbol

Information signs

Various traffic conditions are reported.

Shape: rectangle or square with blue, white, yellow or green background..

Signs of special regulations

Introduce or cancel certain traffic modes on the road.

Shape: Basically blue rectangle or square.

Service marks

Inform about the placement of various objects on the roads.

Shape: rectangle with a white background and a wide blue border.

Additional information signs

They help streamline the flow of vehicles or clarify and enhance the effect of signs.

Shape: rectangle with white background (plate)

The first road signs appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of roads.

Road signs are installed on the right side of the road so that all road users can see them at any time of the day.


Traffic Laws!

Each sign has its own shape and color. Various drawings, letters, words are applied to them.

Today, in Russia alone, more than two and a half hundred road signs are used, covering almost all directions of traffic, and the system is constantly developing and improving.

All signs are divided into groups

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of road signs. First of all, they warn about dangers on the road.

We can say that road signs provide maximum safety for drivers and pedestrians, but remember that a lot depends on you.


1. Found information sources and

materials on the history of road signs;

2. examined, examined and studied the found materials;

3. based on the selected material, they created a presentation, which was presented above;

4.drew conclusions (presented in the presentation);

5. found confirmation of the hypothesis;

6. answered the questions asked;

7. We introduced the children in the group to the history of road signs.


Thus, it can be said

What goal achieved– I got acquainted with the history of road signs.

Delivered tasks completed , the planned result has been achieved.

This work

may be of interest to children and adults, can be used in road safety classes

Sources of information

1. “Road Rules” M.; EKSMO, 2014

2. Atlas of roads

3. Children's books and games on traffic rules

4. Internet resources history%20of%20road%20signs& l10n=ru

Slide 1

Travel to the land of road signs

Slide 2

Where did road signs come to us from?

Slide 3

Our ancestors took care of roads even when they rode horses or walked. In the steppe they laid stones and erected pillars, and in the forest they made hems in the trees. Stone or wooden crosses were installed at intersections, chapels were built. Under Peter 1, striped mileposts appeared, i.e. indicated miles. Later, inscriptions began to be made on poles located at intersections about where the “path-road” led. (There were signs indicating)

Slide 4

But with the advent of cars, namely in 1908, an international road congress was held in Paris, where it was established to put up warning and prohibition signs. Road signs are installed on the right side of the road and are used in all countries of the world. Transport drivers without knowledge of the language understand the designation of road signs in any country.

Slide 5

Why do we need road signs?

Slide 6

Road signs are not random on the roads. They tell us what to do in a given situation. They are needed to maintain order on the roads. Therefore, it is prohibited to remove or damage road signs. Intentional damage will result in a fine. Some signs warn of danger, others indicate the direction of movement, others introduce all sorts of prohibitions and contain various information.

Slide 7

All signs are divided into groups:
prohibitory warning information

Slide 8

Prohibiting ones are round with a red border (Association with fire) with a white, and some with a blue background. Warning signs are triangular in shape, with a red border. Prescriptive, i.e. indicating the direction of movement, minimum speed, etc. - blue round. Information and indicative - they have different backgrounds: blue, green, white, yellow. Rectangular, square, hexagonal

Slide 9

Guess the sign
You can often see an interesting road sign near the road. It depicts a boy and a girl running. What does this sign tell us? (……)

Slide 10

The sign tells the driver to “Be careful.” There is a children's facility nearby. A child may appear on the road. The sign is called “Children”

Slide 11

Game “Make a sign” (mosaic)
Very often traffic violators damage road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and name it.

Slide 12

Guess the sign
What if you got off the bus and need to cross to the other side of the street? What sign is this?

Slide 13

Find Dunno’s mistakes as a passenger in the text:
“Dunno went to visit Buratino. He stood at the bus stop for a long time, waiting for his bus, so he couldn’t stand it and began running back and forth along the curb separating the sidewalk from the roadway. When the bus arrived, he took a seat right next to the window, ahead of the old woman. The journey was so interesting that Dunno even stuck his head out the window and looked at the houses he passed.”

Slide 14

Guess the sign
One day a boy and his dad went out of town by car. A settlement appeared ahead. A few tens of meters from the first of the houses, the boy saw a sign - a white circle in the center with the number “40” written. “There are 40 houses in this village,” the boy decided. - How do you know? - asked dad. But it's written on the sign. Is the boy right?

Slide 15

Who is the main commander on the street?
If you don’t know the rules of the road, HE will come to your aid. The solution will help you choose the right one; it will take you across the street. He will explain everything intelligently and efficiently...

Slide 16

Traffic light
Attention, the three-eyed traffic light is staring at you - Green, yellow, red eye.

Slide 17

Traffic light
The red light tells us: Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! Yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. The green light has opened the road: the guys can cross!

Slide 19

The sign is called "Caution Road Work"