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International autumn color competition. International children's creative competition “Colorful colors of autumn

Public offer agreement (doc)

Limited Liability Company “International Center for Pedagogical Innovation “Technologies of the Future”” (hereinafter referred to as LLC “MCPI “Technologies of the Future””) publishes this proposal to conclude an agreement for the provision of information services (hereinafter referred to as the “Events”) , the terms of which are given below (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) addressed to individuals and legal entities (in case of acceptance of this offer, hereinafter referred to as “Clients”). A full list of information services, as well as payment rates, are announced on the website of LLC “MCPI Future Technologies”

This offer, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), is a public offer.

MCPI Future Technologies LLC has the right at any time, at its sole discretion, to change the terms of the Offer or withdraw it. If MCPI Future Technologies LLC changes the terms of the Offer, the changes come into force from the moment the changed terms of the Offer are posted on the Internet at the address unless a different period is specified by MCPI Future Technologies LLC upon such posting. These changes do not apply to the mutual obligations of MCPI Future Technologies LLC and Clients who entered into an Agreement before posting the amended terms of the Offer on the Internet at

The moment of complete and unconditional acceptance of the offer of MCPI Future Technologies LLC to conclude an Agreement (that is, acceptance of the offer), in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is considered to be the fact of the Client’s prepayment for the services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

The contract concluded through the acceptance of this offer is regulated by the norms of civil law on the contract of adhesion (Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) - since its terms are determined by MCPI Future Technologies LLC in this offer and can be accepted by any person only by joining the proposed The agreement as a whole.

1. Basic terms and concepts

1.1. The website of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" is a collection of current scientific, practical and methodological, creative, research and other information materials, proposals and tools located on the Internet at

1.2. Events – various conferences, competitions, Olympiads, festivals, relay races and other scientific, practical and creative events.

1.3. Services – placement for a fee/advance payment (on a reimbursable basis) of scientific articles, scientific research results, competition materials and other information materials corresponding to the profile and focus of LLC “MCPI Future Technologies”.

1.4. Materials – scientific-practical, scientific-methodological articles, photographs, presentations and other materials sent for participation in remote events conducted by LLC “MCPI Future Technologies”.

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1. The subject of the Agreement is the provision of paid services by LLC MCPI Future Technologies to the Client on the Internet on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Several Services may be provided to the Client at the same time. The list of Services and the procedure for their provision are indicated on the website of LLC “MCPI “Technologies of the Future””

2.2. The agreement regulates the procedure for providing exclusively paid information services. Regarding publicly available resources, MCPI Future Technologies LLC reserves the right unilaterally and without agreement with anyone: to change the conditions and procedure for providing access to them, or to set a fee for access to them, or to completely exclude them from the materials, posted on the website of LLC “MCPI “Technologies of the Future””.

2.3. LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" provides Services to the Client only in case of prepayment of his participation in events in accordance with current tariffs and submission of the corresponding electronic application on the website of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" in accordance with the approved rules and terms, as well as sending rewards to the Client materials and materials about participation.

2.4. Information resources posted on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC, created in the form of a database (clause 2 of Article 1260 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), are the intellectual property of MCPI Future Technologies LLC and are protected by law on the basis of subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of article 1225 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The company is the manufacturer of these databases and, as such, it has the exclusive right to extract materials from the databases and carry out their subsequent use in any form and in any way (Article 1333, paragraph 1, Article 1334 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. LLC “MCPI “Technologies of the Future”” has the right:

3.1.1. LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" has the right to change the number of Services provided and the procedure for their provision, as well as the cost of the Services provided (adjust current tariffs), notifying the Client about such changes directly on the website of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" by changing the content of the information about services and tariffs (without a special separate announcement), no less than 3 (three) calendar days before the changes come into force.

By joining the Agreement, the Client is warned about the possibility of changes specified in this paragraph and agrees that they will be made by MCPI Future Technologies LLC unilaterally. Conditions that worsen the Client’s position compared to those previously in force do not come into force in relation to the Services for which the Client made an advance payment before posting the above notice on the change in the terms of the Agreement on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

3.1.2. If it is impossible for MCPI Future Technologies LLC to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement due to:

— using the Services for illegal purposes or obtaining the Services in an illegal way and (or)

- implementation by the Client of actions that violate the terms of the Agreement, or violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) generally accepted norms for using the Internet, MCPI Future Technologies LLC, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, has the right to unilaterally extrajudicially terminate the Agreement by notifying about this Client. The contract is considered terminated from the moment such notice is sent. In this case, on the basis of paragraph 2 of Article 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Services are subject to payment in full.

3.1.3. LLC “MCPI “Technologies of the Future”” has the right to notify Clients about news of its services, ongoing operations related to changes in the procedure for providing Services, offers of Services, as well as make other notifications on the pages of the Site, as well as through electronic messages addressed to Clients.

3.1.4. Suspend the provision of Services for the period of elimination of technical problems or other circumstances that impede the provision of Services, while MCPI Future Technologies LLC carries out technical work to maintain the Company’s Website, if possible, during the least busy hours.

3.1.5. Refuse the Client to provide the Service in case of non-payment (incomplete payment) for the Services on time, in case of untimely submission of the Application for the provision of the Service, in the absence of a scanned paid receipt for participation in the selected event, as well as in case of violation of the rules of participation in the event.

3.1.6. Change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally.

3.1.7. Deliver information to the Client using the data received during registration of the Client’s electronic Application on the website

3.1.8. MCPI Future Technologies LLC reserves the right to change or supplement any of the terms of this Offer Agreement at any time by publishing all changes on its website. If the published changes are unacceptable to the Client, then he must notify MCPI Future Technologies LLC about this within 7 days from the date of publication of the changes. If no notification is received, then it is considered that the Client continues to participate in the contractual relationship.

3.2 LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future""undertakes:

3.2.1. Register the Client as a participant in a scientific event by entering registration data into the list of participants upon receipt of a completed electronic Application from the Client in accordance with the form established by MCPI Future Technologies LLC (the electronic Application form is published on the website).

3.2.2. Provide the Service to the Client for the selected event, held in accordance with the Regulations, subject to payment in full and compliance with all the rules for holding a specific event.

3.2.3. Post information on the list of services provided, the conditions and cost of conducting scientific and creative events and projects on the website of LLC MCPI Future Technologies.

3.2.4. Inform the Client about the Services and the conditions for receiving them using mailing lists.

3.2.5. Provide the Client with the opportunity to view, copy and download information resources on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC, as well as individual information from information resources and (or) the opportunity to receive information in the form of file attachments in email messages (depending on the types of Services , paid by the Client).

3.2.6 The Parties agree that the moment of payment for the Services is considered to be the receipt of funds in payment for the Services to the bank account of MCPI Future Technologies LLC and materials to the editorial office of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

3.2.7. Provide Services to the Client in full and in accordance with the conditions and frequency specified in the Application.

3.2.8. Maintain the website of LLC "MCPI Future Technologies" in working condition.

3.2.9. Take generally accepted technical and organizational measures on the Internet to ensure the confidentiality of information received or sent by the Client, as well as his identification data and details.

3.2.10. In the event of technical problems, take all possible measures to eliminate them as soon as possible (however, the absence of problems cannot be guaranteed).

