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Why did Japan make a breakthrough in technology? Modern Japanese army - orientalist - livejournal Modern Japanese technology.

Japanese digital technology is the best in the world

For the past three decades, American, Korean and Japanese digital technology makers have been locked in desperate battles to figure out which one produces the higher quality products. And according to many experts, the Japanese are the winners in this amazing battle.

Several facts support this. At the moment, the fujitsu siemens laptop battery is the only rechargeable device in the world that can work without additional charging for as long as 28 hours! This is an absolute record that neither the Koreans nor the Americans managed to break.

High safety performance

Moreover, it was the Japanese who were able to prove to the whole world that they produce the most reliable and safest equipment in terms of performance characteristics. It is produced with the most reliable polyurethane insulation, blocking any electrical impulses. And even if online...

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The truth about Japanese cars!

Right-hand drive Japanese cars are the most technically advanced cars. The point here is not in the most advanced developments (here we must pay tribute to European manufacturers), but in...

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It was in September that the first tank was born. The very first representative of self-propelled military equipment was significantly different from modern monsters. But it is thanks to him that the world tank industry today produces top-class death machines.

Humanity is constantly improving its ability to kill /

In 1915, Britain, France and Russia simultaneously came to the conclusion that their military industry needed fundamentally new military equipment. Therefore, scientists from all over the world began designing fundamentally new weapons. The British were the first to achieve the result by building the Mark I, a heavy tank that became a thunderstorm in the First World War. The technique was first used on September 15, 1916 at the Battle of the Somme. Therefore, there is an excellent reason to once again run into the pub and drink to the birthday of the first tank.

The British were the first to think of building a heavy tank /

Men's online magazine MPORT will quench your thirst for knowledge about the coolest...

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Some of my readers are waiting for the continuation of the banquet of history with politics in Russia, but for the sake of fairness I will pause and talk about what was happening in Japan and in the world.

Let's start again from the beginning.
I wrote that the Japanese attack was sudden, and the declaration of war followed it. In fact, there was a nuance to this story. The fact is that a telegram from the Russian government (negotiations were underway) was sent to Tokyo on February 5th. However, this telegram somehow went cunningly: Baron Rosen, the Russian envoy to Japan, received it only on February 7 (she stayed in Nagasaki for at least a day). And the baron received them after the announcement of the severance of diplomatic relations. This is not a war yet, but there was nothing to talk about, and blaming Japan for an attack in peacetime was also the same.
I already spoke about the fact that the war was prepared in advance in my first posts. But now a little more detail.
The main support for Japan came from the USA and England. The short story goes something like this:
In January 1904, the Minister of War arrived in Japan...

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In this guide, we would like to tell World of Tanks beginners which tanks are best to upgrade first. First, you should figure out which fighting style you prefer: attacking, defensive, mixed, reconnaissance or support style.
Since for each of these styles there is both its own technique and certain tactics of the game. The first thing to note is that each car has its own characteristics, so each of them is good in its own way.

For example, if you want to constantly attack, then it will undoubtedly be best for you to upgrade heavy USSR tanks through the IS7 branch, since this vehicle is one of the best attacking tanks in the game. As an alternative to IS7, you can upgrade to the French AMX50B heavy tank, which can inflict high damage on the enemy over a certain period of time. If you wish, you can try to upgrade medium tanks, here the best representatives are considered to be Bat Chat and T62A.

If you are passionate about playing as a reconnaissance tank, then there is no task for this...

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Dear Aksenych, you are absolutely right, although you described the difference between DIN and SAE correctly.

JIS removes power WITHOUT an exhaust system, WITHOUT attachments. That’s why the performance is so vigorous. For example, I’ll give a Mazda Millenia with a KZ-FE engine, the Japanese bravos claim 200, American fans took 215 for a 100 benz without body kits, and in Europe - an honest 167 horses and Xedos 9. The first generation Ipsum in Europe was sold with 118 -120 horses, and in In Japan, the power of 3S-FE mysteriously reached Sotonin's 140.

