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The period of Venus retrograde in a year.

A difficult year awaits us!

There will be 7 retrograde planets in 2016. Mercury will be RETROGRADE as many as 4 times.

The sages warn that everything that is done during this period will be done incorrectly. You cannot get divorced, married, separated, buy anything large (especially transport), sign important documents, or travel.

There will be breakdowns in negotiations and cancellation of agreements.

Business activity will recover after Mercury stops its RETROGRADE movement and becomes direct again.

What can you do???

Finish things you started. Review what has been done previously.

Get your car repaired.

At this time, there is a high probability of meeting old acquaintances. People who have long disappeared from your life may call you.

PERIOD - RETROGRADE MERCURY- this is the time to incubate and think about ideas. And you will implement it already on direct Mercury))))

Mercury retrograde in 2016 will be:

3. August 30 to September 22. ATTENTION TO PARENTS OF FIRST GRADER CHILDREN!!! Leave the children at home on September 1st. Your children will not lose anything if they are not present at the CELEBRATIONAL assembly. If they arrive on September 2, then the entire period of schooling will go well.

Retrograde Mars - be careful!

The retrograde period of Mars is 2.5 months and occurs once every 2 years.

At this time, a person confuses his ideas about how and where he should apply his strength, how to use energy. Old conflicts often flare up again, but the side that started the war when Mars is retrograde usually loses.

It is also necessary to maintain increased personal safety: people become very hot-tempered, irritated, nothing goes as smoothly as before. Anger sometimes becomes misplaced and leads to new problems.

During Mars retrograde, many may feel drained of vitality.

During this two-month period it is better not to start anything. The one who initiates loses.

They say that during the period of Mars retrograde it is impossible to meet your soulmate. Previous partners may also appear: in this case, it is worth following the proverb “don’t get into the same rake twice.”

Mars is responsible for any wounds, cuts, operations, weapons, accidents and accidents. Retrograde Mars increases the number of accidents. It is not recommended to purchase weapons, protective equipment, cars, or any mechanisms. It is extremely unfavorable to undergo planned operations.

People in “dangerous professions” (EMERCOM, military, police) are advised to go on vacation and not act as a hero at work.

During this cycle, it is better not to buy anything mechanical: various equipment breaks down more often, accidents occur, car breakdowns (brakes) and computers occur. Purchases must be guaranteed and insured.

Analysis of actions for errors. Think about it several times before acting.

Take full responsibility for your life, do not blame others for your problems.

Don't be a hero.

Don't start new things.

Avoid surgeries and any interventions in the body.

Don’t overexert yourself; you risk wasting a lot of energy in vain.

Be careful, fast on Tuesdays, and eat hot and spicy foods.

In 2016 (from April 18 to June 29), Mars retrograde will pass through the sign of Libra. This is the weakest position for the planet Mars - in exile in Libra - therefore our business activity and our strength (including physical) can be significantly weakened.
Any new projects during the influence of retrograde Mars will not be implemented: it freezes everything that should develop and move forward. It is highly undesirable to start a project that involves significant energy expenditure: there are many chances to make mistakes in the balance of power.


Jupiter retrograde is a great time to:

Complete education interrupted earlier, resume studying foreign language, started before.

Take a trip that you have postponed in the past, travel for spiritual, educational or cultural purposes.

Restore long ago lost friendship or past relationships.

Reconsider or clarify your views on life.

Negative influences can also manifest themselves. At this time, the speed of progress in government agencies decreases; an old question or problem may come to mind again. During this time, some people may notice delays or confusion in matters related to Jupiter's spheres of influence: social projects, education, legal issues, etc.

Retrograde Jupiter encourages a person to be guided by his own internal laws and principles, and not by the rules established by society. It is not recommended to criticize, judge others and impose your vision of life on them.


When Uranus goes retrograde, the potential for change brought about by its lightning-like energy increases. If you yourself want changes that you have been putting off for some reason, you need to overcome fear, rely on the support of Uranus and act. Or simply let the planetary energies do their work.

