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How to help children learn Russian. How to teach foreign children Russian at home How to help your child learn Russian

Knowledge of the native language is given to a child from childhood; he masters it as naturally as he breathes and grows. On the other hand, the Russian language is one of the most difficult school subjects, requiring a lot of work, the source of countless failures and disappointments. To successfully master the Russian language at school, most children require systematic help from adults. Many parents try to provide this kind of help to their children: they repeat the rules with them, arrange home dictations. But this is not enough.

To help children learn the Russian language well, you need to understand what methods of mental work exist, what features of memory and attention lie at the basis of mastering literacy. How to teach a child these methods of mental work, how to develop the necessary types of memory and attention? For this help to be effective, you need to know the reasons that underlie the difficulties experienced by the student. These reasons may not lie at all in the fact that he does not know the rules or writes few dictations. Many children know the rules, but do not know how to apply them. There are often cases when they cope quite well with dictations, but make many mistakes in their presentations and essays. In such cases, additional repetition of rules and writing dictations is not effective enough help.

In order to master the rules of Russian spelling and apply them quickly and accurately, the student must have a number of general skills. One of them is the ability to quickly recall the necessary words, linguistic “memory readiness”. This skill is required at literally every step in Russian language lessons. The spelling of a significant part of unstressed vowels and unpronounceable consonants is associated with a quick (lightning-fast during the writing) mental substitution of the test word. To decide whether the particle not is written together or separately with any word, in most cases you need to quickly select a word in your mind that is close in meaning. If, as you write, you need to identify a root in a word to apply a rule, to do this you need to (again quickly!) remember the words with the same root. The ability to apply rules and test oneself in the writing process largely depends on whether a student can select such words with sufficient speed and accuracy.

Quickly searching for the right words in memory is not at all an easy task. This is not difficult to verify. Try solving a humorous language problem. Remember neuter nouns that end in -zo. How many completely inappropriate words (Crusoe, Caruso), or even simply fantastic ones (watermelon, corn) pop up in your mind before the simple and familiar belly and iron appear.

Can your son or daughter find words in memory with sufficient speed and accuracy? It's easy to check. Ask them to prove that the word striped has two unstressed vowels - o. To do this, you need to select two test words: one with stress on the first syllable, the other with stress on the second (for example, stripes and stripes). How long will this search take? If it is carried out without delay, everything is in order. If a child “reaches into his pocket for a word,” then not everything is in order. In a relatively small dictation (100-110 words) there may be up to 35 cases that require verification by substituting a related word. Long thoughts over each word are impossible, and the child does not have time to carry out all the necessary checks. Therefore, students often make mistakes even in cases where they know the rules well and know how to apply them. The older the student, the more in his written speech he uses words for which it is not at all easy to find a test word, even if not in a hurry: for example, for words common in high school students’ essays such as impression, embodiment, reflection, enjoy, etc.

How can you help your son or daughter quickly find the right words?

Every person's vocabulary can be passive or active. Passive is the understanding of words, active is the ability to use them freely. Already younger schoolchildren passively master the basic vocabulary of the Russian language (except for special terminology). As for active vocabulary, it varies from person to person. A textbook example: the heroine of the famous novel by Ilf and Petrov, the cannibal Ellochka Shchukina, had only thirty-two words in her active vocabulary. The active vocabulary of school-age children is often limited; Often children are lost because they cannot remember and use well-known words at the right time.

Recalling the words necessary to apply a spelling rule, for example, selecting words with the same root, can be much more difficult than using the same words in coherent speech.

In order to make the transition from passive mastery of the vocabulary of one’s native language to active one, to develop the ability to quickly select words both to express one’s thoughts and to solve spelling problems, long, persistent and varied training is required. Let's make a reservation: persistently training a child does not mean systematically forcing or coercing. Coercion never leads to the development of abilities. If you find a way to get your child interested in an activity that trains the desired ability, then this activity can become a hobby, a favorite game, and will have a positive impact on the child’s mental development. Intuitively, children themselves strive for such developmental training. This is evidenced by many widespread children's games.

Children's word games

Children often play “inventing” words: they remember the names of cities by a given letter, the names of animals by the first and last letter, etc. Invite the children to remember words that are read the same from end to beginning and from beginning to end (that, hut, stomp and etc.). On rainy holiday days, you can use a long word to form words from various combinations of letters included in this long word. The wide distribution and amazing vitality of these games, passing from generation to generation, testify to their necessity for the mental development of children: while playing, children train the ability to quickly recall the necessary words according to given characteristics, that is, to actively master their vocabulary.

