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Speech therapy lesson on the topic “winter” outline of a speech therapy lesson (middle group) on the topic. Summary of the speech therapy lesson "Winter fun" in the middle group for children with general speech underdevelopment Open speech therapy lesson on the topic of winter

Target: Consolidation and generalization of the material covered on the topic

" Winter. Winter fun."

Educational field “Social and communicative development”.

1. Stimulate and encourage children’s speech activity during the game, develop their communication skills.

2. Development in the game of communication skills, emotional responsiveness, imitation, creative imagination, activity, independence.

Educational field "Cognitive development".

1. Develop visual and auditory attention and memory

2. Develop and support children’s verbal accompaniment of practical actions.

3.Teach children to analyze a sample. Find similarities and differences.

Educational field "Speech development".

Correctional and educational work.

1. Develop passive vocabulary and activate nouns, verbs and adjectives in speech on the topic “Winter. Winter fun."

2.Form rhythm of speech, voice modulation, intonation expressiveness, diction.

3. Cultivate the correct moderate pace of speech.

4 . Formation of correct speech breathing and prolonged oral exhalation.

5. Train to use nouns in the genitive case.

7. Improving the ability to use infinitive verbs in speech.

8. Learning to compose simple sentences using a model.

9. Stimulating the manifestation of speech activity.

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

1.Teach children to complete drawing of individual elements.

2.Color over outline images.

3.Form a positive emotional attitude towards visual activity.

Educational field "Physical development".

1.Develop and improve motor skills, coordination of movements with speech..

Preliminary work:studying the lexical topic “Winter. Winter fun”, looking at photographs, slides, films, presentations on the topic, teaching winter games.


ICT, snowball made of cotton wool, blank images of snowmen with missing parts

Progress of the lesson.

1.Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist:

Now I will tell you a riddle. Listen carefully.

"Look what a miracle it is,

Everything around is white and white.

Roofs, streets, trees,

All the paths were covered with snow.

Ice bound the lakes, rivers,

A snowstorm is blowing in the yard.

The bird is freezing from the frost,

The bird is too lazy to have fun.

The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

The days are shorter, the nights are longer.

What time of year is it, kids?

Tell me quickly?” (winter)

  • What signs of winter do you know? Look at the picture. She will help you. (Children remember the signs of winter)

2. Coordination of speech with movement

Speech therapist: Guys, look, it’s snowing. Let's play.

White fluffy snow, (hands in front of you. Movements of the hands)

Spinning in the air. (circle around themselves)

And quietly to the ground (slowly squat down)

falls, lies down.

3 . Selection of definitions and verbs. Playing with a snowball (ball).

Speech therapist: Guys, what can you say about snow? What kind of snow? (The speech therapist throws a snowball to each child)

(Children are fluffy, white, wet, cold, soft, sparkling...)

Speech therapist: What can snow do?

(Children: spin, shine, melt, fly, sparkle, lie down, crunch. Shimmer...)

Speech therapist: Guys, I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will blow on the snowflakes, and they will spin in a dance. (The speech therapist distributes snowflakes).

Do you know how to blow correctly? Remind how to do this. (We inhale deeply through our nose, do not raise our shoulders, do not puff out our cheeks. Children blow on a snowflake, holding it by a string at mouth level).

Speech therapist: Such a strong wind has risen! Everything was spinning in the air. A blizzard has arisen. The wind howled: ooh-ooh.

- How the blizzard calms down.

Speech therapist. Oh, how cold it has become! Let's warm our hands. Let's blow warm air (children “warm” their hands with a warm air stream).

5. Surprise moment.

Speech therapist. Guys, guess the riddle. If you guess right, we will have a guest.

"Mischievous little man,

He is inseparable from the broom,

He is not used to living in a warm place.

Who came to us? (snowman)

Speech therapist: Well done, you guessed the riddle! And the snowman appeared to play with us.

/A slide appears on the media device/

4.Guessing riddles.

Speech therapist: Winter is a frosty time, but very fun! Lots of games and fun in winter! The snowman will ask riddles about his favorite winter activities. If you guess the riddle, the answer will appear.

  • Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their names are…….. (skis)

/a slide appears on the multimedia device//

  • Winter gives us a gift

Rosy days.

Hurry to the snow, hurry to the ice.

On skis and……..(skates)

/the answer appears on the multimedia device/

  • I sit down and rock,

I'm rushing down the mountain.

