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Summary of GCD taking into account the regional component in the senior group “History of Shuya”

Timokhina Dina Yakovlevna
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 80 Kaluga
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2016-10-31 Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “On the Roads of Victory” Timokhina Dina Yakovlevna The summary of the educational activity "On the Roads of Victory" is intended for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten and is dedicated to the national holiday - Victory Day. The material will be interesting and useful for kindergarten teachers to implement the tasks of patriotic education of preschoolers. Allows you to use a regional component when working with children.

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Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “On the Roads of Victory”

Target:formation of ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people.

Educational areas: cognitive development; social and communicative development.


1. Expand children's understanding of the events of the Second World War and the significance of Victory Day in the life of our people.

2. To develop the ability to express one’s thoughts when constructing a speech utterance in a communication situation.

3. To develop children's curiosity, horizons, interest in the history of their country, and the ability to empathize with other people.

4. Develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, constructive skills in working with paper.

5. Cultivate a sense of pride for their fellow countrymen, participants in the hostilities of the Second World War, respect for the memory of victorious soldiers, for World War II veterans, for the tradition of generational continuity.

Equipment: exhibits of the mini-museum of military glory (military helmet, medals, orders, photographs, etc.), TV, videos “Kaluga in occupation”, “Remember forever”, museum guide, cut-out pictures (machine gun, military medical bag), white paper, template of the body of a dove, audio recordings (“Holy War” by A. Alexandrov, V. Lebedev-Kumach, “Dove of Peace” by A. Khatit, “I know about the war only by hearsay” by G. Bulyakov, T. Nedelskaya).

Preliminary work: reading works of art literature about war; examination of illustrations and photos about the Second World War, the album “Kaluga Military”; memorizing poems, proverbs and sayings about war, courage, heroism; collecting information about the participation of children’s grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the Second World War.

Progress of the event:

The sound of an email.

Educator:- Guys, what is that sound? (received an email) Let's see what's in it? And it contains an invitation to an excursion to the Museum of Military Glory.

—What does the word “military” mean? What stories do you think the Museum of Military Glory holds?

—What does “war” mean to you? (children's answers)

— Do you want to go on an excursion to such a museum? Let's remember the rules of behavior in the museum? (do not make noise, do not touch the exhibits with your hands)

Children are walking around the hall.

- So, you and I came to the museum. Why is no one meeting us? (a museum employee comes out and reports that the guide is sick)

- What do we do?

Children are offered to use the guidebook and take a tour of the museum on their own (children take the guidebooks and look at them)

- Look where we go first ( Video room)

Children go into the hall, sit on chairs, look through video “Kaluga under occupation” (under song "Holy War").

Educator:— What is this video about?

— Who recognized the city from old black and white photographs? (our city Kaluga)

— What did our city look like when it was under the rule of the Nazis? (there are ruins all around, destroyed buildings, Germans everywhere, etc.)

Educator:“Every person felt the breath of war: the howl of sirens, volleys of shells, bomb explosions. But people were not afraid. The whole country, from small to large, rose up to fight the German invaders. People courageously fought the enemy, sacrificing their lives, they became defenders of the Fatherland. Thanks to such defenders, on December 30, 1941, our city was liberated from the Nazis, and on May 9, 1945, the war ended with the victory of our people. The long-awaited peace has arrived. This year our country will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory. For 70 years our people have not known war. Millions of our defenders did not return from the war, but they live in our memories and our hearts

- Let's use the guidebook and move to another room ( Hall of Fame)

— There is no family in Russia that was spared by the war. On this board are those who performed feats and heroic deeds.

- Guys, what is a feat, a heroic act? (this is an act in the name of other people.

“You know some of these defenders of the Fatherland well and know the history of their participation in the war. Please tell us about your grandfather or great-grandfather (children's stories)

“For their heroism, the soldiers received these medals and orders (children look at the awards), and the survivors of that terrible war still receive medals, but anniversary ones in memory of the great Victory and in gratitude for peace on our land.

—Are you proud of your great-grandfathers? Do you want to be like them?

— Guys, you are our future defenders of the Fatherland. Now we will check how prepared you are. The museum has young fighter's room . Let's go into it.

Game “Assemble a machine gun” (for boys), “medical bag” (for girls).

