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Home  /  Health/ Methods for correcting violations of the discrimination of sounds t-ts. Setting and automating the sound h, exercises for differentiating the sounds ch-t, ch-ts, ch-sch Speech material for differentiating the sounds ts t

Methods for correcting violations of the discrimination of sounds t-ts. Setting and automating the sound h, exercises for differentiating the sounds ch-t, ch-ts, ch-sch Speech material for differentiating the sounds ts t

It is possible to assign the letter CH and the sound [CH] to a child without the help of speech therapists, but by organizing independent systematic lessons. There are many interesting ways to help children understand how the language needs to be rearranged in order to produce the articulatory correct sound [CH].

Age of the child and readiness of the speech apparatus

If a 3-4 year old child does not pronounce the sound and the letter CH, this is still within the normal range, since the articulation of the sound [CH] is complex:

  • the tip of the tongue rises to the palate, bending like a hook so as to touch the alveoli of the upper teeth from the inside;
  • for a short moment it sticks to the roof of your mouth;
  • then the entire body of the tongue sharply falls down.

Such complex articulation of the sound [H] is available to children from 5 years old. The child is ready to pronounce it if he has already mastered the sounds , and [Ш].

Listen to the sound formation [Ch] and you will hear that the sound consists of a soft [t’] and a sharp [sch’].

Sound characteristics [H]:

The sound [CH’] is consonant, dull, always soft.

Sound setting [h]

The articulation of the sound [H] can be set in 3 ways:

  1. Using part [t’]: pronounce this sound at a very fast pace so that the tip of the tongue reaches the base of the upper incisors from the side of the palate. Then start wrapping it, as if stroking the tubercle at the roots of the teeth - the alveoli. And at the same time you need to stretch the corners of your mouth wide, as if in a smile.
  2. Using two components [t’] and [sch’]: smiling widely, first slowly, and then faster and faster, pronounce alternately [t’] and [sch’]. Speed ​​allows them to merge and achieve clear articulation of sound.
  3. Explain sound formation by breaking down the process into stages: for the exercise you need a piece of paper or a chocolate bar. It rests on the tip of the tongue and the child is asked to stick it over the hole, which is located between the upper incisors on the inside. To do this, you must first feel this place, and then send your tongue on a “task” with a piece of treat. To fix chocolate or paper, you need to apply force, which will serve and allow you to automate the movement of the tongue.

In all cases, it is necessary to sit the child in front of a mirror and focus on ensuring that he follows his movements in the reflection. Some parents ignore this rule, but speech therapy sessions are much more productive with visual control of the positions of the mouth and tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

First, you need to “warm up” your tongue, because this organ is a large muscle. Here are some exercises to help prepare her for work:

  • “Cleaning your teeth”: you need to run your tongue along the inside of your upper teeth. This needs to be done at increasing speed. It is important that it comes into contact with the base of the teeth - the place where they meet the gum. This is where the alveoli are located.

  • “Mushroom”: this task will help those children who had problems with other sounds due to a short frenulum. The baby needs to stretch his lips in a smile and press his wide tongue against the upper palate. The wider the mouth is open, the better the result.

  • “Sweets”: put toffee or chocolate on the tip of your tongue and stick it to the upper palate near the front teeth. It is important to keep your mouth wide open. Unlike the sound production exercise, the child does not need to pronounce it, because the task is to strengthen the muscle.

If the child likes to do this, then it can be placed at the end of the articulation block and from there move on to pronouncing the sound [Ch]: first, the exercise is without sound, and then it is complicated by the need to pronounce [Ch].

Correct articulation

The exercises described above clearly demonstrate that the production of the sound [H] is possible in several ways, which differ in the method of sound production:

1. Use of a reference sound and correct production of successive movements of the tongue:

  • The baby is asked to always pronounce soft [t’] and at the same time concentrate on ensuring that the tongue is tightly adjacent to the alveoli. Then the specialist shows how to curl the tongue towards the larynx from this position. A spatula is used for this. If the isolated sound [t’] is difficult for him, you can replace it with [at’];
  • the child is asked to say [t’] and at the same time press the corners of his mouth with his fingers, stretching his lips out like a tube. With this position of the lips, the tongue automatically slides back.

2. Using the effect of merging parts [H]:

  • you need to ask the baby to consistently but quickly pronounce the hard voiceless [t], followed by [sch]. At first this is done slowly, and then with increasing tempo of acceleration. It is important that the pronunciation is formed while exhaling.

3. Exercise with application game form imitation:

  • imitate the chirping of a grasshopper or “call” ducks – “kacha-kacha”;
  • read poetry to the child: the adult reads the lines and pauses in those places where the child should utter a sound.

