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The admissions committee will confirm the address. Ufa State Petroleum Technical University


    Faculties, branches, areas of training, specialties and specializations of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ufa State Petroleum Technical University", forms of education (O - full-time; OZ - full-time and correspondence (evening), Z - correspondence), assigned qualifications and entrance tests for which the announcement is made admission of students in 2010. Applicants pass threemandatory entrance examinations for all specialties (directions). The profile item is highlighted in bold italics. The results of all entrance tests are assessed on a 100-point scale.

    Training cipher

    Name of the area of ​​training, specialty (specialization)

    Form of study


    Entrance tests

    Faculty of Mining and Petroleum (GNF)

    Geophysical methods of well research

    Mining engineer

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    Geology of oil and gas

    Mining engineer

    GR (GRz)

    GG (GGz)

    Development and operation of gas and gas condensate fields

    GB (GBz)

    Geology and mineral exploration

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    BGB, BGR

    Oil and gas business

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    Faculty of Pipeline Transport (FTT)

    MT (MTz)

    Design and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    ST (STz)

    Construction and repair of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities

    GT (GTz)

    Operation of oil and gas pumping units, pipelines and storage facilities

    Industrial heat and power engineering

    BMT, BST

    Oil and gas business

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    Faculty of Technology (TF)

    BP (BPz)

    Safety of technological processes and production in the oil and gas industry

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    Environmental protection*

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    OS (OSz)

    Environmental engineer

    Basic processes of chemical production and chemical cybernetics

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Chemistry

    TP (TPv)


    Chemical technology and biotechnology

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology


    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Biology

    Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering (AFF)



    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Creative direction test (drawing)

    VV (VVz)

    Water supply and sanitation

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    DS (DSz)

    Highways and airfields

    PG (PGv, PGz)

    Industrial and civil engineering

    Production of building materials, products and structures*


    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    Institute of Economics (INEK)

    EA (EAz)

    Accounting, analysis and audit


    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Social studies

    EG (EGz)

    Economics and enterprise management (oil and gas industry)


    ES (ESz)

    Economics and enterprise management (construction)


    THIS (ETv, ETz)

    Economics and management of the enterprise (oil refining and petrochemical industries)


    Taxes and taxation

    Tax Specialist


    Bachelor of Economics

    BEG, BET


    Bachelor of Management

    Faculty of Mechanics (MF)

    MP (MPz)

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    МЗ (МЗз)

    Oil and gas processing equipment

    MS* (MSz)*

    Equipment and technology of welding production

    BMZ, BMP

    Technological machines and equipment

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    MA (MAz)

    Technology for processing solid fuels, oil and gas

    Anti-corrosion protection technology for equipment and structures

    Emergency protection*

    PB (PBz)

    Fire safety

    Faculty of Automation of Production Processes (FAPP)

    AG (AGz)

    Automation of technological processes and production (in the oil and gas industry)


    1 Russian language
    2 Mathematics
    3 Physics

    AT (ATz)

    AE (AEz)

    Electric drive and automation of industrial installations and technological complexes

    Software (Pos)

    Software for computer technology and automated systems

    Informatics and Computer Science

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrical technology

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    BAG, BAT

    Automation and control

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    Faculty of Humanities (HumF)

    CO (COz)

    Public Relations

    Public Relations Specialist

    1 Russian language 2 Social studies 3 History

    Branch in Oktyabrsky

    GR (GRv, GRz)

    Development and operation of oil and gas fields

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    Drilling oil and gas wells

    MP (MPv, MPz)

    Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields

    Oil and gas business

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    Branch in Salavat

    AP (APz)

    Electrical equipment and electrical facilities of enterprises, organizations and institutions

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    Automation of chemical-technological processes and production (in oil refining and petrochemicals)

    MH (MHv, MHz)

    TP (TPv)

    Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Chemistry

    Branch in Sterlitamak

    AT (ATv, ATz)

    Automation of chemical-technological processes and production (in oil refining and petrochemicals)

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Physics

    MX (MHv)

    Machines and apparatus for chemical production


    OS (OSz)

    Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

    Environmental engineer

    Environmental protection*

    Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

    TS, TN (TSv)

    Chemical technology of organic substances

    1 Russian language 2 Mathematics 3 Chemistry

    * - specialty (direction) is not accredited

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The graduate is ready for the following types of professional activities: accounting and economics; analytical, research; organizational and managerial; pedagogical.

Profile "Entrepreneurial Economics"

The bachelor studies modern macro- and microeconomic processes of entrepreneurial activity, features of economic modeling of business processes. This allows you to actively start a career in economic, financial, marketing, production, economic and analytical services of organizations in various industries, spheres and forms of ownership; in financial, credit and insurance institutions; as well as in state and municipal authorities.

Applied Bachelor's Program "Management"

The graduate is ready for the following types of professional activities: organizational and managerial, information and analytical, entrepreneurial.

Profile "Financial Management"

The purpose of training in the profile is the formation of professional competencies in the field of management of financial activities, financial and cash flows, financial resources of business entities, taking into account modern trends and patterns of development of the economic environment. Employment prospects: financial services of commercial organizations of various industries and legal forms, banks, investment and insurance companies, state and municipal enterprises.

Profile "Business Project Management"

The purpose of training in the profile is the formation of universal professional competencies in the development and justification of projects in various sectors of business activity. Mastery of project methods creates significant competitive advantages for program graduates who are able to work in a project management team and develop investment projects. Employment prospects: project management manager, project manager, development manager in organizations in various fields of activity, in functional divisions of corporate structures, in branches and representative offices of foreign and joint ventures.

Profile "Business logistics"

The purpose of the profile training is to prepare for professional activities in the field of logistics and supply chain management in various types of business activities. The graduate is able to solve problems: preparing solutions for inventory management, purchasing, logistics support of production and sales operations; comprehensive research and analytical calculations for decision-making in supply chains using information systems and technologies for managing logistics flows. Employment prospects: transport, manufacturing and trading companies; logistics operators; customs intermediaries; dealers of automobile companies and equipment manufacturers; companies implementing information technologies and providing consulting services in the field of logistics; warehouse and container terminals and complexes.

