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Features of the language of Bunin's work figures. AND


According to K. G. Paustovsky, in the field of the Russian language, I. A. Bunin was an unsurpassed master... From the immense number of Russian words, he unmistakably chose for each of his stories the words that were the most picturesque, the most powerful, connected by some invisible and almost mysterious connection with the narrative and only necessary for this narrative.

In I. A. Bunin’s story “Numbers” there are two main characters - an uncle and a boy. Judging by their warm relationship, they have been friends for a long time. The uncle's love for his nephew is felt, but he keeps the nephew at a distance, since he is sure that “it is harmful to spoil children.” And in his soul he understands that he must immediately respond to the boy’s request, but he hesitates to answer for the same reason.

“You see, I am a very, very, smart uncle...” The main feeling of this phrase is irony. The uncle is ironic at himself, but he has forgotten the most important thing - what he was like as a child.

Life is shown in the perception of an adult who is experienced, smart, knows how to control his feelings, and knows how to punish a child. He does not want to understand the boy’s great desire, so as not to spoil him.

But a child cannot understand this! After all, he has no life experience, he cannot control his feelings, and his actions become unpredictable and uncontrollable. The boy does not understand why they refuse him: “After all, you can show numbers on the king’s day?” His reasoning comes from a great desire to experience the joy of knowledge, and he is refused not for any serious reason, but his uncle simply doesn’t want to do this now.

assessing the behavior of an adult and conveying the attitude towards the boy: “jumped up in a rage”, “barked at the top of his lungs”, “what the hell doused me”, “a tub of anger”, “pulled by the hand”, “slapped with pleasure”, “pushed out of the room” "

We understand that this story was written not to moralize children, not to tell children how to behave, but also so that adults could look at themselves from the outside.

Adults worry during a conflict: “Granny’s lips and eyebrows suddenly trembled, and, turning to the window, she began to quickly, quickly pound the table with a teaspoon.” “A terribly spoiled child,” said the mother, frowning and trying to be impartial.” Although she understands that this is not so.

“I really didn’t want to go into the city,” “my heart told me that I was committing a great sin,” “I was already ashamed, I lit a cigarette without looking up at my grandmother.” He regrets his action: “I wanted to get up from my seat open the door to the nursery and immediately, with some hot word, put an end to your suffering.”

The boy forgot everything that happened that winter evening, but the adult remembers. He forgot because his conscience does not torment him, because he did not want to harm anyone, but simply lived and enjoyed life. A child’s heart is quick-witted, it cannot remember evil for a long time, feed itself with hatred, it longs for love and happiness...

Neither the child’s sobs nor his tear-stained face touched the adult’s heart, but he was tormented by the boxes, empty matchboxes that the boy moved while sitting on the floor. These boxes are a symbol of the child’s helplessness, insecurity, and inadequacy. And adults should be ashamed to offend children by showing them their strength and superiority.”

This incident helped my uncle to look critically at himself and analyze his life.

And Zhenya had to retreat before the obstacle: “Pride was broken. You were defeated"; “And you humbled yourself.” He had to reconcile himself and admit his guilt, although he was not guilty of anything.

“How you worked! How afraid you were to anger me, how submissive, delicate, careful you tried to be in every move you made!” The child tries to replace a beautiful dream with something small: he plays with empty matchboxes. A sincere impulse of the soul was replaced by a fake. On the one hand, he learns to be restrained, but on the other, he loses himself. And this is too expensive

1) Features of the genre. Work by I.A. Bunin's "Numbers" belongs to the short story genre.

2) Features of the narration in the story. The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the uncle, who describes the incident and gives a moral assessment of his action. Having punished the boy, the uncle feels that he is wrong, so he “half an hour after you quieted down, looked into the nursery. And how? I walked up to the doors, put on a serious face and opened them with an air as if I had some business to do.” An adult is faced with a moral choice: admit his guilt and make peace with the child. But pride and the desire to maintain character did not allow the uncle to immediately establish relations with his nephew. Turned out to be morally wiser little hero story, who resigned himself, timidly left the nursery and asked his uncle for forgiveness: “Uncle, forgive me. And give me at least a drop of that happiness, the thirst for which so sweetly torments me.” Many years have passed, but it is the uncle who remembers that long-ago incident with all the details, since at that moment he could not correctly assess the situation.

