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Open integrated lesson in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Integrated lesson “Miracle - Tree” in the middle group

Children 4–5 years old attend the middle group of preschool educational institutions. This is middle preschool age, which means that the children are little by little beginning to prepare for school life. The main tasks during this period are the development of existing abilities and replenishment of the accumulated knowledge base. For this purpose, integrated and comprehensive classes are conducted in kindergartens.

Theoretical foundations for conducting integrated and complex classes in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

A 4-5 year old child perceives the world around him as indivisible. He cannot isolate a separate object and does not consider it within just one industry. For example, a preschooler cannot say that numbers come from mathematics, plants and animals come from familiarizing themselves with the world around them, letters come from reading or writing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct integrated and comprehensive classes that combine materials from several areas related to specific phenomenon or concept.

Integrated and complex lessons include techniques aimed at revealing the essence of a certain topic in various types of activities that are interpenetrating and complementary. The main feature is that the topic is revealed most fully and deeply, but the lesson lasts as usual. As a result of such intense activity, the children become more motivated to study, and in addition, they have more time for walks or outdoor games.

Complex and integrated classes are dynamic and include various types of student activities

Common features and main differences

The common points of an integrated and complex lesson are:

  • building around a specific topic;
  • the presence of interdisciplinary connections;
  • multidirectional actions;
  • a combination of several types of activities (speech, artistic, musical, cognitive, physical).

Both in integrated and complex classes, pupils are actively involved in activities with the help of game moments, because play is the leading activity in preschool age.

A complex activity can be built around a main character, for example, a cat. Children can perform various tasks: cognitive (talking with a cat about polite words), physical (outdoor play with a cat), counting (counting how many whiskers a cat has), etc. It turns out that the tasks are connected by one topic, but each of them fulfills its task. Any of the tasks can be used as a competition or mini-game. Performing such actions does not lead to systematization and expansion of knowledge, unlike tasks in an integrated lesson.

The main difference between an integrated lesson and a complex one is that it is almost impossible to divide it into components. This activity involves a smooth transition from one activity to another through the integration of blocks from different disciplines. For example, a lesson about spring may include tasks to remember other seasons and their features, and concepts such as flowers, animals, birds, weather, etc. will be gradually included in the topic. The result will be a holistic lesson, from which it is very difficult to isolate a separate block.

Goals and objectives

The overall goal of both integrated and complex activities is to develop the essence of a particular topic through a combination of different activities.

Tasks may vary depending on the topic of the lesson:

  • educational - to consolidate children’s knowledge about objects or phenomena, expand their understanding of their properties, activate and enrich their vocabulary, and consolidate previously acquired skills;
  • developing - to develop memory, speech, attention, coordination, fine motor skills, the ability to express one’s thoughts;
  • educational - to develop a friendly attitude towards people, animals, respect for nature, and the ability to cooperate.

Lesson objectives depend on the chosen topic and subject areas studied


To achieve the goals, you can use the following techniques that are relevant for the middle group of kindergarten:

  • Techniques for setting goals and motivating students:
    • commenting on actions
    • gaming methods.
  • Activation:
    • conversation,
    • solving riddles or puzzles,
    • posing problematic questions (“how did you understand this?”, “explain”, “prove”, etc.),
    • activity analysis and conclusions.
  • Organization of practical activities for children:
    • showing pictures,
    • listening to audio recordings,
    • independent completion of tasks by children.
  • Maintaining interest:
    • offer of choice,
    • physical education minute,
    • musical accompaniment,
    • alternation of activities.
  • Assessment techniques:
    • praise,
    • joint discussion of the results of the lesson,
    • mutual assistance of children.

In classes with preschoolers, visualization plays an important role.

Methodological techniques for organizing a complex or integrated lesson can also be: psychological mood, surprise moment, encouragement, explanation, direction, artistic expression, etc.

How to conduct an integrated and comprehensive lesson in a middle group

The differences between conducting an integrated and complex lesson begin to emerge already at the preparation stage. If the essence of the topic can be revealed through alternating activities, then you should choose a complex lesson. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Choose a general theme based on material already familiar to the children, for example, “Spring”.
  2. Choose a narrower topic (or a specific character) to organize preschoolers’ activities around it. As part of the theme about spring, this could be the activities “Waking up the Bear”, “The Adventures of the Snowdrop” or “Fun Games in the Spring Meadow”, etc.
  3. Come up with tasks for organizing the children’s activities, united by the chosen topic. For example, if the theme “The Adventures of a Snowdrop” is chosen, then you can include in the lesson such types of tasks as viewing paintings depicting this plant, or inviting children to draw a flower themselves, the game “Who is faster”, during which they collect snowdrops from paper in baskets, or learning a little song.