It was the scandals of consumers regarding Japanese cheaters that led to the fact that the recalculation began to be carried out taking into account not SAE, as in the promised land, or JIS, as in the homeland (Primorsk customs and tax authorities are very pleased with the presence of the JIS standard - taxes are calculated in the Russian Federation based on power ) and DIN, as is customary in Europe and the Russian Federation,

For those who are not connoisseurs of Gurman 2020 - before you try to sparkle with wit, first study the subject. Take an interest in the differences between SAE, JIS and DIN, then stop lying about...

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Development of armored forces in Japan

On November 25, 1936, Imperial Japan and Hitler's Germany signed the Anti-Comintern Pact. A year later, in 1937, Fascist Italy joined the agreement. The coalition of the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis began dividing spheres of influence. Japan, which had long dreamed of power over “Greater East Asia” and had already managed to capture Manchuria by that time, turned out to be the most ready of its allies for large-scale military action. In 1937, Japan launched an invasion of China. And it is no coincidence that it was this year that the first tank was created in the land of the rising sun, which was assigned the role of the main strike weapon of the Japanese ground forces.

Japan was not at all as “tankless” as many people believe. In fact, the Japanese armored forces had a wide range of different armored vehicles - tanks, wedges, and so on. Also, many consider Japanese armored vehicles to be “frivolous”, much inferior to German or Soviet tanks. Here...

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Japanese technology creates the strongest, largest... and smallest products in the world

Products of Japanese industry are recognized by many as not only the highest quality, but also the most accurate in the world. When describing some of them, you can use other superlative words - the largest, the smallest, the most durable. Let's take a look at a few Japanese high-tech products that are amazing people all over the world.

Zylon, the strongest thread in the world. The strongest thread in the world Toyobo Company Limited

Zylon®, the world's strongest thread, goes against almost everything we know about threads and fabrics. Zylon is made by mixing a polymer called PBO (paraphenylene benzobisoxazole) and forcing it through a spinning machine. Due to its chemical structure, PBO is difficult to process, but Toyobo Company, Limited, a major manufacturer of chemical fibers, has managed to produce this “super fiber.” The tensile strength of zylon is approximately...

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Japanese-made diesel engines are quite diverse in design and interesting in technological and technical solutions. You can even say that Japanese technology has its own “style”, which distinguishes it from competitors from other countries. I would really like to note that Japanese engines have smaller safety margins for certain parts. But “smaller” does not mean at all that they are “insufficient”. In fact, diesel engines of Japanese cars are technically more advanced than their counterparts; they are more rationally designed and in operation show a high service life and reliability. True, it happens that they fall into inept hands, in which case they often fail. However, as everyone knows, unskilled hands are evil even for their owner. At the same time, strange as it may seem, Japanese engineers are very conservative in the design solutions of diesel engines. For example, some diesel engine models have been produced for 20 or even more years...

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Is it true that Japanese CDs are always better?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered in a nutshell (“Leave me alone, I’m busy!”). Therefore, let’s approach its lighting structurally.

1. Genetic memory of generations

The triumphant march of Japanese editions around the world began back in the vinyl era. They were able to truly distinguish themselves at the turn of the 70s and 80s - the cunning Japanese began to reissue the most popular albums, dotting them with colorful and epilepsy-inducing stickers “printed using the latest most progressive technology Super Mega de Lux Hallelujah.” The name of a new revolutionary technology was invented every six months so that collectors would not get bored. Audiophile labels added fuel to the fire - in particular, the American artel Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab stamped its exclusive editions overseas, in Japan. I think this was due to the presence at the island factories of more modern equipment for cutting dies from the master.

Along the way, the Japanese (who...

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The truth about Japanese cars!

(Judging by the materials of the article, the text was written approximately in the early 2000s, but the text is still relevant to this day.)