3.3. The client has the right:

3.3.1. Receive services of appropriate quality from MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

3.3.2. During the period of validity of the Agreement, order new types of Services posted on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC, subject to prepayment (if these Services have not been paid for earlier).

3.3.3. Contact the Company's technical support service with recommendations, comments and suggestions via email.

3.3.4. The Client has the right at any time to unilaterally refuse the Services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC. In the event of a unilateral refusal by the Client to receive the services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC, the payment made is not refunded and is not transferred to another Service.

3.4. The client undertakes:

3.4.1. Comply with the terms of the Agreement, the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and generally accepted standards for using the Internet.

3.4.2. Independently and in a timely manner familiarize yourself with the established prices, the list of services provided, the conditions and cost of the Events, the procedure and terms for their provision on the website of LLC MCPI Future Technologies.

3.4.3. Timely pay for the selected Services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC in accordance with the prices established at the time of payment.

3.4.4. In case of non-receipt or incomplete receipt of the Services, within 10 (ten) calendar days, notify LLC “MCPI Future Technologies” in writing by e-mail about the difficulties encountered.

3.4.5. Provide reliable information necessary for MCPI Future Technologies LLC for the timely provision of Services, including correct email addresses actually used by the Client.

3.4.6. In accordance with the rules of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" register yourself and/or your (your) student, pupil (students, pupils) by filling out an electronic Application in the prescribed form and within a certain time frame on the website of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" :

3.4.7. If you decide to participate in a scientific event, attach to the Application the materials and a scanned copy of the receipt for payment for the selected Services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

3.4.8. By registering an electronic Application in the prescribed form, MCPI Future Technologies LLC, the Client gives his consent to the use of personal data.

4. Responsibility of the parties

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of the Agreement.

4.2. MCPI Future Technologies LLC is not responsible for any losses, including lost profits, caused to the Client as a result of the Client’s inability to use the Services provided to him through no fault of MCPI Future Technologies LLC, including (but not limited to) the following circumstances :

— software or hardware errors, failures, omissions and interruptions in work, deletion of files, changes in functions, defects on the Client’s computer or other technical equipment;

— delays in data transfer or other circumstances related to deficiencies in the quality of communication services, including interruptions, unstable connections, insufficient data transfer speeds, incorrect operation of the Internet.

4.3. MCPI Future Technologies LLC is not responsible for any losses, including lost profits, arising due to unauthorized use by third parties of the Client’s Identification Data, as well as unauthorized access of third parties to the Services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

4.4. The client is warned and agrees that the information posted on the website of LLC MCPI Future Technologies is collected by LLC MCPI Future Technologies based on the principle of voluntary provision of this information by a wide range of individuals and legal entities in various regions of the Russian Federation, and is transmitted by these persons, including through electronic communication, which implies possible technical errors in the transmission and reception of information, and, as a consequence, the possible unreliability (irrelevance) of certain data (information) posted on the website of LLC "MCPI Future Technologies". The Client agrees that individual technical errors of this kind do not arise through the fault of MCPI Future Technologies LLC and MCPI Future Technologies LLC is not responsible for them.

4.5. MCPI Future Technologies LLC is responsible only for the operability of the MCPI Future Technologies LLC website and providing the Client with access to information resources within the hosting capabilities provided by the provider; however, the practical implementation of this access is carried out at the discretion of the Client and is provided exclusively by the Client and at his expense, including (but not limited to) the purchase and maintenance of software and hardware for working on the Internet.

4.6. The Client uses the information he receives as a result of using the Services at his own discretion and LLC “MCPI Future Technologies” is not responsible for the possible ineffectiveness of such use or non-use of this information.

4.7. MCPI Future Technologies LLC is also not responsible for any losses, including lost profits, caused to the Client and (or) third parties due to the use of information resources obtained on the MCPI Future Technologies LLC website, regardless of whether whether these resources were used in the course of business activities or for any other purposes.

5. Amount and payment procedure

5.1. Payment for the Services of LLC MCPI Future Technologies is made by bank transfer in the amount of 100% prepayment of the cost of the selected event and the established payment terms published on the website of LLC MCPI Future Technologies. The list of services and their cost is indicated on the website of MCPI LLC. Future technologies""

5.2. LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" has the right to unilaterally change the prices for the Services provided unilaterally, subject to notification of this to the Client directly on the Website of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" by changing the content of information on prices (tariffs), (without special separate announcement). Changes in prices (tariffs) for the provision of Services do not entail a recalculation of the cost for the period pre-paid by the Client before notification of the price change. The effective date of new prices and payment terms is considered to be the date of their publication on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

5.3. Payments made by the Client are not refunded, except for confirmed cases of impossibility of providing Services due to the fault of MCPI Future Technologies LLC. The return is made on the basis of the Client’s written request within 10 (ten) calendar days from the receipt of such a request, subject to the consent of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

5.4. The cost of the Services is indicated in Russian rubles. Payment for the Services of LLC "MCPI "Technologies of the Future"" by the Client is made in cash by bank transfer through the electronic payment system on the website and/or in any bank branch of the country before the deadline for accepting Applications and Works of the selected event by transferring these funds to the bank account of LLC " MCPI “Technologies of the Future” (details of the current account and bank of LLC MCPI “Technologies of the Future” are indicated in the regulations on events and on the website of LLC MCPI “Technologies of the Future”).

6. Wed ok actions and procedure for termination of the contract

6.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the Client prepays for the Services.

6.2. The Agreement is valid until the moment when the total cost of the Services provided by the bank LLC "MCPI Future Technologies" to the Client becomes equal to the total amount of money paid by the Client of the bank LLC "MCPI Future Technologies" as payment for the Services.

6.3. The Agreement may be terminated early by agreement of the parties or in the manner provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of the Agreement.

7. O special conditions and responsibilities of the parties

7.1. The Client bears full responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the payment he makes for the Services of MCPI Future Technologies LLC, the accuracy of the data entered in the Application, and compliance with the rules for conducting events posted on the website in the regulations on events.

7.2. The Client consents to the processing by MCPI LLC Technologies of the Future of personal data contained in the Application (last name, first name, patronymic, age, email address, place of work (study), postal address) and to the publication of this data on the MCPI LLC website “Technologies of the Future”” for open access.

7.3. Once published, all materials are publicly available. By sending the manuscript, information about the author and other materials to the specified email addresses, the author (licensor) actually consents to the publication of the personal data specified in the letter to identify authorship, as well as the right to publish the manuscript (disclosure, duplication, replication or other reproduction of the transferred material ) without limiting the circulation of copies; to distribute the transmitted materials in any way; right of communication to the public; the right to use metadata (title, name of the author (copyright holder), annotations, bibliographic materials, etc.) of transferred materials by distributing and making available to the public, processing and systematization, as well as inclusion in various databases and information systems; the right to assign, on contractual terms, partially or fully acquired rights to third parties, without paying remuneration to the licensor.

7.4. MCPI Future Technologies LLC is responsible for the timeliness of the Services provided when the Client fulfills the established requirements and rules posted on the MCPI Future Technologies LLC website.

7.5. MCPI Future Technologies LLC is not responsible for the Client’s failure to receive Services, and payment made in this case is not refunded and is not transferred to other Services in the following cases:

7.5.1. The Client paid for the Service after the deadline for accepting work, did not attach an electronic file of a scanned payment receipt to the Application form within the deadlines established by MCPI Future Technologies LLC and/or did not pay for the service on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

7.5.2. The file sent by the Client with a scanned copy of the payment receipt for the Service is of poor quality, the text in this receipt is unclear, difficult to read, and some information and details are missing.

