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Name of the section intellect board networks and communications. About the company "Intellect Guide"

If you have come to this page, you probably want to understand whether you should trust us with your future or the future of your child. Any serious decision must be based on facts. Personally, we are convinced that Intellect Guide is the best company in its segment. If we were not her employees, we would certainly become clients. This is our philosophy. And this is what drives us to make the company better every day.

Our key differences and advantages:

1. Deep expertise. We are proud of the qualifications and experience of our managers - consultants on education abroad. Most of them are graduates of foreign educational institutions. Everyone is an expert on the education system in their region. Every year our consultants improve their skills by attending international educational conferences and foreign educational institutions. Our consultations always take into account your individual characteristics, initial situation, wishes and goals. We do not offer you a list of countries and educational institutions. We build for you your individual route to your goal. You can verify the qualifications of our managers by visiting our.

2. Professional selection of educational institutions. We have developed an approach to the selection of educational institutions based on an in-depth analysis of the applicant. Each client fills out a detailed questionnaire. We also analyze language knowledge, academic performance, hobbies and interests of the applicant, achievements in sports, creative fields, and social activity. Based on the information received, we prepare a selection table: detailed description five educational institutions in the desired specialty in the desired country. Documents are submitted to three educational institutions, which you choose from a selected five. The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed by the more than successful statistics of the receipt of our clients. 100% of our applicants are admitted to educational institutions that meet their wishes.

3. Individual service. The Intellect Guide company has created and operates a service department whose task is to serve customers. Immediately after signing the contract, you are assigned to a specific service manager who is individually responsible for your service, according to the contract. In other words, you will know exactly who is responsible for your application process.

4. Use of advanced information technologies in work. The Intellect Guide company has implemented and uses a customized Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online system - the world's leading development for automating work with clients. We have automated everything that can be automated, eliminating the likelihood of human errors. Strict adherence to deadlines, storage of copies of documents and history of interaction with educational institutions, consulates, foreign partners for each client - all this is provided and guaranteed using the latest IT developments. So, at any time you can get accurate information about what stage your application is at.

Our achievements:

1. The Intellect Guide company is ICEF certified 5 times: Berlin - 2015, Toronto - 2016, Berlin - 2017, Miami - 2017, Kyiv - 2018*.

2. We are official representatives in Ukraine of more than 100 secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as language schools Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada, USA, Latvia, Malta, Ireland, Italy and Spain.

3. Since the founding of the company on March 28, 2014, more than 200 applicants have become our clients. 100% of them entered and successfully study in public and private educational institutions Europe, Canada and USA. You can read reviews from our clients

Education abroad is a major decision for every family. Choosing a company that will accompany the admission process is the highest degree of trust. Thank you for choosing us!

Daria Kurdyumova,

Director of Intellect Guide LLC

*Our certificates:

Intelligence Board

Intelligence Board is a content management system. The site, based on the Intellect Board, consists of several sections of various types: forum, collection of articles, news, file archive, photo gallery, IRC chat, etc. At the same time, the site has unified system registration and authorization of users, a unified search system for sections of any type, general design, as well as an integrated system for collecting statistics and managing the site, accessible through the Administration Center. In addition, Intellect Board 2 provides ample opportunities to differentiate access levels, in particular, it is possible to set for each section the access levels necessary to perform various actions in this section, and also grant users rights to both the main access level, which will operate by default, and access levels to individual sections.


Development of Intellect Board 2 began in June 2004. The script was written completely from scratch, but its development took into account the experience of supporting the forum engine [ Russian Ikonboard], as well as wishes and suggestions expressed by visitors to the United Open Project. On August 13, 2004, the first release of Intellect Board 2 was released. From that moment, testing of the Intellect Board began in real conditions on the United Open Project website, as well as on the websites of Project participants and several dozen volunteers from among its regular visitors. Since the release of version 2.13, the Intellect Board has been separated from the United Open Project into a separate project. The project continued to develop, and the number of users taking part in testing grew. Significant optimization was also carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the forum with large volumes of its database. Currently, the forum can successfully work with a database of more than 100 thousand messages with up to 40 users in 15 minutes (or 3,500 unique visitors per day). With the release of version 2.15, the first stage of Intellect Board development was completed, the main task of which was the creation of the engine , which is not inferior in functionality to such well-known engines as phpBB and Ikonboard, but has significantly greater capabilities for further development due to modularity and the ability to include sections of various types.