1. Why Japanese right-hand drive cars are better than other cars in the world.

You can argue for a long time which cars are better: some people like the simplicity and cheapness of Russian cars, others are delighted with the luxurious interiors and multi-liter engines of American cars, and for others, the most important thing is the presence of a three-pointed star on the hood.

However, let's look at the facts:

Japanese cars are the most reliable in the world. Driving without a single breakdown for several years, even on Russian roads, is a reality for “Japanese” cars. Of course, a lot depends on how the car was used throughout its life, but the fact remains (look at the reliability ratings in foreign publications). The reliability of Japanese cars stems from the highest quality workmanship and thoughtful design;

Right-hand drive Japanese cars are the most “advanced” in technical terms...

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Innovative Japan has faded from focus in recent years, yet it remains the world's third-largest economy behind the United States and China, an impressive achievement for a country of just 120 million people. The great Asian power is not stopping on its path to creating the innovations of the future. This overview highlights the latest developments in 13 areas where Japan continues to lead the way.

Disposal of radioactive waste of rare metals
The Japanese government has created a fund worth more than $530 million to help the country become more competitive. From 12 research projects, one group of researchers was selected who are looking for a way to dispose and reprocess highly radioactive waste. As part of this project, scientists are extracting rare metals from radioactive waste.

Plastic from natural gas
Higher oil prices hit Japan harder than the United States because Japan has no natural reserves. Mitsubishi Rayon, tired of struggling with high prices and the problems they cause, is planning to build a plant along the US Gulf of Mexico to make plastics from gas.
As part of this project, Mitsubishi is collaborating with Mitsui & Co., one of Japan's largest trading companies, and will invest $490 million in construction. When the plant is finally operational in four years, it will be able to produce an annual capacity of 250,000 tonnes.

Clean room salad
Supercomputer maker Fujitsu is working on a digital patch to create a "Kirei Yasai" line of pure vegetables and herbs.
The company's facility in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, in northern Japan, covers approximately 2,000 square meters; there is a special clean room for crop production. This is the largest center of its kind, engaged in the production of low-potassium vegetables.
Fujitsu grows lettuce that contains 100 micrograms or less than 100 grams of potassium (regular lettuce contains 500 micrograms). Fujitsu's salads are intended for people with chronic kidney disease who physically cannot digest this amount of potassium.

High-tech freezer
Some foods cannot be frozen as easily as fruit without losing nutrients. This happens because during the freezing process, ice crystals destroy the cell walls and texture.
ABI Co. from the Japanese city of Chiba have developed CAS - Cell Revitalization System, which actually changes the physics of freezing. CAS uses 30% less energy than conventional freezers and can, depending on the product, freeze up to five times faster. Oxidation is reduced by 98%, so fruits, vegetables and rice can be frozen without losing flavor.

Tuna farming
The Japanese are very fond of bluefin tuna (maguro). The problem is that due to its popularity, bluefin tuna is on the verge of extinction.

Bluefin tuna does not breed in captivity, but the Japanese have found a way out. A team of researchers from Toyota Tsusho and Kinki University determined the right combination of salinity, water temperature and sunlight under which they were finally able to breed tuna in captivity.
These two organizations will create a new center in Nagasaki Prefecture, where they will organize the entire process: from the stage of artificial incubation to breeding.

Promoting Entrepreneurship Development
Life-Is-Tech is a camp for high school students who want to create a software or service company in the virtual space in the future. There, these talented guys will be helped to develop a business plan and launch a company to bring their business project to the market. About 100 participants, boys and girls, live in the camp at a time, who attend classes, participate in various entertaining games and join teams to develop their own application.
Life-Is-Tech teaches courses such as iOS and Android Platforms, Game Design, Framework written in the Ruby programming language, and HTML5. As part of the joint launch of some programs, Life-Is-Tech even collaborates with institutes and technology companies.

Return to the aviation business
Japan is back in the airline business. Mitsubishi, the same company that created the A6M Zero combat aircraft during World War II, is preparing to launch the first commercial aircraft 50 years later.
Mitsubishi will release its new product in 2017, and, according to a press release, it will be the quietest and most environmentally friendly aircraft. American customers already include SkyWest and Eastern Airlines.

