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Linking achievements to your account. Achievement Feats associated with obtaining mounts

Feats of Strength are a special class of achievements in World of Warcraft. Typically, these achievements are very difficult to obtain, and they do not appear in the achievement log until you complete them. But how then can you accomplish these great feats if you don’t even know where to start? The most logical answer to this question is to read our guide to Feats of Strength in World of Warcraft Legion. There will be new feats in Battle for Azeroth, which we will add to our guide.

To gain access to creating characters for this race, you need to obtain the achievements Knee-deep Mountain (given for completing all story chains of Highmountain) and Tribes of Highmountain (given for leveling up your reputation with the corresponding faction to Exalted). After both achievements are in your treasury, you must report to the Allied Races Embassy in Orgrimmar and begin the Highmountain tauren quest line there, which will give you access to creating a character for this race. By completing the entire chain, you will receive the Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren and Highmountain Thunderhoof mount achievement. After this, you can start obtaining the Great Feat Highmountain Legacy - just level up your Highmountain tauren to level 110, and the feat will be yours.

It's pretty much the same with these Suramar elves - just pre-order Battle for Azeroth, get the Uprising (you need to complete all story quests in Suramar) and the Nightfallen (you need to achieve Exalted for this faction) achievements, after which you can begin the chain of unlocking access to creating a Nightborne character at the Horde Allied Races Embassy. After completing the entire chain, you will receive the achievement Allied Races: Nightborne and the Nightborne Manapard mount. To get the Great Feat Legacy of the Nightborne, create a Nightborne character and level him up to level 110. The reward will also be a set of racial armor - the same armor is given to other allied races for reaching level 110.

You don't need to do anything special - get the achievements. Now you're ready! (you need to go through all stages of the story on Argus) and Commander of the Army of Light (you need Exalted this faction). Having received both achievements, go to the Embassy of the Allied Races of the Alliance in Stormwind and begin the chain to open access to new draenei - the reward for completing the chain will be the achievement Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei and the Lightforged Felblight mount. After this, create a lightforged draenei and level it up to level 110 - as a reward you will receive the Great Feat Legacy of the Lightforged and a set of racial armor.

To access this race you will also need the achievement Now you are ready! , but you need reputation with another faction of Argus - the Protector of the Defenders of Argus. Having received both achievements, you can begin a chain of quests at the Embassy of the Allied Races of the Alliance. After completing the entire chain, you will receive the achievement Allied Races: Void Elves and the Star Void Hawkstrider mount. Next, to get the Great Feat Legacy of the Abyss and a set of racial armor, simply create an Abyss Elf and level him up to level 110.

Feats associated with obtaining mounts

With mounts, everything is much simpler - you just need to go and knock them out of a certain boss. The only catch is that the chance of dropping mounts that give you Great Feats is extremely small.

Promotional exploits

Obtaining this Great Feat is very simple - you just need to install the Hearthstone game, then go to World of Warcraft, create a level 1 character and level him up to level 20. As a reward for this, you will be given a feat and the Lady Liadrin skin for a paladin in Hearthstone.

Another simple but enjoyable Feat. To get it, log into Hearthstone and win 3 matches against live players. In addition to the feat, you will also receive the Excitement mount in World of Warcraft.

This Feat is also simple, but not as simple as the previous two. To get it, you must install the game Heroes of the Storm, then log into it and reach level 20 with any hero. The reward in World of Warcraft will be not only a feat, but also a unique Graveyard pet.

Feats associated with raid dungeons

  • Hero of His Time: Argus the Unmaker and Cutting Edge: Argus the Unmaker

This Great Feat is one of the rarest and most difficult. To get it, you must defeat the boss Algalon the Observer in the Ulduar raid, but you must do this with a level 80 character, and your weapons must not exceed item level 232, and your armor must not exceed item level 226. Of course, you can’t do all this alone, so you’ll have to create a raid group and find 29 other players who meet all the conditions for this Great Feat.

Feats related to reputation leveling

To obtain this feat, you must achieve Amity with the Bloodsail Pirates faction that initially hates you. How then can you make friends with them? It’s very simple - first you must open the faction panel and find Pirate Bay there, then put a checkbox next to the faction name to be able to attack friendly or neutral NPCs. After that, there’s only one thing left to do - you need to go to Pirate’s Cove in the Cape of Stranglethorn location and kill the guards and ordinary NPCs there. When the Bloodsail Pirates begin to treat you with friendliness, it’s time to visit the NPC “Nice Guy” Bruce (41.6, 61.2) - he will begin a small chain of quests, at the end of which you will receive the Bloodsail Admiral’s Hat, the title “Admiral of the Bloodsail...”, as well as a great feat.