If these game forms are filled with grammatical content, the benefit will be double; the child will learn to “not go into his pocket for words” when mastering and applying the corresponding rules.

The most common technique - “come up with an example of this rule” - becomes an exciting and pedagogically effective game if the task is modified as follows: “find as many examples as possible.” Such tasks allow you to activate a large array of words in your consciousness and collect around the rule. After such a game, it will be much easier for children to remember these words while writing and mentally correlate them with the desired rule. And most importantly, when performing such tasks, language “memory readiness” is trained - the ability to quickly “give out the needed word.”

The process of searching for words is very exciting: I had to deal with such cases when children, who had come up with and wrote down the required series of words in a notebook, returned to this work a day, two, or a week after completing the task and completed the series with new words that came to mind.

Coming up with word sequences can be very difficult because children do not know in which corners of the vast warehouse of words stored in memory to look for the ones they need. In such cases, a leading question from an adult greatly enlivens the invention, especially if this question directs children into an area of ​​reality that is interesting to them. For example, if you ask children to come up with a number of words with combinations in which a soft sign is not written (nch, chn, chk, nsch, etc.), then after the well-known concreter, deceiver, mason and nurse, the children will quickly run out of steam. The required range of words will increase noticeably if you advise: “Remember what the different types of jam and ice cream are called.”

The task “Name complex nouns that are written with a hyphen” will lead to sluggish recall of two or three words like sofa-bed or bakery-confectionery. The same task with the addition of “address” (look for such words in Russian folk tales) will give a whole clip of words like: invisible hat, self-assembled tablecloth, flying carpet, running boots, etc.

Let's force the memory to work hard to find the right word. The techniques here are very diverse - these are games, riddles, charades, crosswords, anagrams, metagrams, loggriffs, various kinds of answers to questions, selection of words with similar or opposite meanings, etc. In any case, remembering, inventing, guessing, or in some other way “getting” the right word is much more useful than writing the word down under dictation or copying it from a book, inserting the missing spelling.

Examples of game tasks that require “getting” the right word.

Guess which words are missing in the following sentences. Write down these words and explain why some are written -an-, -yan-, and others -ann-, -yann-.

1) The hare had a bast hut, and the fox...

(Answer: icy.)

2) Andersen wrote a fairy tale about a persistent... soldier.

(Answer: tin.)

3) There lived a cockerel, a golden comb, ... a little head, a silken beard.

(Answer: Shrovetide.)

For these adjectives, select antonyms (words with opposite meanings) that contain a fundamentally unpronounceable consonant sound. Explain the spelling of unpronounceable consonants in these words: written speech, clear weather, cheerful song, sad news.

(Answers: spoken word, inclement weather, sad song, good news.)

For these words, select synonyms containing a double consonant in the root:

Sick leave (answer: bulletin).

Asphalt road (answer: highway).

Explanation, interpretation of some text (answer: commentary).

Of great importance is the early acquaintance of students with various types of dictionaries, especially explanatory ones. It would be good if such dictionaries are available at home. Acquaintance with the spelling dictionary can be accompanied by the game: “Who is faster?” To do this, parents read any words from the dictionary that begin with different letters, and the student finds this word, writes it in a notebook, pronounces it several times, and underlines the difficult spelling (game for time). With the words you find, offer to compose a phrase or sentence, and if you have time and desire, you can try to compose a story together, including several selected words. It is first important to find out the lexical meaning of all words

The thematic classification of words gives a good result in working with difficult spellings. 15 game “Who knows more words?” Children independently select words, distribute them into columns and name the topic - the column heading. Words can be selected on the following topics: “Theater”, “Zoo”, “Minerals”, “Sea animals”, “Station”, “Shop”, etc.

The sad certainty that the rules do not help lives in the minds of a huge number of schoolchildren. The path from knowing the rules to error-free writing contains many difficulties and obstacles. So that you can help your child overcome them, let's figure out what they are. One of these difficulties is... that students who know a specific rule may lack the general skills needed to apply it.

What are general skills?