But this is not a sled

But just………. (ice)

/a slide appears on the multimedia device/

  • OH, it's snowing!

I'm bringing out my friend's horse.

For a rope - a bridle

I lead my horse through the yard.

I'm flying down the hill on it,

And I drag him back. (sled)

/a slide appears on the media device/

Speech therapist: What winter fun do you like? Remember those that the snowman forgot about (children answer one at a time).

  1. Coordination of speech with movement. Development of general motor skills.

Speech therapist:

Winter has finally come. (Children spread their arms to the sides)

The houses have become white (showing the roof over your head)

It's snowing outside (Shaking movements with hands from top to bottom)

A street cleaner sweeps the street (simulation of movement)

We are sledding (Children squat)

Making circles on the skating rink (imitation of ice skating)

Skiing deftly (imitation of movement)

And we all play snowballs. (children make and throw snowballs).

  1. Development of visual attention, “nonsense”

Speech therapist: Guys, the snowman drew an interesting picture, but it seems to me that there are a lot of mistakes in it. Find them.

/a slide appears on the multimedia device/

  1. Use of nouns in the genitive case.

Speech therapist: Guys, our snowman is very sad alone.

Let's make him friends, just like our snowman. I started drawing them, but didn't have time to finish. Help me.

Speech therapist, addressing each child: What doesn’t your snowman have?

(My snowman does not have a bucket, .... broom, hands, nose, eyes.

I will finish drawing a bucket for the snowman………Children finish drawing snowmen.)

  1. Summary of the lesson.

Children thank the snowman for an interesting game and give drawings.

Svetlana Ivanova
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Winter-winter”

Target: formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Correctional - educational task: consolidation of ideas about winter and its signs. Clarification, expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic "Winter"(winter, snow, snowflake, flakes, grains, blizzard, blizzard, drifting snow, snowfall, ice, snowdrift, pattern; cold, white, fluffy, snowy, frosty, strong, hungry", freeze, cover, fall out, howl, sweep, feed, sprinkle) Strengthen the ability to select homogeneous definitions, construct grammatically correct sentences, form nouns with diminutive suffixes in the singular.

Corrective and developmental task: development of auditory and visual attention, thinking, speech breathing, fine and gross motor skills, creative imagination, coordination of speech with movement, dialogical speech.

Correctional and educational task: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment. Snowman toy, letter, story pictures on the topic "Winter", tape recorder, cassette recording of a play by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter morning", individual colored sheets, white gouache, paints, Christmas tree, paper snowflakes.

Preliminary work. A walk in the park, observing winter changes in nature. Learning poems about winter. Introducing children to proverbs and sayings about winter. Modeling and decorating a snowman on the site.

cultivate a love for the poetic word and nature.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. An audio recording is playing "Winter morning". The Snowman comes to visit and brings a letter.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's open the letter and read it. The letter contains riddles.

The one who guesses my puzzles:

Strange star What a ridiculous person

Fell from the sky Made your way to the 21st century?

I have a carrot on my palm, a nose, a broom in my hand,

She lay down and disappeared. Afraid of sun and heat.

(snowflake) (snowman)

The invisible artist is transparent like glass

Walking around the city: You can’t put it in the window.

Will rouge everyone's cheeks, (ice)

Everyone's nose will be pinched.


The cold weather has set in, He flies in a white flock,

The water has turned into ice and sparkles as it flies.

Long-eared gray bunny He melts like a cool star

Turned into a white bunny. On the palm and in the mouth.

The bear stopped roaring - (snow)

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?


Speech therapist. Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children. Winter.

2. Subject message classes.

Speech therapist. What do you guys think we will talk about at class?

Children. Today on class we will talk about winter.

Speech therapist. What lies around?

Children. There is snow all around.

Speech therapist. What's on the river?

Children. Ice on the river.

Speech therapist. What's on the street? Why is it cold?

Children. It's frosty outside.

3. Mimic exercises

To express our state and mood at different times of winter: we rejoice at the first snow, we shudder from the cold wind, we are shivered to our very bones in frosty, icy weather. Convey the angry intonation of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed,

Got up, jingling icicles: -

Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

Why don't you wake me up?

Express the mood and actions of Winter with facial expressions, gestures and movements.

So Winter the Sorceress dressed the trees and bushes in white clothes and strewn the ground with sparkles and silver.

But the angry Winter the old woman froze birds, people and animals, bound the rivers with ice, etc.