From whom is the story narrated? (on behalf of uncle)

How does the narrator characterize the time of childhood? (it’s time for “selfless, that passionate tenderness”)

How, according to the uncle, does a child differ from an adult? (The child is incapable of dissembling, quickly forgets the insult, and strives to immediately fulfill his dream.)

3) Features of the plot of the work. The plot of the story by I.A. Bunin's "Numbers" is based on a description of a quarrel between a boy and his uncle, which occurred due to the boy's desire to find out the numbers as quickly as possible and the uncle's reluctance to show them on that particular day. Both heroes were faced with a choice: the nephew had to wait until tomorrow, and the uncle had to not be guided by the wise rule: “it’s harmful, you shouldn’t spoil children.” The spontaneity of a child’s nature led to the fact that the boy “came up with an excellent game: jumping up, kicking the floor with all his might and at the same time screaming so loudly that our eardrums almost burst.”

4) Characteristics of the characters in the story.

What was the boy's cherished dream? (see numbers)

What caused the quarrel between uncle and nephew? (The boy wanted to fulfill his wish as quickly as possible: to see the numbers, but his uncle decided to stay in character and show the numbers to his nephew the next day.)

What motivated the uncle when he decided not to show his nephew the numbers that day? (a wise rule: “it’s harmful, you shouldn’t spoil children”)

How did the boy behave when he learned about his uncle’s decision not to show the numbers that day? (the nephew began to play pranks)

Why did the uncle yell at his nephew, which made him angry? (the nephew impudently misspoke to his uncle)

Who is to blame for the quarrel between the boy and his uncle? (both uncle and nephew) Explain your point of view<

Whose side did mom and grandma take? (uncle) 11why?

How did the quarrel between the boy and his uncle end? (the boy humbled himself and asked his uncle for forgiveness)

Did your uncle forgive himself for this quarrel? Explain your point of view. (Uncle did not forgive himself, otherwise he would not remember the quarrel.)

5) Features of the author’s position in the story. The author tries to objectively assess the situation without blaming anyone. Everyone (both the boy and the uncle) is to blame for the quarrel in his own way, but an adult should be wiser and try to find a way out of this situation.

6) The meaning of the story's title. Story by I.A. Bunin is called “Numbers”, since numbers are the boy’s dream, the object over which there was a quarrel between his nephew and uncle.

The story "Numbers" describes two main characters, an uncle and his nephew. Bunin shows in it not simple relationships between adults and children, but adults do not always understand that children also have a sense of self-esteem and have their own desires and dreams. Many adults hurt them with their actions and words, without realizing that these are still gentle, sensitive souls.

Or maybe sometimes they should also remember themselves in childhood, their joys and sorrows, and then it will become much easier to understand their children. You should not offend children by showing them your superiority over them. Children will grow up and, of course, forgive everything, but sometimes their wishes can be fulfilled.

It is precisely in this story that it is shown that the desires of a child should not always be perceived as a whim. You should not shout or use force, as this happened in the story with the little boy. After all, he didn’t ask for something expensive or impossible, it was just that adults were too lazy to waste their time on him. And sometimes attention is more valuable than any gifts.

This story was written not to moralize children, but to make adults look at themselves from the outside. Due to his age, the child cannot understand such a refusal, and due to his age, he does not yet have experience. Therefore, children often riot. And adults do not always admit that in some cases it is their fault.

However, in this story the boy humbled himself and was the first to ask for forgiveness, but for what? At the cost of childlike openness and purity, they will overcome the conflict. Numbers were the boy’s dream, and his uncle knew them...

Uncle will later reproach himself for laziness, he will be ashamed. But a child’s heart does not remember evil for a long time; he, of course, will forget everything, and will continue to live with love for the family and friends around him.

With this story, Bunin makes it clear how important it is to appreciate and understand each other in life without offending, because it is quite easy to offend, but it can be difficult to be the first to reconcile. Sometimes you don't need to follow the rules, but you need to listen to your heart.

Literature lesson in 7th grade.

Lesson topic: “The complexity of relationships between adults and children in the family.

Finding kindness and harmony."

Target: show the relationship between children and adults in I. Bunin’s story, based on knowledge of psychology.



reveal the reasons for the conflict between uncle and nephew;

find ways out of a conflict situation using the example of the characters in the story;

characterize the characters.


develop expressive reading skills;

develop the ability to analyze prose text;

develop coherent speech skills.


cultivate a sense of humanism and compassion;

cultivate interest in the writer’s work;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards family and friends.

During the classes

1. Conversation with students

What does the word "conflict" mean?