7.5.3. The Client provided inaccurate or erroneous data in the Application.

7.5.4. The email address specified by the Client is not available at the time the Service is provided.

7.5.5. The Client cannot receive paid Services due to problems he has encountered.

7.5.6. The client did not timely attach the work performed within the framework of the selected event of MCPI Future Technologies LLC to the electronic Application..

7.5.7. The work submitted by the Client was not compiled in accordance with the rules for conducting a specific event, with technical violations.

8. O circumstances of force majeure (force majeure)

8.1. The parties are released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement if such failure was the result of force majeure circumstances, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions.

8.2. The parties agreed that force majeure circumstances include, in particular: natural disasters, military operations, national crisis, strikes in an industry or in the region, actions and decisions of government authorities that objectively impede the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, failures arising in telecommunications and energy networks, the action of malicious programs, as well as dishonest actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access or disabling the software and/or hardware complex of each of the Parties (however, the above list does not exhaust the circumstances of force majeure).

8.3. The party citing force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately notify the other party in writing about such circumstances, the beginning and end of their effect and the impact on the ability to fulfill obligations under the Agreement.

9. P procedure for considering claims and resolving disputes

9.1. The parties will make every effort to reach agreement on controversial issues through negotiations. If it is impossible to reach an agreement through negotiations and (or) correspondence, the disputes that arise are subject to consideration in a court of general jurisdiction or another court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. The Client's claims regarding the Services provided are accepted by MCPI Future Technologies LLC for consideration by email within 14 days from the moment the dispute arises.

9.3. When considering controversial situations, MCPI Future Technologies LLC has the right to request from the Client all relevant documentation regarding the event under consideration. If the Client fails to provide documents within 3 working days after the day of the request, the claim is not subject to consideration by MCPI Future Technologies LLC.

10. O special conditions

10.1. If it is difficult to interpret the terms of the Agreement, they are interpreted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the initial interests of the Parties when concluding the Agreement.

10.2. If any term of this Agreement is invalid, the remainder of this Agreement continues to be valid as if it did not contain this term.

10.3. All notices and statements under this Agreement are valid if made in writing and sent by post, and necessarily by a valuable letter with an inventory of the contents. The parties agree that both a valuable letter sent by post and an electronic message (e-mail) sent to the email address specified by the Client during registration are considered to be proper notification to the Client of MCPI Future Technologies LLC. In cases expressly stipulated in the Agreement, a message made by changing the content of the relevant sections on the website of MCPI Future Technologies LLC (prices of Services, procedure for their provision, etc.) is also appropriate.

10.4. Each of the Parties to the Agreement is obliged to notify the other Party in writing of changes in any details previously notified to the other Party no later than 5 (five) calendar days from the date of change. In case of violation of this condition, the Party is deemed to have received notifications sent to the address or email address previously communicated by it.

10.5. By concluding this Agreement, the Client understands the meaning of his actions and is able to manage them, and is not under the influence of delusion, deception, violence, or threats. The Agreement was concluded by the Client voluntarily, with prior full familiarization with the terms of the Offer and the Agreement, the content of which is clear to the Client.

10.6. To the extent not regulated by the Agreement, relations between the Parties are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Organization details

Limited Liability Company International Center for Pedagogical Innovation “Technologies of the Future”
Legal address: 197082, St. Petersburg, Bogatyrsky Avenue, building 59 bldg. 1 office 301
Checkpoint: 781401001
OGRN: 1157847074978
OKPO code: 01075804
OKTMO: 40322000000
OKVED: 73.20; 92.31.2; 92.40; 22.11; 22.11.1; 22.14; 22.23; 22.24; 22.25;
51.43.22; 51.70; 52.47.1; 52.48.24; 52.61; 52.61.1; 52.61.2
OKOPF: 12300

Here you can see the work of the competitors:

3. Author: Papazyan Alena, 7 years old. Work: "Magic Forest". Description of the work: “My daughter and I collected different leaves (maple, oak, birch, elm) and put them in books for several days so that the leaves would dry out and not lose their shape. We took cardboard and began to come up with a picture (without glue yet), of course, something We looked on the Internet and came up with something ourselves. When the picture came out, my daughter glued each “moment of the picture” onto cardboard. The sun was made from rowan berries and calendula inflorescences. The ears and hooves of the elk were maple, the antlers were oak leaves, the muzzle was a birch leaf, body - elm leaf. Tree - glued a twig (similar to a tree trunk), painted the fruits on the tree - laurel seeds - red, leaves and grass - crumbled the remaining leaves, applied glue to the cardboard and sprinkled the whole picture with "leaf crumbs". "

4. Author: Arkadyev Dima, 10 years old. Work: “The plane flies in the clouds.” Description of work: Autumn has come. The most beautiful time. I am interested in airplanes and therefore decided to make an applique of leaves on the theme “A plane flies in the clouds.” Work order: I came up with a model of the aircraft. I collected leaves from the yard of the house. Prepared scissors and glue, UHU company. I glued leaves onto the silhouette of an airplane. Then I cut out the plane and glued it onto cardboard that was blue like the sky. Added clouds from leaves. And my plane flew over the clouds.

16. Ostrikova Veronica (7 years old). Work: "Autumn Palette".

17. Kisanaeva Samira, 3.5 years old. "Unusual house" For work you need: an empty five-liter plastic bottle, gouache paints, glue, scissors and leaves.

18. Vika Sokolova, 3.5 years old. Work "In a fairy forest". For work you need: cardboard, colored paper, plasticine, glue, leaves, pine cones, twigs and two Kinder Surprise toys.

19. Yuryeva Angelina, 7 years old. Work "Forest Guests". Cut a hole in a small pumpkin. Use a thread to make a web. Make a spider from a lemon and a piece of wire. Hedgehogs - plasticine and seeds.

20. Aksyonov Daniil, 5 years old. Title of the work: “Forest clearing.” Description: Mom and I collected maple leaves, bunches of rowan berries with leaves, and dad and I collected beautiful spruce branches in the forest. I prepared plasticine, cardboard, glue, and some sunflower seeds and began to fantasize. I glued maple leaves onto cardboard and left it to dry. My mother and I sculpted two hedgehogs from plasticine and made needles from seeds. When the clearing dried out, I glued rowan bunches onto it, placed spruce branches in the form of trees and planted our hedgehogs.

21. Topiary "Colors of Autumn". Kotets Victoria 12 years old. The work is made of corrugated paper, snails, and shells. Assembled using a glue gun.

22. "Autumn Lilies." Zelenskaya Elvira, 12 years old. The work is made of autumn leaves. The stamens of the lily are made of wire, to which colored semolina is glued using PVA glue.

23. Kiselev Egor, 5 years old.

24. Sonin Bogdan, 4 years old. Work: "Butterfly". Description of work: made with glue, from natural material (dry leaves).

25. Author: Gulnaz Yafarova, 5 years old. Title of the work: “Forest Harvest.” Description: Together with my parents, I collected leaves, cones and bunches of barberry. I prepared glue, plasticine, a handful of seeds and a box of chocolates. I glued colorful leaves onto the box and placed barberries. From plasticine I sculpted various forest mushrooms for our clearing, from a pine cone I made a Christmas tree, and from seeds I made a wonderful hedgehog.

