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Personal experience: how did the early Unified State Exams in history and social studies go? Download the early version of the exam history.

Good day, dear applicants. Many of you are interested in what happened behind the scenes of the early Unified State Exam 2016. This was preceded by dozens of messages in my personal VKontakte and I will lift the veil of secrecy for you, tell you about my impressions of checking the second part and we will analyze with you the real version of the second part and tell you about that What does the early Unified State Exam look like this year?

Impressions from the early stage

Let's start with my impressions of the first part, which, I admit, I saw briefly. But with a quick run through the option, I can say the following: the early Unified State Exam was not difficult. I will substantiate this on real tasks. As you know, this year they radically changed the structure of the entire work - they removed the test part and rearranged the tasks of the current first one. According to a quick analysis of the option, the first five tasks and Nos. 7-9, 11 were given without any difficulties to those who worked out the dates and worked with official documents, including the list of dates from FIPI. There would be no surprises here, as I believe, for a prepared person

Next you will be greeted with the following type of tasks: working with a map and illustrative material. From the maps, I can remember a map of the settlement of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs, there was a map for the era of feudal fragmentation, the Battle of Kursk, the socio-economic development of Russia in the 19th century... Something, of course, could cause difficulties, but there were no surprises from the compilers , according to the type of names of merchants/names of plants and factories, as last year

“Pictures” pleased the majority of applicants. The only difficulty was caused by a friend whose famous children's song is attached below. Whoever found out, write in the comments :) It was necessary to choose 2 positions for him and the composer with whom he/she collaborated. I'm waiting for your suggestions. For the rest: Vysotsky, Tsoi, the main architectural monuments of the 18th century, posters from the 20-30s of the 20th century

Well, now let’s move on to the analysis of the tasks of the second part:

Assignments No. 20-22: early Unified State Examination in history 2016

No. 20. What period in the history of the USSR are we talking about in the article? Name, using knowledge from the history course, the two main opposition I.V. Stalin's directions among the party elite of the described time. What were the features of their views?

No. 21. Name the purpose of the repressions organized by I.V. Stalin against authoritative party and government figures. Give at least two facts and phenomena related to this process in the army.

No. 22. Indicate at least five reasons that, according to S.A. Kislitsyn, led to the destruction of the internal party opposition to Stalin

Test solution

So, how can you complete this task? Naturally, reading the text 🙂 The murder of Kirov, for knowledgeable boys and girls, already says that this is the 1930s. The groups are secretly highlighted in the text: S. Syrtsova and T. Ryutin (supporters of the liberalization of the Soviet Union and moderate reforms). Well, let’s touch on the “party boyars”, tell you who they are and get 2 points for the twentieth task

Goal: establishing a centralized system of state power and control of the masses

Facts and phenomena:
1) Many representatives of the Red Army were repressed (example: Tukhachevsky, Blucher)
2) During the Soviet-Finnish war, a serious blow was dealt to the country’s defense capability

  1. Fetishization of the CPSU (b)
  2. Infantilism
  3. Separation from the people
  4. Ambition of party members
  5. Detachment from human values

We will continue to work on the option in the following articles, very, very soon, if this article receives a response. Like, share articles on social networks, so you help the project and then we will analyze the early Unified State Examination in History 2016 as soon as possible. See you soon, Ivan Nekrasov was with you. Bye everyone!

Want to understand all the topics in your history course? Sign up to study at Ivan Nekrasov’s school with a legal guarantee of passing the exam with 80+ points!

Let's briefly look at the contents of the KIM:

On the one hand, there is nothing particularly noteworthy in tasks 1-2, unless you note a funny coincidence: in the 2nd task two monetary reforms appeared side by side - E.F. Kankrin and G.Ya. Sokolnikova.

On the other hand, I was surprised by the unconventional spelling of the word “baptism” in the phrase “baptism of Rus'” with a lowercase letter. Often even in textbooks they still write with capital letters - “ TO decision,” thereby emphasizing the fate of what happened. This is especially striking in comparison with " N national projects" from the 3rd task. When they managed to become such an important event that their appearance must be emphasized in capital letters remains a mystery from the compilers of the version.

By the way, in general, the choice of period for the terms in the same 3rd task - “perestroika” - is quite unusual and good. To be honest, I’m already a little tired of the monotonous terms from many versions.XVIIcentury with an endless list of names of representatives of different classes. In one "Novoogaryov process" I must say a big thank you to the authors.

