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Examples of human civic activity. Understanding the essence of civic activity of an individual and its manifestation in ideas about fame as a property of consciousness and behavior of an individual

Shelek Polytechnic College


“Formation of civic activity and social responsibility among students in modern society»

Deputy Director for
Educational – educational work
Turganov I. A.


Socio-polytechnic and economic transformations in Kazakhstan have given rise to many various problems, one of them is the training of a socially active mid-level specialist who meets the ideals of building a democratic civil society and the rule of law. In the new conditions, society determines the growing role of students' civic activity, since the implementation of social functions and roles that ensure the development and acceptance of individual social values ​​and ideals, the development of forms and methods of their implementation in behavior, work, and lifestyle depends on this.

The relevance of the problem in modern society in the formation of civic activity and social responsibility among students vocational education is determined by a number of negative trends that influence the decline in activity of the current generation of young people. This is due to passivity, lack of initiative, the habit of shifting all responsibility to the older generation, apoliticality, the predominance of narrowly personal motives, a decrease in creative activity, the need for self-improvement, and the desire to obtain immediate benefits.

Formation of civic activity and social responsibility of students in educational institutions becomes a decisive factor in progressive social development, because from quality vocational training For a mid-level specialist, the pace of technological, economic, and political progress, as well as the state of culture and spirituality in society, depend decisively. The nature and content of students’ activity is largely determined by the age period of life, characterized by the development of the need for self-esteem, self-development, and self-realization. Analysis of the transition period from older adolescence to the early youth generation, that at this stage the formation of civic activity and social responsibility among students, as an integrative personality quality, determines the success of further personal and professional mid-level specialists.

The formation of civic activity and social responsibility among students in modern society is one of the leading directions of the educational process in college. Today, students' civic activity is considered in the context of the concepts of citizenship, patriotism, civic culture, civic position, self-determination, civil society, and recognition of human rights to freedom of society. Civic activity and consciousness are considered as the fulfillment by students of their civic responsibilities and civic duty, a complex of subjective personality qualities manifested in the relationships and activities of a person when he performs basic social role functions - conscious law-abidingness, patriotic devotion and service to the Motherland and protecting the interests of the Fatherland, in truly free and honest orientation towards generally accepted norms and moral values. The civic activity of student youth is a social and pedagogical phenomenon that has a complex multifaceted structure. It characterizes the conscious participation of a young person in the life of society and reflects his conscious real actions and actions in performing functional tasks professional activity, civic duty, active participation in public life. Its main components are citizenship, civic responsibility, and social activity. Most students have not formed a conscious civic position; most often it is either an intuitive search based on everyday, random knowledge and ideas, or a purely bookish interpretation, knowledge that has not been passed through and has not turned into conviction. Many students believe that their voice will not be heard anyway, while they do not identify with the state in which they live, they do not feel responsible for what is happening in it.

Efficiency pedagogical process the formation of civic activity and social responsibility of students largely depends on the level of social intelligence, on the ability and readiness of teachers to organize special activities in the social and activity-based educational space, on each teacher’s understanding of his role in achieving the goal, on the ability to improve his activities, on the need to use new forms and methods of working with students and their parents. Success in the formation of civic activity of students in the social and educational educational space of the college directly depends on the understanding of the need to organize a special environment for training, education and development, since no matter how many methodologists describe methods, no matter how many officials approve standards, no matter how many scientists formulate goals , all this will not affect the result at all if it has not passed through the consciousness of the teacher, has not turned into his conviction, into his position.There is no doubt that to forma teacher with special organizational skills is capable of educational activities, who himself knows how to live in conditions of expanding democratization and use it correctly. This means the ability to recognize and take for granted the presence different points perspective, conduct discussions on a democratic basis, and resolve differences that arise. This, on the other hand, is a rejection of dictate, from methods of pressure on students, awareness and recognition of the need to master new forms and methods of teaching, education and development, a rejection of the principle according to which the interests of a certain abstract group come first, and the interests of a particular student - on the second. This is the ability to master new roles: consultant, partner. This is the need for constant self-improvement, mastery and use in the educational process various technologies, adequate to the goals set.

Form civic engagement and social responsibilitystudents are able to have a teacher who has leadership qualities, communication skills, empathy, developed social intelligence, who has mastery of active methods training, education and development, capable of creating a developmental environment.

On modern stage development, new social requirements are being imposed on the system of secondary vocational education for the training of specialists in changing socio-economic conditions. Professional and personal qualities that will allow a specialist to successfully adapt, live and work in the conditions of the coming century, to be active in various fields life activity. A SPOU graduate needs the ability to make decisions independently and evaluate them possible consequences; predict the development of the professional environment, quickly navigate changing conditions, master optimal methods of adaptation and development, tactics and strategies for solving personal, professional and socially significant problems. All this requires him to be socially active, which represents the basis for personal and professional self-improvement.