Exercises for cheeks and lips

Snowmen enjoy the snow and frost. Puff out your cheeks. Cheerful expression in the eyes.

Sad snowmen in spring. Move the corners of your lips down. Convey a sad look.

Tongue exercises

Icicle. stick out "spicy" tongue as far out of the mouth as possible and hold it in this position (counting up to "six - eight").

Ice sled. Make a tongue "cup".

Slide for descent. Open your mouth, lower your tongue behind your lower teeth, arch the back of your tongue "peacock".

Sleds. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly against the upper molars, bend the back down and the tip is free. Move back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue should slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move and that the lips do not touch the teeth.

A hurricane wind opens and closes the window. The mouth is closed. The tongue is hanging out of the mouth. Raise and lower the tip of the tongue.

Snowstorm. Old, gray-haired, with an icy stick, Vyuga hobbles like Baba Yaga. howls snowstorm: "Z-z-z-z-z". (With sound amplified.) The forest groaned from blizzards: "Mmm-mm-mm-mm". (Quietly, in a high voice.) I moan heavily Oak trees: "Mmm-mm-mm-mm". (Loud, low voice.) Birch trees are groaning "Mmm-mm-mm-mm". (Quietly, in a high voice.) They make noise ate: “Shh- P: Ш-HI-HI". Calms down snowstorm: "S-s-s-s-s-s".

5. Didactic game “Name as many beautiful words as possible”.

Children answer questions: which one, which one? which one?

What's the weather like? – snowy, cold, frosty.

What kind of snow? – fluffy, white, light, soft, silvery, sticky.

What is the sky like? – cloudy, gray, blue.

What day? – frosty, short, wintry, cold.

What kind of wind is it? – strong, cold, prickly.

6. Finger gymnastics “We went for a walk in the yard”.

One, two, three, four, five, bend their fingers one at a time.

We went for a walk in the yard. They walk along the table and point. and average finger

They sculpted a snow woman, "Sculpted" lump with two palms.

The birds were fed crumbs, "Crumble" bread with all fingers.

Then we rode down the hill, They were giving a decree. finger on the palm.

And they were also lying in the snow. Palms are placed on the table on one side and the other.

Everyone came home covered in snow. They shake off their palms.

We ate soup and went to bed. "They eat with a spoon" soup.

7. Didactic game “How are snowmen different?”

Speech therapist. What can you make from snow?

Children. Snow woman, snowman.

Speech therapist. There are pictures on the board with two snowmen drawn.

How are these snowmen different?

Children name the differences.

8. Didactic exercise "Finish the sentence".

We decided to build a snowman.

We gave our carrot nose (to the snowman).

We showed our neighbors (snowman).

We played with (snowman).

We talked about (snowman).

9. Game "Call me kindly" with snow.

It's time to play in the snow. I will name the word, and you will speak about it affectionately.

Snow-snowball Icicle - icicle

Frost - frost Tree - tree

Wind-breeze Hill-hill

Ice-ice, piece of ice Sleigh-sleigh


Winter- winter

10. Physical exercise (speech accompaniment with movements).

“Like snow on a hill, snow”

(Raise your hands up to the words "snow", "snow",

And under the hill - snow, snow,

(Put your hands down.)

And on the tree there is snow, snow.

(Join your palms above your head "house")

And under the tree there is snow, snow.

(Put your hands down.)

11. Didactic game "Magic Snowflakes".

Speech therapist. Guys, look, there are snowflakes hanging on the tree. You need to each choose the snowflake you like and see how many dots there are on it. How many dots are on a snowflake, so many words will be in your sentence.

Speech therapist invites children to choose one snowflake.

Speech therapist. How many words will there be in the sentence?

Children. Two words.

Speech therapist. Make up a two-word sentence using the word snow.

Children. It is snowing.

Speech therapist: “How many points do you have?”.

Children. Three dots.

Speech therapist. How many words will there be in the sentence now?

Children. Three words.

Speech therapist. Make up a three-word sentence using the word snowflake.

Children come up with a proposal.

Speech therapist. How many words will there be in the sentence now?

Children. The sentence will have four words.

Speech therapist. Make up a four-word sentence using the word slide.

Children come up with suggestions.

Children ride down the slide.

Etc. changing words.

12. Didactic game “Let’s draw and color a snowman”.

Speech therapist. Each child is given colored album sheets and white gouache. Draw and paint your own snowman.