Profile "Human Resources Management"

The purpose of training in the profile is preparation for professional activities in the field of personnel policy of the organization. The graduate is able to solve problems: selection, selection and adaptation of personnel; employee assessment and certification; formation of a personnel reserve; development of personnel training and development programs; improvement of personnel motivation and incentive systems; maintaining personnel document flow using application software products; development and development of the company's HR brand; organization of recruiting companies. Employment prospects: specialists in the human resources department of enterprises and organizations, personnel management services in corporate business structures, in personnel and recruiting agencies.

Academic master's program "Economics"

Master's program"Economics of the company and industry markets"

The goal of the program is preparation for the following types of professional activities: organizational and managerial activities at various levels of management (department, management, department, etc.); analytical activities (preparation of information for making management decisions, decision-making, analysis of alternative options, market analysis, assessment of efficiency and risks, etc.); design and economic activities (feasibility study of investments, assessment of their economic and financial efficiency, assessment of project risks, etc.); research activities, teaching activities; entrepreneurial activity. Features of the program: formation of a systematic understanding of the structure and development trends of modern companies and markets; understanding the diversity of economic processes that determine the efficiency of the functioning of Russian enterprises in industry and product markets, the degree of their competitiveness; as well as the ability to solve non-standard economic problems. Employment prospects: economic, financial, analytical services of organizations and enterprises of the real sector of the economy; banks, insurance and investment companies; research organizations; state and regional government bodies; institutions of higher and additional professional education.

Applied Master's Program in Human Resources Management

Master's program "Human Resource Management"

The goal of the program is the formation of professional competencies in the field of development of personnel policy of the state and organization, systems of motivation and stimulation of work activity, technologies for managing personnel development, management of organizational culture, functional and cost analysis of the system and technology of personnel management, innovative technology for the development, justification and adoption of personnel decisions , personnel consulting and audit. Employment prospects: personnel management service for commercial enterprises and organizations; personnel management service of state organizations and municipal bodies; service of employment and social protection of the population of regions and cities; recruitment agency; organizations specializing in management and personnel consulting and audit; research organizations; higher education institutions; training centers; outsourcing companies; assessment centers; independent organization of your own business.

Applied master's programs "Management"

The graduate is ready for the following types of professional activities: organizational and managerial; analytical; scientific research; pedagogical.

Master's program "Business Administration"

The goal of the program is to develop professional competencies in the field of organizing business activities. The graduate is able to solve problems: functional and information-analytical preparation of projects for management decisions based on information and communication technologies; administration of business processes; business management in an unstable competitive business environment; managing business communications to promote the company’s competitive advantages; strategic management of the company based on a project approach; introduction of organizational and management technologies and innovations in the corporate environment. Employment prospects: heads of enterprises and their departments, project managers, teachers, researchers, expert consultants.

Master's program "Integrated Logistics"

The goal of the program is preparation for professional activity in solving problems: analysis of the state of transport and logistics systems and development of proposals for their optimal use; development of models and schemes for the supply of goods to international, national and regional markets; organization of supply, distribution, including transportation, inventory management, purchasing and orders, warehousing, cargo handling, packaging; assessment of the potential of transport and logistics hubs, centers and intermodal complexes in organizing supply chains. Employment prospects: managers and specialists in organizations in various fields of activity, including the oil and gas complex, in functional divisions of corporate structures, in logistics services of branches and representative offices of foreign and joint ventures.

Master's program "Strategic Marketing"

The purpose of the program is to prepare for professional activities in solving problems: research and monitoring of markets based on information and communication technologies; development of a marketing strategy, strategic management of the company based on a project approach; target market selection and positioning; marketing activities in international markets; product life cycle management, pricing policy formation, distribution, promotion, brand management; ensuring the effective functioning of company marketing services, planning marketing activities, marketing audit. Employment prospects: divisions/departments of strategic planning, organizational development; analytical services, consulting Russian and international companies.

The Department of Finance and Credit is graduating in the areas of training 03/38/01. "Economics", profile "Finance and Credit". The department is designed to ensure the development and teaching of a cycle of disciplines in finance and credit for the preparation of bachelors and masters at all faculties, as well as in institutes for retraining and advanced training of teaching staff and executives in the financial sector. The department provides scientific training to students, masters, graduate students, applicants, and doctoral students. The department maintains relations with the editorial offices of professional periodicals, scientific, methodological, educational and business centers, enterprises and organizations in various spheres of the national economy. The department cooperates with banks such as Sberbank, Bank of Moscow, Alfa Bank and can send its students for industrial and pre-graduate internships in the above-mentioned banks, as well as in the future get a job at the bank.

List of areas of training



The creation of a master's program at the Department of Finance and Credit was dictated by the dictates of the times. Of great importance was the presence of the conditions necessary for opening a master's degree - a high level of qualifications of the teaching staff, an appropriate material and technical base, library services for students, and intensive development of relations with the banks of the republic. In general, this allowed the department to take a responsible step to develop an innovative master's educational program “Financial Management: Analysis and Management of Financial Results.”

The goal of the master's program is to prepare highly qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to prepare, make and implement effective decisions in financial activities. The master's educational program “Financial Management: Analysis and Management of Financial Results” is designed to develop professional competencies in the field of financial and economic analysis and financial management. The training involves fundamental professional training of undergraduates to conduct systematic research of the financial environment and the practical implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies in the corporate, investment, banking and public sectors of the economy. Since 2011, the department began training masters in the direction of “Financial management: analysis and management of financial results.”


The department trains scientific personnel through graduate school. The opening of postgraduate studies in the scientific specialty 08.00.05 - “Economics and management of the national economy” makes a significant contribution to solving the problem of the shortage of scientific and pedagogical personnel in this specialty and significantly influences the improvement of specialist training.