4. Use reference sounds:

  • ask to pronounce the sound “t”, focusing on the correct position of the tongue. As the child pronounces, accompany the sound production with the movement of a bending palm.

It is difficult for a non-specialist to determine which method is suitable for a child. To do this, parents can alternately use each of these exercises. Based on the results of the work, its effectiveness is assessed. The main thing is not to stop at the fact that the child can differentiate the sounds [t’] and [h], because the articulatory skill has not yet been consolidated.

Sound automation [h]

To automate pronunciation, the following sequence of exercises is used:

  • first pronouncing direct and then reverse syllables: cha-ach, uch-chu, cho-och;
  • pronouncing one- and two-syllable words with [h] at the end: ball, game, bulls, bird;
  • pronunciation of words where the sound is in the middle: barrel, duck, spiders;
  • pronouncing words that begin with [h]: teapot, cast iron, Chukotka;
  • reading or pronouncing phrases with sound, pairing them: tea cups, leather suitcase, stump-stump, cat-cat.
  • pure phrases and poems saturated with this sound are the final part of speech therapy work on automation.

Automation of sound [h] in phrases and sentences
Automation of sound [h] in pure language

Differentiation of sounds [h]-[t], [h]-[ts], [h]-[sch],

The problem of separation of sounds [h]-[t] is typical for children who are learning to pronounce this sound in one language. The differentiation of sounds [ts]-[h]” and [h]-[h] is relevant for children from bilingual families. This replacement is typical for foreign languages Altai family.

For differentiation, the child is asked to pronounce syllables, words, phrases, sentences containing the sounds [h]-[t], [h]-[ts], [h]-[sch].

Differentiation of sounds [h] - [ts] in poetry
Differentiation of sounds [h]-[sh’] in syllables Differentiation of sounds [h]-[w’] in words
Differentiation of sounds [h]-[sh’] in texts Differentiation of sounds [h] - [w’] in poetry

Job description: this summary speech therapy session will be useful for speech therapists, teachers primary education, speech pathologists and students. This lesson is aimed at developing articulation, forming phonemic awareness and hearing, correction of writing and reading. The lesson presents directions correctional work in the form of systematization and clarification of existing educational knowledge, skills and abilities.

Lesson form: group.

Student age: 3 special (correctional) class for children with disabilities.

Subject: Differentiation of sounds C - T in words.

Preliminary work:

    Clarification and comparison of the articulation and sound of the sounds C and T.

    Development of speech-auditory memory.

    Development of pronunciation differentiation of sounds C and T in syllables.


Object pictures, “traffic lights”, house cards, blackboard, chalk, notebooks, pens, cards with letters, images: Kingdom, streets, squares, boulevards and avenues.

Program content:

Purpose of the lesson: improve the ability to differentiate the sounds C and T in words.


    Clarify the comparative characteristics of the sounds [ts] and [t].

    Exercise children in selecting words for given sounds.

    Develop phonemic awareness, attention, memory and fine motor skills.

    Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis of words with sounds [ts] and [t].

    Develop the ability to work both independently and in a team.

Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment.

    Setting up for the lesson.

    Repetition of what has been learned:

a) Game "Echo"

b) Characteristics of sounds [ts] and [t]

    Work on the topic:

Training exercises:

a) Game “Traffic Light”

b) Street of “Lost Sounds”

    Finger gymnastics.

    Consolidating new material:


a) Boulevard "Savvy"

b) Avenue “Guess”

c) Street “Gather”

    Summing up.


    Organizational moment.

Today we have guests! Let's say hello to them.

Guys, to find out where we will be today, we need to determine which sound comes first in the name of this subject.

For example, what is the first sound you hear in the word elephant? Name more words with the sound [s]. Similarly with the sound [v].

C Aplya is important, big-nosed, and stands like a statue all day.

A East lived with us in the summer, and in the winter he stayed somewhere.

R fish with specks, polka dots, with fins, but without legs.

WITH The old elephant is sleeping calmly - he can sleep standing up.

T The Arakan lives behind the stove, it’s a warm place.

IN The wolf asked the crow to call the wolf to the phone.

ABOUT Slick was angry today: he found out that he was an ass.

So what is this word, guys? Let's read it together with emphasis.

This is the Kingdom!

What do you think the Kingdom is? (children's answers). Remember the kingdoms from fairy tales (underwater, the kingdom of Tsar Berendey, etc.)

Today we will enter the magical Kingdom.

    Setting up for the lesson.

And now, we invite you to visit the Kingdom. To enter the gates of the Kingdom, you must say magic words(children repeat after the speech therapist):

Oh, how I want to work!