13. Summary classes. Assessment of children's activities.

What time of year were we talking about? class?

Children. We talked about winter.

Speech therapist. What did you like about class?

Children's individual responses.

Speech therapy session summary

"Winter fun"

in the middle group for children with general speech underdevelopment

Teacher speech therapist

Kulchenko Natalya Ivanovna


    Develop coherent monologue speech in children. Encourage them to compose sentences of 3-4 words based on the picture.

    Strengthen knowledge of basic colors and shades and the ability to name them.

    Strengthen the skill of rolling out plasticine using circular movements of your hands. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    To develop children's attention to the adult's attention that accompanies their actions.

    Improve the perception of a whole object consisting of parts. Strengthen the skill of composing a whole from parts.

    Reinforce the concept of “one - many”. Intensify the use of various grammatical structures in speech.

    Develop coordination of speech and movement.

    Promote positive emotions.

Equipment: a monkey toy, flannelograph, plot pictures on the theme “Winter fun”, flat figures of snowmen in hats of different colors, plasticine, modeling boards, parts of a collapsible snowman, multi-colored snowflakes on strings, a surprise moment (a chest with bananas).

Progress of the lesson:

    Speech therapist: - Guys, I’m very glad that you came to me. Look around how elegant it is here! Remember what holiday we celebrate in winter? All children love this holiday very much and prepare elegant costumes for it. That's right, it's New Year!(Draws the children’s attention to the decorated Christmas tree) .Guys, who comes to us for the New Year? (Children's answers) You said correctly, this is a decorated Christmas tree, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. Look how fluffy, green, and elegant our Christmas tree is. How many toys are there on it!...Oh, who’s that hiding behind the Christmas tree?(The speech therapist takes out a toy monkey from behind the Christmas tree. She is wearing a warm hat and scarf)

Children : - It's a monkey!

Speech therapist: (puts monkey to ear) - Guys, the monkey says that his name is Chichi. She lives in hot Africa and has never seen winter. Chichi is very afraid of snow and frost. Let's tell Chichi the monkey about winter, how fun it is to play with snow and ice in winter. And our assistants will be multi-colored snowflakes.

The speech therapist invites the children to take one snowflake under the Christmas tree (snowflakes on strings). Ask each child what color his snowflake is.

Speech therapist: - Guys, let's show how snowflakes spin in the air.

"The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm"

(Children are blowing on snowflakes at this time).

Speech therapist: - Guys, who came to visit us?

Children: - These are snowmen.

Speech therapist: - What can you make snowmen out of?

Children: - From the snow.

Speech therapist: - Guys, these snowmen will be your helpers. You need to find a snowman to help you talk about winter fun. Your snowman has a hat the same color as your snowflake. And behind his back there is a picture.

Children each find their own snowman. In case of difficulty, the speech therapist clarifies the name of the color and helps to find the snowman. Next, children make up a sentence of 3-4 words based on the picture. All pictures are displayed on a magnetic board. In case of difficulty, the speech therapist asks leading questions: “What time of year is it?”, “What kind of snow?” (white, fluffy, light), “What kind of ice?” (smooth, shiny), “Who is this?”, “What are the children doing?” (sledding down the mountain, making a snowman, playing snowballs, skiing), “What’s their mood?” (cheerful, joyful)

    Speech therapist: - Do you want to play?Speech and movement coordination game “You and I made a snowball”

    One two three four

(bend fingers, starting with thumb)

    You and I made a snowball

(“they sculpt” by changing the position of the palms)

    Round, strong, very smooth

(show a circle, squeezing your palms together, stroking the other with one palm)

    And not at all sweet

(they shake a finger)

    Once - we'll throw it up

(look up, throw an imaginary snowball)

    Two - we'll catch you

(squat down, catch an imaginary snowball)

    Three - let's drop

(stand up and drop an imaginary snowball)

    And... we'll break it!

(stomping feet)

    Speech therapist: - Guys, what else can you call a snowman? (snow woman). Do you want to sculpt a snow woman yourself? What can we fashion it from now? (made of plasticine).

    Guys, look at the snow woman. What is her body made of? (two balls)

    Look carefully, are the balls the same or different? (Different. One big, one smaller)

    Where is the big ball? (Below) What about the little one? (Up)

    Guys, show me how you will eat the balls?(Children show circular movements with their hands)

Children perform modeling, a speech therapist helps as necessary, activates speech, asking questions.