26. Nurgaliev Matvey, 4.5 years old, Title of the work “Autumn small bird”.
To make this craft, you first need to collect the leaves and put them in a book to dry! You also need to collect cones and spruce branches! First, we glue the leaves in the shape of a peacock’s tail onto PVA glue, then we glue the head, body and legs from the cones! We glue spruce branches under the legs. Glue a tuft of dried clover onto the head with glue. The work is ready!

28. Maria Burdukovskaya, 5 years old. Title of the work: "Tease". Description of work: autumn time has come and the harvest has arrived. The child on the site liked the decorative pumpkin that grew after daily courting and watering in the summer. Arriving home, taking out scissors and glue, the child began to work, cleaned out the pumpkin seeds and pulp, glued the dried grass and the cut out tongue onto the glue. The pumpkin craft is ready.

29. Alina Shadzhieva, 5 years old. Title of the work: “Hedgehogs on a walk.” Description of the work: After reading a fairy tale about hedgehogs, the child wanted to make hedgehogs with his own hands. Taking out glue, toothpicks, pears and berries that grew at the dacha, he began to make crafts, the work was so exciting that the child could not stop and made 6 hedgehogs.

Natural materials such as moss, pine needles, nuts, ranetki and rowan fruits, and various twigs were used in the crafts.

31. Ayana Olzoeva, 5 years old. Title of the work: “Autumn mood.” The child saw leaves falling from the trees and decided to collect them and draw smiles on the leaves. Using glue, I glued them together and painted smiles.

34. Mamonov Danil, 9 years old, based his work on a drawing from a coloring book. The lion's mane was made from nettle leaves dried in a book. First I glued the body, then the leaves in a circle and then the head. I designed the face - eyes, mouth, nose - and glued it from colored paper. I drew some details with a black marker. The Lion King is ready!

35. "A HEDGEHOG IS RUNNING DOWN THE PATH." Baryshnikova Snezhana, 12 years old. It is very interesting to work with natural materials. For the hedgehog I took maple seeds - “helicopters”. The most difficult thing was that they had to be glued tightly to each other. You can't do without good glue. It turned out very well!

36. "Owl made of watermelon seeds." Fomenko Zakhar 8 years old.

37. “Rowanka”, Tchaikovskaya Alexandra, 8 years old. Description: Rowan berries are made from narrow strips of paper. My teacher helped me make them. I rolled the strips into rolls and secured the ends with glue. The leaves are also striped. And the twig is real.

38. "Goodbye, summer!" Volkova Valeria, 9 years old. Description: The butterfly and flower are made of straw. The parts are glued onto cardboard. I glued the frame together from wallpaper. The panel is ready!

39. “Autumn Landscape”, Artem Vershinin, 11 years old. The work is made of various materials: the background and path are made of paper, the house is made of ice cream sticks, birch trees are made of bark and branches, bushes are made of leaves. Everything is glued to the background and framed.

40. “Bouquet for Mom”, Alena Mikhailova, 9 years old. Flower petals are made from maple seeds. The centers are made from bottle corks, which are cut into circles (grandfather helped). The leaves in the bouquet are made from dried iris leaves. Everything is glued to the background and framed. Good gift!

41. “The hedgehog goes for mushrooms”, Sofia Korsunova, 9 years old. The picture shows real autumn weather. But the hedgehog is not afraid of the rain. He goes for mushrooms. I made the hedgehog from paper and seed shells. He holds an umbrella made of leaves in his hands. Mushrooms and bushes are also made from leaves from different trees. I glued everything and framed it.

42. “Portrait of Autumn”, Olga Voronina, 12 years old. On Autumn's head is a wreath of dried leaves, flowers and herbs. Everything is glued to the base with glue and framed.

43. “Funny dragonflies”, Rusina Arina, 8 years old. The picture is made of straw. Some parts are sewn on (Dragonfly body), and the rest are glued.

46. ​​AUTUMN BOUQUET. Berezikova Vika. My work is made from colored paper, cut into pieces and glued to the background.

47. Mayasov Vladislav 8 years old, AUTUMN IN ALTAI. For the work, various grains were used, which were glued to the background - an old record. My mother helped me do the work.

48. Alena Shakhmatova, 2nd grade, 8 years old. MOTHERLAND. The background of the craft is an old record. Stones, moss, branches are glued on with glue. Water and sky - planar modeling.

49. "Friends". Smirnova Arina - 9 years old.

50. Golden tree. Nenasheva Alina -12 years old.

51. Magic Bird. Work by Pavel Yatskov -11 years.

52. Winter-winter. Work by Kazanina Veronica 10 years.

53. Autumn colors. Kretinin Kirill -12 years old.

54. Portrait of Autumn. Kazanina Alena - 11 years old.

55. Owl. Akulova Alexandra -8 years old.

56. Autumn bouquet Krivoplyasova Tatyana - 11 years old.

57. Herbarium. Belyanskaya Alina - 12 years old.

58. Leshy. Kopylova Alexandra 11 years old.

59. Podkina Ekaterina, 11 years old. Panel "Rowan in sunlight". Description: to make such a panel, the following materials are needed: genuine leather, velvet paper, cardboard and glue. Glue velvet paper onto the cardboard. Cut rowan berries from the leather in the shape of a circle.
“Roast” each circle-berry over a candle (they will turn out convex). Cut out foliage, vase, frame details. Glue the finished parts onto velvet paper. The panel is ready!

60. Biryukov Egor, 7 years old. "Baba Yaga". The work required several cones: a large spruce cone for the body, a round pine cone for the head, and several pieces for decoration. A mortar made from a plastic cup covered with sticks. For reliability, I tied the mortar with threads. Hands made of twigs, broom made of dry grass. On the head is a scarf made of a piece of fabric. I glued the entire craft to an old disk.

61. Kupchik Julia, 5 years old, “Rowanushka”.

62. Karavaeva Masha, 5 years old, “Colorful autumn.”

63. The title of the work is “Our Family”. Fedyanin Misha, 5 years old. The composition is made up of vegetables: potatoes (the body and body parts of the characters, fungus, basket), carrots (ears), parsley (wood, moss), berries in the basket - lingonberries. The remaining elements are supplemented with plasticine, the base of the composition is cardboard.

64. Skripko Evgeniy, 5 years old. The title of the work is “Here I am!” The composition is made of natural materials: vegetables, cones, leaves, moss. The boy composed a short poem: “That’s how handsome I am, the whole family loves me.”

65. Grishenkina Daria, "Autumn Bouquet", 9 years old.

66. Eliseikin Vladislav, "Owlet on a Branch", 9 years old.

67. Kolesnikova Ekaterian, "Queen of the Fields", 9 years.

68. Likunova Ekaterina, "Autumn", 9 years.

69. Nikita Pimanov, "Autumn Cake", 9 years.

70. Stultseva Anna, "Friendly Family", 9 years.

71. Sablina Irina, "Farewell bouquet", 9 years.

72. Artemyeva Anna, "Silver Spider", 9 years.

73. Fomenko Egor, 12 years old, “Keeper of the Forest.” Volumetric work made from natural materials.

76. Author: Agapov Nikolay, 5 years old. Title of the work: “Vase for Grandma.” Description: For the craft you needed: Hot glue, dried flowers and leaves, beans, pumpkin seeds, a box of candy, acorns and watercolors. I painted the bottom of the box blue, painted the future vase in yellow and began laying out the outline of the beans. I glued pumpkin seeds inside and made acorn flowers. Then the vase was filled with dried leaves and flowers. And at the end I decorated the frame for my picture.