Additional educational programs:

Educational programs:

03.15.02 Technological machines and equipment:

Profile "Intelligent life support systems" (academic bachelor's degree);

Profile “Computer technologies in the design of equipment for service enterprises” (academic bachelor’s degree);

Profile “Technological equipment of transport systems” (academic bachelor’s degree);

Profile "Machinery and equipment for housing and communal services" (applied bachelor's degree);

04/15/02 Technological machines and equipment:

- Master's program "Automation of technological machines and equipment";

06.27.01 Management in technical systems:

Profile “Management in technical systems”;

03.43.01 Service:

Profile “Service, operation and safety of vehicles”;

Profile “Service, diagnostics of electronic control systems of vehicles”;

Profile “Service in transport (by type)”.

Design, as a constantly evolving field, requires a consistent and systematic expansion of teaching tools and methods. In other words, society, rapidly developing, needs dynamic, highly educated, professional personnel capable of ensuring this development. Modern design is closely connected with innovative processes in the field of computer technology, improvement of construction and architectural technologies, and endlessly expanding lines of modern materials. All these components require a flexible approach to systems for training specialists in the field of design, and, consequently, constant improvement of methodology, methods, means and forms of training.

List of areas of training, educational standards and requirements





Specialization/ profile/ program

Full-time/ full-time - part-time/ correspondence



Environment design


Interior design


Graphic design


Landscape design


Environment design


Graphic design


The art of costume and textiles


The art of costume and textiles

Artistic costume design


The art of costume and textiles

Design (by industry)

Environment design

- Bachelor's degree

The department trains bachelors in the following areas:

54.03.01 Design. Academic bachelor's degree. Profile "Environmental Design" and "Graphic Design". Form of study - full-time (4 years) and part-time (5 years).

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates is the types of creative activities for the formation of an aesthetically expressive subject-spatial environment, integrating artistic, engineering, design, scientific and pedagogical activities aimed at creating and improving highly aesthetic, competitive domestic products that contribute to the development of the economy, improving the level of culture and life of the population .

Academic bachelor's degree. Profile “Artistic costume design”. Form of study - full-time (4 years) (admission to the field of study was discontinued in 2016);

54.03.03 The art of costume and textiles. Applied Bachelor's Degree. Profile “Design (by industry). Form of study - full-time (4 years).

The graduate’s area of ​​professional activity includes a set of tools, techniques, methods and methods for creating new style solutions for collections of clothing, footwear, jewelry and textiles.

- Master's preparation

The department trains master's students in the field of study 04/54/01 Design. Academic master's degree. Profile "Environmental Design". Form of study - full-time (2 years). Since 2016, admission to full-time and part-time and part-time courses has been carried out.

Master's degree in the field of preparation 54.04.01 Design is carried out according to the scientific program “Ethnocultural and aesthetic problems in the design of objects of the cultural and everyday environment in the Republic of Bashkortostan.” Director of the master's program: Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Art History, Professor, member of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Creative Public Organization "Union of Artists of Russia" of the Republic of Bashkortostan, member of the UNESCO Association of Art Critics, Chairman of the Association of Art Critics of the Republic of Belarus Almira Gainullovna Yanbukhtina.

Professor A.G. Yanbukhtina has been researching the fine arts of Bashkortostan for more than 30 years (“Akhmat Lutfullin”, M., “Soviet Artist”, 1975; “Alexander Tyulkin”, L., “Artist of the RSFSR”, 1975). The author's main creative efforts are focused on studying the traditional artistic culture of the Bashkir people. In 1983 The Bashkir book publishing house published the album-reference publication “Bashkir Souvenirs” prepared by A. Yanbukhtina; in 1993, the Kitap publishing house published the monograph “Folk Traditions in the Decoration of a Bashkir House.” In addition, the author has published more than 60 problematic, theoretical articles on Bashkir art in special magazines and collections published in different years from 1969 to 2016 in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Chelyabinsk.

The significance of the scientific activity of A.G. Yanbukhtina is determined to a high degree by the fact that the material under study is considered by the author in the context of the general artistic culture of the peoples of the Southern Urals, as part of the art of the Ural-Volga region of Russia.

Additional educational programs

Together with the Department of Continuing Education of the Institute of Economics, teachers of the Department of Design and Art History prepare applicants for entrance examinations of a creative orientation (drawing, painting). The preparation for entrance examinations is managed by Pavel Georgievich Poteryayev, Member of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Creative Public Organization “Union of Artists of Russia” of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Distance education and other forms

Classes in the specialty are conducted in laboratories equipped with modern equipment, computers and control means necessary to carry out the workshops provided for in the curriculum. Students' educational and industrial practice takes place in joint research laboratories at the enterprises of OJSC Bashspirt, the Efes brewery, the Bosco-Rus champagne wine factory, bakeries and other food industry enterprises, and at mineral and drinking water bottling enterprises.
Much attention is paid to working with students of both initial and graduate courses. In addition to teaching disciplines provided for in the curriculum, the department is working to increase students’ interest in chemistry and technology and involve them in scientific work. Student work, completed under the guidance of department teachers, is annually presented at student scientific conferences. The department traditionally carries out a lot of work on the professional guidance of students in schools and colleges of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Technology of catering products


Chemical technology

Technology for the production of chemical fibers and composite materials

Plant-based food products

Innovative technologies for processing plant raw materials

At the Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Protection, various types of support for the educational process are developed, tested and implemented in practice, aimed at increasing its effectiveness. Along with traditional forms of organizing the educational process of students, innovative methods and technologies are successfully used to activate their cognitive activity: problem-based lectures, video lectures, group conduct and defense of laboratory work, analysis of specific environmental situations and ways to solve them, computer environmental workshops in the form of situational tasks and business games. There are computer classes with access to the global Internet and specially equipped lecture halls with video projectors that allow you to demonstrate video and multimedia materials.
List of areas of training:

Bachelor's degree

The areas of professional activity of a bachelor in the field of “Technosphere Safety” are:

    analysis and identification of hazards of modern technological processes and production;

    development of new technologies and methods for protecting people, the natural environment, and technosphere economic facilities from natural and man-made hazards;

    elimination of the consequences of hazards, monitoring and forecasting of anthropogenic impact on the environment;

    analysis of risks of occurrence and forecasting the consequences of man-made accidents and disasters;

    audit and examination of working conditions, special assessment of workplaces based on working conditions;

    management and marketing of the safety system of production facilities and industrial safety management systems.