The process of forming the social activity of SPOU students using the example of a college should be approached from the standpoint of modeling a new educational process, the basis of which is the inclusion of students in a variety of activities that contribute to the development of cognitive, professional, labor, civic and personal activity.

Table 2 – Structure of the civic position of technical college students


motivational and moral



· developing knowledge about citizenship, civic position, civil rights and responsibilities;

· understanding of socio-political processes and phenomena;

· the presence of basic knowledge that allows the student to determine the nature of the relationship between man and society;

· perception of cultural features and civil norms of one’s people;

· the formation of the need for the implementation of civil rights and obligations

· humanistic orientation of the individual’s relationship to society, work, people and himself;

· the formation of civic value orientations that ensure the assimilation of norms of civil behavior;

· awareness of civic values ​​as personally significant;

· desire for civic self-education and civic activity;

· positive orientation of transformative social activities

· performing civic duties out of an internal sense of perceived necessity;

· compliance with social and legal norms;

· participation in various types social activities and at different levels

· development and implementation of social significant projects;

· development of civic behavior skills.

· the ability to analyze one’s actions and predict their results in accordance with civic values;

· ability to analyze social situations and problems;

· awareness and analysis of real problematic situation arising as a result of a mismatch between the needs of the individual and civil norms;

· awareness and rethinking of being and means of activity, its content in problem-conflict situations of self-expression and self-actualization;

· reflexive attitude towards the manifestation of one’s civic position in life

Formation of the civic position of technical university students

Principles: professional orientation, acmeological, subject-activity

Teaching methods: game modeling, discussion, search, situational.

formation of personal attitude towards the future profession, civic values;

development of students' civic abilities and the formation of civic responsibility;

formation of readiness for professional and civil activities;

manifestation of active citizenship


University teachers

Representatives public organizations and associations


· dynamics of levels of formation of civic position;

· manifestation of social activity, civic consciousness and civic qualities of the individual

Methods of control and evaluation

observation, questioning, expert assessment

Organizational conditions: updating the humanitarian component of the general professional block of disciplines; participation in the work of the student council and public organizations and associations; organization and implementation of socially significant projects; creating a favorable socio-psychological climate at the university. Pedagogical conditions: contextual learning; organization of subject-subject relations; creating communication situations and situations of success; motivational support for the formation of civic qualities; expansion of the student’s social field of activity; development of his need for the formation of a civic position

Bakunova E.A. Manifestation of civic activity using examples of environmental organizations (movements) // International magazine humanitarian and natural sciences. – 2018. – 1. – P. 34-37.



E.A. Bakunova, master's student

Scientific director: N.N. Rogoten, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor

Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University

(Russia, Moscow)

Annotation . IN the article discussesthe concept of civic engagement h personal views that can be seen through ecologistical movements and organizations.

Keywords: civic engagement, environmental movement “Garbage. Bol yea. Not t", crowdfunding, crowdsourcing,campaign “Bloggers against waste”, “Green steam” about the cart."

A pressing issue at the present stage of development in Russia is research O civil serviceactivity and citizenship nsky participation. The concept of civil a to activity is considered scientificallyfrom different fields of science: political science, O ciology, psychology, jurisprudence, this moment There is no clear definition of civic engagement. Basically and With Different definitions are used, but b What is common for them is the idea of ​​it as citizenship and civic O position. Civic engagement- this is a for ma activity of society, which is directed V lena on the implementation of social inter e owls, inherent in the individual and various b public associations of citizens. It will depend on spiritual, political e cultural, cultural values ​​of man and society. Civic Activity V responsibility is a responsible attitude towards the world around us, the opportunity to realize one’s own t of valuable ideas and partnership, citizens m e change the role of passive observers to the possibility of active participation in the life of society. Civic engagement is one of the forms of social activity expressed A interested in the problems of society, ability and desire A the ability to demonstrate one’s own civic position, to defend group and personal rights and interests, this is the consciousness of personal T responsibility for the welfare of states t va.

Civic activity manifests itself in various forms of independent action. I activities of citizens, their associations, networks and associations, which are determined internally n their aspirations and motives not aimed at making profit s whether. At the moment, there is a tendency to increase the number of movements. The process of formation of gra activity and given, often occurs spontaneously, regardless of the activities of various social institutions, through an exchange of views, di With discussions, comparisons of different points of view. But often civic activity is the result of the actions of government agencies, politicalcultural organizations and mass media[ 2 ] .