First of all, the ability to distinguish parts of speech, that is, the ability, firstly, not to confuse them with each other, and secondly, to highlight them in the general flow of text. Without this skill, any theoretical knowledge will remain a dead weight, since each rule is “targeted” at a specific part of speech. Thus, the overwhelming majority of schoolchildren know very well that the participle phrase must be highlighted on both sides with commas, but does not do this either because they confuse the participles with other parts of speech, or because they generally “do not recognize them when they meet”, do not notice them presence in the text. Therefore, the ability to distinguish parts of speech is one of the most important prerequisites for the correct application of the rules.

The second general skill necessary for competent writing is the ability to understand the forms of words and their grammatical features. Thus, by confusing cases, declensions, and gender of nouns, students cannot successfully apply the rules associated with the spelling of case endings.

The third important skill is the ability to “see” the composition of a word, that is, to very quickly identify prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings in words. Rules most often apply not to words in general, but to their parts. Moreover, sometimes the same spelling problem (for example, what is written after ц: и or ы?) has one solution for the root and a completely different one for the ending. Therefore, by confusing parts of a word (and this happens very often!), children will not be able to apply even well-known rules.

The fourth skill necessary for competent writing is the ability to analyze the sounds of Russian speech: distinguish between voiceless and voiced consonants, highlight sibilants, etc. Without this skill it is impossible to apply a number of rules.

Another skill, without which knowledge of any grammatical rule is fruitless, is the ability to see where it needs to be applied, a kind of spelling and punctuation vigilance. Without such vigilance, for example, students who know the rules for checking dubious vowels and know how to check them make mistakes because they do not see where such checking is necessary.

So, in order to apply a rule, a number of general skills are needed: the ability to distinguish parts of speech, grammatical features of words, parts of words, sounds of Russian speech, as well as the ability to see “dangerous places” when writing that require the application of rules. The development of these skills must be done throughout the entire course of study: nothing can be “passed” in one or two days. Just as an athlete striving for a high level of skill performs various types of physical exercises every day, so a schoolchild striving to become literate must not only systematically “go through” the current educational material, but also constantly practice to develop all of the listed skills.

This article is addressed primarily to bilingual families where one of the parents is a native speaker of Russian or speaks it at a certain conversational level. Have you had a child and would you like to introduce him to the national culture through teaching Russian speech?

Of course, you need to take into account the important factor of your location - whether you are in Russia or not. Let's focus on a more complex option - you are abroad, which means you do not have the opportunity to create a natural language environment for your child.

The principles of learning a foreign language are different for children and adults. An adult approaches this issue consciously, but a child – unconsciously. For an adult, learning a language is a means to achieve a goal (building a career, education, going to another country to start a family, etc.). For a child, it is simply a means of communication with others and satisfaction of the growing cognitive process.

By the way, the most optimal time for developing foreign linguistic skills is up to 10 years. The younger you are, the simpler and easier it is to assimilate everything new. It has been proven that children from 0 to 6 years old are able to absorb as much incoming information as it would take an adult 60 years to do.

  1. Surround your child with Russian speech– communicate in Russian (the way you talk to him every day, i.e. explain your actions with words - “I wash my face”, “I brush my teeth”, “I drink milk”, “I eat porridge”) and try to communicate translation to a minimum;
  2. Read Russian tales, turn on cartoons, show fairy tales using toys with the obligatory participation of the children themselves, listen children's songs and audiobooks, will also help Internet resources with games;
  3. And of course, play, play, once again play! For a child, the main type of learning activity is play. Would you like to name fruits and vegetables? Organize a joint trip to the supermarket for the necessary products, and then set up a toy store at home where your baby will buy from you or sell you his favorite apples or carrots.
  4. Once your son or daughter begins to understand you and is able to answer you in small phrases, it’s time to move on to alphabet And display of clarity with a short description text. The main thing, remember, no theory! Everything should be easy and relaxed. Avoid difficult words like “exception words.” You won’t explain to your child that the word “friend” in the plural has the form “friends” and you just need to remember it. Your child, at a minimum, will not understand you, and at most, will not want to continue this activity. It would be easier to say, for example, that there are magic words that like to act up when there are a lot of them.
In fact, these recommendations will also be useful if the child is a native Russian speaker and goes to emigrate with his parents. The only difference is not to master the language, but to make an effort not to forget it!

Methodical advice


from a Russian language teacher

and literature

“How to help your child study well”

Almost all preschoolers want to go to school. They want to study, work, and do homework. But many parents know from their own experience that over time, interest in learning disappears. Why is this happening?

