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The proverb is a healthy mind in a healthy body, a healthy mind. “A healthy mind in a healthy body” - the meaning and origin of the phraseological unit? Next, let's look at some interesting proverbs about tasty and healthy food and nutrition culture

The proverb “a healthy mind in a healthy body” encourages us to take care of our health. A physically healthy person can bear stress more easily and maintain presence of mind in difficult situations. He is an optimistic, strong-willed, self-confident person. The body and soul of a person are one.

Psychologists say that the best way to cope with negative emotions is movement. If you experience anger, anxiety, fear or irritation, then dance, clean your apartment, run, go to the pool. You will immediately feel relief, your mood will noticeably improve. You will overcome all difficulties calmly and confidently.

There is a whole science about the unity of body and soul, called psychosomatics. Scientists have proven that if a person cannot cope with resentment, jealousy, envy for a long time, then the work of the corresponding organ is disrupted. Illness comes.

And vice versa. Look at the athletes. They exercise regularly, follow a diet and regimen. These are not just strong, resilient guys in good physical shape. Most of them are cheerful, balanced people who are a pleasure to deal with.

To live a long, happy life, it is important to take care of your health and the harmony of soul and body.

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A healthy mind in a healthy body continued

In chapter Science, Technology, Languages to the question Is there a continuation of the proverb “A healthy mind in a healthy body”? And if so, which one? given by the author able-bodied the best answer is “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is a saying of the Roman thinker Juvenal Decimus Junius, distorted by the communists.
Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano,
or “we must pray for a healthy body and a healthy spirit,” - that’s what Juvenal Decimus Junius said!
In general, this is a quote from his tenth satire. Here is a literary translation:
We must pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body,
Ask for a cheerful spirit that knows no fear of death,
Who considers the limit of his life to be a gift of nature,
That is able to endure any difficulties,
A spirit not prone to anger, to various passions...

Answer from Enlightened
I think that says it all. Do you really need to add anything else? healthy person and live more fun. there is no continuation.

... one booze and he's gone.

Answer from Neuropathologist
In a healthy body there is a healthy spirit, but the soul leaves a dirty body

Answer from User deleted
“A healthy mind in a healthy body” These words belong to the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (about 60-140 AD) And we usually perceive these words not at all in the meaning that was originally given to them by Juvenal. His words contained more mockery of the cult of strength and health in Ancient Rome than propaganda of a healthy lifestyle. The approximate meaning of Juvenal’s words was as follows: “Can this mountain of muscles really even think?”

Answer from V ikh r
And from a healthy body always comes a healthy SPIRIT!

2 answers

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:

English proverbs

A person who constantly keeps his body in shape and goes in for sports will never complain about his health, because he keeps his body in good shape. Most diseases appear precisely because of a person’s unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, sedentary work, reluctance to move and somehow stretch your body.

Such people occupy 90% of hospital wards, as their organs and body parts did not function properly. You need to remember that over thousands of years of evolution, the human body has become accustomed to movement and constant activity. What do we see today? There are millions of people who sit at tables for 10-12 hours a day without moving, which gives rise to a lot of serious illnesses.

If you want the person you love not to get sick, to always be healthy and not complain about illnesses, make him move. This is the only way he can live a long and carefree life.

If you have any clarification about what the proverb means "In a healthy body healthy mind" please write to us.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

In a healthy body healthy mind

In a healthy body healthy mind

From Latin: Mens sana in corpore sano[mens sana in korporae sano].

From the 10th satire of the Roman satirical writer Juvenal(Decimus Junius Juvenal, c. 60- c. 127): Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano[orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corporation sano] - We must pray to the gods for a healthy spirit in a healthy body.

It is believed that this line of Juvenal is based on a proverb known in Ancient Rome: “In a healthy body, a healthy mind is a rare occurrence.”

Juvenal's phrase became popular after it was repeated by the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French enlightenment writer Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). All authors proceeded from the fact that having a healthy body does not guarantee having a healthy mind. On the contrary, they said that they should strive for this harmony, since it is rare in reality.

Allegorically about the desire for harmonious human development.

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Good afternoon all my readers and subscribers. Today I want to analyze the following saying: "In a healthy body healthy mind!" and understand whether this saying is really true. How can we develop ourselves in accordance with this statement and achieve health not only physical, but also internal and psychological.

If you look at this saying in more detail, it is not always true, because even among athletes there are a lot of scoundrels and, so to speak, immoral individuals. But nevertheless, if a person is physically healthy, then it will be easier for him to deal with his psychology.