Master's preparation

The Master of Technosphere Security is able to:

    navigate the full range of scientific problems in the professional field;

    use modern measuring equipment, modern measurement methods;

    organize and manage the activities of units for protecting the environment at the level of the enterprise, territorial production complexes and regions;

    participate in the development of regulations on technosphere safety issues;

    interact with government services in the field of environmental and industrial safety.

USPTU in questions and answers

1 General information about the university

What is Ufa State Petroleum Technical University famous for?

The history of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University dates back to October 1948 and is closely connected with the development of the oil industry of Bashkiria and the entire country as a whole. Since then, the university has trained over 70 thousand specialists for the fuel and energy complex.

The university provides training in all areas of the oil and gas industry and its infrastructure, from exploration of oil and gas fields to the production of carbon processing products and further transportation.

Today USNTU is an educational, research and production association.

The material base of the university allows organizing the educational process and scientific research at the most modern level. Eight academic buildings of the university are equipped with modern laboratory equipment, simulators, and computer equipment.

The impressive growth of USPTU's social base makes it possible to improve the life of students, strengthen their health, and organize their cultural recreation. The university has 10 dormitories, a clinic, a hospital, a dispensary, a stadium, and an international-class sports and fitness complex. During the holidays, students can relax in the sports and recreation complex of the Soluni educational, research and production site, located on the picturesque shore of the Pavlovsk reservoir.

Who runs the university?

USPTU is headed by the rector. Since 1994, the university has been headed by Airat Mingazovich Shammazov, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation.

Who teaches the students?

The head university (Ufa) alone employs over 800 teachers, including more than 400 associate professors, candidates of science, 150 doctors of science, and professors. USPTU considers its most important task to be the training of highly qualified personnel capable of ensuring the continuity of a high-quality approach to education.

How many years do students study at USPTU?

The university trains specialists with higher education in full-time (day), part-time (evening) and correspondence forms of study. The duration of training varies.

The full-time department trains bachelors for 4 years (in the direction of “Architecture” - 5 years) and specialists for 5 years.

At the full-time and correspondence departments, bachelors are trained for 5 years and specialists for 6 years.

Preparation of a master's degree takes 2 years on a full-time basis, and 2.5 years on a part-time course.

Certain categories of students on the basis of secondary vocational and higher vocational education can study in shortened programs of 3 to 4 years.

Bachelor, who is it?

A university graduate, trained in his chosen field for four years in accordance with the main educational program of higher professional education, after successfully defending his final qualifying thesis, is awarded an academic bachelor's degree with the issuance of a state-issued diploma of higher education. A bachelor has the right to continue his studies on a competitive basis with the aim of obtaining a specialist diploma (1-1.5 years) or a master's degree (2-2.5 years).

Who is a Master?

A university graduate (bachelor), who has completed the relevant higher professional education programs in the chosen field of study and has successfully defended his master's thesis, is awarded an academic master's degree by decision of the state certification commission with the issuance of a state diploma. Features of master's studies are an individual creative approach, increased requirements for the depth and breadth of knowledge acquired, the desire to form a scientific worldview, and acquire in-depth skills in research and scientific-pedagogical work.

Is education at USPTU paid or free?

The University accepts places financed from the federal budget of the Russian Federation (for students, studying for them is free), and places with payment of tuition fees in accordance with agreements concluded by USPTU with legal entities or individuals within the number determined by the university license.

Does the university have a military department?

There is no military department at the university

Are USPTU students provided with places in dormitories?

For all students studying on a budget basis and needing places in a dormitory, the university provides these places without fail. The campus of USPTU is extensive, as a result of which places in dormitories are provided to many students studying on a paid basis. Check-in to the dormitory is carried out strictly in accordance with sanitary standards for the entire period of study. Payment is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All faculties have dormitories, each of them has rooms for classes and recreation, and utility rooms.

What is the procedure for paying scholarships?

Academic scholarships are awarded to students studying on a budgetary basis who achieve “good” and “excellent” grades. If the number of excellent grades is more than half, the scholarship may be increased. Students who only achieve “excellent” grades can apply for scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Republic of Belarus and other personal scholarships.

State social scholarships are awarded to students from among orphans, disabled people of groups I and II, victims of radiation disasters, disabled people and military veterans on the basis of documents of the established form. Students in need of social assistance are awarded a social scholarship based on an annual certificate from the social security authorities at their place of residence. Students receiving a social scholarship have the right to apply for an academic (nominal) scholarship on a general basis.

Is it possible to return to university after military service?

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” citizens called up for military service while studying at state educational institutions of higher professional education, upon dismissal from military service, retain the right to continue their education at the university where they studied before conscription.

Is it possible to combine military service and study at a university, for example, through correspondence courses?

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” (Article 19), for those who are undergoing military service by conscription - no! The possibility of combining military service and studying at a university is provided for by this law only for certain categories of contract servicemen.

2 About admission of students to the first year

2.1 General information about admission to the first year

Where can I get official and reliable information about the admission of students to the first year of USPTU?

In the admissions office of the university, located in the 8th building of the university (former Ordzhonikidze House of Culture) at the address: G. Ufa, room 308; phone: (3, as well as on the admissions committee website: http://www. pk.

Questions can also be placed in the site’s guest book or sent by e-mail: *****@***ru

How to further prepare for admission to USPTU?

Additional training can be obtained at the USPTU Center for Pre-University Education. Main forms of training:

Acceptance of documents for the first year of study in bachelor's degree programs and specialist training programs (with the exception of applicants via correspondence courses) ends:

For persons entering for training in the direction "Architecture" (BAR), upon admission to which an additional entrance test of creative orientation is carried out, – July 5;

For persons entering USPTU to study in areas of training (specialties) based on the results of entrance tests, conducted by the university independently - July 10;

For persons entering USPTU only based on the results Unified State Examination, July 25.

Acceptance of documents for training in undergraduate programs and specialist training programs for correspondence courses, for master's programs, as well as for admission to the second and subsequent courses ends on August 1.

What documents are required for admission?