Japan is changing the airline business
The Japanese didn't invent carbon fiber, Thomas Edison did. But they've definitely improved it. Three companies - Toray, Teijin and Mitsubishi Rayon - control 70% of the global carbon fiber market. Toray owns 40% of the market, thanks in part to Boeing. To meet growing demand, Toray is now building a $1 billion plant in South Carolina.

Unicube: the best Segway
Segway has not yet conquered the world, as its creators would like. Possibly because you'll have to stand on it anyway. Honda has come up with a solution: the Uni-Cube. The Uni-Cube is a self-balancing, zero-turn radius, battery-powered seat that makes it more suitable for pedestrian areas because the new device is not much larger than a person.

Androids: Kodomoroid and Otonaroid
The Tokyo National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation has two new employees. These are Kodomoroid and Otonaroid - two androids that look frighteningly realistic.
Androids can be controlled remotely, but they cannot yet walk independently. Mostly they sit at tables and communicate with visitors. Android creator Hiroshi Ishiguro (employee of Osaka University and the Institute of International Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR)) has already created an android clone of himself and called it Geminoid.

Robotics: Pepper
Like many Japanese firms, Softbank operates in many industries simultaneously, and now robotics has expanded into its portfolio. The company recently unveiled its latest development, Pepper, a robot that can communicate through emotions, words or body language. It has special microphones and sensors - they not only understand what you say, but also sense the intonation of your voice, which helps them recreate a picture of your mood. The robot's vocabulary is 4,500 words, currently only Japanese.

FabCafe: Starbucks with a 3D printer
Don't have access to a 3D printer but have some cool ideas? Then if you are in Tokyo, be sure to visit FabCafe. It looks like any other coffee shop until you notice the unusual equipment installed in the room, which can allow you to create anything from a phone case to greeting cards.

Adoption of HPC RISCs
Most of the world is moving away from RISC computer systems, with the exception of some IBM customers. Of course - after all, this is a whole iron tank-processor engaged in sales. Many giant computers are being created in Japan. For example, the RIKEN Institute of Advanced Computing Sciences in 2011 created its main monster computer - the famous K., which (as of today) is located in 864 rooms and has 88,000 processors.

Made in Japan.
This inscription on products is known and appreciated all over the world. The domestic Japanese market is somewhat different from the external one. The goods that the Japanese produce for themselves are also unusual.
This is real samurai quality!
Let's take a little look at what the Japanese themselves prefer to buy and use at home.

For example, a flip phone with two screens from the Japanese operator Docomo and Nec-Casio - Docomo N-05E Medias W. The smartphone consists of two halves, each of which has a 4.3" color display with a resolution of 960x540 pix, Android 4.1 axis. 2 Jelly Bean and dual-core 1.5 GHz processor.

This is a Fujitsu phone. This is a top device in terms of innovation and technical equipment.

Here's another miracle - the telephone.

You can also find such a miracle of technology as a mini thermal power plant in Japanese stores. It is designed to charge cutting-edge smartphones using coal or fir cones :)

You can easily buy a Toshiba hard drive in Japan, which easily fits in your breast pocket, and you can download a whole terabyte onto it!!! Or 1000 gigabytes of information.
By the way, he processes information almost at the speed of light :)

This beauty is a Pentax Camera.

Everything ingenious is simple! This is just a Super Organizer. No clutter in tables or luggage. No forgotten gadgets or cords. The order is simply army.

And this is a unique digital binocular from Sony
In addition to allowing you to observe your subject using autofocus, image stabilization and digital zoom, it is also capable of recording AVCHD 2.0 video with stereo sound and taking 20.4-megapixel still photos even in low light.

What do you think it is? This portable planetarium is not only a good way to entertain the family and relax, but also a tool for teaching astronomy.

