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“Methodological office as the basis for effective methodological work in a preschool educational institution” - presentation. Presentation on the topic "methodological room in a dow" Tasks and functions

“Zyryan audany akimdiginin No. 10 “Ladushki” balabakshasy” KMKK

Adistemelik office

Methodical office

Municipal State Enterprise "Kindergarten No. 10 "Ladushki" of the Akimat of the Zyryanovsky District"


Polionova Yulia Valerievna

Higher education

Teaching experience: 15 years

As a methodologist: since 2009

The purpose of the methodological room:

  • formation and development professional qualities teachers;
  • creating conditions for their professional growth and improving their teaching skills;
  • improvement creative potential each teacher, aimed at the optimal formation and development of the child’s personality.

Our methodological office small but cozy. There are cabinets for documentation, literature, periodicals, visual and didactic material, as well as workplaces.

Methodologist's workplace located by the window. It is equipped with a computer, two printers: color and 3 in 1 – printer, scanner, copier. Internet available.

The office has workplace for teachers.

It is equipped with a computer.

Also in the methodological room there are technical means:

camera, video camera, laptop, two computers. All vehicles are used in everyday work.

Since the teaching room is small, all events (teaching councils, seminars, master classes, round tables etc.) we carry out in the music room.

In the methodological room work documentation is concentrated kindergarten, methodological literature and manuals, children's literature, periodicals, teachers' work experience, visual and demonstration materials, etc., an exhibition was organized.

Content documentation preschool work: regulatory documents, annual work plan, development program, certification of teachers, long-term planning, diagnostics, control activities, work of methodological councils, work with parents, etc.

Located in the closet methodological literature, which for convenience is arranged into sections, sections are signed.

Available periodicals:“Self-knowledge”, “Family and kindergarten”, “Pre-school education”, “Pre-school world”, “Pre-school education and training”, “Pre-school education in Kazakhstan”.

In the methodological room it is systematized material from the experience of teachers: projects, development of classes, open events, methodological developments on a search topic, participation in competitions, folders with software, etc.

Educational and methodological developments teachers.

In folder "Our achievements" publications presented

Diplomas, diplomas, certificates and certificates of teachers and students.

Certificates, diplomas, Thanksgiving letters kindergarten, teachers and pupils.

Publications by teachers in magazines, on Internet sites.

The methodological room has

visual and didactic material.

Demo material to the programs “Zerek Bala” and “Biz mektepke baramyz”.

Demo material – narrative paintings, posters. There is a special place for them in the closet.

To help teachers, we regularly issue exhibitions of methodological material.

Analyzes of classes, events, and various activities of teachers are recorded V personal accounts.

In the corridor, in a place accessible to all teachers, there is a stand "Methodological Corner", which provides information on the annual tasks of kindergarten, questions and results control activities, advertisements, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the methodological room has electronic storage materials:

  • development of classes and events;
  • presentations;
  • slides;
  • videos (classes conducted, educational cartoons, popular science films, physical exercises, relaxation exercises, etc.);
  • information on the participation of teachers in conferences, regional, city and district seminars, competitions, pedagogical readings, etc.);
  • teachers’ portfolios (classes, diplomas, information about participation in competitions, pedagogical readings, etc., photographs pedagogical activity, publications, etc.);
  • information on the participation of kindergarten students in competitions.

Methodical office- this is a piggy bank best traditions preschool institution, therefore, as a methodologist, I need to make the accumulated experience “living”, accessible, and teach teachers to creatively transfer it to work

with kids…



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Presentation on the topic "Content of methodological preschool educational institution" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you interest your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 21 slides (s).

Presentation slides

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Prepared by senior MBDOU teacher kindergarten No. 30 “Gvozdichka” Kotik Nadezhda Nikolaevna

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Relevance of the problem:

A modern preschool teacher must be well versed in the field preschool education, master modern pedagogical technologies, be able to work in the information space, have creative abilities, an analytical and reflective culture. However, the requirements for a teacher must be supported by appropriate conditions, since without providing a teacher necessary conditions and tools of labor, without motivation for its success, the required quality of preschool education cannot be achieved. One of the conditions for improving the quality of children’s education is the creation of conditions for teachers to work in accordance with their modern requirements, including the equipment of the methodological room.

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The methodological office is:

A source of enrichment of professional competence of educators, specialists, teachers additional education. Center for collecting, summarizing and disseminating pedagogical information and pedagogical experience of kindergarten teachers. Center for Legal, Pedagogical, social information, illustrating the effectiveness of the institution.

