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Sentences with isolated and clarifying parts of the sentence. Methodological manual for independent work of students in the discipline “Russian language Applications and their isolation”

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My grandmother suggested that my mother choose one of two rooms, a hall, or a living room, for her space. In the grass, in the dogwood and wild rose bushes, in the vineyards and on the trees, cicadas were everywhere. One of the secrets of the popularity and vitality of our songs is not only their musical side, but also good words. The dance ensemble's performances were a great success both in our country and abroad. A white, even pale, face, dark hair, a velvety black gaze and long eyelashes - that’s all that caught his eye and blinded him. The upper eyelids hung somewhat over the eyes, which is so often observed among artists, hunters, sailors, in a word, among people with concentrated vision. He spent whole days resolving ordinary but necessary economic issues, checking the reports and countless summaries drawn up by the accountant, listening to the foreman’s reports, attending production meetings, in a word, on everything without which the existence of a large collective farm is unthinkable and that in the work Davydov was the least satisfied. Pushkin Hills... This region, where everything: the sky, the groves, the grass, and the wind itself breathes Pushkin, should reveal to everyone the amazing world of the great poet, a world that makes a person spiritually richer.

No. 355. I liked his features: involuntary devotion to dreams, inimitable strangeness and a sharp, cooled mind.

They came together: wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other. Between them, everything gave rise to disputes and attracted to reflection: treaties of past tribes, the fruits of science, good and evil, and age-old prejudices, and age-old secrets. She liked novels early on;

they replaced everything for her;

She fell in love with the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau. Tatyana, with her cold beauty, loved the Russian winter, the frost in the sun on a frosty day and sleighs, and the late dawn of the pink snow, and the darkness of Epiphany evenings. The moon was shining and with a languid light illuminated Tatiana’s pale beauty and loose hair, and drops of tears. Her walks last a long time. Now either a hill or a stream involuntarily stops Tatyana with their charm. Sorry. Whatever you are looking for here in the stanzas of careless memories, restless repose from the labors of living pictures, or sharp words, or grammatical errors, God forbid that in this book you will find for entertainment, for dreams, for the heart, for magazines. Although I could find a grain of trouble. For this we will part, sorry.

No. 356. Our school team won the championship not only in chess, but also in checkers. New records were set for both the long jump and high jump. Competitions were held not only in athletics, but also in swimming. Both boys and girls took part in cross-country skiing. The plant has achieved great success in both increasing production output and reducing costs.

No. 357. Ivan Ivanovich is thin and tall;

Ivan Niki Forovich is a little lower, but extends in thickness. On the shelves in the corners were jugs, bottles and flasks of green and blue glass, various silver goblets, gilded cups of all kinds: Venetian, Turkish, Circassian. Everything gave him an advantage over others: his advanced years, his experience, his ability to move his army, and his strongest hatred of his enemies. The old chieftain bent down and began to look in the grass for his cradle with tobacco, an inseparable companion on the seas and on land, and on campaigns, and at home. The techniques and customs of a significant person were respectable and majestic, but uncomplicated. All this - noise and talk, and a crowd of people - all of this was somehow wonderful to Akakiy Akakievich. He couldn't feel his arms or legs. Some kind of smoky blue, silvery soft light or fog poured over me from all sides. Through the noise of the waves either sighs or quiet, tenderly calling cries reached them. The quiet hour of twilight, the rustling of trees and the incessant ringing of water - all this set the mood in a special way. At this time of year, large fish, such as ide, chub and tench, were no longer taken. Both mother and son were so absorbed in their work that they did not notice Maxim’s arrival. A lonely female voice sang, sometimes sadly and vaguely, sometimes cheerfully and cheerfully. Everyone: both officers and sailors were at the top and eagerly peered into the depths of the bay. The sea is eternal and incessant, noisy and splashing.

No. 358 - orally.

No. 359. It’s quiet in the old country park... A yellow maple leaf, killed in autumn, slowly falls to the ground. Yellow oak bushes stood in dew. She brought new illustrated magazines from the city. She wanted to go out, he stopped her with a gesture and took out a new, uncut book from the high table. All travelers were dressed in the same polar suits. Ancient Peru has no desire to stain flying leaves;

other cold dreams, other strict worries, both in the noise of light and in silence, disturb the sleep of my soul. The sun had not yet risen from behind a low-growing, gnarled birch tree, visible in the distance, but the first orange rays like sharp needles made their way through the foliage and, softly gilding the eastern slope of the high-rise, sparkled with a scattering of pink sparks in the gray dewy grass... And only a very attentive eye could to discern some vague movement in this peaceful, deserted, calm landscape. It was a grey, chilly, windy day. Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror that stood on the chest of drawers. Over the wet field, over the forest, ruffled by the pale silky green of spring foliage, shapeless brown clouds hurriedly stretched. The snowdrifts were covered with a thin ice crust. Large, heavy drops hung on the glossy branches of the bushes. The bright winter sun peeked into our windows.

No. 360 - orally.

No. 361. Lena is a mighty Siberian river, its length is 4500 kilometers. The sources of the Lena are located in the Baikal Mountains at an altitude of meters above sea level. In the beautiful wooded banks, receiving tributaries now from the right, now from the left, the Lena gradually grows and increases in its rapid run to the north. When it flows into the Lap Tev Sea, the Lena divides its waters into numerous channels. Shallow sands and a winding fairway - all this makes navigation in the Lena Delta difficult.

The Lena is an extremely picturesque river, both in its upper and partly in its middle reaches. [like, so].

The mountainous shores are sometimes steep and steep and consist of red sandstone, sometimes undulating. [this and that].

In many places, warm mineral springs run down from the mountains into the river. [, ].

Both to the right and to the left of the banks there are continuous ridges of forest-covered mountains. [and,and].

The Lena is the main shipping artery of Eastern Siberia; it is of great importance for the intensively developing economy of the vast territory.

Here our geologists found large reserves of minerals: gold and tin, mica and zinc, coal and iron.

Various machines and equipment, residential buildings, scientific instruments, products and various industrial goods are delivered here along the Great Northern Sea Route (journalistic style).

Right, sandstone, left.

No. 362 - orally.

No. 363. Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also experience strong grief;

but the same need to love serves as a counteract to grief and heals them. The street leading into the city was free. They entered a corridor, narrow and dark. Lazy by nature, he was also lazy due to his lackey upbringing. Passionately devoted to his master, he, however, rarely does not lie to him about something. A man of about thirty, healthy, handsome and strong, was lying on a cart. The earth and the sky, and a cloud floating in the azure, and a dark forest, indistinctly whispering below, and the splash of a river unseen in the darkness - all this is familiar, all this is familiar to him.

His mother's stories, more lively and vivid, made a great impression on the boy. Covered with frost, they went into a vague, illuminated distance, sparkling, almost transparent. The frost hit 30, 35 and 40 degrees. Then at one of the stations we saw mercury frozen in the thermometer. The rusty sedge, still green and juicy, bent towards the ground. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground. At the sight of Kalinovich, the footman, rather stupid in appearance, but in a livery with braid, stretched out into a duty position. Boris couldn’t sleep and he went out into the garden in a light morning coat. Berezhkova herself, in a silk dress, with a cap on the back of her head, was sitting on the sofa.

His small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. I have already been given two or three epigrams about me, quite caustic, but at the same time very flattering. Alyosha left his father’s house in a state of spirit broken and depressed. Taking liberty with a bad pun, he became amused. Pale, he lay on the floor. We went to the exam, calm and confident in our abilities. Behind her walked a man with a large mustache, wearing a Hungarian jacket, and rather well dressed for a footman. Near the road, two willow trees, old and young, gently leaned against each other and whispered about something. Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four. Anxiety, vague, unclear, gripped Vaska more and more tightly. We chose a place for ourselves near a pile of sedge trees, collected stones on the bank of a small river, muddy from the rain, and made a fire on the stones. Just before sunset, the sun came out from behind the clouds covering the sky, and suddenly with a crimson light it illuminated the purple clouds, the greenish sea, covered with ships and boats, swaying with an even, wide swell, and the white buildings of the city, and the people moving along the streets. Life in the city, sleepy and monotonous, went its own way. The river, cluttered with white hummocks, sparkled slightly under the silvery, sad light of the moon standing above the mountains.

No. 364. A traveler traveling to the central regions of Tien Shan for the first time is amazed by the beautiful roads built in the mountains. Many cars are moving along mountain roads. Heavy vehicles filled with cargo and people climb high passes and descend into deep mountain valleys covered with tall grass. The higher we climb into the mountains, the cleaner, cooler the air. Closer to us are the tops of high ridges covered with snow.

The road curves around the mountain cliffs and winds through a deep hollow.

A rapid and turbulent mountain stream either washes away the road or gets lost in a deep stone bed.

A wild, deserted impression is produced by the deep mountain valley stretching along the stormy river. Stems of dried grass, ringing in the wind, cover the wild steppe. A rare tree is visible on the river bank. Small steppe hares hide in the grass, ears back, sitting near telegraph poles dug into the ground. A herd of goitered gazelles crosses the road. You can see these light-footed animals racing across the steppe in the distance. Stopping on the bank of a noisy river that has eroded the edge of a mountain road, on the slopes of the mountain you can see a herd of mountain chamois with binoculars. Sensitive animals raise their heads, peering at the road running below.

No. 365. The sun, which immediately began to burn, quickly rose over the steppe... several hazes, pinkish and yellowish, very dense and at the same time very airy, stood over the city. The sky is darkening, heavy and inhospitable, it hangs lower and lower over the ground. It rained incessantly, slanting and fine. Tired, we finally fell asleep. The wind, still strong, now blew from the east. Between these deep sighs he distinguished a dull grumbling, now dying down, now growing into angry rumbles. The moon, clear and sharp, stood overhead. Amazed, I think about what happened for a while. I saw a group of rocks above that looked like a deer and admired it. Night was approaching, endlessly long, gloomily cold. The entire expanse, thickly filled with the darkness of the night, was in frantic movement. Meanwhile, the frosts, although very light, dried out and colored all the leaves. A mass of earth, either blue or gray, in some places lay in a humpbacked heap, in others it stretched in a strip along the horizon. It was a white winter with the harsh silence of cloudless frosts, dense creaking snow, pink frost on the trees, a pale emerald sky, caps of smoke above the chimneys, clouds of steam from instantly opened doors, fresh, as if bitten, faces of people and the busy running of chilled horses.

No. 366. The road winds between two tracks overgrown with green roadside grass. The saucers of lilies and the threads coming from them are very graceful. The sun had set, and light clouds, pink from the sunset, froze in the sky. From somewhere to the right came sounds very similar to the crying of a child. The horses walked slowly across the densely overgrown steppe. Pastor, who spent the night in the mountains, approaches our fire. We sailed in the fog that covered the shore. In the snowy expanses that deceive the inexperienced eye, it is difficult to determine the distance.

No. 367. In the meadows overgrown with lush vegetation, there were many birds. The novel created by the young author caused lively debate. Residents of the village affected by the flood were provided with timely assistance. Driven by the waves and wind, the boat quickly rushed along the river. From afar, logs were visible floating on the water.

No. 368. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The spacious perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood defending the bridge was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun objects as if covered with varnish became far away and clearly visible. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge, on both sides of which masses of Russian troops poured, crowding. At the bends of the Danube, ships and an island were visible, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the confluence of the Ensa and the Danube, and the left rocky and pine-forested bank of the Danube with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges could be seen.

No. 369. The gossamer pike was chasing the gossamer carp. The strength and charm of the taiga lies not only in the giant trees. There lived a poor shoemaker in a hut. I have a story called Snow. He was invariably successful in all his undertakings. Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin were met at the house by the maid, a young woman. We most often gathered with Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. Andrei's old uncle, Anton, dropped Pierre out of the carriage. Nikolushka walked along the soft, crunching pine needles - the forest carpet. Turgenev's peers - pupils of the great poet's school, nurtured by his poetry - we all retained the charm of his genius forever.

Pushkin, this father of Russian art, had two direct heirs in his word - Lermontov and Gogol, who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us, figures of the 40s and 60s... As a remarkably smart person, he did not meet his equal. As an artist of words, N.S. Leskov is fully worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov.

A signal lieutenant sat with the driver. Nikolai Nikolaevich's wife, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. I saw Colonel Polyakov, the chief of the Cossack artillery, which played an important role that day, and together with him I arrived in the abandoned village. I slowly walked to the old tavern, an uninhabited, crumbling hut, and stood at the edge of the pine forest. The usual companions of my hunting excursions live here - foresters Zakhar and Maxim. I am again a cook on the ship "Perm"... Now I am a "black cook" or a "kitchen man". In charge of the kitchen is the dear chef Ivan Ivanovich, nicknamed Little Bear. The girls, especially Katenka, look out the window with joyful, enthusiastic faces at the slender face of Volodya getting into the carriage. The driver sounded his siren, and a girl postman ran out of the hollow. Her father Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. We hunters find our happiness by the fire.

The second Chaadaev - my Evgeniy, fearing jealous condemnations, in his clothes was a pedant and what we called a dandy. This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist, Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived for the summer. Stars appeared in the green sky - harbingers of frost.

No. 370. Every bird, even a sparrow, attracted my attention.

The earliest ripening mushrooms, such as birch and russula, reach full development in three days. The steppe, that is, a treeless and undulating endless plain, surrounded us on all sides. Uncle Sergei Nikolaevich began to teach me penmanship and calligraphy.

Approaching Sergeevka, we again found ourselves in an urema, that is, in a floodplain overgrown with sparse bushes and trees. Father and Evseich, in a very short time you caught a lot of very large fish, especially perch and asp.

Lemongrass, a yellow butterfly, sits on a lingonberry. In late autumn, the desert steppe comes to life for a short time. The next morning, I and my artist friend went by boat to Prorva. Startled, he opened his brown eyes wide. I, a journalist, am a cheerful person by nature. When Alexey Krasilnikov left the hospital, he met his fellow countryman Ignat, a front-line soldier. At one time, a very nice man visited the sisters - Captain Roshchin, who was sent to Moscow to receive equipment. Poor thing, she lay motionless, and blood flowed from the wound in streams. The Kyrgyz driver sits motionless. With him was a shaggy, strong dog named Faithful. Now it’s good on the Oka, or on the Talka River. The expedition team included Arsenyev, the head of the expedition, Nikolaev, an economic and organizational assistant, Gusev, a natural scientist and geologist, and Dzyul, a journalist. As a sailor, I understand these murderous surges of waves, this clanging of an iron mass trembling and groaning in the violent embrace of the elements.

No. 371. In the dark distance nothing was visible except sparkling lights. Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, boredom awaited me in a remote and remote place. Everything around was wet. Not a sound except the sighs of the sea. The entire crew of the ship, including the captain and chief engineer, and the barman, consisted of eight or nine people. In addition to the pretzel shop, our host also had a bakery. Father and son, instead of greeting after a long absence, began to punch each other in the sides, and in the lower back, and in the chest, then retreating and looking around, then advancing again. The soil of the Suchanskaya Valley, with the exception of the swamps at the mouth of the river, is extremely fertile. Beyond all expectations, the weather was dry and warm throughout October. In Arsenyev’s books, in addition to vivid artistic sketches, there is also a lot of valuable material about life in the Ussuri region. All material, including travelers' diaries, is carefully studied.

The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was high. In addition to Valya and Styopa, there was a boy unfamiliar to Oleg in the kindergarten.

Everyone, with the exception of Varya, loudly applauded the singers. We, instead of telling the content of the story, will present only a short sketch of its main characters.

No. 372. All these sounds merge into the deafening music of a working day and, swaying rebelliously, stand low in the sky above the harbor.

Standing under the steam, the heavy giant steamships whistle, hiss, sigh deeply... About six steps from him by the sidewalk, on the pavement, leaning his back against the bedside table, sat a young guy... Chelkash bared his teeth, stuck out his tongue and, making a terrible face, staring at him with wide eyes. The guy blinked in bewilderment at first, but then suddenly burst out laughing and shouted through his laughter: “Oh, eccentric!” - and, almost without getting up from the ground, he awkwardly rolled from his bedside table to Chelkash’s bedside table, dragging his knapsack through the dust and nodding the heel of his braid on the stones. The guy was scared. He quickly looked around and, blinking timidly, also jumped up from the ground. Chelkash came, and they began to drink and eat while talking. The clouds crawled slowly, now merging, now overtaking each other, their colors and shapes got in the way, absorbing themselves and re-emerging in new shapes, majestic and gloomy. For a minute the boat shuddered and stopped.

The oars remained in the water, foaming it, and Gavrila fidgeted restlessly on the bench. Chelkash stood up from the stern, without letting go of the oars in his hands and fixing his cold eyes on Gavrila’s pale face. Chelkasha's boat stopped and wavered on the water, as if perplexed. Gavrila rowed silently and, breathing heavily, looked sideways at where that fiery sword was still rising and falling. The sea has woken up. It played with small waves, giving birth to them, decorating them with a fringe of foam, pushing them against each other and breaking them into fine dust. The foam, melting, hissed and sighed, and everything around was filled with musical noise and splashing. Reflected by the playing sea, these stars jumped on the waves, then disappearing, then shining again. He walked slowly. There is no road to the sea; it, twisting, creeps closer to the sandy strip where the waves rush up.

No. 373. Returning from the inspection, Kutuzov, accompanied by the Austrian general, went into his office and, calling the adjutant, ordered to be given some papers relating to the state of the arriving troops, and letters received from Archduke Ferdinand, who commanded the advanced army. Goncharov appears to us, first of all, as an artist who knows how to express the fullness of the phenomena of life. Oblomov’s followers very simply understood it as an ideal of peace and inaction, violated from time to time by various unpleasant accidents, such as illness, losses, quarrels, and, among other things, labor. The garden, thinning out more and more, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows;

near the mill dam there was a stretch, deep and fishy. On the second day the storm intensified. Whirling, ragged clouds descended below, piled up in clumsy layers in the distance, fell heavily on the sea and narrowed the horizon, dark as straw smoke;

boiling, foaming in huge mounds, the waves rolled across the vast expanse, whistling and howling, rushing like a whirlwind, raising cascades of pearlescent splashes. There were three of us: Savely, an old hunter, fat and round as a beehive, Pyzh, his long-eared dog, who understands hunting as well as his owner, and I, at that time still a teenager.

No. 374. The enemy army was already marching out of the city; the lords, thundering kettledrums and trumpets and akimbo, rode out, surrounded by countless servants. Veretyev sat, bending over and patting the grass with a branch. He grabbed the bear and, hugging and lifting it, began to spin around the room with it. Klim Samgin walked along the street briskly, not giving way to people he met. Tears appeared on Masha's eyelashes - she slowly wiped it and propped up her cheek. Tasha, having become quiet, looked out from her ambush, waiting for what he would do. Vanya worked tirelessly in the summer in the yard, went to the mill, and carried bread. Having made several circles, he took his foot off the pedal of the machine, wiped off the chisel, threw it into a leather pocket attached to the machine, and, going up to the table, called his daughter. Prince Andrei, seeing the urgency of his father’s demands, at first reluctantly, but then becoming more and more animated and involuntarily in the middle of the story, out of habit, switching from Russian to French, began to outline the operational plan of the proposed campaign.