This is the most best time for self-expression, a rich source of new ideas and experiments. Uranus retrograde awakens the need to destroy existing traditions; enhances a person’s desire to be different, to be one and only.

This period is ideal for use creative potential, ingenuity and originality. Recommended qualities for success: originality and lack of stereotypes in any business.

Retrograde Uranus:


During this period, the border between reality and illusions becomes barely distinguishable, and any intention can be realized. You can dream and fantasize, not forgetting that in order to realize your fantasies, you still need a material and physical basis as an impulse for implementation. You can write down your dreams and plans in your personal diary. For better implementation, it is recommended to describe dreams as already existing.

However, Neptune, known in astrology as the planet of fantasy and daydreaming, during its retrograde movement shows us that not everything is so rosy. This is a good time to combine your fantasies and a realistic outlook on life, re-evaluate your ideals and take a closer look at your surroundings.


Pluto retrograde is a period of cleansing. Searching for the truth within yourself can be relentless.

The retro planet deprives you of support in life and tests your ability to be true to your destiny.

Reactionary Pluto disorients through loss or emptiness in the soul. The best time for a leisurely analysis of your life, freeing yourself from unnecessary things.

During Pluto's retrograde period, you may feel the urge to exhibit a more rigid style of behavior than usual.

Retrograde Pluto:


Saturn is in retrograde for about 4.5 months.

This is a time of delay and inhibition in the development of events, a time of delay and disruption of plans. External circumstances offer a large amount of work. Often there is a need to spend extra time on ordinary things. The lack of time and the inability to complete things on time are frustrating.

It is recommended to relax during this period and simply expect progress: persistent desire to solve problems will increase their number. This internal state will allow you to remain calm and manage your time correctly.

Self-discipline and systematic thinking will help you successfully solve emerging problems. It is advisable to use the time of Saturn retrograde to consolidate and comprehend the results of long-standing work.

In astrology, Saturn is known as the "planet of karma." He, like a strict overseer, forces us to patiently and humbly bear our burden, according to his charter. Direct Saturn imposes rules on us that we must follow. However, during Saturn retrograde, we are forced to look for support within ourselves and develop our own rules. We can gain much more valuable experience during this time. But, unfortunately, this experience often comes as a result of one’s own mistakes. Such is the character of Saturn.

Retrograde Saturn:

During periods of retrograde, long-pending matters are often launched, which various reasons were put off and not resolved. At this time, there is a return to solving old problems and issues. The event itself may not occur directly on the loop, but it is formed on the loop and takes place after the retrograde phase. Under such conditions, this is the “safest” scenario for resolving issues and developing the situation.

Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls for ways to solve it - during a retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that the same area (3).

When inner planets– Mercury and Venusbecome retrograde, they begin to connect with the Sun. The conjunction of retrograde Mercury or Venus with the Sun is an “inferior conjunction” - NS. Ethen the symbolic new moon, the beginning of their cycles with the Sun - the time of awareness of ongoing events on the topic of the planet, one’s behavior, one’s mental and communicativeapproaches (Mercury), or your own emotional reactions, values ​​and affections (Venus). If during this period there are repetitions of already former troubles, it is necessary to think about their cause, and at the point of “lower connection” the answer will come, it will open new way solving problems on the topic of the planet, which we can use in the future. At the stage from the “lower connection” to the return to directivity (SD), all efforts must be directed to resolving old matters, repaying debts, and putting an end to lingering problems. The next stage of the retro loop - from the beginning of directness to exiting the loop - at this time there is a set of potential, preparation for new steps, thinking about new ideas according to Mercury or awareness of emotionalpreferences, values ​​and ways to achieve inner harmony, ethical principles according to Venus. At this stage, unresolved problems need to be completed, relationships that need to be ended,since unresolved problems and deficiencies will move into the next cycle. The conjunction of the Sun with direct Mercury or Venus is the “upper conjunction” - BC - the symbolic full moon of the cycle.
When the outer planets - Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto become retrograde, they begin to oppose the Sun. The planet's opposition to the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of their cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. The sun - “consciousness, individuality” and the principle of the planet, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This is the culmination of the cycle of the planet and the Sun, and the culmination of themes and situations of this cycle, a period of awareness of non-constructive approaches, revision and identification of new approaches. This period provides an opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of implementing the planet principle must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

