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Methods and functions of political science. Subject, methods and functions of political science Politics as a social phenomenon

The integrative nature of political science necessitates a multilateral study of political phenomena and involves the use of a variety of methods and approaches in research. This helps to deepen and diversify knowledge about politics, and therefore increase its practical benefits for the development of the state and society.

When studying the political sphere it is very important sociological approach. It involves clarifying the social conditionality of phenomena, the influence on the political system of economic relations, social structure, ideology, and culture. Anthropological And psychoanalytic approaches take into account the indispensable influence of the biological factor on politics (instinctive, subconscious psychological processes and their motivations, both personal and collective).

The study of political phenomena also requires the use of a set of methods (ways of cognition). Let's list the most important ones.

Structural-functional analysis. It involves considering policy as an integrity with a complex structure, each element of which has its own purpose and performs functions aimed at meeting the needs of the system.

Behaviorist method(it has already been discussed in connection with practical political science). Its essence lies in the study of the characteristics of politics through a specific study of the diverse behavior of individuals (especially leaders) and groups. This method is very widespread in Western especially applied political science.

Institutional method. Focuses on the study of institutions through which politics is carried out (state, parties, etc.).

Comparative method. Based on a comparison of similar political phenomena in different countries. When using it, it is necessary to remember that analogy always means not only similarity, but also the difference between similar phenomena; it is never complete.

Historical method. Involves the study of political phenomena in their sequential development over time, in their cause-and-effect relationship. It should be borne in mind that earlier events are not always the cause of the development of subsequent political events.

It is important to emphasize that only the combined use of all methods, approaches, and consideration of all factors influencing politics make it possible to transform political science into a science about the interaction of government, man and society.

The functions of political science, as well as politics itself, largely determine the nature of the development of the state, society, and the person himself as a citizen, as an individual.

An adequate reflection of political reality, the disclosure of its inherent objective connections and patterns allows political science to carry out cognitive function(explanations and predictions) political phenomena or epistemological function. (Recall that the epistemological function is fundamental for all science as a sphere of human activity as a whole). Political science not only studies and strives to most adequately reflect the political life of society, but also evaluates the political system, events, and people’s actions. Here is expressed evaluative or axiological function political science. The most important function is political socialization of personality, which includes the education of the political culture of the population, the formation of civic feelings and skills, the independence of each individual and his responsibility for his decisions and actions to himself and society. Political socialization, the assimilation of political knowledge by citizens affects the development motivational-regulatory function, through which political science influences the political behavior of people and social groups, primarily through recommendations. Function of rationalization of political life. Here, political science acts as a theoretical basis for political activity in society, primarily political reforms and fundamental changes. Based on the recommendations of scientists, optimal models for government management, technologies for resolving socio-political conflicts in society, etc. are created. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that any science, including political science, cannot exhaust the fullness and diversity of real reality (for example, fully take into account the role of a politician’s intuition), but it must certainly strive for this.

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  • Introduction
  • 1 . Subject of political science
  • 2. System of political science categories
  • 3. Methods of political science
  • 4. Functions of political science
  • 5. The increasing role of political knowledge in modern conditions
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used


Political science takes prominent place among sciences about society . This place determined those What political science studies politics, role which V life society Very great . Policy tied with everyone spheres society And actively affects on them . She affects on fate countries And peoples on relationship between them, influences on everyday life person . Questions politicians, political devices, democracy, political authorities, states concern everyone citizens, affect interests everyone . That's why Problems politicians, political life never Not lost And those more Not lose Now relevant values literally For everyone members society .

IN communications With indicated reasons V the present time acquire special relevance scientific research politicians, build-up knowledge O political sphere, development theories politicians And political activities . These questions And is engaged the science O politics - political science . Being science O politics, political science analyzes V that or other least All related With her processes And phenomena, all political sphere life society .

Political science, as an independent science, it has its own object and subject of knowledge. However, the sphere of political relations is much wider than what could be called purely political and covers all objects of political activity. Therefore, political relations are studied not only by political science, but also by philosophy, law, sociology, and history. Each of these sciences has a subject in the study of a given object. The object of political science is politics, the political life of society in its most diverse manifestations.

