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Basic measures to protect atmospheric air. Eco Inform – news agency Find out what is being done to protect the air

The main ways to reduce and completely eliminate air pollution are as follows: development and implementation of purification filters, use of environmentally friendly energy sources, waste-free production technology, control of vehicle exhaust gases, landscaping, architectural and planning measures, establishment of sanitary protection zones.

Cleaning filters are the main means of combating industrial air pollution. Purification of emissions into the atmosphere is carried out by passing them through various filters (mechanical, electrical, magnetic, sound and others), water and chemically active liquids. All of them are designed to capture dust, vapors and gases.

The efficiency of treatment facilities varies and depends both on the physico-chemical properties of pollutants and on the perfection of the methods and apparatus used. Coarse purification of emissions eliminates from 70 to 84% of pollutants, medium purification - up to 95-98%, and fine purification - up to 99% and higher.

Purification of industrial waste not only protects the atmosphere from pollution, but also provides additional raw materials and profits to enterprises. Collecting sulfur from gas waste from the Magnitogorsk plant provides sanitary cleaning and produces additional many thousands of tons of cheap sulfuric acid. At the Angarsk cement plant, treatment facilities capture up to 98% of cement dust emissions, and the filters of one aluminum plant capture 98% of previously lost fluorine, which gives a profit of $300 thousand per year.

It is impossible to solve the problem of atmospheric protection only with the help of treatment facilities. It is necessary to apply a set of measures, and above all, the introduction of waste-free technologies.

Waste-free technology It is effective if it is built by analogy with the processes occurring in the biosphere: waste from one link in the ecosystem is used by other links. Cyclic, waste-free production, comparable to cyclical processes in the biosphere, is the future of industry, an ideal way to maintain cleanliness environment.

One of the ways to protect the atmosphere from pollution is transition to the use of new environmentally friendly energy sources. For example, the construction of stations that use the energy of tides, the use of solar power plants and wind engines. In the 1980s, nuclear power plants (NPPs) were considered a promising source of energy. After the Chernobyl disaster, the number of supporters of wider use atomic energy decreased. This accident showed that nuclear energy sources require increased attention to their safety systems. Academician A.L. Yanshin, for example, considers gas to be an alternative source of energy, of which about 300 trillion can be produced in Russia in the future. m3/year.

As private solutions air protection from vehicle exhaust gases You can point to the installation of filters and afterburning devices, replacement of additives containing lead, organization of traffic, which will reduce and eliminate frequent changes in engine operating modes (road junctions, widening of the roadway, construction of crossings, and so on). The problem can be radically solved by replacing internal combustion engines with electric ones. To reduce toxic substances in car exhaust gases, it is proposed to replace gasoline with other types of fuel, for example, a mixture of various alcohols. Gas-cylinder cars are promising.

Greening cities and industrial centers: green spaces, through photosynthesis, free the air from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. Up to 72% of suspended dust particles and up to 60% of sulfur dioxide settle on the leaves of trees and shrubs. Therefore, in parks, squares and gardens the air contains tens of times less dust than in open streets and squares. Many types of trees and shrubs produce phytoncides that kill bacteria. Green spaces largely regulate the microclimate of the city, “damping” city noise, which causes enormous harm to people’s health.

To maintain clean air, it is important city ​​layout. Factories and plants, transport routes should be separated from residential areas by a buffer zone consisting of green spaces. It is necessary to take into account the direction of the main winds (wind rose), the terrain and the presence of reservoirs, and locate residential areas on the leeward side and on elevated areas. Industrial zones are best located away from residential areas or outside the city.

Legal protection of the atmosphere- the implementation of the constitutional rights of the population and norms in the environmental sphere has led to a significant expansion of the base of legislative regulation in the field of atmospheric air protection. The main legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating environmental issues are as follows.

* Law on Environmental Protection (January 10, 2002). Basic law of environmental legislation.