Speech therapist: - Guys, now choose a hat for your snow woman.(Children choose “hats” of different colors. The speech therapist clarifies the names of the colors)

  • Guys, you worked hard and sculptedone snow woman, and now we will put them side by side and we will havea lot of snow women

4. Speech therapist: - Guys, tell me, what is the snowman afraid of? (Sunshine and warmth)

“The snowman is offended by spring,

The snowman catches a cold from the heat.

He has, if there is no frost

Droplets are dripping from the nose"

The speech therapist leads the children to the flannelgraph, where flat snowman parts lie nearby on a tray.

Speech therapist: - Oh, guys, look, what is this?

(Together with the children, they examine the parts of the snowman and come to a conclusion “This is a snowman. It fell apart from the heat."

    Guys, let's help him, let's build him again.

Children assemble a snowman on a flannelgraph. In case of difficulty, the speech therapist helps and asks guiding questions.

The speech therapist and the children again approach the Christmas tree where the monkey sits:

    Well done boys! Monkey Chichi is very grateful to you. Now she is not afraid of winter and knows how fun it is to play with snow in winter. She will return to her home and tell all her friends what a wonderful time of year - winter!

(The speech therapist brings the monkey to his ear) - Guys, our guest has prepared gifts for you. Look at her elegant chest. What do you think is in there? What do monkeys like to eat? (bananas). That's right, these are bananas that grow in warm regions where the monkey Chchi lives. Let's thank the monkey and invite him to visit again.


  • Correctional and educational: distinguishing sounds by ear and pronunciation in syllables, words and sentences; consolidating the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, consolidating ideas about winter and its signs, clarifying and improving the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Correctional and developmental: development of phonemic perception, development of visual and auditory attention, thinking; coherent speech; articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, development of speech breathing, development of a lexical vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.
  • Correctional and educational: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Presentation, recording of Tchaikovsky's music, ball, cotton wool, mirrors, pens, notebooks, strips for drawing up sentence diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

Psycho-gymnastics. Strengthening emotional contact.

Speech therapist:

One two three four five
Stand in a circle to play.

(Children stand in a circle with the speech therapist, calm, quiet music sounds).

A new day has come.

I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And through your mouth, breathe out all the grievances and disappointments. (Children breathe in and out)

Now, let's wish each other good morning, and a balloon will help us do this. (Children pass the ball, addressing each other by name and wishing good morning)

Children: Good morning, Dima! Good morning, Alina!

II. Report on the topic of the lesson. Characteristics of sounds based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics.


Speech therapist: Guys, guess the riddle:

It's getting cold
The water turned into ice
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny
The bear stopped roaring
A bear hibernated in the forest
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

Children: in winter

Slide 1. Winter.

Speech therapist: Tell me, what sound is heard at the beginning of the word winter?

Sound [z].

Describe the sound [z]. Tell me how to pronounce the sound [z]?

The lips stretch, the tongue behind the lower teeth.

So what is he like?


Now let's close our ears and determine whether he is voiced or deaf?

Now let's determine how the sound is heard [z] in the word winter – hard or soft? Soft.

In which winter house does sound live? [z]?

III. Development of phonemic hearing. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

Slide 2.

In green.

Speech therapist: Now pronounce the syllables the way I pronounce them.


Speech therapist: Now let's play the game "Echo". I will pronounce the syllables with a hard sound, and you with a soft sound.

Zy - ... zy
For - ... for
Zo - ... ze
Zu - ... zu

Today you and I will pronounce words with the sound [z] and go for a walk into a winter fairy tale.

IV. Selection of comparisons.

The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. November".

Speech therapist: Look out the window, it's actually winter here. When I look out a winter window at a blizzard, the whirling snow whirlwinds, their enchanting dance, I imagine a theater and see a dancing ballerina. Let's come up with such beautiful comparisons together: I will name some action for you, and you will name a similar action that occurs in nature in winter: for example: a ballerina is spinning - snowflakes are spinning

Slide 3.

A bird flies - flies... snow

Slide 4.

A man blows - the wind blows

Slide 5.

The ballerina is spinning - snowflakes are spinning

Slide 6.

The wolf howls - the blizzard howls

Slide 7.

The villain is angry - angry... frost

Slide 8.

Say kind words about winter (winter, winter, winter). Zimushka-winter invites us to take a walk in the winter forest. Which forest will we go to?

Slide 9.

In winter.

What clothes will we wear?

