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Teacher Education, Education and Educational Sciences (all levels). Higher education in the specialty "religious studies" - free for everyone September 1 courses in religious studies

For applicants to a second higher education - all information in one file.

Form of study- full-time, part-time and part-time.

Entrance tests— history interview (oral), specialty interview (oral), Russian language (essay).

50.200 – evening course / 3.5 years / semester
71.500 – full-time study / 4 years / semester

Curator second higher education - Shapovalova Elena Vladimirovna.

Documentation: a copy of the passport, a copy of the certificate (diploma) of education (notarized) or a certificate of education (admission is possible no earlier than the 2nd year of a bachelor’s degree or the 3rd year of a specialist’s degree).

Acceptance of documents— from 06/01/2018 to 08/15/2018 (full-time department), from 06/01/2018 to 09/20/2018 (evening department).

To enroll in the Center for the Study of Religions, please write a letter to: [email protected] marked “Applicant” - we will arrange a meeting and acceptance of your documents.

Educational information

During the training, students become familiar with the following issues: key problems of the theory and methodology of religious studies; the most important facts from the history of religion and methods of their interpretation; forms and types of religion; features of the functioning of religion in modern society; problems and methodology of dialogue between religious and secular worldviews. A graduate of the educational program can implement his knowledge in the following areas of professional activity: research institutes related to the study of religion; government institutions and public organizations responsible for maintaining and developing state-confessional relations; media covering religious issues; religious organizations.

Secondary higher education curriculum

Disciplines / Teachers

Special disciplines

  • Anthropology of religion (A.S. Agadzhanyan)
  • Archival research in religious studies (P.G. Chistyakov)
  • Introduction to religious studies (V.S. Razdyakonov)
  • Geography of religion (N.V. Shaburov)
  • History of religion (Agadzhanyan A.S., Babkina S.V., Greshnykh A.N., Malyshev B.A., Ryzhakova S.I., Shaburov N.V., Shmaina-Velikanova A.I.)
  • History of religion in Russia (I.V. Semenenko-Basin)
  • History of religious studies (Razdyakonov V.S.)
  • History of free thought (N.V. Shaburov)
  • Collective memory, trauma and religion (L.G. Zhukova)
  • Cult practices of world religions (L.G. Zhukova)
  • Methods of teaching religious studies (K.T. Sergazina)
  • Methods of religious studies (V.S. Razdyakonov)
  • Science and religion (V.S. Razdyakonov)
  • New religious movements (B.Z. Falikov)
  • Field research in religious studies (L.G. Zhukova)
  • Psychology of religion (N.L. Muskhelishvili)
  • Religious studies examination (L.G. Zhukova)
  • Religion in popular culture
  • Religion in the modern world (A.S. Agadzhanyan)
  • Religion and art (E.V. Shapovalova)
  • Freedom of conscience and confessional relations (N.V. Shaburov)
  • Sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions (N.M. Kireeva, L.G. Zhukova, S.V. Babkina)
  • Sociology of religion (A.S. Agadzhanyan)
  • Philosophy of religion (M.A. Pylaev)

Courses of students' choice

  • Archival sources on the history of religion in Russia (P.G. Chistyakov)
  • Biblical archeology (N.M. Kireeva)
  • Introduction to reading Hermetic texts (N.V. Shaburov)
  • Introduction to reading Gnostic texts (N.V. Shaburov)
  • Gender issues in Abrahamic religions (L. G. Zhukova)
  • Ancient Greek language (R.N. Zlatinsky)
  • Spiritual Christianity and subbotniks (L.G. Zhukova)
  • John's Corps (A.I. Shmaina-Velikanova)
  • History of ancient eastern churches (N.V. Shaburov)
  • History and archeology of the Temple Mount (S.V. Babkina)
  • History of religious conflicts in Europe (E.V. Shapovalova)
  • History of Russian Orthodoxy in the 20th century (P.G. Chistyakov)
  • Judaism of the Second Temple era: main movements, texts, topoi (N.M. Kireeva)
  • The category of holiness in Russian culture (I.V. Semenenko-Basin)
  • Latin language (R.N. Zlatinsky)
  • Mediumship as a historical and cultural phenomenon (V.S. Razdyakonov)
  • Between Judaism and Christianity: apostates, heretics and sectarians (L.G. Zhukova)
  • Early Jewish mysticism (I-V centuries AD) (A.I. Shmaina-Velikanova)
  • Religions of the peoples of the Caucasus (N.V. Shaburov, A.S. Agadzhanyan)
  • Religion and cinema (N.V. Shaburov)
  • “Rational” religions of the New Age (V.S. Razdyakonov)
  • The Russian Church in the public sphere (K.T. Sergazina)
  • The sacred and the profane in everyday culture (P.G. Chistyakov)
  • Freethinking in European literature of the 18th-20th centuries. (N.V. Shaburov)
  • Seminar on Christian theology (M.A. Pylaev)
  • Modern theories of religion (A.S. Agadzhanyan)
  • Modern spiritualism: history, teaching, practice (V.S. Razdyakonov)
  • Social construction of beliefs (A.A. Ignatiev)
  • Tectological seminar on the philosophy of religion (M.A. Pylaev)
  • Textual seminar on the history of religion
  • Khlysty in Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. (K.T. Sergazina)
  • Ethno-confessional diasporas in the past and present (N.M. Kireeva)
  • Eschatology and cosmology (A.S. Agadzhanyan)