Document on secondary (complete) education or a photocopy of it;

Eight photo cards measuring 3x4 cm;

Passport proving identity and citizenship (+ photocopy of its page with the applicant’s personal data).

The submitted application may be accompanied by: an original or a copy of a medical certificate form 086-U, certified at the clinic at the place of issue, an original or a copy of a vaccination certificate; voluntary accident insurance policy and other documents, in particular if the applicant is applying for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

How can an applicant assess his chances of admission?

Since the value of the passing score is determined when summing up the results of the competition for areas of training (specialties), the passing score will be known only at the end of the competition. Any data about the expected value of the passing score before signing the order for enrollment in the first year is preliminary and indicative.
The applicant evaluates his chances upon admission to a particular field of study (specialty). The task of the admissions committee is to help him with this.
What should you consider first?
1) competition (number of applications for a place) in previous years. The competition characterizes the “popularity” of the field of study (specialty) and the faculty.
2) passing scores from previous years. They may differ quite significantly, but they reflect the general trend and perform the same role - they give an idea of ​​the “popularity” of the specialty and the strength of the applicants participating in the competition.
3) a list of all applicants who indicated in their applications the direction of training (specialty) as a priority. This list shows all potential “rivals” vying for vacant positions, along with their scores.
4) current rating list. Updated information about applicants for positions. In this list, applicants participating in several competitions “get into” only one of the declared specialties with the highest priority.
It must be remembered that all this information provided by the admissions committee is for advisory purposes only. The applicant himself must decide in which competitions he will take part, whether his chances of entering vacant positions in this particular specialty are sufficient.

Is it possible to submit a copy of the document on secondary education?

It is possible, but you should keep in mind: in order to participate in the competitive selection, you must replace the copy of the education document with the original no later than the deadline established by the admission rules. Applicants entering USPTU for targeted training submit only original documents.

Do I need to certify a copy of my education document?

Is it possible to apply to several faculties (areas of study)?

Can. In the selection committee of one of the faculties where the applicant is applying for the first time, you must indicate in the application any three areas of training at USPTU. In this case, the applicant should compare the list of entrance tests for different areas of training, analyze and evaluate the possibility of submitting his Unified State Examination results or his participation in tests for different areas. The applicant must remember that he can only apply to five universities.

Why is the priority of areas of training (specialties) and admission forms indicated in the applicant’s application form?

The priority of specialties (forms of admission) determines the procedure for enrolling an applicant to the university. At the beginning, the possibility of enrollment in the first, highest priority specialty indicated in the application form is considered. If the amount of points scored in the entrance examination is not enough for enrollment, the possibility of enrollment in the second specialty specified in the application form is considered, etc.

Thus, when summing up the results of the competitions, each applicant will be nominated for admission to only one specialty for which he has enough points and which has a higher priority in his application.

Is it possible to change the set of specialties and their priority?

Before the deadline for accepting documents, you can change both the composition and priority of the chosen specialties and forms of admission, but not more than once a day.

If at the time of submitting documents there is no registration of place of residence in the applicant’s passport, will he be refused admission?

The documents will be accepted, because in accordance with the legislation in the field of education, Russian citizens are guaranteed the opportunity to receive an education regardless of their place of residence.

In what case can an applicant apply to the selection committee of another faculty regarding the registration of a personal file if he has already submitted applications to one of the selection committees and has been registered in the university database?

Registration of a second personal file with an existing first file is categorically unacceptable!

The applicant has the right to cancel the existing personal file (take away all applications and documents) and then apply to another selection committee to draw up a new personal file.

If the Unified State Exam was taken this year at school, is it necessary to present a certificate when submitting documents?

Not necessary, since the results of the Unified State Exam will be taken by the admissions committee from the federal database. But upon successful completion of the competitive selection and subsequent enrollment, you must submit the original Unified State Examination certificate to the admissions committee.

Can applicants apply by mail?

Applicants have the right to send an application for admission to the first year, as well as the necessary documents, through public postal operators (by mail). Documents are sent by post with notification and a description of the attachment. The notification and inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant’s documents. Documents sent by the applicant by mail are accepted by the university upon receipt no later than the deadlines established by the Admission Rules for completing the acceptance of documents.
When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a photocopy of a state document on education, as well as other documents provided for by the Admission Rules.

What are the actions of the selection committee staff when documents are received by mail?

The postal item is handed over to the executive secretary of the selection committee of the faculty (institute, branch) whose specialty is listed first in the application form. He must check the completeness of the documents provided, as well as the compliance with the terms of departure and receipt of the postmark.

If the documents meet the requirements of the Admission Rules, the selection committee draws up a personal file. If there is a discrepancy, a memo is drawn up addressed to the executive secretary of the admissions committee, and he informs the applicant about the discrepancies.

Can applicants apply online?

Submission of an application in electronic digital form is carried out via the Internet

to the e-mail of the admissions committee with the attachment of electronic (scanned and saved in jpg format) copies of documents proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant, and an electronic copy of the education document, as well as other documents provided for by the Admission Rules. If all necessary documents are provided, the application is registered in the information system and the applicant is allowed to participate in the competition on an equal basis with citizens who submitted “hard” copies of documents.

Which of the applicant’s legal representatives can submit an application for admission to USPTU on his behalf?

Nobody. The application must be submitted by the applicant in person.

What should you do if the legal representative of the applicant (without the presence of the latter) demands to change the composition of the specialties previously declared by the applicant in the personal file and/or their sequence in the priority list?

All changes in the personal file must be formalized by the applicant personally. Demands from representatives of the applicant to change the composition or priorities of the declared specialties without the applicant himself should be refused. In cases of dispute, you should contact the responsible secretary of the admissions committee.

In what case can documents be issued to the legal representative of the applicant?

Documents are issued personally to the applicant, and not to his legal representatives. In exceptional cases, the executive secretary of the selection committee should contact the executive secretary of the selection committee, who will make a decision.

2.3 Entrance tests

Does the university hold Olympiads for schoolchildren?

In 2012, USPTU holds a regional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Construction Personnel of the Volga Region” in physics, which is included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

What benefits do the winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation enjoy?

Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are accepted for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - without entrance tests(Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” -1 (Article 16)

The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, by decision of the Academic Council of USPTU, depending on the level of the Olympiad (the level is approved before May 10, 2012 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), have the right, within one year from the date of approval of the lists of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, to receive one of the following benefits:

Be enrolled in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education USPTU without entrance examinations for bachelor's and specialist's degrees corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad

Winners of schoolchildren's Olympiads in mathematics (I, II, III levels) and prize-winners of Olympiads in mathematics (I level);

To be equated to persons who have scored 100 points on the unified state exam corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad:

Prize-winners of mathematics olympiads (II, III levels);

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads in physics (I, II, III levels);

Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads in chemistry (I, II, III levels) for training profiles - BTB, BTP, BTS.

In what form are entrance examinations conducted for admission to budget-funded places of full-time study?

When enrolling in full-time budget places, entrance examinations in mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, social studies and the Russian language are conducted in the form and based on the Unified State Examination materials. The results of entrance examinations are taken into account: Unified State Exam results 2012 or 2011, as well as results Unified State Exam 2010, only for persons who served in military service upon conscription and were discharged from military service, within a year after discharge from military service;

The University also conducts an additional entrance test of creative orientation in drawing for applicants to the specialty "Architecture".

The specific list of entrance tests is determined by the chosen area of ​​training or specialty.

Where can I find out the place and time of the exam?

The schedule of entrance examinations is posted on information pages and is also published on the website of the admissions committee.

When you need to arrive for the entrance tests, what should you bring with you?

The start of all tests is determined by the schedule. You must arrive at the academic building where the tests are being held 30 minutes before they start. You should have the exam sheet and passport with you.

How to behave during the entrance test?

The applicant is required to follow the instructions of the admissions officers. It is prohibited to talk during the test, distract others, use electronic notebooks, cell phones, mobile communications devices, players, voice recorders, etc. Violation of the order will result in the applicant being removed from the test with a grade of “0” (zero points).

If you have any complaints about the content of the test materials used during the admissions test, you must inform the admissions officer on duty in the classroom.

In general, the conduct of entrance examinations and the rules of conduct for them are regulated by the Regulations “On entrance examinations at USPTU”

When are test results announced?

The results of exams conducted in the form and based on the Unified State Examination materials are announced on the day they are received from the regional information processing center (RTSC).

The results of entrance examinations conducted by USPTU are announced in accordance with the schedule of entrance examinations upon their completion on the next day.

How many points do you need to score for a positive assessment in the entrance test?

The appropriate number of points is determined by the university admissions committee, taking into account the recommendations of Rosobrnadzor before the start of entrance examinations. A differentiation of the positive assessment is provided depending on the chosen specialty of training.

Is it possible to apply for an appeal and how to do it?

Appeals on entrance examinations in the form and on the materials of the Unified State Examination are carried out in the conflict commission of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus).

Appeals for other subjects are carried out by the USPTU Appeals Commission based on written applications from applicants, which are accepted on the day the exam results are announced. You must appear in person to file an appeal. Appeals from third parties are not accepted

The results of the written examination become known only after checking all the examination papers. The date, place and time of announcement of grades are most often indicated on information boards. It should be noted that the applicant has the right, immediately after the announcement of grades for the written exam, to familiarize himself with his tested work.

The procedure for familiarizing applicants with verified works is different at different universities. However, everywhere an applicant may require to be shown verified work for a written exam on the day the grade is announced; for oral entrance tests and interviews, appeals are accepted on the day of the exam after the grade is announced.

Many applicants do not seek to review their proven work, mistakenly believing that this may have any undesirable consequences for them. There's really nothing to fear. Remember: examiners are people just like you. They can be wrong too.

The opinion that an appeal is a completely hopeless matter is incorrect. There are plenty of examples where grades are raised as a result of an appeal.

Appeals are considered by special commissions (the so-called appeal commissions). A necessary condition for a successful appeal is a well-written application. The fact is that the appeal commission is guided in its actions by instructions that regulate the procedure for filing and considering appeal applications. This instruction contains a complete list of reasons why a complaint may be considered justified.

An appeal can be considered justified only in three cases:

If the question contained in the ticket goes beyond the scope of the official state program on the subject;

If the examination procedure was violated;

If notes, explanations or other work materials were misinterpreted or misinterpreted by the examiners (including being “missed”).

No other reason may serve as a basis for filing an appeal and should not be indicated in the text of the relevant application.

A few more points on the procedure for filing an appeal. When filing an appeal, the applicant must have with him an identification document and an examination sheet.

It often happens that while an applicant is viewing the tested work, examiners begin to dissuade him from filing an appeal. You must take into account all their arguments, but you can act in your own way. The law gives you the right to appeal, and only you can decide whether to do so or not.

And one more thing. According to the rules, an examination grade cannot be reduced under any circumstances as a result of an appeal. When considering an appeal, additional questioning of applicants, making corrections to work and protocols is not allowed. Only upon consideration of an appeal regarding specialization can an applicant be allowed to retake the specified test.

In conclusion, we note that during the entrance exams some applicants managed to achieve higher grades in not one, but two or even three subjects!

Can the applicant's parents be present at the appeal?

One of the applicant’s parents (as well as a guardian or other officially appointed proxy) may be present at the appeal as an observer even if the applicant has not reached the age of majority. An appeal is carried out only if the applicant and his authorized representative have passports.

The applicant took the Unified State Exam as a final exam at the end of school (in May-June). Can he retake the Unified State Exam in July in the same year?

Only Unified State Exam participants are allowed to retake the Unified State Exam - graduates of the current year who received an unsatisfactory result in one compulsory subject at the state (final) certification and, for good reasons, did not take advantage of the right to retake it on the reserve days of the main Unified State Exam period.

A graduate of 2012 takes only the compulsory Unified State Exam subjects in mathematics and the Russian language at school. Can he take the Unified State Exam in physics or chemistry at USPTU in July?

Only Unified State Exam participants - graduates of the current year who missed taking the Unified State Exam on the main deadline for valid reasons - can take it.