77. Karpov Maxim, 8 years old. Work: "Autumn wreath".

For an autumn wreath on the door we will need: a foam circle (you can replace it with crumpled paper, wrapped with masking tape, and then with strong paper); glue, glitter; cones; acorns; leaves; cardboard (for the middle); string (to make it easier to hang on the door); We glue the base with strong paper in a color similar to the color of the materials that we will use in our work and immediately attach the rope. We begin to glue the leaves in a circle, after drying them. At first they are large, and closer to the center they are smaller. We cut out a circle from cardboard and glue acorns on it, and a pine cone in the middle. We glue a circle of cardboard with a cone and acorns in the center of the wreath. All that remains is to sprinkle glitter on the acorns and the cone. That's all! The wreath is ready to decorate the front door of your home!

78. Author: Egor Karpov, 5 years old. Work: "Candlestick made of acorns." For the candlestick we will need: CD disk, glue, glitter, candle (we didn’t have one at home, we had to decorate with tangerines like this), acorns, penoplex (or polystyrene foam), paints, cardboard (for the middle), buckwheat. Cut a circle out of cardboard and glue it onto a CD. We cut out a “donut” from penoplex, the diameter of the central circle should be larger than the diameter of the candle. We glue our “donut” onto a CD and paint it brown. We cover the “donut” with acorns, leaving the middle empty for a candle. We fill the resulting voids between the acorns with buckwheat. Sprinkle glitter on the acorns and place our candle.

81. Author: Khabibullin Eduard, 6 years old. Work: "Forest house by the pond." Materials for composite crafts: natural, waste, cardboard, plasticine, pebbles. Made using: scissors, felt-tip pens, pencils, various types of glue. The house is made of cardboard and “fallen” leaves are glued to its roof. Hedgehogs, apples, mushrooms and a swan are molded from plasticine. The base of the pond is made of foam plastic, onto which stones, leaves, and twigs are glued.

82. Krasnov Nikita 6 years old. Work "Aquarium". Work progress: Fish were cut out of leaves, then glued, water was drawn with a felt-tip pen and plasticine elements were added.

83. Yulia Shaldybina, 10 years old, “Autumn still life.” The work is made from dry leaves using glue. Leaves are cut onto the outline image and pasted along the outline.

84. Markova Kira, 7 years old. "Marie." The work is made from dry leaves using glue.

85. Mchedlishvili Sofia. I love picking mushrooms. We often go to the forest in the fall. I decided to make an applique of boletus leaves.

86. “THE SCARLET FLOWER” Gavrilenko Arina 6 years old. In kindergarten we were read the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". And I decided to make a flower from dry acacia leaves.

87. Author Maxim Morozov, 7 years old. Work "Underwater world". The applique uses leaves of liqueur rowan, ash, maple, sedge and fern. All natural materials grew in our dacha. The frame is made of braid, held on by paper clips from a stapler, two types of glue are used in the work - PVA for natural materials and paper shells and Moment glue for attaching the “pearl”.

88. Moklyakov Daniil, 10 years old. "Turnip". Materials used: Fir cones, twigs, acorns, leaves, plasticine, PVA glue.

90. Participants: Molodtsov Daniil and Nikita, 5 years old, Nizhny Novgorod. Work: "Autumn is beautiful." Materials: cardboard, whatman paper, glue, paints, paper, woolen threads, natural materials. Autumn dress - high sheaves. Generous gifts of autumn - rowan berries along the edge of the dress and a basket of mushrooms in the birch branch hand. The first signs of autumn are yellowing leaves and falling leaves (for us these are birch trees, we noticed and noticed on a walk that the birch leaves were the first to begin to turn yellow), migratory birds (for us these are cranes, in late August-early September they gather in flocks and migrate ), rains (these are blue strands in the hair of Autumn), the diversity of nature - this includes rowan beads and bright yellow-orange strands of hair.

91. Participants: Molodtsov Daniil and Nikita, 5 years old, Nizhny Novgorod. Work: Homemade autumn book "Amazing book of autumn walks." “An amazing book of autumn walks”, kind, joyful, creative, inspiring... In it, our book, we tried to preserve our autumn memories and impressions, our discoveries and surprises and, of course, our creativity: crafts and works that appeared after our inspiring walks, from which we always brought many different materials for our work: leaves, sticks, stones, bark, twigs, cones, plant seeds, flowers, blades of grass, berries, birch catkins, moss...

92. Application “Fawn in an autumn meadow”, work done by: Startsev Georgy, 5 years old. To create an application you will need: cardboard on which the background of the work is made with paints or colored paper; pre-dried tree leaves; rose petal (for the deer’s nose); maple seeds (for the deer's legs); scissors; glue. We select leaves that are suitable in shape and size for the head and body of the fawn, and glue them to the cardboard with glue. Glue the legs of the deer from “helicopters” (maple seeds). Cut out a nose from a rose petal and glue it on. We decorate the clearing around the fawn with vegetation as desired.

93. “On an autumn morning we go to the country.” Collective composition. To create a collective composition - the appliqué “We go to the dacha on an autumn morning”, the children used scissors, glue - a pencil, colored paper, and a model of the street painted with paints.

94. “Autumn Bouquet” - author Ruslan Grigoriev, 15 years old. The work is framed on silver colored cardboard. The vase is made of blue paper with appliqué elements made from strips of colored paper. The bouquet is decorated from dried plants and leaves.

95. "Autumn landscape." Klyants Ivan 13 years old. The work is done on black cardboard. The composition is made from dried leaves and plants.

97. "Beauty Autumn". Author - Sayfullina Liana. 8 years. Three-dimensional applique made of colored paper. Dress - a sheet of paper folded like an accordion, fastened with a strip of a contrasting color just above the middle of the workpiece, glued to a cardboard base by the straightened edges. Cuffs - matching the belt, made of accordion-folded paper. Hair made from strips of black paper.

The work was done in a kindergarten under the guidance of teacher Olga Alexandrovna Vologina.

The work was done in a children's sau under the guidance of teacher Olga Alexandrovna Vologina.

102. Grigoryan Elizaveta, 6 years old. "The last autumn day." Description: the work is made of dry leaves, rowan, flowers, moss, colored sand, sea sand, stones and chestnut.

104. The work “Colors of Autumn” was made using the “Mosaic” technique by Misha Makarovsky, 4 years old (MBDOU “Pyatovsky general developmental kindergarten No. 27 “Berezka”, director E.M. Makarovskaya), natural stones and glue were used in the work.

105. Collective work of students of grades 2, 3 and 4 of the Novikovsky branch of the Kuibyshev Secondary School "Autumn tree in the school garden." The craft is made from autumn leaves, which were glued to whatman paper (it was pre-painted in the desired background - sky and earth). The head of the work is Natalya Sergeevna Shtenskaya, a teacher of extracurricular activities.

106. Trostyanskaya Liza, 9 years old, “Happy Teacher’s Day!” The background is dry grass, a rose is a mushroom planted on a branch, the leaves are marble mold from a birch tree.

