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What is the longest night of the year? The longest and shortest night of the year. Winter solstice is a time of miracles! General information from history

The celebration of the winter solstice (December 21) and the summer solstice are the most ancient of the Slavic rituals. After the winter solstice - the “birth of a new sun” - daylight gradually begins to lengthen and night darkness begins to shorten.

Winter Solstice Day, December 21-22, is the day of the longest night. The longest night of the year and the shortest day.

A magical time for us women to use the winter solstice to attract change, new energy, abilities and opportunities into our lives. This day is perfect for meditation, for rituals related to the energy of water, as well as for new beginnings. You have the opportunity to radically change your personal life, achieve success in your career, improve your financial well-being, etc.

Rituals and magical actions on the Solstice

We carry out a ritual for health, decorate a Christmas tree for prosperity, an amulet to attract money and a talisman for the whole family from evil forces.
To carry out the rituals, you need to prepare in advance by purchasing everything you need. The three days before and three days after are the most magical. Take advantage of them.

If the disease, despite all the efforts of the doctors, does not go away, try to resort to the ancient magical method of “tying up” the disease.
The ritual is performed on the waning moon. We have time, this month the New Moon is December 29 at 9:53.

You will need a cord made of natural fiber, preferably undyed. Hold the cord as close as possible to the part of the body where the disease is located, and begin tying knots - one on top of the other, so that one large knot is formed.

At the same time, read the plot:

I tie the disease into a knot,
I tie the disease into a knot,
I tie the disease in a knot,
I drive the disease into a knot,
I tie the disease into a knot,
I attach the disease to the knot.
Illness in the node is health in me.
Let it be so.

You should read so that there is a knot for each line.
Next, the cord should be buried in the ground, saying: “The rope will rot - health will come!”
If burying something is difficult, put the cord in a flower pot, cover it with soil, and take it out of the house. It is very important to carry the pot across the intersection and leave it there. You must leave silently, without looking back. Don't say a word until you cross the threshold of your home.

At the time when something new is born, all knots must be untied, all shackles removed. Remember this - those who celebrate should be light and free from attachments and fixations that have accumulated throughout the year.

Decorating a Christmas tree or evergreen tree

An important holiday tradition is the decoration of an evergreen tree. Among the decorations there is always the Sun and the Moon, symbols of God and Goddess, daylight and nightlight.

Stars (on threads or clips) surround the tree with twinkling and the tree seems to float in the darkness between worlds, becoming a symbol of the World Tree.

As a sign of connection with generations of ancestors and descendants, as a symbol of the souls of the celebrating family, angels or other winged figures are hung on the tree. Let’s not forget about the fairies gathering on the branches.

Small gift packages and traditional glass balls are symbols of our wishes that we make on the longest night. Toys in the form of a cornucopia or a bunch of grapes are the key to a home—a full cup and full cups that are drunk to the glory of the gods and spirits at night.

Welfare Ritual

Decorate the Christmas tree with golden pine cones and green and red Christmas tree garlands and rain. Buy a large red candle in advance.

Prepare dinner for the whole family, it should include meat and vegetable dishes and bread. When you cook, be sure to stir each dish 13 times clockwise according to the old tradition for natural growth.

Place green and red candles in the room where you will have dinner and light them, and turn off the electric lights. Place a red candle in the center of the table and place 9 nuts, raisins, sunflower seeds and coins around it to symbolize the gifts of the earth, the small particles of the earth and the metals of the earth.

Blow out all the candles one by one and welcome the darkness to be conquered by the light.

- In the darkness I am in the womb of mother earth, whose gifts surround the New Year's candle, signifying the cycle of beginning and end, death and birth, for everything there is a time and a season, decrease before growth, loss before increase, lack before abundance.

Think quietly in the dark, allowing images of the future to arise in your thoughts. When you are ready, say:

- The light returns and with it life. The sun has not died, it has only fallen asleep and will be born again with mother earth, as I light this flame.

Light the red candle and from it relight all the other candles, alternately saying: Light from light, life from life, may our well-being grow.

Eat a few nuts, raisins and seeds to increase wealth in your life. Tell:

- I take strength from mother earth in the growing light of the sun and believe in the growth of my well-being.

While in the candlelight, let optimism fill your soul.

Believe in your future, just as the ancient people firmly believed that after winter, spring will come, and the sun and warmth will return. Eat your dinner with the whole family by candlelight.

Amulet for a year

We do it on the night of December 21-22. On the longest night of the year - before the winter solstice. To do this, you need to gather your whole family at a set table.

The table should be set so that there is no longer any need to bring and place new dishes, tea, cake - everything should be there at once.
You must sit down at the table at any time, from sunset to 22:55.

Scoop up snow into a beautiful clay, metal or crystal bowl just before sitting down at the table. In this dish we put any items that will act as amulets for each of your loved ones: rings, bracelets, beads, etc. We also put pre-prepared rowan and pine sprigs into the dishes. We light a white candle and place it in the snow in this container. You can strengthen it at the bottom with plasticine in advance.

A couple of moments before the candle touches the water, take your object and dry it in your hands or press it to your body. Then those who live in this house walk around the house clockwise 3 times. Walk around inside. The amulet is ready for everyone. Your home is protected from evil forces.

These amulets will protect you, your loved ones and your home throughout the year.
Pour the melt water over the threshold. Those who live in the entrances pour water over the threshold of the entrance.

On the day of the winter solstice, make an amulet to attract money.

You will need: 9 coins, 6 small green candles with a wide base, a tray made of copper or any other shiny metal, dry basil, a piece of green silk.

Create a circle of green candles on a tray and place 9 coins inside the circle. Light the candles, starting from the north, saying:

- From this day on, the day comes, pouring rain on my money. With sunshine let wealth come!

Leaving the coins in the center, move the candles so that they are almost touching and the wax drips onto the coins. Let the candles burn out completely. Once the wax has hardened, cut out a disk with coins inside and sprinkle it with dry basil to attract wealth. Leave the amulet where the light will fall on it for one day and one night, then wrap it in green silk and hide it where you keep your documents.