Currently, civil society V in Russia is manifested in the activities of various non-profit (public T military) organizations. Public about R Organizations in Russia can be divided into several types:

1. Organizations that remain traditional n new since Soviet times, such as in e Teranian organizations, trade unions, org A nization of disabled people VOS, VOI and others.

2. Small focused organizations A nization in different spheres of life O ties and professional organizations.

3. Formed large feds e national and regional non-profit organizations at the end XX - early XXI centuries, in particular and received financiers a nie because of r running, until the adoption of the law “On Foreign Agents”.

4. A new type of organizations and movements, built on common issues, and organizational, as a rule, citizens n Chinese activists. Examples here o gut serve o r organizations – the “Let’s Do It”, “Strategy 31”, “Si” movements nie v ederki" and others [8].

IN last years there is an increase in civic activity among individual groups A citizens and public groups in solving pressing social problems.

E there is famous examples successful influence of civil initiatives on society n concrete decisions and actions. Positively – creative environmental movement “M” at the litter. B more. No" was founded in 2004on the personal initiative of St. Petersburg resident Den And sa Stark, in which he constantly involved A there are new membersand cities, currently about100 participating cities in Russia and 5 CIS countries and more than 1000 about carried out actions, distribution of cult at ry of civil participation, a significant area of ​​harvested territories,the emergence of new movements andnetwork growth is active O sti. When the movement was created, it included only one branch, which O stood from a small group of people, uh effective wire diligent cleaning. One of the main reasons for the network development of traffic e niya became desire and h change the world around. Now social movement shares And there are different numbers of participants, from n e how many people up to seven thousands of participants[ 6 ] .

The destruction of a familiar vacation spot in the Moscow region provoked a protest campaign in defense of the Khimki forest, which has been going on since 2006Protest for 5 years t naya ka m The company gained nationwide and international fame. In the struggle to “Protect the forest” from deforestation, a certain initiative group of residents of the city has formed. Khimki, city Moscow and Moscow region With ty, the “Ecological Protest” was formed T wave”, protests were held To tions, both for canceling the construction of the route and for its construction. After graduation A decision on the construction of the highwayhas also acquired a political to races [8].

P types of civil action are revealed V features that are fully implemented in the Internet R no, for example, a fire assistance card, a separate waste collection card, map of the needs of orphanages, fundraising for specific purposes, election monitoring web -cameras and much more. The Internet has provided a medium for beings T the formation of various activist O societies and projects that exist b ko in virtual form. They and With used when another type of self-realization is not possible h possible (low ability to communicate A tions offline, high needs for anonymity, etc.) [9]. Thanks to the program many services, from members of network associations b societies there was an opportunity to use about the tool you quickly search for the necessary contacts and quickly install e building connections between people for society n activities and joint citizenship n ski promotions, thereby network communities t va rea organize the self-organizing function a tions [5].

Today, not only Inte R no, but to a greater extent social networks and civil Internet applications V are provided with a mechanism for effective and With use of civic activity, mobilization of civil activists and movements in general. Social media and and n Internet - applications providing e provide significant opportunities for communication, search for resources, transfer of information, it becomes really effective T a growing instrument of horizontal relations and connections in society. Social b networks help organize and concisely O urgent promotions that collect many l Yu action to solve a specific problem. As an example, we can cite the form of a mass subbotnik that was successfully passed all over Russia th skaya event “Bloggers pr against garbage”, which attracted about 20 thousand participants [3].

"Greenhouse of Social Technologies" with h provides a database of civilian applications e tion, in which there are more than two X hundreds of projects. Examples could be Project "Ecofront" ru » , which is directedto fight against sanctionsionized clusters waste removal [7].

Internet activity is characterized by T with anonymity, heterogeneity and And namism, has the best scale O ity and adaptability. At the same time V activity on the Internet also depends on the activity V position of the initiator, since often a virtual community or group And joins in, approves of the initiative, not all where ready to share andcarry the organization and costs [8].

Also , mechanism for citizen development n activity on the Internet can cause at live crowdfunding and crowdsourcing O high platforms. In general, for Russia the crow d funding and kra Outsourcing is a fairly new phenomenon. Crowdfunding is a collective V funding of a project on the Internet, especially social, research b skies, volunteer, charity And telial projects. Crowdfundy sites nga and s used to attractfunds for the implementation of the idea.An example would be o serve, recently passed promotion in November 2017 crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for removal and processing of d tons of batteries from Izhevsk to Chel I Binsk to the Megapolisresurs plant(with b early on shares for ra h efficient collection of recyclables "Razdelyayka"). Share body And called by activists "Green locomotive" from Izhevsk. As part of the campaign, we plan O it was necessary to collect 200 thousand rubles, cat O ry were successfully collected, to implement the project. The sponsor could donate l Yu any amount or the amount set by the organizer of the promotion and also receive an eco-gift. 358 people took part in the action andOf these, 49 people are not from Izhe in ska [1].