One of the significant reasons is that every year it takes more and more effort to complete all school assignments. Most children cope with increasing demands. Some people have knowledge gaps. Still others have no success, although they try. Having noticed the first warning signs, parents should immediately consult with the teacher what to do. If the backlog grows, children, due to failures, lose interest in learning and interest in school in general. When such learning difficulties arise, it is very important to create an atmosphere of optimism at home. You need to tell the child: “You can handle it.” And together with him think about how to better master the material. This is much more useful than scolding him for bad grades. However, it may be necessary to take specific measures:

Review the basics of the subject,

Fill knowledge gaps.

Most children experience joy from overcoming difficulties, a feeling of satisfaction that they have done it. There is no need to constantly scold your child for his failures. It is necessary to help him cope with the program, and the school requirements are such that any healthy child, with some diligence, can fulfill them. Of course, I would like the child to be able to develop as much of his abilities as possible at school. But still, there will always be children who, despite all their desire and effort, do not become the best students in the class. Remember, they are no worse than their peers. Their abilities and talents probably lie in areas that school studies simply do not touch. What should you, parents, do? Under no circumstances should you place excessive demands on children. For the proper development of a child, both an overly inflated and underestimated level of aspirations is detrimental. An overestimated level suppresses and extinguishes the natural curiosity of children, and an underestimated level does not stimulate their development. And if we take into account the emotional state of children, then in both cases children experience discomfort, they develop a feeling of anxiety, self-doubt, and parental love. Therefore, together with teachers, we need to try to determine in which areas children could achieve more, and help them establish themselves in this field. We must praise for every even modest success: “Today there are already six mistakes, not eight.” If such children completely lose interest in learning and become stubborn, then mostly because no one noticed or appreciated their small successes, the backlog was not eliminated in time, and they were constantly reproached for their failures. They feel uncomfortable at school, even if the teachers are attentive to them, compare themselves with their classmates, and they feel that because of their poor performance they are less respected. Parents need to find all the ways to assert themselves. Parents always have the opportunity to convince their children that the knowledge gained at school will always be useful at home, in adulthood. Children realize the necessity and usefulness of learning. At home, any academic success should be given credit. Our patience, kindness, and attention will each time again inspire the trust of children. In order for family relationships to be a stimulus for learning, you must think: how to create an atmosphere in the family that is favorable for a child’s learning, full of optimism, patience, but at the same time, consistent demands? How to help your child study well?

Parental assistance comes in three directions:

1. Parents organize the daily routine.

2. Check homework.

3. They teach you to be independent.

Tips on daily routine.

Maintaining a daily routine at any school age helps the child cope with the academic load.

Sometimes children tend to come home from school and immediately sit down to their lessons. Some parents encourage this desire. In children, this desire is caused by their inability to switch from one type of activity to another. The correct daily routine requires that the child rest after school. The daily routine requires children to be outdoors.

Tips for checking homework completion.

First of all, at all stages of a child’s education at school, it is necessary to keep track of homework entries in the diary. Then, through inattention, the child will not forget to complete all the tasks. And it will be easy for you to control your homework.

1. Look in your diary to see what is assigned.

2. After this, check for homework in your notebook. If the task had to be completed orally, ask questions about this material; supporting questions can be found after the paragraph or text. In grades 5-6, check the correct execution. Gradually teach your child to be independent; check homework not every day. But this can only be done when the child is ready for it.

How to do homework in Russian.

1. Read the task in your diary.

2. Read the rule, remember it.

3. Read the assignment for the exercise.

4. First, complete the written assignments, do not forget to graphically highlight the spelling patterns in words with missing letters.

5. Check if the exercise contains additional tasks (word analysis, sentences...). If necessary, complete these analyzes in writing in your notebook after the text of the exercise.

6. Answer the questions for the exercise orally.

7. Work on your mistakes.

8. Open the flyleaf of the textbook and repeat all the studied spellings and punctograms.

I wish you good luck and patience!!!

Family education. How to study Russian?

Read also:
"Round table" on the problems of teaching the Russian language in family schools(recordings of webinars with the participation of parents, teachers, textbook authors and psychologists)

This material will focus on homeschooling a child. Not about forced home schooling due to illness, when a school teacher comes to the student, but about family education, chosen deliberately by the parents. In this case, the family tries on its own to give the child the best education, avoiding all the disadvantages of a regular school. But, as you know, the best is the enemy of the good. Having gained freedom, some mothers and fathers cannot cope with the tasks of school themselves. Therefore, we take the liberty of giving some advice to parents who have embarked on such a difficult path.