What boots will we wear?

What hat will we wear?

Which road will we take?

Slide 10.

In winter.

Speech therapist: Walking through the winter forest, you can easily get sick. But we are not afraid of colds. Why? (We do breathing exercises, take vitamins, eat garlic, onions, pour cool water on our hands). We also do the Neboleyka massage.

V.Massage of biologically active points "Neboleyka".

The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. November".

To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly(stroking the neck from top to bottom with palms)
To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose(use your index finger to rub the wings of your nose)
We will also rub our forehead, hold our palm with a visor(put your palms to your forehead and rub)
Make a “fork” with your fingers, massage your ears and neck(Rub the points in front and behind the ears and neck)
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, we don’t have a cold scary (rubbing both palms).

VI.Pronunciation of sounds [з], [з] in words and phrases.

Finally, we are in the forest. Look how handsome he is. In winter the forest looks fabulous. What forest are we in?

Slide 11.

Can you feel how cold it is? Let's imagine that our hands are very cold and we need to warm them up.

VII. Breathing exercise.

Let’s warm our hands, breathe warm air on our palms: “H-h-h” and rub our palms.

What kind of air do we breathe in winter?

Winter, frosty air.

Now let’s do the “Boy-finger” finger exercises.

VIII. Finger gymnastics “Finger boy”.

Finger-boy, where have you been (we bend our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
Where did you go with your brothers?
With this I was lying in the snow
I rode downhill with this
I walked through the forest with this
I played snowballs with this
We are all finger friends
Where they are, there I am!

IX. Selection of verbs, adjectives and participles of nouns.

Slide 12.

Speech therapist: “Oh, winter-winter! I covered all the roads!” what has winter done to the roads?

I swept it, threw it, threw it. What did winter do to the forest?

She bewitched and powdered.

What did the forest become?

Enchanted, fairytale, snowy

And now we will perform the “Snowflakes Are Flying” exercise with cotton wool.

X. Physical education lesson “Winter”.

The music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” sounds. November".

Speech therapist: We've been walking for a long time and we're tired. Let's take a little rest .

Winter has finally come, stand up, arms to the sides
The houses turned white arms above head, palms together
It's snowing outside, stand up, move your arms from top to bottom
The janitor sweeps the street portray
We're sledding portray
We write circles on the skating rink, hands behind your back, turns around
We're good at skiing, portray
And we all play snowballs! tilt, sit down, stand up, pretend to throw into the distance

XI. Sound-letter analysis of the word “Winter”.

Speech therapist: So, guys, we visited the winter forest and saw a lot of interesting things. Now, look at these scattered letters and try to form a word.

Slide 13.


What happened?


Tell me how many sounds are in a word WINTER, how many letters?

Slap the word WINTER by syllables, how many syllables?

Two syllables.

What sound is stressed in the word? WINTER?

On [A].

Now make a sentence on the topic WINTER.

Children's answers.

XII. Analysis and synthesis of proposals.

Slide 14.

We walked through the winter forest.
/_ _____ _ _____ ____ .
/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

XIII. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: So, guys, what did we talk about in today's lesson?

What should you do to avoid getting sick in winter?

What happens in nature in winter?

Well done, you all answered well. This concludes the lesson.

Used Books:

  1. Volkova L.S. Speech therapy. – Moscow, Education, 1989.
  2. Lalaeva R.I. Speech therapy work in correctional classes. – Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2004.
  3. Tkachenko T.A. Speech and motor skills. – Moscow, EKSMO, 2007.
  4. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds. – Moscow, VLADOS, 2002.

Anisimova Svetlana
Summary of speech therapy classes in the second junior group. "Winter walk"

Program content:

Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter and wild animals;

Activate the dictionary on these lexical topics;

Formation of masculine and feminine singular adjectives from nouns;

Introduce words with the same root into the children's active dictionary "snow";

Strengthen the use of simple prepositions"V", "on the", "under";

Agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number;

Promote speech development breathing: teach children to gradually, slowly exhale through their mouth ( "let's blow on a snowflake");

Practice articulation exercises, develop hand motor skills;

Stimulate visual and auditory perception, attention, imagination, promote speech activation;

To develop in children the ability to observe the beauty of natural phenomena;

Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood in group.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, laptop, Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation "Winter", « winter forest» - Christmas trees of different heights in the snow, a bear toy, snowflakes, Christmas trees with clothespins

Preliminary work: observations, experience with snow; looking at paintings, toys, illustrations in books; learning movements and text for games « Winter walk» , “Like snow on a hill...”;

Plan classes:

1. Organizational moment

2. Game « Winter walk»

3. Conversation based on the painting "Winter"

4. Breathing exercise "Let's blow on snowflakes"

5. Articulation gymnastics

6. Game "Who lives where?"

7. Game “Like snow on a hill...”

8. Game "Give me a word"

9. Playing with clothespins.

10. Summing up.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

It's winter outside now

It's getting cold.