What benefits are enjoyed by applicants who were awarded a gold (silver) medal upon graduating from a secondary educational institution of the Russian Federation or who received a diploma with honors upon graduating from state secondary specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation?

In the event of an equal number of points scored, applicants who have received an award for their studies (medal, red diploma) have a priority right to admission (according to clause 9.2 of the “Rules for Admission” for 2012 at USPTU);

Are benefits provided to applicants who present a certificate with only A's, but do not have a medal?

2.4 Competition and enrollment as students

How is admission to budget places?

From among those who have successfully passed the entrance examination and submitted original educational documents to the selection committee, applicants who have benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation are first enrolled.

Further competitive selection is carried out depending on the amount of points scored in competitive exams among applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examination.

The competition for budget-funded full-time study places is carried out sequentially in the specialties indicated in the applicant’s priority list at the time of enrollment.

What is a “passing” and “semi-passing” score?

When summing up the results of the competition for each specialty and area of ​​training, applicants from the top of the final ranking list are presented for admission in accordance with their competitive scores. The total score of the applicant who took the last allocated place is declared a “passing score.”

If such an amount is scored by several applicants (two or more), and the total number of applicants with an equal or greater number of points exceeds the number of places in the specialty (in the competitive group), then the indicated total score is semi-passing.

What should an applicant do who has not scored the required number of points to pass the competition for the specialties that were indicated in the application form?

If there are vacancies, reserve lists will be formed from such applicants. Those included in this list will have the right to apply to fill vacancies in other specialties, provided they have the appropriate sets of entrance test results. If the number of points scored is insufficient to pass the competitive selection for vacant budget places, you can declare the points received as the results of entrance tests for places with payment of tuition fees

What is ranking, where can I see its results?

Ranking is the formation of a list of applicants for admission for each specialty. The candidate's position on the list is determined by the category of the applicant (those entitled to non-competitive admission; those who have passed the competition for targeted places; those admitted through a general competition). Within each category, the place is determined by the ranking of the collected competitive points, taking into account the preferential right (benefits) for enrollment. The ranking can be found at the stands of the selection committee or on its website www. pk.

3 Admission to USPTU of persons with benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

What document confirms Russian citizenship?

In accordance with the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation,” a document certifying the citizenship of the Russian Federation is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another main document containing an indication of the citizenship of the person. The types of basic documents identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation are determined by this federal law.

What documents must be submitted to the admissions committee:


Children left without parental care;

Persons under the age of 23 from among orphans and children left without parental care?


child status

Documents confirming

legal status of the child


Death certificates of the child's mother and father;

Death certificate of the only parent (mother) and a certificate from the civil registry office about entering information about the child’s father according to the mother (according to form No. 25)

Children left without parental care

Court decision to deprive both parents of parental rights (Articles 69, 70, 71 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation);

A court decision to restrict parental rights for both or a single parent (Articles 73 - 76 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation);

A court decision recognizing the father and mother as missing or declaring the only parent deceased (Articles 274 - 279 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation);

Conviction of the court with the imposition of punishment in the form of imprisonment of the father and mother or the only parent;

A court decision to limit the legal capacity of the father and mother or the only parent. A court decision recognizing the father and mother or only parent as incompetent (Articles 281-284 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation);

Often, children whose mother, for example, has died and whose father lives in another family, apply for benefits. Can they be considered orphans?

They can't. In accordance with Art. 61 and 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children (parental rights). A father living separately from a child is obliged to raise his child, take care of his health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development. In accordance with current legislation, parental rights terminate when children reach the age of 18.

There are cases when a mother’s death certificate is provided, and a father’s written refusal of the child is provided. Could this be a reason to provide benefits?

The mother’s death certificate and the father’s written consent to adoption (“refusal”) in a notarized form are the basis for establishing the legal status of “a child without parental care.”

Do persons applying for benefits have the right to submit documents at the time of enrollment?

No. Persons applying for benefits upon admission to a university are required, at the request of the admissions committee, to submit the relevant documents when submitting an application or to bring them before the completion of the submission of documents.

The Moldovan child graduated from a Russian school and lives in Russia. Has documents confirming the absence of parents. Does he enjoy benefits upon admission as an orphan?

With the exception of the cases of Chernobyl survivors, foreign citizens do not enjoy benefits when entering universities. In relation to such an applicant, if the admissions committee wants to meet him halfway, he can be allowed to participate in the competition for places financed from the state budget, without providing benefits for non-competitive admission.

Is it possible to allow disabled applicants who have not fully completed medical and social examination documents for non-competitive admission?

If the individual rehabilitation program is incomplete, the admissions committee has every right not to include the applicant in the number of persons applying for non-competitive admission. But it may also allow the applicant to bring to the moment of enrollment a document that meets the requirements for filling out this document.

At the time of submitting documents, the applicant is a disabled child, that is, he has the right to benefits upon admission. But in the period before enrollment, that is, signing the enrollment order, he turns 18 years old, and he moves from the category of disabled children to the category of disabled adults and must re-confirm his disability. Should the benefit be valid at the time of submitting documents or at the time of enrollment?

The benefit must be valid until the submission of documents is completed. For different categories of applicants this is: until July 5, July 10, July 25.

A Russian citizen (currently) has two death certificates for both parents, issued in Kazakhstan (previously resided). Can he be given preferential treatment upon admission?

Yes, sure. Precisely on the basis that he is a Russian citizen.

What documents must children with disabilities submit in order to have the right to non-competitive admission? What is the form of identification? By whom and when should they be issued? What wording should be included in them? What kind of stamp should be on them?

The document confirming the fact of establishing a disability or the category of “disabled child” is a certificate of medical and social examination (MSE) of a single form for adults and children, issued by the MSE institution and sealed with the round seal of this institution. The certificate must be filled out in accordance with the recommendations approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia).

For a citizen recognized as disabled, an individual rehabilitation program (IRP) is developed in a form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the details of which include the seal of the ITU institution to which it was issued. According to Art. 19 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” the state ensures that disabled people receive higher professional education in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program.