So, you have chosen family education, and the question immediately arose before you: what to do with the Russian language? Which benefits should I choose? What methods will allow you to quickly (and preferably without boredom) teach your child to write correctly? How much time to devote to the subject? And in general, where is the best place to give a child, as opposed to a public school?

The fact is that even the worst school with an insane teacher loads children with a sufficiently large number of different exercises to improve their literacy. Quantity, according to the law of dialectics, turns into quality. If a student does not listen or understand the teacher's explanation, but sometimes copies something, he will still gradually remember the words. Your main task is not in the most successful explanation of the rules (although this is important), not in inventing entertaining exercises, not in conducting team games and quizzes, but in organizing a routine. Russian cannot be learned, like history, literature and even physics, by arranging bright lessons. Developing a skill involves methodical, rather tedious, painstaking work over several years. Competent writing is based not so much on knowledge as on motor skills. Just as an athlete, achieving automaticity, punches a punching bag every day, or practices a tennis shot, or swims for several kilometers, so your child must perform mandatory exercises. So, first of all, this must be comprehended and accepted, tune in to classes for an hour a day with weekly immersions in the subject several times a year.

The second thing to do: develop it or take it from someone (or even from us) a strict strategic plan and approximate structure of each Russian language lesson. Otherwise, you will get carried away by an interesting topic and miss something. And in general, having a structure, you can easily enter a strict training regime. Below I will tell you what must be included in this plan. Lesson books are not suitable for schools. So you will slide back to what you are moving away from, only the execution may turn out to be worse.

Third. We need to decide who exactly will teach the child Russian?. If you have never done this, i.e. You’ve never taught anyone Russian, so don’t try it yourself. Team up with other parents, hire specialists. At least once a week a philologist should work with the child to monitor the process. Test your own literacy: write an online dictation or ask a teacher you know to teach you according to the rules. Start studying Russian with your child if you are convinced that you won’t make mistakes yourself. If the child is 6 - 8 years old, be sure to visit a speech therapist to make sure that there are no pathologies that will interfere with learning to read and write. If problems are discovered, classes will first need to be entrusted to a speech therapist.

We hope you have thought it through, taken responsibility and prepared for the routine work. Now to the point.

We fully share your aspirations. Indeed, effective methods have long been developed to quickly improve literacy, but have not taken root in schools. Such is the fate of spelling reading. Totsky proved its usefulness, people defended their dissertations, but the method is not used in schools, because the program does not provide time for this, there are no texts, textbooks would have to be changed, etc. At webinars, we teach teachers to conduct literacy training, but only a private school can afford to organize such training, because in a regular secondary school it is impossible for a group of 10-12 people to cancel all other subjects for 7-10 days. It is impossible to allocate a second teacher for such a group who will assist the training leader.

Here are some effective methods, techniques and approaches that are not used or hardly used in a regular school, but can be used in home schooling and family schools:

  • spelling reading,
  • memorization by ear,
  • coloring words,
  • competition in small groups,
  • studying the rules as a whole, and not in parts scattered across quarters and academic years,
  • prevention and correction of dysgraphia using special exercises that are not in school textbooks,
  • individual work with computer simulators (and they are very effective),
  • literacy trainings (with immersion in the subject).

Among other things, family education provides the notorious individual approach. You do not have to strictly adhere to the program, you can change topics, keep a pace that is convenient for the child: do not abandon a topic just because the hours allotted for it have expired, if the topic has not been mastered, and do not waste time if the child has quickly mastered the topic.

And one more plus. The disadvantages of the modern school curriculum can be avoided. You can work proactively, offering material in the background that will be studied later. You can combine light topics on lexicology and devote a game, competition, holiday to them, and spend the gained time on training. You can spend more time developing your speech. In general, a lot of things are possible. As long as you understand what you are doing and why.

Studying the Russian language includes writing, working with spelling, punctuation, speech culture, studying language theory and developing written speech.

Work in these areas should be based on three pillars: cognitive abilities, motivation and vocabulary. You must build a logic of work in each area and take into account the overall strategy in each lesson.

Studying Russian in a family school

Goals Tasks Basic methods and types of work Recommended Benefits
Teaching writing
  • Learning to write on paper
  • Computer typing training
Working with copybooks.

Working with keyboard trainers.