Types of Intellect Board Partitions

On at the moment Intellect Board has following types sections:

* Forum is the main type of section. In terms of functionality it surpasses phpBB, Ikonboard 2.x and 3.x, vBulletin Board.
* News - displays news in blog mode, which can either be viewed sequentially or navigate to a given date using the calendar.
* Articles - designed for posting large texts with automatic pagination.
* IRC chat is a Java applet built into the site engine that allows users to enter IRC chat (the IRC channel and server are set by the administrator) directly from the browser, while the chat uses the same Network name as on the forum, and also the same emoticons.
* File archive - organization of downloading programs from external addresses. It is possible to automatically check the functionality of links.
* Presentation is a section containing static text specified by the section moderator. Can contain subsections of any type.
* Encyclopedia - a section containing dictionary entries in alphabetical order, grouped by letter. Additional tools are available for cross-referencing.
* Photo gallery - a section that allows users to post photos with preview capabilities, while preview images are generated automatically.

Key features of the Intellect Board

* For all sections of any type, it is possible to use special BoardCode tags, which allow you to set the design of the text without using HTML, as well as the rating of topics/articles/files/photos in the sections.
* Setting up pre-moderation, statistics calculation mode, use of emoticons, topic rating and other features separately for each section
* The ability to vote for and against a specific user for forum participants, as well as the issuance of administrative warnings and rewards by moderators and administrators (and warnings can be both indefinite and time-limited).
* Anti-spam protection of user email addresses
* User groups with the possibility of automatic entry or entry upon request, as well as mailing to the group by its coordinator.
* 3 activation modes for registered users: immediate activation, activation via mailbox, and activation by administrator.
* Ability to set rules for all sections.
* Editing letter templates that are sent to users in various situations
* Downloadable avatars and photos for users, as well as external avatars
* Attaching files to messages and the ability to preview attached pictures in a reduced form.
* Protection against DDoS attacks by entering a code during registration.
* Support for graphic libraries GD and GD2 for creating small copies of pictures and photographs.
* Support for any number of design options (sets of styles), from which the user can choose the one he likes best.

Requirements for installing Intellect Board

* Web server that supports execution of PHP scripts
* PHP version no lower than 4.1.0 or PHP 5
* MySQL version 3.23.53 or higher
* Database with rights to create tables and indexes and perform basic actions with them: selecting, creating, deleting records.
* At least 2 Mb of disk space for scripts and pictures and 5 Mb for the database.

Using and maintaining the Intellect Board

Technical support for the Intellect Board is provided by its developers - participants in the United Open Project on [ Intellect Board technical support forum] . It includes prompt correction of found software errors, as well as consultations on installing/configuring a site content management system, and resolving various difficult situations associated with its use. In addition, if critical errors from the point of view of security or data integrity are detected, all users registered on the technical support forum (provided that they indicated a working e-mail address and did not opt ​​out of receiving administrative mailings) are sent an error notification and information about measures necessary to correct it.

Intellect Board is completely free for any use (both non-commercial and commercial) provided that links to the official Intellect Board website and the United Open Project website (copyright) remain unchanged and visible to forum visitors (moving and changing colors and styles is allowed link font to match the site design).

There is also a commercial version, which features rights to remove Intellect Board copyright text and individual technical support.

The free version of Intellect Board can be downloaded from [ of the Intellect Board website], however, before downloading and using it, you must familiarize yourself with [ license agreement] for the non-commercial version of the Intellect Board.

* [ Intellect Board] - official website of CMS.
* [ beta versions] Intelligence Board.
* [ United Open Project] - development project of Intellect Board.
* at

See also

* bbPress

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Intellect Board is a multifunctional content management system. With its help you can create a web page with file archive, forum, photo gallery, chat, news and collection of articles. The solution is distinguished by wide functionality for assigning rights and access levels for participants and sections.

The service is useful for supporting sites of various types - from the airsoft community and personal account to communicate with friends in preparation for an event to an online store and customer support service of a large company.