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When creating, equipping and organizing the work of a methodological office, it is recommended to rely on the following principles: the equipment of the office should be simple and rational, should provide high level educational process; the design of the office must comply with generally accepted aesthetic requirements, the aesthetic appearance depends on the choice of furniture, the color of the walls, and the rational placement of educational and methodological material; The main equipment of the classroom is educational and methodological literature, systematic sets of visual and didactic materials, audio and video recordings; The equipment of the office and its placement must comply with fire safety requirements.

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Objectives of the methodological office:

Familiarization with the achievements of science, their implementation in the practice of teachers. Helping teachers in self-education. Assistance in preparing for the organization of sensitive moments and various educational activities with children (play, work, communication, cognitive-research, motor, etc.)

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The teaching room in kindergarten is a center for collecting pedagogical information.

mandatory documentation regulatory documents literature control materials monitoring materials teaching materials(teacher councils, seminars, consultations, etc.) materials for working with teachers, advanced pedagogical experience, materials for working with parents, visual propaganda, visual demonstrations and handouts of TSO

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Mandatory documentation

Annual work plan for kindergarten Educational program Notebook of minutes of meetings of pedagogical councils. Calendar plan work with personnel for a month. Journal of receipt and accounting of literature, manuals.

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Normative documents

the federal law dated July 24, 1998 No. 123-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in Russian Federation”; Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 15, 2005 No. 178 “On ensuring the implementation of the Set of measures to implement priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation for the period until 2010”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 14, 2000 No. 65/23-16 “On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on children preschool age in organized forms of education”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 26, 1999 No. 109/23-16 “On the introduction of psychological and pedagogical examination and criteria for assessing children's games and toys”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 04/07/1999 No. 70/23-16 “On the practice of diagnosing child development in the preschool education system”; Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42/19-15 “On software and methodological support for preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy”; Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990); Concept preschool education; Documents on preparing children for school and continuity in work with school “Model regulations on preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation" Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated November 23, 2009 N 655 "On approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program preschool education" (Entered into force: March 16, 2010) Family Code of the Russian Federation; Labor Code;

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methodological reference children's periodicals


issues of systematic control monitoring the implementation of the annual plan thematic control control plan for the year

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a package of diagnostic cards with a description of the methodology; equipment for monitoring; materials with the results of intermediate and final monitoring with protocols;

Visual propaganda

Stands should be set up in the teaching room or outside to display the necessary information for educators.

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Best Teaching Practices

Material representing the work experience of the best preschool teachers should also be present in the classroom and be appropriately designed.

Working with parents

Plan of work with parents for the year Materials on protecting the rights of the child. A plan for working with families in difficult life situations. Minutes of meetings of the parent committee. General protocols parent meetings. Minutes of group meetings. Consultations Brochures, booklets

Slide 18

Working with teachers

surveys, consultations, seminars, etc. information folder ( General information about the teacher) Last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth. Education (what and when you graduated from, the specialty you received and your diploma qualifications). Labor and teaching experience, work experience in this preschool educational institution. Advanced training (name of structure, year, month, course topics). Copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees. The most significant government awards, diplomas, letters of gratitude. Diplomas of various competitions. certification fileSlide 21


Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. / K.Yu. White. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007. - 96 p. Volobueva L.M. Senior's work preschool teacher with teachers / L.M. Volobueva. - M: TC Sfera, 2004. - 96 p. Domracheva S.A. Project activities in education / S.A. Domracheva. - Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PK) With "Mari Institute of Education", 2 007.-36 p. Novoselova S.L. Developing subject environment. Methodological recommendations for the design of variable design projects for a developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes / Novoselova S.L.-M.: Center for Innovation in Pedagogy. 1995 - 64 p. Panteleev G.N. Decoration of premises preschool institutions/ G.N.Panteleev.M.: Education, 1982.-143 p. Potashnik M.M. How to prepare a project for receiving grants / M.M. Potashnik.-M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. 2005.-192 p. Rozhina D. Modern approaches to the organization of a methodological office / D. Rozhina // Preschool education.-2002.-No. 18.-p.-7-15. Shurgina S.A. Improving the teacher’s project culture: Materials of the republican scientific - practical conference pedagogical and educational leaders / edited by S.A. Shurgina. - Yoshkar - Ola: GOU DPO (PK) With "Mari Institute of Education", 2006. - 120 p.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... the speaker's clothing also plays a role big role in the perception of his performance.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • | Decoration of offices in preschool educational institutions

    Defense of the project “New Year’s office decoration” for the International Year of Theater It was in January A. Barto Shadow Theater Props: 1.Large screen (sheet on a metal rod) 2. Lamp for makeup artists 3. Stencils: -Word "Christmas tree"-moon - an ordinary Christmas tree - a Christmas tree decorated with bunny figures 4. Masks and tails: Wolf-2 pcs. Hare-1 pc. Bunnies - 5 pcs 5. Firecrackers with...

