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Presentation on Victory Day May 9th. Presentation on the topic: "May 9 - Victory Day! The last days of the war! German troops occupied defenses along the western banks of the Oder and Neisse rivers

Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in the countries of the post-Soviet space; it is on this day that we celebrate the victory over the Nazis and the end of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of many of our compatriots. Victory Day is also celebrated in France, Great Britain and the USA.

Every year, Victory parades are held on Red Square in Moscow and every city; every year, every school hosts events dedicated to this great day - the Day of Victory of our troops over the enemy.

On this page you will find PowerPoint presentation templates developed by users of our site, dedicated to the Day Victory. They are ideal for:

On presentation templates for May 9 (namely, on this day we celebrate Victory Day), we depicted symbols of war and symbols of victory: St. George’s ribbon, tulips, reminders to soldiers, etc.

These templates can be used not only to create presentations, but also to make diploma forms, thank you notes, invitations based on them - just fill out and print the necessary slides in A4 format on a color printer.

For our English-speaking visitors

There are many free Victory in Europe Day templates and Victory in Europe Day backgrounds for using in the PowerPoint presentations. Please choose a more suitable template and click green button for download. It needn’t registration and any payment.

Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in the countries of the post-Soviet space; it is on this day that we celebrate the victory over the Nazis and the end of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of many of our compatriots. Victory Day is also celebrated in France, Great Britain and the USA.

Every year, Victory parades are held on Red Square in Moscow and every city; every year, every school hosts events dedicated to this great day - the Day of Victory of our troops over the enemy.

On this page you will find PowerPoint presentation templates dedicated to Victory Day developed by users of our site. They are ideal for:

  • classroom hours;
  • evenings of meetings with veterans;
  • extracurricular activities;
  • history lessons;
  • etc.

On presentation templates for May 9 (namely, on this day we celebrate Victory Day), we depicted symbols of war and symbols of victory: St. George’s ribbon, tulips, reminders to soldiers, etc.

These templates can be used not only to create presentations, but also to make diploma forms, thank you notes, invitations based on them - just fill out and print the necessary slides in A4 format on a color printer.

For our English-speaking visitors

There are many free Victory in Europe Day templates and Victory in Europe Day backgrounds for using in the PowerPoint presentations. Please choose a more suitable template and click green button for download. It needn’t registration and any payment.

History of the holiday. Victory in the Second World War is the most enormous feat, suffered by millions of people! Starting a conversation about Victory Day, one cannot help but note how long and difficult it was The final stage until the end of hostilities. The offensive has begun Soviet troops in the area of ​​Poland and Prussia, and the allies to Berlin, in January 1945. Victory in the Second World War is the most enormous feat, suffered by millions of people! When starting a conversation about Victory Day, one cannot help but note how long and difficult the final stage was before the end of hostilities. The offensive of Soviet troops began in the area of ​​Poland and Prussia, and the allied ones towards Berlin, in January 1945.

It is also worth noting that, according to historians, Hitler’s suicide was an important factor. And after protracted bloody battles for Berlin, Soviet troops took Berlin, and on May 2, the German capital capitulated, followed by the capitulation of all of Germany. It is also worth noting that, according to historians, Hitler’s suicide was an important factor. And after protracted bloody battles for Berlin, Soviet troops took Berlin, and on May 2, the German capital capitulated, followed by the capitulation of all of Germany.

But although some military operations were still carried out after May 9, 1945, this date was taken as the end of the Second World War, and is considered the official day of the fall of Nazi Germany. But although some military operations were still carried out after May 9, 1945, this date was taken as the end of the Second World War, and is considered the official day of the fall of Nazi Germany.

Victory Day in other countries. - Western countries– The date of the end of World War II is celebrated on May 8. This is explained by the fact that, according to Central European time, the act of surrender was signed on May 8 at 22:43. - Western countries - The date of the end of World War II is celebrated on May 8th. This is explained by the fact that, according to Central European time, the act of surrender was signed on May 8 at 22:43.

The first official celebration of victory in the Second World War took place on June 24, 1945. The beginning of the celebration of the event was marked by a parade. In the final part of the parade, 200 standard bearers came out, each of whom threw the flag of the German army to the Mausoleum, thereby demonstrating the finality and scale of the victory Soviet army And Soviet people. The first official celebration of victory in the Second World War took place on June 24, 1945. The beginning of the celebration of the event was marked by a parade. In the final part of the parade, 200 standard bearers came out, each of whom threw the flag of the German army to the Mausoleum, thereby demonstrating the finality and scale of the victory of the Soviet army and the Soviet people.

But, despite the importance of the victory in the Patriotic War, soon in 1947 May 9 returned to the status of ordinary working days. But, as you know, sooner or later everything falls into its rightful place, this is what happened with the Great Victory Day, and in 1965, in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops, May 9 was restored as a national holiday. But, despite the importance of the victory in the Patriotic War, soon in 1947 May 9 returned to the status of ordinary working days. But, as you know, sooner or later everything falls into its rightful place, this is what happened with the Great Victory Day, and in 1965, in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops, May 9 was restored as a national holiday.

The collapse of the USSR was marked by problems for the newly formed states. The governments had no time to organize public celebrations. Finally, in 1995, full celebration of Victory Day resumed in Russia. The collapse of the USSR was marked by problems for the newly formed states. The governments had no time to organize public celebrations. Finally, in 1995, full celebration of Victory Day resumed in Russia.