Since when has a new form of individual rehabilitation program for disabled people been introduced? And if a disabled person undergoes re-examination every two years, then what document confirms his right to benefits?

By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, a new form of certificate has been introduced confirming the fact of disability. Do universities accept old-style certificates? If yes, until when?

Certificates of medical and social examination (MSE) confirming the establishment of a disability group or the category of “disabled child”, issued by expert institutions before November 8, 2005, are valid until the end of the period for establishing disability.

Some applicants bring certificates instead of certificates, citing the lack of certificate forms. Are they valid?

The basis for providing social support measures to citizens is only certificates of the established form.

Laws in the field of education provide benefits for disabled combatants. What documents should they submit to the admissions committee?

Documents confirming the right of disabled people to receive a state-guaranteed education are an ITU certificate of disability and an IPR, regardless of the cause of disability.

The law grants the right to non-competitive enrollment in universities to children and adolescents suffering from diseases as a result of the Chernobyl disaster or caused by the genetic consequences of radiation exposure of their parents, as well as subsequent generations of children if they develop diseases as a result of the Chernobyl disaster or caused by the genetic consequences of radiation exposure of their parents. What documents certify the right of these applicants to benefits?

Certificate of the established form.

Are there any specific benefits for applicants who do not live in the affected areas, but were born there? And what document confirms the availability of benefits for them?

The very fact of birth in the relevant territory and subsequent relocation to a “clean” territory, as well as a certificate of the established form, are sufficient grounds for receiving benefits.

Should the documents of citizens affected by nuclear disasters contain an indication of the radiation dose received?

The applicant brought a certificate from some locality, but this is not on the list of localities affected by the Chernobyl accident. What to do in this case? Where can one confirm his right (or lack of right) to benefits?

The absence of a settlement in the corresponding list indicates that this location is not classified as a radioactive contamination zone and, therefore, there are no grounds for issuing a certificate.

Do citizens who come to enroll in a Russian university from neighboring republics and live there in the affected territories benefit from admission preferences? Which ones? Where can I find a list of affected areas in these countries?

If there are no interstate or intergovernmental agreements on this, then no. Citizens from CIS countries permanently residing in Russia enjoy benefits provided they present a Russian-style identification card.

Fifth child in the family. There is no father, but there is a mother. Are there any benefits for admission?

What documents regulate the provision of benefits to small peoples of the North?

They have no benefits.

4 Reception of foreign citizens

Applicants from which neighboring countries can be accepted for budget-funded places without an additional decision from the central admissions committee?

These are citizens of the republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with interstate treaties.

How to confirm your compatriot status?

As a rule, the status of a compatriot can be assigned to a person of indigenous nationality of the USSR who has “roots” and/or family ties in the Russian Federation, who cannot exercise their right to receive higher education in their country of residence. Such persons may also include persons who have lived in Russia for a long time, graduated from secondary educational institutions of the Russian Federation and others. The issue of assigning status is decided individually based on the applicant’s personal application at meetings of the admissions committee by voting. Such applicants are given the right to participate in the competition for state-funded places.

Do applicants from neighboring countries enjoy benefits when enrolling? If so, which ones?

Benefits apply only to citizens of the Russian Federation. An exception is the benefit for non-competitive enrollment of persons who suffered or participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster.

She is a US citizen (former Russian citizen), graduated from a Russian school and lives in Russia. Can it go to the budget?

At the discretion of the admissions committee. In relation to this citizen, the admission procedure will be the same as for a foreign citizen living on the territory of the former republics of the USSR (the Russian Federation is located on the territory of the former republic of the USSR - RSFSR).

What is the procedure and timing for completing the nostrification procedure (recognizing the equivalence of foreign educational documents)?

The procedure for recognizing foreign educational documents is determined by Order No. 15 of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 1, 2001. Currently, Rosobrnadzor has concluded agreements with 6 expert centers (in Moscow (2), St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg). The procedure is paid. Prices are set by the centers themselves. The centers carry out technical work. Rosobrnadzor makes a decision and signs certificates of equivalence. The timing of document review depends on the state from which the document comes, i.e. whether there are agreements with this state on the mutual recognition of educational documents or not. In the latter case, it is necessary to carry out an examination of the content, and the duration of the recognition procedure can reach several months. The standard period for reviewing documents is about a month. Administrative regulations on the recognition of foreign educational documents are currently being developed. The draft regulations can be found on the Rosobrnadzor website.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from USPTU

Anonymous review 14:09 07/05/2013

As far as I know, all specialties at USNTU are accredited and there are now more than 50 bachelor's degree profiles, and more than 20 master's programs of full-time and part-time study. This site lists only areas that contain multiple undergraduate profiles or graduate programs.

General information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa State Petroleum Technical University"

USPTU branches


No. 02259 valid indefinitely from 07/08/2016


No. 02137 is valid from 07/22/2016 to 11/18/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for USPTU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study65.85 65.22 67.77 63.80 70.59
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget75.3 71.88 74.02 72.33 77.27
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis57.17 57.64 57.68 54.96 62.27
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled44.67 47.65 46.38 45.05 53.4
Number of students14987 14985 11713 12520 12844
Full-time department9853 9828 7920 8274 8209
Part-time department213 184 160 212 254
Correspondence department4921 4973 3633 4034 4381
All data Report Report Report Report Report


Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is rich in glorious traditions that have developed thanks to the work of generations of its teachers, students and graduates.

Created in 1948, the Ufa Oil Company developed and gained strength thanks to strong ties with enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. Today it is one of the largest technical universities in Russia, where 18,000 students study, representing 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 44 countries of the world. A milestone in the history of the university was the visit of Russian President V.V. Putin on January 4, 2003. In his speech to the teaching staff of USPTU, the President said: “Your university is truly unusual, because it works for the needs of the industry, which is the leading one in the Russian Federation... Training great specialists is not just a difficult task and not just in demand. Without specialists, success is impossible.”

For the HR departments of the largest oil and gas companies, the Ufa Oil brand is beyond doubt. USPTU knows very well what a good education is. Its level is confirmed by the success of 85,000 graduates working at oil and gas industry enterprises not only in Russia, but throughout the world.