The administrator is offered several sections that can be filled in at his own discretion. “Presentation” is a static text containing links to go to sites, “Articles” are large texts broken down into pages, “News” is an analogue of a blog for information about current updates, and “Encyclopedia” is grouped data in the form of articles in in alphabetical order for easy searching. The "Photo Galleries" options involve placing images with the ability to display previews (preview images are generated automatically). It is possible to connect an IRC chat on the Java applet engine, while entering the chat is possible directly from the browser, and during the communication process the user is displayed under the nickname specified when registering on the forum. The service allows you to organize moderation settings, calculate statistics, emoticons, and indicate the rating of discussions. There are options for editing letter templates for sending to participants, options for creating user groups with entry upon request, as well as uploading avatars, pictures and photographs.

Key Features

  • BoardCode tags for design
  • 3 activation modes for registered users
  • Protection against DDoS attacks by entering a code during registration
  • Support for GD and GD2 graphics libraries
  • Free service
1. Installation requirements:

1) Web server that supports execution of PHP scripts
2) PHP version no lower than 4.2.0 or 5.0 (short_open_tag option must be enabled)
3) MySQL version 3.23.53 or higher (4.1 and higher recommended) or PostgreSQL 8.1.3 with the T2Search module installed
4) a database with rights to create tables and indexes and perform basic actions with them: selecting, creating, deleting records.
5) At least 4 Mb of disk space for scripts and images and 5 Mb for the database (as the forum grows, the requirements for database volume will increase)
6) To work correctly with graphic files for PHP, the GD extension must be enabled (GD2 is recommended)
7) In most cases, 3 Mb of memory is enough for the script to work correctly, but in a number of situations (for example, when loading graphic image with transformations performed on it), this volume can increase significantly.

It is advisable that the forum administrator have minimal knowledge of PHP and MySQL (at least be able to understand the meaning of standard error messages).

If you are updating from previous versions, do not forget to make a backup copy of the forum before updating (most often, when updating, the files addons.php and langs/ru/rules.txt are replaced) and read the document “Update Features”, which is located in the distribution in the file! update!.txt.

Attention: Intellect Board does not work with some older versions of Denver!
If such a situation arises, we recommend updating Denver to the latest version, or using Small HTTP Server or real Apache, and not the one included with Denver.

If the ZZIPlib library is installed on the server, then all files except install.php can be archived in the file and uploaded to the forum as a ZIP archive. If this library is not installed, then the files should be uploaded via FTP in binary mode in the usual way (i.e. individually).

The forum should be uploaded to one of the subdirectories (in further examples we will assume that you named this subdirectory forum), nested in the directory intended for HTML pages (usually it is called public_html, html, www, for more details, see your hosting FAQ) . DO NOT PLACE FORUM SCRIPTS IN THE cgi-bin SUB-DIRECTORY! If you want to make a site consisting only of a forum, then upload the scripts directly to the directory for HTML pages.

Access rights.

Access rights should be set depending on whose name the script is being executed (this information is displayed on the first page along with other information about the server). There are 2 options: 1) the script is executed on your behalf (the username is the same as your main FTP login), 2) the script is executed on behalf of the server user (usually this user is nobody, apache or IIS_*).

If the script is executed on your behalf, then the rights are set as follows:
- on the config and temp directories, it is enough to set the rights to 700 (sometimes this is indicated as rwx------, write/read/execute permission for the owner and prohibition of these actions for the group and everyone else).
- the styles directory and all its subdirectories must be accessible to the owner for any operations, for everyone else only read/execute (permission 755 or rwxr-xr-x).
- the files and photos directories must be accessible to the owner for any operations, for everyone else only read/execute (permission 755 or rwxr-xr-x).
- if you plan to edit language files, then you should set permissions to 644 for all files in subdirectories of the /langs directory.
- the remaining files should have permissions set as follows: the owner has read/write rights, the group has read-only rights (640 or rw-r-----), or this way: the owner has read/write rights, and the group and all the rest are read-only (644 or rw-r--r--).

If the script is executed on behalf of the server user, then the rights must be set as follows:
- on the config and temp directories - rights 777 (any actions are allowed to the owner, group and everyone else)
- for the styles directory and subdirectories - also 777, for files in these subdirectories - 666 (read/write is allowed to the owner, group and everyone else)
- the files and photos directories must be accessible to the owner for any operations, for everyone else only read/execute (permission 777 or rwxrwxrwx).
- if the installation is performed for the first time, you must create an empty addons.php file in the root directory of the forum and make it writable (permission 666). Attention: this file is not included in the distribution; you need to create it yourself!
- if you plan to edit language files, then you should set permissions to 644 for all files in subdirectories of the /langs directory
- the remaining files should have permissions set as follows: the owner has read/write rights, and the group and all others have read-only rights (644 or rw-r--r--).