107. Trostyanskaya Liza, 9 years old, “Roses”. These roses have received a second life, i.e. fallen petals and leaves of white and red roses were dried and painted with gouache. Then they are planted with hot glue on their own peduncle.

108. Trostyanskaya Liza, 9 years old, “Charm”. The mushrooms are painted with gouache, bordered with moss, shiny pebbles and a green twig came in handy,
made using the quilling technique.

109. Trostyanskaya Liza, 9 years old, “Autumn”. Natural material: mushrooms, sticks and a rose branch are planted on a hot gun.

110. Trostyanskaya Liza, 9 years old, Voronezh. Work: "Rowan". The work was done using the QUILLING technique. Lessons from Grandma Olya. PVA glue and hot gun.

111. Garifullin Kamil, “Green, yellow, red - the colors of beautiful autumn.”

112. Chupakhin Dmitry, 6 years old. "One autumn evening... a shepherd and a shepherdess." Description: I glued decorative stones to the sleeve with glue, it turned out to be a trunk, later I glued leaves to the trunk, next to it were dolls made of threads.

115. Christina Toropova, 12 years old, “Sunflowers”. Description: the material used for the applique was buckwheat and salt, glued to PVA and then covered with gouache.

116. Nalobina Anna, 9 years old, “Nature corner”. Description: for the applique, natural material was used, which was glued with Moment glue.

117. Anna Zaboleva, 10 years old, work “Bee”, Sayansk city, Irkutsk region. Description: the work is made from leftover yarn (cut thread), antennae, legs (knitted circles and crocheted air chain) and crocheted flowers from leftover yarn. The background of the work, a chamomile and a bee's face, is made of paper.

119. Mom’s heart." Ailin Makhmutova, 13 years old. The work was done using appliqué and origami techniques, the heart is made of silicone glue (hot glue) Head: additional education teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Sadrieva. Municipal autonomous special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Nizhnekamsk special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VI type “Nadezhda” (MAUO “Nadezhda”), Nizhnekamsk, RT.

120. "Grapes". Deryushev Egor, 12 years old. The work was made using the appliqué technique from waste material (buttons) using glue. Head: additional education teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Sadrieva. Municipal autonomous special (correctional) educational institution for students with disabilities “Nizhnekamsk special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VI type “Nadezhda” (MAUO “Nadezhda”), Nizhnekamsk, RT.

121. “Sailboat “Nadezhda”. Egor Deryushev, 12 years old. The work was made using the technique of appliqué from waste material (buttons) and quilling using glue. Head: additional education teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Sadrieva. Municipal autonomous special (correctional) educational institution for students , pupils with disabilities “Nizhnekamsk special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VI type “Nadezhda” (MAUO “Nadezhda”), Nizhnekamsk, RT.

122. "Memory of Summer." Deryushev Egor, 12 years old. The work was made using the appliqué technique from waste and natural materials using glue. Head: additional education teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Sadrieva. Municipal autonomous special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities "Nizhnekamsk special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VI type "Nadezhda" (MAUO "Nadezhda") Nizhnekamsk, RT

123. Suprunova Masha, 10 years old, applique “Pansies in a pot.” Techniques: paper plastic, origami, design.

124. “Autumn Still Life”, author Polina Kuderova, 13 years old, student of the children’s association “Start-design” MBOU DOD “House of Children’s Creativity “Constellation”, Sayansk, Irkutsk Region. Head: Afanasyeva Svetlana Nikolaevna. Description of the work: the panel is made of glass fragments, glass chips and beads.

125. “Pears”, author Arina Aksakova, 15 years old, student of the children’s association “Start-design” MBOU DOD “House of children’s creativity “Constellation”, Sayansk, Irkutsk region. Head: Afanasyeva Svetlana Nikolaevna. Description of work: the panels are made in two techniques - glass mosaic, dough plastic, images from dough are painted with acrylic paints and glitter.

126. Granikova Olga 11 years old. Subject composition "Autumn House".

127. “Orange mood”, Kuznetsova Anastasia 13 years old. The work was done using the quilling technique. All elements of the fox and leaves are made of paper strips 5 mm wide using glue.

128. “Autumn Beauty”, Katya Lazareva, 5 years old. The following materials were used in the work: colored paper, glue.

129. “Autumn still life”, Akaev Ilyas, 5 years old. The following materials were used in the work: colored paper, glue.

130. “Autumn in the Forest”, Manukyan Edvvin, 5 years old. The following materials were used in the work: natural materials and glue.

131. “Birch in autumn”, Sonya Dorofeeva, 5 years old. The following materials were used in the work: natural materials, paints, glue.

132. “Autumn Tale”, Alina Abramova, 5 years old. The following materials were used in the work: natural materials, vegetables, glue.

133. Yakhina Enge, 4 years old. Work "Autumn Bouquet". Application: colored paper, dry leaves.

134. Garifullina Rushaniya, 4 years old. Work - "Autumn reserves of squirrels." Application: colored paper, natural material, buckwheat, seeds, rice.

135. Prikhodko Karina, 5 years old. "Tree of Happiness"

136. Lida Trushina, 5 years old. Work: “Autumn Flowers.” Description: Flowers are cut from napkins folded several times, fastened in the middle with a stapler. Leaves and stems are cut out of velvet paper. Stems, leaves and flowers are glued onto cardboard.

137. Lida Trushina 5 years old. Work: Composition for the fairy tale “Pinocchio”, “Turtle Tortilla and the Golden Key”. Description: The composition is made from natural materials (pine cones and orange peel roses). Everything is glued onto a frame made of paper and a disposable cup. The key is cut out of cardboard and covered with scales from a pine cone, and painted with gold paint. The turtle and the key are glued onto a sheet cut out of green cardboard.

138. Nastya Babicheva, 7 years old, 1st grade student at MBOUSOSH No. 15, Tula. “Autumn time”, felt-tip pens, frame - appliqué made of braid.

139. Ksenia Buganova, 7 years old, student of MBOUSOSH No. 15 in Tula. “Peacock”, applique made from natural material (autumn leaves), colored paper and glue.

140. Kuleshova Ksenia, 8 years old.

141. Polina Talatynova, 8 years old, “By the River.”

142. Serezhenkov Alexander, 8 years old, “Autumn distances.”

143. Shevardin Dmitry, 8 years old, “Autumn Forest”.

144. Zakabluk Alexander, 8 years old, “Autumn still life.”

145. Anastasia Komarova, 8 years old, “Autumn Rain.”

146. Roman Dudinov, 8 years old, “Falling Leaves.”

147. Maltseva Alexandra, 8 years old, “Birds are flying away.”

148. Panina Anna, 8 years old, “Autumn Day.”

149. Tinyakova Anastasia, 8 years old, “Autumn walk”.

150. Shein Pavel, 6 years old, “Lady Autumn.” Outfit for a paper doll made from dried plants. American maple and strawberry leaves are used for the skirt, begonia leaves are used for the blouse, acacia leaves are used for the shoes, strawberry leaves are used for the headdress, the neck decoration is made of beads, and salvia flowers frame the entire work. Everything is glued with PVA glue.

151. Arina Zherebtsova, 14 years old, Yalta. Description: The work was done in mixed media, "collage and decoupage". Materials: decoupage napkins, dried maple leaves, plant stem, glue, handmade paper, foil, non-woven fabric, glass effect outline, elastic band, shiny decor, paper, satin ribbon, tea, photo frame with glass.