General disciplines

  • Life safety
  • General history
  • Foreign language
  • Information heuristics
  • History and theory of world culture
  • Russian history
  • History of philosophy
  • Fundamentals of legal knowledge
  • Basics of tolerance
  • pedagogy and psychology
  • Russian language and culture of speech
  • Physical Culture
  • Philosophy
  • Economy

Educational and introductory practice (visiting religious communities in Moscow):

  • Church of the Holy Martyrs Cosmas and Damian
  • Moscow Cathedral Mosque
  • Moscow Choral Synagogue
  • Synagogue on Malaya Bronnaya
  • Roman Catholic Church of Saint Louis
  • Community of Franciscan friars - Friars Minor Conventual
  • Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy
  • Community of the Armenian Apostolic Church
  • Community of the Assyrian Church of the East
  • Communities of the Pomeranian Consent and Christian Old Believers of the Fedoseyev Consent
  • Community of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria
  • Community of the Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists
  • Seventh-day Adventist Community
  • Temple of the Moscow Society for Krishna Consciousness

Directions of research activities

First of all, constant scientific activity is carried out at all departments Faculty of Theology: biblical studies, systematic theology and patrolology, general and Russian church history, and canon law, practical theology, philosophy of religion and religious aspects of culture, philosophy, ancient languages ​​and ancient Christian writing, Eastern Christian philology and the Eastern Churches, foreign languages.

Also at the Faculty of Theology, within the framework of the “Theology” direction, there are two research centers:

Operating since 1992 Research Department of Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church(Head of the department, Rector of PSTGU, Professor Archpriest Vladimir Vorobyov, Deputy Head - Priest Alexander Mazyrin, Doctor of Church History, Candidate of Historical Sciences). On the basis of the department, one of the largest sections of the Annual Theological Conference of PSTGU is held, and the II series of the PSTGU Bulletin (“History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church”) is published.

The goals of the department are:

Studying archival and published documents and other sources in order to create a holistic picture of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 19th–20th centuries based on the methodological principles and approaches to the study of sources developed by the department. Conducting theoretical research in the field of history of the Russian Orthodox Church with the involvement of knowledge from other disciplines: theology, Russian history, archival studies, legal sciences, textual criticism, etc.

Writing monographs and articles on the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church, participating in scientific conferences. Preparation of scientific editions of documents on the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church, including in cooperation with other organizations.

Formation of our own archive of documents of the Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Preparation of the publication of “PSTGU Bulletin”, series II: “History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church."

Organization of the work of the section “Current problems of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church in the twentieth century” of the annual Theological Conference of PSTGU, as well as other conferences of PSTGU on the profile of the Department.

Cooperation with state, departmental and private archives to identify documents in their funds that are related to the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Collaboration with the Department of Informatics of PSTGU in work on the database “Those who suffered for Christ.”

Promoting the educational process at the Department of History of the Russian Church, consulting and scientific supervision of student and postgraduate work, attracting undergraduate and graduate students to research conducted by the Department.

Formation of a scientific church-historical library, work on a bibliographic database on the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2010, the Faculty of Theology established Research Center for the History of Theology and Theological Education(head of the center Natalya Yuryevna Sukhova, Doctor of Church History, Doctor of Historical Sciences). The activities of the Center cover the most important issues in the history of church theology, the history and current state of theological education and the methodology of theology.

The purpose of the Center for the History of Theology and Theological Education is to study the historical, methodological and general theoretical aspects of theological science and theological education, their traditions and prospects.

At the same time, the leadership of the Center, on the one hand, relies on the scientific directions already established at the Faculty of Theology. This determined the main projects with which the Center began its work: “Scientific activities of Orthodox theological academies in Russia (XIX - early XX centuries)”, “History of higher theological education in Russia (XIX - early XX centuries)”, “Current state of Catholic theological education", "Philaret's project", "Russian theology of the 17th–18th centuries", "Theology and pastoral ministry in the Russian Orthodox Church (second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries." In the future it is planned, with the help of already established scientific connections and attracting specialists, expanding the chronological, geographical and confessional boundaries of research. Of great importance in the Center’s research is the connection of theology with other areas of knowledge, on the one hand, theology with various aspects of pastoral ministry, on the other. Particular attention will be paid to the identification and use of methodology based on the achievements of the domestic and world tradition of theological research.