Please note: If you install any updates after installing the forum, you may need to make some files writable. In this case, you should set the rights to the same as for files in the /langs/ru directory.

3. Installation

After all the files (or ZIP archive) have been downloaded, you should run the install.php script on the server. (To do this, enter the URL http://your_site/forum/install.php in your browser, where your_site is the name of your site, and forum is the name of the subdirectory in which you installed the forum).

The installation script will search for versions of Intellect Board already installed in the current directory (if any) and offer to either change their settings or install a new version.

The next step will unpack the files (if they were downloaded as a ZIP archive) and check their sizes. If the check is successful, a form will be displayed asking for the database parameters that will be used for the forum. Here you need to provide the following information:
- path to the directory on the server where the forum scripts and forum URL are located. The script will try to automatically determine the path and URL. In most cases, this happens correctly, and you just need to click the "Install" button to move on to the next installation step. If something is wrong, then you need to find out full path to your site in the hosting support service, and enter it, adding at the end the name of the directory where you want to install the forum. (That is, if the full path to your site is /var/www/iboard, and you install the forum in the forum directory, then the path will be /var/www/iboard/forum/).
- DBMS type (version 2.19 supports MySQL and PostgreSQL)
- username, password and database name that will be used when connecting to the database (you should have received this information when registering the site, if you don’t have it, contact your hosting support)
- prefix of database table names. This is the general part of the name of the database tables related to a given Intellect Board installation; if you have several copies of the forum installed, then each of them should have its own prefix (to avoid confusion). If you do not intend to install more than one instance of the forum, it is recommended to use ib_ as a prefix.
- System user password. The System user has full and unrestricted access rights to the Forum Administration Center, so choose a fairly complex password (recommendations: the password must be at least 8 characters and contain large and small letters, as well as numbers or special characters).
After all the necessary information has been entered, the installation script will perform the initial setup of the forum and write the configuration files, after which it will display a message that the installation has been successfully completed and will offer to go to the Administration Center, where you can configure the basic parameters of the forum.
After the installation is complete, it is possible that the install.php file will not be automatically deleted. (This usually happens when the script is executed as a server user.) In this case, when you try to go to the Administration Center, an error will be displayed. You need to connect via FTP and delete this file manually, otherwise you will not be able to log into the Administration Center for security reasons.

In order to start sending messages to the forum, you need to create at least 1 category and 1 section in it. This is done in the “Setting up sections and categories” section in the Administration Center (the very first menu item).

Please note: For security reasons, the System user cannot visit the user area of ​​the forum, so you will need to select "Go to the forum as a guest" to access it. In the future, you can create a regular user (menu item "Create user") and give him administrator rights. Such a user will have access to both the user part of the forum and the Administration Center.

4. MySQL Code Page

If you encounter problems with code pages when working with MySQL (such problems most often arise in early versions of PHP 5.x), then you should edit the db/mysql.php file and uncomment (remove // ​​at the beginning) the following line in the db_connect and db_pconnect:
mysql_query("SET NAMES "cp1251"",$lastlink);
Note: This method will not work in MySQL versions 3.x.

5. Some features of access rights in the Intellect Board.

The forum has 3 special users who cannot perform any actions on the forum with the following reserved names: Guest, System, NewUser. Guest and NewUser profiles can be edited in the Forum Administration Center and are used to determine the forum settings that are visible to guests, as well as the settings offered by default to new users.

For almost any action in the section, you can set the minimum access level that is required to perform it. Access levels are organized as follows: each level is associated with a numerical value in the range from 1 to 999 (more precisely, up to 1023, but levels 1000 and above give the right to enter the Administration Center). A user can be assigned a basic level, as well as a local level for each forum section. Numeric values-1.0, 1024 are reserved for evicted member, guest, and System user.

Access levels can be unique or non-unique. Unique levels can only be set by the Forum Administrator; non-unique levels can be assigned automatically upon reaching a certain number of posts on the forum.