No. 375. At this hour of the morning I feel uncontrollably sleepy and, curled up behind my father’s broad back, I nod. The song came from no one knows where, now fading, now growing. And not fearing me, the little forest birds sat close and sang loudly. Lying on the bank of a stream, I look into the sky, where a deep, endless expanse opens up above the branches swayed by the wind. As if emphasizing the frozen stillness of the July day, the forest grasshoppers sing and sing. Solid milky clouds covered the entire sky;

the wind quickly drove them, whistling and squealing. Rudin stood with his arms crossed over his chest and listened with intense attention. She did all this slowly, without noise, with a kind of tenderness and quiet solicitude on her face. The old man, without saying a word, with a majestic movement of his hand, threw the door key out of the window onto the street. Another time, Lavretsky, sitting in the living room and listening to Gedeonovsky’s insinuating but heavy rantings, suddenly, without knowing why, turned around and caught a deep, attentive, questioning look in Lisa’s eyes.

No. 376. The forests, despite the tropical heat, were not distinguished by tropical lushness. The porthole, according to the combat situation, was carefully curtained. But, despite the destruction, the ship continued to stubbornly float on the water. The weather, despite the last third of October, was excellent. Thanks to the ebb of the snow, we could easily make out the road. Despite the fatigue, the girl walked on the ice with pleasure. Thanks to constant rains, meadow flowers this year are unusually bright and lush. At night, despite the starry sky, damp darkness lay over the calm sea, and sometimes fogs arose. All three columns marched day and night, despite the blowing snowstorm.

No. 377. Contrary to our expectations, the day turned out to be sunny.

The train arrived in Moscow in the morning according to the established schedule. Pests of fruit trees, thanks to timely measures taken, were quickly destroyed. The weaker football team, contrary to the expectations of the spectators, won. Our squad, according to the orders of the command, set out on a campaign at dawn. Thanks to proper treatment and strict bed rest, the patient recovered within two weeks. According to the decision of the general meeting, all students took part in landscaping the school yard.

No. 378 - orally.

No. 379. From the forest, from behind the forester’s house, barely visible to the guys, people and carts were moving. He lived very far away, not in the city, but outside the city, in a blue hut among the ravines of the suburbs. Opening the window, I saw lilacs. It was in the spring, on a flying day. The station remained to the side, to the right. Far away, on the other bank, several bright red lights were burning scatteredly. She sat in the first row of seats, next to her dad, without taking her eyes off the stage. Below, near the heaps of stones, the sea splashes. And he himself seemed better than then in Yalta. The tiny white houses of the city outskirts climbed far up into the mountains. On this pond, in the backwaters and lulls, between the reeds, countless ducks hatched. It was cold and damp, especially in a dress that was not dry. A small station huddled alone among the forest. Sandpiper sandpipers were running along the seashore, along the sand.

No. 380. Ahead, about two miles from the convoy, were long, low barns and houses with tiled roofs;

There were no yards or trees visible near the houses. There, in the village, he, obviously knowing himself in his place, was in no hurry and was never idle. Despite Pechorin's prohibition, she left the fortress to the river. My Cossack, contrary to orders, was fast asleep, holding his gun with both hands. Fortunately, due to the unsuccessful hunt for shi, the horses were not exhausted. Bulba, on the occasion of the arrival of his sons, ordered to convene all the centurions and the entire regimental rank. He woke up at five o'clock in the afternoon and, despite the scorching heat, soon wanted to have some tea. The obnoxious horse, having caught up with the harness, despite all my efforts, stopped so unexpectedly that I jumped from the saddle onto my neck and almost flew. He grabbed the bread, quickly kissed his mother’s hand and, despite his fatigue, excitedly looking into the darkness with his sharp eyes, began to chew this wonderful wheat top. Despite the polar night and fierce winds, none of the winterers caught a cold or got sick. Now, that is, with the onset of the summer heat, pack trips have become far less tempting than in the spring.

No. 381. Homeland. This word especially sounds to me, |full,| | ].

deep meaning. [ I see its vast fields, agitated by the harvest. A warm wind flies over them, |raising flower dust|.

[The country that gave birth to us is vast and diverse. The rivers crossing its spaces are inexhaustible and full of water. Vast, green forests, high mountains, shining with eternal glaciers. The light of the bright sun is reflected in their snowy peaks. The sultry steppes are wide, the remote Siberian taiga, spread out by the ocean, is impenetrable. The cities scattered throughout our country are populous and countless. Many languages ​​are spoken by the people who inhabit this majestic country. The blue distances are spacious, the sounds and wonderful are the songs of the people living in it.

No. 382. Like a slender poplar, he rushed about on his dun horse.

The sentinels wandered into the meadows, forward and to the sides, like tentacles.

The road is smooth like water. The yard is like a parade ground, paved with cobblestones. At the turn, the student’s face suddenly smelled, as if from a deep cellar, of a damp chill... His feet walked silently and softly, as if on a carpet. The slanting rain, driven by a strong wind, poured down like buckets. And soon the ringing pavement will cover the saved city, as if with forged armor. The eyes glow like two candles.

Everything is gone, an empty sound, and dear Tanya’s youth is fading.

Poets like Lermontov are stricter with themselves than the most severe and demanding critics. As a kind person, he loved people more than he disliked them. I write this as a reader with a certain taste. Tarusa has gone down in the history of our art as a place of fruitful inspiration.

No. 383. Razmetov thought about it. They walked in silence for some time, immersed in memories of the distant and near past. Makar Nagulnov flared his nostrils, pressed his thin lips tightly and walked as if in formation, straightening his shoulders, clearly marking his step. With his whole appearance he showed embodied inaccessibility. Razmetnov, as he walked, now smiling, now desperately waving his hand, now twirled his light, curly mustache and, like a well-fed cat, squinted his eyes...

Somewhere behind him, Gremyachiy Log was hidden behind a fence, and the wide steppe, beyond the reach of the eye, swallowed up Davydov. Wholeheartedly inhaling the intoxicating smells of grass and wet black soil, Davydov looked for a long time at the distant ridge of burial mounds.

Somehow they reminded him of these mounds, blue in the distance, the storm-tossed waves of the Baltic... Then his absent-mindedly wandering gaze caught a barely noticeable point in the sky. The black steppe eagle, a resident of many mounds, regal, majestic, soared in its solitude in the cold skies, slowly, almost imperceptibly losing altitude on the mounds. Wide, blunt wings, motionless at the ends, easily carried him there, in the cloudy heights, and the oncoming wind greedily licked and pressed the black, dully shining plumage to the powerful clawed body.

Giving in is a gerund.

1. From the verb to give.

2. Nesov view.

3. We walked (doing what?) while reminiscing.

Turning blue - participle.

1. From the verb to turn blue.

2. N.f. - turning blue.

3. Posting signs: real, present time, non-formal.

4. Signs of non-fasting: im pad, plural.

5. Mounds (which ones?) are turning blue.

Majestic is an adjective.

1. N.f. - majestic.

2. Post signs: relative.

3. Signs of non-fasting: im pad, unit number, husband gender.

4. The eagle is (what?) majestic.

Heaven is a noun.

1. N.f. - the sky.

2. Signs of fasting: Narits, neodush, Wed genus, 2nd class.

3. Non-fasting signs: vin pad, unit number.

4. Floated (where?) in the sky.

No. 384 - orally.

No. 385. The exercise must be performed cleanly and accurately.

The student must have been in a hurry and did not think through the assignments to the end. Flooding is possible as the snow melts rapidly. - There may be frosts in May. The certificate issued by the factory committee is valid until the end of the month. “Indeed, the weather was wonderful throughout September. The decision in the case was quite obvious. - The train is obviously a little late.

My friend and I agreed on everything, but he unexpectedly did the opposite. - The loss did not discourage the chess player; on the contrary, it forced him to play more carefully in the future. What does your silence mean? - So, will you come to me in the evening?

In my opinion, everything should be told. - Everything was clear on my face. Unfortunately, we didn't have time. - Numerous problems at work were added to their general misfortune. Let's say, let's do it tomorrow evening. - Let's say no to fascism! You probably missed it after all. - It was so likely that there was no point in hiding it.

No. 386. A) Unfortunately, frequent and heavy rains interfered with the successful progress of the journey. The weather, to our surprise, soon improved.

B) Nozdryov’s face is, of course, already somewhat familiar to the reader.

Nozdryov played checkers, apparently, not entirely without sin.

C) In my opinion, we should have arrived at the village a long time ago, but it was still not visible. The harvest prospects are said to be very good.

D) When you do morning exercises, you must, firstly, ventilate the room well beforehand, secondly, maintain proper breathing during exercise, and finally, after completing the exercises, wipe yourself down to your waist with cold water. Morning exercises have a beneficial effect on the human body, therefore, it is necessary to do it. Khor was a positive, practical man, an administrative head, a rationalist; Kalinich, on the contrary, belonged to the ranks of idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people. He didn't get angry, but, on the contrary, laughed. We have prepared everything for the hike and thus set off tomorrow.

No. 387. Horses, sleighs, trees, a bull tied to a post - everything was white and seemed soft and fluffy. And the fences, and the cattle whitening in the yards, and the roofs of the houses, and the slender villages - everything seemed to be sleeping in a healthy, quiet sleep of work. The guns, which had been in the cold for two days and were probably heavily oiled, misfired. There was, of course, no answer to such a clear and convincing argument. At the very edge of the water lay some large dark mass... Undoubtedly, it was a sea animal that had been thrown ashore by the waves. The birds, apparently, were freezing in the snow, and therefore huddled together... Unfortunately, frequent and heavy rains interfered with the successful progress of the journey. Through the holes I could see part of a low house with two, to my surprise, illuminated windows. The best time for seine fishing, according to the stories of peasants, is in spring and autumn. So, two respectable men, the honor and adornment of Mirgorod, quarreled among themselves. For example, he did not like spring carriages. The purpose of our excursion is, firstly, to familiarize writers with the new demands of millions of readers, secondly, to expand and deepen the themes of art, and thirdly, to direct some comrades onto the broad road. Opekushin came from the common people, first a self-taught person, then a recognized artist and, finally, an academician. Prince Vasily always spoke lazily, like an actor speaking the role of an old play. Anna Pavlovna Sherer, on the contrary, despite her forty years, was filled with animation and impulses. She was of a very meek disposition, or, better said, intimidated.

So, as stated above, over the years I have not become important. Having looked around, I went, as it seemed to me, straight to the sea, but on the way I met a forest swamp filled with a convict. After seeing the groom off, Nadya went upstairs, where she lived with her mother (the ground floor was occupied by her grandmother). Dmitry, that was my neighbor's name, was hardly noticeable in the class. One day (it was already May, but no one seemed to have noticed either the ice drift on the Moscow River or the blooming bird cherry trees) I stood in the crowd at the monument. The male population of the village lives in marches and on cordons or posts, as the Cossacks call it. Ovsyannikov flew into a ravine with a racing droshky, a boy sitting behind him, and a horse. Fortunately, sand lay in piles at the bottom of the ravine. I was helped by a painter or, as he called himself, a painting contractor. One day, it was at the end of May, we were sitting on the porch and waiting for dinner. Although for a real hunter a wild duck does not represent anything particularly captivating, but in the absence of other game for now (it was at the beginning of September: the woodcocks had not yet arrived, and I was tired of running through the fields after partridges), I listened to my hunter and went to Lgov .

So, I'm in Yalta. It's evening now. The wind blows, as in the fourth act of “The Seagull,” but no one comes to me, but, on the contrary, I myself will have to leave after ten, having put on my fur coat. He had a presentiment that Prince Andrei, with one word, one argument, would destroy all his skill. In a word, this man had a constant and irresistible desire to surround himself with a shell, to create for himself, so to speak, a case that would seclude him and protect him from external influences. Fishing boats, barely visible to the eye (they seemed so small), dozed in the sea surface not far from the house. The forester's lodge, as Nikolai Nikolaevich managed to notice, was placed on stilts so that there was free space between its floor and the ground. Many people still understand by the word “literature” stories, novels, poems, in a word, fiction. These gentlemen, apparently, willingly accepted Prince Andrei into their circle as one of their own (an honor they did to few).


When in the provincial town of S., visitors complained of boredom and 2.

monotony of life, then the local residents, as if making excuses, said 3. 4.

They thought that, on the contrary, S. is very good, that S. has a library, a club, 5. 6.

there are balls that, finally, there are smart interesting pleasant ones 7.

people with whom you can get acquainted.

And they pointed to the Turkin family as the most educated and talented.

This family lived on the main street near the governor, in their own house. Turkin Ivan Petrovich himself - a plump, handsome brunette, with sideburns - staged amateur performances for charitable purposes, he himself played old generals and at the same time had a very funny cough. He knew a lot of jokes, charades, sayings, he loved to joke and joke, and he always had such an expression on his face that it was impossible to understand whether he was joking or speaking seriously. His wife, Vera Iosifovna, a thin, pretty lady in pince-nez, wrote stories and novels and willingly read them aloud to her guests. The daughter, Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young girl, played the piano. In a word, each family member had some kind of talent of his own.

[ 1 ], then (2) what (3) (4) (5), what with which (7) No. 389. You, Petya, tell us better about the planets. Why are you angry, Varya? Goodbye home, goodbye old life. Let's go, dear, let's go. Dear Maria Vladimirovna, Masha received a letter from you and briefly told me its contents. I am writing to you, dear Alexey Sergeevich, having returned from hunting. Dear Ivan Maksimovich. About two weeks ago I sent it to the censor, and, probably, a new one-act play, “The Unwilling Tragic,” has already been approved.

I saw you, hills and fields. Sorry, free villages and the land of our fathers, and the quiet Don. O sea, who should we challenge to battle? Reader, friend, I will not violate the terms of friendship dear! Bravely, brothers! The storm is full, my sail is straight and strong! I greet you, devastated house, withered oaks lying around, and the blue sea, and you, steep rocks, and the once lush garden - deaf and wild! O my knight!

I envy you. Your holy verdict is wrong, O heaven.

How wonderful you are and how good you are in your noise, wonderful city. Volga, river-Volga, mother, it’s not for nothing that you are dear to us! We are for peace! And let’s carry this song, friends, around the world, let it ring in people’s hearts! Rise up in defense of peace, people! The rows are tighter, country to country. Don’t sew me, mother, a red sundress, don’t enter, my dear, in vain into the flaw. Why are you standing, swaying, a thin rowan tree, bowing your head to the very top? Oh, my soul, my darling! Why are you sitting? What do you think? Is my speech not to your heart? Why have you turned yellow early, little grass? Why are you too early, little flowers? Why have you lost so much weight, beauty: your cheeks have turned scarlet, turned pale...

No. 390 - orally.

No. 391. Ah, quickly my youth flashed like a falling star.

Chu! the troika started moving again! It rattles, rings and flies away! Oh, subtle thing! Oh, where did I throw it? Oh! here is the treasured oak. Well, you threw the thing away. Bah! old friend, we have known each other for a long time. Eh, Chichikov, why should you come? Alas, Tatyana fades, turns pale, fades away and remains silent. Wow! hot! Mushrooms were collected until noon. Yes, an hour later we already knew everything! Yes, dear critic, you are right. No, I wouldn’t get along with this share! Oh no! Who should I be afraid of? There was only black taiga and dark night all around. Yes, believe him. The short nap did not refresh him, no.

No. 392. Well, the guest is uninvited, perhaps the priest is coming! Of course, it’s hard for you to break up? Ah, it really is dawn!

Perhaps all the fuss will fall on me. I woke up - someone said: was your voice, I think, so early? Like all Moscow people, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks, but with stars, not everyone is rich, between us. Well, of course, there would be money to live on, so he could give balls;

Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub: he has a golden bag and aims to become a general. Yes, it’s true that we were brought up and grew up with Chatsky. Let me woo you, what would you tell me? “I would say, firstly, don’t waste your wealth, brother, don’t mismanage, and, most importantly, go and serve.” Oh, Alexander Andreevich, it’s bad, brother!... He often comes to me;

I'm happy for everyone, you know. In my opinion, the fire contributed a lot to its decoration. Well, really, why would you serve with us in Moscow? From a noisy meeting. Please be silent, I gave my word to be silent.

No. 393. Dear Mikhail Osipovich, I cannot understand what kind of illness Tolstoy has. Cherinov did not answer me, and from what I read in the newspapers and what you write, nothing can be deduced... His illness frightened me and kept me in suspense (Narrative, non-exclamative, simple, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated homogeneous predicates)... and.

Firstly, I have never loved a single person as much as he does... Secondly, when Tolstoy is in literature, it is easy and pleasant to be a writer;

Even realizing that you haven’t done anything and won’t do anything is not so scary, since Tolstoy does for everyone. His activities serve as a justification for the hopes and aspirations placed on literature. Thirdly, Tolstoy stands strong, his authority is enormous, and while he is alive, bad tastes in literature, all sorts of arrogant and tearful vulgarity, all sorts of rough, embittered self-love will be far and deep in the shadows.

No. 394 - orally.

No. 395. I conveyed your order to him, and he carried it out with great pleasure. So I sat down by the fence and began to dry myself. The sun had set and dim clouds hung over the dark steppe. Half an hour later we were sitting at home, drinking tea and telling our long-awaited comrades about our adventures. The conversation seemed interesting to him, and he stopped, waiting for an opportunity to express his thoughts.

Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna Pavlovna did not like it. We began to look for a mountain crack for the night and suddenly saw a calm fire. The coachman touched off the harness, and the troika rushed off into the steppe. It was starting to get dark, and the stars were lighting up in the sky. This conversation continued for about an hour and, apparently, made a deep impression on Andrei Yefimitch.

The starlings hatched and flew away, and their place in the birdhouse has long been taken by sparrows. The moon was rising and was reflected in a red pillar on the other side of the pond. From a high cliff above our fanza, I noticed a steamer, and I wanted to look at the people. Once while walking through the forest, I almost got lost, but, fortunately, I came across a path, and it led me to the sea.

No. 396. We are moving both mountains and rivers, the time of fairy tales has come in reality, and along the Volga, free forever, ships sail to Moscow.

The thunder will fall silent, years will pass, we will grow twice, three times older, and then a legend-tale about a hero will be composed. Dark rain clouds were approaching from the east, and moisture was sipping from there. On the shore, at the fishery, two fires were burning, but there was no one at sea. Several more days passed, and each meeting, each conversation brought more and more alienation and dull hostility in their relationship. Startsev kept getting ready to visit the Turkins, but there was a lot of work at the hospital, and he could not find any free time. The blackbirds were screaming, and in the swamps nearby something living was humming pitifully, as if into an empty bottle. Lopakhin would probably have continued to rant with the cook, but the approaching rumble of planes was heard again, and he hurriedly headed to his trench.