During retro periods, repetition of the action may be successful. For example, a couple had a fictitious divorce and their own remarriage they concluded on retro-Mercury. Since then, they have been living in a strong marriage for 19 years.

> > > Mercury

The first planet from the Sun rules intellectual abilities and communication skills. Therefore, it is directly related to business and commercial activities. When Mercury goes retrograde, people face communication problems. Certain difficulties arise in speaking and writing letters. But at the same time, people develop extraordinary thinking that can overturn traditional foundations. This can be considered a positive consequence.

When Mercury begins to move backward, a person begins to pay great attention to acquiring knowledge, this becomes his main goal. Excessive interest in new information contributes to intellectual fatigue and pride in achievements made in front of other people. However, there is also a positive side to retrograde, which consists in increasing the speed of decision-making and the manifestation of intuition. This allows you to achieve advantages in everyday life.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2016

The influence of Mercury retrograde on personality in 2016

From 5 to 13 January Mercury retrograde begins to move through the sign of Capricorn. In astrological science it is believed that this sign has the earthly element and gives a person determination. It also promotes a reasonable attitude towards time. However, Mercury retrograde introduces a certain instability, preventing you from fully using the opportunities that open up. You need to be wary of financial matters, as they can turn into failure.

From January 14 to 25, the planet will pass through the sign of Sagittarius. Mostly beneficial effects will be observed. The personality will stop being distracted by everyday problems, and will begin to be interested in more lofty goals. There may be a desire to receive new information or travel. However, it is also recommended to exercise caution here, since wasted energy may go into useless actions. Communication difficulties are also likely to occur.

From April 28 to May 21, Mercury will enter the sign of Aries. A person's speed of thinking and decision-making may increase. To top it off, an unhealthy attraction to gambling will appear, which poses a danger to your personal budget. It is recommended to carefully consider your actions in order to avoid irreparable mistakes. Also, do not rush to realize your desires. To do this, you should constantly analyze your behavior and make adjustments to it.

  • from April 28 to May 22,
  • from August 30 to September 22,
  • from December 19 to January 8, 2017.

Mercury is responsible for mental work, as well as information. During the retrograde period of the planet, you should not start new businesses, enter into contracts, or make serious purchases. You should also wait a little while making decisions. It is not recommended to take a job new job. New acquaintances - both friendly and business - may not last long.

During the retrograde period, it makes sense to complete all things. Understand the documents, meet old friends. Vulnerable in terms of health respiratory system, shoulder girdle, arms, intestines. It makes sense to go on a diet. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases. Treatment for a cold may take longer.

Retrograde Mars

Mars is an active planet that encourages action. Moreover, it is associated with injuries, aggressive behavior, and physical stress.

It is also necessary to maintain increased personal safety: people become very hot-tempered, irritated, nothing goes as smoothly as before. Anger sometimes becomes misplaced and leads to new problems. Old conflicts often flare up again, but the side that started the war when Mars is retrograde usually loses.

During Mars retrograde, many may feel drained of vitality. During this two-month period it is better not to start anything. The one who initiates loses.

Mars is responsible for any wounds, cuts, operations, weapons, accidents and accidents. Retrograde Mars increases the number of accidents. It is not recommended to purchase weapons, protective equipment, cars, or any mechanisms. It is extremely unfavorable to undergo planned operations. People in “dangerous professions” (EMERCOM, military, police) are advised to go on vacation and not act as a hero at work.