A very necessary thing in Japanese homes is a household seismograph. Such devices look similar to ordinary table clocks with a digital display. The device displays the force of the shocks on the wide LCD screen. Its value lies in the fact that weak ground tremors may not be noticed immediately, but thanks to this gadget, its owners will be warned immediately after the earthquake begins.

Another exotic thing is the electric toilet. Essentially, this is a nozzle that is put on the toilet, which has heating and other, more intimate, functions built into it. Unless without vertical take-off :)

This device is made specifically for bikers. What is it - figure it out for yourself :)

These cars are designed for glamorous Japanese girls.

This is a washing machine that is controlled using a mobile phone.
You just need to download a special application to your smartphone, and the washing process can be carried out even while lying on the bed! You set the desired mode directly from your smartphone, and the machine starts working.

Electric bidet from Panasonic. By the way, it is controlled using remote controls :)

The transparent refrigerator is traditional in its shape and internal design, but is made completely transparent. The owner does not need to open the door to assess the fullness of food; guests who like to look into other people's refrigerators will also be happy.

For example, the Seiko SARB059 Alpinist watch. Very popular among those who conquer the highest point in Japan - Fuji.

This watch: SEIKO SARB065 Cocktail Time - A kind of evening outfit, appropriate even during the day in a hateful office, indicating that everything is passing and an evening filled with colors is just around the corner. At their core, they are the king of parties.

This is a Rockoon/Kawai Fat Stratocaster guitar - an awesome guitar for the Japanese domestic market, Made from natural wood - Alder-Maple-Rosewood. Musicians will appreciate and understand.

In short, the Japanese are great!

Japan is rightfully considered a leading country in the field of technology and electronics. Over the past years, both in the press and on television, you can increasingly hear about stupid, funny and completely incomprehensible inventions of Japanese engineers. And this is true, since the world market is occupied in most cases by impractical and useless “inventions” of craftsmen from the land of the rising sun. However, some will be able to influence human life and the lives of future generations in one way or another. They amaze Western society with engineering.

8. Revolutionary vending machines

It is unlikely that vending machines, attributes of the past two centuries, can be considered as examples of innovative technologies that can change the world. But we must pay tribute to the Japanese, who improved the machine gun and adapted it to different areas of life, making us appreciate the power of comfort and convenience. While the world enjoys using vending machines to buy snacks and coffee, the Japanese have taken things a step further and created a new generation of machines that can be used to purchase everything from umbrellas and eggs to fresh salad and underwear. This may not be an outstanding invention for humanity, but it has found its niche in the market.

Gaining access to control the human brain is a pipe dream for most inventors. Japanese engineers have developed a portable camera, Neurocam, which records waves emanating from the activity of neurons in the human cerebral cortex and transforms them into a digital image. The camera is powered by a connected iPhone, which is attached to a special cuff and placed on the head, and special sensors receive brain signals. The Neurocam device interprets the received signals using developed algorithms and displays digitized images on the iPhone screen. This technology, although not yet fully perfected, was the first step towards major developments in the visualization of dreams, memory and ideas, which in turn would have a major impact on the way we communicate and transmit information.

Obtaining and using environmentally friendly energy sources has become the number one problem in the era of the global struggle against dramatic climate change on Earth. That's why Power Japan Plus became interested in creating environmentally friendly power sources in the form of a fully rechargeable Dual Organic Carbon Battery. It is more powerful than conventional analogues and lasts longer. Its charging time is 20 times faster than most modern batteries. In addition, the housing is environmentally friendly and can be easily disposed of or recycled.

What can really help people with disabilities is a robot that will become an indispensable assistant when walking, running and at work. Japanese company Panasonic is improving exoskeletons, specially designed robots that people can wear on their bodies like a suit. What was previously only available in the field of military technology will now serve ordinary people in everyday life. This exoskeleton costs $7,000 and weighs 40 kg. This lightweight, compact and strong suit could revolutionize the way people work and recover from physical injuries in the near future.