An integrated lesson will take longer to prepare. To organize it, you need to choose a topic that the children already have an idea about and think through the lesson plan in detail. You can use a smart card for this. This is an outline that contains all aspects of studying a topic. In the center is the key concept. All other concepts on the topic are branches of the central term. With the help of such a map it becomes easier to model and conduct a lesson.

For example, for an integrated lesson on the topic “Winter”, the main concept will be “Winter”, it is located in the center. The branches will be words that reveal the essence of the time of year, for example, warm clothes, snowman, snowflakes, New Year, etc. The scheme can be supplemented indefinitely, but you need to remember that the lesson should not be long. Often integrated classes, united by a common theme, are held in a series. You can prepare the necessary material and draw up such a mind map at the end of the lesson with the children.

A pre-compiled smart map will help organize information on the topic

At the age of 4–5 years, preschoolers show special curiosity about everything that surrounds them and learn to interact with the world around them. Complex and integrated classes in the middle group allow children to expand their knowledge of objects, learn about their purpose and characteristics, and include games, exercises and tasks that contribute to the development of speech, thinking and creative abilities in preschoolers.

Topics of integrated and comprehensive classes in various subjects

Integrated and comprehensive classes can be conducted in a variety of subjects:

  • During a mathematical lesson called “The bunnies are out on the lawn,” you can repeat with children the concepts of “many” and “few” and count the ears, paws and other parts of the animal’s body. The “Building a House” activity will introduce children to new geometric shapes. An interesting integrated activity can be based on famous fairy tales, for example, “The Ryaba Hen,” where all the characters consist of geometric shapes and are clearly demonstrated.
  • The development of speech occurs in classes where parts of the body of people and animals are studied and compared (“Paws and Hands”), descriptions of objects and actions (“My Day”).
  • In classes on the surrounding world, you can study fruits and berries (“Making Jam”) or types of animals (“Going to the Zoo”) and plants (“Walk in the Forest”).
  • Musical integrated and comprehensive classes can be dedicated to preparing for a holiday, and it doesn’t have to be the well-known New Year or March 8; you can conduct a class dedicated to Dad’s Day or Sweet Tooth Day.

During the lesson, children can get acquainted with a variety of areas of human activity.

Time plan and lesson structure

Children 4–5 years old can maintain attention for no more than 15–20 minutes; this must be taken into account when preparing and conducting classes. In the case of integrated and complex classes, where activities constantly replace each other, the total time can be within a time frame of 30–35 minutes.

A comprehensive math lesson can have the following structure:

  1. Greeting, getting ready for work, repeating previously covered material, for example, the game “What has changed” to compare the width and length of objects (from 3 to 5 minutes).
  2. Introducing a new topic, for example, measuring the length and width of a rectangular object using multi-colored ribbons (can be further complicated to a ruler or measuring tape) (5-7 minutes).
  3. Children independently complete a similar task (7–10 minutes).
  4. Summarizing the learned material during the game “Who is longer” (5–7 minutes).
  5. Summing up (3–5 minutes).

The children’s attitude to work plays an important role in conducting the lesson.

The structure of an integrated lesson about the time of year could be as follows:

  1. Getting ready for work (game of comparing the chosen one with three other seasons) (3-5 minutes).
  2. Reading a fairy tale about the time of year (5–7 minutes).
  3. A game based on a fairy tale we read (3–5 minutes).
  4. Summing up, discussing the characters, making a collage on the theme “Winter”, etc. (5-7 minutes).

Lesson notes

The lesson notes should reflect the following information:

  • objectives of the lesson;
  • tasks;
  • necessary materials;
  • progress of the lesson.

The most impressive component is the flow of the lesson. It describes the 3 parts that make up any lesson:

  1. Introductory - sets you up for work, indicates the topic and purpose of the lesson.
  2. Main - contains the main tasks, during which the set goals and objectives are achieved.
  3. Final - sums up the activity.

The introductory part (3–5 minutes) includes 3 points:

  • organizational (attracting the attention of children, reminding them of the rules of discipline, etc.);
  • interesting (appearance of a fairy-tale character, solving a riddle, etc.);
  • message of the purpose of the lesson.

The main part (20–25 minutes) consists of games and tasks on a specific topic.

If the teacher notices that the children are tired, you can include physical education on a relevant topic during the lesson.

The final part (3–5 minutes) includes:

  • generalization, recall and discussion of tasks;
  • assessment of children in general and by name (in early preschool age we indicate only positive aspects);
  • creating a favorable environment that makes you want to come to such an activity again (game or song, advice, recommendations, etc.);
  • transition to another activity.