During this cycle, it is better not to buy anything mechanical: various equipment breaks down more often, accidents occur, car breakdowns (brakes) and computers occur. Purchases must be guaranteed and insured.

With direct Mars, new paths open up for us to move towards our goals.

Venus retrograde

There is no Venus retrograde in 2016.

Retrograde Jupiter

Jupiter influences the social sphere of life and is responsible for our self-esteem.

During the period of Jupiter retrograde, a person may become overly arrogant. There is a desire for unnecessary spending and luxury. Jupiter's turn to retrograde entails a sharp change in priorities, a turn to inner life, and interest in mystical and religious topics.

At this time, you should not abuse alcohol or eat food of questionable quality - the liver and stomach may not be able to cope with the load. Recreation in nature and full-fledged sanatorium treatment are more useful than ever.

Jupiter's direct turn ensures public recognition. Confidence in your own abilities appears, self-esteem jumps sharply. The need for numerous contacts increases, and acquaintances are easily established - both personal and professional.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn is associated with the legislative, political, administrative and economic spheres. His movement concerns management, personnel services, security structures, and transport enterprises.

During the period of Saturn retrograde, you need to study documents more carefully. It is undesirable to start a new project, buy real estate, or quit your job. After Saturn's turn decisions made may become invalid. Be prepared to change plans and look for new ways to achieve your goal.

It is wise to continue the work you have started, take your job responsibilities responsibly, and avoid time pressure.

From a health point of view, it is worth paying attention to the joints and skeletal system. Try not to overwork, avoid drafts. Special attention to allergy sufferers. If an exacerbation occurs, treatment may be delayed.

After Saturn's reversal, focus on work - getting into a constructive direction is not easy, but once you do it, you will achieve a lot.

Retrograde Uranus

Uranus is associated with high technology, scientific work. During its retrograde movement, unexpected turns in life are likely.

This period is ideal for harnessing creativity, ingenuity and originality. Recommended qualities for success: originality and lack of stereotypes in any business.

At this time, be prepared for all sorts of technical failures. The decisions you make during Uranus retro will go against logic, but life will show how right you are. The consequences of the influence of Uranus are not always predictable - everything happens instantly.

During the retrograde period, carefully consider every step you take. After the reversal of Uranus, a change in direction of activity, profession, or views is possible. You can quit your job.

Increased exposure to humans is caused by electricity and electromagnetic radiation. You need to be careful with electrical appliances.

Possible surges in blood pressure, vascular spasms, and headaches.

Retrograde Neptune

Neptune is the planet of intuition, illusions, fantasies and dreams. These are our dreams, the dream world, music.

During this period, the border between reality and illusions becomes barely distinguishable, and any intention can be realized. You can dream and fantasize, not forgetting that in order to realize your fantasies, you still need a material and physical basis as an impulse for implementation. You can write down your dreams and plans in your personal diary. For better implementation, it is recommended to describe dreams as already existing.

However, Neptune, known in astrology as the planet of fantasy and daydreaming, during its retrograde movement shows us that not everything is so rosy. This is a good time to combine your fantasies and a realistic outlook on life, reevaluate your ideals and take a closer look at your surroundings.

During Neptune retrograde, we are easily deceived. The danger of being drawn into a sect or criminal group increases. At this time, you should not believe promises.

Do not fall into despair in your feelings - when Neptune moves forward again, you will understand that not everything is as bad as you thought.

Alcohol is dangerous, and the effects of other liquids are strong. Do not overdose on medications, reduce the dose if possible.

After Neptune's reversal, interest in creativity increases, and a desire to do something with your own hands appears.

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto is associated with collective consciousness and power structures.

During Pluto retrograde, you may feel underappreciated and everyone is against you.

You should calmly do what you love. If you are wasting your time on something you don't like, stop it. Pluto at this moment pushes us to make drastic changes and does not allow us to stay in place for a long time.