* Law on Atmospheric Air Protection (April 2, 1999). Its objectives are to regulate public relations in this area in order to maintain cleanliness and improve the condition of the atmospheric air, prevent and reduce harmful chemical, physical, biological and other effects on the atmosphere.

* Air Code of the Russian Federation (February 19, 1997). It imposes special requirements on the condition of flight equipment and regulation of engine operation to reduce air pollution.

    The Federal Law “On the Destruction of Chemical Weapons” (April 25, 1997) establishes the legal basis for carrying out a range of works to ensure environmental protection.

    The Criminal Code (July 24, 2007) has a number of articles relating to nuclear industry, contains a definition of “environmental crimes”.

    Federal Law “On Radiation Safety of the Population” (January 9, 1996). In order to implement it, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a number of resolutions that relate to the rules for the placement of radioactive substances and radioactive waste, their storage and transportation.

    Federal Law “On the Use of Atomic Energy” (October 20, 1995; amendments and additions were made in February 1997).

    The State Committee for Ecology of Russia has reviewed and approved several regulatory documents related to atmospheric protection, in particular on the methodology for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

    GOST (1986) “Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Rules for monitoring air quality in populated areas.”

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Measures to protect Moscow's atmospheric air

In Moscow, measures are being taken to improve the quality of atmospheric air that meets the requirements of social and hygienic monitoring, although this task presents significant difficulties.

50 stationary and mobile monitoring posts for monitoring the state of the atmosphere have been established. They are located at the intersections of major highways, including the section of the third transport ring and in industrial zones. The Moscow government purchased and installed special equipment that neutralizes exhaust gases from automobile passenger transport. The use of new, environmentally less hazardous types of automobile fuel has begun.

Sociological research conducted at the beginning of 2003 showed that among the most relevant measures to improve the environmental situation in the city, the population names:

1) gradual closure of industrial zones with the removal of harmful and life-threatening enterprises from Moscow;

2) priority development of electric transport - tram, trolleybus, metro;

3) construction of the third automobile ring;

4) installation of exhaust gas neutralizers on vehicles.

According to scientific research and data from sociological surveys in order to reduce the negative impact of transport on the state of atmospheric air, the Master Plan provides for:

– construction of highways with continuous traffic with a length of 600–650 km;

– construction of highways with predominant freight traffic
220 km and mixed traffic 130 km;

– construction and reconstruction of underground pedestrian crossings and transport intersections;

– improvement of the organization traffic and increasing capacity at 20 intersections at one level of the road network;

– construction of multi-storey garages and parking lots for personal cars with a total capacity of 2040 thousand cars/spaces;

– development of passenger electric transport – trams, trolleybuses, metro – by reducing the bus fleet by 15% while simultaneously increasing the number of trolleybuses by 2 times, trams by 2.4 times;

– equipping the bus fleet and passenger car fleet with exhaust gas neutralizers;

– installation of particulate filters on buses with diesel engines;

– changing the structure of motor fuels used due to an increase in the number of vehicles running on liquefied and compressed gas (7,500 vehicles);

– improving the environmental characteristics of motor fuels through annual production
200 thousand tons of high-actane gasoline with detergent additives, gasoline from gas condensate feedstock and diesel fuel with anti-smoke additives.

Currently, the Euro-2 fuel standard is in force in Russia. It is assumed that the Euro-3 fuel standard for all cars in Russia will be introduced on January 1, 2008.

At the same time, the Euro-4 fuel standard, which is already in force in all European countries, will be introduced in Russia for newly certified cars no earlier than 2009, and for all cars by January 1, 2010. In addition, it is planned to introduce the Euro 5 standard for newly certified cars from January 1, 2012, and for all cars by the beginning of 2014.