The subject of political science is the objective laws of the emergence and evolution of political interests, views and theories, the laws of formation, functioning and changes in political power, political relations and political activity, and the development of the political process. Thus, in a broad sense, political science is a general, integral science of politics in all its manifestations, including the entire complex of sciences about politics and its relationship with man and society: political philosophy, political sociology, political psychology, the theory of political institutions and, above all, states and rights

Modern political science started take shape With end XIX - started XX century . IN our days she turned V one from the most influential social science sciences And most wide widespread educational discipline .

Political science is yourself holistic, logically slim totality knowledge O politics And organizations political life .

In everyone areas vital activity Russian society coming process updates . Increasing And intrascientific status humanitarian knowledge . Political science V him plays the most important role . How industry Sciences she studies political life society, explores politics How variety productive activities, through which People change my destiny And environment, looking for And carry out alternative projects future . The most important aspect modern political science - identification causes, A Not goals political activities, clarification " Who There is Who " And " Who Where " V political life .

1. Subject of political science

Political science - term, formed from two Greek words : " politike + " logos ”, And literally means " political the science" . Original meaning term " the science " - " knowledge" . The science - This system constantly developing knowledge, adequately reflective objective reality V concepts . Hence, definition subject political science requires clarification And analysis political reality How such ( political spheres, politicians How systems activities, political space ) And conceptual apparatus How tools this Sciences . Difficulty definitions subject political science Today consists of V volume, What many authors strive answer on question : " What There is the science political science ? A problem, I think lies some V another plane . Necessary concentrate attention on volume, What political science does highlighting The main thing, from what gradually folds up this the science ( approaches, methods, concepts, models ), her basic elements, to latest Can was, then apply To analysis political reality, studying politics, power,


1. Concept and subject of political science…………………………………………………………...4

2. Functions of political science………………………………………………………………………………7

3. Methods of political scientists……………………………………………………………..10

4. The place of political science in the system of humanities…………………………...16


List of references………………………………………………………...21


Social life is represented by numerous and interconnected spheres. The largest of them are economic, social, political, spiritual. Each of these spheres represents a specific system with its own type of organization and management, with its own laws of development and traditions. These systems are studied by relevant social sciences.

The purpose of the political sphere (system) of society, in contrast to the economic, social and spiritual, as well as all others, is the organization and implementation of public administration of society as a whole (from the national level to the smallest structures in the state administrative complex).

The political system is one of the largest and most complex. Within its framework, key political processes arise and develop, decisions important for the fate of society are made and implemented. Therefore, it is not surprising that this system attracts, to one degree or another, the attention of representatives of various social sciences, however, only one science, political science, studies it specifically and comprehensively, as part of all the components of the political system.

Political science (from the Greek words: politika - state and public affairs, the art of governing the state and logos - word, doctrine) is the science of government in the broadest sense, that is, the science of the political system of society. This is one of the most ancient social sciences and at the same time the youngest.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to consider the essence of political science as a science.

Objectives of the work: consider the subject, method of political science, characterize the functions of political science.

1. Concept and subject of political science

Among the many spheres of public life, the political sphere is one of the main ones. Its purpose (in contrast to social, economic, spiritual, as well as all other spheres) is the organization and implementation of management of society as a whole (from the national level to the smallest structures in the management complex). Without a political system, the life of society would become like a Brownian movement and it would simply not be able to exist. Only one science studies it specifically and comprehensively, as part of all the components of the political system - political science.

Political science is the science of state-organized society as a functioning and developing political system based on the interaction of its constituent elements: political subjects, political institutions and political consciousness.

The object of political science, like other social and humanitarian disciplines, is human society. In such a complex multidimensional and diverse object as human society, political science occupies its niche - the political sphere, politics.

Since politics is a specific form of activity of social groups and individuals, aimed at organizing and using political power, the immediate subject of political science is: political power itself, its essence and structure; mechanism for distribution and exercise of power; legitimation of political power, i.e. her ability to secure support from society. This approach to the content of the subject of political science dominates in domestic and foreign research.

The structure of political science in the most general sense consists of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Theoretical political science forms fundamental knowledge about political activity and processes of political development, develops the conceptual apparatus of science, methodology and methods of political research.