But I would like to scold you for the 4th task. In my opinion, there are two rather serious mistakes at once. The definition is given: “ In the Russian state in the XVI - early XVIII V. service people who made up permanent army; infantry armed with firearms" Apparently, the answer should be - “ Sagittarius" But two objections arise.

Firstly, as far as I know, the Streltsy army was destroyed by PeterIeven after the last Streltsy revolt of 1698, so how it could have existed at the beginning of the next century is absolutely incomprehensible. Especially considering that already in 1699 the first recruitment took place in the tsar’s new army. This may be a typo, but " at the beginning XVII V." would be even more stupid.

Secondly, it is quite difficult to consider the Streltsy a permanent army, given that for them military affairs was not the only and main occupation, since they received the lion's share of their income from trade, crafts, and crafts. The same uniform, uniform firearms and formation into regiments are somehow not enough to equate the archers with the regular army. It would sound more correct, from my point of view: “ In the Russian state in the XVI - late XVII centuries servicemen who made up the infantry (infantry units), armed with firearms».

1 task - two events (Battle of Chesme and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand);

Task 4 - the term “streltsy” (military personnel);

Task 5 - exclusively military events (processes, phenomena) and facts;

In the 6th everything is “quiet and peaceful”: government bodies - the State Duma with the State Council;

In the 7th it is also calm as in Baghdad, here the economy is of the 1st halfXIXV. Or else it will be in tasks 13-16 with a map on economic developmentXVII centuries :)

8 - traditionally “military”;

In the 9th, two events are military conflicts;

10 - text about an armed conflict (I won’t say which one, so that it’s interesting to decide);

11 - quite neutral and unpretentious;

12 - again about the events that took place during the war (this time the First World War).

Tasks 13-16 with the map have already been mentioned. One of the most unpleasant options that could come across. I sympathize with those who solved it.

In 17th it was quite monotonous, just architectural monuments. Still, it’s more interesting when there are examples from different spheres of culture, more knowledge is tested.

In the 18th, it is noteworthy that he used not a stamp/coin/medal, but an entire postal envelope! This is the scale. Respect and respect. True, this complicates the task, because it is more difficult to see, especially what is written in small letters and numbers at the bottom. This is important if, as in this case, you need to know the release time. The monuments in the 19th task are quite recognizable and uncomplicated, no unusual angles.

And continuing the theme - Nos. 20-22 with text also about hostilities(I still won’t spoil it), but it’s an interesting text, since it uses a non-standard source - a message from the monarch.

No. 23 - again about the war, this time the Civil War. Moreover, it’s an interesting innovation - for the first time I see the wording of explanations being somehow limited: “ There is no need to indicate white motion errors." It sounds like: “Well, they couldn’t win anyway, so it’s not interesting to read about their mistakes. Let’s better remember once again why the Bolsheviks won.” Somehow, it’s still not good to decide for people what explanations to give them and what not.

No. 24 - arguments about the Decembrist uprising. One of my favorite topics, so I liked it :) I don’t know about others, but it could have been much worse, that’s for sure.

From No. 25 (essay) it also smacks of “militarism.” The third period is the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War (from June 1941 until the beginning of a radical turning point in the war in November 1942).

Result: 11 (!) tasks out of 25, i.e. almost half are, in one way or another, related to military history. A little too much for my taste.

Early versions of the Unified State Exam 2018 in other subjects can be viewed on the FIPI website: main page - section “Unified State Exam and GVE-11” - subsection “Open Unified State Exam task bank” - scroll to the bottom of the page. Or just follow the link. There you can also download early versions of 2015, 2016, 2017.

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The federal examination in history belongs to the category of selective Unified State Exams. It must be taken if the student plans to continue studying in a university that requires this certificate. History will be useful if you have chosen law, sociology, art history, cultural studies, design, or architecture as your professional activity. This subject is traditionally considered difficult by graduates.

Passing history requires not just cramming dates or names, but also the ability to handle facts, draw informed conclusions and reasonedly express one’s attitude to processes and phenomena. To successfully pass the history exam, you should learn about possible changes in KIMs, have an idea of ​​what is included in the 2017 Unified State Examination, and know how to prepare for writing a historical essay. Let's talk about this in more detail!