6. Support

If you have any questions about installing or setting up the forum, please contact the official support forum at
To receive a response as quickly and efficiently as possible, we remind you that in addition to posting an error message, it is also necessary to briefly describe the situation when the error occurred (for example, “when adding a photo” or “when viewing news”) and indicate what rights the user has, who experienced this error.
There you can make suggestions and wishes, as well as send your versions of the Intellect Board design.

7. Forum logo

Starting from version 2.19 in Intellect Board, the logo should be located in the styles/style_name directory with the name logo.gif. If the same logo is suitable for several styles, it must be copied to each directory. The option to set the logo URL through the corresponding option in the AD remains available and makes sense only for styles that do not use the integrated template, for backward compatibility purposes. Styles that use an integrated template are not affected by this option (see the "Upgrading to 2.19" section).

8. Human-readable URLs

Version 2.19 added the ability to set human-readable URLs (HURLs) for both sections and topics. In order to use them, you must enable the corresponding option in the "Basic Forum Settings" and also make the necessary settings on the server. On an Apache server this can be done in two ways: either by adding an ErrorHandler for the 404 error,
or using mod_rewrite. Both are configured in the .htaccess file

To enable mod_rewrite (if your hosting has it), you need to write the following in .htaccess (if the forum is not placed at the root of the site, in the RewriteBase directive / should be replaced with the relative URL of the forum without / at the end, for example, /forum):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-d
RewriteCond %(REQUEST_FILENAME) !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php

Please note: the names of the sections should not coincide with the names of the scripts (without taking into account the extension) in IntB (a typical mistake is the section with HURL news)!

To enable calling the script through a 404 error handler, you need to write the following line in .htaccess:

ErrorDocument 404 /forum/index.php

The Intellect Board allows you to create any number of design options, called “style sets.” Each style set consists of a CSS file that defines colors, fonts, and some other display options, a main template that defines the look of the general forum area, and several template files that contain functions for HTML output that are called from the main scripts. Each of the style sets is located in one subdirectory of the styles directory, while the CSS file name is the same as the name of the subdirectory, the main template is called templat.php, and the templates are called the name of the module for which they are intended.

Starting from version 2.14, a style set inheritance system has been introduced, which works as follows: the presence of a template file in a given style set is checked, if such a file does not exist, then it is searched in the style that is considered parent to this one, if the file does not exist and there, then in the style that is considered the ancestor of the parent style and so on along the inheritance chain until the abstract style is reached, which is considered the source for all design options and contains all the templates used.

When creating a new set of styles, the CSS file of the parent style is automatically copied to its directory (and it is renamed), all graphic files and the main template template.php. Other PHP templates are not automatically copied, so if you need to make changes to any of the template files, manually copy it to the new style and only then edit it.

CSS files can be edited in two ways: either directly on the server using the style editor in the Administration Center, or on the user's computer.
Templates can only be edited locally (i.e. you need to download them via FTP, edit them, and then upload them back). When editing template files, you should save the names of functions and the names of fields, forms, as well as the values ​​of hidden fields. It is not recommended to change the default style (it may change in the future with the release of new versions of Intellect Board), it is better to create a copy of it and change it.

10. List of functions for templates

In the main Intellect Board template (as well as in a single template in backward compatibility mode), the following functions are available for calling:

main_action(); -- result of the main action
main_location($locations); -- pointer to current location on the forum
time_diff(); -- output script execution time
menu(); -- list of forum sections in the form of a menu
main_copyright(); -- output of a copyright message (must be present)
announce(); -- forum announcement
last_topics(count, type, message); -- displays a list of the latest topics (if the number is not specified explicitly, it is considered equal to 10), type -- determines the type of section. 0 -- output from sections of any type, 1 -- only from standard forums. Message - text that is shown above the list of topics (this parameter is optional).
active_topics(quantity, type, period); -- displaying a list of the most active topics (i.e. those in which there were the most messages and the last update occurred within the period specified in days), the number and type parameters are similar to the last_topics parameters
small_search_form(); -- small search form (throughout the entire forum at once without selecting a subsection and period)
present_list(); -- list of those present on the forum/section/topic
fast_switch(); -- quickly switch between forums using Select
show_vote(topic_number); -- display voting from a topic in a given location
allowed_actions() -- list of actions available to the user
show_news_feed(section, title, quantity, period) -- display the news feed from the specified section in any form. Section -- the number of the section from which news is displayed.
Title - text that should be displayed at the beginning of the feed.
Quantity -- the maximum number of news items that can be displayed in the feed. 0 -- no quantity limit.
Period - the number of days for which news should be displayed (i.e. news sent more than the specified number of days ago will not be displayed). 0 -- no limitation. If both period and quantity are specified, both restrictions apply simultaneously (i.e., no more than the number of news items for the specified period is displayed).