    Children enrolled in the speech center of our kindergarten study with a speech therapist in a separate room - speech therapy office. The main purpose of this office- creation of rational conditions corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education for the provision of timely...

    Decoration of offices in a preschool educational institution - Photo report “Excursion to a health worker’s office”

    Publication “Photo report “Excursion to the office...”
    Excursion to the medical office. (introduction to the profession of a health worker) Purpose. Introduce children to the profession of a kindergarten health worker (nurse); show the location and equipment of the medical office; introduce some medical supplies and their purposes....

    Summary of a lesson on speech development with children of the senior group “Excursion to the laundry room” Goal: To develop children’s ideas about the work of a laundry in a kindergarten and the role of a washing machine operator through an excursion. Objectives: Educational: to promote the formation in children of clear ideas about the direction and content of the work of a washing machine operator...

    Passport of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution Certification of all premises and territories of preschool educational institutions is one of the indispensable requirements of modern legislation. I present to your attention the passport of my methodological office. 2. The purpose, objectives and functions of the methodological office of the MBDOU Syavsky kindergarten “Bell” Purpose:...

    Generalization of experience in organizing PPRS speech therapy room In accordance with the new federal state standards, the developing subject-spatial environment is defined as “part educational environment, presented specially organized space, materials, equipment and supplies for the development of children...

    Decoration of classrooms in preschool educational institutions - Creation of a correctional and developmental environment in the office of the speech therapist “Fairy Tale” in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of preschool educational institutions

    MBDOU No. 32 Modern standards for the quality of education force us to take a fresh look at the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions. In kindergarten this is given special meaning, and in Lately equipment and facilities for speech therapy...

    Speech therapy room. What should he be like?“Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.” Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky One of important factors The development of a child’s personality is the environment in which he lives, plays, studies and relaxes. A huge amount of special...

    Methodological office passport

    Cabinet equipment
    The methodological office has a room in which the teaching and methodological activities of the team are carried out, as well as methodological and reference literature.
    The office is equipped with:
    - bookcases in which regulatory and instructional documents, methodological and children's books are concentrated fiction, didactic materials, audiovisual aids.
    - desks, chairs, for organizing and conducting teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations and other forms of work.
    - computer
    - scanner
    - Printer
    Methodological support
    Information and analytical department.
    Materials on certification, advanced training, comprehensive assessment of teaching activities. Monitoring and analyzing the state of the educational process, its quality. Performance assessment pedagogical process at the preschool educational institution.
    Department of software and methodological support.
    Educational programs implemented in preschool educational institutions; alternative educational programs; thematic planning according to the program “From childhood to adolescence”; methodological literature on psychology;
    Department of artistic and aesthetic development.
    Methodological literature, lesson notes, consultations on artistic activities, design, manual labor; Information about artists, reproductions of paintings; Information and samples on folk art, folk toys;
    Department of Physical Development.
    Methodological literature and development of notes, consultations on physical education and children's health; literature on valeology, encyclopedia ( physical education, anatomy, human structure). This department contains literature, methodological developments, workbooks, and video materials for working with children on life safety.
    Department of Fiction.
    Collections and individual works of children's and fiction literature; Scientific and methodological magazines, booklets.
    Department of Social and Personal Development.
    Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations on familiarization with the native land, the Republic of Khakassia. Literature for national implementation - regional component in preschool educational institutions (fiction, methodological manuals, visual and illustrative material).
    Department of cognitive and speech development.
    Methodological literature, development of notes, consultations; Children's encyclopedias, visual and illustrative material.
    Department for work with parents.
    Information on general problems of raising children, preparing children for school, and protecting the rights of the child. These are: normative documents, methodological literature, developments of consultations, conversations, visual and illustrative material related to these topics. Materials on protecting the rights of the child.

    Presentation on the topic: Modern methodological classroom of a preschool educational organization

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    CONTENT OF THE METHODOLOGICAL CLASSROOM IN A PRESCHOOL INSTITUTION Prepared by the senior teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 30 “Gvozdichka” Kotik Nadezhda Nikolaevna

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    Relevance of the problem: A modern preschool teacher must be well versed in the field of preschool education, master modern pedagogical technologies, be able to work in the information space, have creative abilities, an analytical and reflective culture. However, the requirements for the teacher must be supported by appropriate conditions, since without providing the teacher with the necessary conditions and tools, without motivating his success, the required quality of preschool education cannot be achieved. One of the conditions for improving the quality of children's education is the creation of conditions for teachers to work in accordance with their modern requirements, including the equipment of a teaching classroom.