Currently in Russia there is a formation I have everything more conditions for implementation e niya gr a citizen activity. Activation of NGO activities, growth of civil movements, development And The development of Internet technologies and the work of the state is aimed at the third sector, giving its results e results. The importance of civil society is increasing, e the number of people involved is limited T enlisted in civil movements and de I activity of NPOs, the quality of citizenship is growing n Russian participation. Every year on de I activity of social movements and R organization stands out increasingly large f And financial means. New teaching mechanisms a stia expand the boundaries of action And initiative citizens, where unification and interaction occurs through Inte R No. Carrying out civil activities O STI lies in and With using more efficient interconnection, aboutonline platforms for b judgments. By positive results of some civil cases m company increases the level of civil society T responsibilities, the experience of which is being adopted more and more often.


1. Battery for recycling// Crowdfunding inRussian public funding– URL: https://planeta. ru/campaigns/batareiki_na_utilizatsiu (date of access: November 20, 2017).

2. Ox Kova N.V., Guseva L.A.Civic activity as a mirror of political and cultural groups b tour values ​​of society //Scientific review. Referative journal. – 2014. – No. 1. – pp. 80-81

3. Civil status report O society in Russian Federation (2011) – M.: Public National Chamber of the Russian Federation, 2012. – 142 p.

4. Separate map waste collection from Greenpeace Russia– URL: (yes that appeal 11/20/2017) .

5. Morozova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.V. Network communities in emergency situations: new opportunities for citizens and for authorities // Politicalresearch. 2011.– No. 1. – P. 12.

6. About the movement " Garbage.No More" / / "Garbage.No More"URL: (access date: 11/29/2017).

7 . Regional aspectscivic engagement in modern Russia(using the example of IRoslavl region): monograph / E. Isaeva, I. Maklashii, A. Sokolov, A. Frolov. – M.: Prospekt, 2015. – 216 p.

8 . Russian non-political acti Vism: sketches for a portrait of a hero // Result report data on studies of activism in Russia. – Edge Center, 2012.– 65 s.



E.A. Bakunova, graduate student

Supervisor: N.N. Rogotin, candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor

Moscow state university of psychology and education

(Russia, Moscow)

Abstract. In article deals with the concept of civil activity its different types which can be seen through the environmental movements and organizations.

Keywords: civil activity, environmental movements, " ", crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, action " Blogerprotiv ", " Zelenyi parovoz ".


The need to create effective institutions of civil society, which in the future should become worthy opponents of the government, makes the problem of civic activity in political and social life society. The article examines certain aspects of the active civic position of society and people in particular. A definition of social and political activity of citizens is given. The problems and prospects for the development of civic activity in Russia are analyzed. The position has been identified and substantiated that weak formalization at the level of civic activity carries the danger of not only increasing the split between public organizations and citizens, but also impedes the rapprochement of civil society and the state, and increases the deficit of democracy in the country.

active civil society.

constitutional state


1. Zatonsky V.A. Effective statehood. – M.: Yurist, 2006. – 286 p.

3. Fatkullin F.N. Fundamentals of the doctrine of law and state: Tutorial KSFEE. – Kazan, 1997. – 223 p.

4. Shushpanova I.S. Civil society in the sociological dimension // Sociological research. – 2008. – No. 11. – P. 59-63.

5. Ebzeev B.S. Man, people, state in the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. – M.: Prospekt, 2013. – 652 p.

The study of problems and prospects for the development of civic activity in Russia today is due to the importance and significance of the processes of improving the institutions of civil society. An active civil society is one of the vital conditions for the establishment of a democratic state governed by the rule of law. At the same time, the most important component in this process is the active, socially useful behavior of a person in particular and society in general. In this case, we can talk about the emergence of qualitatively new types of personality, which act as bearers of new political and legal values ​​and norms, as a result of which legal culture and legal consciousness, which is an important criterion for assessing a person from the position of an active citizen and person. Thus, one of the most important criteria for characterizing a person as an active individual should be the level of his legal awareness and legal culture.

In our opinion, the issue of civil liability is determined by the political and legal reforms carried out in Russia in the 21st century, which presuppose comprehensive legal awareness of society, openness of power and transparency of the mechanisms of state activities.

Consequently, civic activity is a form of social activity that is aimed at realizing social interests, inherent in the individual, as well as various public associations of citizens. It depends on the political, spiritual, cultural values ​​of society and a person in particular.