Pugachev gave a sign, and they immediately released me and left me. His friends advised him to complain, but the caretaker thought and waved his hand, and decided to back down. The table and bed stood in the same places, but there were no flowers on the windows, and everything around showed disrepair and neglect. Sometimes I’ll get drunk again with harmony, I’ll shed tears over your thoughts, and maybe at my sad sunset love will flash with a farewell smile. Ostap had already gone about his business and had long since left the smoking area, but Andrei, without knowing why, felt some kind of stuffiness in his heart. The road either went into a ravine or wound along the slope of a mountain, and new huge piles of clouds lay at the edge of the earth. Either the door creaks, then the gate quietly opens, then a hunched figure trudges away from the house through the gardens. It was quiet in the garden, only a bird sometimes tossed and turned and fell asleep in the linden branches, the tree frogs groaned tenderly and sadly, and the fish splashed in the pond. I wanted to ask him about the dog, but he was obviously not in a good mood.

No. 397. In the city garden next door, an orchestra played and a choir of songwriters sang. At this time a bell was heard and she stood up. Pechorin did not take his eyes off her, and she often looked at him from under her brows. At the beginning of April, starlings were already making noise and yellow butterflies were flying in the garden. Suddenly, on the lower floor, under the balcony, a violin began to play, and two gentle female voices began to sing. It became stuffy in the hut, and I went out into the air to freshen up. Night had already fallen on the mountains, and fog began to wander through the gorges. To the right, lightning flashed continuously and the roar of cannonade could be heard. In the slanting rays of the setting sun, the stone buildings of the port city are brightly white, the coastal sands are golden, and, stretching into the endless distance, the quiet plain of the sea is burning.

The sun was hiding behind the cold peaks and the whitish fog began to disperse in the valleys when the ringing of a road bell and the cry of a cab driver were heard in the street. When the moon came out from behind the clouds, everything in the circle brightened and a silvery path appeared on the sea.

No. 398. I felt very tired, but I didn’t want to sleep. It rained for a long time, and the swamps became completely impassable. The doctor finished reading the report, and the audience asked him many questions. The plan for the upcoming excursion was discussed in detail, and the students set off.

No. 399. He opened the door with the key, and they entered a dark room. The whistle of a departing train could be heard, and somewhere in the distance young people were strumming guitars. Either it was a shot, or I just heard it. Mom left on business, and I stayed at home. I wanted to call her, but it was too late. You will give us tickets, or we will all stay here.

No. 400. Heading forward, we soon crossed the Singing Valley in a north-west direction, suddenly an ancient river terrace opened up in front of us, descending into another valley, covered with different vegetation. The air, slightly frosty, was completely transparent, and the sea, completely blue, enveloped the foggy mountain, and the mountain reeds, in white lace from the frost, looked more and more beautiful against the blue. Thunder rumbled and it rained, the sun shone through the rain, and a wide rainbow spread from edge to edge. At this time, the bird cherry tree was blooming, and the wild currant bushes right next to the water turned green. The dawn flared up outside the windows, and in its light stood a garden covered with flowers of wet snow. The rooks screamed across the river, in the branches and everywhere, in the bushes and grass they sang, the birds screamed. The snow is trampled, mixed with mud, and only in the gardens and fields, bathed in the radiance of the cold autumn sun, does it sparkle with snowy whiteness.

Behind the mountains it was probably already dawn, but here, in the deep gorge, the light was slightly refracted, and the darkness became milky.

The shore was not visible from the bench, and therefore the feeling of the infinity and grandeur of the sea expanse increased even more.

There is not a cloud in the sky, and the stars move and tremble unusually brightly in their bottomless heights. Here and there a sail was white, and seagulls, smoothly flapping their wings, descended onto the water, barely touched it and rose up again in circles, and a kite swam high and slowly over the gardens. It gets dark outside, and a tallow candle is lit in the upper room. The air is stuffy and smells of herbs. The weather is great and unfortunately there is no rain. It was warm, and the winter rye gently waved in the midday breeze. The grass is damp and difficult to feed the fire, and therefore the fiery snakes crawl slowly, sometimes torn into pieces, then extinguished, then flaring up again. The bad weather continues and, apparently, will not end soon, and I inevitably have to hurry to leave home for the Crimea, where I will spend the entire winter, and probably the entire winter. It had already become quite warm, and the thunder rumbled still far away, but did not subside even for a moment.

No. 401. We walked along a narrow path, along it small red snakes crawled back and forth, wriggling under our feet. Far away, somewhere, thunder rumbled, its grumbling sounds getting closer and closer. Did rain drops fall? The grass rustled metallic. We had nowhere to hide. Now it became dark, and the rustling of the grass sounded louder, scared. Thunder struck and the clouds trembled, engulfed in blue fire. Heavy rain poured down in streams, and one after another, thunderclaps began to rumble continuously in the desert steppe. The grass, bent by the blows of the wind and rain, lay on the ground. Everything was shaking and worried. Lightning, blinding the eyes, tore the clouds. In their blue shine, in the distance, a mountain range rose, sparkling with blue lights, silver and cold. Everything rattled, shuddered, pushed away sounds and gave birth to them. The wondrous chaos captivated and put me in a heroic mood, enveloping the soul with a formidable harmony.

And I wanted to take part in it, to express in some way the feeling of admiration that overwhelmed me for this power. The blue flame that engulfed the sky seemed to burn in my chest. I'm for 1. 2. 3.

sang loudly, with all his might. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, rustling 4.

grass, and I sang and felt in complete kinship with all the sounds.

A [and].

No. 402. The convoy stood by the river all day and set off when 2.

the sun was setting (narrative, non-exclamatory, complex subordinate: 1. main, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by homogeneous predicates;

And. 2. subordinate tense, two-part, complete, common, uncomplicated).

When (2). 2. 1.

Near the back cart, where Yegorushka was, walked an old man with a gray beard (declarative, non-exclamatory, complex:

1. main, two-part, complete, widespread, uncomplicated;

2. subordinate clause, two-part, complete, unextended, uncomplicated). [where (2) 1].

Write when you arrive (motivating, non-exclamative, complex: 1. main, one-part, definitely personal, complete, unextensive, uncomplicated;

2. clause of time, two-part, complete, uncomplicated, uncomplicated). , when (2).

He who sowed, also reaped (declarative, non-exclamative, complex: 1. subordinate explanatory, one-part, generalized-personal, complete, unextended, uncomplicated;

1. main, one-part, generalized-personal, complete, not widespread, uncomplicated). who (1), [that and 2].

Where the river goes, there will be a channel (narrative, non-exclamatory, complex: 1. subordinate clause, two-part, complete, unextended, uncomplicated;

2. main, two-part, complete, common, uncomplicated).

where (1), [there and].

The land and sea were plunged into deep darkness, so that in several 2.

steps it was impossible to see the person walking next to you (narrative, non-exclamative, complex: 1. Main, two-component, complete, widespread, complicated by homogeneous subjects and 2. subordinate clause, single-component, impersonal, complete, widespread, complicated by participial phrase). , so (2).

When dawn broke, it became clear that the weather would be good (declarative, non-exclamative, complex with 2 subordinate clauses: 1. main, one-part, impersonal, complete, not widespread, uncomplicated;

2. Subordinate time, two-component, complete, uncomplicated, uncomplicated;

3. Explanatory clause, two-part, complete, uncomplicated, uncomplicated).

when (2), what (3).

No. 403. If you knew how sorry I was that I found one of your notes on my table instead of you (explanatory clauses). When the crimson sunset light flared in the windows, the music stopped (subordinate tense). If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, then there is no need to be sad about them (subordinate clause). At times the road cut through such a thicket of hazel that one had to sit bent over so that the branches would not whip one’s face (attributive clause, clause of purpose). Everything that we now hold in our hands becomes more valuable to me every day (attributive clause). Chains of apple trees stretched where there were vacant lots (subordinate space).

Wipe yourself with cold water if you want to be healthy (subordinate clause). All night long the quails sing in the wheat that there will be a fruitful year (expository clause). We don’t want the war to flood the whole world with blood and fire again (expository clause).

No. 404. 1. Subordinate clauses. The trees all around, wherever you looked, were all golden. He stood where there were many stones. Sasha came from where people usually don’t return.

2. Subordinate clauses. He looked at the house where the smoke was coming from. Vanya turned to face the door where people were running.

He walked through the forest clearing where he had once walked with his father.

3. Explanatory clauses. Anya asked where I had been all this time. Unfortunately, they did not know where their friends had disappeared to.

I couldn’t understand where these two came from.

No. 405. Explanatory clause. We knew that Petya had only brought two crucian carp, but we remained silent.

Subordinate degree. The rain fell so quickly that the ground did not have time to get deeply wet.

Subordinate clause. Yegorushka, hoping that the cloud was passing by, looked out the window.

Subordinate explanatory clause (with a conjunction word). The girls immediately realized that this must be a very smart man.

Clause of purpose. I work so that a person is finally beautiful (K. Paustovsky).

Subordinate explanatory clause. There was no point in even thinking about staying in Crimea for another week.

No. 406. In the evening, Belikov dressed warmly, although the weather outside was quite warm, and trudged towards Kovalenki. It was quiet all around, so quiet that you could follow it in the summer by the buzzing of a mosquito. I thought about what happened and didn’t understand anything. Yakov was nicknamed the Turk because, indeed, he was descended from a captive Turkish woman. Yegorushka, suffocating from the heat, which was especially noticeable now, after eating he ran to the sedge and from there looked around the area. From behind the rocky hill where the stream flowed, another, smoother and wider stream rose. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. To drown out the song, he ran to the sedge, humming and trying to kick his feet. After a difficult day, such joy overwhelmed me that I even hugged my Louvain, and he, the old man, shed tears of pleasure. The heat was such that the slightest movement was tiring. I came here again to listen to the surf, looked for a long time in the direction where the steamer had gone, and then woke up in the fog. There are few such distant and clean fields as those that open from this hill in Russia.

No. 407. He decided to go to the Turkins to see what kind of people they were. I did not understand why and how all these sixty-five thousand people lived. My sister and Anyuta wanted to ask how I was living here, but both were silent and looked at me. Then she started asking me where I was working now. From time to time she stopped and, crying, raising first one chilled paw, then the other, tried to understand how it could have happened, that she had gotten lost. In some places, due to the moss and marsh burdocks, this smell was very strong, but it was impossible to decide in which direction it intensified and weakened.

The ginseng seeker sheltered me, fed me, and did not ask where I came from or why I came here. The whole expanse seems to be covered in a cobweb, and you can’t tell where the sea ends and the sky begins. The unmown meadows are so fragrant that, out of habit, your head becomes foggy and heavy. I started reading and became so engrossed that, to the chagrin of the adults, I almost didn’t pay attention to the decorated Christmas tree. I saw a happy man, whose cherished dream had come true so obviously, who had achieved his goal in life, got what he wanted, who was satisfied with his fate and with himself.

At a time when fluff flies from the old aspens, the young ones change out of their brown baby clothes into green ones.

His look and smile were so friendly that they immediately put you in your favor. The Indian rooster, raising his head and looking around, swore furiously in his own way, as if an angry commander had interrupted the entire team at a drill for disorder. Sintsov remembered with alarm Serpilin’s words that time was precious, and hesitated whether to detain the correspondent. While Raisky was leaving her, Tushin sent to ask if he could see her. I am writing to you to warn you that the feuilleton will be sent by me not today, on Sunday, but tomorrow, on Monday. A writer who truly masters his craft is always laconic, because any revision, final processing of a work is, first of all, the removal of what is superfluous. Leo Tolstoy said that the best type of editing is reduction. Masha felt that he was excited about something else, not just their date, but she couldn’t understand what. I will arrive in Moscow soon, but no one knows when.

No. 408. Tourists turned into a forest that stretched for tens of kilometers. The village near which the detachment settled down to rest was located in a ravine. The birches that were planted near the fence when I was there have grown and have now become tall, branchy trees. The bus stopped at a mountain pass, from where passengers could see the sparkling sea far below. At the beginning of November, severe frosts unexpectedly began, so the swamps were covered with a thick layer of ice. The snowfall stopped, so regular city traffic resumed.

No. 409. The road was bad, so in five hours we didn’t travel even twenty miles. The main singers flew away, so the forest stood dark and silent. In response to my question, I only heard his even breathing, because he immediately fell asleep. The back wheel came off, so that the horse could not move the cart. Our direct road ended and was already going down a steep slope overgrown with bushes, so it was necessary to stop the horse.

No. 410. Suddenly the wind blew with such force that it almost snatched Yegorushka’s bundle and matting;

Starting up, the matting rushed in all directions and smacked the bale and Yegorushka’s face. The wind rushed with a whistle across the steppe, swirled randomly and raised such a noise with the grass that because of it neither thunder nor the creaking of wheels could be heard. It blew from a black cloud, carrying with it clouds of dust and the smell of rain and wet earth. The moonlight became foggy, seemed to become dirtier, the stars frowned more, and clouds of dust and their shadows could be seen hurrying somewhere along the edge of the road. Now, in all likelihood, the whirlwinds, whirling and carrying dust, dry grass and feathers from the ground, rose to the very sky; probably, tumbleweeds were flying near the black cloud itself, and how scared they must have been! But through the dust that covered my eyes, nothing was visible except the flash of lightning.

No. 411. Along the seashore and parallel to it, swamps and long lakes stretched in rows, separated from each other by sandy banks. Near the house there was a small vegetable garden overgrown with rutabaga, lettuce and onions. Subtle lightning flashed across the dark sky, dotted with thousands of stars. The tiger living in the Ussuri region is larger than its Indian counterpart. There was silence all around in the forest and field, broken only by the monotonous buzzing of mosquitoes. The raccoon dog is an animal that occupies a middle place between dogs, martens and raccoons. Ahead lay a large swampy plain covered with yellow-brown grass.

No. 412. Having gotten lost in the forest, we returned home late.

The hunters shuddered and looked around, hearing some rustling in the bushes. Coming out of the clouds, the moon illuminated the surroundings with a pale light.

Having climbed the mountain peak, they saw the sea in the distance. The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops.

No. 413. When the detachment crossed a low mountain range, they found themselves in a valley overgrown with dense forest. A large tree lying on the ground blocked our path. When you enter a forest that stretches for several hundred kilometers, you involuntarily experience a feeling of some timidity. Although the travelers were very tired, they still stubbornly walked forward. They moved on when they had rested and quenched their thirst. As we approached the sea, we heard its dull noise from afar.

No. 414. In his poem, he was able to touch on so much, hint at so many things that belong exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society. “Onegin” can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and a highly folk work! Is it surprising that this poem was received with such enthusiasm by the public and had such a huge influence on both contemporary and subsequent Russian literature. And its influence on the morals of society? It was an act of consciousness for Russian society, almost the first, but such a great step forward for it. This step was of heroic proportions, and after it standing in one place became impossible. Let time pass and bring with it new needs, new ideas, let Russian society grow and overtake Onegin, no matter how far it goes, but it will always love this poem, it will always fix its gaze on it, filled with love and gratitude. .

No. 415. Kutuzov wrote that the Russians did not retreat a single step, that 3. 4.

The French lost much more than we did, which he reports in a hurry from the battlefield, not having had time to collect the latest information.

[ 1 ], (what...2), (what...3), (what...4).

In the best friendships, flattery and praise are necessary 2. 3.

walkable, like lubricant is necessary for wheels to keep them moving.

, (as...2), (to...3).

They arrived at Car’s mother’s apartment on Usachevka, where there are 2.

We recently stayed for two days on the way to Simferopol and where 3.4.

We returned now with such a feeling as if we had lived not five days, but five years. , (where...2) and (where...3), (as if...4).

Serpilin looked at the gunners, wondering if there could be 3.

what he just heard was true. , (2), (what...3).

The night was so black that in the first minutes, until my eyes were at 2.

After the light came to darkness, we had to grope our way to find our way. , (what...2, (3),...).

When their work is finished and the wet net lies on the bow again 4.

platform of the longboat, I see that the entire bottom is covered with living, still moving fish. (when, (2...) and (3...)), , (what...4).

It seems to me that if I followed him in continuation not 2.

for how many years, he would also be elusive. , (what..., (if...3)...2).

Dasha noticed that when, after the bell rang, 2 appeared in the dining room.

Roshchin, Katya did not immediately turn her head towards him, but hesitated for a moment. , (what..., (when...3)...2).

Planting trees, and thus I have fun, that if the shadows from him are not 3. 2.

I’ll wait, then my grandson will once enjoy that shadow.

, (what..., (if...3)...2).

No. 416. Be persistent, tenacious, but not stubborn... Remember, 2.5.

that there are many smart people in the world who can notice you have 3. 4.

mistakes, and if they are right, feel free to agree with them.

, (what..., (which...5)...2), and, (if...3, (4)).

Experience confirms that good feelings must go away 3.

nyami in childhood, and humanity, kindness, affection, goodwill are born in work, worries, worries about the beauty of the world around us. , (that...2), and (3...).

Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of 1. 2.

humanity. I am sure that to fully master the Russian language, 3.

In order not to lose the sense of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary people, but also communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, the whistling of birds and with everyone 4.

a flower that nods its head from under a hazel bush.

, (that..., (to...3)...2), (that...4).

No. 417. If everything comes easy to a person in learning, if he works little to develop his abilities, then he gradually develops laziness of thought, which can also form an incorrect attitude towards life. Since reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development, one must accustom oneself to read carefully and thoughtfully, so that reading becomes a stimulus for a rich spiritual life. We must learn one simple truth: we live in a special era when, without solid scientific knowledge, active participation in public life is impossible. Without good reading skills, it is difficult to learn, so it is not enough to know letters, syllables, and be able to read words, because reading must be fluent and fast.

No. 418. Princess Marya begged her brother to wait another day, say 2. 3. 4.

She said that she knew how unhappy her father would be if Andrei left without making peace with him. , (what...2), (how...3), (if...4).

Just by the way the butler met them on the porch of Odintsov 1. 2.

house, friends could guess that they had acted unwisely, succumbing to the fantasy that suddenly came to them.

(how...3), , (what...2).

He was on short terms with everyone else, which is not quite a 3.

the hostess liked it, no matter how she talked about what was predistant for her 4.

there are no boats. , (what...2), (how...3), (what...4).

When passions had completely subsided and a calm discussion began 1. 4.

So, I finally decided to ask Louvain what they were talking about. (when (2...) and (3...), , (about what...4).