Applied political science studies the problems of transforming political reality, analyzes ways and means of purposefully influencing political processes, and offers specific recommendations for achieving practical results. The sphere of her attention is the technology and technique of organizing power, the specific activities of various political institutions, election campaigns, public opinion, features of political orientation and political behavior of various social groups. The conclusions of applied political science can serve as the basis for formulating the provisions of theoretical political science.

There is an opinion about the uselessness of political science and on the basis that politics is only an art, and therefore scientific categories are supposedly inapplicable to it, that political situations are something one-time, not repeated, and therefore historical science is quite sufficient for their knowledge, that political science has dealing with forms of domination, and this falls within the competence of general state law, and sociology and other sciences are involved in its research.

That is why political science to this day “struggles” for the status of independence, despite the seemingly obvious recognition of it as a science on an equal basis with other disciplines that study the political life of society. This is one of the stimulating factors for clarifying the subject of political science and related problems.

Political science reveals the nature, formation factors, methods of functioning and institutionalization of politics; determines the main trends and patterns operating in the political sphere of society, strategic priorities and, on this basis, contributes to the development of long-term targets and prospects for the development of political processes, shows politics as a struggle for power and its retention, forms and methods of power; develops a methodology for political analysis, political technologies and political forecasting, based on a theoretical vision of the problem, as well as on the results of empirical research. Like any science, it isolates only a certain moment from the totality of interactions, exploring “what is political in politics.”

2. Functions of political science

The very concept of “function” (from the Latin functio) means commission, execution, obligation, circle of activity.

The functions of political science are realized on many planes of political life and therefore can be differentiated accordingly. Let us highlight the first group – “classical theoretical functions”. It includes:

1) conceptual and descriptive. It consists of providing the researcher, within the framework of political science and beyond, with a certain stock of terms, concepts and categories, as well as description rules reflecting the content of political reality covered in these categories and concepts. This allows us to answer the question “what is being done and how? ”;

2) an explanatory function that provides certain explanations of political processes and events based on identified trends, facts, and patterns. This allows us to answer the question “why is it done this way and not otherwise? ”;

3) prognostic function. Its purpose is to formulate foreknowledge in accordance with statements that were previously used for explanation.

One of the goals of science is prediction. Therefore, the value of political science research is determined not only by how adequately it reflects certain trends, but also by the extent to which they culminate in scientifically based forecasts. Of particular interest is forecasting the consequences of political decisions made today, as well as political monitoring - tracking and early warning of undesirable political events in the future. Let us note that determining the immediate and long-term prospects for the development of our society is not part of the function of political science (this is the prerogative of the science of prognostics).

The three functions considered actually reflect the very essence of science, which consists of description, explanation and prediction.

The second group of functions of political science is of an applied nature:

1) methodologically evaluating. It presents the researcher with a system of methods and research procedures. This is a kind of theory of political technology and political analysis; formulating assessments of the cognitive usefulness of the results of these studies;

2) integrating function, which consists in creating the possibility of using the achievements of other disciplines. That is, to what extent a given science, based on its language (terms, concepts, categories) and methodological tools, is able to cooperate with related sciences, enriching itself and its “neighbor”.

The third group of functions are those implemented outside science:

1) instrumental-rationalizing (managerial), giving political subjects knowledge about the political environment, situation and means of successfully influencing them. She answers the question - “how and why? “Political science here acts as one of the elements of the system of means that realize political goals and are a tool for creating a situation that is optimal for the subjects of political action. Political science specifically examines the problem of developing, adopting and implementing political decisions, and provides recommendations for optimal and effective political activity;

2) ideological function, built around the question - “for what?” “It consists in restructuring the content of functioning socio-political values, in substantiating the essential connection of values ​​motivating the actions of participants in political events. All the functions of political science considered reflect its close connection with life. Their implementation at different levels of political life shows political science as an active science, as one of the important social disciplines, the role of which today in the political modernization of Russia is steadily increasing.

The features of political knowledge are determined by the fact that it considers society as an organic unity of various aspects of its life, functioning and developing through the political activity of people. Political science studies political interests and relationships that arise in the process of this activity, in the interrelation of objective and subjective factors. The political system and the political sphere of society in general acts as the most important object of political science research. Its analysis includes all issues related to political problems, political needs and values, people’s political orientations and the degree of their implementation, people’s attitude towards themselves as subjects of politics, as well as various political events and processes occurring in society.