Civic activity is aimed at attracting the greatest attention of society, the media, and government structures to various social problems. It is advisable to highlight the most socially significant, in particular veteran, women's, youth, trade union problems; issues related to the development of local government, education, culture, medicine, the state of the environment, the economy, etc.

The process of forming citizen activity, as a rule, occurs spontaneously, regardless of the activities of various social institutions, through discussions, exchange of opinions, and comparison of different points of view. But often civic activity is the result of the actions of government agencies, political organizations, and the media. Forms of collective self-organization of citizens are public committees, unions, movements; initiative groups of civil pressure, expert public commissions, councils and others. The range of actions is quite wide - from collecting signatures, filing petitions and ending with street demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience.

In most cases, acts of disobedience are the result of mass emotions of an active civilian population. They can manifest themselves in the form of pickets, rallies, distribution of printed materials (leaflets, newspapers), and in other forms. Such civic activism typically puts pressure on authorities, both locally and at the Federation level, to make political decisions that are favorable to the protesters. In this case, there is a possibility that behind peaceful and socially significant slogans another goal may be hidden, for example, seizing power or changing the political situation for the selfish purposes of individual citizens. As a result, it is necessary to say that civic engagement is based on the principles of complete voluntariness and freedom of participation. Deepening intransigence with government officials can strengthen the political nature of civic activity and can lead to a political crisis at the local, regional or national levels. This circumstance necessitates operational analysis and accounting public opinion in the process of making political decisions.

The rule of law at the present stage is a democratic state, in which rights and freedoms act as a guarantee on the part of the state, and, therefore, the participation of the people in the exercise of power is ensured (directly or through representatives). This assumes the presence high level legal and political culture, developed civil society. In a rule-of-law state, it is possible to defend and promote one’s views and beliefs within the framework of the law, which is expressed in particular in the formation and functioning of political parties, public associations, political pluralism, freedom of the press, etc. V.A. Zatonsky believes that “among the most important signs rule of law, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. Law supremacy.
  2. Separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial.
  3. Responsibility of the individual and the state.
  4. Political and ideological pluralism".

At the same time, a rule of law state, like any other state, has common characteristic features, which are manifested in the following:

  1. Through state power domestic and foreign policy is taking place.
  2. States base their activities on the socio-economic basis of society as a whole.
  3. States carry out their activities through special state mechanisms.
  4. Any state is a separate administrative-territorial organization.
  5. Without taxes and fees, no state can exist.
  6. And finally, the state has sovereignty.

In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the position of F.N. Fatkhullina, who notes that: “there are distinctive features of the functioning mechanisms of the rule of law state; all the basic elements of the rule of law state operate on the basis of the mechanisms of separation of powers. This structure of a legal state allows it to carry out its activities strictly in accordance with the purposes of its purpose. By endowing each branch of government with authority, society exercises its will in full. Officials elected or appointed by the head of state bear personal responsibility for attacks on the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, which are guaranteed by the constitution and regulations adopted in pursuance of the constitution. Moreover, in a rule-of-law state, state bodies ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens within their competence, and collectively, all government bodies provide a full range of rights and freedoms of man and citizen.”

Thus, in a rule-of-law state, its mechanism is free from bureaucracy and administrative-command methods of management. Its democratic character is determined by its responsibility to the society in whose service it is. According to I.S. Shushpanova, “the rule of law is nothing more than a concentrated expression of civil society. Because of this, its stages of development generally and generally coincide with the stages of development of civil society. At the same time, since every state has a certain independence in relation to society, the stages of development of the rule of law are characterized by certain features that reflect its political nature. The first stage of development of a legal civil society is the formation of a market economy, entrepreneurship, openness, freedom of the media, social security of citizens; second stage - establishment of a market economy various forms entrepreneurship, ensuring social security of citizens, the presence of openness, free activity of the media.”

The development and formation of civil society is, first of all, a process of self-organization, uniting people to protect their interests today, now and for a long time. Self-organization and self-awareness, which are components of the social activity of citizens, can and must be influenced, and such influence should not be limited to propaganda alone. This problem can be solved from two main positions: through external influence (management); by stimulating self-development and self-organization of citizens (creating conditions for self-development and independent activity of citizens).

Legal activity of an individual is one of the most important components (forms) of social activity, which includes all the diversity of its manifestations, playing a vital role in the process of formation Russian state as legal.

The legal activity of an individual should be considered as an intensive activity of an individual in the field of law, including both positive (approved by the state and society) and negative (negatively perceived by the state and society) factors. Legal activity is characterized by a number of features:

firstly, the legal activity of an individual is always manifested in actions, since the essence of activity lies precisely in action, in the active behavior of a person;

secondly, actions are performed by free individuals. Freedom in this case is considered as “the guarantee that each of us can do something without interference from another, prohibiting us from doing it, or forcing us to do something else”;

thirdly, these actions occur in the field of law and can be both legal and illegal. Illegal behavior is also legal behavior (but not lawful), therefore the illegal nature, like the lawful one, is its component;

fifthly, legal activity in the process of its functioning should be oriented towards close interaction with universal human values ​​and come from the subjects appropriate to it.

It is impossible to reveal the essence of legal activity without connection with such categories as “legal life” and “legal policy,” which makes it possible to identify very significant aspects of the concept under study.

According to A.V. Malko, “the legal life of a society is a form of social life, expressed primarily in legal acts and legal relations, characterizing the specifics and level of legal development of a given society, the attitude of subjects to the law and the degree of satisfaction of their interests.”

One of the most important elements of legal life is the active behavior of people as members of civil society, based on their consciousness. They are the indicators of the state and progress of development and functioning of social processes. Therefore, their research represents an important tool for making scientifically based decisions in all spheres of social and legal life.

The legal activity of an individual can serve as a criterion of legal life, an “engine” of social development only on the basis of “objective knowledge of law,” which is a theoretical and vital basis for arguing about law and lawlessness, being indignant at arbitrariness, opposing, defending, appealing to the court , insist on their rights of political freedom, rightfully deny their “imaginary debt”, protest against the violation of their property rights, elect government officials, etc.

At the same time, the legal activity of an individual can be considered not only as an element of legal life, but also as an indicator of its quality state. Because how much more actively a person behaves in the field of law, including in political life society, the level (state) of legal life is determined.

Thus, the legal activity of the individual in relation to legal life is:

  • a necessary element of legal life;
  • the way it functions;
  • indicator, standard of its quality condition.

Legal activity is not only one of the main ways of legal life, but is also an object, a criterion for the effectiveness of the ongoing legal policy.

So, the legal activity of the individual as the most important component legal life acts as a criterion for its quality state.

Depending on the scale, civic activity manifests itself within a particular production administrative unit, within the region, at the national level. It influences development political relations in society, can contribute to their preservation and strengthening or influence a change in the existing status quo in relations between political subjects. Civic engagement is inextricably linked to civic duty. This means that any citizen must honestly fulfill his duties, feel a sense of moral responsibility for his activities to the people around him and society, and be aware of the consequences of unlawful behavior.


Bagautdinov F.N., Doctor of Law, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Academy social education RT, Kazan.

Rudolf K.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of State and municipal government Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan (Privolzhsky) federal university", Kazan.

Bibliographic link

Volkova N.V., Volkova N.V., Guseva L.A. CIVIL ACTIVITY AS A MIRROR OF POLITICAL, SPIRITUAL AND CULTURAL VALUES OF SOCIETY // Contemporary issues science and education. – 2013. – No. 5.;
URL: (access date: November 25, 2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Youth civic engagement(in sociology) - activities of youth and youth social groups aimed at changing and developing civil society.

The theory of civil society was developed on the basis of historical, philosophical, sociological and political science studies devoted to the problems of organizing the life of society in the state system. The problematic idea of ​​civil society has been present in the works of scientists since the time Ancient Greece. It was there that the concept of “citizen” was first formulated, the essence of which was revealed in the historical and philosophical works of Aristotle, Plato and Cicero. The development of the theory of civil society is associated with changes social formations. The problems of civil society are reflected in the theory of natural law and social contract in the works of F. Bacon, T. Hobbes, Hugo Grotius, J. Locke, C. Montesquieu, J.-J. Russo, A. Ferguson. From the end of the 18th century. The rationalistic teachings of F. Guizot, W. Humboldt, I. Kant, and A. Tocqueville are developing.

At the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. There is a significant development of sociology, which also contributes to the study of problems of social development (works of M. Weber, E. Durkheim, N. D. Kondratiev, etc.).

In domestic literature, the ideas of citizenship and stabilization of social development are presented in the works of N. A. Berdyaev, S. N. Bulgakov, S. A. Kotlyarevsky, S. L. Frank, B. N. Chicherin and others. In their works, the problem of the relationship of civil society and the state was viewed from positions other than those in Western concepts. These relations were conceived as partnerships, and not formed on the basis of confrontation between the state and civil society. XX century significantly changed ideas about the scientific picture of the world. In this regard, works devoted to the analysis of the emerging information society are of great methodological importance. In modern conditions, new aspects of the theory of democracy and civil society are being developed in the works of Western researchers G. A. Almond, R. Aron, S. Verba, M. Duverger, K. Popper and others.

Taking into account the historical experience of the development of the idea, national characteristics, as well as the specifics determined by the formation of the global information society, the problems of civil society are considered in the works of modern domestic researchers - A. A. Auzan, N. E. Belova, Yu. N. Belyaeva, G. I. Vanshtein, V. V. Vityuk , M.K., T.N. Naumova, S.G. Smolkova, S.L. Serebryakova, K.A. Feofanova, I.V. Ushakova, A.V. Shevchenko and others. In relation to youth issues, they matter materials of three international youth scientific conferences “Civil Society in the Age of Global Informatization”, held in 2009–2011. (Global Society..., 2009, 2010, 2011), as well as publications on the topic of the information society in terms of youth participation (Lukov, Pogorsky, 2014).

The modern development of Russia is associated with the formation and development of civil society. The deep transformation processes that resulted from Russia's transition to the path of democratic development required the search for new ideas and forms of organizing the life of society that would ensure its sustainable existence and development. Solving these problems was impossible without the development of civil society, designed to shape the socio-political activity of the individual and balance state influence with various forms of self-organization and self-government.

The condition for the functioning of civil society is the presence of people who are able to constructively interact with other forces of society in the name of common goals, interests, values, and who are also ready to subordinate their private interests and methods of achieving them to the common good, expressed in legal norms. It is easier to “raise” an active subject of civil society when the process of primary socialization is carried out, a personality is formed, which means the development of the younger generation within the framework of new social formations that ensure the construction of a new state with new system values.

Institutions of civil society, among others, are considered to be local governments, the media, political parties, and public associations. Non-governmental, non-profit and voluntary associations are usually called third sector organizations. The combination of the main three characteristics - independence, voluntariness and non-profit nature of the activity - forms the originality that allows them to distinguish third sector organizations from some similar organizations belonging to state and commercial institutions. Real forms of existence of the third sector in different countries are the result of resolving long-term contradictions and compromises between the state, market actors and the citizens themselves regarding their share of responsibility and the extent of participation in social reproduction.

The defining moment in the formation of civil society is social responsibility. Its role in the system of coordination of multidimensional forms of interrelation of interests of the individual, society and the state lies in the fact that responsibility as a social phenomenon determines the limits of permissible activities individuals, groups, organizations in society. This is especially important in Russian conditions, where there is traditionally a great understanding of the role of the state and the process of distinguishing between public, state and personal is extremely difficult.

At the same time, the process of transformation of Russian society is accompanied by a change in the role of the state and a shift in the center of gravity of many reproductive tasks mainly to the increasing activity and responsibility of the citizens themselves, their economic, political and other organizations and associations.

Today, the priority direction of state youth policy at all levels (municipal, regional, federal) should be the development of social activity of young people, civic consciousness through their participation in the activities of youth and children's public associations, youth parliaments, governments, and other consultative and advisory structures created under legislative and executive authorities at various levels, student government bodies (State Youth Policy..., 2013).

The social movement at the present stage is characterized as demonopolized, variable in the direction of activity, diverse in the forms and mechanisms of implemented programs and projects. Accordingly, the activities of most youth and children's public associations are multidirectional. These organizations bring together representatives of different social groups of adolescents and young people. The activities of most organizations are aimed at solving specific problems of society, children and youth. Many of them implement programs to create social youth services, labor exchanges, develop children and youth entrepreneurship, sports, identify and support young talents, national and cultural revival, summer holidays, solve housing problems, etc.

Society recognizes the social significance of these organizations. Unlike an informal community (group, company, gang, etc.), in an organization a young person is given the opportunity to become a subject of law and social activity. It includes the subject in the system of social relations and helps to comprehend new social roles. Such youth groups claim to have a civic purpose.

The unifying principle for the children's and youth movement in Russia was the creation in 1992 of the association of public associations "National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia", the purpose of which is to coordinate the efforts of youth and children's public associations in Russia to protect and realize the interests and rights of youth and children. The National Council includes 72 collective members.

In 2001, the all-Russian association of public associations “Union of Youth Organizations of the Russian Federation” (“SOYUZMOL”) was created.

In 2006, the Youth Public Chamber (YPC) was formed, the purpose of which is to prepare a personnel reserve for government bodies and put forward its own proposals for the formation of state youth policy. The MOP united a certain part of youth leaders aged 18 to 35 years. It included representatives of such youth associations and political movements as the Center for Student Initiatives, the Youth Union of Right Forces, the Union of Active Youth, the Union of Young Scientists, the youth center of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the Young Guard, etc.