When Chelkash, changing places with him, looked into his face and 3.

noticed that he was staggering on trembling legs, he felt even more 1.

sorry guy. (when...2), (what...3), .

And suddenly on the crest of this hill, at the point where 1 seemed to end.

road, a dark spot appeared, which quickly began to stretch out towards us in the form of a dark narrow ribbon.

(where...2), , (which...3).

I thought that if at this decisive moment I did not beat the stubborn old man, then later it would be difficult for me to free myself from his tutelage. She knew from experience that the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner the morning will come. I love this poor nature, perhaps because, whatever it is, it still belongs to me. Understand that if you wrote stories the way you write letters, you would long ago have been a great great man... I think that if you are not lazy, you will write well.

No. 419. Now that he is gone, you feel especially painfully, 3.

how precious was his every word, smile, movement, glance, 4.

which his beautiful chosen aristocratic soul shone. , (as...3), (in which...4).

Anton Pavlovich did not like and was a little angry when he was told 3.

They thought that his dacha was too little protected from dust flying from above 4.

from the highway and that the garden is poorly supplied with water.

, (when...2), (what...3), and (what...4).

How often he must have thought about the future happiness of man.

stavva, when in the morning one silently trimmed his roses, another 3.

damp from dew, or carefully examined a young shoot wounded by the wind. , (when...2) or (3...)).

They treated Chekhov and everyone else with great and heartfelt love.

or simpler ones he encountered: servants, peddlers, but strongmen, wanderers, postmen. .

On good warm mornings he could be seen on a bench behind the house, in the most secluded part of the dacha, where tubs of oleanders stood along the walls and where he himself had planted a cypress tree. But you had to see Chekhov in other moments, alas, so rare in recent years, when he was overcome by joy and when with a quick movement of his hand he threw off his pince-nez and, rocking back and forth in his chair, burst into a sweet, sincere and deep laugh.

No. 420. The book that a friend gave me tells us an interesting story of people’s lives. From the mountain one could see dense coniferous forests and meadows that were full of flowers. The foggy streaks in which the meadows and arable lands were drowning began to gradually turn red and disperse. The division headquarters received news that the river had opened up and the crossing had not yet been established. The climbers approached the camp, where the meeting of all detachments was scheduled and the ascent to Elbrus was to begin. The tourists turned into the forest, which stretched to the river along which the ships sailed. The village near which the detachment settled down to rest was located on the edge of a forest famous for its abundance of mushrooms. The scouts quietly crawled to the river, the descent to which was covered with thick and tall grass, and decided to move to the other bank, overgrown with reeds.

No. 421 - orally.

No. 422. I looked up and saw: birds were flying high in the sky above the station. The headman asked him for his document, but there was no document. The frost is not terrible: the air is dry, there is no wind. It wasn't you who fell the snow - people started riding sleighs only in December. The sun is burning strongly - a thunderstorm is likely to gather in the evening.

No. 423. It was already evening, the sun had disappeared behind a small aspen grove that lay half a mile from the garden;

her shadow stretched endlessly across the motionless fields. The picture has changed: already on the black tablecloth of the fields, in some places white spots and stripes of snowdrifts can be seen. I began to call the owner - they were silent, I knocked - they were silent.

To be afraid of misfortune is to see no happiness. It was difficult to stand on the bridge: the waves were pouring down, and the wind whipped salty splashes in the face like a whip. I really enjoyed listening to the girl: she talked about the sea, which was unfamiliar to me.

Happy are the pines and spruce trees: they are forever green, snowstorms do not bring death to them, frosts do not bring death to them. I felt ashamed, and I could not finish the speech I started. It was a song. I listen: the singing is harmonious, sometimes drawn-out and sad, sometimes fast and lively. I look around: there is no one around, I listen: again sounds seem to be falling from the sky. The red sun will rise - goodbye to the bright month! I looked around: the night stood solemnly and royally.

Calm down, the wound is not dangerous. I have been serving for sixteen years - this has never happened to me. Kuzma Kuzmich sat down in a chair, took a folder of papers from the table and was about to write, but could not: the ink froze and was kicked out of the inkwell with a purple piece of ice.

And the days fly by, the fields turn yellow, and decaying leaves fall from the trees.

In late autumn, just before winter, the steppe turns green again. There is a crane cry above: the birds are flying south. Below, goats are bleating, and nomadic sheep are heading to their winter camp. Plow deeper - you will see more bread. I love the forest: like a tramp, it is dear to me, it is dear to me, dearer than anything else, the sea and the sky. White petals were scattered over the burdocks, nettles, and all kinds of green grass - the wild cherry blossoms were fading. If you read books, you will know everything. Ulya tried to catch the reins, but could not reach;

the horses, almost running headlong into the chaise in front, reared up and rushed to the side, almost breaking the tracks.

They were chasing me - I was not embarrassed in spirit. The plain was deserted and sad, my heart sank. There is silence everywhere: no dogs bark, no human voice responds. On the sides of the road and in the distance on the horizon there are snake-shaped lights - this is last year's grass burning.

I write life - a novel comes out, I write a novel - life comes out.

The snow fell slowly in heavy fluffy flakes, turning the road into snowdrifts;

he tilted the trees with his weight. It was like this:

out of the deep darkness, a fiery blade raised, the beam of the searchlight crossed the current diagonally.

No. 424. The unwritten wisdom of folk superstitions was passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Ideal barometers in 1. 2.

de - fish. Notice that the loach, a bottom dweller, has floated to the surface (motivating, non-exclamatory, non-union explanations: 1.

one-part, generalized-personal, complete, non-extensive, uncomplicated;

2. two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by a widespread application). , [explanation].

Check and see if there is a rainy storm the next day. It is famous as a clear weather forecaster and char. Lies on 1.

day - clear weather without changes. Rapidly rushes up and down 2.

Wait for the rain (narrative, non-exclamatory, non-conjunctive consequences: 1. Two-part, incomplete, widespread, uncomplicated;

single-component, generalized-personal, complete, widespread, uncomplicated). - [consequence].

Learn useful lessons from living nature! But remember: observation is not an easy science. To learn to observe deeply and comprehensively, you need to practice for a long time.


[reason], (although...), (that...).

2) , but [ and, (when...) ], (that...), and , (that...), (which...).

3) (although...), but, (what...), (what...);


4) , but [, (what..., (if...),...), ], (what...), (what...), and .

No. 426. When almost the entire column had passed Serpilin, 1. 3.

he remembered that when it was just being built, a very tall fighter on the right flank caught his eye.

(when...2), , (what, (when...4)...3).

Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary, wears trousers in such wide 3.2.

folds that if they were inflated, then the entire yard with barns and buildings could be placed in them. , (what, (if...3)...2).

We are entering the open sea, but if you look closely, 2.

On the horizon one can already see the blue shadows of land on the sea.

But .

I sat down under a larch tree to light a cigarette, and bye 2.

the smoke quietly hovered above me, driving away large forest mosquitoes, 3.

I was completely unnoticed by a sudden sweet and foggy drowsiness. , (to...4), and , .

The sun rose, and although there was not a single cloud in the sky, its color was strange, whitish at the zenith and gray closer to the horizon. Ilya Ilyich, for all his meekness, is not afraid to kick in the face of Zakhara, who is shoeing him, and if he does not do this to others in his life, it is only because he hopes to meet opposition that will need to be overcome. They tried to tell her what the doctor said, but it turned out that, although the doctor spoke very smoothly and for a long time, it was impossible to accurately convey what he said. There is no thought that a person cannot force himself to express clearly and convincingly for another, and I am always annoyed when I come across the phrase: “There are no words to express.” Nonsense! The word is always there, but our mind is lazy, and here’s another thing: we must have faith in the minds and insight of others, at least as much as in our own.

No. 427. Everyone prayed for snow, as in summer for rain, and finally, pigtails began to spread across the sky, the frost began to subside, the clarity of the blue sky faded, the west wind began to blow, and a plump white cloud, imperceptibly approaching, clouded the horizon on all sides . As if doing 1. 2.

did its job, the wind died down again, and the blessed snow began to fall directly, slowly, in large clumps to the ground. , And .

The peasants looked joyfully at the fluffy snowflakes fluttering in the air, which, first fluttering and spinning, fell to the ground. The snow began to fall from early lunch in the village, it fell incessantly, every hour it became thicker and stronger. I've always loved watching tee 4s.

a bad fall or feeling of snow. To fully enjoy the picture 1. 2.

After this, I went out into the field, and a wonderful sight met my eyes.

mine: the entire boundless space around me was represented by view 5.

snow flow, as if the heavens had opened up, scattered snow fluff and filled the entire air with movement and amazing silence. (as if...4), , and : [explanation], (as if...5).

The long winter twilight was setting in, the falling snow began to cover all objects and covered the earth with white darkness.

No. 428. All the way to the very village of Abinskaya, Gregory remembered only one thing: on a hopeless dark night he woke up from a sharp, piercing cold. Grigory heard from the long-familiar, consonant, rhythmic ringing of fitted Cossack equipment, the dull and also consonant smacking of many horse hooves in the mud. No more than two hundred had passed, and the stomping was still heard - probably a regiment was walking along the side of the road. And suddenly, ahead, over the silent steppe, like a bird, a courageous, rough voice of the singer took off: “Oh, how there were brothers on the river, on Kamyshinka, on the glorious steppes, and on Saratov...”

only the knocking of the ears of corn and the champing of horse hooves kneading the mud could be heard in those moments when she began to sing, carefully pronouncing out the sad words. One old song that had survived centuries lived and ruled over the black steppe.

The singers, having overtaken the convoy, drove far away. But for a long time the convoy moved in enchanted silence, and neither a thief nor a shout to the tired horses was heard on the carts.

And yet, as if through a dream, Gregory remembered: he woke up in a warm room.

No. 429 - orally.

No. 430. I wanted to portray ordinary decent people of the new generation, people I meet hundreds of. I took three such people: Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov, Kirsanov. I consider them such ordinary people, they consider themselves, all their acquaintances consider them, that is, they are the same as them. Where did I talk about them in a different way? What was wrong with what I told you about them? I portrayed them with love and respect, because every decent person is worth love and respect. But where did I bow before them? Where do I have even the slightest shadow of the thought that they are, God knows, how lofty and beautiful, that I cannot imagine anything higher and better than them, that they are the ideals of people? How I think about them is how they act for me;

nothing more than ordinary decent people of the new generation. What are they doing that is most exalted?

They don’t do mean things, don’t be cowards, have ordinary honest convictions, try to act on them and that’s all;

what heroism, indeed! Yes, I wanted to show people acting like all ordinary people of their type, and I hope I managed to achieve this.

Those readers who know closely living people of this type, I hope, have constantly seen from the very beginning that my main characters are not at all ideals, and people are not at all above the level of people of their type, that each of the people of their type experienced more than two, not three events in which I acted no worse than they did for me.

No. 431. “Where is my comrade? - said Oleg. “Tell me, where is my zealous horse?” - "P? - A. - P?". “What do you understand about this, let me ask,” he said in a voice that seemed disgusting to himself. “Yes...” he said and turned sharply to me, “yes... well, let’s see” - “P... - a, - p.” “You know,” the owner interrupted excitedly, “because of him I’m sitting on the floor. Just look at him, what does he understand about journalism? - the owner grabbed Korotkov by the button. “Please tell me that he understands.” “Why are you happy? - Natasha asked. “I’m so calm and happy now.” “I’m very glad,” Nikolai answered. “He is a personal person.” “Wait a little, Sergei,” he called out to the boy, “people can’t move, that’s the story!” “Don’t think, uncle, that we will interfere with anyone,” said Na Tasha. “We will remain in our place and not move.” Romashov became wary and, looking not at Peterson, but at the chairman, answered rudely: “Yes, I have, but I don’t understand what this has to do with the matter.” - A: “P”. And I tell her: “How sweet you are, but I think how I love you.” “What a loud book! - he said and winced. - In it, people scream unbearably, argue, cry - there is no strength to understand this scream” - “P! - A. - P". “The night is already dark enough,” he said, “to look at the ancient statues.” My cunning man entered into negotiations and began like this: “Friends, why all this noise? I, your old matchmaker and godfather, did not come to make peace for the sake of a quarrel.”

415. Copy using punctuation marks and explaining their use. Underline separate agreed and inconsistent definitions.

I. 1) Only people who are capable of loving deeply can also experience strong grief; but the same need to love serves as a counteract to grief and heals them. (L.T.) 2) The street leading into the city was free. (N.O.) 3) They entered a narrow and dark corridor. (G.) 4) Lazy by nature, he [Zakhar] was also lazy due to his lackey upbringing. (Hound.) 5) He is passionately devoted to the master, however, it is rare that he does not lie to him about something. (Gonch.) 6) A man of about thirty, healthy, handsome and strong, was lying on a cart. (Cor.) 7) The earth and the sky and the white cloud floating in the azure and the dark forest indistinctly whispering below and the splash of a river invisible in the darkness - all this is familiar - all this is familiar to him. (Cor.) 8) The mother’s more lively and vivid stories made a great impression on the boy. (Cor.) 9) Covered with frost, they [the rocks] went into the unclear illuminated distance, sparkling almost transparent. (Cor.) 10) The frost hit 30, 35 and 40 degrees. Then at one of the stations we already saw mercury frozen in the thermometer. (Cor.) 11) The rusty sedge was still green and juicy, bending towards the ground. (Ch.) 12) A quiet, drawn-out and mournful song, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, then to the left, then from above, or from under the ground. (Ch.)

    At the sight of Kalinovich, the footman, rather stupid in appearance but in a livery with braid, stretched out into a duty position. (Letters)

    Boris couldn’t sleep and he went out into the garden in a light morning coat. (Gonch.) 15) Berezhkova herself was sitting on the sofa in a silk dress with a cap on the back of her head. (Gonch.)

P. 1) His [Werner’s] small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. (L.) 2) I have already been given two or three epigrams about me, quite caustic but at the same time very flattering. (L.) 3) Alyosha left his father’s house in a broken and depressed state of mind. (Dev.) 4) Satisfied with the bad pun, he became amused. (L.) 5) He lay pale on the floor. (L.) 6) We went to the exam calm and confident in our abilities. 7) Behind her [the stroller] was a man with a large mustache in a Hungarian coat, quite well dressed for a footman. (L.) 8) About up to

the horns gently leaned against each other, the two willows, old and young, were whispering about something. 9) Gifted with extraordinary strength, he [Gerasim] worked for four. (T.) 10) Just before sunset, the sun came out from behind the gray clouds covering the sky and suddenly, with a crimson light, it illuminated the purple clouds, the greenish sea covered with ships and boats, swaying with an even wide swell, and the white buildings of the city and the people moving along the streets. (L.T.) 11) Life in the city, sleepy and monotonous, went its own way. (Cor.) 12) The river, cluttered with white hummocks, sparkled slightly under the silvery sad light of the moon standing over the mountains. (Cor.) 13) Vanya was still sitting on the radiation bench, serious and calm in his eared hat. (Hare)

416. Read the text, explaining the punctuation of the common definitions highlighted. Write down, making isolated definitions non-isolated and, conversely, non-isolated definitions - isolated. Place punctuation marks.

Traveler, first time traveler V central regions of the high Tien Shan, the beautiful roads are amazing, laid in the mountains. Many cars are moving along mountain roads. Filled with cargo and people

heavy vehicles climb high passes, descend into deep mountain valleys, overgrown with tall grass. The higher we climb into the mountains, the cleaner, cooler the air. Closer to us are the tops of high ridges covered with snow. Road, skirting bare rocks, meanders through a deep hollow. mountain stream, swift and stormy, sometimes it washes away the road, sometimes it gets lost in a deep stone riverbed. Gives a wild, deserted impression stretched along a stormy river deep mountain hollow. Ringing in the wind stalks of dried grass cover the wild steppe. A rare tree is visible on the river bank. Small steppe hares are hiding in the grass, ears flattened, sitting near dug into the ground telegraph poles. A herd of goitered gazelles crosses the road. You can see these far away racing across the steppe light-footed animals. Stopping on the bank of a noisy river, washed away the edge of the mountain road, on the slopes of the mountain you can see a herd of mountain chamois with binoculars. Sensitive animals raise their heads, peering at the road running below.

417. Write it down using punctuation marks. Underline isolated definitions.

1) The sky is darkening, heavy and inhospitable it hangs lower and lower above the ground. (Nov.-Pr.) 2) The rain fell slantingly and finely without ceasing. (A.N.T.) 3) Tired, we finally fell asleep. (New.-Pr.) 4) The wind was still blowing strong now from the east. (A.N.T.) 5) He [Telegin] distinguished between these deep sighs a dull grumbling, either dying down or growing into angry ripples. (A.N.T.) 6) Amazed, I think about what happened for some time. (New.-Pr.) 7) I saw a group of rocks above that looked like a deer and admired it. (Przh.) 8) An endlessly long, gloomily cold night was approaching. (New.-Pr.) 9) The entire expanse, thickly filled with the darkness of the night, was in frantic movement. (N.O.) 10) Meanwhile, the frosts, although very light, dried out and colored all the leaves. (Prishv.) 11) A mass of earth, either blue or gray, in some places lay in a humpbacked heap, in some places it stretched in a strip along the horizon. (Hound.) 12) It was a white winter with the harsh silence of cloudless frosts, dense, dense snow, pink frost on the trees (pale) emerald sky, caps of smoke above the chimneys, clouds of steam from instantly opened doors, fresh faces of people and the busy running of chilled horses. (T.) 13) (N..) one beam, (n..) one sound (n.. Penetrated into the office (from) the outside through the window tightly, curtained.. with curtains. (Bulg.) 14) The cathedral courtyard, trampled by thousands of feet, crunched loudly (in)continuously. (Bulg.)




A participial phrase or an adjective with dependent words must appear before or after the word that refers to: 1) Sound of the sea,coming from below, spoke of peace.(Ch.) Or: Coming from below the sound of the sea spoke of peace(but wrong: “The sound of the sea from below spoke of peace”); 2) Pugachev,true to his promise) was approaching Orenburg.(P.) Or: True to my promise, Pugachev was approaching Orenburg(but not-

correctly: “Faithful Pugachev approached Orenburg to his promise”). Therefore, between the words included in the common definition, there should be no other words that are not related to this definition.

418. Copy and match the data in brackets with the highlighted words
What are the common definitions? Their place (before or after the
dividable word) choose yourself.

1) The road winds between two ruts(overgrown with green roadside grass). 2) Saucers of lilies and threads very graceful (going from them to depth). 3) The sun has set, and the lungs froze in the sky clouds(pink from the sunset). 4) Sounds were coming from somewhere to the right (extremely similar to the crying of a child). 6) Shepherd approaches our fire (spent the night in the mountains). 7) We sailed to fog(covering the coast and sea). 8) In the snow open spaces difficult to determine distance (deceiving to the untrained eye).