The Intellect Board distribution includes only a minimal set of emoticons and does not include avatars, but the very possibility of supporting them in the forum is present. You can download any emoticons and avatars you like after installing the forum through the "Download emoticons and avatars" menu item in the Administration Center.
Attention: if, when loading an emoticon, the designation is written in plain text (for example, red or crying), it is recommended to surround this text with some special characters (to get something like: red: and: crying:).

12. Backup

Starting with version 2.14, Intellect Board includes the ability to create backup copies of database content. The backup copy is a file with many SQL queries (the so-called database dump), which makes it possible to restore the database from the backup copy in several ways: using the Intellect Board installation script, using the PhpMyAdmin script, or using the standard mysql client if SSH is available. access to the server (mysq command<имя_файла.sql).
A backup copy can be taken in two ways: a) by executing the mysqldump program through the exec function (a faster and more reliable method), b) if this fails for some reason, then the dump is taken using the forum itself.
Database dumps are created in the temp directory, file names have the format host_name_date_randompart.sql. (The random part consists of 6 digits from 0 to f and is added so that an attacker cannot guess the file name). The list of available files can be viewed using the “Backup files” menu item in the AC. However, for security reasons, downloading files from this directory via HTTP is prohibited using .htaccess (attention: this prohibition only works in the Apache Web server; on other Web servers you must disable downloading yourself). You can either download the dump files via FTP, or change the settings in .htaccess so that only you can access these files (for example, make password verification or access via a fixed IP address). It is also recommended to delete backup files from the server immediately after downloading them to your own computer.
In order to provide backup in PostgreSQL, you need to run queries from the psbackup.txt file once (before the first copy).
Note: If the database size is large, there may be problems when taking a dump due to exceeding the amount of memory or script execution time.
In this case, we recommend using the Sypex Dumper script, which allows you to backup the database in parts. The script is available at:

13. File.htaccess

To make Intellect Board work more efficiently, it makes sense to make some changes to the Apache Web server configuration file. Since the directives allowed in this file differ significantly on different hosting sites, which leads to errors, this file is included in the distribution under the name htaccess.txt. It contains the necessary directives + brief instructions on how to use it.

14. Blogs and user galleries

Since version 2.20, Intellect Board has the ability for users to create their own blogs and photo galleries, while the administrator can set the minimum user level to which this feature is available, and the category and container in which blogs/galleries will be placed. It is important to note that the user creates a photo gallery and blog himself, using a button on the editing page of his profile. There is no need to create custom galleries and blogs from the admin center (since in this case they will not be “linked” to the user).

What is Intellect Board 2

Intellect Board 2 is a website content management system (Content Management System, CMS). The site, based on the Intellect Board, consists of several sections of various types: forum, collection of articles, news, file archive, photo gallery, IRC chat, etc. At the same time, the site has a unified system for registering and authorizing users, a unified search system for sections of any type, a general design, as well as an integrated system for collecting statistics and managing the site, accessible through the Administration Center. In addition, Intellect Board 2 provides ample opportunities to differentiate access levels, in particular, it is possible to set for each section the access levels necessary to perform various actions in this section, as well as assign users rights as the main access level, which will operate by default, and access levels to individual sections.