Table of contents
Ecology and environmental legislation of Moscow
Prerequisites for the emergence of environmental law
Environmental law as a branch of Russian law
Relationship between environmental law and environmental legislation
All-Russian regulatory legal acts
Regulatory legal acts of Moscow
The concept of environmental safety
State of health of the population of Moscow
Environmental emergencies in Moscow
The concept of public administration in the environmental sphere
System and competence of state bodies regulating natural resources and environmental protection
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Moscow Government
Environmental control and monitoring
Standardization and technical regulation of economic and other activities from the standpoint of environmental interests
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Expertise
Legal basis for environmental insurance
Payment for environmental pollution
Environmental audit
The concept of environmental offenses
Types of liability for environmental offenses
Environmental crimes
Environmental functions of internal affairs bodies
Environmental activities of the prosecutor's office
Environmental activities of courts
Atmospheric air quality indicators (standards)
The current state of the Moscow air basin
Measures to protect Moscow's atmospheric air
Legal framework for air quality management
Urban noise and legal measures to combat it
Basic concepts and terms
Legislative framework for regulating the radiation regime of Moscow
The current state of Moscow's reservoirs

Sanitary protection of atmospheric air is a set of legislative, organizational and technical measures aimed at protecting atmospheric air from harmful emissions.

One of the main causes of atmospheric air pollution with harmful substances is the intake of flue gases containing sulfur dioxide, soot, carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, ash from the combustion of solid and liquid fuels in boiler plants, thermal power plants, industrial installations, internal combustion engines (see Smoke, ). The largest sources of pollution are enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industries, ferrous and non-ferrous, cement factories and etc.

Sources of air pollution in rural areas can be mechanical and repair shops, livestock farms, animal processing industries, etc. Air pollution can also occur during field cultivation chemicals: herbicides, insecticides, defoliants, etc., which are used to control agricultural pests, weeds, etc.

Amount of industrial emissions into the atmosphere populated areas depends on many reasons: production capacity, the presence of treatment facilities and the efficiency of their operation, the technological process mode, the frequency of release, the height of the pipe, meteorological conditions(wind speed and direction, humidity, etc.).

Sanitary protection of atmospheric air includes a set of measures for the rational placement of productive forces (see), the development of technological schemes for production processes that eliminate or minimize emissions harmful substances in atmosphere. Gasification and electrification carried out on a national scale play a positive role in improving the health of urban air.

In order to reduce the harmful effects of industrial emissions on public health and sanitary and hygienic living conditions of the population, sanitary legislation is established (see) between the source of air pollution and residential areas (SN 245 - 71).

To clean industrial emissions from dust and ash, dust collectors (dry and wet), electric precipitators and combined installations that perform mechanical and electrical cleaning are used. To capture gases and vapors, scrubbers (hollow and with a nozzle) are used, irrigated with an absorption liquid, towards which the gas to be cleaned moves; bubblers are reservoirs for purifying air passed through a layer of absorption liquid; absorbers are reservoirs containing a layer of sorbent (activated carbon) through which the gas to be purified is passed from bottom to top. Sanitary authorities supervise the operation of existing treatment plants by monitoring the degree of purification of emissions and verifying the correct operation technical journal for the operation of treatment facilities. The conditions for the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere are regulated by the “Sanitary Rules for Working with radioactive substances and sources ionizing radiation» No. 333 - 60.

When conducting a sanitary inspection of sources of air pollution, it is necessary to take into account the nature of production in terms of the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the sanitary and topographic characteristics of the plant site, its size, and the presence of a sanitary protection zone. Great importance has the direction of the prevailing winds (see).

General control over compliance with measures for sanitary protection of atmospheric air is carried out by the sanitary-epidemiological service.

    There are quite a lot of air protection measures, I will give examples of the main ones:

    1) as you know, plants purify the air, so there are many programs for greening cities;

    2) in cities it is prohibited to build hazardous industries; they are moved outside the city limits. More modern treatment facilities are being installed in factories and factories;

    3) one of the major sources of pollutants is transport, so old transport is gradually being replaced with newer and more environmentally friendly ones. Now in Moscow and others major cities They are actively developing bicycle transport, building bicycle paths so that more people switch from cars to bicycles, which do not pollute the air.

    4) the use of electric vehicles is actively developing in Europe; it can be assumed that after some time electric vehicles will become popular in Russia.