419. Indicate what mistakes were made in the construction of the participle
nyh revolutions. Write it down and make the necessary corrections.

1) In the meadows covered with lush vegetation there were many birds. 2) The novel created by a young author caused lively debate. 3) Residents of the flood-affected village were provided with timely assistance. 4) The driven boat was quickly rushing along the river with waves and wind. 5) From afar, logs floating on the water were visible.

420. Write it down using punctuation marks. Designate each
house sentence grammatical basis.

It was a warm autumn day and rainy. The spacious perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood defending the bridge was suddenly covered with a curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded and in the light of the sun, objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge on both sides of which masses of Russian troops were crowding. At the turn of the Danube, ships and an island and a castle with a park were visible, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; the left rocky bank of the Danube, covered with a pine forest, was visible with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges (?). (L.N. Tolstoy)


Applications and their isolation

1. 1. If a single matched application and definition
the noun it divides are common nouns
nominative, then a hyphen is written between them, for example:
1) The street winds like a snake.(Lighthouse.); 2) Grandson-driver from behind ru
La bows to her grandfather.
(Tward.) A hyphen is also written in the case
when a common noun comes after a name
own and closely merges with it in meaning, for example:

1) Saratov accordion splashed over the Volga River
(Marmot.); 2) Vasilisa and Lukerya said that
they saw Dubrovsky and Arkhip the blacksmith a few
minutes before the fire.
(P.) But: 1) River The Volga flows into Kas
Piya Sea;
2) Coachman Anton andblacksmith Arkhip is missing
no one knows where.

Note. The hyphen is not used: 1) if the first noun is a generally accepted address (comrade, citizen etc.), for example: Citizen Financial Inspector/ Sorry for disturbing you.(Lighthouse.); 2) if the application preceding the word being defined is close in meaning to the agreed definition expressed by a single-root qualitative adjective, for example: The beautiful dawn lit up in the sky.(Ring.) But: Hippolytus amazed with his extraordinary resemblance to his beautiful sister.(L.T.)

2. Inconsistent attachments (names of newspapers, journals
taxes, artistic works, enterprises and
etc.) are enclosed in quotation marks, for example: magazine"Sme
on the",
watch the ballet"Swan Lake", work for

II. 1. The following are isolated and separated in writing by commas:

a) single and common applications, including
referring to a personal pronoun, for example: 1) At the meeting
we newspapermen learned a lot of news.(Paust.);

2) So,an indifferent inhabitant of the world, in the lap of idle
silence I glorified with the obedient lyre of dark legend

b) common applications related to the definition
the word being divided - a common noun,
for example: 1) Eagles,troop companions, rose above the

I'm digging.(P.); 2) Only the feeder is awake,silent northern old man. (CM.); 3)Carrier of swamp moisture, I was overcome by fog.(Her);

c) common and single applications, standing after the defined noun - a proper noun, for example: 1) Onegin,my good friend, born on the banks of the Neva.(P.); 2) The girl Vovnich was sitting nearby,radio operator (Hump.)

Separate applications, similar to the applications given in the last two examples, should be distinguished from non-separate applications, closely related to a proper name, denoting when naming persons their constant, as if an integral attribute: Arkhip the blacksmith, Agafya the housekeeper, Averka the tailor, Dumas the father, Dumas the son(see above, paragraph I, 1).

    A common application standing before a proper name stands out when it has an additional connotation of causality (in this case it can be replaced by a phrase with the word being):The theater is an evil legislator, a fickle admirer of charming actresses, an honorary citizen of the backstage, Onegin flew to the theater.(P.) But: Odessa in sonorous versesMy friend Tumansky described.(P.)

    A common application, instead of a comma, can be separated by a dash: a) if it not only defines the word, but also complements its content: 1) I had a cast iron kettle with me- My only joy is traveling around the Caucasus. (L.); 2) Topolev- a tall, bony old man with a gray-greenish mustache - I didn't say a word the entire evening.(V. Azh.); b) if it is necessary to establish a line between applications and the defined word: The fiercest scourge of heaven, nature's horror - pestilence rages in the forests.(Kr.); c) if the application needs to be separated from homogeneous members: On the terrace I saw my grandmother, Nikolai Kuzmich- flatmate, sister Nina and two friends.

    Applications joined by unions are separated that is, or(in meaning that is), words even, for example, especially, by nickname, by name, including and the like, acting as unions: 1) Father

showed me a wooden chest,that is, a box wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.(Ax); 2) Many people from the last ball are sulking at me,especially the dragoon captain. (L.); 3) I set off with Starostin’s son and another peasant,named Egor, to hunt.(T.); 4) Two hundred yards away Ik was divided into two branches,or duct. (Ax.) Most applications joined by conjunctions have a clarifying meaning (see examples 1, 3, 4). Some are excretory in nature (see example 2).

Note. IN A proper name, placed after a common noun, can also act as a clarifying application, for example: 1) my father(Who exactly?), Andrey Petrovich Grinev, served under Count Minich.(P.); 2) The second boy(namely?), Pavlushi, the hair was tousled.(T.)

5. Applications attached by the union How, separated by commas if they have a causal meaning; if the union How equal in value to the expression as, then there are no commas: 1) Like a true artist, Pushkin did not need to choose poetic objects for his works, but for him all objects were equally filled with poetry.(White); 2) Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywherelike a groom. (P.)

421. Read and list attachments. Copy it using missing punctuation marks; Applications underline.

I. 1) The gossip pike was chasing a kumanka carp. (Beetle.) 2) The strength and charm of the taiga is not only in the giant trees. (Ch.) 3) A poor shoemaker lived in a hut. (Kr.) 4) I have a story Snow. (Paust.) 5) He [Chernov] was invariably successful in all enterprises. (M.G.) 6) Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin were met in the house by a young woman’s maid. (Ch.) 7) We most often gathered with Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. (Kupr.) 8) Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. (A.N.T.) 9) Prince Andrei’s old uncle Anton dropped Pierre out of the carriage. (L.T.) 10) Nikolushka walked along the soft, crunching pine forest carpet. (A.N.T.) 11) Turgenev’s peers, pupils of the great poet’s school, nurtured by his poetry, we have all retained the charm of his genius forever. (Gonch.) 12) Pushkin, this father of Russian art, had two direct words in his word -

successor Lermontov and Gogol, who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us figures of the 40s, 60s... (Gonch.) 13) As a remarkably smart person, he [Bazarov] has never met his equal. (D.P.) 14) As an artist of words, N.S. Leskov is fully worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov. (M.G.)

P. 1) A signal lieutenant was sitting with the driver. (K.S.) 2) Nikolai Nikolaevich’s wife, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. (Gonch.) 3) I saw Colonel Polyakov, the head of the Cossack artillery, who played an important role that day, and together with him I arrived in the abandoned village. (P.) 4) I slowly walked to the old tavern of an uninhabited, crumbling hut and stood at the edge of the coniferous forest. (Kupr.) 5) The usual companions of my hunting excursions, foresters Zakhar and Maxim, live here. (Cor.)

    I am again a cook on the ship "Perm"... Now I am a "black cook" or a "kitchen man". (M.G.)

    The dear chef Ivan Ivanovich, nicknamed Little Bear, is in charge of the kitchen. (M.G.) 8) The girls, especially Katenka, with joyful, enthusiastic faces, look out the window at the slender figure of Volodya getting into the carriage. (L.T.) 9) Her father Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. (A.G.) 10) We hunters find our happiness by the fire. (S.-M.) 11) My second Chadaev, Evgeniy, fearing jealous condemnations, was a pedant in his clothes and what we called a dandy. (P.) 12) This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived for the summer. (Ch.) 13) The stars of the harbinger of frost appeared in the green sky. (Cupr.)

422. Copy using punctuation marks and explaining their use.

I. 1) Every bird, even a sparrow, attracted my attention. 2) The earliest ripening mushrooms, such as birch and russula, reach full development in three days. 3) The steppe, that is, a treeless and undulating endless plain, surrounded us on all sides. 4) Uncle Sergei Nikolaevich began to teach me penmanship or calligraphy. 5) Approaching Sergeevka, we again found ourselves in a urema, that is, in a flooded place overgrown with sparse bushes and trees.

6) Father and Yevseich fished out very
there are a lot of very large fish, especially perches and asps.

(From the works of S. Aksakov)

II. 1) A yellow butterfly lemongrass sits on a lingonberry. (Prishv.) 2) In late autumn, the desert steppe comes to life for a short time. (Prishv.) 3) The next morning, I and my artist friend went by boat to Prorva. (Paust).

    Startled, he opened his brown eyes wide. (New-Pr.)

    I am a journalist by nature and a cheerful person. (Prishv.) 6) When Alexey Krasilnikov left the infirmary, he met his fellow countryman Ignat, a front-line soldier. (A.N.T.)

7) At one time a very nice man came to visit the sisters
Tan Roshchin sent to Moscow for sleep
dressing up. (A.N.T.) 8) Poor thing, she lay motionless,
and blood flowed from the wound in streams. (L.) 9) Kyrgyz driver
sits motionless. (Furm.) 10) There was a shaggy man with him
ny dog ​​named Faithful. (A. G.) 11) Member of the expedition
The detachment included Arsenyev, the head of the expedition, Ni
Kolaev economic and organizational assistant
Parts of Gusev are naturalist and geologist Dzyul, journalist.
12) As a sailor, I understand these deadly surges
waves, this clanging of an iron mass trembling and groaning in
wild embrace of the elements. (New-Pr.)

Separating add-ons

Complements consisting of nouns with prepositions except, besides, excluding, apart from, including, over, along with, instead of, are usually separated: 1) Who,except the hunter, Have you experienced how pleasant it is to wander through the bushes at dawn?(T.); 2) Airplane,along with passengers, he also captured the mail; 3) With quick steps I walked through the long “square” of bushes, climbed the hill and,instead of the expected familiar plain with an oak forest to the right and a low white church in the distance, I saw completely different, unknown places to me.(T.) These additions denote items excluded from a number of other items (1st example), items included in such a series (2nd example), items replaced by others (3rd example).

Additions with preposition instead of are not isolated when the preposition instead of used in the meaning for: Nikolay dol-

wife was working in place of an unexpectedly ill man

comrade(for a friend who suddenly fell ill).

423. Copy the sentences, placing punctuation marks and explaining their use. Underline isolated additions.

1) In the dark distance there was nothing but sparkling lights. (Nov.-Pr.) 2) Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, boredom awaited me in a deaf and distant side. (P.) 3) Everything around was silent. Not a sound except the sighs of the sea. (M.G.) 4) The entire crew of the ship, including the captain and chief engineer and barman, consisted of eight or nine people. 5) In addition to the pretzel shop, our owner also had a bakery. (M.G.)

    Father and son, instead of greeting, after a long absence, began to punch each other in the sides and lower back and chest, then retreating and looking back, then advancing again. (G.)

    The soil of the Suchan Valley, with the exception of the swamps at the mouth of the river, is extremely fertile. (Przh.) 8) Beyond all expectations, the weather was dry and warm throughout October. 9) In the books of V.K. Arsenyev, in addition to vivid artistic sketches, there is also a lot of valuable material about life in the Ussuri region. 10) All material, including traveler’s diaries, is carefully studied. 11) The mood of the crew was higher than usual. (New-Pr.) 12) Everyone except Varya loudly applauded the singers. (Step.) 13) Instead of telling the content of the story, we will present only a short sketch of its main characters. (Good)


Isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds

Separate themselves

Not isolated

1. Participles with dependent words, as well as two or more participles related to one verb: 1) Holding the jug above your head, The Georgian woman walked along a narrow path to the shore. Sometimes she slipped between the stones,laughing awkwardness

1. Participles with dependent words, which have turned into stable figures of speech that have become integral expressions (usually they come after the verb to which they refer: carelessly, rolling up sleeves, headlong, without taking a breath etc.): 1) The boy ran


Separate themselves

Not isolated

his. (L.); 2) Sun,hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges.(New-Pr.); 3) From the Urals to the Danube, to the big river,swaying and sparkling, The shelves are moving.(L.)

headlong (very fast); 2) Will be workingrolling up my sleeves (friendly, persistent). But: Father,rolling up my sleeves, washed my hands thoroughly.

2. Single gerunds, if they do not have the meaning of an adverb (usually they come before the verb): 1) Having made some noise, the river calmed down and returned to its banks.(Floor.); 2) Rumble,without stopping, rolls on.(CM.); 3) The steppe turned brown and began to smoke,drying out. (V.Sh.)

2. Single gerunds, having the meaning of a simple adverb, acting as an adverb of the manner of action (usually they come after the verb): 1) Yakov walkedtaking your time (slowly). (M.G.); 2) He talked about the walklaughing (funny).

3. Participles with dependent words, closely merging in meaning with the verb: The old man was sittinglowering his head. What is important here is not that the old man was sitting, but that he was sitting with his head down.

4. Groups of homogeneous members, consisting of an adverb and a gerund: The boy answered questionsfrankly and without any embarrassment.

Participles and participial phrases connected by a conjunction And 9 like other homogeneous members, they are not separated from each other by a comma: I looked back. At the edge of the forest,with one ear attached and the other raised, the hare jumped over.(L.T.)

In all other cases, gerunds and participial phrases are separated by a comma from the conjunction preceding or following them and: 1) The batteries gallop and rattle in a copper formation, and,smoking, as before a battle, the wicks are burning.(L.) 2) Textbook. At 2 o'clock L. Ya. Zheltovskaya, O. B. Kalinina. Russian language. 2 ... to title data, annotations, preface and afterword; navigate the world...

  • Methodology of the Russian language as a science; subject and objectives of the methodology of teaching the Russian language


    Information will be supplemented with new ones. wonderful preface to the topic “The Way to Happiness... cover” title page, table of contents, preface, illustrations, etc.), in charge of... material included in school textbooks Russian language and teaching aids for teachers...

  • Rec.: D. Gelyuk, M. Girshman. Questions of literature. 1968. No. P. 225-227; A. N. Vasilyeva. Russian language abroad. 1968. No. P. 119


    Words difficult to spell in stable textbook Russian language(in collaboration with M.A. Genkel) // There... Russian language. M.: Science: Flinta, 2003. Ch. editor and author of dictionary articles: Preface... Ibid. pp. 290-291. 218. Preface. // Ibid. pp. 4-9. 219. ...

  • Dictionary of Russian language paronyms


    For teachers Russian language in the country and abroad, to the compilers textbooks Russian language and benefits for Russian language. Lexicographers... § 1. The dictionary includes: a) preface; b) list of conditional abbreviations; V) Russian alphabet; d) corpus of the dictionary, ...

  • 414. Read and indicate the isolated parts of the sentence. Explain punctuation.

    1) Dark blue mountain peaks, pitted with wrinkles, covered with layers of snow, were drawn on the pale sky, which still retained the last glow of dawn. 2) Excited by memories, I forgot. 3) Pechorin and I were sitting in a place of honor, and then the owner’s youngest daughter, a girl of about sixteen, came up to him and sang to him. 4) From the corner of the room, two other eyes looked at her, motionless, fiery. 5) Occasionally a cool wind would blow from the east, lifting the horses’ manes, covered with frost. 6) When I returned, I found a doctor at my place. 7) Contrary to my companion’s prediction, the weather cleared up.

    (M. Lermontov)


    1. They are isolated and separated in writing by commas.
    night and common consensus definitions,
    if they refer to a personal pronoun, for example:

    1) Tired of a long speech, I closed my eyes and
    fell asleep.
    (L.); 2) And he, rebellious, asks for storms, as if in
    there is peace in storms.
    (L.); 3) But you jumped irresistible,
    and a flock of ships are sinking.

    Note. It is necessary to distinguish adjectives and participles included in a compound nominal predicate from isolated agreed definitions expressed by adjectives and participles, for example: 1) He came especially excited and cheerful.(L. T.); 2) He let's go home sad And tired. (M.G.) In these cases, adjectives and participles can be placed in the instrumental case, for example: He came especially excited And cheerful.

    2. Isolated and separated in writing by commas
    common agreed upon definitions, if they
    stand after the noun being defined: 1) Ofie
    cer, riding on horseback pulled the reins, stopped at
    for a second and turned to the right.
    (Cupr.); 2) Wisps of smoke
    flew in the night air, full of moisture and freshness of the sea.
    (M. G.) (Wed: 1) Riding on horseback the officer pulled the brakes
    Hey, he stopped for a second and turned to the right.

    2) Streams of smoke curled full of moisture and freshness
    sea ​​night air
    - there is no separation, since it is defined
    lenias come before modifiable nouns.)

    3. Single consistent definitions are isolated
    tions, if there are two or more of them and they come after the definition
    of the noun being declared, especially if in front of it
    there is already a definition: 1) There was a field all around lifeless
    new, dull.
    (Boon.); 2) Sun, magnificent and bright,
    rose above the sea.

    Sometimes definitions are so closely related to the noun that the latter does not express the desired meaning without them, for example: In the forest, an atmosphere awaited Ephraim suffocating, thick, saturated with the smells of pine needles, moss and rotting leaves. (Ch.) Word atmosphere acquires the necessary meaning only in combination with definitions, and therefore they cannot be isolated from it: it is important

    not that “an atmosphere awaited” Ephraim, but that this atmosphere was “suffocating”, “thick”, etc. Cf. one more example: His [the counselor's] face had an expression enough nice, but picaresque (P.), where definitions are also closely related to the word being defined and therefore are not isolated.

    4. Agreed definitions placed in front of the defined noun are separated if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, concessional or temporary). These definitions often refer to proper names: 1) Attracted by the light butterflies flew in and circled around the lantern.(Ax); 2) Tired from the day's march, Semyonov soon fell asleep.(Cor.); 3) Still transparent the forests seem to be turning green.(P.); 4) Not cooled down by the heat, The July night shone.(Tyutch.)

    5. Inconsistent definitions, expressed in indirect cases of nouns with prepositions, are isolated if they are given greater independence, that is, when they complement, clarify the idea of ​​​​an already known person or object; this usually happens if they refer to a proper name or personal pronoun: 1) Prince Andrey, in a cloak, riding a black horse, stood behind the crowd and looked at Al-patych.(L. T.); 2) Today she in a new blue hood, was especially young and impressively beautiful.(M.G.); 3) Elegant officer in a cap with golden oak leaves, shouted something into the megaphone to the captain.(A.N.T.) Compare: The engineer was most dissatisfied with the delay with a thunderous voice, wearing tortoiseshell glasses. (Paust.)

    Inconsistent definitions expressed by indirect cases of nouns, in addition, are usually isolated: a) when they follow separate definitions expressed by adjectives and participles: Boy, cropped, in a gray blouse, served Laptev tea without a saucer.(Ch.); b) when they stand in front of these definitions and are connected with them by coordinating conjunctions: Poor guest with torn linen and scratched to the point of bleeding, I soon found a safe corner.(P.)