The range of issues of political knowledge is quite wide and we can conclude that political science is a science that covers the entire spectrum of the world of politics. But such a conclusion does not at all capture the essence of the problem. After all, politics is studied by many sciences, and each of them has its own specific approach, they have their own subject, which, reflecting the dynamics of the object, does not remain given once and for all.

It is generally accepted that research methods are means of analysis and ways of testing and evaluating theory. In modern political science, there are two levels of methodological research: theoretical and applied. It all depends, as a rule, on the focus of the research. If we talk about theoretical research methods, here we can name such methods as:

  • 1. General logical method, being the most common in any scientific study. It includes various elements: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization, analogy, thought experiment.
  • 2. Comparative method one of the most important methods in political science, because the most rigorous political analysis and scientific conclusions can be achieved only by comparing different political systems, different forms of government, different methods and ways of exercising power, etc. The comparative method can and should be used by political science from the point of view of identifying the methodology of science itself, used by various schools and areas of world science.
  • 3. Sociological method in political science can be twofold. Firstly, these are theoretical aspects of consideration from the point of view of general sociology of politics. And secondly, this is the development of specific sociological studies. As a rule, this is associated with applied research, the development of sociological methods both for the analysis of specific political phenomena (for example, ratings of political leaders or parties) and for political management and marketing.
  • 4. Historical method in political science is as important as any other theoretical method. A historical retrospective provides enormous material for historical comparisons and analogies, provides the key to understanding the mentality of a given particular state, its traditions and customs, stereotypes of political consciousness and behavior, and helps to understand the essence of ongoing processes at the present stage.
  • 5. System method in political science, it considers any political event from the point of view of analysis of the socio-political system. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the relationships and interdependence of individual elements of the object of study, be it a political system, constitution, state or something else.
  • 6. Psychological method in political science has the purpose of research:
    • a) the political behavior of individuals and political leaders in a specific situation is called the behavioristic method;
    • b) political behavior of groups, movements, parties in a simulated political situation, which is called the behavioral approach;
    • c) the behavior of the political system under the influence of unfavorable factors and possible options for its transformation in subsequent development, which is called post-behavioral analysis;
    • d) political consciousness and its stereotypes among different segments of the population, identification of political motives and their social conditionality, identification of habitual connections, characteristic behavior, the process of political socialization, political explosions of public consciousness and their conditionality, methods of extinguishing political activity, etc., which called the socio-psychological approach in political science.
  • 7. Institutional method political science deals directly with the study of the entire spectrum of state institutions, political and legal norms of development, parliamentary activities of the state, regulations, the division of powers into various branches and clarification of their functional load, etc., which can be called in one word - state science.
  • 8. Method adoption solutions.

Behaviorism acts as a bridge between general theoretical and applied methods. Such a direction as behaviorism arose in American political science at the turn of two centuries - the nineteenth and twentieth and represents a new methodology in the social sciences. It comes from the idea of ​​the unity of science and the possible ways of human knowledge through experience and its logical generalization. Cognition requires an analysis of real facts available for verification. All scientific theories are derived from hypotheses that generalize empirical knowledge. The scientific nature of a theory follows from verification, i.e. from the opportunity to test the theory by experiment.

Thus, political science must study the directly observable political behavior of people using scientific and experimental empirical methods. Personalized policy change should be based on an analysis of observed individual and group behavior, an analysis of its motives, and a distinction between facts and values, because the researcher must be free from personal bias, political interests and political pressure. It should be based only on facts and logic. Accordingly, in political science it is not only possible, but also necessary to use the methods of other sciences. For example, we can talk about mathematical methods, statistical data, the results of sociological surveys and questionnaires, and computer modeling in general. All these methods are of an applied nature, because they are aimed at solving practical political problems. This creates, as it were, a two-sided vector of political research, one end of which is aimed at politics as a sphere of social life, the other at the intersection of personal interests and volitional aspirations of various groups, parties, movements, organizations, institutions and institutions. In applied political science, theoretical conclusions and provisions are not always used, such as the essence of power, democracy, political and state regime, etc.