To become a hero of Shattrath City, you must achieve Exalted with the Aldor and Seers. The catch is that if you start gaining reputation with one faction, the second one starts treating you worse. To achieve indifference with both factions and be able to calmly increase your reputation with both the Aldor and the Seers, you must first choose one of the factions. After this, find the NPC Enchantress Adiriya (54.8, 22.6) in Shattrath if you chose the Seers, or the NPC Sha'nir (64.2, 16.0) if you chose the Aldors. The Enchantress Adiriya can give you a repeating quest More Basilisk Eyes, and Sha' nir - More poison glands... After you have taken one of these quests, you need to go to the Terokkar Forest location and start farming eyes or glands on an industrial scale - you will need 1344 of both. As a result, the Aldor and Seers will become Indifferent to you, which will give you access to leveling up your reputation with both factions. Now you need to collect 360 Mark of Kil'jaeden for the Aldor from the demons in Outland, as well as 360 Ring of the Firewings for the Seers from the blood elves of Kael'thas. Signs must be handed over to NPC Aduin the Guardian of Light (30.8, 34.6) in Shattrath City, and Rings must be handed over to NPC Magister Faylenn (45.6, 82.2) in the same Shattrath City. After this, the Aldor and Seers will respect you, and all that remains is to collect another 1320 Mark of Sargeras (best collected in the Shadowmoon Valley location) and the same amount of Sunfury Ring (best collected in the Netherstorm location) to achieve Exalted with both factions. And don’t forget that if you stock up on reputation bonuses, for example, the WOOOOOOH bonus! From the Darkmoon Fair, reputation leveling will go faster.

This Great Feat will challenge your patience and ability to grind day after day. But as a reward you will receive not only a feat, but also the title “... crazy.” The condition for obtaining this feat is to level up your reputation with the Bloodsail Pirates to Respect, and with Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, Everview, Ratchet, Darkmoon Faire and Black Raven Manor to Exalted. You already know how to deal with pirates, but in order to later make friends with goblins, but not quarrel with the pirates, you will have to kill the goblins of the Trading Company from Northern Stranglethorn, pirates in the Tanaris location, or other enemies whose killing does not spoil your reputation with the Bloodsail Pirates . Reputation at the Darkmoon Fair is only upgraded at the Darkmoon Fair itself - just go there every month and do daily and repeating quests. The most difficult thing will be to level up your reputation with the Black Raven Estate - first you will have to kill members of the Syndicate in the Hillsbrad Foothills and Arathi Highlands locations, and then you will need to “finish off” the remaining reputation in the estate itself by completing the quest Bring Caskets - such caskets are easily obtained by robbers, but others classes will have to buy them from other players.

Feats associated with obtaining legendary weapons

The legendary staff for which this feat is given is available only to the classes Druid, Warlock, Mage, Shaman and Priest. To get the first quest in the chain to get the staff, you need to show up to the Firelands raid and just start beating enemies. After some time, you will automatically receive the quest Your time has come for the Alliance or the quest Your time has come for the Horde. Having received the quest, turn it in to the character indicated in it, after which a long chain will open for you, at the end of which you will receive a staff. The tasks are interesting, so we will do without spoilers, but it will be useful for you to know where the following items are obtained:

This feat, in theory, could have been obtained in the classic version of World of Warcraft, but there were no achievements there yet. But there was the legendary hammer of Ragnaros, and it was very difficult to get it. However, now obtaining Sulfuras and the Hand of Ragnaros also requires a lot of effort from the player. So, to get Ragnaros' Hammer, you need:

1) Go to the old Molten Core raid through the Blackrock Depths dungeons and defeat Ragnaros - he should drop the Eye of Sulfuras item (it drops with a probability of about 3.5%)

2) Now you need to either buy the Sulfuron Hammer from the blacksmith, or, if you know how to forge yourself, create it yourself

3) If you decide to create a hammer yourself, you will need Blueprint: Sulfuron Hammer. You can only get it when you get the item Sulfuron Ingot from the Golemagg Ashbringer boss in the Molten Core raid. Once you have the ingot in your hands, you just need to find the NPC Loktos the Sinister Trader in the Blackrock Depths dungeon (he will be waiting for you in the local tavern) - he will give you the recipe in exchange for the ingot

4) To create the hammer, you will need another 8 Sulfuron Ingot, 20 Dark Iron Ingot (dropped from Dark Iron dwarves in Blackrock Depths), 50 Arcanite Ingot (created by alchemists from 1 Thorium Ingot and 1 Arcane Crystal), 25 Essence of Fire (dropped from any fire elementals in high-level locations of old Azeroth), 10 Blood of the Mountain (drops from Destroyer monsters from the core in the Molten Core raid), 10 Lava Core (drops from enemies in the Molten Core raid), 10 Fiery Core (drops from enemies in the Molten Core raid bosom).

3) Having obtained both handcuffs, you need to go to old Silithus and talk to the NPC High Lord Demitrian (29.6, 10.6). Demitrian will give you the Vessel of Revival, which will activate the chain to obtain the legendary blade

When you have everything you need, contact Demitrian, who will summon Thunderaan - defeat him, and after that you can receive the legendary blade and the Great Feat.