Development of Intellect Board 2 began in June 2004. The script was written completely from scratch, but its development took into account the experience of supporting the Russian Ikonboard forum engine, as well as the wishes and suggestions expressed by visitors to the United Open Project. On August 13, 2004, the first release of Intellect Board 2 was released. From that moment, testing of the Intellect Board began in real conditions on the United Open Project website, as well as on the websites of Project participants and several dozen volunteers from among its regular visitors. Since the release of version 2.13, the Intellect Board has been separated from the United Open Project into a separate project. The project continued to develop, and the number of users taking part in testing grew. Significant optimization was also carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the forum with large volumes of its database. Currently, the forum can successfully work with a database of more than 100 thousand messages with up to 40 users per 15 minutes (or 3,500 unique visitors per day).
With the release of version 2.15, the first stage of Intellect Board development was completed, the main task of which was to create an engine that was not inferior in functionality to such well-known engines as phpBB and Ikonboard, but had significantly greater opportunities for further development due to modularity and the ability to include sections of various types.

Types of Intellect Board Partitions

Currently, the Intellect Board has the following types of sections:
  • Forum is the main type of section. In terms of functionality it is not inferior to such well-known engines as phpBB, Iconboard 2.x and 3.x.
  • News - displays news in blog mode, which can either be viewed sequentially or go to a given date using the calendar.
  • Articles - placement of large texts with automatic pagination.
  • IRC chat is a Java applet built into the site engine that allows users to enter IRC chat (the IRC channel and server are set by the administrator) directly from the browser, while the chat uses the same Network name as on the forum, as well as the same emoticons.
  • File archive - organization of downloading programs from external addresses. It is possible to automatically check the functionality of links.
  • Presentation is a section containing static text specified by the section moderator. Initially, the presentation was intended to contain a description of the programs, so it may also contain a link to any materials and subsections.
  • Encyclopedia - dictionary entries in alphabetical order, grouped by letter. Additional tools are available for cross-referencing.
  • Photo gallery - user placement of photographs with the ability to preview, while preview images are generated automatically.
For more information about all supported partition types, see.

Key features of the Intellect Board

  • For all sections of any type, it is possible to use special BoardCode tags, which allow you to set the text design without using HTML, as well as the rating of topics/articles/files/photos in the sections.
  • Setting up pre-moderation, statistics calculation mode, use of emoticons, topic rating and other features separately for each section
  • The ability to vote for and against a specific user for forum participants, as well as the issuance of administrative warnings and rewards by moderators and administrators (and warnings can be either indefinite or time-limited).
  • Anti-spam protection of user email addresses
  • User groups with the possibility of automatic entry or entry upon request, as well as mailing to the group by its coordinator.
  • 3 activation modes for registered users: immediate activation, mailbox activation, and administrator activation.
  • Ability to set rules for all sections.
  • Editing letter templates that are sent to users in various situations
  • Downloadable avatars and photos for users, as well as external avatars
  • Attaching files to messages and the ability to preview attached pictures in a reduced form.
  • Protection against DDoS attacks by entering a code during registration.
  • Support for graphic libraries GD and GD2 for creating small copies of pictures and photographs.
  • Support for any number of design options (sets of styles), from which the user can choose the one he likes best.

In order for you to get acquainted with all the features of the Intellect Board, including the capabilities of the Administration Center, it is installed on our website. By registering in it, you will receive Administrator rights and will be able to perform almost all possible actions on the forum (with the exception of editing basic forum settings, templates and counters, as well as actions that require System user privileges - such restrictions are made for security reasons of the United Open Project).

Requirements for installing Intellect Board

  • Web server that supports execution of PHP scripts
  • PHP version no lower than 4.2.0 or PHP 5
  • MySQL version 3.23.53 or higher
  • A database with rights to create tables and indexes and perform basic actions with them: selecting, creating, deleting records.
  • At least 2 Mb of disk space for scripts and images and 5 Mb for the database

Using and maintaining the Intellect Board

Technical support for the Intellect Board is provided by its developers - participants in the United Open Project on the Intellect Board. It includes prompt correction of found software errors, as well as consultations on installing/configuring a site content management system, and resolving various difficult situations associated with its use. In addition, if critical errors from the point of view of security or data integrity are detected, all users registered on the technical support forum (provided that they indicated a working e-mail address and did not opt ​​out of receiving administrative mailings) are sent an error notification and information about measures necessary to correct it.

The Intellect Board is completely free for any use (both non-commercial and commercial) provided that links to the official Intellect Board website and the United Open Project website remain unchanged and visible to forum visitors (however, links can be moved and changed in color and font style to suit website design).

The free version of Intellect Board can be downloaded directly from this website, however, before downloading and using it, you are required to familiarize yourself with the non-commercial version of Intellect Board.