On the other hand, applied political science removes the uncertainty of theoretical conclusions by presenting rich empirical material that reveals the character of political science leaders, the ruling and opposition elite. The distinctive features of certain political systems, state institutions, political regimes, the nature of the decision-making process, the essence of current political events and processes are revealed.

The difference between applied research is practical recommendations at the moment, conclusions about the advantages of certain methods of management and behavior of political leaders and parties, the formation of a political image, technologies for the process of political elections, etc. Specialists in applied political science are analysts and experts from various political analytical centers, advisers to political leaders, image makers, marketers, etc. Centers and institutes of political analysis exist not only at the domestic level, but also at the international level. They solve very specific political problems, simulating various situations in different regions of the world, analyzing the possibility and impossibility of using military force to resolve political and geopolitical goals, issuing recommendations for resolving political conflicts of various levels, etc.

The findings of applied research enrich theory and are an integral part of political science, with the only difference being that they use inductive methods and micro-political research tools. These methods include:

  • 1. Observation And statement facts. We are talking about tracking events and the results of certain decisions in the process of long-term subsequent development. Sometimes this looks like immersion in a situation, a movement, a group, a party in order to track events from the inside. The result of observation and observation is information that must be reliable and independent of the interests and sympathies of the observer.
  • 2. Content analysis. This method is based on the analysis of texts, documents, programs, instructions, laws, articles, slogans, etc. The frequency of use of keywords related to the object of study is monitored, which can be a politician, a party, political value and management methods and much more. There is, as it were, an independent examination of a particular politician or political phenomenon from the point of view of the presentation of the material.
  • 3. Survey And interviewing individual citizens through questionnaires with subsequent generalization and systematization of data, using mathematical, computer and statistical methods of processing the material in order to obtain representative conclusions and forecasts.
  • 4. Gaming methods are used for preliminary playback of management situations in order to be able to predict not only options for future strategy, but also options for the tactical development of the situation. The game method simulates a situation in order to prepare management personnel for decision-making.

Applied research methods, the list of which could be continued, are of lasting importance for the formation of public policy in various spheres of society. With their help, the current policy and its goals for the future are clarified, and the goals of future development are predicted. The range of problems dealt with by applied science includes very different problems: technology for resolving political conflicts, negotiation processes on various issues, which may include a whole arsenal of different methods and techniques, political marketing on the eve of elections to legislative and executive bodies and, of course, the development and decision making. Applied political science and theoretical complement each other, enriching with important conclusions, applied and theoretical developments.

Functions of political science

The very concept of “function” (from the Latin functio) means commission, execution, obligation, circle of activity.

The functions of political science are realized on many planes of political life and therefore can be differentiated accordingly. Let us highlight the first group - “classical theoretical functions”. It includes:

  • 1) conceptual-descriptive. It consists of providing the researcher, within the framework of political science and beyond, with a certain stock of terms, concepts and categories, as well as description rules reflecting the content of political reality covered in these categories and concepts. This allows us to answer the question “what is being done and how?”;
  • 2) explanatory function, providing specific explanations of political processes and events based on identified trends, facts, and patterns. This allows us to answer the question “why is it done this way and not otherwise? ”;
  • 3) prognostic function. Its purpose is to formulate foreknowledge in accordance with statements that were previously used for explanation.

One of the goals of science is prediction. Therefore, the value of political science research is determined not only by how adequately it reflects certain trends, but also by the extent to which they culminate in scientifically based forecasts. Of particular interest is forecasting the consequences of political decisions made today, as well as political monitoring - tracking and early warning of undesirable political events in the future. Let us note that determining the immediate and long-term prospects for the development of our society is not part of the function of political science (this is the prerogative of the science of prognostics).

The three functions considered actually reflect the very essence of science, which consists of description, explanation and prediction.

The second group of functions of political science is of an applied nature:

  • 1) methodologically evaluating. It presents the researcher with a system of methods and research procedures. This is a kind of theory of political technology and political analysis; formulating assessments of the cognitive usefulness of the results of these studies;
  • 2) integrating function, which consists in creating the possibility of using the achievements of other disciplines. That is, to what extent a given science, based on its language (terms, concepts, categories) and methodological tools, is able to cooperate with related sciences, enriching itself and its “neighbor”.

The third group of functions are those implemented outside science:

  • 1) instrumental-rationalizing(managerial), giving political subjects knowledge about the political environment, situation and means of successfully influencing them. She answers the question - “how and why? “Political science here acts as one of the elements of the system of means that realize political goals and are a tool for creating a situation that is optimal for the subjects of political action. Political science specifically examines the problem of developing, adopting and implementing political decisions, and provides recommendations for optimal and effective political activity;
  • 2) ideological function, built around the question - “for what?” “It consists in restructuring the content of functioning socio-political values, in substantiating the essential connection of values ​​motivating the actions of participants in political events. All the functions of political science considered reflect its close connection with life. Their implementation at different levels of political life shows political science as an active science, as one of the important social disciplines, the role of which today in the political modernization of Russia is steadily increasing. political science public political knowledge

The features of political knowledge are determined by the fact that it considers society as an organic unity of various aspects of its life, functioning and developing through the political activity of people. Political science studies political interests and relationships that arise in the process of this activity, in the interrelation of objective and subjective factors. The political system and the political sphere of society in general acts as the most important object of political science research. Its analysis includes all issues related to political problems, political needs and values, people’s political orientations and the degree of their implementation, people’s attitude towards themselves as subjects of politics, as well as various political events and processes occurring in society.

The range of issues of political knowledge is quite wide, and we can conclude that political science is a science that covers the entire spectrum of the world of politics. But such a conclusion does not at all capture the essence of the problem. After all, politics is studied by many sciences, and each of them has its own specific approach, they have their own subject, which, reflecting the dynamics of the object, does not remain given once and for all.

Therefore, political science, like any social science, if it wants to prevent disintegration or loss of its structural unity, preserve and increase its scientific and practical significance, it is obliged to constantly clarify its subject, categorical apparatus (the language of science), methods and functions.

Political science is a multifunctional science. Therefore, in her research she uses various directions and methods. Political science uses research methods.

METHODS – it is a set of techniques, ways of constructing scientific knowledge and its application in the study of certain phenomena, i.e. how, in what way political scientists obtain knowledge on their subject.

The political science of specific methods of understanding interactions has not been formed. Today she uses methods and techniques of related sciences. Due to the fact that political science developed in the West within the framework of jurisprudence, it uses INSTITUTIONAL METHOD, those. examines political life through the prism of such instruments as: law, state, parties, associations, pressure groups, constitution, government, etc.

American political science is based on historical science and therefore operates BY HISTORICAL METHOD, t.e. considers political processes through connections with the past, present and future, the evolution of political institutions and norms in the process of social change.

In the 19th century, political thought was strongly influenced by Sociology, resulting in the formation SOCIOLOGICAL METHOD. The impetus was the work of Alexis de Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” which examines processes in politics through economic, social, ideological, cultural and other relations.

Influenced by Charles Merriam 1874-1953, as well as Harold Lasswell, in the 30s of the twentieth century BEHAVIORIST METHOD is formed, i.e. consideration of political relationships is carried out in the context of the behavior of a specific individual, layer, class, ethnic group, etc. This METHOD is called BEHAVIORAL. Quantitative and qualitative indicators are beginning to be used, mathematical methods, statistical data, questionnaires, modeling, business games, etc. are being used.

Closely related to behaviorism PSYCHOLOGICAL METHOD and PSYCHOANALYSIS are related, which studies behavior through the analysis of the motives, desires, passions and vices of individuals. This method was first used by N. Machiavelli. However, its in-depth study belongs to S. Freud and Friend.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, in the wake of criticism of empirical methods, formation of a SYSTEM METHOD or and approach. The authorship of this method belongs to T. Parsons. Its essence lies in the fact that this is a method of cognition and practical activity, in which individual parts of a phenomenon are considered in inextricable unity with the whole. The main concept of the systems approach is SYSTEM, which denotes a certain material or ideal object, considered as a complex, holistic formation. In view of the fact that any system or education that is located in a certain environment, a systems approach must take into account connections and relationships with the environment. The second requirement of this method is to take into account the fact that each system acts as a subsystem of another, larger system, and vice versa, smaller subsystems should be identified in it, which in another case can be considered as a system.