    415. Copy using punctuation marks and explaining their use. Underline separate agreed and inconsistent definitions.

    I. 1) Only people who are capable of loving deeply can also experience strong grief; but the same need to love serves as a counteract to grief and heals them. (L.T.) 2) The street leading into the city was free. (N.O.) 3) They entered a narrow and dark corridor. (G.) 4) Lazy by nature, he [Zakhar] was also lazy due to his lackey upbringing. (Hound.) 5) He is passionately devoted to the master, however, it is rare that he does not lie to him about something. (Gonch.) 6) A man of about thirty, healthy, handsome and strong, was lying on a cart. (Cor.) 7) The earth and the sky and the white cloud floating in the azure and the dark forest indistinctly whispering below and the splash of a river invisible in the darkness - all this is familiar - all this is familiar to him. (Cor.) 8) The mother’s more lively and vivid stories made a great impression on the boy. (Cor.) 9) Covered with frost, they [the rocks] went into the unclear illuminated distance, sparkling almost transparent. (Cor.) 10) The frost hit 30, 35 and 40 degrees. Then at one of the stations we already saw mercury frozen in the thermometer. (Cor.) 11) The rusty sedge was still green and juicy, bending towards the ground. (Ch.) 12) A quiet, drawn-out and mournful song, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, then to the left, then from above, or from under the ground. (Ch.)

    13) At the sight of Kalinovich, the footman, rather stupid in appearance but in a livery with braid, stretched out into a duty position. (Letters)

    14) Boris couldn’t sleep and he went out into the garden in a light morning coat. (Gonch.) 15) Berezhkova herself was sitting on the sofa in a silk dress with a cap on the back of her head. (Gonch.)

    P. 1) His [Werner’s] small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. (L.) 2) I have already been given two or three epigrams about me, quite caustic but at the same time very flattering. (L.) 3) Alyosha left his father’s house in a broken and depressed state of mind. (Dev.) 4) Satisfied with the bad pun, he became amused. (L.) 5) He lay pale on the floor. (L.) 6) We went to the exam calm and confident in our abilities. 7) Behind her [the stroller] was a man with a large mustache in a Hungarian coat, quite well dressed for a footman. (L.) 8) About up to

    the horns gently leaned against each other, the two willows, old and young, were whispering about something. 9) Gifted with extraordinary strength, he [Gerasim] worked for four. (T.) 10) Just before sunset, the sun came out from behind the gray clouds covering the sky and suddenly, with a crimson light, it illuminated the purple clouds, the greenish sea covered with ships and boats, swaying with an even wide swell, and the white buildings of the city and the people moving along the streets. (L.T.) 11) Life in the city, sleepy and monotonous, went its own way. (Cor.) 12) The river, cluttered with white hummocks, sparkled slightly under the silvery sad light of the moon standing over the mountains. (Cor.) 13) Vanya was still sitting on the radiation bench, serious and calm in his eared hat. (Hare)

    416. Read the text, explaining the punctuation of the common definitions highlighted. Write down, making isolated definitions non-isolated and, conversely, non-isolated definitions - isolated. Place punctuation marks.

    Traveler, first time traveler V central regions of the high Tien Shan, the beautiful roads are amazing, laid in the mountains. Many cars are moving along mountain roads. Filled with cargo and people

    heavy vehicles climb high passes, descend into deep mountain valleys, overgrown with tall grass. The higher we climb into the mountains, the cleaner, cooler the air. Closer to us are the tops of high ridges covered with snow. Road, skirting bare rocks, meanders through a deep hollow. mountain stream, swift and stormy, sometimes it washes away the road, sometimes it gets lost in a deep stone riverbed. Gives a wild, deserted impression stretched along a stormy river deep mountain hollow. Ringing in the wind stalks of dried grass cover the wild steppe. A rare tree is visible on the river bank. Small steppe hares are hiding in the grass, ears flattened, sitting near dug into the ground telegraph poles. A herd of goitered gazelles crosses the road. You can see these far away racing across the steppe light-footed animals. Stopping on the bank of a noisy river, washed away the edge of the mountain road, on the slopes of the mountain you can see a herd of mountain chamois with binoculars. Sensitive animals raise their heads, peering at the road running below.

    417. Write it down using punctuation marks. Underline isolated definitions.

    1) The sky is darkening, heavy and inhospitable it hangs lower and lower above the ground. (Nov.-Pr.) 2) The rain fell slantingly and finely without ceasing. (A.N.T.) 3) Tired, we finally fell asleep. (New.-Pr.) 4) The wind was still blowing strong now from the east. (A.N.T.) 5) He [Telegin] distinguished between these deep sighs a dull grumbling, either dying down or growing into angry ripples. (A.N.T.) 6) Amazed, I think about what happened for some time. (New.-Pr.) 7) I saw a group of rocks above that looked like a deer and admired it. (Przh.) 8) An endlessly long, gloomily cold night was approaching. (New.-Pr.) 9) The entire expanse, thickly filled with the darkness of the night, was in frantic movement. (N.O.) 10) Meanwhile, the frosts, although very light, dried out and colored all the leaves. (Prishv.) 11) A mass of earth, either blue or gray, in some places lay in a humpbacked heap, in some places it stretched in a strip along the horizon. (Hound.) 12) It was a white winter with the harsh silence of cloudless frosts, dense, dense snow, pink frost on the trees (pale) emerald sky, caps of smoke above the chimneys, clouds of steam from instantly opened doors, fresh faces of people and the busy running of chilled horses. (T.) 13) (N..) one beam, (n..) one sound (n.. Penetrated into the office (from) the outside through the window tightly, curtained.. with curtains. (Bulg.) 14) The cathedral courtyard, trampled by thousands of feet, crunched loudly (in)continuously. (Bulg.)




    A participial phrase or an adjective with dependent words must appear before or after the word that refers to: 1) Sound of the sea, coming from below, spoke of peace.(Ch.) Or: Coming from below the sound of the sea spoke of peace(but wrong: “The sound of the sea from below spoke of peace”); 2) Pugachev, true to his promise) was approaching Orenburg.(P.) Or: True to my promise, Pugachev was approaching Orenburg(but not-

    correctly: “Faithful Pugachev approached Orenburg to his promise”). Therefore, between the words included in the common definition, there should be no other words that are not related to this definition.

    418. Copy and match the data in brackets with the highlighted words
    What are the common definitions? Their place (before or after the
    dividable word) choose yourself.

    1) The road winds between two ruts(overgrown with green roadside grass). 2) Saucers of lilies and threads very graceful (going from them to depth). 3) The sun has set, and the lungs froze in the sky clouds(pink from the sunset). 4) Sounds were coming from somewhere to the right (extremely similar to the crying of a child). 6) Shepherd approaches our fire (spent the night in the mountains). 7) We sailed to fog(covering the coast and sea). 8) In the snow open spaces difficult to determine distance (deceiving to the untrained eye).

    419. Indicate what mistakes were made in the construction of the participle
    nyh revolutions. Write it down and make the necessary corrections.

    1) In the meadows covered with lush vegetation there were many birds. 2) The novel created by a young author caused lively debate. 3) Residents of the flood-affected village were provided with timely assistance. 4) The driven boat was quickly rushing along the river with waves and wind. 5) From afar, logs floating on the water were visible.

    420. Write it down using punctuation marks. Designate each
    house sentence grammatical basis.

    It was a warm autumn day and rainy. The spacious perspective that opened up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood defending the bridge was suddenly covered with a curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded and in the light of the sun, objects as if covered with varnish became visible far away and clearly. A town could be seen underfoot with its white houses and red roofs, a cathedral and a bridge on both sides of which masses of Russian troops were crowding. At the turn of the Danube, ships and an island and a castle with a park were visible, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; the left rocky bank of the Danube, covered with a pine forest, was visible with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges (?). (L.N. Tolstoy)


    Applications and their isolation

    1. 1. If a single matched application and definition
    the noun it divides are common nouns
    nominative, then a hyphen is written between them, for example:
    1) The street winds like a snake.(Lighthouse.); 2) Grandson-driver from behind ru
    La bows to her grandfather.
    (Tward.) A hyphen is also written in the case
    when a common noun comes after a name
    own and closely merges with it in meaning, for example:

    1) Saratov accordion splashed over the Volga River
    (Marmot.); 2) Vasilisa and Lukerya said that
    they saw Dubrovsky and Arkhip the blacksmith a few
    minutes before the fire.
    (P.) But: 1) River The Volga flows into Kas
    Piya Sea;
    2) Coachman Anton and blacksmith Arkhip is missing
    no one knows where.

    Note. The hyphen is not used: 1) if the first noun is a generally accepted address (comrade, citizen etc.), for example: Citizen Financial Inspector/ Sorry for disturbing you.(Lighthouse.); 2) if the application preceding the word being defined is close in meaning to the agreed definition expressed by a single-root qualitative adjective, for example: The beautiful dawn lit up in the sky.(Ring.) But: Hippolytus amazed with his extraordinary resemblance to his beautiful sister.(L.T.)

    2. Inconsistent attachments (names of newspapers, journals
    taxes, artistic works, enterprises and
    etc.) are enclosed in quotation marks, for example: magazine "Sme
    on the",
    watch the ballet "Swan Lake", work for
    factory "Firework".

    II. 1. The following are isolated and separated in writing by commas:

    a) single and common applications, including
    referring to a personal pronoun, for example: 1) At the meeting
    gah we newspapermen learned a lot of news.

    2) So, an indifferent inhabitant of the world, in the lap of idle
    silence I glorified with the obedient lyre of dark legend

    b) common applications related to the definition
    the word being divided - a common noun,
    for example: 1) Eagles, troop companions, rose above the

    I'm digging.(P.); 2) Only the feeder is awake, silent northern old man. (CM.); 3) Carrier of swamp moisture, I was overcome by fog.(Her);

    c) common and single applications, standing after the defined noun - a proper noun, for example: 1) Onegin, my good friend, born on the banks of the Neva.(P.); 2) The girl Vovnich was sitting nearby, radio operator (Hump.)

    Separate applications, similar to the applications given in the last two examples, should be distinguished from non-separate applications, closely related to a proper name, denoting when naming persons their constant, as if an integral attribute: Arkhip the blacksmith, Agafya the housekeeper, Averka the tailor, Dumas the father, Dumas the son(see above, paragraph I, 1).

    2. A common application standing before a proper name is isolated when it has an additional connotation of causality (in this case it can be replaced by a phrase with the word being): The theater is an evil legislator, a fickle admirer of charming actresses, an honorary citizen of the backstage, Onegin flew to the theater.(P.) But: Odessa in sonorous verses My friend Tumansky described.(P.)

    3. A common application may be separated by a dash instead of a comma: a) if it not only defines the word, but also complements its content: 1) I had a cast iron kettle with me- My only joy is traveling around the Caucasus.(L.); 2) Topolev- a tall, bony old man with a gray-greenish mustache - I didn't say a word the entire evening.(V. Azh.); b) if it is necessary to establish a line between applications and the defined word: The fiercest scourge of heaven, nature's horror - pestilence rages in the forests.(Kr.); c) if the application needs to be separated from homogeneous members: On the terrace I saw my grandmother, Nikolai Kuzmich- flatmate, sister Nina and two friends.

    4. Applications joined by unions are separated that is, or(in meaning that is), words even, for example, especially, by nickname, by name, including and the like, acting as unions: 1) Father

    showed me a wooden chest, that is, a box wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.(Ax); 2) Many people from the last ball are sulking at me, especially the dragoon captain. (L.); 3) I set off with Starostin’s son and another peasant, named Egor, to hunt.(T.); 4) Two hundred yards away Ik was divided into two branches, or duct. (Ax.) Most applications joined by conjunctions have a clarifying meaning (see examples 1, 3, 4). Some are excretory in nature (see example 2).

    Note. IN A proper name, placed after a common noun, can also act as a clarifying application, for example: 1) my father(Who exactly?), Andrey Petrovich Grinev, served under Count Minich.(P.); 2) The second boy(namely?), Pavlushi, the hair was tousled.(T.)

    5. Applications attached by the union How, separated by commas if they have a causal meaning; if the union How equal in value to the expression as, then there are no commas: 1) Like a true artist, Pushkin did not need to choose poetic objects for his works, but for him all objects were equally filled with poetry.(White); 2) Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere like a groom. (P.)

    421. Read and list attachments. Copy it using missing punctuation marks; Applications underline.

    I. 1) The gossip pike was chasing a kumanka carp. (Beetle.) 2) The strength and charm of the taiga is not only in the giant trees. (Ch.) 3) A poor shoemaker lived in a hut. (Kr.) 4) I have a story Snow. (Paust.) 5) He [Chernov] was invariably successful in all enterprises. (M.G.) 6) Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin were met in the house by a young woman’s maid. (Ch.) 7) We most often gathered with Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. (Kupr.) 8) Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. (A.N.T.) 9) Prince Andrei’s old uncle Anton dropped Pierre out of the carriage. (L.T.) 10) Nikolushka walked along the soft, crunching pine forest carpet. (A.N.T.) 11) Turgenev’s peers, pupils of the great poet’s school, nurtured by his poetry, we have all retained the charm of his genius forever. (Gonch.) 12) Pushkin, this father of Russian art, had two direct words in his word -

    successor Lermontov and Gogol, who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us figures of the 40s, 60s... (Gonch.) 13) As a remarkably smart person, he [Bazarov] has never met his equal. (D.P.) 14) As an artist of words, N.S. Leskov is fully worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov. (M.G.)

    P. 1) A signal lieutenant was sitting with the driver. (K.S.) 2) Nikolai Nikolaevich’s wife, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. (Gonch.) 3) I saw Colonel Polyakov, the head of the Cossack artillery, who played an important role that day, and together with him I arrived in the abandoned village. (P.) 4) I slowly walked to the old tavern of an uninhabited, crumbling hut and stood at the edge of the coniferous forest. (Kupr.) 5) The usual companions of my hunting excursions, foresters Zakhar and Maxim, live here. (Cor.)

    6) I am again a cook on the ship “Perm”... Now I am a “black cook” or a “kitchen man”. (M.G.)

    7) The dear chef Ivan Ivanovich, nicknamed Little Bear, is in charge of the kitchen. (M.G.) 8) The girls, especially Katenka, with joyful, enthusiastic faces, look out the window at the slender figure of Volodya getting into the carriage. (L.T.) 9) Her father Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. (A.G.) 10) We hunters find our happiness by the fire. (S.-M.) 11) My second Chadaev, Evgeniy, fearing jealous condemnations, was a pedant in his clothes and what we called a dandy. (P.) 12) This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived for the summer. (Ch.) 13) The stars of the harbinger of frost appeared in the green sky. (Cupr.)

    422. Copy using punctuation marks and explaining their use.

    I. 1) Every bird, even a sparrow, attracted my attention. 2) The earliest ripening mushrooms, such as birch and russula, reach full development in three days. 3) The steppe, that is, a treeless and undulating endless plain, surrounded us on all sides. 4) Uncle Sergei Nikolaevich began to teach me penmanship or calligraphy. 5) Approaching Sergeevka, we again found ourselves in a urema, that is, in a flooded place overgrown with sparse bushes and trees.

    6) Father and Yevseich fished out very
    there are a lot of very large fish, especially perches and asps.

    (From the works of S. Aksakov)

    II. 1) A yellow butterfly lemongrass sits on a lingonberry. (Prishv.) 2) In late autumn, the desert steppe comes to life for a short time. (Prishv.) 3) The next morning, I and my artist friend went by boat to Prorva. (Paust).

    4) Amazed, he opened his brown eyes wide. (New-Pr.)

    5) I am a journalist by nature, a cheerful person. (Prishv.) 6) When Alexey Krasilnikov left the infirmary, he met his fellow countryman Ignat, a front-line soldier. (A.N.T.)

    7) At one time a very nice man came to visit the sisters
    Tan Roshchin sent to Moscow for sleep
    dressing up. (A.N.T.) 8) Poor thing, she lay motionless,
    and blood flowed from the wound in streams. (L.) 9) Kyrgyz driver
    sits motionless. (Furm.) 10) There was a shaggy man with him
    ny dog ​​named Faithful. (A. G.) 11) Member of the expedition
    The detachment included Arsenyev, the head of the expedition, Ni
    Kolaev economic and organizational assistant
    Parts of Gusev are naturalist and geologist Dzyul, journalist.
    12) As a sailor, I understand these deadly surges
    waves, this clanging of an iron mass trembling and groaning in
    wild embrace of the elements. (New-Pr.)

    Separating add-ons

    Complements consisting of nouns with prepositions except, besides, excluding, apart from, including, over, along with, instead of, are usually separated: 1) Who, except the hunter, Have you experienced how pleasant it is to wander through the bushes at dawn?(T.); 2) Airplane, along with passengers, he also captured the mail; 3) With quick steps I walked through the long “square” of bushes, climbed the hill and, instead of the expected familiar plain with an oak forest to the right and a low white church in the distance, I saw completely different, unknown places to me.(T.) These additions denote items excluded from a number of other items (1st example), items included in such a series (2nd example), items replaced by others (3rd example).

    Additions with preposition instead of are not isolated when the preposition instead of used in the meaning for: Nikolay dol-

    wife was working in place of an unexpectedly ill man

    comrade(for a friend who suddenly fell ill).

    423. Copy the sentences, placing punctuation marks and explaining their use. Underline isolated additions.

    1) In the dark distance there was nothing but sparkling lights. (Nov.-Pr.) 2) Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, boredom awaited me in a deaf and distant side. (P.) 3) Everything around was silent. Not a sound except the sighs of the sea. (M.G.) 4) The entire crew of the ship, including the captain and chief engineer and barman, consisted of eight or nine people. 5) In addition to the pretzel shop, our owner also had a bakery. (M.G.)

    6) Father and son, instead of greeting, after a long absence, began to punch each other in the sides and lower back and chest, then retreating and looking back, then advancing again. (G.)

