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Book. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the early 21st century

The newest explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the 21st century Shagalova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

E. N. Shagalova The newest explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the 21st century About 1500 words

E. N. Shagalova

The latest explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the 21st century

About 1500 words


The active borrowing of foreign words by the Russian language, primarily Anglicisms, which began during Perestroika, when new political, economic, social and cultural realities were taking shape in Russia, continues to this day. Foreign language lexemes are still an important component of the neological process, on the one hand, participating in the replenishment of the vocabulary of the Russian language, on the other hand, being included in complex lexical, word-formation and grammatical relations.

The process of Russia's integration into the international community continues, cultural and business contacts are expanding at various levels. More and more people are using English language in its Everyday life, receiving education abroad, communicating with business partners, listening to programs broadcast by international television and radio channels. Youth and professional communities are being formed in which the use of English words does not require translation or additional explanation. All these phenomena cannot but influence the Russian language. The influx of borrowings in some areas is so intense that texts and speech become difficult to understand.

“The newest explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the 21st century” includes about 1,500 words and expressions, almost half of which have not been described before. The dictionary is a continuation of the author’s previous work (“Dictionary of the latest foreign words (late 20th - early 21st centuries)”, published in 2009 and created in the traditions of Russian academic lexicography. In the process of work, such principles were developed for describing lexical units that made it possible to represent the maximum complete information about the new word. Each word contains information about its grammatical characteristics, the source language, in some cases spelling variants of the word are given, and if available, synonyms are indicated. Our Dictionary retains the same parameters for describing new words.

The thematic affiliation of the new borrowed vocabulary has changed somewhat. Computer technologies and computer services are developing ( iPad, bot, e-reader, webinar, widget, wiki, Wikipedia, jeepies, captcha, macbook, podcast, messenger, netbook, task manager, torrent tracker, firewall), new means of communication and telecommunications are being introduced ( bluetooth, wifi, hot spot). Mobile telephony is currently attracting the most attention, introducing new formats, devices and services ( Android, ringbacktone, ringtone, smartphone, touchphone). Social networks and live magazines have opened completely new way communications and, as a consequence, whole layers of new vocabulary, both borrowed and originating in the Russian language, are coming into use ( bluk, massfriending, massfollowing, microblogging, tweet, Twitter, trolling, Facebook, follower, friend). Not only the terminology accompanying this new social phenomenon is being formed, but also colloquial, jargon.

In sports terminology, a large number of borrowed neologisms are recorded in extreme sports, aerobics and fitness. Wed. in kiting - kite tracking, moonwalking, scudding, flysurfing; in fitness and aerobics - belly dancing, body bar, double step, core training, rowling; in sports and outdoor games and entertainment - geocaching, hyperball, net-game, hardball; in diving - dive boat, dive site, dive shop; cave diving, samba; new extreme entertainment: zorbing, parkour, rope jumping, snorkeling, snow rafting, stunt riding, fun carving.

Constantly changing fashion trends, an expanding range of offered cosmetics and wellness treatments invariably provide a source of new vocabulary, including borrowed ones: balconette, bandeau, bodyliner, boxers, brasier, brush peeling, briefs, gommage, camisole, converse, cryotherapy, croques, light lifting, monokini, tankini, texturizer, fangotherapy, face aerobics, face building. The emergence of new types of residential facilities led to the borrowing of words such as duplex, quadrahouse, lanehouse, townhouse. Advertising and marketing terms, often perceived as interspersed in the past decade, continue to take root in the Russian language: direct marketing, direct mail, copywriting, creative, pre-roll advertising, product placement, hot topic.

On the other hand, political ( Wahhabism, Mojigate, neocons) and economic ( benchmarking, grace period, co-brand, costa, low-cost airline, multi-brand, street retail, trade-in) vocabulary.

The changes concern the graphic appearance and the use of previously borrowed vocabulary. Many words moved from the periphery of the language to the center, became familiar to the ear, stopped being written in quotation marks, acquired a stable graphic appearance and began to be used figuratively, which indicates their rooting in the Russian language. Wed: There are no accidents in the biography of a great writer. The writer is what he is hypertext, a statement in time and space.( 11/19/10). He[George Bush]…tried to install a democratic system in Iraq software, clearly not suitable for this type of iron.( 10/13/06). The most successful example tuning the repertoire turned out to be “La Boheme”. The modest production of 1996 with mise-en-scène like “enters from the left, leaves to the right” turned out to be comfortable for debuts.(Izv. 02/03/10).

In some cases, the systematically repeated figurative use of words indicates the gradual formation of figurative meanings in borrowed innovations. This phenomenon can be traced using the example of the word upgrade:« upgrade Communist Party of the Russian Federation" ended before it really began"... (NI 06/07/04). What will happen and what other political upgrade What the political system might get if the government’s popularity suddenly begins to decline significantly is not very clear at the moment.( 11/21/08).

Words previously recorded in lexicographic reference books are borrowed with new meanings, or new meanings are formed in the depths of the Russian language. So, in the Dictionary the word vamp is given both in the meaning of ‘femme fatale’ and to denote a special style of makeup; at the word multiplex the new value is fixed ‘ a set of television and radio broadcast channels transmitted over a single digital channel'; and borrowing presentation increasingly found in the meaning ‘ a sequence of slides prepared using a special program (often PowerPoint)’.

The meanings of polysemantic words recorded earlier are not given in the Dictionary if the words were not actively used in these meanings during the period being described. In these cases, new values ​​are given. Yes, for the word duplex the dictionary does not give the meaning 'hardware-implemented duplex printing capability', but gives three new meanings in which the word is often found on the pages of modern periodicals: 'operating mode of transceiver devices (modems, network cards, walkie-talkies, telephones), in in which they can transmit and receive information simultaneously'; ‘apartment located on two levels’ and ‘a house intended for two families’.

Some words that were presented in the author’s previous dictionary as polysemantic are now interpreted unambiguously, having absorbed into a single interpretation all the previously identified meanings. Since the borrowing of words occurs in specific linguistic and everyday contexts, initially narrow, often special meanings are formed in the borrowing language, the connection between which is not obvious to native speakers of the receiving language. Instead of the three meanings noted earlier for the word cartridge, this edition contains one general ‘replaceable functional element of some kind. devices’, and such narrower meanings as ‘a removable unit in copiers, printers, etc., containing consumables (powder, dye)’ and ‘a removable computer unit with built-in chips used as external memory’ are excluded. The mastery of the word in the Russian language and the expansion of contexts of occurrence led to the restoration of semantic connections characteristic of the prototype of borrowing in the source language and to the formation of a single meaning.

The Dictionary also reflects such a phenomenon as the design of previously borrowed words, which were found exclusively in the graphics of the source language, by means of the Russian language ( Outlook, Google, Skype, screenshot, YouTube). The dictionary also includes lexemes that have long been known in the Russian language and recorded in lexicographic reference books. We are talking about words that have gone beyond the narrow sphere of use and have become widespread on the pages of periodicals, but are not always understandable to the reader: adat, azan, kaafir, namaz, niqab, hijab, hizbah. Some borrowings, which previously related exclusively to the realities of other countries, have lost restrictive labels such as ‘in the USA’, ‘in some Western countries' and so on.

Borrowed words are actively included in word-formation relations in the Russian language system. In the Dictionary, this phenomenon is reflected through the description of foreign language elements that form complex words as initial or supporting components. Wed. google-: google-analytics, Google-application, Google-locator, Google-discussions, Google-translator; multi-touch-: multi-touch-display, multi-touch-gesture, multi-touch-a game, multi-touch-interface, multi-touch-navigation, multi-touch-region, multi-touch-sensor, multi-touch-technology, multi-touch-control, multi-touch-device, multi-touch-screen, multi-touch-language; phishing-: phishing-attack, phishing-address, phishing-scam, phishing-fraud, phishing-resource, phishing-message, phishing-technique; ... gate: Yeltsin gate, zipper gate, Iran gate, crankcase gate, color gate, skate gate, Korea gate, Kravchuk gate, Kremlin gate, moji gate, Monica gate, plutonium gate, fear gate, uranium gate, Yanaev gate, UNOS- gate and many others.

The appendix to the Dictionary presents widely used foreign words and phrases that appear in periodicals in the graphics of the source language: App Store, Blu-ray, Firefox, Gmail, Google Chrome, hands-free, iTunes Store, Open Office, Picasa, USB etc.

The dictionary is aimed at the widest audience.

Shagalova E. N.

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You can't buy all the dictionaries. But "Dictionary Russian language beginningXXI century. Current vocabulary"(M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 1136 pp.) just begs to be put on a bookshelf. No, straight to your desktop!

The dictionary was published by the Institute of Philological Research of St. Petersburg state university, prepared by a team of authors and compilers: G. N. Sklyarevskaya, E. Yu. Vaulina, I. O. Tkacheva And E. A. Fiveyskaya. Author of the project and Chief Editor dictionary - G. N. Sklyarevskaya.

This voluminous publication is so rich in information that it can act as several dictionaries at once: explanatory, spelling, “Together or separately?”, “Capital or lowercase?”, phraseological, foreign words, abbreviations, modern youth jargon, terms.

The peculiarity of the dictionary is that it contains relatively few words and set phrases, about 8500 in total, but all of them are from our modern language, that is, from the lexicon recent years XX and early XXI centuries. At the same time, the interpretation of many words is presented to the general reader for the first time. Therefore, look for what cannot be found in other dictionaries here - and you will probably find it. Unless, of course, a word came into use while the dictionary was in production.

For example, I unsuccessfully consulted this dictionary to find an explanation and also to clarify the spelling of the term “heli-ski”: hyphenated, two words, or one word (all three options appear in print and on the Internet). I didn’t have any other disappointments in those few days, during which I flipped through the dictionary more than once in search of information.

What useful things can a philologist, writer, journalist, teacher of the Russian language, student, graduate student of the Faculty of Philology, a political or public figure find in a dictionary, that is, the one for whom the dictionary is intended, and the one “who is interested in the ways of development of the Russian language”?

For clarity and to confirm the words from the preface to the dictionary that it “describes the living (functioning) Russian language,” I will give a small list of words that are described in the dictionary: plenipotentiary representative, United Russia, lobby, engineering, promotion, website, face control, know-how, DJ, Big Mac, brand, fast food, megaportal, cyberspace, action, fusion, image maker, speechwriter, content; Al-Qaeda, Council of Europe (that is, proper names are included); loot, vparivat, scammer, poppyatnik (that is, slang words are included); OBEP, Northwestern Federal District, KPK (that is, abbreviations are included); VIP guest, DVD, SMS, notebook (that is, words written in Latin are included).

As in other dictionaries, the accent is indicated, but the authors-compilers of this dictionary went further: they also gave examples of incorrect stress, which has become common practice (for example, we often hear “boutik” instead of “boutique”), and also indicated the correct pronunciation (for example, in the word “rating” you can pronounce both “re” and “re”, and the word “guest worker” should be pronounced with “e”).

For those who constantly work with texts: creating them, typing them, editing them, correcting them, it is also important that the dictionary indicates the grammatical characteristics of words, mandatory agreement is noted, as well as strong and weak controls.

All this makes the dictionary literally a reference book.

When I first saw the dictionary, I was amazed at its size: a thick book! For the specified number of words, there are a lot of pages... It turned out that each dictionary entry contains a quote, or even several quotes, illustrating the use of the heading word in one context or another. This is very valuable! After all, a dry interpretation of a word often does not convey the subtleties of its use, but an example from an article or book does, clearly and unobtrusively. For example, I read these quotes just for my own pleasure. Moreover, they are chosen with taste: not just any, but those from which you can learn something interesting and educational.

And, finally, another proof that the author-compilers created the dictionary with soul and knew the needs of readers very well. For many words, information of a reference and encyclopedic nature is provided: historical information (for example, in the article “FSK” it is indicated when it was formed federal Service counterintelligence); the original meaning of the word; in what years was it used in a meaning different from what it is now; what foreign word did it come from...

In general, in my opinion, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language of the Early 21st Century. Current Vocabulary,” edited by G. N. Sklyarevskaya, is not a dictionary, but a find. I am sure that in the future it will not gather dust on the rack, but will be constantly in demand. Thanks to the authors and compilers.

The Dictionary reflects the most significant linguistic processes of the last years of the 20th - early 21st centuries, which influenced the formation of the Russian language and shaped the linguistic consciousness of contemporaries.
The dictionary includes about 8,500 words and set phrases, many of which are presented in lexicography for the first time. Extensive and varied information about each word is given: its interpretation, features of use, characteristic grammatical and stylistic properties, origin, pronunciation, its use in stable combinations and idioms, historical and cultural information, etc.

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To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values is a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

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The Dictionary describes about 1,500 words that appeared in the Russian language in the first decade of the 21st century and have not yet been recorded in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. These are mainly borrowings from English, less often German and French. The dictionary will help the reader better navigate this sea of ​​names. It provides the most complete information about the new word: its interpretation, grammatical characteristics, etymological information are given, in some cases spelling variants are given, and sometimes synonyms are indicated.
The dictionary is aimed at a wide range of readers who want to know what these new words mean, which are constantly found in the media.

AVATAR, a, m. 1. In computer games, the image that the user chooses to participate in the game. You can choose new “Avatars” each time. Whether it's a courtesan, a harlequin or a doctor in a funny mask - it doesn't matter which image the player has chosen now. Of decisive importance is his ability to track down the victim and inflict fatal wounds on him. ( 09/20/07).

2. Image, picture used to personalize the user of a network service (forum, chat, blog, social network etc.), often created based on a photograph. Here you need to upload your photo, and within two days the finished avatar will be sent to your email address. I waited for my avatar a day later. The resemblance, of course, is dubious, but for the sake of a joke you can spend money. Although on Youtube there are videos on how to make an avatar yourself in Photoshop. But for this you need to have skills in working in this program. (Izv. 10.02.10).

Structure of a dictionary entry
Conventional signs
Electronic sources.

  • A new explanatory dictionary of the Russian language for everyone who wants to be literate, Alabugina Yu.V., Shagalova E.N., Glinkina L.A., 2014
  • Living speech, Dictionary of colloquial expressions, Belyanin V.P., Butenko I.A., 1994

The following textbooks and books.