But if a person is sick or has poor health, then he will not think about his psychological and spiritual development at all. Therefore, this expression is partly true. In order to be strong in spirit, achieve our goals and be psychologically stable, we must and it cannot be any other way.

Below I will give you tips, the implementation of which will help you simultaneously develop both physically and psychologically.

1 Conquer bad habits.

Although this sounds banal and hackneyed, fulfilling this point will allow us to develop in parallel in both segments of life. What is Nicotine, alcohol, drugs, overeating. This is a way to fill the emptiness in your soul. We feel bad and we replace this state with one of these bad habits. In this way we poison not only our body, but also our soul.

2 Move more and walk in the fresh air.

This will be an excellent boost of energy for your health and your body will thank you in full. While walking, you can calmly think, make plans for life, and decide on your goals. Determine what you think is the top priority in your life. Chart a path and stick to it.

It was for this reason that the ancient yogis went into the forest or mountains for a long time, and there they thought about their lives.

3 Intention exercise.

If you are already and they do not cause you doubts, then you can use this technique. It lies in establishing intention. Choose some physical exercise, such as running, and tell yourself that you are running for your goal.

For example, tell yourself: “I’m running today to develop my business.” Trust me, it works great.

This produces a double effect. Your goal, if it means a lot to you, will motivate you to run, and vice versa. When running, you will remind yourself why you are doing this, thereby visualizing and bringing what you want closer.

4 Try to do things in life that fill it with meaning.

If you do not enjoy what you do, then there can be no talk of any spiritual development. You need to try to find your purpose in life, your path, and then follow it.

Most people float through life like straws, wherever the current takes them. They depend on the government of their country, on the employer, on someone else. Yes, we live in a society and influence others, and others influence us. But the more successful a person is in his life, the freer he is from the influence of other people, and very often people achieve success in what they really like.

Develop your body, engage in those activities that fill your life with meaning, and then it will be easy to say about you:

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In a healthy body healthy mind
From Latin: Mens sana in corpore sano (mens sana in corpore sano).
From the 10th satire of the Roman satirist Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenal, c. 60 - c. 127): Orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano (orandum est, ut sit mens sana in corpore sano) - We must pray to the gods so that a healthy spirit is in a healthy body.
It is believed that this line of Juvenal is based on a proverb known in Ancient Rome: “In a healthy body, a healthy mind is a rare occurrence.”
Juvenal's phrase became popular after it was repeated by the English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) and the French enlightenment writer Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). All authors proceeded from the fact that having a healthy body does not guarantee having a healthy mind. On the contrary, they said that they should strive for this harmony, since it is rare in reality.
Allegorically: about the desire for harmonious human development.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “A healthy mind is in a healthy body” in other dictionaries:

    This expression arose from the 10th satire of the ancient Roman poet Juvenal, who said: We must pray that the mind (spirit) be healthy in a healthy body. Used as a formula expressing the harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces.… … Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    A healthy mind in a healthy body- wing. sl. This expression arose from the 10th satire of the ancient Roman poet Juvenal, who said: “We must pray that the mind (spirit) be healthy in a healthy body.” Used as a formula expressing the harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You may edit this article to include links to authoritative sources. This mark... ... Wikipedia

    A healthy soul in a healthy body (a healthy mind in a healthy body) Cf. The main thing, my friend, is to take care of your health! his father repeated to him: mens sana in corpore sano. You will be healthy, and life will be more fun, and everything will go smoothly for you! Saltykov. Little things in life...

    In a healthy body healthy mind- (Latin “Mens sana in corpore sano”), quote from one of Juvenal’s satires (10, 356). Its original meaning was not so much the assertion that a healthy body is characterized by a healthy spirit, but rather an appeal to the gods with a request to send... ... Dictionary of Antiquity

    Wed. The main thing, my friend, is to take care of your health! his father repeated to him: mens sana in corpore sano. You will be healthy, and life will be more fun, and everything will go smoothly for you! Saltykov. Little nothings of life. Young people. 2. Wed. La vertu est la santé de lâme et la… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    healthy- I oh, oh; ro/v, a, o. see also healthy II, healthy 1) a) Having health, not sick. Absolutely healthy child. Healthy body. Third heart. A healthy body is healthy/... Dictionary of many expressions

    A(y); m. 1. Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities of a person. In a healthy body there is a healthy d. Matter and d. Properties of the human spirit. // In materialistic philosophy and psychology: thinking, consciousness as a special property of a highly organized... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    SPIRIT, spirit, husband. 1. units only Mental abilities, mind. A healthy mind in a healthy body. 2. only units. Cheerfulness, moral strength, readiness for action. Spirit of the army. Uplifting spirit. Gather your courage (see gather yourselves). To lose heart (see fall1). 3. In… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SPIRIT, a (u), husband. 1. Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities; the beginning that determines behavior and actions. Matter, etc. In a healthy body, a healthy d. D. contradictions (the desire to argue). D. indignation. 2. Internal, moral strength. High… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • A healthy mind in a healthy body Stories, Georgiev S., Dragunsky V., Druzhinina M., Minchkovsky A., Novogrudsky L.. The principle of the ancient Romans “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is known to many. But not everyone manages to follow it in practice. And you won’t get a healthy body by sitting in front of the TV, and you won’t get a healthy mind...