Table: example of a summary of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group

Name"Journey into the magical world of emotions"
TargetIntroduce children to the types of emotions and teach them to distinguish between them.
  • Educational:
    • develop the ability to use expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures;
    • develop imagination.
  • Educational:
    • expand your vocabulary;
    • consolidate knowledge about intonation.
  • Educational:
    • teach children to be responsive;
    • cultivate a sense of empathy;
    • instill interpersonal communication skills.
Necessary materials
  • Audio recordings;
  • wallpaper and markers;
  • a picture of a flower with two emotions (sadness and joy) depicted on different sides;
  • toys;
  • cards depicting various emotions (joy, anger, calm, etc.).
Progress of the lessonThe teacher greets the children:
  • Hello kids,
    Girls and boys.
    How beautiful everyone is,
    Smart and strong!
    Come on, everyone sit in a circle,
    To our green meadow.
    Look at the neighbors
    You will talk to them.
    Who's the good one here?
    Who's the handsome one here?
    We're all pretty
    We are all pretty!

V.: Today we will take a journey through the magical land of emotions. Will everyone behave? No one will scream, stomp loudly, clap and cry? Then let's go! And we will fly to a magical land on this magic carpet. But I don’t know how to get there, so now a good gnome will come to us and he will show us the way.
The gnome appears, greets the children, seats everyone on the carpet, and he sits in front.
Audio recording starts.
V.: We are already approaching the land of emotions. Look, guys, we are landing on the Smeshinka clearing. In this clearing everyone is smiling and having fun. Like this. (Shows a picture with a cheerful smiley face).
And now we all stand in a circle, hold hands and look up at the sun. Let's all smile at the sun together! Sweet sunshine, come to us quickly and caress our cheeks.
Dwarf: Well done, guys, now I also want to have fun with you.
V.: How good, fun and joyful we are. But, it seems, not everyone.
They approach the hedgehog.
V.: Oh, what an angry hedgehog. Here it is. (Shows an angry emoticon).

  • Once upon a time there was an angry hedgehog,
    Scared everyone with needles
    He wasn't friends with anyone
    And he sat under the tree.
    He was so angry - snort-fir-sniff!
    And he got angry - snort-fir-fir!
    He grumbled - pshsh-pshsh-pshsh!
    And he shouted - pshsh-pshsh-pshsh!
    How terrible - rrr!
    Calm down, dear hedgehog,
    You won't find friends that way.
    Clench your fists tighter
    Drive away your anger quickly!
    If you are very angry,
    Got angry at someone
    Squeeze your hands, close your eyes, (children clench their fists)
    And say quietly:
    "I'm calm, I don't shout,
    And I don’t knock my feet.
    And I won't be angry -
    Anger is of no use at all!” (unclench fists, blow)
    We count to five together
    And we rest peacefully:
    One two three four five!
    You need to lie down quietly.

The gnome and the children lie down on the rug.

  • Everyone lay quietly
    We rested and took a nap.
    But it's time to wake up
    Stand up and smile!
  • A sad bear sits in a clearing,
    The bear is tired, the bear wants to go to his mother.
    Bear, bear, don't be bored,
    Better play with us!

Dwarf: Let's sing a song about a bear together?
They sing the song “Teddy Bear” and do the movements.
Dwarf: Hurray, the bear is having fun! But look, here is a flower. He is sad too. Flower, why are you sad? He says he is sad because he has no friends.
V.: Let's cheer him up? Shall we draw him some funny friends?
Everyone sits on the floor and draws flowers with smiles on a large piece of wallpaper.
Gnome: Look, guys, the flower is cheerful now.
We flew further through the land of Emotions.
Everyone sits down on the carpet, the Dwarf is in front.
The music turns on.
V.: Guys, we have arrived. Look at our gnome, how calm he is. Like this (shows a calm emoticon).

  • Our gnome got up early today,
    And he stretched sweetly.
    In a calm mood,
    He probably woke up:
    He has peace of mind
    It's easy for him to walk,
    Of course he feels good
    At least he doesn't smile.
    We are pleased to be next to the gnome,
    We love to talk to him
    We don't want to go back so bad
    Leave this fairy tale.

V.: The gnome remains here, in the fairyland of emotions, and it’s time for us to fly home. Hop on our magic carpet.
The music turns on, the children sit on the carpet.
V.: Well, while we are flying on the carpet, let’s once again remember the emotions with which we met today. Let's show everything (show).
It’s great that we helped the bear, the flower, the hedgehog, and also met the gnome, right? Everyone is so great. (Highlights the most active).
OK it's all over Now.

  • We flew on the carpet,
    All emotions were recognized.
    Hey kids, well done!
    Daring men and brave men!

Photo gallery: cards with images of emotions

A calm emoticon demonstrates a smooth emotional background
Angry emoticon expresses negative emotions
The emoji is sad because it has no friends. The happy emoji shows joy and pleasure.

How to conduct a final integrated and comprehensive lesson

The final integrated or complex lesson is held at the end of the academic year. The main task of such a lesson should be to summarize and consolidate the knowledge acquired by children throughout the year. This task is very broad, so a large number of activities are included in the lesson. The final lesson should not exceed the usual duration. Its structure and level of complexity should not be any different.