    5) also in Europe, high taxes are imposed on cars that do not have modern filters installed on the exhaust pipe; let’s hope that in Russia they will change the taxation system for automobile transport.

    In big cities, the air is always saturated with sulfur dioxide. This can be seen in trees whose tops become dry. When this gas combines with water, sulfurous acid is formed, which then falls together with acid rain, poisoning all living things.

    To clean the air, the following activities are carried out:

    1. Installation of electrostatic precipitators at enterprises and factories.
    2. Replacing motor vehicles with electric ones (rare, but it happens). Improvement of automobile engines.
    3. Planting trees, shrubs, vegetation.
    4. Subway instead of buses.
    5. Installation of large fees for environmental pollution.
  • This issue needs to be understood in comparison. Listing lists of documentation or laws will not give visual representation about the true state of affairs.

    I live in a large industrial city with a million population. Within its boundaries there are only at least FIVE metallurgical and foundry enterprises! And also a tractor plant, two reinforced concrete factories, brick factories and several production enterprises building materials. There are also machine-building factories...

    So, comparing the city air of Soviet times and today is like liver sausage and cervelat. There have been no smoking chimneys over the city for a long time and we are no longer afraid or notice when the wind blows from ChTZ, from reinforced concrete products or from ChMP. And before they determined the direction of the wind not by a weather vane, but by THE SMELL!

    All this is the work of the environmental prosecutor's office and environmental organizations (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ECOLOGISTS!)

    City authorities have been greening the city for many years. And in recent years three or four years ago such an urban movement appeared, I don’t even know who came up with it, but in early spring, free coniferous tree seedlings are distributed to everyone so that people can plant them in their yards. More than ten thousand seedlings will be distributed in one day.

    With the improvement of well-being, the number of cars increased and the main air pollutant became not factories, but motor vehicles.

    In our city, the operation of domestically produced minibuses that do not have environmental standards is prohibited on central highways, only imported ones. A decision has been made to gradually switch regular city buses to electric motors. As a matter of fact, city buses have not smoked or emitted fumes for a long time. These are mainly imported or modern domestic ones with good performance according to environmental standards.

    The best thing we can do on our own is to stop using old cars. It’s clear that when you have a choice, you can’t go easy on yourself. But a quality car is the first indicator that we care.

    The same work should be done at the enterprise level.

    The same greenhouse emissions are spoiling the situation.

    For example, carbon credits are a very good step towards improving air quality. And one more moment -

    All enterprises that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere make payments in the form of a tax for environmental pollution. The amount of deductions depends on many factors. There are quite complex calculation methods. Only experts can figure this out. For example, on railway take into account the type of rolling stock, the number and type of tools using gasoline or diesel fuel, what substances are burned and formed from the combustion of coal, sleepers, etc. Well, then the state plans to spend from these deductions on measures to improve the atmosphere, and the enterprises themselves also plan such measures as part of improving labor protection and environmental safety. For example, they install modern cleaning equipment, filters on exhaust pipes, and change production processes. In some cases, there are direct prohibitions at the legislative level. For example, burning something to produce toxic emissions in some areas of production.

    Well, how it is protected. Bans on emissions of certain exhausts from cars, factories and all industrial sectors.

    Various activities are carried out to help, for example, planting seedlings of various trees. It’s true that they can’t figure out how to deal with deforestation.

    I even heard that Russia will sell its quotas for fresh air to other countries. All countries with developed industry pollute the atmosphere, but they are small in scale compared to Russia. And there are more emissions into the atmosphere, in terms of the ratio of emissions to the scale of the country. So Russia makes money from this, because all their emissions end up in the general atmosphere.

    And as always, we have plenty of everything, but we can’t manage it or they don’t give it to us.

    In fact, Russia is doing nothing. There is some movement in Moscow and the Moscow region, where people are more collected and responsible, and the rest of the country, as it lived, continues to pollute its own air and suffocate in nm. Moreover, this is throughout its entire territory, starting from Vladivostok and ending with Kaliningrad. No one needs anything and no one protects our air...