The most ancient method, used by Aristotle, is the COMPARATIVE METHOD. WITH The essence of this method is the consideration of various ideas, views, systems with the aim of their similarities and differences. Aristotle came to the idea of ​​the relationship between the forms and essence of government. Later G.A. Almond, J. Powell came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a new direction, i.e. Comparative Political Science.

DIALECTICAL METHOD – examines political events and phenomena in their interrelation, development and improvement.

RESEARCH METHOD- this is a set of various objects, tools that allow the most accurate and understandable identification of social phenomena through sociological research, interviews, questionnaires, socio-political experiments, statistics, etc.

ACTIVE METHOD – studying political processes through people's activities, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, making decisions and their implementation.

There are a number of other methods: normative, anthropological, structural-functional, etc.

One of the main directions is the study of political institutions. It involves the study of such phenomena as the state, political power, law, political parties, political and socio-political movements and other formalized and informal political institutions. Political institutions (from the Latin institutum - establishment, establishment) are a set of established rules, norms, traditions, principles, regulated processes and relationships in a particular area of ​​politics. For example, the institution of the presidency regulates the procedure for electing the president, the limits of his competence, methods of re-election or removal from office, etc.

Another direction is the study of political processes and phenomena. This direction involves the identification and analysis of objective laws and patterns of development of the political system of society, as well as the development of various political technologies for their practical application.

The third direction is the study of: political consciousness, political psychology and ideology, political culture, political behavior of people and its motivation, as well as methods of communication and management of all these phenomena.

Political studies of the foreign policy activities of the state and the international political process can be identified as an independent direction.

Anthropological method analyzes political phenomena based on the natural collectivist essence of man. Aristotle also said that man by nature is a political being and cannot live in isolation. In the course of evolutionary development, people improve their social organization and at a certain stage move on to the political organization of society.

Psychological method involves the study of psychological mechanisms of psychological behavior and motivation. As a scientific direction, it arose in the 19th century, although it is based on many significant ideas of ancient thinkers (Confucius, Aristotle, Seneca) and modern scientists (N. Machiavelli, T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau).

Psychoanalysis, the foundations of which were developed by Z. Freud, occupies a significant place in the psychological method. With the help of psychoanalysis, unconscious mental processes and motivations that can have an active impact on political behavior are studied.

Structural-functional approach. In accordance with it, the political sphere, like society as a whole, is a complex system (structure) consisting of many interconnected elements, each of which performs a specific function unique to it. The foundations of the structural-functional paradigm were laid by G. Spencer and E. Durkheim, who compared the structure of society with a living organism, and individual subsystems with certain organs. American sociologists R. Merton and T. Parsons made a significant contribution to the formation and development of this trend in sociology.

Conflictological approach proceeds from the fact that social development occurs through the struggle of various social groups.

In modern political science there are two main levels of research: theoretical and applied.

Theoretical political science deals with the development of general (functional) methods for studying the political sphere of society. But at the same time, all theoretical developments are somehow aimed at solving practical problems.

Applied political science examines specific political situations in order to obtain the necessary information, develop political forecasts, practical advice, recommendations and solutions to emerging political and social problems.

Functions of political science

Function (from Latin functio - execution) - purpose, duty. A social function is the role played by one or another element of the social (political) system in society or a social community. For example, the function of the family institution is to regulate marriage and family relations in society; The function of political institutions is to manage social and political relations. Consequently, the function of political science is to study the patterns of functioning of the political system of society and its individual subsystems.

The main functions of political science are:

cognitive - a certain way of knowing (studying) the nature of the political, the structure and content of the political system of society and the patterns of its functioning;

diagnostic - analysis (monitoring) of social (political) reality in order to identify potential contradictions and conflicts;

prognostic - development of scientifically based forecasts about trends (prospects) for the development of the political system and prevention of possible negative phenomena;

organizational and technological - the creation of political technologies and organizational structures that determine the order and rules for the functioning of the political sphere of society;

management - the use of political science research to develop and make management decisions;

instrumental - improving existing and developing new methods for studying political reality;

ideological - the use of political science knowledge and research results in the interests of society, the social community, the ruling class;

pragmatic (applied) - the use of theoretical and applied methods of political science to solve problems and contradictions that arise in society.


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