Warm-up game “Scouts, Parade, Ambush” :

Guys, when your grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought, they were in ambush, went on reconnaissance missions, and took part in parades. Now we'll play military. On the command "reconnaissance" - let's walk on tiptoe, carefully. On the command “ambush” - you need to sit down and hide. At the command “parade,” we march, raising our knees high.

Educator:— During the war, fighters composed many proverbs and sayings to raise morale and encourage each other. Let's remember some of them.

“There will be no defense - the crows will peck”

“To live is to serve the Motherland”

“It’s hard to learn, it’s easy to fight”

“A brave fighter is good in battle”

“Die yourself, but save your comrade”

“Where there is courage, there is victory”

“A soldier’s job is to fight bravely and skillfully”

“Stand for each other and you will win the battle”

- Look in the guidebook. Where do we go next? ( Memory watch, eternal flame) On the screen there is an image of the eternal flame. Children go to the video room.

Educator:—Where in our city do they keep a vigil for memory? (Victory Square, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Eternal Flame)

— For whom does the eternal flame burn? (in memory of fallen war heroes)

“We must remember the war, the heroic deeds and exploits of our people.

— How should one behave at the Eternal Flame?

- Let us stand by the eternal flame and remember our heroes.

View video "Forever Remember"(song “I know about the war only by hearsay”).


“Bow to you, soldier of Russia,

For feat of arms in war,

For bird songs in the blue sky,

For peace and happiness on Earth."

- Guys, what do we call those who went through this terrible war and survived? (veterans) What do they look like now? (these are old grandparents)

— Guys, on Victory Day all over our country we congratulate war veterans. Every year there are fewer and fewer of them. How do we recognize veterans? (they put on uniforms, ceremonial suits, their awards).

— Guys, how do they celebrate Victory Day in our city? (they bring flowers to the eternal flame, give flowers and gifts to veterans, and arrange a fireworks display in their honor).

What do you think is the most expensive gift? (made by hand).

- Let's look at the guidebook and go to the next room ( creative workshop).

—Which bird is a symbol of peace? (dove) Let's make a dove as a gift for our veterans.

In front of the children, prepare the body of a dove. Children make wings from paper folded like an accordion and insert them into a slot on the dove’s body (the music “Dove of Peace” plays). Children place the finished crafts on their palms and read them poem "Dove".

"Sun of the Motherland beloved

Illuminates everything around.

And the white-winged one takes off

Goal: to develop the cognitive interest of children of senior preschool age in the natural world of the Southern Urals.

1) consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of the Southern Urals;

2) develop curiosity, educational interest in the native land through non-traditional forms of work;

3) to cultivate patriotic feelings in children.

Previous work: acquaintance with the nature of the Southern Urals, conversations, reading various literature on this topic, various didactic games, visiting the local history museum and the forest museum.

Materials and equipment: “Field of Miracles” drum, a set of letters for making words, an easel, questions and tasks for children, a multimedia installation.



Target: to develop the cognitive interest of children of senior preschool age in the natural world of the Southern Urals.


  1. consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of the Southern Urals;
  2. develop curiosity and educational interest in the native land through non-traditional forms of work;
  3. to cultivate patriotic feelings in children.

Previous work:acquaintance with the nature of the Southern Urals, conversations, reading various literature on this topic, various didactic games, visiting the local history museum and the forest museum.

Material and equipment:drum “Field of Miracles”, a set of letters for making words, an easel, questions and tasks for children, a multimedia installation.

Educator: Guys, you and I got acquainted with the nature of our region, studied what animals, birds, insects live next to us, went to the forest museum, thereby we learned a lot about the nature of the Southern Urals.

And we received an invitation from Moscow to take part in the “Capital Show Field of Miracles,” but since we can’t all go yet, “Field of Miracles” came to us. And today, here and now we will play this game.

“Yakubovich” (teacher) enters: Hello, you are in the Ostankino television studio. The game “Field of Miracles” is on air.

You have already passed the qualifying round, and we have 9 participants who will compete today for the title of winner of the show.

So, let's begin.

First, let's break it down into threes.Children take out numbers from the bag corresponding to the number of the trio in which they will participate.

First tour. Topic: “Animals of the Southern Urals.”

The first three. I will ask you questions on this topic, whoever answers first will be the first to spin the reel, also for the second question, whoever answers correctly will be the second to spin the reel, and whoever did not answer the questions will be the third to spin the reel. All questions will be shown on the screen.

First question: What is the largest animal in the Chelyabinsk region?