It is more convenient to organize the final complex lesson in the form of a journey through the stations, where children will be given various tasks (for example, “A magical journey into the forest”). The final integrated lesson can be carried out in the form of a game of a fairy tale known to children, in which they will become the heroes for a while, and then help the characters complete tasks (for example, “In Search of the Magic Chest”).

The arrival of a fairy-tale character to the group will help maintain children’s interest throughout the lesson.

Among other things, final classes develop a sense of unity among the group’s students, cohesion, and teach children to act in concert.

Related videos

It is advisable for a teacher preparing a complex or integrated lesson to become familiar with the experience of colleagues in this area. The presented videos will help with this.

Video: integrated lesson on the development of cognitive activity in the middle group

Video: integrated lesson on speech development in the middle group

Video: a comprehensive lesson on the formation of mathematical concepts in the middle group

Video: comprehensive music lesson in the middle group

The form of conducting complex and integrated classes can be different, but in any of them you can unlock the potential of children and develop the necessary skills in them. Careful preparation of the teacher for the lesson guarantees preschoolers’ persistent interest in the developed material, positive motivation and a trusting attitude towards the teacher.

Marina Atryskina
"Magic Flower" Summary of an open integrated lesson in the middle group

Theme: "Magic flower"

Integration of educational areas:

cognitive, social-communicative, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical.

Types of children's activities:

gaming, communicative, cognitive and research.


Teach children to distinguish between migratory and wintering birds;

consolidate the ability to distribute objects by property and quality;

promote memorization of passages from fairy tales for this

age of children.

Materials for the lesson

: -photos of migratory and wintering birds (5 each

2 split houses for assembly (tangram);

Letter in an envelope (beautifully designed);

Slides: a) fairy forest, path to magic.

castle, castle; b) pictures for each fairy tale;

c) assembled tangram houses for migratory and

wintering birds;

d) subject pictures for the game “What is it?”

happens (for each topic there are 6 pictures, laid out -

on 8 small trays;

Slides with the image of a magic flower

(open gradually: colorless petal.

Red petal-yellow-blue-green-

purple, t. e. the petals “color” after

correctly completed task).

Magical music.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall, soft music sounds.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and the postman comes in.

P: - Hello! This is Kindergarten No. 142, group "Winnie the Pooh" (children's answers).

There is a letter for you (leaves).

Educator: -Guys! Look at how beautiful the envelope is! Do you want to know who the letter is from? (children's answer)

Let's read it!

“Hello, children! The Fairy from the Magical Flower Land is writing to you. The evil wizard Chernomor burst into my kingdom and bewitched my magical flower, the Five Flower. He took away all the colors from its beautiful petals. To disenchant it, you need to complete five tasks. Help me, Please!"

Q: Here is the letter. We will definitely help the Fairy. To do this we will need to go to Flower Country. Do you want (children's answer)

Repeat with me: "Fly, fly petal through the West to the East

Through the North, through the South, come back after making

As soon as you touch the ground, be according to us

Order us to end up in the Tsvetochnaya

(music sounds quietly, an image of a fairy-tale forest appears on the screen, paths leading to the castle and an image of a magical flower with colorless petals).

Q: Guys, look how beautiful it is here! I don’t see a magic flower, but you (children’s answer)

Here he is! Just kind of ugly. That's right, the Fairy wrote that all the colors disappeared from the petals. We must quickly begin to complete the tasks that the Fairy has prepared for us.

1st task

(I take it out of the envelope and read it to the children) “What happens?

You need to find a series of pictures on a given topic:

What is round?

What is fragrant?

What's blue?

What is green?




(a flower appears on the screen, one of the petals is colored red)

Q: - Guys, look what happened to the flower (children’s answer)

What color is the petal?

This means you completed the task correctly. Well done! But let's not waste time, let's move on to the next task.

2nd task

: "Guess the fairy tale"

The sieve gallops through the fields, and the trough through the meadows,

The broom followed the shovel along the street.

Axes, axes, just keep falling down the mountain. (children's answer)

A slide from the fairy tale "Fedorino's Grief" appears on the screen.

The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away,

And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me.

I am for a candle - a candle in the stove!

I run and jump under the bed for the book.

(children's answer)

The following slide from the fairy tale "Moidodyr" appears on the screen.

The Bears were riding a bicycle,

And behind them is the Cat backwards,

And behind him are Mosquitoes in a balloon,

And behind them are Crayfish on a lame Dog. (children's answer)

The following slide from the fairy tale "Cockroach" appears on the screen.

My phone rang. Who's speaking? Elephant.

Where? From Camel. What do you need? Chocolate.

For whom? For my son. (children's answer)

A slide from the fairy tale "Telephone" appears on the screen.

Winnie the Pooh song is playing.

Q: (addressing the children) - Who sings this song? (children's answer)

A slide with a picture of Winnie the Pooh appears on the screen.