I want to do everything.

To be proud of your work,

Let the work continue!

I am both cheerful and strong,

I'll do all the work.

I will show my will

I will keep my word!

    Repetition of what has been learned.

The gate is open. Welcome! Go to your seats.

Today we will continue to listen, pronounce and distinguish sounds correctly.

You know guys, every kingdom has a name and ours has one too, sounds live in it, and you have to guess which ones!

A) Game "Echo"

Repeat the syllables and say which two consonant sounds are repeated in them. And whoever repeats it correctly, sits down.

Ta-tsa-ta, tso-to-tso, tsu-tsu-tu, you-you-tsy, atsa-ata-atsa, oto-otso-oto, utsu-utsu-utu, ytsy-yty-yty.

What consonant sounds were repeated. That's right, these are the sounds [ts] - [t].

So, this is the “Kingdom of sounds [ts] - [t].”

b) Characteristics of sounds [ts] - [t]

Please describe the sounds.

The sound [ts] is a consonant, dull, always hard.

The sound [t] is consonant, dull, hard.

    Work on the topic.

A)- You know, guys, we have a new obstacle on our way. You can approach the Kingdom by crossing the road. And to cross the road, you need a traffic light. Our traffic light is magical. It will be blue.

Why do you think? (because hard consonants are indicated in blue).

And since the sound [ts] is also dull, in order to distinguish it from the sound [t] there will be a circle at the traffic light?

What sound does a traffic light without a circle correspond to? (sound [t]) And which one - with a circle? (sound [ts])

Game "Traffic Light"

The speech therapist names words with the sounds [ts] - [t], and the children raise the corresponding “traffic light”.

Words: heron, skein, masher, sun, chicken, finger, shoes, cat, axe, chicken, hammer, well, soap dish, room.

Well done guys! We didn't make a single mistake.

b)- And now we find ourselves in the kingdom of sounds [ts] - [t]. There are extraordinary streets, squares, avenues and boulevards here.

The first street we came to is:

Street of Lost Sounds

- It often happens that sounds from words are lost. And we denote sounds in writing by letters, in our case these are the letters C - T.

The speech therapist gives the children task cards.

We need to insert the letters C – T into the words. We have prepared our pens.

Words: si...e..., buttons...a,,, ...pumpkin, ...arapine, onion...a, cucumber..., ice cream...,, ...plate, stake...o, edges... a,, kana..., mo...o...ikl.

    Finger gymnastics.

We go to

Veselinka Square

Our delicate flowers

The petals are blooming.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals close

Quietly falling asleep

They shake their heads.

    Consolidation of new material.

Boulevard "Savvy"

Here you need to open your notebooks and write down the number.

Distribute and write the words in three columns (the words are written on the board). In the first column you need to write down words in which the letter C appears. In the second column - words with the letter T. And in the third - words with the letters C-T.

Be careful.

Let's check if you wrote the words correctly (children read).

b)- And now we are at

Avenue "Guess"


    Yellow lumps, light as cotton wool! They run after the quotation. Who is this? ... (chickens)

    Along the narrow path - a head and horns. Who crawls so slowly and carries his own house? (snail)

    A vegetable with a pungent, pungent taste. (pepper)

    White in winter, gray in summer. He doesn’t offend anyone, but he’s afraid of everyone. (hare)

    It falls from a branch into a river and does not sink, but floats. (sheet)

    There are no more friendly mushrooms than these, adults and children know - they grow on tree stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose. (honey mushrooms)

    Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people. (cucumber)

    I was born to glory, my head is white and curly. Who loves cabbage soup, look for me. (cabbage).

V) And so we came to

Street "Gather"

Now you will have envelopes, and you will become wizards if you guess correctly secret word which they contain.

Each child has cut letters in their envelopes, from which they must form words containing letters C-T.

Children read the words they come up with and write them down in a notebook.

Words: tit, egg, figure, dance, poplar, coupon, knitting needle, price, flower, stage, scarf, scissors.

    Summing up.

Let's remember words with sounds [ts] - [t]. Who remembered three words, and who remembered five words more? (children's answers)

Today in class you were attentive and distinguished the sounds [ts] - [t] without errors.

What did you like most?

Well done! You did a good job!