Answer: Elk.

1 player has been identified.

And now we will determine who will be the second to spin the reel.

Second question: What is the smallest (miniature) animal in our region?

Answer: Shrew.

Educator: 1) arranges the children in order of who will spin the drum;

2) introduces children to the rules of the game “Field of Miracles”.

Educator: “Guys, please listen to the rules. We will rotate the reel one by one, then I ask you a question and if you get a successful move, you name the letter, and if you know the word, you can name it in its entirety, if you get the “prize” sector, you can take the prize and leave the game, or refuse from the prize and continue the game, while naming the letter; There is also a “plus” sector on the reel - when you hit it, you can open any letter of the word.”

Question of the first round: “According to the rules of the game Sudoku, determine which animal should be in square No. 1?”

Answer: moose.

Children: guess the word.

The assistant opens the letters as needed. At the end of the tour

the winner receives the “Winner of the 1st round” medal, and all players in the first three receive “Animals of the Southern Urals” coloring.

Educator: Now the second three players come into play. Let's determine who will spin the reel first, second, and third.

Second round. Topic: “Birds of the Southern Urals.”

First question: what number is the silhouette of the most common urban bird in the Southern Urals?

Answer: No. 1 dove.

Second question (sound): what bird singing do you hear now?

Answer: Nightingale.

Second round question: Which bird, according to ornithologists, is considered the smartest in the Southern Urals?

Answer: crow.

The assistant opens the letters as needed.

The winner receives the “Winner of the 2nd round” medal, and all players in the second three receive the “Birds of the Southern Urals” coloring.

Finally, the last three players enter the game.

Let's determine who will spin the reel first, second, and third.

Third round. Topic: “Trees of the Southern Urals.”

First question: What number is the “extra” tree? Explain why.

Answer: No. 3 Baobab. Because it grows in Africa.

Second question: Find a pattern, which tree should be next.

Answer: birch.

Round 3 question: What is the name of such a forest?

Answer: grove.

Educator: When one type of tree grows in a forest, for example, only birches, such a forest is called a grove.

The assistant opens the letters as needed. The winner receives the “Winner of the 3rd round” medal, and all players in the third trio are painted “Trees of the Southern Urals”.

The final.

Educator: the winners play in the finals, in the order in which the rounds were held.

Final question: Which of the representatives of the fauna of the Chelyabinsk region can go the longest without food, without harm to their body.

Answer: tick. Ticks can survive without food for about 7 years.

The winner of the game is awarded a winner's certificate.

Administrative Department of the Administration of Novocherkassk

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

compensatory kindergarten No. 11

Approximate summary of GCD

on the use of the regional component

in literacy classes

for children of senior preschool age

"Visiting Nakhalenok"


teacher - speech therapist Bataeva S. A.


Target: To promote the education of older preschoolers as residents of the Don, as heirs of the culture and history of past generations.


▫ Enriching children’s knowledge and ideas about their native land.

▫ Development of verbal and mental memory through solving riddles and finishing proverbs.

▫ Enrichment and activation of children’s vocabulary with regional material (life, culture, etc.).

▫ Consolidating the ability to form and use singular and plural nouns in indirect cases in prepositional and non-prepositional constructions based on a card - a symbol.

▫ Improving the skill of writing common descriptive sentences for a series of paintings.

▫ Further development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis, general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

▫ Work on the prevention of articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia through improving the skill of syllable analysis.

Means of education: computer with PowerPoint, multimedia projector, screen.

Creating a problematic situation.

We received a letter by email, we need to hurry up to have time to read it.

Display of a multimedia presentation.

Who sent us this letter? (Nakhalenok) Who is Nakhalenok? (boy, hero of the work by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov) Who did M. A. Sholokhov write about? (about the Cossacks) Who are the Cossacks? (free people who fled from the rich settled on the Don) That's right, Mikhail Alexandrovich was also a Don Cossack. And Nakhalenok the Cossack? (when he grows up he will be a Cossack, but while he is still small, he is a Cossack)

The text appears: I wanted to write to you about the Cossacks, but I don’t know how to write, so try to guess everything yourself from the pictures.

What is the name of the Cossacks' housing? (Cossacks lived in huts and kurens) What is a hut? (The hut is a Cossack’s house, it was very small with only two rooms, the roof was made of reeds, the walls were also made of reeds, but they were covered with clay on top. Kuren is a large house. It had two floors - the bottom and the top, with high stairs The kuren was divided into two halves - male and female. It was built of wood. The roof was covered with iron or slate.)