    7) The soil of the Suchan Valley, with the exception of the swamps at the mouth of the river, is extremely fertile. (Przh.) 8) Beyond all expectations, the weather was dry and warm throughout October. 9) In the books of V.K. Arsenyev, in addition to vivid artistic sketches, there is also a lot of valuable material about life in the Ussuri region. 10) All material, including traveler’s diaries, is carefully studied. 11) The mood of the crew was higher than usual. (New-Pr.) 12) Everyone except Varya loudly applauded the singers. (Step.) 13) Instead of telling the content of the story, we will present only a short sketch of its main characters. (Good)


    Isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds


    Separate themselves Not isolated
    his. (L.); 2) The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. (New-Pr.); 3) From the Urals to the Danube, to the big river, the regiments are moving, swaying and sparkling.(L.) headlong (very quickly); 2) Let's roll up our sleeves(friendly, persistent). But: The father rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands thoroughly.
    2. Single gerunds, if they do not have the meaning of an adverb (usually they come before the verb): 1) Having made some noise, the river calmed down and returned to its banks.(Floor.); 2) The roar, without stopping, rolls on.(CM.); 3) The steppe turned brown and began to smoke, drying out.(V.Sh.) 2. Single gerunds, having the meaning of a simple adverb, acting as an adverb of the manner of action (usually they come after the verb): 1) Yakov walked slowly(slowly). (M.G.); 2) He talked about the walk laughing(funny).
    3. Participles with dependent words, closely merging in meaning with the verb: The old man sat with his head down. What is important here is not that the old man was sitting, but that he was sitting with his head down.
    4. Groups of homogeneous members, consisting of an adverb and a gerund: The boy answered questions frankly and without any embarrassment.
    Participles and participial phrases connected by a conjunction and 9 like other homogeneous members, they are not separated from each other by a comma: I looked back. At the edge of the forest, a hare was jumping over with one ear attached and the other raised.(L.T.) In all other cases, gerunds and participial phrases are separated by a comma from the conjunction preceding or following them and: 1) The batteries gallop and rattle in copper formation, and the wicks burn, smoking as before a battle.(L.) 2) “Eagle” finally set off, picking up speed, and, having caught up with the squadron, took its place in the ranks.(New-Pr.)

    424. Copy, adding missing punctuation marks. Explain their use in isolated circumstances, expressed by gerunds.

    1) All these sounds merge into the deafening music of a working day and, swaying rebelliously, stand low in the sky above the harbor. 2) Standing under the steam of heavy giant steamboats, they whistle, hiss, sigh deeply... 3) Six steps away from him [Chelkash], near the sidewalk, on the pavement, leaning his back against the bedside table... Chelkash bared his teeth, stuck out his tongue and made a scary face stared at him with wide eyes. The guy blinked in bewilderment at first, but then suddenly burst out laughing and shouted through his laughter: “Oh, eccentric!” - and almost without getting up from the ground, he awkwardly rolled from his bedside table to Chelkash’s bedside table, dragging his knapsack through the dust and tapping the heel of his scythe on the stones. 4) The guy was scared. He quickly looked around and, blinking timidly, also jumped up from the ground. 5) Chelkash came, and they began to eat and drink while talking. 6) The clouds crawled slowly, either merging or overtaking each other, their colors and shapes interfered, absorbing themselves and re-emerging in new shapes, majestic and gloomy. 7) For a minute the boat shuddered and stopped. The oars remained in the water, foaming it, and Gavrila fidgeted restlessly on the bench. 8) Chelkash stood up from the stern without letting go of the oars and piercing his cold eyes into Gavrila’s pale face. 9) Chelkash’s boat stopped and wavered on the water, as if perplexed. 10) Gavrila silently rowed and, breathing heavily, looked sideways at where this fiery sword was still rising and falling. 11) The sea woke up. It played in small waves, giving birth to them, decorating them with a fringe of foam, pushing them against each other and breaking them into fine dust. 12) The melting foam hissed and sighed, and everything around was filled with musical noise and splashing. 13) Reflected by the playing sea, these stars jumped on the waves, either disappearing or shining again. 14) He walked slowly. 15) The road stretches towards the sea; it twists and turns closer to the sandy strip where the waves rush up.

    (From the works of M. Gorky)

    425. Write it down using punctuation marks. Separate members
    Please underline our proposals.

    1) Returning from the review, Kutuzov, accompanied by the Austrian general, went into his office and, calling on the adjutant, ordered to hand over some papers relating to the state of the incoming troops and letters received from Archduke Ferdinant, who commanded the advanced army. (L.T.) 2) Oblomov’s people very simply understood it [life] as an ideal of peace and inaction, disrupted from time to time by various unpleasant accidents such as illness, losses, quarrels and, among other things, labor. (Good) 3) The garden thinned out more and more, turning into a real meadow and descended to the river overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a deep and fishy stretch. (Ch.) 4) On the second day the storm intensified. Whirling below, ragged clouds descended, piled up in clumsy layers in the distance, fell heavily onto the sea and narrowed the horizon, dark as straw smoke; boiling, foaming, the waves rolled in huge mounds across the vast expanse, whistling and howling, rushing like a whirlwind, raising cascades of pearlescent splashes. (New.-Pr.) 5) There were three of us Savely, an old hunter, fat and round like a beehive, Wad, his long-eared dog, who understands hunting as well as his owner, and I was still a teenager at that time. (New.-Pr.) 6) Nikolka, his collar and overcoat buttons shining, walked with his head twisted. (Bulg.)

    426. Write it down using punctuation marks. Designate each
    the house of the sentence is its grammatical basis.

    1) The (un)friendly army was already marching out of the city, rattling timpani and trumpets, and the lords, akimbo, rode out surrounded by (in)numerable servants. (G.) 2) Veretyev s.del leaning over and patting the grass with a branch. (T.) 3) He [Dolokhov] grabbed the bear and, hugging and lifting it, began to circle(?) with it around the room. (L.T.) 4) Dog paper. .re la and the last red label. ,teasingly (not) much faded away on the floor. (Bulg.) 5) Tears appeared on Masha’s eyelashes, she (slowly) wiped ... and propped up her cheek. (A.N.T.) 6) Natasha quietly looked out from her ambush, waiting for what he would do. (L. T.) 7) Vanya in the summer

    (tirelessly) he worked in the yard and went to the mill and carried bread. (Seraph.) 8) Having made (several) circles, he [the prince] took his foot off the pedal of the machine.. he wiped the chisel, threw it into the leather pocket attached to the machine and, going up to the table, called his daughter. (L. T.) 9) Prince Andrei, seeing the urgency of his father’s demand (with) began.. (reluctantly) but then more and more excited and (un) freely in the middle of the story, out of habit, switching from Russian to French began to outline the operational plan for the proposed campaign. (L.T.)

    427. Write it down using punctuation marks. Orally explain the use of punctuation marks for isolated parts of a sentence.

    1) At this hour of the morning I feel uncontrollably sleepy and, snuggling behind my father’s broad back, I nod off. (S.-M.) 2) The song came from somewhere unknown, fading and then growing. (S.-M.) 3) And without fear of me, the little forest birds sat close and sang loudly. (S.-M.) 4) Lying on the bank of a stream, I look into the sky, where a deep, endless expanse opens up above the branches swayed by the wind. (S.-M.) 5) As if emphasizing the frozen stillness of the July day, the forest grasshoppers sing and sing. (S.-M.) 6) Solid milky clouds covered the entire sky; the wind quickly drove them whistling and squealing. (T.) 7) Rudin stood with his arms crossed on his chest and listened with intense attention. (T.) 8) She did all this slowly, without noise, with some kind of tender and quiet caring on her face. (T.) 9) The old man, without saying a word, with a majestic movement of his hand, threw the door key out of the window onto the street. (T.) 10) Another time, Lavretsky, sitting in the living room and listening to Gedeonovsky’s insinuating but heavy rantings, suddenly, without knowing why, he turned around and caught a deep, attentive, questioning look in Lisa’s eyes. (T.)

    № 365. 1) The sun, which immediately began to burn, quickly rose above
    steppe... 2) Several smokes, pinkish and yellowish, very clustered
    tall and at the same time very airy, stood above the city. 3) Sky
    darkens, heavy and inhospitable, it hangs lower and lower over the earth-
    lei. 4) It rained incessantly, slanting and fine. 5) Tired,
    we finally fell asleep. 6) The wind, still strong, was now blowing from the east
    ka. 7) He [Telegin] distinguished between these deep sighs
    a constant grumbling sound, now dying down, now growing into angry rumbles.
    8) The moon, clear and sharp, stood overhead. 9) Amazed, I
    I’ve been thinking about what happened for a while. 10) I saw on-
    at the top there was a group of rocks that looked like a deer, and I admired it. 11) Thrust-
    The night passed, endlessly long, gloomily cold. 12) All the space,
    densely flooded with the darkness of the night, it was in frantic movement.
    13) Meanwhile, the frosts, although very light, dried and colored
    all leaves. 14) A mass of earth, either blue or gray, in some places
    the stings formed a humpbacked heap, and in some places stretched across the horizon in stripes.
    15) It was a white winter with the harsh silence of cloudless frosts,
    dense creaking snow, pink frost on the trees, pale
    emerald sky, caps of smoke above the chimneys, clouds of steam from
    instantly opened doors, fresh, as if bitten, faces -
    mi people and the busy running of chilled horses.
    № 366. 1) The road winds between two tracks overgrown with green
    roadside grass. 2) Saucers of lilies and going from them into the depths
    the threads are very graceful. 3) The sun has set, and the light airs froze in the sky.
    varnish, pink from the sunset. 4) From somewhere to the right were heard emergency
    but sounds similar to the crying of a child. 5) Along the steppe, densely overgrown with grass
    howl, the horses walked slowly. 6) a shepherd who spent the night in the mountains approached
    goes to our fire. 7) We sailed in the fog that covered the shore and
    sea. 8) In the snowy expanses that deceive the untrained eye
    difficult to determine distance.
    № 367. 1) In meadows overgrown with lush vegetation, there were
    many birds. 2) The novel created by the young author caused
    lively debate. 3) Residents of the village affected by the flood,
    timely assistance was provided. 4) Driven by waves and
    the wind carried the boat quickly along the river. 5) From afar the floating
    logs floating on the water.
    № 368. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. Spacious lane
    the vista that opened up from the elevation where the Russian battalions stood
    the yards protecting the bridge were suddenly covered with a muslin curtain
    slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun far away and
    Objects as if coated with varnish became clearly visible. Vidnel-
    whole town under your feet with its white houses and red roofs
    shami, the cathedral and the bridge, on both sides of which, crowding,
    Masses of Russian troops poured in. Ships were seen at the bends of the Danube, and
    island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the confluence of Enns and Du-
    nay, the left bank, rocky and covered with pine forest, was visible
    the Danube with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue
    № 369. I. 1) Pike- gossip for carp- Kumanko was racing. 2) Si-
    la and the charm of the taiga is not only in the trees - giants. 3) Lived in chi-
    wife poor man shoemaker. 4) I have a story " Snow" 5) He [Cher-
    new] was invariably successful in all his undertakings. 6) Ivana Ivano-
    Vich and Burkin were met in the house by the maid - young woman.
    7) We most often gathered at Boris Muruzov’s, zoologist. 8) On
    Vasilisa sang on the black porch - cook. 9) Old uncle Andrei,
    Anton, dropped Pierre out of the carriage. 10) Nikolushka went along soft
    crunching pine needles
    - forest carpet. eleven) Turge's peers
    Neva, pupils of the great poet’s school, nurtured by his poetry
    to her
    , we all retained the charm of his genius forever. 12) U Push-
    kina, this father of Russian art, the word had two direct lines
    heir - Lermontov and Gogol who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us,
    figures of the 40s, 60s... 13) What a remarkably smart person,
    he [Bazarov] had never met his equal. 14) Like an artist of words
    N.S. Leskov is fully worthy to stand next to such literary creators.
    Russian culture, such as L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov.
    II. 1) The lieutenant sat with the driver signalman. 2) Wife of Nikolai Ni-
    Kolaevich, Frenchwoman, no less distinguished by his humanity,
    kindness and simplicity. 3) I saw Colonel Polyakov - head-
    nickname of the Cossack artillery
    , which played an important role that day, - and
    together with him he arrived in the abandoned village. 4) I walked slowly
    to the old tavern, uninhabited collapsed hut, and stood at the edge
    coniferous forest. 5) My hunting companions live here
    excursions - Foresters Zakhar and Maxim. 6) I'm a dishwasher again
    steamboat " Permian"... Now I am a "black crockery" or "kitchen
    man." 7) The dear cook Ivan Ivanovich is in charge of the kitchen, according to
    Nicknamed Teddy Bear
    . 8) Girls, especially Katenka, with joy
    with their enthusiastic faces looking out the window at the slender physiognomy
    the moment Volodya gets into the carriage. 9) The driver sounded a siren from the lo-
    a girl ran out postman. 10) Her father, Platon Polov-
    , engineer, was an old friend of my father. 11) We, hunters,
    We find our happiness by the fire. 12) Second Chadayev, my Evgeny, afraid
    jealous condemnations, in his clothes there was a pedant and what we called
    whether dandy. 13) This window looked out from the room in which she lived
    in the summer position, young, just released from a conservative
    Riya first violin - Mitya Gusev. 14) Appeared in the green sky
    stars - harbingers of frost.

    south: velvet tree and vineyard. 15) Other factors, such as: winds, temperature differences between day and night, summer and winter, sea spray, etc., play a secondary role. 16) Everywhere: both above and below - work was in full swing. The clatter of axes and hammers, the screeching of saws and planes, clanging and roaring could be heard everywhere. 17) The ocean seems to have frozen and quietly and gently rumbles. 18) Only the owner, Sergei Nikolaevich, and Vladimir Petrovich remained in the room.

    II. 1) My grandmother suggested that my mother choose one of two rooms for her room: either the hall or the living room. 2) In the grass, in dogwood and wild rose bushes, in vineyards and on trees

    Cicadas were everywhere. 3) One of the secrets of the popularity and vitality of our songs is not only their musical side, but also good words. 4) The dance ensemble’s performances were a great success both in our country and abroad. 5) A white, even pale face, dark hair, a velvety black gaze and long eyelashes - that’s all that caught his eye and blinded him. 6) The upper eyelids hung somewhat over the eyes, which is so often observed in artists, hunters, sailors - in a word, in people with concentrated vision. 7) He spent whole days resolving ordinary but necessary economic issues: checking the reports and countless summaries drawn up by the accountant, listening to the foreman’s reports, at production meetings - in a word, on everything without which the existence of a large collective farm is unthinkable and that in the work least of all satisfied Davydov. 8) Pushkin Hills... This region, where everything: the sky, the groves, the grass, and the wind itself, breathes Pushkin,

    must reveal to everyone the wonderful world of the great poet, StudyPort, a world that makes a person spiritually richer. .ru No. 355. 1) I liked his [Onegin’s] features: involuntary dreams

    devotion, inimitable strangeness and a sharp, cool mind. 2) They [Onegin and Lensky] agreed: wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other. 3) Between them, everything gave rise to disputes and attracted to reflection: treaties of past tribes, fruits of science, good and evil, and age-old prejudices, and fatal secrets of the grave. 4) She [Tatyana] liked novels early; they replaced everything for her; she fell in love with the deceptions of both Richardson and Rousseau. 5) Tatyana (Russian in soul, without knowing why) with its cold beauty loved the Russian winter: in the sun, frost on a frosty day, and sleighs, and the late dawn glow of pink snow, and the darkness of Epiphany evenings. 6) The moon shone and with a languid light illuminated Tatiana’s pale beauty, her flowing hair, and drops of tears. 7) Her walks last a long time. Now either a hill or a stream involuntarily stops Tatyana with their charm. 8) I'm sorry. Whatever you are looking for here behind me

    careless stanzas: whether rebellious memories, or rest from work, vivid pictures, or sharp words, or grammatical errors - God grant that in this book you could find even a grain for entertainment, for dreams, for the heart, for magazine problems. For this we will part, sorry.

    No. 356. 1) Our school team won the championship not only in chess, but also in checkers. 2) New records were set for both the long jump and high jump. 3) Competitions were held not only in athletics, but also in swimming. 4) Both boys and girls took part in cross-country skiing. 5) The plant has achieved great success in both increasing production output and reducing costs.

    No. 357. 1) Ivan Ivanovich thin and tall; Ivan Nikiforovich is a little lower, but distributed by in thickness. 2) There were jugs on the shelves in the corners, bottles and flasks green and blue glass, various silver cups, gilded glasses of all kinds: Venetian, Turkish, Circassian. 3) Everything gave him [Taras] an advantage over others: his advanced years, and experience, and ability to move his army, and the strongest hatred of all for his enemies. 4) The old chieftain bent down and began to look in the grass your cradle with tobacco, an inseparable companion on the seas and on land, both on hikes and at home. 5) Receptions and customs of a significant person were solid and majestic, but a little complicated. 6) All this: noise, and talking, and a crowd of people - all of this was somehow wonderful to Akaki Akakievich. 7) He couldn’t feel either his arms or his legs. 8) Some kind of smoky blue, silvery soft either the light or the fog poured over me with

    all sides. 9) Through the noise of the waves, either sighs or quiet StudyPort reached them, tender calling cries. 10) Quiet twilight. for an hour, the rustling of the trees and the incessant ringing of water - all this made me feel special

    way. 11) At this time of year there are large fish, such as: ide, chubs and tench – I didn't take it anymore. 12) Both mother and son were so absorbed in their work that they did not notice Maxim’s arrival. 13) A lonely female voice sang it's sad and vague, it's playful and fun. 14) Everyone: both officers and sailors were at the top and eagerly peered into the depths of the bay. 15) Sea eternally and incessantly making noise and splashing.

    No. 358. Homogeneous definitions: cold - unsociable (beauty); sleepy - frozen (air); sharp – unpleasant (dampness).

    Heterogeneous definitions: quiet frosty (night); large rain (drops); huge coniferous (forest).

    Homogeneous definitions are separated by a comma, heterogeneous ones are not.

    No. 359. 1) It’s quiet in the old country park... A yellow maple leaf, killed in autumn, slowly falls to the ground. 2) Yellow oak thickets stood in dew. 3) She [Masha] brought new(,) illustrated magazines from the city. 4) She wanted to go out, he stopped her with a gesture and took out a new, uncut book from the high table. 5) All travelers were dressed in the same(,) polar suits. 6) Ancient Peru has no desire to stain flying leaves; others, cold dreams, others, strict worries, both in the noise of light and in silence, disturb the sleep of my soul. 7) The sun had not yet risen from behind the low-growing, gnarled birch tree, visible in the distance, but the first orange rays like sharp needles made their way through the foliage and, softly gilding the eastern slope of the high-rise, sparkled with a scattering of pink sparks in the gray dewy grass... 8) And only very an attentive eye could discern some vague movement in this peaceful, deserted, calm landscape. 9) It was a grey, dank, windy day. 10) Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror that stood on the chest of drawers. 11) Shapeless brown clouds hurriedly stretched over the wet field, over the forest fluttering with the pale silky green of spring foliage. 12) The snowdrifts were covered with a thin ice crust. 13) Large, heavy drops hung on the glossy branches of the bushes. 14) The bright winter sun looked into our windows.

    No. 360. 1) rumble and hum – noun. 2) Dog, Lion, and Wolf and Fox - noun. 3) willow tree or birch tree – noun. 4) noise and talk - noun, bears, tigers, wolves - noun. 5) neither noise nor song – noun. 6) either fear or annoyance - noun. 7) noise and talk – noun. 8) lamp and writing instrument

    – noun 9) we sit and chat – v., evening and night – noun.