Soboleva O.L., Agafonov V.V. Cosmic recipes, or Journey to the star Alpha Vita

Formation of competent writing skills (spelling)
  • Vocabulary work
  • Learning spelling rules
  • Repetition of learned rules
  • Working ahead
  • (formation of abilities at the reflex level to notice unfamiliar words, read words spelling, work with errors)
Studying the rules according to plan (grid of studying the rules by class).

Orthographic reading (see What is orthographic reading and how does it work)

Memorizing words using all types of memory (see Sensory-motor methods for learning spelling)


Visual dictations

Highlighting words with a marker (see Three simple exercises that will help you quickly improve your literacy)

Working with neologisms and unfamiliar words that are new to the child (see Modern strategy for learning spelling)

Working with computer simulators.

Commentary letter.

Memorizing lists of words per rule.

"Insert letter" type tasks.

Performing exercises from standard textbooks.

Course Spelling without rules (intensive work with vocabulary words, development of cognitive abilities)

Primary School

In advanced cases:
Kozhevnikova D.V. Kozhevnikov P.V. Home speech therapist. St. Petersburg 2009

Zegebart G.M. Learning without pain. Unstressed vowels. Correction of dysgraphia. Working materials for grades 2, 3, 4. M. 2010

Zegebart G.M. Learning without pain. Untestable vowels. Correction of dysgraphia. M. 2010

Paramonova L.G. An easy way to become literate. M. 2009

For current work with normal performance:
Soboleva O.L. Russian language. Textbooks for four-year primary schools. 14
Interview with Olga Soboleva about the methodology of teaching the Russian language

Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. 300,000 educational examples and tasks in the Russian language. Super training. 1 – 4 grades. M. 2012

I.T. Fedorenko Complex of visual dictations. Harkov city

Increased difficulty level:

Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V., Russian language. A set of textbooks and workbooks for primary school. 2002.

Olga Soboleva: Magic draft. Slave. notebook for school "Russian language". (slight advance)

Middle and high school

To repeat:
Akhremenkova L.A. To get an A grade step by step or 50 lessons with a tutor. Russian language. Collections for grades 5, 6, 7, 8. M.

For normal level:

Tkachenko N.G. Russian grammar tests. Part 1. M., 2010 or other publications.

Shtol A. A. Russian language for high school students in tables. Novosibirsk, 2007

Zherdeeva L.A. Russian language in secondary school. Task cards. Novosibirsk 2010. Collections for grades 5, 6, 7, 8.

Velikova L.V. Russian language for high school students and applicants in 2 books.

Velikova L.V. Russian language. Navigator for high school students and applicants.

For in-depth study:

I.I. Baklanova. Thematic tests on Russian spelling and punctuation. M. 2010

T.I. Surikov. Russian language. Repeat course.M. Publishing House "Alfa-M"

Workbooks by Bogdanova G.A.

Forming the skill of setting punctuation marks
  • Learning syntax
  • Studying punctuation and developing punctuation skills


Punctuation analysis


Gromov S.A. Practical literacy course for high school students and applicants. M. 2012

Gromov S.A. Collection of exercises and dictations. M. 2012

Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B. Russian language. Spelling, punctuation. M., 1997 or later editions.

Tkachenko N.G. 300 dictations for applicants to universities. M., 2006.

Tkachenko N.G. Russian grammar tests. Part 2. M., 2010 or other publications.



Essay-argument on literature

Primary School

Yesenina S.A. How to teach your child to write essays. Collections for grades 2, 3, 4. M. 2008

Middle and high school

Rosenthal D.E. Golub I.B. Russian language. Excellent essays and exams. Stylistics and culture of speech. M., 2005.

Poltavets E.Yu. How to write an essay M., 1999.

Studying language theory (for exams)
  • Study of lexicology
  • Study of morphology
  • Studying the history of language
Course Preparation for the Unified State Exam (webinars and exercises)

Polygalova N., Sorokina M. Russian language. A guide for systematizing knowledge and preparing for exams. (tables according to Shatalov)

Basic skills and cognitive abilities Motivation Development of oral speech and expansion of vocabulary


work of the brain hemispheres

Reading technique

Fine motor skills

Logical thinking

Creating situations that prove the need for writing in general and competent writing in particular
(organizing paper correspondence, publishing newspapers and magazines, blogging, speaking at student conferences).

Forming interest in philological sciences through research activities, games, visiting theaters, etc.

Expansion of the conceptual apparatus through activity.

Discussion of unclear words encountered in different situations.