Caring housewives did everything to make the house beautiful both outside and inside. There were many different items in the house that were needed in the household. You were given pictures with images of various objects. Open the envelopes and tell us what you have there. (cannot answer because all the pictures were scattered into small pieces, you need to collect them first)

Composing a whole image from individual fragments.

(buckets and yoke, nets and fish, spoon, cat, ants, broom)

Now try to guess the riddles using your pictures.

Crooked two brothers

He took him to the Don for a swim.

While the brothers are swimming,

Crooked is lying on the shore.

(buckets and rocker)

Not a Cossack, but with a mustache,

About four legs, not a horse,

Sings songs

Everyone knows him.


Guest house

They lowered me into the Don.

When lifted from the water,

All the guests were gathered.

(nets and fish)

The Cossacks came without axes,

They cut down the hut without corners.


Shaggy Cossack,

There's a sash in the middle,

Walks around the yard

It brings order.


A bird was flying

Between the mouth and the cup.


What did the Cossacks do? (showing illustrations)

(They defended the Motherland, deftly rode horses, there were Cossacks - blacksmiths. They worked in forges, made various things for the house and horseshoes for horses. Cossack women and Cossack boys collected grapes. Cossacks wove baskets from grape branches, fishing nets for catching fish and crayfish, and even chests. The Cossacks did not buy dishes anywhere, but made them themselves from special clay. The Cossacks caught fish with nets).

Look, guys, what Nakhalenok is showing us! Does this happen or not? (a fox was caught in the river)

And you and I also know something incredible, can we tell it?

Logorhythmic exercise “Neverbelievable”.

A pike swims in the Don, sleeps on an apple tree in the garden...

We wound the wool into a ball and it will become a silk scarf!...

The dog Barbos cackled: he laid an egg in the kennel...

In March, the snow and ice melted - spring is coming to us!

Where did Nakhalenok go? He probably decided to play hide and seek with you. Look carefully at the picture, using the special icon, answer, where is Nakhalenok? (under the bench, in the sunflowers, on the roof, in the hut, behind the smoking room)

What did Nakhalenok want to show us now? (horses) Yes, a horse is the most faithful friend for a Cossack. The Cossacks sang songs about him, made up fairy tales and proverbs. What else did the Cossacks make up proverbs about? (about work, about songs, about the Motherland, etc.) We have the beginning of a proverb, but there is no end.

Game "Additions".

Cossack with a horse (when?) - ………….. both at night and during the day.

Listen to Cossack songs - ……… eat honey with a spoon.

The Don land is ……….. the Cossack’s dear mother.

To the wind - a field, and to a Cossack - ………. will.

Don’t be lazy, Cossack, with a plow, …….. in the spring you will have a pie.

Don Cossack - and... Swedish, and... the reaper, and ..... the player on the pipe, and ………. there is a singer in the choir, and……. Well done in battle!

Today we have already collected scattered pictures, and now Nakhalenok’s words have scattered. Watch the horse carefully, read the syllables in order. Then we make the same word from the cards on the table.


You completed all the tasks, you know a lot of Cossack proverbs. And what is it? (ball) What is it for? (play) Where will we play with the ball? (on the street) We go outside to play “Voevoda” with the ball.

Lesson summary for the middle group on moral and patriotic education, taking into account the regional component "Big and Small Motherland"

Target: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland.
- Continue to form in children the idea of ​​Russia as a native country;
- develop a respectful attitude towards state symbols;
- Introduce children to the concept of the small and large Motherland;
- to instill in children love for the Motherland,
- Form civic-patriotic feelings.
- Learn to answer adult questions, build simple common sentences;
- Expand your vocabulary through nouns (parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, house, country, city, Motherland) and adjectives (Native, dear, big, small)
- Develop attention and memory - recognize flags and coats of arms in pictures
- Develop self-control and the ability to follow the rules of the game;
- Develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness.
Vocabulary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, big Motherland, small Motherland, Crimea, Feodosia.
Integration of educational areas:
“Cognition, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Labor”
- World map, globe;
- images of the President of the Russian Federation, coats of arms and flags;
- visual and didactic aids;
- photographs with views of the city;
- slides with sights;
-Audio recordings.
Preliminary work:
- Conversations about Russian symbols;
- reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland;
- reading works of art of Crimea;
- looking at photographs of the city;
- examining illustrations and performing work on coloring the Flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Feodosia.

Progress of the lesson

(I start the activity with a greeting in a circle, the children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Hello, the sky is blue,
Hello, golden sun,
Hello, free breeze,
Hello, little oak tree,
We live in our native land,
I greet you all!

Hello guys! Today we will try to reveal the secret of a new word.
- But first, let's remember one familiar word. Listen carefully and remember his secret. This word is "native".
- Remember who or what we can call family.
- Children's answers: mom, dad, brother, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, home, kindergarten, country, city. Great, well done.
-Let's do finger gymnastics about our family (finger gymnastics).
- Now let’s listen to how this word can sound in a poem.
1 child reads a poem:
There are many mothers in the world
Children love them with all their hearts!
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else!
Who is she? I will answer -
My dear mother!
- Yes, guys, the dearest person for us is our mother.
-But all people still have the most precious thing - their native land, their native side.
- What else can you call the place where we live and grow, where everything is native.
- This place is called differently - Motherland.
2 child reads a poem:
If they say the word “Motherland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
Or the steppe, red with poppies,
Virgin gold…
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!
- Guys, what is the name of our huge country in which we live? (Russia).
- Yes, our Motherland is Russia!
- Look at the map guys. Show me, please, where our Russia is located (a child comes out and shows).
- Guys, what is the name of the capital of our Motherland? (Moscow)
- What is the name of the president of our country?
– Name the state symbols of Russia. (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)
– Find the flag of our country among others. (Images of flags are laid out, children choose the Russian flag from those offered.)
3 child reads a poem:
White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn
- Now find the coat of arms of our country. (Images are laid out, children choose the coat of arms of Russia from the proposed ones.)
4 child reads a poem:
Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west, to the east
He could look right away
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is Russia's free spirit.
- What is the anthem? (The anthem is the most important song of the country. The anthem is listened to while standing.)
- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the Russian anthem.

Listening to an excerpt from the hymn.

Game “Collect the flag and coat of arms of Russia” (2 teams of children collect puzzles of the coat of arms and flag at speed)

Guys, what proverbs do you know about the Motherland?
The native land is a paradise for the heart.
There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
Learn to defend your motherland.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
To live - to serve the Motherland
Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

There is a place in our country where we were born and grow up, where our parents and friends live, where our home is located - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland.
-What is the name of our Republic (peninsula)?
- Our Republic of Crimea.
- What are the people who live in Crimea called? (Crimeans).
- On the shore of which sea do we live?
- On the shore of the Black Sea.
-Let's guys imagine ourselves on the shore of our gentle sea.

Physical education minute:
Seagulls circle above the waves,
Let's fly after them together.
Splashes of foam, sound of the surf
And above the sea you and I!
We are now sailing on the sea
And we frolic in the open space,
Have fun raking
And catch up with the dolphins.
Look: seagulls are important
They walk on the sand of the sea.
-Children, sit down on the sea sand, take shells and listen to the sound of the sea. (Slides and sound of the sea)
-Well done guys, have a rest, now sit down.
- Each of us has a small Motherland. What is the name of the city where we live? (Feodosia). What are the people who live in Feodosia called? (Feodosians).
- And what is our Feodosia, what words can describe it (beautiful, sunny, blooming, warm, friendly, hospitable, resort, affectionate, generous).
- Guys, there are many attractions in our city.
-Let's play the game “Our City”
- I will show you slides that depict famous places in our city, and you will name them.
View slides. (Children name and answer questions in vos-la).
Genoese fortress of Kafa. 2. Monument to I.K. Aivazovsky, Aivazovsky Art Gallery.
3. Monument to I. K. Aivazovsky fountain.
4. Fountain-monument to the Good Genius.
5. Greene Museum.
6. Eternal flame.
7.Color and musical fountain.
8. Feodosia embankment.
9. Museum of Antiquity.
10. Museum of Money.
-Well done boys! You know your city very well. We completed all the tasks and answered questions. And to make our region even more beautiful, we must be hardworking and friendly.
- Now let’s get into a big friendly round dance.
Round dance.

Lesson summary:
- Guys! You and I should also be friends. To love your homeland - big and small. Takes care of her. Try to learn more about its people and history, preserve its customs and traditions, take care of its nature.