But we don't care about frost.

We'll go for a walk with you

2. Game « Winter walk»

Very cold in winter - Children cross their arms over their chests and lightly pat their shoulders with their palms

But we will go for a walk with you - "They run through" index and middle fingers on thighs

I'll put on a fur coat - Run your palms from your shoulders down your chest

I'll put on a hat - Strokes his head with two hands

I’ll put on a scarf And another handkerchief - Stroke the neck with one palm, the other palm

And then beautiful, warm, fluffy,

Tiny mittens I’ll pull on my arms - Stroke my hands one by one, as if putting on mittens

And although I am small, I have felt boots - First one foot is placed on the heel, then the other

3. – Here we are in the forest.

What time of year is it in the picture? (slide No. 1)

How did you guess? (signs of winter)

What can you say about winter if it's cold in winter? What's winter like? (cold)

And if it’s frosty outside, what’s the air like? (frosty)

If there is a lot of snow in winter, what kind of winter is it? (snowy)

If a slide is covered with ice, what kind of slide is it? (icy)

If it's cold during the day, what day is it? (cold)

4. - Look, it’s snowing again. Oh, a snowflake landed on my palm, big, beautiful (slide No. 2). And snowflakes fell on your palms. See them. Let's blow on the snowflakes. We inhale through our nose and exhale through our mouth. We don’t raise our shoulders, we don’t puff out our cheeks.

What snowflakes? What are they doing?

5. - We’ll take a walk in the woods

And we'll see some animals.

What animals can be seen in the forest in winter? (hare, fox, wolf, squirrel, bear).

Articulation gymnastics. (slide no. 3-6)

1) Exercise "Fox"- movement of the tongue from left to right.

2) Exercise "Top"- smile broadly and click your teeth.

3) Exercise "squirrel"- click your tongue like a squirrel gnawing on nuts.

4) Exercise "bear in the den"- place a wide tongue on your lower lip.

6. Game "Who lives where?" (slide number 7)

Who lives in a hollow? (squirrel)

Who lives under the bush? (hare)

Who hid in the hole? (fox)

Who sleeps in the den? (bear)

Where does the squirrel sit? (on the tree)

Where did the hare hide? (under a bush)

Where does the fox live? (in the hole)

Where does the bear sleep? (in the den).

Let's call our animals affectionately. (squirrel squirrel, etc.)

Now we will play with our animals. Close your eyes and tell me who is missing? (the bear is gone)

7. – Guys, look at the snowdrift. How much snow has fallen (the edge of the fabric is lifted - a sleeping bear is visible). Yes, this is a bear sleeping. Where does the bear sleep? Let's play with the bear.

A game “Like on a hill...”

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And on the tree there is snow, snow,

And under the tree - snow, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush hush. Keep quiet!

8. - Guys, let's play with the word snow. Tell me the words in the poem. (slide number 8)

Quietly, quietly, like in a dream

Falls to the ground... (snow).

All the feathers are sliding from the sky

Silver…. (snowflakes).

Like wearing a white down jacket

Dressed up... (snowman).

And here is the snow figurine

And her name is (Snow Maiden).

In the trees, look

With a red breast... (bullfinches).

Here's some fun for the guys

More and more... (snowfall).

Everyone is running in a race

Everyone wants to play... (snowballs).

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

Decorated the whole earth... (snow).

Let's say these words again and listen carefully. Each of them has a word "snow" (Children in chorus repeat)

9. – Guys, look, what is this? (tree, trunk)

Our Christmas tree suddenly became sad,

She let the spruce paws go down.

Let's make branches for our Christmas tree. (slide number 9)

What branches? (green, prickly, short, fluffy)

Where do our branches point? (down)

And now it’s time to return to kindergarten (they are going "in the snow", raising your knees high).

10. Summary: Did you like it in the forest?

What did you like?

Do you like winter?

What do you like to do in winter?

Assessment of children's activities.