153. Natalia Klyushina, 13 years old, Yalta, 1st work: “Autumn Bouquet”. Cardboard, natural material, glue, gouache, fabric. 2nd work: "Forester's House"
Cardboard, natural material, salt dough, glue, gouache.

154. Piskun Alena, 13 years old, Yalta, “Autumn Dreams”, floral collage. Floral material (dried oak leaves, rose petals, dried flowers), glue, non-woven fabric, threads, sisal, mesh, paint, wallpaper, acrylic putty.

155. Olga Kyiv, 15 years old, Yalta, “Life in an autumn fairy tale.” Sea pebbles, paints, glue, polymer clay, paper, cardboard, good mood.

156. Veronica Sporkova, 7 years old, Yalta, “Queen Autumn”. Volumetric composition of dried maple leaves, glue, dried flowers.

157. Korzhenevskaya Sofia, 6 years old, Yalta, “Autumn trees.” Glue, cardboard, corrugated paper of different shades.

158. Katysheva Daria, 7 years old, Yalta, “Hedgehog in the autumn forest.” Moss, lichens, cones, plastic. bottle, glue, boxwood.

What could be more beautiful than autumn! No wonder the great Pushkin admired this time of year and saw only beauty in it. Summer gave the keys to the world to autumn, which immediately picked up brushes and set off to paint the world. Forests, forest edges and clearings gradually began to change their appearance. Bright green sundresses gave way to purple, golden, crimson clothes. Hurry to see and capture this colorful luxury before the leaves begin to fall. We invite you not only to look and admire, but also to draw what has sunk into your soul and take photographs. The portal announces a new all-Russian competition of drawings and photographs "Colors of golden autumn 2017" for children and teachers. Become its participants, present your works and receive diplomas for victory and participation.

Regulations on the All-Russian drawing and photography competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

The All-Russian creative distance competition of drawings and photographs on the theme “Colors of the Golden Autumn 2017” is held by the portal Drawings and photographs on the specified topic are accepted from children and teachers.

Purpose of the competition:

  • To promote the development and increase of interest in nature and the beauty of the surrounding world in the autumn.

Competition objectives:

  • To encourage competition participants to engage in fine arts.
  • Create a large gallery of children's creative works dedicated to the beauty of the autumn landscape.
  • To educate schoolchildren and preschoolers to respect nature.
  • To develop in children and adults imagination, creativity, and the ability to see the unusual in the world around them.
  • To give a chance to everyone who wants to reveal the theme of the competition in drawing, photography and show their creativity, going beyond the boundaries of their educational institution.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition of drawings and photographs “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” on the portal

The procedure for holding the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition is determined by these Regulations.

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian distance drawing and photography competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

Adults and children living in Russia are invited to participate in the all-Russian creative drawing and photography competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”. Participants in the distance competition can include schoolchildren, preschoolers, students studying in any general education institutions, those studying at home, attending preschool institutions or institutions of additional education, librarians, educators, methodologists, psychologists, teachers, parents, teachers of additional education and other groups of people, those wishing to show themselves when creating thematic creative works.

The competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” includes works in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • primary school students (grades 1 - 4);
  • secondary school students (grades 5 - 9);
  • high school students (grades 10 - 11, students);
  • teachers, educators (teachers of all specialties, class teachers, librarians, social educators, librarians, psychologists, parents, kindergarten teachers, general education teachers and other groups of adults).

The participants' works will be evaluated separately according to age categories and nominations.

Nominations of works for the competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

You can submit works that are original to the competition. The work must cover the stated topic and meet the design requirements. Participants can submit:

  • drawing;
  • photograph.

Subjects of competition works

Entries must be about the beauty of autumn. The theme is not limited to any boundaries: we draw and photograph everything we see in autumn or create our own idea of ​​this amazing time of year.

Competition works by age category


The drawings of the competition participants tell about the beauty of the autumn season. If you want to express your feelings with paint, take part in our remote event. Submit your work. Drawings for the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition are accepted from both children and adults.

  • Drawing Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) total works received: 16
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received a total of: 23
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 5 - 9 received a total of: 33
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 10 - 11, students received a total of works: 1
  • Drawing of Teachers, Educators total works received: 6

Received works in the Drawing category: total: 79


Each of us loves to take photographs. Let's talk about the beauty of autumn in photographs. Multi-colored forests, colorful forest edges, and golden free-standing trees are a delight to look at. Adults and children can send their photos to participate in the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition. So, let's take a look at the best pictures!

  • Photo Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) total works received: 2
  • Photo Students of grades 1 - 4 received a total of: 6
  • Photo Pupils of grades 5 - 9 received a total of: 7
  • Photo Pupils of grades 10 - 11, students received total works: 3
  • Photo Teachers, educators received works total: 11

Received works in the category Photography of all: 29

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the category "Drawing" Works made in any technique are provided (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media, computer graphics). The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4. The participant submits a scanned or photographed drawing of good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format weighing up to 5 MB.

Competition drawings must be made carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the topic, contradict the law, or are executed carelessly will not be accepted.

In the category "Photography" Scanned photographs of works completed by participants are accepted. Photos must be of good quality so that the jury can evaluate the work and the participants can examine them. The photographs can capture scenes where the author saw the beauty of autumn.

Photos must be of high quality, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the topic, contradict the law, or are executed carelessly will not be accepted.

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • originality of the idea;
  • color disclosure of the theme;
  • accuracy of work;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality.

Dates of the All-Russian competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

The competition is held from 09/01/2017 to 10/31/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition with 01.11. 2017 to 11/10/2017.

Awarding of the competition participants with 11.11.2017 to 15.11.2017.

Summing up the results of the competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

In each age category and nomination, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the all-Russian competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not included in the winners. All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Organizational fee for participation in the competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

In any department Sberbank or another bank by receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you decide to participate in the drawings and photographs competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”, you need to:

  1. Draw a drawing that matches the theme, or take a thematic photo.
  2. Correctly fill out the participant of the competition.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected]:

  1. finished work (scanned or photographed drawing, photograph);
  2. completed (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition entry. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

There will be no substitutions of entries during the competition, please check all documents before submitting.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition.

If the package of documents is incomplete, the work will not take part in the competition and will not be published on the website.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” drawing competition and publication of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and further development of the portal

Organizing committee contact details

E-mail address: [email protected]

"I affirm"

Head of Environmental Education Department

Directorates of Natural Territories of North-East Administrative District and Sokolniki

State Budgetary Institution "Mospriroda"

O.S. Sidyakova

" " September 2015


about the creative competition “All the colors of autumn”

1. General position

The creative competition is organized and conducted by the Directorate of Natural Territories of the North-East Administrative District and Sokolniki State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda”.

2. Competition goals

Drawing attention to the problems of specially protected natural areas, including objects of flora and fauna, problems of relationships between humans and the environment, and the development of an aesthetic perception of nature.

3. Objectives of the competition

Organization of public support for specially protected natural areas;

Supporting the idea of ​​a humane attitude towards nature;

Promoting a partnership rather than a consumer attitude towards wildlife;

Providing opportunities for self-expression and creative realization.