Q: Look (on the slide there is a flower whose 2nd petal is colored yellow, the second petal is colored. What color? (children’s answer)

This means that you have completed this task!

Q: Now we’ll turn into flowers and play. (magic physical exercise)

We are magical flowers

Let's play now.

But for this we need

Bend over, sit down and stand up.

Turn left, right,

Reach out to the Sun

Hands clap 1-2-3-4-5,

Stomp your feet 1-2-3-4-5,

These are the flowers we are,

Painted petals.

R. S. (physical minute I composed myself, don’t judge too harshly)

Q: -Guys, while we were playing, look at the magic flower, what has changed (look at the slide) (children’s answer)

That's right, another petal has colored. What color? (answer children in blue). So we are going on the right path.

4th task

“Assemble a house.” (tangrams)

Q: - Look what the evil wizard did with the fairy-tale houses (there are cut tangram houses on two trays, you need to quickly help the Fairy assemble the houses (children are divided into two subgroups to assemble the houses).

After completing the task, a flower appears on the screen with a fourth green petal.

Q: Well done! We completed this task too! The fourth petal is now colored. What color (children's answer)

A soundtrack of birds singing sounds.

Q: Hear, the birds are singing.

Let's see what kind of birds they are.

The evil Chernomor mixed up all the cards! Where are the winterers? Where are the migratory ones? Poor Fairy, she has so much to do, she can’t get it all done. Maybe we can handle it ourselves (children’s response)

On the table are photographs of wintering and migratory birds. On another table are assembled tangram houses.

Assignment: You guys will need to place wintering birds in a yellow house with a red roof, and migratory birds in a blue house with a yellow roof. (when completing the task, children are divided into two subgroups).

Q: Look at the screen, did you complete the task correctly? (on the screen there is a slide with the correct answer to the task (children’s answer)

After checking the task, a slide appears on the screen with a Magic Flower, in which all the petals have become multi-colored.

Q: Look at the screen. How beautiful the Magic Flower has become. You completed all the tasks correctly and helped the Fairy.

But the time has come to return to kindergarten. Repeat after me:

"Fly, fly petal through the West to the East,

Through the North, through the South, return, making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way,

They ordered us to end up in kindergarten. "

Q: Our journey has ended. In memory of him, the Fairy has prepared medals for you for the “Best Wizards” (each child is given a medal).

Beznosenko Tatyana

Dear Colleagues! I would like to bring to your attention final lesson at the end of the school year. In it, of course, I wanted to cover the entire volume of knowledge that the guys and I managed to master in a short period of time (I'm on this group I've only been working for 4 months). But, naturally, there was not enough time for everything, and the most magical and fabulous moments were not captured. so don't judge too harshly!

Program content:


Educational goals:

Continue to develop an understanding of the formation of numbers, learn to decrease and increase a number by one, build a number series up to 5, name adjacent numbers, starting with the smaller one. Continue to teach children to understand quantitative relationships between numbers within 10. Practice quantitative and ordinal counting in forward and backward directions.. Improve the ability to divide a circle into 4 equal parts, navigate in time, use concepts in speech - yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Developmental goals:

Develop the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, practice counting using various analyzers: visual, auditory. Attach temporary representation: parts of the day, days of the week,. Continue to develop attention, creative imagination, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills, the ability to follow verbal instructions, and coordinate numerals with nouns in gender and number.

Educational goals:

Cultivate independence, respect for your comrades, self-control, and an objective attitude towards the work done.

Speech development with elements of preparation for literacy:

Educational goals:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the signs of the seasons. Improve the ability to generalize concepts, identify objects that, according to certain characteristics, are not included in a given group. Continue to teach children to determine the place of a sound in a word, to say the first sound of their name.

Developmental goals:

Develop phonemic awareness, auditory attention, grammatical structure of speech. Learn to find a given sound at the beginning, middle and end of a word, and designate it with a chip. Enrich children's active vocabulary, develop thinking and activity.

Educational goals:

Cultivate patience, perseverance, the desire to be literate, and positively perceive new information.

Material and equipment:

Demo material:

A chest, a jar of water, locks, keys, a doll, object pictures, a word diagram, a ball, birdhouses, a three-story mansion, pictures of animals, "cake".


Mathematical sets, word diagrams, sparrow hats, geometric figures, three-story towers, pictures of animals, cakes, scissors.

Progress of the lesson:

Children are preparing for occupation near the lockers in the locker room.


Articulation gymnastics.

The teacher's assistant gives us a letter.

The phone rings - a call from Zmey Gorynych. (I myself pre-recorded the text on a tape recorder in a “scary fairy-tale” voice):

Hello children middle group! My name is Zmey Gorynych! I put Vasilisa the Beautiful to sleep and hid her in my palace. Only living blue water, which is in a magic chest under five locks, can wake her up. If you can complete my tasks and open all the locks, Vasilisa will wake up. otherwise, Beauty will never return to you!

V-l: - Guys, let's save Vasilisa the Beautiful? For correctly completed tasks we will receive the keys to the Serpent Gorynych and awaken the Unearthly Beauty! We open the letter - it contains the keys.

(Sitting on the carpet).

Here's the first riddle:

There are exactly seven of these brothers. You all know them.

Every week the brothers walk around each other.

The last one says goodbye - the one in front appears.

That's right, these are the days of the week. What day of the week is today? What will it be like tomorrow? What was it like yesterday? And the day before yesterday? And the day after tomorrow?

Well done! Here's the second one mystery:

They come to us every year guests:

One is gray-haired, the second is young, the third is jumping, the fourth is crying. Who is this?

That's right, it's the seasons!

Didactic game "Seasons"

Guys, at what time of year does everyone swim and sunbathe?

At what time of year do birds fly to warmer climes?

Are snowdrops blooming?

Playing snowballs and sledding?

Snow is melting?

Are the leaves turning yellow and falling off?

Is there a Women's Day?

How many seasons are there in total? Name them in order.

What time of year is it now? How many months does spring have? Name them. What month is it now? “March, April and May – don’t forget them!”

So we earned the first key.

The children sat down.

Mathematical warm-up with cube:

D/u “Name the number 1 more, 1 less”.

Finger gymnastics "Dwarf Laundresses"

Laying out a number series from 1 to 5.

Did/game "Name the neighbors"

Didactic game "Finish the sentence":

We sleep at night and do exercises...

We have breakfast in the morning and lunch...

We have lunch during the day and dinner...

We have dinner in the evening and sleep...

How many parts are there in a day? Name them.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

"Sun and Clouds"

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.

The sun of the flying clouds thought:

Gray clouds, black clouds. (eyes left and right)

There are two light ones, three heavy ones. (eyes up and down)

The clouds hid, the clouds were gone. (close eyes)

The sun is shining in the sky! (blink eyes)

We have another key in our hands!

Didactic game based on pictures "Say it in one word"

Didactic game “What's too much? Why?":

Apple, watermelon, peach, pear, lemon.

Airplane, rocket, ship, helicopter.

Cup, saucer, teapot, sugar bowl, frying pan.

Notebook, pen, doll, pencil, ruler.

Car, cubes, ball, grandma, jump rope.

Cow, goat, hedgehog, cat, pig.

Listen, guys, what is that rustling outside the window? (Leaves on the trees). What sound do they make?

Let's find the place of the sound (W) in words.

Did/exercise "Where is the sound?"




We've earned our third key!

Physical education minute "SPARROWS"

(in the form of a didactic game “Find your house”)

And now, dear little sparrows, let’s get to know you! Tell me the first sound of your name.

Did/game "The first sound of my name" (with a ball)

We have the fourth key in our hands!

Guys, do you remember the fairy tale about the teremok? The animals built themselves a new three-story mansion! Let's move them into apartments!

Did/game "Settle the forest friends"

Now it's time for us to treat them.

Did/game "Divide the cake equally"

Children divide the circle into 4 equal parts. They show a part and say that 2/2 is the whole. Show 2/4, parts, add 4/4 - whole.

We get the last key!

The child opens the chest with keys and takes out a jar of clear water. Children cast a spell, the water turns blue.

They washed the doll - she opened it eyes:

] - Thank you guys! You not only defeated the Serpent Gorynych, you returned BEAUTY to the world!

Maria Kenich
Summary of an open lesson on Federal State Educational Standards in the middle group “Magic Transformations”

Target: Creating a favorable environment for unleashing the mental and creative potential of students. To form cognitive and research interest in the process of gaming activities.


Develop children's creative personality

Develop imagination, perception, thinking.

To develop skills in collective activity, taking into account the interests and opinions of other children.

Create a favorable atmosphere for children's creativity.

Develop articulation apparatus and fine motor skills of the hands.

Improve health-saving technologies (finger gymnastics, relaxation, eye gymnastics)

Develop attention, memory, thinking, creativity,

Introduce a new type of drawing.

Integration of educational regions: "Communication", “Artistic and aesthetic development”, "Physical Culture", "Socialization", "Music".

Activities: gaming, communicative, educational and research.

Educational areas:

Communication (speech activity)

Socialization (game activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical Culture





Methodical techniques:

Surprise moment;

Artistic word;

Gaming techniques;



Use of music.

The expected result in the education of integrative qualities: Children are inquisitive, active, and show more independence in various types of children's activities.

On the projector video with transformations(music sounds, a teacher enters in the form of sorceresses)

IN: Hello guys! You recognized me? (children's answers)

I want to invite you to magical land. To get there you have to say magic words. Place your hands on your tummy, inhale the tummy forward through your nose, remove the tummy and exhale through your mouth. Closed your eyes and said spell: "Focus, pocus, tone, tolonus" (music sounds)

IN: Well done! It's waiting for us here magic chest. There is a lot of interesting things in it. Do you want to know what's in it? Let's get it let's open. Let's say together "Chok - chok - chok" open the chest". (Not opens)

IN: Something not opens, probably you didn’t all talk to me magic words.

IN: Let's try again. Let's all together: "Chok-chok-chok open the chest"."1, 2, 3- opened! Oh, there's so much here! interesting, but whose is it and for whom? Guys, would you like turn into little wizards? (children's answers)

Let's each get a suit (children choose a costume and dress them)

IN: Well, when we got dressed, magic costumes, it's time to say magic words.

clap clap,

turn around yourself,

In the little one turn into a wizard.

IN: Guys, do you hear something buzzing (the teacher goes to the chest and takes out a picture of Carlson holding a note)

IN: Who is this? (children's answers). Look guys, Carlson is holding a note in his hands, let me give it to you I'll read it:

"I am not a toy for you children,

The real Carlson I

Say the word "Ba-ra-bass"

In a moment I will appear with you"

IN: Guys, it's time to test our strength, is everyone ready?

Let’s make our trick work, I’ll put Carlson’s picture behind the door and we’ll say it together Magic word(the teacher removes the picture behind the door)

We all say “Ba-ra-bass” together

(Carlson appears and flies past the children to the music)


Hello, here I am!

Hello, friends from Carlson.

IN what a magical country you are now

Everything will be fulfilled at this very hour!

Yes, you turned out to be wizards, good ones.

Carlson: Let's be friends, huh?

Children: Yes, let's do it!

Carlson: Guys, do you have a cake?

Children: No. No.

Carlson: Well, then I’m not friends with you, what’s friendship without cakes?

Enchantress: Carlson, cakes spoil your figure and your teeth hurt, didn’t you know?

Carlson: What do you propose then? How to be friends with guys?

Enchantress: And play, just play together!

? "Hot - cold"

The game is aimed at expanding the child’s vocabulary with words – antonyms. The child must say a word that is opposite in meaning to yours.

For example:

Hot Cold

Good bad

Smart - stupid

Cheerful - sad

Sharp - dull

Smooth – rough

Guys, I came to visit you. But where will I live?

IN: don't worry Carlson, now that we turned into little wizards, we can build, sculpt, draw beautiful, magical houses and castles. And here is our building material (the teacher approaches the tables with sand, wooden cubes, coloring books.) The children themselves choose what they want to make a house from.

Children perform crafts to calm, relaxing music)

IN: Guys, let's tell you what kind of miracle palaces you got?

TO: Tell us what you made your castle from? It was difficult to? (conversation with children) Is there a tower in your castle? magic? (children's answers)

TO: What great fellows you are, you can do everything, you know everything, but I didn’t come to you empty-handed. Now I will show you one, the “Colored Soapy Water” trick (Carlson shows a transparent jar of soapy water, then inserts a straw and begins to slowly blow into it) Do you want me to teach you too? (children's answers). Just shhh, let's go to the glasses, there's enough for everyone here! (glasses with soapy colored water and straws have been prepared in advance). Children do group work, drawing with soap bubbles (newspaper) "Fun mood"

TO: what a great fellow, you guys turned out to be the real ones wizards!

Carlson: What should I tell your dads and moms today? What did you do today? Let us tell you what we did today. At the very beginning you tried to show that you...

And finally we...

Carlson: Children, on such a wonderful day when we met, I wish you all the most delicious, sweet, fun, eat sweets, cakes and jam every day.

Let me give you a ride in my transport now! Hold on to me tight! (to the sound of the engine, the children and Carlson go to group)

Publications on the topic:

Autumn is rich in its fruits, everyone is harvesting, and some people don’t even know what wonderful and interesting crafts can be made.

Program content: Purpose: To identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children received during the school year. Tasks:.

Abstract of the GCD “Droplet’s Magical Transformations” using elements of TRIZ technology (preparatory group) Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”. Tasks: 1. Clarify.

Abstract of the educational activity “Magic transformations” for the educational organization “Cognition” (first junior group) GOAL: Development of cognitive activity through joint play activities with elements of experimentation. OBJECTIVES: EDUCATIONAL:.

— consolidate children’s knowledge about counting within 5: quantitative, ordinal and backward counting;

- ability to correlate numbers 1-5 with the number of objects;

- compare groups of objects using the concepts of “more by 1, less by 1, equally”;

- consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes (flat and three-dimensional); the ability to compare objects by length, height, size, width; the ability to navigate in space (left, right, top, bottom); to designate parts of the day with words: morning, afternoon, evening, night; know the sequence of seasons.

- develop logical thinking, memory, concentration, fine motor skills.

- cultivate attention, activity in class, and interest in mathematics.

Materials: Pinocchio toy, cards with two stripes, object pictures depicting flowers and butterflies, 5 for each child; numbers 1-5; sets of geometric shapes; “Magic knapsack” with voluminous geometric shapes; piece of paper; presentation for the lesson; screen, projector.

Progress of classes in the middle group of kindergarten

Educator. — Children, today a guest came to our lesson.

He is cheerful and brave

Pierrot and Malvina are friends with him

But, unfortunately, he doesn’t like school

Wooden... (Pinocchio).

- Good afternoon guys! So I came to you again, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. The last time I visited was when the yellow leaves were already falling from the trees.

— Children, what time of year was it? (Autumn).

- And then it snowed, I was sledding with my friends and didn’t come to you.

- Children, when was this? (Winter).

- And then, finally, it became warm, it came... mmm, what’s it... I forgot.

Children: Spring! Yes, and I remembered that you invited me and so I came. Only I don’t want to study, I want to play!

- Very good, you came just in time, we will play different games throughout the lesson today.

- So, children, if it’s spring outside, then who came out of their hiding places? (Insects).

— Look at the screen (slide show)

1 slide “Insects” (“ladybug”, bee, Colorado potato beetle, mosquito, butterfly)

Didactic game “Count the insects”

(children count forward and backward, ordinal counting).

— Are all the insects depicted here useful?

- How many are useful? (3)

- How many are harmful? (2)

- Well done. What can you say about birds?

— Are they all returning from warmer climes together?

Slide 2 “Birds” (cuckoo, starling, swallow)

- Which of these birds returned first, which later and which was the last?

- Well done. We sit down at the tables. Next game.

Didactic game “In the clearing”

(comparing two sets)

On the children's tables there are cards with two stripes, pictures of flowers and butterflies, 5 pieces each.

— Imagine that you are in a clearing, flowers are blooming there. Place 5 flowers on the bottom strip; 4 butterflies have landed on them - place them on the top strip. Who is more, flowers

- Well done. Now lay out the number row from 1 to 5.

Didactic game “Count and show with numbers”

- How many carrots do the bunnies have?

- How many mushrooms does the squirrel have?

— How many spots do giraffes have?

- How many objects are there in the picture? (Teapots, cookies, blue sweets, cups and saucers).

Didactic game “Name the neighbors” (adjacent numbers)

Didactic game “Count the sounds”

(Pinocchio hits the rattle, stomps, claps).

Physical education minute

- Sit down on the mat and continue playing.

Slide 6 “Geometric shapes”

- Name the geometric shapes that are depicted.

Slide 7 “Form”

— What shape does each object resemble?

Pinocchio: And I want to play a game with you.

- Okay, we have a bag, you will hold it, and the children must guess what is there by touch.

Didactic game “Magic knapsack” (three-dimensional figures).

Pinocchio: And if I take a ball and a cube and throw them down the mountain, what will roll down first?

(Children justify their answer)

Slide 8 “Dimensions”

- Compare objects by length, height, size, width.

Slide 9 “Orientation in space”

—Which animals ride on the right and which on the left?

Pinocchio: Apparently they are traveling. I also love to travel, but my dream is to fly into space on a rocket to the moon.

- Pinocchio, our children will help you. We're going to play a game now

Didactic game "Journey into space."

(Children sit at tables)

— Children, you have sets of geometric shapes and a sheet of paper. Build a rocket in the center of the sheet.

— What geometric shapes did you use? (The body is 4 rectangles, the nose of the rocket and turbine are triangles, the windows are circles).

And now we are flying into space, we begin the countdown 5,4,3,2,1 - start.

“Now our rocket is rising higher and higher and our kindergarten already seems to us like a small rectangle. Place it in the lower right corner of the sheet, and our houses in a small square. Place the square in the lower left corner.

- We close our eyes and are already flying far in space, we see a yellow planet, this is... the Moon. Place a yellow circle in the upper right corner.

- So we are on the Moon. Through the porthole window, we see mountains, holes, everything is empty all around, there is no life on this planet. Only further away we see the Lunokhod exploring the planet. Can we exit the rocket without a spacesuit? Why? (There's no air there).

Pinocchio: It’s interesting here, unusual, but I already want to go back to our planet, where you can breathe freely and everything is beautiful and bright.

- So, let's go back. Through the porthole window I see a blue planet, what is it? … (Earth).

— Place a blue circle in the upper left corner. Now we are back.

Bottom line. Reflection

Did you enjoy the trip?

Pinocchio: Thank you, it was very interesting, but it’s time for me to go home, Malvina will worry. I left the house after I washed my face and had breakfast.

- Children, what part of the day was this? (In the morning).

Pinocchio: While I was playing with you here, I came... (Day).

- When I get home, it will start to get dark, and it will come... (Evening).

- And then you will have to go to bed, because it will come... (Night).

“I really liked your place and I will come to you again, only in the fall, because I have a vacation soon, I will swim and relax.” Because... (Summer) is coming.