This strange house without windows
Children lie on their backs
People call it “cocoon”.
feet in the center of the circle.
Having twisted this house on a branch,
Roll over to left side
The caterpillar sleeps in it.
Place your palms under your cheeks.
He sleeps without waking up all winter.
Turn over onto the right side, palms under the cheek.
But winter rushed past
They turn over on their backs and stretch.
March, April, drops, spring...
sit down slowly.
Wake up, sleepyhead!
- Stretch while sitting.
Under the bright spring sun
They get up and stretch.
The caterpillar has no time to sleep,
They run in circles
She became a butterfly!
waving your hands.
(V. Egorov)


Pronounce syllables, distinguishing the sounds [T"], [C].

Pronounce sentences, distinguishing the sounds [C] - [T"].

Aunt Tanya is a calf shepherd. The theme feeds the chickens. Katya has a cotton dress. The black grouse brought out the chicks. The seller handed the aunt a towel. The pony clatters its hooves. My father was given a prescription for the medicine. There is a table hanging on the wall. Petya was at the concert. There is a telephone exchange in the center of the village.

[C] - [S]

tsa – sa os – ots ots – os atsu – asu

sa – tsa is – its its – isasu – atsu

atsa – asa tso – so us – uts uts – us

asa – atsa so – tso es – ets ec – es

ats – as atso – aso tsu – su ys – yts

yats – yas aso – atso su – tsu tsy – sy

atsy – asy yts – ys as – yats sy – tsy

asy - atsy yas - yats

[C] - [S]

Knitting needle, tit, fox, capital, sister, ladder, caterpillar, sugar bowl, word, letter, arctic fox, starlings, eyelashes, salt, word, sun, scene, month, arctic fox, lead, station, beauty, seven-colored, clutch, chintz, oil, ladder, proverb, column, letter, insomnia, writer, wanderer, sleeps, dreams, laughs, sits down, bites, descends, is ashamed, gives up.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

[C] - [S]

Sheep - oats, pollen - stripe, heron - saber, ring - wheel, clatter - falcon, to the face - fox, to the ring - to the wheel, chick-chick - rash-rash, sheep - braids, short - blond, tut - sprinkle , ends - noses, eyelashes - hair, craftsmen - rails, goal - jelly, whole - gray, valuable - autumn, prices - hay, strain - angry, virgin soil - gray hair, color - light, goals - sat down, flower - light, reign - litter, clink - juice, intact - sat down, bam - bass.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

A whole glass. Broken tree. Motley chicken. Fresh water. Cowardly hare. Brave fighters. Strong blacksmiths. The fox has cubs. Sima's dress is made of chintz. Sonya dropped the sugar bowl. Father wrote a letter. Senya has brown hair and light eyelashes. Syoma drank a whole glass of juice. The sun will peep into our window.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

A tit was sitting on an acacia tree. The starling brought the caterpillar. The spoke in the chariot is not big. Clean fellow: no goats, no sheep. The sun shone all day. September - autumn month. The chicken laid an egg. The hare has a short tail. The moon was shining through the window. The lilacs bloomed in May. The children were in camp for a whole month. The brave man is not afraid of death, the brave man shuns death.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

The sun will also peek into our window. He who loves to work cannot sit idle. The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress, the beauty of the birch tree has green braids. A tit sits on a pine tree, a fox sits under a pine tree. If the fox had not arrived in time, the sheep would have eaten the wolf. He who is brave is safe. Flowers should not bloom in the snow.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Not every bird flies high. The sun sets - the lazy person is having fun. And the moon shines when there is no sun. Everything changes in the world, but the truth remains. Poor chickens can't sleep if they dream about a fox. I picked oats for the sheep; Eat your oats quickly, sheep. They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep. The bird is not big, but loud. It's fun to sing, it's fun to spin. Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 8. Learn the poem.

Finger - boy, where have you been?

I went into the forest with this brother.

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother.

I sang songs with this brother.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 9. Learn riddles.

I brought the sun

At your window,

I hung it from the ceiling -

It immediately became fun.


It's not a bird that's sitting on a branch,

There is a red tail, but not a fox.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 10. Learn riddles.

Two twins, two brothers sit astride the nose.

I carry some water inside me.

You will need some water.

Swim without hassle

If there is...(plumbing)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 11. Learn poems.

Important, big-nosed heron

Stands like a statue all day.
By the fence on the street

Two chickens met

Hens are brood hens,

Good neighbors.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 12. Learn the poem.

Bird exercise.

The bird wants to wake up

The bird sings a song,

Because a bird with a song

Waking up is more interesting.

(V. Berestov)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 13. Learn riddles.

Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet.

(Buckets in the rocker)

In a dark dungeon

Beautiful girls

No thread, no knitting needle


(Bees in the hive)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 14. Learn the poem.


The starlings are returning,

Our old tenants.

Sparrows near a puddle

They circle in a noisy flock.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 15. Learn nursery rhymes.