    In Russia they are really trying to protect the air. I often see services planting trees and shrubs. There are a lot of protected areas where the air is very clean and unpolluted. For example, these are the same nature reserves.

    And many people give up cars, or choose cars that have modern . And sometimes they replace gasoline with gas!

    Yes, some Russians are luckier - they live in clean atmospheric air. And some are less fortunate - they live in conditions of strong gas pollution and dust in the air. I know a person whose head starts to hurt from the clean air near a river or in the forest when he comes to his parents, because he is already completely adapted to the conditions of industrial emissions.

    But the air environment is polluted most of all by industrial emissions, road transport and, to a lesser extent, other sources. So this factor of pollution - purely anthropogenic (human) - is something people do badly to themselves. Forest fires help pollute the air.

    However, no one will close the factories, because this is the economy, these are jobs, these are city-forming factors. Of course, there is a struggle for clean air. Laws have been passed at the state level

    First of all, these are environmental measures and the safety of living conditions for the population.

    The state of the air environment is monitored by Rospotrebnadzor, environmental committees, environmental organizations, the prosecutor's office, and the court. They have the right to inspect the work of industrial enterprises, impose fines for breaking laws, conduct laboratory research and monitor the state of atmospheric air.

    The construction of industrial enterprises should be carried out taking into account the wind rose, with the installation of cleaning facilities (dust, soot collectors, and so on).

    And the police are obliged to conduct a thorough technical inspection of cars, prohibiting cars with high exhaust emissions from leaving.

    But since all the negative phenomena still persist, it means that the effectiveness of air protection work leaves much to be desired.

    Everything that is being done in Russia to protect the atmosphere and air is clearly not enough, and I am convinced of this every morning, especially in winter, in calm weather, when in the morning the sun rises in a cloud of smog. Smog is formed mainly from emissions from large industrial enterprises and from vehicle exhaust gases, which have now become unusually abundant. This means that the main directions of work on air protection are aimed at reducing emissions and emissions.

    Enterprises already have cleaning systems and filters everywhere. whose condition is monitored by the environmental prosecutor's office. Cars are also switching to cleaner fuels; large trucks are not allowed into cities, forcing them to go around traffic circles. Pedestrian zones are installed in the center of many cities.

    And of course landscaping. Moreover, coniferous trees are the most effective solution to this problem. Poplar catches dust and impurities best, despite its fluff.

    And here is the sky you can see above our factories:

What causes air pollution in Ulyanovsk.

Just five years ago, Ulyanovsk was not on the list of cities whose air is polluted. Now in the Volga region Ulyanovsk ranks third after Samara and Togliatti.
Over the course of a year, 250 tons of harmful substances are released into our region. The main components are dust, soot, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrochloric and acetic acid, ammonia and others. In Ulyanovsk there are 12 thousand sources of emissions into the atmosphere. 75% of them are not equipped with treatment facilities.

Transport accounts for about half of all harmful substances in urban air. Transport emissions in some areas exceed the MPC by 60 times.
Due to the city's congestion with transport and insufficient distance from highways, vehicle emissions are inhaled by city residents around the clock, even while sleeping. On some streets, the windows of the houses are a few meters from the road.
According to the standards, residential buildings must be located at least 200 meters from the roadway.
The city has no bypass routes and all transport goes through the city. Exhaust gases are very dangerous for children; the gases are at the level of the respiratory tract and are immediately inhaled by them.

What is being done to improve air quality in Ulyanovsk

In 2007, the Law was adopted Ulyanovsk region, aimed at protecting the environment in the city.
Within the framework of this law, it is planned to carry out the following measures to improve the state of the atmosphere.

Installation of filters for cleaning ventilation filters on large enterprises cities (Iskra Plant, Mechanical Plant, Ulyanovskcement);
-Installation of dust and gas collecting devices in boiler rooms;
-Installation of equipment for utilization of landfill gases;
-Transfer of municipal transport (buses, minibuses) to safe fuels;
-Carrying out activities to green the city.