    No. 361. Lena is a mighty Siberian river, its length is 4500 kilometers. StudyPort The sources of the Lena are located in the Baikal Mountains, at a height. 1200ru meters above sea level. In the beautiful wooded banks, taking it on the right,

    then on the left there are tributaries, the Lena, in its rapid run to the north, gradually grows and increases. When it flows into the Laptev Sea, the Lena divides its waters into numerous channels. Shallow sands and a winding fairway - all this makes navigation in the Lena Delta difficult.

    The Lena, both in its upper and partly in its middle reaches, is an extremely picturesque river. [─ both and - =]. The mountainous shores are sometimes steep and steep and consist of red sandstone, sometimes undulating. [─ this and that]. In many places, warm mineral springs run down from the mountains into the river. [= ─]. Both to the right and to the left of the banks there are continuous ridges of forest-covered mountains. [and, and ─].

    The Lena is the main shipping artery of Eastern Siberia; it is of great importance for the intensively developing economy of a vast territory.

    Here our geologists have found large reserves of minerals: gold and tin, mica and zinc, coal and iron. Various machinery and equipment, residential buildings, scientific instruments, food and various industrial goods are delivered here along the Great Northern Sea Route. ( Journalistic style.)

    Right, sandstone, left.

    No. 362. 1) (peaks), pitted with wrinkles, covered with layers of snow; (the sky), which still retains the last glow of dawn - definitions expressed by participial phrases are isolated, since they come after the words being defined. 2) excited by memories - the definition expressed by the participial phrase is isolated, since it refers to a personal pronoun. 3) a girl of about sixteen

    – a common application expressed by a common noun with dependent words. 4) motionless, fiery - non-widespread definitions are isolated, since they stand after the word being defined. 5) raising the horses’ mane – a circumstance expressed by an adverbial phrase; covered with frost - a definition expressed by a participial phrase standing after the word being defined. 6) returning – a circumstance expressed by a gerund. 7) contrary to the prediction of my companion - the circumstance of concession.

    No. 363. I. 1) Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also experience strong grief; but the same need to love serves as a counteract to grief and heals them. 2) Street leading-

    going to the city was free. 3) They entered a corridor, narrow and StudyPort dark. 4) Lazy by nature, he [Zakhar] was lazy. also due to his lackey upbringing. 5) Passionate O devoted master

    however, it’s rare that he doesn’t lie to him about something. 6) Male about thirty, healthy th, beautiful and strong, lay on the cart 7) The earth, and the sky, and a white cloud floating in the azure, and a dark forest, whispering indistinctly below, and the splash of a river invisible in the darkness - everything, this is familiar to him, all this is familiar to him. 8) The mother’s stories, more lively and vivid, made a great impression on the boy. 9) Covered with frost, they [the rocks] went into a vague, illuminated distance, sparkling, almost transparent. 10) The frost hit 30, 35 and 40 degrees. Then at one of the stations we already saw mercury frozen in the thermometer.

    11) Rusty sedge, still green and juicy, bent towards the ground.

    12) Song, quiet, viscous and aunivna I look like pla whose and barely and perceptible by ear, was heard now from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground. 13) At the sight of Kalinovich, the footman looks stupid y with a face, but in a livery with braided, stretched out in a duty position. 14) Boris doesn’t need any spa-

    elk, and he went out into the garden in a light morning coat. 15) Berezhkova herself, in a silk dress, with a cap on the back of her head, was sitting on the sofa.

    II. 1) His [Werner’s] small black eyes, always calm, tried to penetrate your thoughts. 2) I have already been given two or three epigrams about me, quite caustic, but in those are very flattering. 3) Alyosha left his father’s house in a broken and depressed state of mind. 4) Satisfied bad pun, he cheered up. 5) Pale, he was lying on the floor. 6) We went to the exam, calm

    And self-confident. 7) Behind her [the stroller] was a man with a big mustache, in a Hungarian coat, rather well dressed for a footman. 8) Near the road, two willow trees gently leaned against each other, old and young, and whispered about something. 9) Gifted endowed with extraordinary power, he [Gerasim] worked for four. 10) Anxiety, vague, unclear, embraced Vaska more and more tightly. 11) We chose a place for ourselves near a pile of sedge trees, collected stones on the bank of a small river, muddy from the rain, and made a fire on the stones. 12) The sun just before sunset came out from behind the clouds covering the sky, and suddenly with a crimson light it illuminated the purple clouds, the greenish sea, covered e ships and boats, to scoured by the smooth, wide swell and white buildings of the city

    and people moving along the streets. 13) Life in the city, sleepy and monotonous, went its own way. 14) River, cluttered waiting for the white hummock, sparkled slightly under the silvery sad light of the moon standing over the mountains.

    No. 364. A traveler traveling to the central regions of the Tien Shan for the first time is amazed by the beautiful roads built in the mountains. Many cars are moving along mountain roads. Heavy

    Long vehicles filled with cargo and people climb high StudyPort passes and descend into deep mountain valleys covered with tall grass. The higher we go up into the mountains - it’s cleaner, cooler -

    her air. Closer to us are the tops of high ridges covered with snow. The road curves around the mountain cliffs and winds through a deep hollow. A rapid and turbulent mountain stream either washes away the road or gets lost in a deep stone bed.

    A deep mountain hollow stretching along a stormy river produces a wild, deserted impression. Stems of dried grass, ringing in the wind, cover the wild steppe. A rare tree is visible on the river bank. Small steppe hares hide in the grass, ears flattened, sitting near telegraph poles dug into the ground. A herd of goitered gazelles crosses the road. You can see these light-footed animals racing across the steppe in the distance. Having stopped on the bank of a noisy river that has eroded the edge of a mountain road, on the slopes of the mountain you can see a herd of mountain chamois with binoculars. Sensitive animals raise their heads, peering at the road running below.

    No. 365. 1) Sun, immediately began to burn, quickly rose above the steppe... 2) Several hazes, pinkish x and yellowish, very dense and at the same time very airy, stood over the city. 3) The sky is darkening, heavy and inhospitable, it hangs lower and lower over the ground. 4) Without ceasing, the rain poured, slanting and fine. 5) Tired, we finally fell asleep. 6) The wind, still strong, was now blowing from the east. 7) He [Telegin] distinguished between these deep sighs a dull grunt, now subsiding, now growing into angry rolls. 8) The moon, clear and sharp, stood overhead. 9) Amazed, I think about what happened for some time. 10) I saw a group of rocks above that looked like a deer and fell in love with it. 11) Night was approaching, I was endlessly long, gloomily cold. 12) All the space, thickly filled with darkness of the night, was in frantic motion. 13) Meanwhile, the frosts although very easy Yes, dried and colored all the leaves. 14) A mass of earth, either blue or gray, in some places lay in a humpbacked heap, in others it stretched in a strip along the horizon. 15) It was a white winter with the harsh silence of cloudless frosts, dense creaking snow, pink frost on the trees, a pale emerald sky, caps of smoke above the chimneys, clouds of steam from instantly opened doors, fresh, as if bitten, faces of people and the busy running of chilled horses.

    No. 366. 1) The road winds between two tracks overgrown with green roadside grass. 2) The saucers of lilies and the threads going from them into the depths are very graceful. 3) The sun has set, and light clouds, pink from the sunset, froze in the sky. 4) From somewhere to the right came sounds extremely similar to the crying of a child. 5) Along the steppe, densely overgrown with grass

    howl, the horses walked slowly. 6) a shepherd who spent the night in the mountains approaches our fire. 7) We sailed in the fog, which covered the coast and sea. 8) In the snowy expanses that deceive the untrained eye

    difficult to determine distance.

    No. 367. 1) In the meadows overgrown with lush vegetation, there were many birds. 2) The novel created by a young author caused lively debate. 3) Residents of the village affected by the flood were provided with timely assistance. 4) Driven by the waves and wind, the boat quickly rushed along the river. 5) From afar, logs were visible floating on the water.

    No. 368. The day was warm, autumn and rainy. The spacious perspective, opening up from the elevation where the Russian batteries stood protecting the bridge, was suddenly covered with a muslin curtain of slanting rain, then suddenly expanded, and in the light of the sun it was far and clear objects became visible, precisely varnished. A town was visible under their feet with their white houses and red roofs, the cathedral and the bridge, on both sides of which, crowding,

    Masses of Russian troops poured in. At the bends of the Danube one could see ships, an island, and a castle with a park, surrounded by the waters of the Ensa confluence with the Danube; one could see the left, rocky and covered with pine forest, bank of the Danube with the mysterious distance of green peaks and blue gorges.

    No. 369. I. 1) The gossamer pike was chasing the gossamer carp. 2) The strength and charm of the taiga is not only in giant trees. 3) A poor shoemaker lived in a hut. 4) I have a story “Snow”. 5) He [Chernov] was invariably successful in all his enterprises. 6) Ivan Ivanovich and Burkin were met in the house by a maid - a young woman. 7) We most often gathered with Boris Muruzov, a zoologist. 8) Vasilisa the cook sang on the black porch. 9) Andrei’s old uncle, Anton, dropped Pierre out of the stroller. 10) Nikolushka went along soft crunchy pine needles- forest carpet. eleven) Turge's peers

    Neva, pupils of the great poet’s school, nurtured by his poetry

    Yes, we have all retained the charm of his genius forever. 12) U Push-

    kina, this father of Russian art, the word had two direct lines

    heir - Lermontov and Gogol who gave birth to a whole galaxy of us,

    figures of the 40s, 60s... 13) What a remarkably smart person,

    he [Bazarov] had never met his equal. 14) Like an artist of words N.S. Leskov is quite worthy to stand next to such creators of Russian literature as L. Tolstoy, Gogol, Turgenev, Goncharov.

    II. 1) A lieutenant signalman was sitting with the driver. 2) Nikolai Nikolaevich’s wife, a Frenchwoman, was no less distinguished by her humanity, kindness and simplicity. 3) I saw Colonel Polyakov - chief of the Cossack artillery, which played an important role that day, - and

    together with him he arrived in the abandoned village. 4) I slowly walked StudyPort to the old tavern, uninhabited collapsed hut, and became. on the edge of a coniferous forest. 5) My hunting companions live here

    excursions - Foresters Zakhar and Maxim. 6) I am again a cook on the ship "Perm"... Now I am a “black cook” or a “kitchen man”. 7) The dear cook Ivan Ivanovich is in charge in the kitchen, according to

    My nickname is Teddy Bear. 8) The girls, especially Katenka, happily

    With many enthusiastic faces they look out the window at the slender face of Volodya getting into the carriage. 9) The driver sounded a siren, and a girl postman ran out of the hollow. 10) Her father, Platon Polovtsev, an engineer, was an old friend of my father. 11) We, hunters, find our happiness by the fire. 12) The second Chadayev, my Evgeniy, fearing jealous condemnations, was a pedant in his clothes and what we called a dandy. 13) This window looked out from the room in which the young first violinist, Mitya Gusev, who had just graduated from the conservatory, lived for the summer. 14) Stars appeared in the green sky - harbingers of frost.

    No. 370. I. 1) Every bird, even a sparrow, attracted my attention. 2) The earliest ripening mushrooms, such as birch and russula, reach full development in three days. 3) The steppe, that is, a treeless and undulating endless plain, surrounded us on all sides. 4) My uncle, Sergei Nikolaevich, began to teach me penmanship and calligraphy. 5) Approaching Sergeevka, we again found ourselves in an urema, that is, in a floodplain overgrown with sparse bushes and trees. 6) Father and Evseich caught a lot of very large fish in a very short time, especially perch and asp.

    II. 1) Lemongrass - a yellow butterfly sits on a lingonberry. 2) In late autumn, the desert steppe comes to life for a short time. 3) The next morning, I and my artist friend went by boat to Prorva. 4) Startled, he opened his brown eyes wide. 5) I, a journalist, am a cheerful person by nature. 6) When Alexey Krasilnikov left the hospital, he met his fellow countryman Ignat, a front-line soldier. 7) At one time, a very nice man visited the sisters - Captain Roshchin, who was sent to Moscow to receive equipment. 8) Poor thing, she lay motionless, and blood flowed from the wound in streams. 9) The Kyrgyz driver sits motionless. 10) With him was a shaggy, strong dog named Faithful. 11) Now it’s good on the Oka, or on the Talka River. 12) The expedition team included Arsenyev, the head of the expedition, Nikolaev, an economic and organizational assistant, Gusev, a natural scientist and geologist, and Dzyul, a journalist. 13) I, as a sailor, understand these murderous surges of waves, this clanging of an iron mass trembling and groaning in the violent embrace of the elements.

    No. 371. 1) In the dark distance nothing was visible except the sparkling StudyPort lights. 2) Instead of a cheerful life in St. Petersburg, I expected it. I'm bored in a deaf and distant direction. 3) Everything around was wet. Not a sound,

    except for the sighs of the sea. 4) The entire crew of the ship, including the captain, the chief engineer, and the barman, consisted of eight or nine people. 5) In addition to the pretzel shop, our owner also had a bakery. 6) Father and son, instead of greeting after a long absence, began to punch each other in the sides, and in the lower back, and in the chest, then retreating and looking back, then advancing again. 7) The soil of the Suchan Valley, with the exception of the swamps at the mouth of the river, is extremely fertile. 8) Beyond all expectations, the weather was dry and warm throughout October. 9) In the books of V.K. Arsenyev, in addition to vivid artistic sketches, there is also a lot of valuable material about life in the Ussuri region. 10) All material, including travel diaries, is carefully studied. 11) The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was high. 12) In addition to Valya and Styopa Safonov, there was a couple unfamiliar to Oleg in the kindergarten -

    no. 13) Everyone, with the exception of Varya, loudly applauded the singers. 14) Instead of telling the content of the story, we will present only a short sketch of its main characters.

    No. 372. 1) All these sounds merge into the deafening music of a working day and, swaying rebelliously, stand low in the sky above the harbor. 2) Standing under the steam, the heavy giant steamships whistle, hiss, sigh deeply... 3) Six steps from him [Chelkash] by the sidewalk, on the pavement, leaning his back against the bedside table, sat a young guy...

    Chelkash bared his teeth, stuck out his tongue and, making a terrible face, stared at him with wide eyes. The guy blinked in bewilderment at first, but then suddenly burst out laughing and shouted through his laughter: “Oh, eccentric!” - and, almost without getting up from the ground, he awkwardly rolled from his bedside table to Chelkash’s bedside table, dragging his knapsack through the dust and tapping the heel of his braid on the stones. 4) The guy was scared. He quickly looked around and, blinking timidly, also jumped up from the ground. 5) Chelkash came, and they began to eat and drink while talking. 6) The clouds crawled slowly, now merging, now overtaking each other, mixing their colors and shapes, absorbing themselves and re-emerging in new shapes, majestic and gloomy. 7) For a minute the boat shuddered and stopped. The oars remained in the water, foaming it, and Gavrila fidgeted restlessly on the bench. 8) Chelkash stood up from the stern, without releasing the oar from his hands and piercing his cold eyes into Gavrila’s pale face. 9) Chelkash’s boat stopped and wavered on the water, as if perplexed. 10) Gavrila silently rowed and, breathing heavily, looked sideways at where this fiery sword was still rising and falling. 11) The sea woke up. It played with small waves, giving birth to them, decorating them with a fringe of foam,

    pushing each other and smashing them into fine dust. 12) The foam, melting, StudyPort hissed and sighed, and everything around was filled with noise and splashing. 13) Reflected by the playing sea, these stars

    jumped on the waves, then disappearing, then shining again. 14) He walked slowly. 15) The road stretches towards the sea; it, meandering, creeps closer to the sandy strip where the waves rush up.

    No. 373. 1) Returning from the show, Kutuzov, accompanying inspired by the Austrian general, went into his office and, calling on the adjutant, ordered to be presented with some papers relating to the state of the visiting troops, and letters received from the Duke Ferdinand, who was in command th advanced army. 2) Goncharov appears to us, first of all, as an artist who can m express the completeness of phenomena life. 3) Oblomov’s followers very simply understood it [life] as an ideal of peace and inaction, disrupted from time to time by various unpleasant incidents, such as illness, losses, quarrels, and, among other things, labor. 4) The garden, increasingly thinner, I transitioned into a real meadow, went down to the river, overgrown with green

    mouse and willow; near the mill dam there was a deep stretch

    and fish 5) On the second day the storm intensified. Whirling, ragged clouds descended below, piled up in clumsy layers in the distance, fell heavily on the sea and narrowed the horizon, dark as straw smoke; I boiled, foaming, waves rolled in huge mounds across the vast expanse, whistling and howling, rushing like a whirlwind, raising cascades of pearlescent splashes. 6) There were three of us: Savely - old hunter, fat and round like a beehive, Pyzh is his long-eared dog, I understand in terms of hunting, he is no worse than the owner,

    and I - at that time I was still a teenager.

    No. 374. 1) The enemy army was already marching out of the city, rattling timpani and trumpets, and the gentlemen, akimbo, rode out, surrounded by countless servants. 2) Veretyev sat bending over and patting the grass with a branch. 3) He [Dolokhov] grabbed the bear and, hugging and lifting him, began to spin around the room with him. 4) Klim Samgin walked walk down the street briskly and without giving way to people you meet. 5) Tears appeared on Masha’s eyelashes; she slowly wiped it and propped up her cheek. 6) Natasha, having become quiet, looked out from her ambush, waiting for what he would do. 7) Vanya worked tirelessly in the summer in the yard, went to the mill, and carried bread. 8) Having made several circles, he took his foot off the pedal of the machine, wiped off the chisel, threw it into a leather pocket attached to the machine, and, going up to the table, called his daughter. 9) Prince Andrei, seeing the urgency of his father’s demands, at first reluctantly, but then becoming more and more animated and involuntarily in the middle of the story, out of habit, switching from Russian to French, began to outline the operational plan of the proposed campaign.

    No. 375. 1) At this hour of the morning I feel uncontrollably sleepy, and, hunkered down behind my father’s broad back, I nod. 2) Song. came out of nowhere, now fading, now growing. 3) And, without fear of me-

    Nya, the little forest birds sat close and sang loudly. 4) Lying on the bank of a stream, I look into the sky, where a deep, endless expanse opens up above the branches swayed by the wind. 5) As if emphasizing the frozen stillness of the July day, forest grasshoppers sing. 6) Solid milky clouds covered the entire sky; the wind quickly drove them, whistling and squealing. 7) Rudin stood with his arms crossed on his chest and listened with intense attention. 8) She did all this slowly, without noise, with a kind of tender and quiet concern on her face. 9) The old man, without saying a word, with a majestic movement of his hand, threw the door key out of the window onto the street. 10) Another time, Lavretsky, sitting in the living room and listening to Gedeonovsky’s insinuating but heavy rantings, suddenly, without knowing why, turned around and caught a deep, attentive, questioning look in Lisa’s eyes.