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2017

Unified State Exam dates in history

Specialists from Rosobrnadzor have allocated the following dates for the Unified State Examination in History:

  • Early period. The early exam will be held on March 16, 2017, with April 3, 2017 set aside as a reserve day. To take the exam ahead of the main deadline, you will be required to write an application (before March 1, 2017), and also be included in one of the categories of participants in the early Unified State Examination (the list of such persons is given below);
  • Main stage. The main exam is scheduled for June 2, 2017.
  • Reserve date. Reserve day – June 19, 2017 (in case of force majeure, there is another reserve day for all items – June 30, 2017).

No matter how much one would like to pass the test in the form of the Unified State Exam early, not everyone can pass history ahead of schedule. Those who have the right to take the Unified State Exam early include:

  • graduates of previous years and those who graduated from evening school;
  • participants in all-Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, creative shows or olympiads that will be held during the Unified State Exam;
  • eleventh graders who decided to go to university before going to university;
  • schoolchildren whose health requires treatment or prevention;
  • graduates leaving the territory of Russia due to a change of residence or to study at a foreign university.

Statistical information

Statistics from past years confirm that history is one of the most popular elective subjects - in 2016, more than 159 thousand students applied for this Unified State Exam (in 2015 there were 20 thousand fewer). However, this test is not at all easy for eleventh graders. A check of this exam found that as many as 15.9% of graduates were unable to overcome the minimum limit.

Soon, the history exam may become one of the three mandatory exams

However, this indicator has improved slightly compared to the previous period, when about 16.5% were recorded as failing students (with a smaller number of examinees). There were very few guys with the highest scores - only 96 people were able to demonstrate perfect knowledge and write the exam without a single mistake. On average, students pass history with 46.7 points, which can be interpreted as a “satisfactory” grade.

All this indicates that you will have to devote a lot of time and effort to preparing for the story in order to show a decent result. In addition, recently there have been more and more rumors that a third compulsory subject will be introduced into the exams. History has a very high chance of being included in the top three Unified State Exams, which are compulsory.

Changes in KIMs in history

According to the information provided, no changes are expected in the structural and content of tickets for this discipline. Among the changes it is worth noting:

  • increasing the score for correctly completing tasks No. 3 and No. 8, which are now worth 2 points instead of 1;
  • clarifications in the wording of task No. 25.

Structure and content of the Unified State Examination in History

History KIM consists of 25 tasks, which are divided into two parts:

  • Part 1 includes 19 tasks requiring a short answer in the form of a number, a sequence of numbers, a word or a phrase;
  • Part 2 consists of 6 tasks in which you need to give a detailed answer. In this part of the exam you will also have to write a short historical essay on the periods offered to choose from.

Although this exam is popular, it is still considered quite difficult

This Unified State Exam will require students to demonstrate skills in searching and systematizing historical information, as well as experience working with maps and diagrams, knowledge of key dates and periods in the history of Russia and foreign countries, understanding of terminology, basic historical facts, processes and phenomena, the ability to work with historical texts.

Tasks of increased complexity are aimed at testing the skills of conducting structural-functional, spatial and temporal analysis when working with historical sources, factual material, phenomena and processes, as well as the ability to operate with historical information when conducting a discussion and writing an essay.

The procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination in History

The time allotted by FIPI for the examination will be 235 minutes. The Unified State Exam in History does not require the graduate to have any additional materials. For the Unified State Exam, you will only need a pen, so you will have to leave all unnecessary items outside the door. You should not try to bring reference books, smartphones or smart watches with you in the hope that you can copy the answers.

Any of these subjects will be a clear reason for removing you from the exam and giving you an unsatisfactory grade. In addition, in order to conduct the Unified State Exam, it is stated that students are strictly prohibited from leaving the classroom without permission and the accompaniment of observers, getting up from their seats, turning to their neighbors and discussing anything with them.

To prepare for the Unified State Exam, it is important to use textbooks and demo versions of tasks

How is the Unified State Examination in history assessed?

Let us remind you that the minimum that a student must score in this subject is 32 points. We also advise you to pay attention to the information that in 2017, Unified State Exam scores can be taken into account in your school certificate. If we convert the obtained points into the usual grading system, then the distribution is as follows:

  • graduates who scored from 0 to 31 points demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge, therefore these points are equivalent to a mark of “2”;
  • students who scored from 32 to 49 points know history at a satisfactory level, their grade is “3”;
  • high school students who received from 50 to 67 points know the subject well, so they receive a mark of “4”;
  • graduates who scored 68 points or higher on the exam have excellent knowledge and receive a “5”.

