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Neyman-Pearson test for absolutely continuous models. Neyman-Pearson criterion for absolutely continuous models Synthesis of the optimal solution using the Neyman Pearson criterion

Neyman-Pearson test

One of the disadvantages of the Jacques-Beer criterion is that it is focused on resolving the issue of normality

distributions based only on external statistical characteristics of the sample momentary type. On practice Of significant interest is the study of the internal structure of the sample. For this goals the device is used frequency characteristics, which includes the definition and analysis values ​​of absolute, relative and accumulated empirical frequency

The study of the internal structure of the sample begins with identifying homogeneity classes, the number of which can be determined using the Sturges formula (8.4). The number of sample elements falling into each of TO classes, determines the values ​​of the absolute empirical frequencies of V., i = 1,TO.

Each class corresponds to an interval of sample values, the width of which (the same for all intervals) is determined as follows:

where D = (x max - xmin) - range of factor variation X.

Interval boundaries)