Don't dwell on the past. Get rid of everything unnecessary. This applies to old things and relationships that have long since become obsolete. Pluto retrograde is a period of cleansing. Searching for the truth within yourself can be relentless. The retro planet deprives you of support in life and tests your ability to be true to your destiny. Reactionary Pluto disorients through loss or emptiness in the soul. But this is the best time for a leisurely analysis of your life, freeing yourself from unnecessary things.

During Pluto's retrograde period, you may feel the urge to exhibit a more rigid style of behavior than usual.

Ailments are now treated using gentle methods, preferably non-drug ones.

Pluto's reversal empowers inner strength. Interest in psychology and occult sciences arises.

This article could be called "Mistakes Made" since forgetfulness, confusion of thoughts and, as a result, errors are a characteristic feature of periods when Mercury moves in the opposite direction relative to an observer from Earth. When planning your activities, you should definitely take into account the retrograde of Mercury, as this will help save your time and money.

When a planet goes retrograde, its influence changes. Mercury is the planet responsible for communications, communication, mediation, information transfer, commerce, transactions, it is also associated with thinking and on the physical level - with hands. Therefore, when moving into retrograde movement, all these spheres come under attack.

Mercury retrograde occurs on average three times a year.

Periods Mercury retrograde in 2016:

  • January 5 - January 26;
  • April 28 - May 22;
  • August 30 - September 22;
  • December 19 - January 8, 2017.

Important! 7 ways to avoid failure

The negative aspects that Mercury retrograde presents include delays and procrastination in all areas for which it is responsible.

In addition to errors and confusion in thinking, expect the loss of letters, or confusion with documents, difficulties in their preparation. There may be delays in payments, late meetings, breakdowns in negotiations.

During this period, any delay in payments may backfire, as creditors are not asleep.

If possible, postpone or plan long-distance trips more carefully; obstacles and vehicle breakdowns may occur.

7 ways to avoid failures during the retro-Mercury period:

  • Do not purchase complex equipment (tablets, smartphones, laptops and netbooks, computers; cars, means of production);
  • Do not make large and significant purchases (later you may find that you bought the wrong thing, or there are hidden defects, or are not needed, or you will simply be disappointed);
  • Do not conclude significant contracts, start new ones significant projects, open a business (there is a high probability of mistakes);
  • Do not move from one place to another, start a new job or sign employment contract and go to work for the first time (subsequently additional information will be revealed, which may be significant);
  • Do not register a marriage or sign a marriage contract;
  • Do not start training courses;
  • Do not perform planned operations, since Mercury on the physical plane is responsible for the hands, actions with the hands, therefore, there may be mistakes, repeated intervention and alteration will be required.

During the period of Mercury retrograde, you should more carefully check any documents submitted for verification (control, scientific works, manuscripts), since the likelihood of errors and document return increases.

If something doesn’t go well, things don’t move forward, there are problems here and there, in your personal life, in your work, in your attitude... How to find something that will become a lever for change, that same assemblage point?

What is favorable to do during the retro-Mercury period?

In order for things to go smoothly, it is advisable not to rush and check everything carefully.

Favorable during the retro-Mercury period:

  • Review, correct what was done previously;
  • Repair cars, equipment, furniture;
  • Clean up your wardrobe;
  • Send items for dry cleaning or restoration;
  • Change your image and improve your individual style;
  • Refuse unproductive relationships, end relationships that have outlived their usefulness;
  • Understand documents, papers, put things in order;
  • Get rid of trash;
  • Finish things started;
  • Write down ideas and ideas that come to mind, nurture and think about them;
  • Repeat and work through the material covered (for students);
  • Meet old friends, acquaintances (meeting classmates, classmates).

The period of Mercury retrograde is very favorable for better understanding yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and understanding your purpose.

If something was not successful in the past, during the period of Mercury retrograde it is worth returning to it and trying again, but it is recommended to consolidate (formalize) the achieved result already during the direct movement of Mercury.