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    The methodological office is: A source of enriching the professional competence of educators, specialists, and additional education teachers. Center for collecting, summarizing and disseminating pedagogical information and pedagogical experience of kindergarten teachers. Center for regulatory, pedagogical, social information illustrating the effectiveness of the institution’s activities.

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    Principles When creating, equipping and organizing the work of a methodological office, it is recommended to rely on the following principles: the equipment of the office should be simple and rational, should ensure a high level of the teaching and educational process; the design of the office must comply with generally accepted aesthetic requirements, the aesthetic appearance depends on the choice of furniture, the color of the walls, and the rational placement of educational and methodological material; The main equipment of the classroom is educational and methodological literature, systematic sets of visual and didactic materials, audio and video recordings; The equipment of the office and its placement must comply with fire safety requirements.

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    Objectives of the methodological room: Familiarization with the achievements of science, their implementation in the practice of teachers. Helping teachers in self-education. Assistance in preparing for the organization of routine moments and various educational activities with children (play, work, communication, cognitive-research, motor, etc.)

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    The teaching room in kindergarten is a center for collecting pedagogical information. mandatory documentation regulatory documents literature control materials monitoring materials methodological materials (teacher councils, seminars, consultations, etc.) materials for working with teachers advanced pedagogical experience materials for working with parents visual propaganda visual demonstration and handout materials TSO

    Slide 13

    Mandatory documentation Annual work plan for the kindergarten Educational program Notebook of minutes of meetings of pedagogical councils. Monthly HR calendar plan. Journal of receipt and accounting of literature, manuals.

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    Regulatory documentation Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 123-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation”; Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 15, 2005 No. 178 “On ensuring the implementation of the Set of measures to implement priority areas for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation for the period until 2010”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 14, 2000 No. 65/23-16 “On hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 26, 1999 No. 109/23-16 “On the introduction of psychological and pedagogical examination and criteria for assessing children's games and toys”; Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 04/07/1999 No. 70/23-16 “On the practice of diagnosing child development in the preschool education system”; Instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42/19-15 “On software and methodological support for preschool education - in the context of development pedagogy”; Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990); Preschool education concept; Documents on preparing children for school and continuity in working with school “Model regulations on a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated November 23, 2009 N 655 “On the approval and enactment of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education" (Entered into force: March 16, 2010) Family Code of the Russian Federation; Labor Code;

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    Literature methodological reference children's periodicals Control issues of systematic control monitoring the implementation of the annual plan thematic control control plan for the year

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    Monitoring, a package of diagnostic cards describing the methodology, equipment for conducting monitoring, materials with the results of intermediate and final monitoring with protocols Visual propaganda In the teaching room or outside it, stands should be set up to display the necessary information for educators.

    Slide 17

    Best teaching experience Material representing the work experience of the best preschool teachers should also be present in the classroom and be appropriately designed. Work with parents Plan of work with parents for the year Materials on protecting the rights of the child. A plan for working with families in difficult life situations. Minutes of meetings of the parent committee. Minutes of general parent meetings. Minutes of group meetings. Consultations Brochures, booklets

    Slide 18

    Work with teachers, questionnaires, consultations, seminars, etc. information folder (General information about the teacher) Last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth. Education (what and when you graduated from, the specialty you received and your diploma qualifications). Labor and teaching experience, work experience in this preschool educational institution. Advanced training (name of structure, year, month, course topics). Copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees. The most significant government awards, diplomas, letters of gratitude. Diplomas of various competitions. certification case

    Slide 21

    Bibliography: Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work in preschool educational institutions. Analysis, planning, forms and methods. / K.Yu. White. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007. - 96 p. Volobueva L.M. Work of a senior teacher of a preschool educational institution with teachers / L.M. Volobueva. - M: TC Sfera, 2004. - 96 p. Domracheva S.A. Project activities in education / S.A. Domracheva. - Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PK) With "Mari Institute of Education", 2 007.-36 p. Novoselova S.L. Developing subject environment. Methodological recommendations for the design of variable design projects for a developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes / Novoselova S.L.-M.: Center for Innovation in Pedagogy. 1995 - 64 p. Panteleev G.N. Decoration of premises of preschool institutions / G.N. Panteleev. M.: Education, 1982.-143 p. Potashnik M.M. How to prepare a project for receiving grants / M.M. Potashnik.-M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. 2005.-192 p. Rozhina D. Modern approaches to organizing a methodological classroom / D. Rozhina // Preschool education.-2002.-No. 18.-p.-7-15. Shurgina S.A. Increasing the project culture of a teacher: Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Pedagogical and Leading Education Workers / edited by S.A. Shurgina. - Yoshkar - Ola: State Educational Institution of Further Education (PK) With "Mari Institute of Education", 2006.-120 p.