Development of coherent oral speech.

The Pareto principle states: 20% of effort produces 80% of results and vice versa. This principle applies to every area of ​​life.

Including teaching children.

But first, let's remember what literacy is?

Literacy is the level of knowledge and skills in a particular area, as well as the ability to apply them in practice.

In the modern world of information technology and ubiquitous messages, this is a person’s calling card.

How to improve a child's literacy? In fact, it's easier than it might seem. We offer a selection of effective exercises to improve literacy.

Exercise “Find and correct errors”

The child is presented with a text that contains spelling or punctuation errors. You can write the text yourself, by hand.
A simplified option is to indicate the number of errors on each line.
A more difficult option is to indicate the total number of errors in the text.
The difficult level is not to indicate the number of errors.

At one time, this is exactly how I think I learned Russian. My mother, a primary school teacher, always brought home stacks of notebooks.

She gave a sample (sometimes without it) and said: “Check it, daughter.”

I sat every day for several hours, playing teacher. By the way, my mother gave me a red pen, and I simply squealed with delight.

And now there are texts with errors prepared in notebooks, and the boys are already correcting them with blue paste.

Good assignments and texts.
Right in the notebook there are such important exercises for children as “find and correct mistakes”

You can improve your literacy using the “Funnel” effective teaching technique.

It makes it easy to remove mistakes in dictionary words.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • Read to your child the vocabulary words indicated at the end of the textbook. You name a word, the child either writes it or pronounces it syllable by syllable.
  • If the child pronounced the word correctly, without hesitation or hesitation, you move on to the next word.
  • If the child hesitated, doubted or answered incorrectly, you put a tick next to the corresponding word.

This will help you spot errors or potential errors.

For example, the son of one of the SHUD participants managed to detect 59 errors out of 300 words.

After this word, you need to run the words through the “Funnel” and remember the correct spelling, taking into account the use of effective learning techniques. How to do it? In the video

Over the course of a week, Marina reduced the child’s mistakes to zero.

2) There were 59 vocabulary words out of 300 with an error, we did it as Renata taught. A week later - 0 errors))))))))
Once again Thank you from our entire family!

A great way to improve literacy is to let your child read dictation texts aloud.

My children read dictations 1-2 times a week.

You can buy a collection of dictations for the appropriate class, or download it. It is important to read the texts out loud for 10 minutes, pronouncing each word clearly. Each text is read three times.

With such preparation, very soon the child will show better results in the Russian language.

A surefire way to improve literacy is to enroll your child in the “Literate Child in 30 Days” literacy course for students in grades 2-6

To be honest, the course was born for a reason.
We currently have about three hundred children aged from 6 to 16 studying with us.
Every day we receive answers to missions and assignments for English courses, the school of special agents, and the club of genius children.

We see many children making very similar mistakes.
And we see that there are many mistakes.

Children do not know vocabulary words, have not mastered spelling, and do not know how to apply the rules of the Russian language.

In this regard, the “Learning with Pleasure” team had a request: to develop a program that is aimed at improving children’s literacy.

For two months, the training was being developed and assignments were recorded. Lyubov Strekalovskaya, teacher at the School of Smart Children, and Renata Kirilina, an expert in effective teaching and speech pathologist, took part in the creation of the course.

In the process of creating the course, it was decided to add a game moment to it and go with the children to the planet RYAZ to visit the city of Spelling, on Punctuation Street, visit the alley of Dictionary Words and many other places.

During the learning process, every day the children will receive two videos: a lesson-journey (where the rule/spelling is explained and analyzed) and a mission that they will need to complete (complete the task).

Progress in the process of children completing tasks will be from the first lessons.

If you want your child, at the end of the school year, to go with us on an incredible journey to the country of “Ryaz”, to remember spelling patterns and learn to write without errors, or with a minimum number of them, sign up right now.

The program starts on April 8.
Number of classes - 30 days.
The materials will remain on record for course participants for life.

We accept children from 2nd to 6th grade.

Important! If your child has a persistent dislike for the Russian language and is completely lacking motivation and interest in learning, help him with this course. Do tasks together, watch videos, travel, draw maps of the planet and don’t leave your child alone!

If you are unable to help your child complete the course, then take a package with a “curator”, where your child will be helped by experts in effective learning.

For speech therapy diagnoses (dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyslexia), for the best effect, it is advisable to take the course twice, and also to automate skills, continue to work on the course materials.