How do you feel when you are in conflict with someone?

What is needed for conflict?

What happens when conflict goes wrong or is suppressed?

2. Teacher's word

Let's turn to I. Bunin's story and analyze the conflict situation of this story.

3. Reading the first lines of the story from the words “My dear, when you grow up, will you remember how one day”... to the words “but it was too big a fight.”

What is unusual about this beginning? What pronoun appears in each of his sentences? Why is there always “you” in a first-person story?

We are witnessing someone's explanation. An adult wants to explain something to you. With your help, he is trying to understand something that he did not understand before. Where did this thing begin that even years later haunts this nameless adult uncle?

4. Role-based reading of scenes from the second chapter.

Teacher: It turns out that acquaintance with numbers, so important for the boy, was postponed until tomorrow only because an adult did not want to do it.

Why does my uncle evaluate his action years later as a “great sin”?(it’s a sin to dismiss children; the boy sought to understand the world, but he was deprived of this joy).

How many of you are familiar with this situation? Who have adults ever brushed aside in difficult times? (discussion of the issue).

5. Write on the board

Scheme of conflict escalation.

1 . Disagreement.

2. Dissatisfaction.

3. Opposition.

4. Humiliation.

5. Depression.

6. Break.

6. Let's see how the conflict between uncle and nephew grows .

1) So, disagreement . How did it manifest itself?

Boy: “Show me the numbers.” Uncle: “I don’t want to now. Tomorrow".

Why didn’t the uncle meet the boy halfway?(he doesn’t want to worry himself, but to justify his laziness, he refers to the wise rule: “It’s harmful to spoil children”).

2) The second stage of the conflict –discontent . What did it mean? Find and read lines in the text that talk about the behavior of the uncle and the boy.

Boy: “Well, okay, uncle,” you threatened boldly and cheerfully. “Remember this to yourself.” (Rumbling of chairs and distant screams) - Uncle does not pay attention to the noise.

3) The next stage of the conflict’s growth isopposition . Find the lines that reflect this stage.

Boy: “He started jumping up, kicking the floor, screaming.” Uncle: “Stop it!”

4) After opposition comes the stage of conflict -humiliation .

The uncle "grabbed the child by the hand and pushed him out of the room."

Now find in the text of the third chapter words that evaluate the behavior of an adult and the behavior of a boy.

Uncle: “jumped up in a rage,” “barked at the top of his lungs,” “pulled his hand,” “slapped him with pleasure,” “pushed him out of the room.”

Boy: “a soul overflowing with life,” “a ringing cry of divine joy,” “the Lord God himself would have smiled,” “he shouted in confusion.”

What can be said about the behavior of an adult and a child based on these words?(the uncle humiliates his nephew, but he doesn’t seem to understand this).

But the story was not written to tell children how not to behave. The author’s goal is to give adults the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside.

5) Chapter in which it appearsaggression, fourth - the next stage of the conflict between uncle and nephew(The uncle becomes hysterical. The boy outwardly tries to remain calm.)

Do other adults sympathize with the boy? Find examples in the text. Why didn't they console him?(following the rules is more important to them than the impulses of their own heart).

6) Chapter five begins with the question: “And we immediately made peace?” - you ask.”

What does this phrase tell us?(the boy has already forgotten what happened in the evening).

Why did you forget? (he is not tormented by his conscience, he did not want harm to anyone, a child’s heart is easy-going).

What was the boy doing?(moving empty match boxes).

Why didn’t the child’s sobs or his tear-stained face touch his uncle? Did your heart sank at the sight of empty boxes?(the boxes are a symbol of the child’s helplessness and insecurity).

7) What lesson, according to the uncle, should the child learn from this quarrel?(any joy in life must be earned, and not begged for. You will not achieve anything from life by screaming, crying, or stomping).

Read the words from part six that confirm this idea.

7. Teacher's word

The conflict is ripe. Are there ways out of this situation? Let's turn to science.

A word from a psychologist who tells us ways out of the conflict. Discussion.




    Arbitration court

    Analysis of your actions

    Listening skills



Which way out did the boy choose? (“you have humbled yourself”). The boy became delicate. Now let’s work on the word “delicate.” What does it mean?

8. Working with a dictionary.

Delicate - polite, gentle in handling.

Does the boy's behavior meet this definition?

This quality is positive, will you take it for yourself?

Did the boy's uncle teach him to write numbers?

Did he himself learn any lesson from the boy?