On the other hand, the Center is aware of its immediate responsibility to contribute to the solution of current problems arising in the scientific and educational activities of the Faculty of Theology. Therefore, the topics of specific research within each project are determined taking into account these problems. Based on these considerations, the Center also poses a church-practical task: determining the place, tasks, “key” problems and prospects of theological science and theological education in modern conditions. But the solution to this problem should be based on the study of historical experience, understanding of tradition and corresponding theoretical generalizations, conclusions, and constructions.

The same responsibility prompts the Center to expand the range of labor-intensive, but necessary for further scientific projects: publication of sources, compilation of chronicles, bibliographies, historiographical and source studies reviews, creation of electronic databases. It is planned to post documents, analytical notes, articles and reports on the Center’s website, which will allow a wider range of active scientists and students to get involved in research on the Center’s topics.

Scientific schools

  • Recent history of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • History of theology and theological education

Results of research activities

Reports on the scientific work of the faculty:

List of monographs prepared by employees of the Research Institute of the Russian Orthodox Church:

List of articles prepared by employees of the Research Institute of the Russian Orthodox Church:

Database page for new martyrs and confessors:

Results of the scientific work of CIBIBO:

Activities carried out as part of research activities

An important form of scientific work of the Theological Faculty is the Annual Theological Conference - one of the largest scientific theological forums in Russia. The conference is held under the auspices of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church. Over the years, the Conference has become a platform where, through the joint efforts of representatives of church and academic science, a wide range of scientific problems in the field of theology and related humanities are discussed. The conference annually brings together leading scientists from theological and secular schools, academic institutions of Russia, countries near and far abroad.

The scientific activities of the Faculty of Theology involve regular interaction with church Synodal structures. Thus, the faculty invariably participates in the work of the Biblical-Theological Commission under the Holy Synod (until 2009 - the Theological and Biblical Commissions). Representatives of the Theological Faculty make presentations at International Theological Conferences of the Russian Orthodox Church, held since 2000.

The faculty - primarily the Department of Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church - works closely with the Commission for the Canonization of Saints.

Members of the Theological Faculty Corporation participate in the development of the educational concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, carried out by the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod. In addition, the faculty's scientific activities are connected with the faculty's contacts with the Publishing Council, as well as the Missionary Department and the Department for Church Charity and Social Service at the Synod.

The Faculty of Theology has extensive scientific connections, including active international activities.

Faculty teachers actively participate in external conferences, national and international, held in Russia and abroad. Foreign internships and business trips of teachers, graduate students and students to scientific and educational centers in Germany, Italy, France, Greece, the USA and other countries have become an effective form of raising the scientific level and implementing specific projects.

A successful form of scientific work has been the invitation of leading scientists - theologians, philosophers - to guest lectures, which are accompanied by discussions of key scientific problems by invited scientists, teachers and students of the Faculty of Theology. Contacts with foreign scientists stimulate the development of a scientific Orthodox position on specific problems of theology.

To protect you, we let's share 2 key secrets when choosing an institute:

If you have chosen for myself remote form training, look for institutes, which specialize STRICTLY in it. An institute that receives its main profit from full-time education will not economically pay as much attention to the quality of distance education. Key business activities take up key resources and attention - fact!

When choosing an institute, look for a balance between the number of real hours that will be given to you and their profitability for the institute. You don’t buy smartphones for 3 thousand rubles, do you? How to evaluate quality through the cost of a course? Just take 3 steps.

Let’s say Institute “A” sells you a six-month course of 512 hours for 10 thousand rubles.

Step 1. Subtract minimum 50% for profit and overhead costs, leaving 5 tr. at cost, most of which will go to salaries for teachers conducting webinars.

Step 2. Find out how many webinars will there be and how long will they be?. Let’s say in 6 months there will be 12 webinars of 1 hour each. In total, the institute will spend 12*1=12 hours on you! out of 512h. programs.

Step 3.1. Compare courses at different institutions based on the ratio of actual webinar hours to total program hours. Those. 12*1/512. Where that attitude is more, they will personally pay attention to your training more attention!

Step 3.2. Compare the profitability of an hour of webinar based on the fact that on average there are 10 listeners. 5 tr.*10 people/12 hours = 4.2 tr. The teacher will earn per hour. Average market cost of an hour Ph.D. in Moscow is about 1500 rubles, but not 3 times more.

Conclusion - Institute “A”, dumping on price, receives excess profits from students who were attracted by the low price, providing them with a minimum amount of real teaching time. Do you need this? When choosing an institute, look for a balance between the number of real hours that will be given to you and their profitability for the institute.