I'm smart - smart

And the whole street knows it -

Both a rooster and a hen.

On the street two hens and a rooster are fighting.

Two beautiful girls look and laugh.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 16. Learn the poem.

Let's get dressed...

Me myself! Me myself!

Let's go, let's wash...

Me myself! Me myself!

(I. Muraveiko)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 17. Learn the poem.


Thirty-two sisters,

Written beauties,

Live on one page

And they are famous everywhere.

(B. Zakhoder)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 18. Learn the poem.

There are animals and birds in the zoo:

Lionesses, foxes, hares, martens,

Herons, chicks, tits, starlings,

And starlings have chicks.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 19. Learn poems by O. Driz.

Flower to flower - color pattern.

Pine to pine - pine forest.
The bird shook the branch -

And the light streams through the leaves.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 20. Learn the poem.

The red maiden caught some water from the spring.

The horse clicked his hoof from behind,

Dust swirls under the hoof.

The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink.

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 21. Learn the poem.

The old hare is mowing hay,

And the fox is raking.

The fly carries hay to the cart,

And the mosquito throws.

(S. Marshak)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 22. Learn the poem.

Once upon a time at a concert

The urchins sat

With whistling and gusto

They sucked on lollipops.

(E. Firebloom)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 23. Learn the poem.

I won't wash the dishes

So that the dishes are intact.

I'm ready to water the flowers

We just don't have flowers.

(L. Dymova)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 24. Learn the poem.

There are two sheep in the flower garden

They graze all day.

At the porch without end

Pussy eats from a saucer.

From flowers at last

Drive away the sheep!

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 25. Learn the poem.

Maybe twenty thousand times

Drop the iron basin.

And a porcelain vase

You can't drop it even once.

After all, twenty thousand times

We need twenty thousand vases.

(A. Kondratyev)

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
[C] - [S]

Exercise No. 26. Learn the poem.

Wrong street.

Wandered into our kindergarten

Twelve little chickens.

A motley hen brought them from the street.

Sweet little chicken, you're on the wrong street.

It's a kindergarten, but not for chickens!

Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

We wish you success!

Differentiation C – T.

  1. Write the words with the letters T and C in two columns.

Telephone, gypsy, button, chicken, iron, shadow, hare, heat, price, Indian, picture, chicken, flower, scissors, tulip fire, kittens, thread, suit, boat, egg, chain, heron, tulle, sheep (or others similar).

  1. Fill in the missing letters.

Sculpt, ...branches, horse..., wear...b, ...dark, young..., fox...a, hare..., kitten, ...irk.

  1. Underline the words starting with the letter T.

Virgin soil, send, then, appreciate, fingers, dust, pollen, picture, well.

  1. Underline the words with the letter C.

Friday, wheel, ring, wall, chicken, motorcycle, dough, soap dish.

  1. Write out words with the letters T and C from the text in 2 columns.

Letter "C"

She's a master at dressing up, wearing valuable chains, and walking around in them like a queen! Such a whole gold chain is not enough for a fashionista!
I attached two rings at the bottom right end!

  1. Read the words, inserting the missing letters: T and C. Write them down.

Pol..en..e, ..elova..b, mass..eri..a, ..change..change, for..weight..i, …ef…e, …epli..a.

  1. Write it off.

It was a warm autumn. Artyom walked in the park all day long. There he collected colorful leaves. Migratory birds flew across the sky. When it got dark, Artyom returned home. Tim's kitten and Tsybik puppy were waiting for him at home.

  1. Read the sentences, remember and write them by turning the card over.

Kostya is traveling with his father.

Vitya cut his finger.

Nastya feeds the chickens.

Children having fun on the street.

Tanya is wearing a dark dress.

Father went to the capital.

Mitya was scratched by a kitten.

Chickens can't swim.

The kitten laps from a saucer.

Katya is watering the flowers.

Birds sing on the acacia tree.

Birds hatch from eggs.

The calf woman is busy with her calf.

The kitten is chasing chickens.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Differentiation of teaching in literature lessons. Technological map of a literature lesson based on differentiation of teaching.

Class: 5 Literary topic: N.A. Nekrasov. The destinies of peasant children, their lives. Lesson topic: N.A. Nekrasov. A story about a poet. The poem “Peasant Children.” Lesson type: introductory (ahead...

Differentiation and individualization of training and education as a means of effective development of schoolchildren with disabilities.

Materials of the Methodological Council....

Methodological development of lesson notes on dysgraphia correction. Speech therapy topic: Differentiation of o-a. Grammar topic: Spelling chk, chn. Lexical topic: Winter.

Summary of a lesson on dysgraphia correction...