4. Procedure and timing of the competition

The summing up and awarding of the winners will take place at the end of November - December 2015, the time and place will be announced additionally.

5. Competition participants

Everyone is allowed to participate in the competition, including members of public organizations, students of secondary schools, and additional education institutions.

Registration requirements

The works submitted for the competition must be (Necessarily!) copyrighted.

All works must be submitted to the organizing committee before November 16, 2015 in one of the following ways:

1. deliver in person: Moscow Region, Mytishchi district, village of Lesparkhoza Klyazminsky, 1, Directorate of Natural Territories of the North-East Administrative District and Sokolniki State Budgetary Institution “Mospriroda”, reception;

2. send by mail to the address: 141044 MO, Mytishchi district, village Lesparkhoza Klyazminsky, 1 with the note “Competition “All the colors of autumn”;

Please provide the following information in the body of the letter:

Date of birth

Job title

Feedback address Necessarily(phone and email)

Class and number of the school or additional education organization.

6. Creative competition nominations

Crafts made from natural materials;

Craft made from waste material.

7. Requirements for the design of work

Photos are accepted in printed form, A4 format (210×297 mm). Drawings can be made in any technique: watercolor, gouache, pastel, computer graphics, work format A4 (210×297 mm). The absence of frames and signatures of the author is encouraged (the author's signature should be located on the reverse side of the work). Crafts can be made using any technique, any size.

The submitted works for the competition must be ( Necessarily!) copyrighted.

The “All the Colors of Autumn” competition is dedicated to the unity of man and nature. The theme of photographs, drawings and crafts is the beauty of nature in the autumn, the gifts of autumn, everything that is associated with this beautiful time of year, interesting landscapes, outdoor recreation without harm to the environment.

A participant in the competition has the right to submit no more than 5 works.

9. Special conditions

Post works on the official website of the organizer;

Exhibit works in printed or digital form at exhibitions;

Use the finalists' works in any print and electronic media;

Use the finalists’ work in the future to organize specialized events.

10. Summing up

The overall jury score is derived by summing up the individual decisions of each jury member, based on a subjective assessment of the work, taking into account the totality of the following recommended criteria and parameters:

General compliance of the work with the requirements of these Regulations on the competition;

The artistic value of the work, general artistic perception;

The quality of the work, accuracy, style and idea of ​​the craft.

The results will be summed up and the winners will be awarded in November – December 2015.

The winners of the competition are awarded diplomas and prizes.

The time and place of awarding the winners and participants will be announced additionally.

With the arrival of autumn, the world changes. It seems that an invisible artist walks quietly between the birch and maple trees and paints each leaf with his magic brush. Everything around is frozen and waiting for a miracle; only a light breeze will disturb this calm. And then your eyes are dazzled by the motley combination of colors. Yellow, orange, lemon, golden, burgundy, red in one big round dance. This is a real fairy tale that nature creates before going on vacation. Children run around in gardens and parks, lovers walk, grandmothers talk peacefully. They are fascinated by the beauty of the autumn landscape. There are also many young artists here who transfer vivid images onto their canvases. If you also know how to draw and adore autumn, and it’s simply impossible not to love it, we invite you to take part in the All-Russian drawing competition “Colors of Autumn”, which is held by the portal for children and teachers. And that's not all, because the winner of the competition will receive a gorgeous prize - Levenhuk Fixiki Nolik Microscope . The prize will be drawn among the winners of the nominations.

Participants of the competition will receive not only diplomas of participants, laureates or winners, taking 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. A valuable prize will be drawn among the winners - Levenhuk Fixiki Nolik Microscope.

Regulations on the All-Russian drawing competition “Colors of Autumn”

The All-Russian creative distance drawing competition on the theme “Colors of Autumn” is held by the portal Drawings on the specified topic are accepted from children and teachers.

Purpose of the competition:

  • To promote the development and increase of interest in nature and the beauty of the surrounding world in the autumn.

Competition objectives:

  • To encourage competition participants to engage in fine arts.
  • Create a large gallery of children's creative works dedicated to the beauty of the autumn landscape.
  • To educate schoolchildren and preschoolers to respect nature.
  • To develop in children and adults imagination, creativity, and the ability to see the unusual in the world around them.
  • To give a chance to everyone who wants to reveal the theme of the competition in a drawing and show their creativity, going beyond the boundaries of their educational institution.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian drawing competition “Colors of Autumn” on the portal

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian distance drawing competition “Colors of Autumn”

Adults and children living in Russia, as well as foreign students and students studying in any Russian educational institutions are invited to participate in the All-Russian creative drawing competition “Colors of Autumn”. Participants in the distance competition can include schoolchildren, preschoolers, students studying in any general education institutions, those who are home-schooled, those attending preschool institutions or institutions of additional education, librarians, methodologists, psychologists, teachers, parents, additional education teachers and other groups of people who want to show themselves when creating thematic creative works.

The “Colors of Autumn” competition includes works in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • primary school students (grades 1 - 4);
  • secondary school students (grades 5 - 9);
  • high school students (grades 10 - 11, students);
  • teachers (teachers of all specialties, class teachers, librarians, social educators, librarians, psychologists, parents and other groups of adults).

Participants' works will be assessed separately by age category.

Nominations of works for the “Colors of Autumn” competition

You can submit works that are original to the competition. The work must cover the stated topic and meet the design requirements. Participants can submit:

  • drawing

Subjects of competition works

Entries must be about the beauty of autumn. The theme is not limited to any boundaries: we draw everything we see in autumn or our idea of ​​this amazing time of year.

Competition works by age category

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the category "Drawing" Works made in any technique are provided (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media, computer graphics). The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4. The participant provides a scanned or photographed drawing of good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format weighing up to 5 MB.

Competition drawings must be made carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the topic will not be accepted.

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • originality of the idea;
  • color disclosure of the theme;
  • accuracy of work;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality.

Since a prize is drawn between the winners, one 1st, 2nd, 3rd place is determined for 10 participants.

Dates of the All-Russian competition “Colors of Autumn”

The competition is held from 01.11.2016 to 31.12.2016.

Summing up the results of the competition with 01.01. 2017 to 01/15/2017.

Awarding of the competition participants with 01/16/2017 to 01/26/2017.

Summing up the results of the “Colors of Autumn” competition

In each age category, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the All-Russian competition “Colors of Autumn” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not included in the winners. All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Among the winners who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in all categories and nominations, a valuable prize will be drawn: Levenhuk Fixiki Nolik Microscope. The winner will be determined using a random number generator.

Organizational fee for participation in the “Colors of Autumn” competition

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the “Colors of Autumn” competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

In any department Sberbank or another bank by receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you decide to participate in the “Colors of Autumn” drawing competition, you need to:

  1. Make a drawing that matches the theme.
  2. Correctly fill out the participant of the competition.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected]:

  1. finished work (scanned or photographed drawing);
  2. completed (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition entry. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

There will be no substitutions of entries during the competition, please check all documents before submitting.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the “Colors of Autumn” drawing competition and publication of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.

A valuable prize (Levenhuk Fixiki Nolik Microscope) will be awarded among the winners who take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The prize is sent by parcel to the postal address specified in the letter. The competition organizers are not responsible for the safety of the prize during delivery. The appearance of the prizes may differ from their images on the website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and further development of the portal

Organizing committee contact details

E-mail address: [email protected]