In conclusion, it is worth remembering all those who defended our country in those terrible years. To this day, there is no exact data on deaths among troops and civilians. It is much more important to remember this day as the Great Feat of our ancestors, who gave their lives for us and freedom throughout the Earth, and to prove through noble deeds our respect and gratitude to them for this! In conclusion, it is worth remembering all those who defended our country in those terrible years. To this day, there is no exact data on deaths among troops and civilians. It is much more important to remember this day as the Great Feat of our ancestors, who gave their lives for us and freedom throughout the Earth, and to prove through noble deeds our respect and gratitude to them for this!

Presentation on the topic: “May 9 – Victory Day”

Preparatory group

Target: to form an idea and systematize children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, to visually introduce them to monuments to the defenders, to promote a sense of patriotism, pride in their country and compatriots, using the example of the heroism of our army, the bravery and courage of the people.


1. Give an idea of ​​the significance of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

2. Introduce historical facts war years.

3. Carry out work on the patriotic education of preschool children.

4. Create conditions for presenting a complete picture of the war in the history of our country and all of humanity.

5. Form a civic position, a feeling of love for the Motherland.

6. Enrich and develop children’s vocabulary, introduce them to works fiction and music of the war years.

7. Work with parents, involving them in patriotic education in the family.

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Presentation on the topic:

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May 9 can rightfully be called the most valuable and touching holiday in post-Soviet countries. The main thing is that people always think that this is not just a day off and a reason to relax, but this is a day that is recorded in history as a significant date. May 9 can rightfully be called the most valuable and touching holiday in post-Soviet countries. The main thing is that people always think that this is not just a day off and a reason to relax, but this is a day that is recorded in history as a significant date.

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This holiday is a little unusual, as it is a holiday with tears in our eyes. Everyone rejoices and celebrates the victory, but at the same time they cry and remember the horrors of those days. This holiday is a little unusual, as it is a holiday with tears in our eyes. Everyone rejoices and celebrates the victory, but at the same time they cry and remember the horrors of those days.

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During the days of the Great Patriotic War, extraordinary horrors occurred; those days are remembered with great difficulty and sadness before our eyes. The price for victory was too high, but people of strong character and will united and snatched victory from the enemy with their teeth. During the days of the Great Patriotic War, extraordinary horrors occurred; those days are remembered with great difficulty and sadness before our eyes. The price for victory was too high, but people of strong character and will united and snatched victory from the enemy with their teeth.

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Every year, thanks to such a great holiday, on the streets of many cities people celebrate, dance, sing and, of course, set off beautiful fireworks. Every year, thanks to such a great holiday, on the streets of many cities people celebrate, dance, sing and, of course, set off beautiful fireworks.

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This day is very important in the history of many countries, so everyone immediately remembers the military and understands how brave and strong people. Military parades are held, and in some places you can try delicious food from a real field kitchen. It is important to know that parades have not been held on this day all my life. This day is very important in the history of many countries, so everyone immediately remembers the military and understands how brave and strong people they are. Military parades are held, and in some places you can try delicious food from a real field kitchen. It is important to know that parades have not been held on this day all my life.

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May 9 is considered a public holiday; it received this name back in 1945, on this day the Wehrmacht surrendered. May 9 is considered a public holiday; it received this name back in 1945, on this day the Wehrmacht surrendered.

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As they say, the most difficult thing is always in the end, so the last days of the war were very difficult. The German fascists were strong in spirit, even after the suicide of their Fuhrer Hitler, they did not break and continued to fight. But the strength of spirit and will of the united peoples won in this difficult war. As they say, the most difficult thing is always in the end, so the last days of the war were very difficult. The German fascists were strong in spirit, even after the suicide of their Fuhrer Hitler, they did not break and continued to fight. But the strength of spirit and will of the united peoples won in this difficult war.

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Interesting fact that during the war fireworks were prohibited. But, after the capture of Berlin, cannon salvoes were fired in all cities, and in the hero city of Moscow, people watched the largest fireworks display of all time. More than 1,000 guns took part in that salute, and about 30 salvos were fired from them. An interesting fact is that during the war fireworks were prohibited. But, after the capture of Berlin, cannon salvoes were fired in all cities, and in the hero city of Moscow, people watched the largest fireworks display of all time. More than 1,000 guns took part in that salute, and about 30 salvos were fired from them.

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Also, in history there is a famous day in June 1945. In June, a parade was held, which was attended by people to whom everyone is indebted for the victory. This is the great and unique Soviet military leader - Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (he hosted the parade), and great commander Soviet Union– Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (he commanded the parade). Also, in history there is a famous day in June 1945. In June, a parade was held, which was attended by people to whom everyone is indebted for the victory. This is the great and unique Soviet military leader - Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (he hosted the parade), and the great commander of the Soviet Union - Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (he commanded the parade).

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When L.I. came to the board. Brezhnev, then “Victory Day” resumed its existence, and everyone honored and remembered this day. In addition, military parades began in Moscow once every 10 years. But, after the collapse of the USSR, this holiday went into the shadows. When L.I. came to the board. Brezhnev, then “Victory Day” resumed its existence, and everyone honored and remembered this day. In addition, military parades began in Moscow once every 10 years. But, after the collapse of the USSR, this holiday went into the shadows.

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Since 1995, 2 military parades took place in the capital of Russia, after which May 9 again became a great date. But the parades were held without equipment. Only in 2008 did equipment appear in parades, that is, the tradition was restored. Since 1995, 2 military parades took place in the capital of Russia, after which May 9 again became a great date. But the parades were held without equipment. Only in 2008 did equipment appear in parades, that is, the tradition was restored.

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