Imagine a television screen with such a clear image that you feel the reality of the images and want to touch them. Revolutionary ultra-high-definition technologies are available from companies such as Sharp and Sony, whose TVs feature 1080 ppi concave screens for improved picture quality. When these TVs become available to the masses, they will completely replace traditional analogues. Japan became the first country in the world to begin broadcasting 4K digital television in July 2014, previously scheduled for 2016.

3. Androids: Kodomoroid, Ontonaroid, Telenoid

Robots have the potential not only to change our understanding of everything we know, such as communication and work, but also to provoke philosophical questions about human consciousness. Hiroshi Ishiguro and his team from Osaka University have created three female robots, Kodomoroid, Ontonaroid, Telenoid, whose skin color, hair, facial features and even clothing are identical to human ones. The robots are presented in different age categories and are delegated the functions of an information bureau regarding the museum’s work. Information is available in different languages. In addition to being able to speak, robots can move like humans, gesture, pick up objects, blink and smile.

Japan has been a leader in the construction of robotics for 15 years. Honda's ASIMO robot is a giant leap forward in this area (and it doesn't look as shocking as Kodomoroid). The robot is capable of performing many different human actions, including greeting visitors, opening bottles, and serving drinks. In 2014, it was improved and received additional functions - now it can jump and run at a speed of 5 km/h. It is difficult to say how the world will change culturally, socially and economically with the advent of robots of this class. One thing is clear: they will become indispensable for people with disabilities.

There is an unspoken rivalry in the world regarding the creation of the first space elevator. During the 19th-20th centuries, Russian scientists were concerned with this issue. American scientists also contributed to the development of its creation. In 2007, a prize of $500,000 for the best development was announced, but there is still no nominee. Since then, Japan has also decided to tackle the problem of creating the first functional space elevator. The Tokyo-based Obayashi Corporation plans to create a working device by 2050. With the help of this elevator, space tourists will be delivered to space stations through a block system of carbon nanotubes. Using only solar energy, the elevator will be able to carry up to 30 people into orbit at a speed of 200 km/h. If the project is successfully completed, this innovation will revolutionize the fields of engineering, tourism and space exploration. Well, for now you'll have to use the services

All people are different, most of my friends give gifts as is, maximum - in a regular gift bag. But there were also those who clearly spent a lot of time on packaging, armed with shiny paper and hanging a bunch of bows. When they give you a gift, they feel satisfaction watching you struggle for 15 minutes to open it, and when you collapse in exhaustion, they declare that you must tear the packaging for good luck. :)

I apologize for the lyrical digression, I just wanted to say that even in such things people are very different from each other. But gifts can also be packaged in completely different ways. Having learned about the Japanese furoshiki technique, I was inspired by its aesthetics, elegance, and philosophy. The art of furoshiki will bring variety not only to gifts, but also to everyday life. And now we will certainly master it!

Furoshiki literally translates to "bath mat" and is a square piece of cloth that was used to wrap and carry objects of all shapes and sizes.

In the old days, in Japanese baths (furo) it was customary to wear light cotton kimonos, which visitors brought with them from home. The bather also brought a special mat (shiki) on which he stood while undressing. Having changed into a “bath” kimono, the visitor wrapped his clothes in a rug, and after the bath he wrapped the wet kimono in the rug to carry it home.

Thus, the bath mat turned into a multifunctional bag. Ease of folding and strength became decisive in the approach to choosing fabric for furoshiki. Thick fabrics have given way to thinner and more durable ones. Gradually, most furoshiki began to be made from cotton fabrics. Today, furoshiki are made from cotton, silk and mixed fabrics, with a side of 40-80 cm.

Furoshiki is very easy to use: the fabric takes the shape of the item you are wrapping, and the handles make it easy to carry the load. In addition, a gift wrapped not in hard paper, but in soft multi-layered fabric, acquires special expressiveness.

The most common furoshiki sizes are 45 cm and 68-72 cm, although there are no standardized sizes: they can range from handkerchiefs to bed linen sizes. As shown in the diagrams, you can wrap an object of almost any shape beautifully in fabric, practice and use: