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When is the strongest starfall? Make a wish: where and how to watch the main starfall of the year

Since the Middle Ages, people have endowed starfalls with magical and religious meaning and believed that they were able to fulfill any sincere desire. Even in the modern skeptical world, meteor shower is a magical, bewitching spectacle that attracts not only astronomers, but also all connoisseurs of beauty. We will tell you when there will be starfalls in 2018, where and how to see them.


A truly breathtaking sight - “falling stars”

Every year in the second half of summer, the Earth passes through the tail of the large comet Swift-Tuttle. In fact, our planet is rushing through a wide strip cosmic dust and meteors, many of which enter the earth's atmosphere and burn up there. The trajectory of their fall is outlined as a white stripe in the night sky - it is this phenomenon that is called a “shooting star”.

The first lonely flares lit up the night sky at the end of July. From August 9, 2018, the intensity of the meteorite shower will begin to increase and reach its peak on the night of August 12-13, when up to 100 “stars” will sweep across the sky per hour. From August 14th the stream will begin to weaken, and on the 24th the last Perseids will disappear.

On the star map you can see what the constellation Perseus looks like and where it is located

The starfall owes its name to the constellation Perseus, in the area of ​​which the maximum concentration of meteors is usually observed. To find this constellation, move to the right of Ursa Minor. You will see the W-shaped constellation Cassiopeia, and immediately below it the constellation Perseus, which will begin with three bright stars located in a straight line.

It is better to watch the Perseid meteor shower, like any other meteor shower, away from the city. Artificial light from city illumination makes the stars faded, and distant lights are completely erased from the sky. Since the constellation Perseus is quite close to the horizon, it is better to find a natural elevation, such as a hill or rocky ridge. The view from there will be perfect.

Other starfalls

In the fall of 2018, we will be able to observe four starfalls

Despite the fact that the largest meteor shower always falls in the summer season, autumn 2018 will also be rich in meteorite showers. Here are the largest of them:

  • Draconids (Draco constellation) – from October 8 to October 10, intensity up to 18 trajectories per hour;
  • Orionids (Orion constellation) – from October 20 to 21, intensity up to 22 trajectories per hour;
  • Leonids (Leo constellation) – from November 14 to 21, intensity up to 15 trajectories per hour;
  • Geminids (constellation Gemini) - from December 12 to 14, varying intensity, observed only in the Northern Hemisphere.

Although this year's starfall in the constellation Leo is not particularly spectacular, once every 33 years it turns into a real meteorite hurricane. The next time this phenomenon will be seen is in 2034.

August 2018 will delight astronomy lovers with an interesting cosmic phenomenon - starfall. It is formed as a result of the passage of the Perseid meteor shower into the field of view of the earth. The peak of the phenomenon will occur on August 12-13, 2018.

The meteor shower, romantically named the Perseids, occurs after midnight and before the Sun begins to appear in the sky. From August 11 to August 13, a maximum of meteors will fall within an hour.

During the flash of a meteor sunbathing in the atmosphere, you can make a wish. It’s not for nothing that people say that wishes made during a falling star come true

The Perseid starfall will be the brightest astronomical event

People started talking about this starfall back in 36 AD. e. It is the oldest, most anticipated and one of the TOP 3 largest meteor showers. In the Middle Ages in the 8th century, it was given another name - “tears of the immaculate Lawrence.” It comes from a festival held in Italy on the night of August 11th.

The bright August starfall was discovered by the Belgian astronomer and meteorologist Adolf Ketele in 1835. Four years later, the approximate number of meteors that fell within an hour was calculated for the first time - 160 pieces.

The Perseids appear when the Earth passes through dust particles as small as grains of sand. They remain from Swift-Tuttle and burn up in the atmosphere of our planet, which is why we observe star Rain. Initially, the meteor shower is very strong, and then begins to fade. The comet that left the particles passed by the Sun in winter 1992. On next year European astronomers recorded the fall of 200-500 meteors within an hour. The comet will fly past the Sun again in the summer of 2126.

The most anticipated starfall will be very bright. Astronomers expect a drop of up to 100 meteors per hour on August 11-13. Summer continues to surprise with astronomical events: July, for example, “gave” moon eclipse, opposition of Mars, and on the 23rd the Perseid shower began, which will end on August 20. In addition, partial weather is expected on August 11 solar eclipse, and on this night, as well as on August 12 and 13, there will be a peak of starfall. To get a better look at it, you need to go outside the city, to a place under the open dark sky, not illuminated by city lights.

Astrological Significance of Meteor Shower

The constellation Perseus is considered ambiguous: one of the stars that makes up it represents the head of Medusa the Gorgon. The entire figure symbolizes the struggle between Good and Evil, karma, and predestination.

On the one hand, the Perseid meteor shower promises good luck in love. During this period, you need to solve the accumulated problems in order to get rid of them once and for all. This is also a great time for single people who dream of meeting their other half. Special meaning give to new acquaintances. They all carry a certain meaning and favorable prospects.

At the same time, the likelihood of provoking new conflicts in attempts to prove that one is right increases. Emotionally unstable people may experience outbursts of anger and mood swings. It is dangerous to give in to negative impulses, as there is a danger of losing control of yourself.

The mystical meaning of “starfall”

In the occult, “shooting stars” are traditionally associated with making wishes. Don't miss the opportunity to make your dream come true. If you have time, just contemplate this beauty cosmic phenomenon. According to esotericists, such an activity will serve as a kind of meditation to restore vitality.

What are Perseids?

This is a meteor shower, a phenomenon that occurs when a swarm of meteoroids burns in the Earth's atmosphere. It can be compared to driving a car in rainy weather, when drops crash into the windshield - just like comet dust particles crash into the Earth's atmosphere at high speed. A meteor should not be confused with a meteorite - a cosmic body that fell to the surface of the Earth.

Despite the name “starfall,” nothing actually falls from the sky; the Perseids are tiny dust particles of comet Swift-Tuttle burning in the atmosphere. This phenomenon repeats annually during the period when the Earth is in the region of its orbit in which it intersects with meteor showers.

What is special about this starfall?

Perseids 2016

From year to year the flow varies in intensity. In 2018, they promise from 80 to 110 meteors per hour - this is slightly less than last year, but reality may differ from the forecast in any direction. Of course, other meteor showers are visible throughout the year, but the Perseid meteor shower, which occurs in warm August, is best observed. And on the night of August 13, the Moon will not illuminate the sky.

Do I need to look for a telescope?

Contrary to popular belief, optical instruments are not needed to observe starfalls. On the contrary, it can and should be observed with the naked eye. Binoculars will come in handy if you decide to view the Andromeda galaxy and the moons of Jupiter. Meteors can also be photographed: leave the camera at a slow shutter speed, and you will get particle tracks against the background of the starry sky.

Where should you watch the starfall?

Perseids 2016

Within the city limits, the starfall is practically invisible. And on the outskirts, not all meteors will appear to the eye, only the brightest. Therefore, it is best to stock up on hot tea, travel 30–40 km outside the city and find an open area. Then, if astronomers’ expectations are justified, 60–80 meteors can be seen per hour. The farther from settlements, the less light pollution - and the more shooting stars you can see.

Bring a blanket or cot, because it is most comfortable to observe the phenomenon while lying down: your neck will not become stiff, and you will be able to see better. While standing or sitting, you need to look in the direction opposite to the radiant - this is the name of the point from which meteor particles supposedly fly out. In fact, they are flying in parallel, but it seems to us that they are flying from this point.

Where can I find radiant?

Planetarium stellarium (free software). Perseid shower radiant

The radiant of the Perseid shower is located in the constellation Perseus, it is easy to find it in the sky to the right Ursa Major, below the constellation Cassiopeia - the same letter W in the sky.

Why do you need to watch the starfall?

Romance, aesthetic pleasure, scientific interest, after all. This is also a unique opportunity to see how our planet moves, because meteor shower is the consequences of the contact of the Earth and a comet. So grab your friends, thermoses of tea, blankets and feel the sky getting closer.

It will be possible to meet with astronomer Igor Tirsky at the festival at lectures and master classes as part of the educational program.

Residents of the countries of the Northern Hemisphere on the night of August 12-13, 2018 can witness the bright starfall of the Perseids. At this time it will be as bright and active as possible. The meteor shower will continue until August 20.

The meteor shower is observed every year between July 17 and August 26. It is these days that our Earth passes through dust particles left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle.

To see the Perseid shower, you need to wake up early

When dust particles enter the earth's atmosphere, they immediately burn and fall, decorating the sky with straight solid or broken lines, a string, and sometimes fireballs.

Where and at what time can you see a starfall?

All residents of the Northern Hemisphere will watch the starfall. Like all other meteor showers, the Perseids are initially less intense, then reach a peak, and then the intensity subsides. The peak will be reached on August 12 from 20:00 to August 13 at 06:00. According to the IMO, up to 100 meteors will fall every hour.

You need to watch starfalls in open areas where you can clearly see the sky. In the city it will be difficult to see falling meteors, because night lights and various light sources interfere.

To see the Perseids, you do not need special instruments - with the naked eye you can “catch” several falling meteors. If the weather is bad and the sky becomes cloudy, there is no point in observing the phenomenon. Astronomers recommend watching the meteor shower at 04:30, when there will be more falling meteors. By the way, their flight speed is 210,000 km/h, and they light up at a distance of 70 km from our planet. The flight of the largest meteors will last a few seconds, so everyone will definitely have time to make a wish.

The apogee of the starfall in 2018 falls on August 12-13, but earthlings still have a chance to make a wish on a falling star almost until the end of summer.

Professor of astronomy at Ilia University Georgiy Ramishvili told Sputnik Georgia where and when to observe the brightest starfall of the summer and whether residents of Georgia will be able to observe the Perseid meteor shower.

Where and when to watch

The Perseid meteor shower passes very close to the Earth, leaving a beautiful “star trail” behind it - its brightness surpasses many other stars, Ramishvili noted.

Residents of the entire Northern Hemisphere, including Georgia and Russia, will be able to observe this romantic phenomenon and admire the brightest starfall of the summer.

Individual meteors could be observed in the night sky starting in mid-July.

“The Perseid meteor shower occurs every year from mid-July to August 20 - one month or even more. The average frequency of these meteors per hour is approximately 100-110 - this is quite an outstanding indicator,” Ramishvili told Sputnik Georgia.

Shooting stars will be best seen after midnight and before sunrise.

No astronomical instruments are needed for observation - you can enjoy the bright summer starfall with the naked eye.

According to Ramishvili, visibility will be clear for residents of Tbilisi, and it will not be difficult to see the flow.

“The next time such beauty can be seen only in December,” said the astronomy professor.

In order not to miss the brightest starfall of the summer, first of all, you need to find the constellation Perseus and concentrate on observation. To maximize enjoyment of the gift of space, you need to choose places on a hill, not fenced off by high-rise structures and trees.

It is best to watch starfalls away from cities with their bright lighting. For those who want to watch the starfall and make a wish, experts recommend leaving the house, for greater comfort, sit on a reclining chair or in a chaise lounge, and survey the entire sky.

By the way, during a starfall you can enjoy not only the bright astronomical phenomenon, but also to tell fortunes for the future. A long trail after the fall of a star will be a positive answer to a mentally asked question, and a rapid fade will be a negative answer.


The Perseids meteor shower is one of the oldest meteor showers. In ancient Chinese chronicles, starfall was first mentioned in 36 AD. The Perseid meteor shower is one of the three largest meteor showers.

IN medieval Europe The Perseids meteor shower, which was well known in the 8th century, was called “the tears of the immaculate Lawrence.” This is due to the fact that in Italy the festival of the Immaculate Lawrence falls precisely during the most active period of this meteor shower.

Orbital period of a comet that is currently moving towards the outer boundaries solar system, is about 133 years old.

IN last time Comet Swift-Tuttle passed the Sun in December 1992. The Perseids, therefore, were very active for several years around 1992. Astronomy enthusiasts in August 1993 could observe from 200 to 500 meteors per hour from Central Europe.

Comet Swift-Tuttle will return to the celestial body again only in July 2126, Ramishvili said.

The name of the starfall comes from the constellation Perseus, where it originates. The activity of the Perseid meteor shower varies annually - the intensity of the bursts, as predicted by theory, weakens as the distance between the Earth and the comet increases.

In normal years, the Perseid meteor shower is relatively distant from Earth's orbit and is located outside. The increase in Perseid activity is accompanied by periodic convergence of comet tracks with the Earth.

Such bursts of activity occurred in 2004, 2009 and 2016. The next increase in meteor shower activity is expected in 2028.

Have a clear sky and don’t forget to make a wish, because it is during this period that everything you dream comes true!

The material was prepared based on open sources