What alphabet did the boy discover to his “very, very smart uncle”?(you need to respect not only adults, but also children).

9. Summing up the lesson.

What do you think the boy was guilty of?

What is uncle's fault?

Whose side is the author on in this conflict?

And you?

10. Homework: answer in writing the question “What did I.A.’s story teach me?” Bunin "Numbers?"

Arithmetic of feelings. Analysis of I. A. Bunin’s story “Numbers”

According to K. G. Paustovsky, in the field of the Russian language, I. A. Bunin was an unsurpassed master... From the immense number of Russian words, he unmistakably chose for each of his stories the words that were the most picturesque, the most powerful, connected by some invisible and almost mysterious connection with the narrative and are solely necessary for this narrative.

In I. A. Bunin’s story “Numbers” there are two main characters - an uncle and a boy. Judging by their warmrelationship, they have been friends for a long time. The uncle's love for his nephew is felt, but he keeps the nephew at a distance, since he is sure that “it is harmful to spoil children.” And in his soul he understands that he must immediately respond to the boy’s request, but he hesitates to answer for the same reason.

“You see, I am a very, very, smart uncle...” The main feeling of this phrase is irony. The uncle is ironic at himself, but he forgot the most important thing - what he was like as a child.

Often adults do not understand their children, forgetting themselves in childhood, forgetting about their childhood joys and sorrows, turning into fair and strict uncles and aunts.

Life is shown in the perception of an adult who is experienced, smart, knows how to control his feelings, and knows how to punish a child. He does not want to understand the boy’s great desire, so as not to spoil him.

But a child cannot understand this! After all, he has no life experience, he cannot control his feelings, and his actions become unpredictable and uncontrollable. The boy does not understand why they refuse him: “After all, it’s possible to show numbers on the king’s day?” His reasoning comes from a great desire to experience the joy of knowledge, and he is refused not for any serious reason, but his uncle simply doesn’t want to do this now.

To draw attention to himself, the boy decides to rebel. We can condemn a boy who stomps his feet, screams shrilly and does not pay attention to the comments of adults. But here we find words that evaluate the behavior of an adult and convey the attitude towards the boy: “jumped up in a rage”, “barked at the top of his lungs”, “what the hell doused me”, “a bucket of anger”, “pulled my hand”, “slapped with pleasure”, “pushed out of the room.”

We understand that this story was written not to teach children morals, not to tell children how to behave, but also so that adults could look at themselves from the outside.

Adults worry during a conflict: “Granny’s lips and eyebrows suddenly trembled, and, turning to the window, she began to quickly, quickly pound the table with a teaspoon.” “A terribly spoiled child,” said the mother, frowning and trying to be impartial.” Although she understands that this is not so.

The uncle condemns himself for laziness: “I really didn’t want to go into the city,” “my heart told me that I was committing a great sin,” “I was already ashamed, I lit a cigarette without raising my eyes to my grandmother.” He agreed regrets his action: “I wanted to get up from my seat, open the door to the nursery and immediately, with some kind of hot word, put an end to your suffering.”

The boy forgot everything that happened that winter evening, but the adult remembers. He forgot because his conscience does not torment him, because he did not want to harm anyone, but simply lived and enjoyed life. A child’s heart is quick-witted, it cannot remember evil for a long time, feed itself with hatred, it longs for love and happiness...

Neither the child’s sobs nor his tear-stained face touched the heart of an adult, but he was tormented by the boxes, empty matchboxes, which the boy moved while sitting on the floor. These boxes are a symbol of the child’s helplessness, insecurity, and inability. And adults should be ashamed to offend children by showing them their strength and superiority.”

This incident helped my uncle to look critically at himself and analyze his life.

And Zhenya had to retreat before the obstacle: “Pride was broken. You were defeated"; “And you humbled yourself.” He had to reconcile himself and admit his guilt, although he was not guilty of anything.

He begins to pretend: “How you worked! How afraid you were to anger me, how submissive, delicate, and careful you tried to be in every move you made!” The child tries to replace a beautiful dream with something small: he plays with empty matchboxes. A sincere impulse of the soul was replaced by a fake. On the one hand, he learns to be restrained, but on the other, he loses himself. And this is too expensive

Bunin introduces us to a complex world, to the relationship between adults and children. Adults sometimes behave overbearingly towards children, not seeing children as little people. But children have their own desires and feelings, which also need to be respected. The author teaches adults to be more attentive and careful with children, trying not to hurt their sensitive souls.