You will be able to view your exam scores at the announced time by registering on the Unified State Exam portal. To identify your identity, you will need to enter your passport information.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in History

The overall complexity and large number of tasks in history KIMs will require you to competently distribute the time allotted for solving them. Getting ready to work under stress is, of course, not easy, but anxiety can be minimized. To do this, take the demo version of the Unified State Exam at home, which is offered for download on our website (see above).

This way you can reduce the time lost associated with understanding the instructions, and also prepare yourself psychologically for the exam. The proposed demo version was developed by employees of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, so the tasks that will be in the real KIM are similar to the trial ones in terms of topics and wording.

Essay is an important and integral part of the history exam in 2017

How to write an essay?

It is advisable to spend no more than 45-60 minutes on this part of the work. When preparing, you should familiarize yourself with the topics of previous years and write a test essay on each topic according to the requirements stated by FIPI. To get a good grade for an essay, you need to follow the plan proposed by the methodologists, which includes the following points:

  1. Write an introduction of several sentences that characterizes the period as a whole.
  2. Outline two phenomena, events or processes that became significant for the specified period.
  3. Give examples of two historical figures who played a significant role in the processes and events described; indicate exactly how they influenced a given historical period.
  4. Analyze the presence of cause-and-effect relationships between events or processes.
  5. Draw a conclusion that gives a general assessment of the analyzed historical period.

Let us focus on the fact that points for the last parts of the work are awarded only if the student was able to correctly characterize the time period as a whole and name the phenomena that occurred in it. If the first part of the essay does not meet the requirements of the commission, then the rest of the work is not evaluated.

Around the month of May, versions of the Unified State Examination for the early period are published. The purpose of the publication is to provide graduates with an additional opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Early versions of the Unified State Examination in History 2017

Item Download early version
History 2017 istoriya
2016 variant ege 2016
2015 variant ege 2015

Published according to one version of the KIM used to conduct the Unified State Exam in the early period of 2017.

Changes in the structure of CMMs in history compared to 2016:

There are no changes in structure or content.

The maximum score for completing tasks 3 and 8 has been changed (2 points instead of 1). The wording of task 25 and the criteria for its assessment have been improved.

Total tasks (in brackets - including essay evaluation criteria) - 25 (31);

of which by task type:

with a short answer – 19;

with a detailed answer – 6 (12);

by level of complexity (including essay evaluation criteria): B – 16; P – 8; B – 7.

The maximum initial score for the work is 55.

The total time to complete the work is 235 minutes.

Structure of KIM Unified State Exam 2017 in history

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 25 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty.

Part 1 contains 19 short answer questions. The examination paper offers the following types of short-answer tasks:
– tasks for choosing and recording the correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

– tasks to determine the sequence of arrangement of these elements;

– tasks to establish the correspondence of elements given in several information series;

– tasks to determine according to the specified characteristics and write in the form of a word (phrase) a term, name, name, century, year, etc.

The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a sequence of numbers written without spaces or other delimiters; words; phrases (also written without spaces or other separators).

Part 2 contains 6 tasks with detailed answers that identify and evaluate graduates’ mastery of various complex skills.
Tasks 20–22 are a set of tasks related to the analysis of a historical source (attribution of the source; extraction
information; attraction of historical knowledge to analyze the problems of the source, the position of the author).

Tasks 23–25 are related to the use of techniques of cause-and-effect, structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis to study historical processes and phenomena. Task 23 is related to the analysis of any historical problem or situation. Task 24 – analysis of historical versions and assessments, argumentation of various points of view using course knowledge. Task 25 involves writing a historical essay. Task 25 is alternative: the graduate has the opportunity to choose one of three periods of Russian history and demonstrate his knowledge and skills using the historical material most familiar to him. Task 25 is assessed according to a system of criteria.

On the Unified State Exam in history, there are usually a little more than 5 percent of students who score high. There are approximately twice as many poor students.

It is noted that not everyone knows how to work with maps and factual material. Schoolchildren often make mistakes when answering questions about the Great Patriotic War. Pupils do not always understand the difference between it and the Second World War.

Before exams, it is recommended to repeat the dates and refresh your memory of the names of commanders, heroes, and statesmen. Thus, at the Unified State Examination in 2016, about 20 percent of graduates wrote that the hero of the Soviet Union is the saboteur fighter Lidia Ruslanova, executed by the Nazis in 1941, and not Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. There were also those who sent Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky to battle in Chesme Bay in 1770, while during the Great Patriotic War he was the chief of the General Staff, commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, and led the assault on Koenigsberg.