A characteristic feature of the modern development of youth and children's public associations is the voluntary nature of joining the organization. This has become the unconditional norm of their activities. However, the freedom of a young person to choose his own organization at this stage manifests itself for most young people as the freedom not to choose any of them, which significantly complicates the dialogue of state and public structures with the younger generation. Only a few of the youth public associations provide for mass membership of young people.

In the mid-1990s. the formation of youth consultative and advisory structures has begun, operating under the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (public youth chambers, parliaments, governments, councils, etc.), which are voluntary, self-governing formations created on the initiative of young people, acting in compliance with principles of election and legitimacy. An important step in the development of the youth parliamentary movement was the creation of youth parliaments.

A significant role in the formation of civic engagement among young people since the 1960s. student teams began to play. 1965–1991 Almost 13 million boys and girls took part in their work. Students worked in all areas National economy, on the territory of all regions, territories and republics Soviet Union. During this time, clear rules for the organization and activities of student groups were developed. The state switched to the planned formation of student groups. Benefits and benefits for traffic participants were legally established. A mechanism for the work of the Special Forces was formed, starting from the university detachment and ending with the Central Headquarters. Since the mid-1990s. student groups are beginning to revive in a number of Russian universities, however, the movement is not as large-scale as in the USSR. In 2003, the regional initiative to develop student teams was supported at the federal level. On July 9, 2003, a meeting of the Government Commission on Youth Affairs “On state support for students and student groups” was held in Moscow, in accordance with the decision of which an interdepartmental Coordination Council was created to support the activities of student groups in the Russian Federation.

On February 17, 2004, the All-Russian Forum of Student Brigades was held in Moscow, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the SSO movement, at which the All-Russian Youth Social Movement “Russian Student Brigades” was established.

The results of the expedition research “Socio-economic effectiveness of youth policy in the conditions of the formation of a multipolar world (regional and federal aspect)” (2010) showed, in the opinion of students, the student movement should identify and resolve the following priority issues: “organization of meaningful leisure for youth”; “development of personal qualities necessary for future activities”; “involving student youth in active social and political activities”; “employment assistance”; “training the country's future leaders”; “assistance to socially vulnerable groups of the population.” Positions such as “environmental issues” were also identified; “protection of civil rights and freedoms”; “relations between authorities and the public”; "socio-psychological problems". Among the forms of social and political activity, the most attractive for young people, according to this study, are: “organizing student creativity”; "charity events"; “activities to protect the rights of students”; “participation in the work of student media”; "rally, demonstration." Such a position as “party activity” is of less importance for young people (Gnevasheva, Falkovskaya, 2010).

By the concepts of “patriotism, citizenship,” almost every second student surveyed in this study understands the positions: “to be proud of your country,” “to know the history and culture of your country.” Two-thirds believe that the concepts in question mean “to contribute to the development of the country in the course of one’s activities.” And only a small proportion of respondents define an active position under these concepts, such as: “participate in elections”; “participate in social and political events.” The most significant problems in the solution of which students would willingly take part are: “employment problems”; “problems of socially vulnerable groups of the population (large families, disabled people, street children, migrants, etc.)”; “socio-psychological problems (family, problems of fathers and children, loneliness, etc.)”; " ecological problems"(ibid.).

Research from the 2000s to the 2010s showed that civic engagement among young people is weak. In particular, it was noted that for the younger generation the concepts of patriotism and citizenship are terms that are different in essence and meaning. If the concept of patriotism is more familiar in nature and by this concept young people mean what is supposed to be common, namely: love for the country, its history and culture, then the concept of citizenship is not an expressed concept in the consciousness of society, much less in consciousness and actions younger generation. Therefore, the activities of public youth organizations, the existence and purpose of which, by definition, should be associated with the formation of the third - public sector, and are perceived by the younger generation from the position of citizenship, are perceived by them from the position of social, public importance, which is determined by the list of those significant activities that young people attribute to public organizations and the results of which they bring to society, demonstrating them as the result of the influence of social movements, namely: teamwork, determination, personal organizational qualities and social work. The activities of public organizations are interpreted by the younger generation from the name - events that are significant for society and the individual young person, such as employment, leisure activities, etc., and, in practice, are not identified by young people from the position of civil society and its defining characteristics.

Modern youth, being in a social search according to their own, can hardly fully determine their own place in the social and political system of Russian society, especially in the structures of active dialogue with the authorities. The individuality inherent in youth is largely the result of protest and self-searching. In many ways, the complexity of social networks contributes to greater interaction between young people and small social groups, the definition of their social status precisely in these social coordinates.

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V. A. Gnevasheva, K. I. Falkovskaya