The expression “a healthy mind in a healthy body” is far from a new concept. It implies that everything in us is interconnected. Whether we like it or not, our spirit, soul, mind, emotions and body work together.

If the body is not functioning properly, neither is the mind. If the soul feels bad, then the body feels bad too. Any illness affects not only the body as a whole and its functions, but also our feelings.

As you know, every cell in our body suffers or grows, gains life or dies, and this directly or indirectly affects our well-being. And vice versa - when a thought appears in our mind, our body follows the mind and makes corresponding changes.

The importance of health

People often think that being rich and having a lot of money is the most joyful event in life. But what is it to have money without a healthy body? What joy is there in being able to buy the most delicious dishes, but not being able to eat them? How does it feel when you can have your own big house, but you can only sit there in one of the rooms, worrying all the time about the illness you have?

In search of money and fame, many of us ignore the most valuable wealth of our lives. Yes, this is HEALTH. It is not in vain, therefore, that they say: in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

Too often we take our health for granted and only realize its importance when we get sick or unwell. Being happy means that we have both a healthy body and a healthy mind. They are closely interrelated with each other, and our emotions play a big role in determining our health.

How to get a healthy body

Our soul does not exist separately from our body (as long as the body is functioning), so we need to make sure that we take care of our body as well as our soul. Just as the best software will not work well in poor hardware, the mind will not perform well in an unhealthy body.

Your vitality and energy levels depend on how you treat your body. Your body is influenced by:

  • the food you eat
  • the liquid you drink
  • and physical activity (what you do).

All this in turn affects the level of happiness that you have in life... At least having a healthy body is a prerequisite for a happy life.

Eat right

It is advisable to choose food for your body that is nutritious, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is very important to have whole grains, vegetables, legumes, chicken and fish in your diet.

It is important to drink clean water and healthy drinks such as natural juices and teas. It is recommended to avoid drinking artificially sweetened drinks such as carbonated or caffeinated drinks.

Exercise regularly

It is important to provide your body with sufficient physical activity and find favorite activities for this - those that are “right” for you. You can join a gym in your area, or you can walk in a park, for example, or you can go to a dance class. It's nice to do physical activity with someone else so you can motivate each other.

You can greatly improve your self-confidence by exercising regularly. Your self-esteem will be at a higher level after training. In addition, a trained body will help you cope with numerous stresses in our fast-paced life.

By setting exercise goals for yourself and having the determination to achieve them, you also train your mind, introducing new ways of thinking. If you want to have a healthy and fit body, it requires a certain level of discipline and concentrated effort. They are good qualities in many areas of your life and will help you in your work and affairs.

You will have more confidence that you can achieve your goals, advance in your career, and solve other life problems. Being in better physical shape means that you have the ability to do many things, even without much motivation from your mind.

Research has shown that regular exercise can lead to improved brain function. People perform better mentally if they regularly engage in intense activities such as sports, running, swimming or working out at the gym.

It is widely accepted that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Make sure you take care of your body by getting enough sleep at night, eating right, avoiding alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and exercising. These are the basic steps for your well-being, the health of your mind and body.

The influence of emotions on our body

Every change in thoughts is transmitted to the physical body through the activity of the nervous system. This activity in nerve cells causes numerous electrical and chemical changes. The state of mind is the starting point for many physical reactions.

If the mind thinks about falling from a height, the body immediately prepares itself by showing external signs. Fear, anxiety, sadness, cheerfulness, fun, anger - all these emotions and impressions are reflected on the human body and face.

For example, when the calm state of mind is disturbed, our thinking becomes somewhat distorted. This often occurs due to a chemical imbalance in one specific part of the body or a general imbalance in the body as a whole.

Research shows that negative emotions suppress immune function. Constant stress depletes the body's resources and a person's ability to adapt. Survival functions weaken and, finally, the person falls ill. A healthy mind reduces hormonal tension and maintains mental state. leads to health and a successful outcome of any situation and action.