Good luck to you, love and fulfillment of desires!

December 21 is the winter solstice, after which astronomical winter will begin in the Northern Hemisphere. This day is considered the shortest of the year, so the night from December 21 to 22 will be the longest.

01 What is the winter solstice and when does it occur?

The winter solstice is an astronomical event when the Earth is tilted at its maximum distance from the Sun. On the day of the winter solstice, astronomical winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet. In 2017, the winter solstice will occur on December 21 at 19.28 Moscow time. After it, the day will gradually increase, and the night will decrease.

According to astronomers, on this day the Sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest, describing the shortest arc in the sky. Over the capital of Russia, the Sun will rise above the horizon at 8.57 and set at 15.58 Moscow time, the duration of daylight will be 7 hours. For example, on the day of the summer solstice, June 22, daylight in Moscow lasts 17 hours and 34 minutes, writes RIA Novosti.

On the day of the winter solstice, the height of the Sun above the horizon at noon will be 11 degrees. It is reported that on December 21 at noon you can observe the lowest position of the Sun above the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

03 How was this day “celebrated” in ancient times?

In Rus', a special ritual was associated with this day. The Kremlin bell ringer, who was responsible for striking the chimes, came to bow to the Tsar. He announced that the Sun had turned towards summer: the day was increasing and the night was decreasing. On frosty days, our ancestors gave each other gifts, went to caroling, jumped over the fire, and danced in circles.

04 What beliefs are associated with this day?

The winter solstice was used to judge the future harvest. If there is frost on the trees, it means there will be a rich harvest. In Rus' they said: “At the winter solstice, the bear in the den turns over - from one side to the other,” and also “By the bear’s will, the cold winter continues: the bear in the den turns on the other side - winter has half the way to spring.”

The spring equinox is a unique natural phenomenon when in all countries day is almost equal to night.

In 2017, the spring equinox was March 20. On this day, the Earth, rotating around its axis, was in such a position in relation to the star that the sun's rays fell vertically on the equator. During this phenomenon, the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern.

The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the respective seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year, which practically coincides with the duration of a regular year. These two phenomena should be distinguished from the winter and summer solstices: the first indicates the beginning of astronomical winter, and the second - astronomical summer. During the summer solstice, people experience long days and short nights.

From the memoirs of Larisa Kostoeva (widow of Akhmed-Bashir Alievich Kostoev, police lieutenant, detective officer of the Nazran District Department of Internal Affairs).

It was a black date not only for me and my family, but also for the entire people,” recalls Larisa Kostoeva. - There was grief among the people. I understood that I had lost my husband, the father of the family, but my mind did not want to come to terms with it. Everything was as if in a fog. Then came the long, painful days. The younger children all the time had to make up stories about how dad went on a business trip. They talked to him on the phone, and at the other end of the line there were first relatives, and then there was complete silence. The connection is bad, I told them. And so on for five years. Then somehow everything resolved itself.

Early in the morning of June 22, Gazi-Magomed Kostoev went out with other people, no matter how cruel it may sound, to collect corpses, it is simply impossible to put it differently. Someone approached him and said that a certain Kostoev was identified among the dead. At that moment, he could not even think that it could be his brother - Akhmed-Bashir Kostoev. At night, after the shots started, he sent his son Magomed to the neighboring village of Gazi-Yurt, on horseback through the fields, with a categorical demand not to leave the house under any circumstances. Although he knew that his brother was on vacation. In any other case, Ahmed-Bashir would not have disobeyed his older brother. But this case was special.

“My friends are being shot like ducks,” he told his neighbor, who literally blocked his way by standing in front of the car. “How am I going to sit at home and then look people in the eye?”

He left. At the Ekazhevo circle, the car was stopped by militants. Ahmed-Bashir recognized them as acquaintances, just as they recognized him. Someone offered to have mercy and let him go in peace, but for greater cynicism, for self-affirmation, or simply because they were non-humans, they demanded that he beg for mercy on his knees.

Having heard in response that he would not bend his knees to the vile scoundrels, the militants decided to carry out the voiced proposal by force. They began to twist his arms. But they couldn’t cope with him - Ahmed-Bashir was a strong guy. The marks of the red bracelets remained on his wrists. Then they shot him in the knees. In order not to fall to his knees in front of them, Akhmed-Bashir, overcoming the pain, fell on his side. In the morning he was found with a broken head. The details of the murder were later told during the investigation by one of the militants who was present at the execution.

Akhmed-Bashir was born on May 5, 1968 in the village of Gazi-Yurt, Nazran district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He worked in the internal affairs bodies since April 1994.

People often ask me how I survived all this,” says Larisa. - I answer them that the Almighty helped, people helped, the children distracted, the mother-in-law was nearby. She was 82 years old at that time. It was hard to look at a mother who had lost her son. So I hid my grief deeper and continued to live for the sake of those who now needed my support. These are the daughter Zareta, who was ten years old, eight-year-old Chava, seven-year-old Eset and the only son Adam, who at that time had just turned two years old. The youngest Khadi was born after the death of her husband.

Time has passed since then. It erases the pain, but does not erase the memory. The eldest daughters remember their father, they remember the day of his funeral and the general national grief. Adam is almost 16 years old. He is preparing to enter one of the secondary specialized institutions in Ingushetia. He cannot go far from his homeland, he must always be close here, with his mother and sisters. Grandmother has been dead for more than five years. Zareta, Chava and Eset have already started their own families.

From the memoirs of Fatima Torshkhoeva (widow of Major of Justice, senior investigator of the Investigative Department at the Nazran District Department of Internal Affairs, Dzhabrail Akhmetovich Torshkhoev).

It was an unusually beautiful moonlit night, and it did not foretell anything bad,” Fatima recalls her story. “The day before, my husband spent the night on duty, and the next day we intended to start renovating the bathroom. We went to our relatives to negotiate with the workers. We stayed with them until late. When we were about to leave, we saw a bright young moon in the sky. “We need to look at her through the money,” said Zarema, who was seeing us off, “then there will be prosperity and well-being in the family.” And Dzhabrail took out a bill, looked through it at the moon and exclaimed: “Long live freedom!”

Two hours later he was gone.

Dzhabrail and Fatima lived in the Center-Kamaz area. When they returned home, there was an ambulance at the gate. As it turned out, my grandmother’s blood pressure had risen. When everything calmed down and the grandmother fell asleep, Fatima went to put the youngest Ilez to bed, he had just turned two and a half years old. Dzhabrail bathed his daughter Milana, he loved to do it himself, laid her down next to her mother and hurriedly went out, taking a warm jacket with him. He wore jackets to hide his service weapon, so Fatima was alarmed. She ran out after him and only now heard shots. No matter how hard Fatima tried to stop her husband, she cried, begged not to leave her with the children, and pointed to the unborn child. A neighbor who ran out to hear the shots also tried to stop the car. But everything is in vain. He was determined.

Without looking me in the eye, nervously scratching the back of his head, trying to somehow calm me down, he said that as soon as he found out what was there, he would immediately return back,” Fatima recalls this fateful day.

They didn't sleep all night. By morning, Fatima dozed off and woke up to the sound of helicopters flying over the city. Throwing on a scarf, she went outside. There was still no car in the yard. Ignoring the crowd outside the house, she decided to give out sakha (alms). I went to one neighbor, then to another. Then a car drove up to the yard, and she heard a short phrase: “Dzhabrail is not here.”

Fatima did not come to her senses for several hours. When she woke up, she saw the pale face of her father bending over her. He recently recovered from his heart attack. Fatima pulled herself together. She seemed frozen: she did not cry, did not moan, but withdrew into herself. After the seventh night, her brother-in-law, Dzhabrail’s older brother, took her to Kamchatka, where he worked.

Two months later, Fatima gave birth to a son, who was given his father's name - Jabrail. Soon she returned to her homeland. Milan's daughter was slowly recovering from the shock she received at the moment when she saw the bloody body of her father. Only Ilez was careless. For a long time he still didn’t understand anything, he ran out to meet all the men who came to their house one way or another, and called them dads. Fatima was supported all this time by relatives, both her own and her husband’s.

That’s how we survived, and that’s how we grew up,” says Fatima. - Time flew by like one long day.

Today Ilez is studying the basics of Islam. He's very good at it. He dreams of becoming a theologian, and his mother is happy and proud of his spiritual aspirations. Dzhabrail, on the contrary, dreams of following in the footsteps of his father. As relics, he keeps the holster and belt that his father was wearing on that tragic day, and his clothes, which he puts on on special days, fit him, although he is only 14 years old. Milana decided to devote herself to the most humane profession - she is a future medical worker, she will treat people and help those in need.

As for Fatima herself, she protects her hearth with prayers, rejoices at the victories of her children, is saddened by their failures, knows and is confident that they will never let her down, that they sacredly preserve the memory of their father and protect her with their love.

“Sing a lullaby to me, mom, I’m the same, I haven’t matured at all,” these lines, which today sound especially touching, were written in the diary of police sergeant Magomed Dzeitov, who became another victim of this terrible tragedy. How many more of them died in these days and in those difficult times for the republic! They never had time to grow up, they remained young, as we remember them, although their children grew up long ago. Time slowly erases the pain of the events of that ill-fated day, but does not drown out the memory.

This year marks the 300th anniversary of the Russian Police and 25 years since the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Ingushetia.

The night from December 21 to 22 is New Year, Slavic New Year. On the evening of December 21, the Universe begins to die. According to ancient beliefs, everything perishes - stars, planets, the Sun, the Universe itself. Our ancestors were afraid of this. They were afraid that the old Sun would die and the gods would not create a new one. Therefore, the gods were helped with the help of 120 lights. In all ancient religions (Slavic, Indian Vedic, Greek, Roman, Celtic and others) there were 120 gods. 48 gods of the inner circle (in humans they are embodied by 48 energy meridians, 48 ​​elements of gene records, 48 ​​moral qualities, etc.) and 72 gods of the outer circle (in man they are embodied by 72 archetypes of the collective unconscious, 72 life situations, etc.) - together they made 120. The same number of Archangels in esoteric Christianity, and ruling spirits in witchcraft grimoires. To help each Deity, a candle was lit (option: a splinter, a bowl, a fire), making a total of 120 lights. Helping the gods create a new Universe and lighting fires, the ancestors wanted their wishes to be fulfilled in the new Universe. Therefore, that night it was necessary to think from 300 to 500 wishes. How? First, they formed a picture: in their minds they saw their wish already fulfilled. Then they really wanted it. And then they sang the names of the gods until the desire and the picture went into space. And so 300-500 times. In the morning, everyone was already very tired, both from the fear of the end of the world (what if the Sun doesn’t rise?), and exhausted from making wishes. And when the Sun rose, exhaustion gave way to fullness of strength, fear to joy. "Hooray! There will be a New Universe and our desires will come true in it.” A powerful holiday began, which lasted until December 25.

... Somewhere on December 21, between 22 and 23 hours local time, a black funnel appears in the sky, which begins to draw everything into itself. Around 01.00 the retraction stops and all worlds become dark. Somewhere at 01.25 the Universe begins to be reborn from the funnel, and by sunrise everything is back to normal.

It is believed that on this night the Universe itself is born and dies. And on this night the gods and messengers of the gods are born. Indeed, most of the prophets and saints of different religions were born precisely from December 21 to 22.
That is why this night is also called Rozdzwo - the gods and the Universe are born.

December 22 is Heaven Day. Even the Orthodox Christian Church celebrates St. Anne's Day. But if we look at the languages ​​of the peoples who inhabited the Babylonian kingdom and the Caucasus, we will see that the word Anna is the word Heaven.

On December 25, Triglav, Roda, the Nativity of the Light of Dazhdbog, and Kolyada are venerated. On this day, the Sun in our hemisphere moves 1 degree north, marking an increase in daylight. The Magi star Sirius and the three stars of Orion's Belt form from December 22 to December 25 a line precisely pointing to the point
sunrise on December 25th.

On December 26, 27, 28 and 29, a lot of frost appears on the fields. Frost perfumes were considered very pure spirits, so on these days various kinds of cleansing rituals were performed. Also, it was on these days that the most severe December frosts were observed.

On December 30, the Three Faces of Triglav are venerated. On this day they came to the wise men for advice and for ritual actions. Also on this day, the Magi were revered as magicians and clergy. They were given gifts.

December 31st was the Day of the 12 Fairies of Time and the Zodiac. The Moon Goddess was also revered.
On January 1, magical actions were performed for protection and healing.

January 4 was the day of cleansing. Hindus would say: karma-yogis. The simplest action when cleaning a house: I wash not only my house, but also my soul and the blood of my family.

January 5th is a favorable day for accumulating energy. It is good to do any meditation on this day.

January 6 Forever. Starts with the 1st star. There should be 12 dishes on the table. The holiday has an astronomical meaning. On the night of January 6-7, the point in the earth's orbit that our planet passes is closest to the surface of the Sun. This creates the opportunity for the energy fields of the Sun to fill our planet with additional energy, which is why the water in reservoirs begins to be sanctified naturally and the peak of sanctification falls on January 19. On January 6, they also turn to the Moon Goddess, who is considered responsible for the implementation of plans in a successful period, and perform all rituals with lunar spirits.

January 7 is the Festival of Stars. Celebrated on the 17th day from the New Year (compare the 17th Tarot card “Star”, denoting astrology and astronomy).

January 8 - honoring fertility. Worship of Goddesses (feminine) (compare also the day of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Orthodox Christianity). Holiday of Babya Porridge. They bake pies and treat them to them.

January 9. The holiday of the Magi who know the secret roads. On this day, 8 garlands of maple leaves are hung in the house and burned in the evening.
The yard is sprinkled with ashes (8 is the number of Alatyr’s rays).

On January 13, mysteries with evergreen trees are performed to induce fertility in the coming year. Evergreen trees in the forests are decorated with ribbons and sprinkled with grain or bread crumbs.

January 15th was the day of the Chicken God (a stone with a hole, often as a result of lightning striking the stone). These stones were hung in rooms for keeping domestic animals in order to promote their health and offspring. On this day, healers prescribed many healing rituals for those who applied.

January 16th is the day of activation of the forces of chaos. Magical protective actions against chaos (spirits of chaos are called basuras, sorcerers and sorceresses who cause damage with the help of basuras are called basurki).

On January 17, you can also banish or conjure the forces of Chaos. In eastern countries, on this day they call upon the overseer of chaos, Glu-vo, who drives out chaos and can charge those who call on him with the energy of order.

January 18 Candles Festival. Ritual actions with fire. Candles are lit in honor of the fire gods. On this day it is good to summon fire elementals (like Bazhov’s “Jumping Fire Girl”).

January 30 is also a good day for cleansing procedures (karma yoga)
Gromnitsa was celebrated on February 1 and 2. The forces of Darkness and Light are balanced 2/3 to 1/3. Make wishes. On this day you can control the forces of thunder and lightning for the year ahead. Hence the name. Some Buddhists celebrate New Year on this night. On Gromnitsa, a candle was lit in honor of the Gods, which was then extinguished. This candle is called the Thunder Candle and is believed to be
can divert thunderstorms, lightning strikes and conflict situations from the clan or village. The meaning of the ritual is not difficult to understand. Perun, the god of thunder, thunder and lightning, was also considered the god of war. But war often brings ruin. And Veles was the god of peace, magic and trade, whose activities excluded war. The time of Veles's strength is winter, Perun's is summer. Between Veles and Perun,
According to myths, there is a power confrontation. That is why a candle to Gromnitsa can ward off thunderstorms and conflicts.

February 10 is considered a favorable day for magical actions with brownies and other elements. On this day the brownies were called. The easiest way. Take a chicken egg in your hands and stand on the porch. Say:
“Stand in front of me like a leaf before the grass, I brought you an egg.”

When it appears, give the egg away. On this day you can treat the brownie. The brownie is able to protect the house from thieves, damage, sorcerers, demons, and also attract material wealth to the house.

On February 11, they celebrate the Star of Veles (Arcturus, the constellation Bootes). On this day you can ask Veles for whatever you want.

February 14 is the holiday of Zimobor, on this day the most successful rituals for attracting suitors are obtained. All girls do magic. Another part of the world's Buddhists celebrates the New Year according to the lunar calendar (the first part celebrated their New Year on Gromnitsa). In Europe, it was not for nothing that this day was chosen as Valentine's Day.

February 15 is a continuation of the Zimobor holiday, a spell of water for healing. Ritual actions with wells. It is believed that if a girl drinks water from a well in the first half of the day, which she has collected herself, then there is every chance of getting married this year. A similar belief (even the Koreans have wells; the latter also throw wreaths of dried flowers into the wells
or herbs).

February 16th is the continuation of the Zimobor holiday, house-elfs ride horses and play with their pets.

February 17 is a favorable day for making protective talismans for pets, fields, and garden trees.

On February 18, the demon “Cow Death” often visits villages. It can not only harm pets with diseases, but also cause fires that are dangerous to human life. Therefore, on this day veterinary events (healing and magic) and fire protection rituals were carried out.

February 24 is also a big holiday of Veles - the Slavic deity of abundance and fertility, the God of Navi and wealth

February 25th is a holiday called "Rotation". It was considered favorable for starting any ritual or starting a new business.

On the 28th day of rams, rituals were carried out for the successful growth of herds of these animals.

February 29 (this date occurs once every 4 years) is the day of fear. On this day, people were afraid to go outside, go into the forest, or go down into the dungeons. They were afraid to die. On this day, everyone sat near the stoves and listened to scary stories.
March 1st is the day of kikimora - swamp spirits. They can be seen, summoned, cursed.
March 2 is the most favorable day for magic against theft.
On March 3 and 4, all elemental spirits are active. They are easy to call. Good materialization of spirits when called.
On March 5, they did not look at the sky, since on this day falling stars carry harbingers of danger.
March 6, 7 and 8 are good days for gaining strength and meditation. They drink herbal teas.
On March 9, birds begin to return from the south. Bird Holidays.
On March 10, the demon Kumah fever awakens and people begin to get sick.
On March 11, rituals of healers against Nava spirits that cause illness.
March 12th is the Day of the Two Woodmen. These are very mysterious forces of ancient Slavic mythology, their exact meaning has not yet been deciphered.
March 13 is the day of veneration of the goddess of Life (Yavdonya).
On March 14, the arrival of swallows, rituals for love in families.
March 15 and 16, continuation of love rituals.
On March 17, the arrival of starlings. Expulsion of kikimoras and other spirits that can be harmful. Verbnitsa.
On March 18, magic is done for the health of horses. According to tradition, the house-elf is always treated.
March 21-22. Feast of the Equinox. Day is equal to night. Many religions (for example, Zoroastrianism), as well as astrological schools, celebrate their New Year on this day (but we already know that they actually postpone the New Year celebration from December 22 to March 22).
On March 23, the demons of disease and their queen Marenica are exorcised. This action takes place near fires in the swamps. The ancient Slavs always visited swamps on this day.
March 24 healing rituals. On March 25, the Radunitsa holiday begins.
March 26, 27, 28, 29 – Radunitsa holiday and rituals associated with it.
March 30 is the day of Mantika (fortune telling), people tell fortunes about the weather.
April 1st. Day of flowers. The Fairy of Spring was revered.

5th of April. The appearance of Dazhdbog. Great day (Great day). Light increased after the equinox and conquered darkness. The first herbs, flowers, buds on trees. Ritual actions: become a circle. Everyone is surrounded clockwise with red eggs. The eggs are eaten and the shells are placed in special bowls. Then, in a circle, breaking the loaf and treating it to cottage cheese. The egg shells are then thrown into the river so that it floats 25
days and sailed to India. So that the Rahmans (Brahmins) would know that Great Day had come in their homeland. Then the ritual table. The birth of nature, which died on Rusalia. At sunrise the Sun “plays”.

April 9. The snow is melting, the last day of the elemental spirits of snow. Their exodus to the other world before next winter.

12th of April. Ascent to heaven. They made ritual cookies in the shape of stairs. In the evening of this day, brownies are very active.

April 16. Activation of water elements. They were called and fed.
April 18th. Activation of wind elementals. Warm winds. The crickets are singing.

April 30. Red hill. Rakhmansky (Brahmansky) Great Day. Navsky Great Day. On this night, all the spirits of the elements come out of their worlds - Navi - and communicate with people in reality.
A three-day cycle begins when the elemental spirits can be summoned.
May 2. Weavers begin to bleach fabrics. Second day of Nava Great Day.

May 3. The third day of Nava Great Day. The Trinity birch tree is being installed. The birch tree is decorated with decorations, like a Christmas tree during the New Year holidays. The ritual should cause rapid growth and ripening of the crop.

9th May. Day of Karma Yoga (doing work for the Deities and for the public good). Cleansing rituals.

May 11. Rituals with spirits of medicinal herbs, training of herbal healers. Collection of the first medicinal plants.

12 May. Rituals with spirits of medicinal herbs, training of herbal healers. Collection of the first medicinal plants.

May 17. Rituals for gaining magical power, turning to Heaven and Earth for Power. Rituals with the goddess Makosh.

May 19. The day of honoring the elements of dew and the spirits of other types of water in nature (dews, fogs are active). You can see them, call them, they answer the question. If you hang a branch on a string, they will swing the branch while answering questions.

May 21st. Ivan - Pshenichnik. Ivan - witchcraft power. In Belarus, pancakes are baked on this day. Then they set the table so that one plate remains empty. And they invite Ivan for pancakes. Ivan is such a supernatural force that gives magical energy, knowledge and strength to witches and witches.

May 30. A favorable day for the blessing of water. They offered the Gods water taken from springs and sprinkled it around the house and grounds. The lessons were filmed with water collected from three wells (springs).

May 31. May Oak Festival. The land is taken for its kind.
June 1st. Ritual mysteries for the harvest.

June 5. Day of veneration of the “Great Deity” (Sanskrit Mahadivya). From this Deity the Universe was born and is supported by it. Mahadivya's radiance is believed to be egg-shaped, so on this day when it rolls out
An egg can cure the most serious illnesses in a patient. In India, stone eggs of Brahma are consecrated on this day. The meaning of these eggs is the harmonization of energy and the transformation of the linear energies of human desires into spherical energies of divine light, which helps desires to be harmoniously embodied in the material world.

June 7. Day of the Severed Head (echoes the Celtic god Bran - and the Wiccan ritual "Bran's head"). Favorable for mantles.

June 10th. Day of spirits - patrons of birds. Fairies turning into swans, fertility spirits in the form of geese, etc. On this day people can observe it.

June 11. The day when Dashing One-Eyed, Mara and other creatures of demonic properties walk, protective actions from the destructive moments of Navi.

12 June. Veneration of the Alatyr Stone. According to legend, from September 27. the snakes slept underground near him, and now they have woken up and are crawling out.

June 19. Whit Monday. The spirits of the dead are allowed to visit the living on this day and vice versa. The spirits of all elements are also activated.

June 21\22. Night of World Fire. Maximum Light Power. A burning wheel is being lowered down a hill. Mass celebrations.

27th of June. Weaving wreaths through which you can look and learn the secrets hidden by Nava forces.

June 29. On this day, by pulling through wreaths you can help find missing people and animals. Also on this day, the spirits of treasures make themselves known. The spontaneous spirits of treasures from all Slavic peoples are most described in the folklore of the Ukrainians. In some regions of Ukraine (Poltava, Kiev regions) they believe that there are many such spirits and call them “skarbniki”. In the Carpathian region, on the contrary, they believe in one and only Spirit
Treasurer, manager of all treasures. The treasure trove protects treasures, reveals information about them, and prevents (or helps) digging. Many different legends are associated with it, it even appears in historical events, producing incredible chains of coincidences in events in the destinies of ancient families.

July 1. Day "Young Yarilo". The days begin when wise men and magicians perform many different rituals. A week of training for young magicians. Initiation, penetration into the secrets of nature. These days are called “Kupala Days” because they are located between two
Kupala holidays. Kupala is the ancient Slavic God of the Sun.

On the night of July 21-22, he gains maximum strength, becomes super-powerful and mature.

On the night of July 6-7, he marries the Goddess of Water. Both holidays are associated with Kupala, so they are often confused. Many wise men gained their strength from the Sun God, this is what their rituals during the Kupala weeks are connected with.

July 6. The evening before Kupala. On the night of July 6-7, the greatest event in the Universe takes place - a surge in the wave of the Temporary Field of the Universe. Time is the very first of the elements, from it all the others were born. And although the boundary of the temporary field spreads in the Universe at the speed of light, by the standards of universal distances it is quite slow, the inner
the time wave propagates within the time field several thousand times faster, reaching almost instantly from the center of the Universe to the most distant galaxies. This wave reaches all stars and planets, including our Earth, and produces many natural phenomena such as
flowering fern in Slavic countries, or black aconite in Tibet. The ancient books say that if you don’t want to sleep through your happiness, don’t sleep two nights a year - from July 6 to 7 and from December 21 to 22 - from sunset to sunrise. By the way, the fact that from a certain point in the sign of Cancer, corresponding to the day from July 6 to July 7, you can control time is also written in the books of ancient Arab and Babylonian astrologers and magicians.
On this night, the Gates of Time open, many researchers of arcane knowledge are still observing this grandiose light phenomenon.
July 7. Wedding of Marena and Kupala. The fluctuation of the Universal time field has introduced mystery into nature. Magic herbs. Marriage of Fire and Water.

July 8. Old Yarilo. The magical herbs continue to bloom. By the way, it is believed that ferns bloom 3 times a year: from June 21 to 22, from July 6 to 7 and on Rowan Night. There are so many types of ferns in nature - so many forms of their colors. Each color gives its own properties and has a mystical meaning.

July 9. Healing spirits of nature. Rituals with the Firebird and other Birds of Power. Strawberries are forest spirits who reveal places of great harvest of wild berries.

July 13. Day 12 of the zodiac constellations and their spirits. Also day. 12 Gods Navi. Rituals for the fulfillment of “impossible” desires.

July 20. Day of the Moon Goddess and her spirits. At night the Moon “plays”.
21 July. The beginning of the harvest period. Ritual lamb. A feast in honor of the Gods, where specially prepared lamb was served on the table.

July 24. Day of Stozharov. Calling the Stozhar Bird. Healings. Summoning the Bird of Era. Appeal to other Birds of Power, as well as calling on the power of Svyatogor - the personification of the energy pillar connecting heaven and Earth.

July 30. Feast of the goddess Marena, Beregini. Bereginya is celebrated as
Goddess (protector) and bereginii kpak spirits (spirits of the banks of rivers, lakes and

July 31st. Continuation of Madder's holiday. Bereginya.
August 1. Days of Perun, god of lightning and thunder. First Harvest Festival (cereals are harvested).

August 2. Days of Perun, god of lightning and thunder. First Harvest FestivalDay of Perun (in India Indra), lightning, thunder and rain. Thick starfall, the first harvests have been harvested (Harvest Day).

August 3rd. Meteorological magic - that is, ritual actions. Aimed at climate and weather control.

August 6. Day of fiery spirits of lightning and sun. On this day, ball lightning (elementals of higher fire, plasmiads) is often seen.

10th of August. Continuation of protective rituals. A spell to prevent war. Lightning bolts are engraved on the shields of warriors for invincibility in battle.

11th August. Kalinov day. On the territory of Ukraine, viburnum was considered the embodiment of the great Mother Goddess. On this day, viburnum berries have special magical powers. The Kalinov Bridge connects this world and the other world. On this day, magicians crossed this bridge in both directions.

12th of August. The day when milk becomes holy and kills evil sorcerers who have drunk too much milk.

August 14. Day of praise of the Goddesses of Nature and Stribog. Shuliki – ritual cookies with poppy seeds and honey. Self-sown poppy. This is a poppy that grew on its own (that is, it was sown by the Gods). This poppy is sprinkled in a circle around the house and not a single hostile or, in general, Naval force
cannot cross this circle. Rituals against evil spirits (ghosts).

August 18. Calling the power of Mother Earth and the 4 elements from the 4 cardinal directions. We were looking for magical plants with 12 spikelets.

August 19. Spas. The ancient Slavs had many protector deities, they were called Spas. There were a total of 19 Chief Spas; they were revered since 01.08. to 19.08. On August 19, all the Saviors were revered together (the Savior as a virat-rupa). On this same day, Christians have designated the veneration of Jesus Christ, and India especially honors Lord Krishna on this day.

August, 26th. A day of rampant ghosts, white horses galloping, howling, whistling. All three days (24, 25, 26) magicians can summon spirits, rituals are easily obtained.

August 28. Day of veneration of the Goddess Matrsva (matr - mother, sva - sky), the mother of all gods and the Universe. Matrsva – the female form of the Absolute
deities (Svyatovit, Brahma), the Great Mother of the Worlds (in India Adishakti,

August 31. 2nd day of veneration of Perun's horse.
September 1. The day when young Magi were initiated into secrets. Other worlds are open. People have epiphanies.

September 5. Day of deities and spirits - patrons of berries September 06. Harvesting berries and storing them.

8 September. The day of the deity of death and mushrooms, as well as the funeral fire of Znych (in India, Shiva). Start of harvesting mushrooms.

9th of September. Scarecrows were made. The manufacturers were generously treated. They said that there were masters who could make scarecrows alive.

16 of September. Continuation of rituals with gnomes, as well as underground spirits of fertility (crosnals, undergrounds, etc.).

21/22. September. Great Feast of the Great Mother. All Goddesses were worshiped together. The most revered are Makosh and Matrsva (Adishakti in India). Mother's Day in all Vedic religions. 2nd (after Perun from 1 to 2
August). Harvest day (vegetables and fruits have been collected, mushrooms and berries are still awaiting complete harvesting and preparation).

23 September. Working with the spirits of the forest and swamp. People see Swampman and Blotnitsa in the swamps. Evil spirits of disease are driven out of the swamps with the help of bonfires, spells and musical instruments.

September 24. Autumn Fairy Day. She can be found in the forest on a bay horse. Fulfills wishes. The Slavs have 4 fairies of 4 seasons.

September 25. On this day, the forces of Nature begin to fall asleep until spring (they completely fall asleep on November 1).

September 26. They hang garlands of autumn leaves near houses. It is believed that when nature fades away, it leaves its vitality to people so that they can survive the winter.

September 27. The snakes go underground to the Alatyr stone. With them you can send messages to other worlds (Nav).

The 4th of October. Favorable for mantic actions.
October 5. Favorable for mantic actions.

October 7th. They call upon all elementals (genus of brownies: brownie, basement, attic, barn, barn, bannik and others). Ritual fire in the barn under the stodol).
October 8. Day of communication with the elements of fire.

October 14. Day of honoring Mother Nature as the embodiment of the Great Mother of the Worlds, protective magic.

17 October. The elemental spirits of the forests are deactivated until spring. In forests
loud noise. The spirits of fading leaves and grass move to the winter
evergreen trees (spruce, pine).

October 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 – intensive activities in all kinds of crafts. Any magical actions are favorable.

Night from October 31 to November 1, day November 1. Rusalia. Mother Nature dies and goes into the other world to be resurrected on High Day on April 5th. Because of this, the gates to the world of the dead are open and the spirits of ancestors come to their descendants. On this day, all religions celebrate the departure of nature into the world of the dead,
they call upon the good spirits of their ancestors and scare away evil spirits from the world of the dead (hence the Celtic pumpkins with candles, etc.). On the same night, gifts to the ancestors, including for the sake of helping their descendants from the other world, are lowered into rivers. The Slavs omit pumpkins, the Hindus omit coconuts. It's a good night for necromancers - they've been waiting for it for a very long time.
November 2 and 3. Svarog Autumn.

November 5. From Nivenna (the other world where the elemental spirits of ice and snow live, ruled over by the Snow Queen familiar to us from fairy tales), the elementals of snow and ice come to earth.

November 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 are the best days for magical Volkhov practices. Nature itself helps any rituals, as well as teaching rituals.

20 November. The rivers are frozen. Day for the Ritual of Bridges. There is a legend in Transylvania that through these crystal bridges you can travel with your physical body to other worlds and return back.

November 30th. A good day for performing any rituals that use all 3 forces that create the universe (Rule. Nav, Reality).
December 1st was the day of the Winter Fairy. The Slavs, like other peoples of the Eurasian continent, have a concept of fairies. Fairies were thought of as elemental spirits of the element Time. And since all other elements emerged from the element of Time, fairies are endowed with power over them. Legends recorded by ethnographers say that the Winter Fairy on this day can be
you can easily meet her in the forest as a rider on a white horse. She can even stop, talk to a person, find out his desire and fulfill it. Slavic magicians knew how to summon the Winter Fairy with a ritual. Also on this day, gifts for the Fairy were taken to the forest and field. It was believed that whoever took the gift would easily survive the winter cold without loss.

December 4th is the Day of Lightning of the Great Mother. Zarnitsy in ancient Slavic mythology were considered independent intelligent beings, spirits, which is confirmed by the constant appeal to them for help in conspiracies and whispers. On this day magic was performed
actions on harmony and healing rituals.

December 5th is road laying day. Rituals to open paths are dedicated to it. Obviously, this is also related to the fact that New Year’s fortune-telling is opened on the night of December 5-6. In those regions where rivers froze, roads were built using sleighs.

December 6th was the Day of the King of Time, the 4 fairies of the 4 seasons and 12 months. The Time King subsequently transformed into the Father Frost we know. The great God Veles was also honored. The tale of the 12 months gives an idea of ​​the ritual for this day. 12 people sitting around a fire change seats clockwise until they are seated
original position.

On December 7 and 8, Bereginya was venerated. Bereginya is known to us in two forms: as a guardian Goddess and as a spirit of the elements (feminine), living along the banks of rivers and lakes.

On December 9, magical actions are performed with the Great Serpent of Gravity. Remember the Indian snake Ananta-Sheshanga, on which in the world's oceans
Krishna and Vishnu swim, and who is responsible for the law of attraction in the Universe, and which gives yogis the ability to fly. Also remember about the same ancient Slavic snake Yusha (later transformed into the Miracle Yudo Fish-Whale? On December 9, ritual actions are carried out with this power.

December 10 was considered favorable for rituals to fulfill wishes. They lit candles to make wishes come true.

December 13th is the best day for fortune telling. A lot of mantles. On this day the church celebrates St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle. The etymology of the name of this Apostle is easily traced. The Indo-Iranian god of thunder, lightning and thunder Indra turned into Andre, just in the process of moving the name to Europe, the capital letter I in the name turned into A.
Since it is believed that many events are written in heaven, then who else, if not the heavenly god, should reveal them?

The 14th is a favorable day for the start of any teaching.

On December 17, all Goddesses (feminine) were venerated. 7 loaves of bread were prepared for them. The bread was offered to the Gods and then eaten by believers. During the entire action, 13 candles had to burn on the table.

On December 18, all Gods (masculine) were revered. 7 loaves of bread were prepared for them. The bread was offered to the Gods and then eaten by believers. During the entire action, 13 candles had to burn on the table.

On December 19, the Great God Veles was venerated. It was believed that on this day Veles could take the form of a person, come as a guest to the house and give gifts. On the same day, the goddess of fertility (and witchcraft) Vala was revered. The church sets aside the same day for the celebration of St. Nicholas, however, during the time of dual faith in Rus', the images of Veles and Nicholas are so
merged, that in the popular imagination they became one supernatural being (as evidenced by the signs of Veles, painted by icon painters on the cloak of St. Nicholas).

On December 20, they honored both Gods and Goddesses together as a Single Whole, constituting the Absolute Deity (Roda among the Slavs, Adibrahman in India).

The date of the winter solstice is approaching - it will be on the night of December 21-22. December 18-25 - the days of the winter solstice - these are the most magical days of the year! Three days before the solstice and three days after are considered one of the most magical. A few days before December 21-22, very powerful energy flows descend on Earth, thanks to which strong changes can occur in consciousness, and therefore in life.

This is the best time when you can and should analyze your achievements over the past year, get rid of the old, unnecessary, and transform energy. During the period from December 18 to 25, the Universe itself helps everyone along this path! But the most interesting and magical thing is that it is at this time that you need to make wishes, plan things and goals for the next year!

The end and beginning of the annual cycle is the most suitable period for reviewing your principles of life, giving up what does not allow you to develop, and laying down plans for the next year.

At this time, you can really change your destiny, namely, be reborn in the same way as the Sun, throwing away everything unnecessary and giving birth to something new! It is on this day that the old solar cycle ends and a new one begins. Our beloved luminary, which gives life to all living things, begins to grow again. And with it, all our deeds can “grow” if we use this moment correctly and consciously! Don't miss these days!

A week before December 22, strong energy flows descend on the Earth. Winter solstice is a time of miracles and magic!

Winter solstice - a time of miracles

How to prepare for the winter solstice:

1. The first thing that is important to do is to cleanse your living space of everything old, unnecessary, and stale.

Cleaning is best done on all levels - physical, mental, spiritual - both indoors and within yourself. Do a general cleaning of the house, sort out things, give away those that you definitely won’t need anymore. Finish the cleansing with fire, use candles for this. Walk around your entire apartment with a candle counterclockwise, starting from the front door and moving along the walls.

2. Do the same in terms of your information space, freeing yourself from destructive contacts, negative thoughts and connections you don’t need.

Write down on a piece of paper everything you would like to get rid of and burn it.

3. It is good to carry out water procedures at this time. Take a bath with herbs, salt or aroma oils. Drink more purified and charged water. During this period, you can remember all the bad things that have accumulated in your heart, and while standing in the shower, have a good cry, show all the unexpressed emotions: anger, fears, resentments, etc. The water will wash away everything. A bath with sea salt and oils will nourish your cleansed body with beneficial energies.

4. Pay off all your debts, even the smallest and forgotten ones. And do not create new ones during this period. If possible, keep your promises, complete things that you have been putting off for a long time, or outline a plan for their implementation. Forgive yourself and all your offenders.

5. After you clean up, get rid of unnecessary things and fill yourself with beneficial energy to the maximum, you can move on to the magic of creation. Because a week before the solstice the magical period ALREADY begins. When all your words and thoughts can manifest. Therefore, from this day on, control the cleanliness of your home, thoughts, information, communication. Filter out all negativity. Read life-affirming affirmations. Think positively and as joyfully as possible as you plan for your abundant future.

6. During the week before the Solstice, it’s good to take stock of the year: what worked for you, what didn’t, where were the problems or failures, and where were the successes and achievements. It is necessary to leave them in the outgoing year or, having recognized and worked through them, turn them into sources of strength.

7. Start a new diary; later you will need it to record events and moods, feelings and signs in the first twelve magical days of the New Year.

8. Manifest your intentions and make wishes that you are looking forward to fulfilling in the coming year. It is these days, when the sun gains its new strength, that your strength grows with it!!!

9. This week is favorable for carrying out any spiritual practices, reading prayers and meditating. And also, undergo adjustments and initiations in energy. All this will have a special POWER due to the natural rhythms.

10. The week before the winter solstice (from December 14 to 21) has long been considered the most favorable time of year for conception. Choose this week to conceive a child if you are confident in mutual love.

  1. All the year's work has been completed, the bins are full. Time to take stock and thank the gods and household spirits for their assistance in all matters throughout the year. Time to free yourself from all worries and worries to welcome a new life cycle. All housework must be completed by the evening of this day (by the evening of December 21st).
  2. On the day of the Winter Solstice, the light, embodied in the Sun from December 21 to 22, begins to rise from the very depths, highlighting the axis on which all layers of existence are strung. The turning, which occurs in the very center of the night of the year, has a special power, by joining which, all living things will begin their ascent to manifestation. The main thing on this day is to feel this turn, to reproduce it as some kind of internal movement. If you set yourself such a goal, options will come, let your creativity, your sunny side, manifest itself here, this is important.
  3. On this day, you definitely need to find time to touch the depths of your life. Step back from the superficial bustle of everyday life and pay attention to what is happening inside you, in your life. And starting from this foundation, find what ideas of yours are waiting to be born, brought to life, what is ready to become a plan for the future. The plans made on this day and for the whole year have special power - after all, you fill them with the power of the growing Sun.
  4. On the evening of December 21, set a rich table, light candles, make a small altar to worship the Sun God, decorate it with solar symbols, put bright fruits, symbols of wealth and abundance. This tradition is considered a guarantee that the whole year will be just as satisfying, rich and profitable. And on the morning of December 22, try to meet the sunrise and congratulate it on its birth, thanking it for everything it gives us.

Let the winter solstice day become another good reason for you to touch the unknown and help you take a new step towards realizing your dreams!

Use this time for good!
Miracles and magic to everyone!