This Great Feat is only available to characters of the Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Monk and Druid classes. First, you must go to the Ulduar raid and there try to knock out 30 pieces of the Shard of Val"anir from the bosses. After all the fragments are in your bag, collect them in the Shattered Val"anir - this item will begin a very short chain of quests, in at the end of which you will receive a legendary hammer and a Great Feat. To complete the final quest, you will need to throw a quest item into the mouth of the boss Yogg-Saron during his 3rd phase Deafening Roar. If you did everything correctly, then the effect Into the Womb of the Ancient God will appear on the boss - with it you can safely kill the boss. Alas, the Reforged Hammer of Ancient Kings, needed for the quest, even after the boss receives the effect, drops from it only with a probability of 0.30%.

To get this feat, you need to get not one, but two weapons at once, each of which is dropped from the Illidan Stormrage boss with a 5% chance in the Black Temple raid. By knocking out the Warblade of Azzinoth and the Warblade of Azzinoth, you will receive a Great Feat. There is also a secret achievement...In the meantime, I'll take them - to get it, you will need a character of the Demon Hunter class, armed with both blades of Azzinoth. If you have one, then wait until the Time Travel: Black Temple event occurs, and then simply complete the entire raid in Time Travel mode and defeat the final boss. As a reward for this, you will receive not only an achievement, but also the Arsenal: Warblades of Azzinoth - a transmog skin for the Blades of Azzinoth.

Feats related to a variety of things

This Great Feat is relatively easy to obtain, but you will need a lot of gold coins to do it. The fact is that the condition for obtaining the feat is the collection of any class armor set from the old version of the Naxxramas (Northrend) raid for 40 people, which is now impossible to get into. What to do? Try to find and buy all the parts of the classic armor set on Madame Goya's Black Market. Just remember that characters of those classes that did not exist in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion will not be able to wear the old class armor, which means they will not be able to receive the Great Feat.

To obtain this feat, you must complete all 12 class campaigns featured in the game. This means that at a minimum you will need to level up one character of each class to the maximum level.

To become a predator, you need to defeat a rare demon named Xemirkol in the Tanaan Jungle location. It sounds simple, but in order for this monster to appear at all, you will have to run hard, and the first step will be to obtain the Jungle Predator achievement (you need to defeat ALL rare enemies in the Tanaan Jungle location). To obtain the achievement and then for the feat, the item Skilled Hunter's Search Crystal, which can be purchased from the NPC Dawn Seeker Krisek (57.8, 59.4 - Alliance; 60.4, 46.6 - Horde) in the Tanaan Jungle location, will greatly help you. To buy a crystal, you need to improve your reputation with the Order of the Awakened faction, but since you will be exhausted looking for rare monsters without a crystal, it is better to farm a little. After all the other rare monsters in the location have died a heroic death, try using the crystal again, but if it doesn’t work, then someone has already killed Xemirkol - he appears every 24 hours after being killed, so you need to catch him in a suitable time. When you defeat Xemirkol, you will receive a Great Feat and the title “Predator...”.

Another feat that sounds quite simple is to complete any gold challenge in the Proving Grounds while choosing the wrong specialization. It’s best, of course, to choose the Fighter challenge and go through it with a highly upgraded Tank, but this depends on how it’s easier for you to play. The opponents in the challenges are adjusted to your level, so don't think it will be too easy. So, to start the Trial, you need to go to the Kun-Lai Summit location and find the NPC Trial Master Rotun there (69.0, 44.8).

To get this Great Feat, you just need to get yourself the Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. This legendary blade can only be purchased during any World of Warcraft anniversary celebration from the characters Historian Llor (84.6, 25.0 in Stormwind) or

It seems that the achievements were in World Of Warcraft are eternal, but there will always be those that are rare. They were installed with Wrath of the Lich King in the pre-expansion patch, and there were originally only 749 of them. As of this patch, Time of Twilight, there are 1401 of them, and they cover PvE, PvP, Feats of Strength! Some of them have bonuses such as mounts, names, pets, and tabards.

Some achievements can be obtained without problems. Many of them are simple and can be obtained by reaching a certain level or performing specific actions in the game, but others can take several months. There are even those - Great Feats - that are legendary.

However, before we talk about achievements, it is important to understand the difference between rare and hard to find. Yes, many of the rare achievements are difficult to obtain, but not all achievements that are difficult to obtain are truly rare. Does this make sense? No, it doesn't matter, that's why we're here!

So, what are the rare achievements in the game?

Yes, this is one of them. You can get a new title. This achievement is one of the most difficult to achieve, and it is also a Great Feat. You will need to increase your self-respect in the following places: Bloodsail Pirates, Everview, Ratchet, Booty Bay, Primbambasque, Black Raven, Darkmoon Fair. The point is that this achievement not only takes a lot of time and effort, but you also have to destroy the goblins in order to befriend the pirates. In any case, this is one of the achievements that hardly anyone has ever seen. Only the most experienced players have the opportunity to experience it.

The next achievement is a little easier, but still quite rare. How can you get One Hump - Good!? By purchasing a camel from the quartermaster of the Ramkahen faction in the city of the same name, which is located in Uldum. Another way to get it is to find the Strange Camel Figurine in Uldum, and in the staged fight on the Smoking Lake, kill Dormus, the camel driver.

When he dies, you will be awarded the Reins of the Gray Riding Camel. You will also receive the Wanderer of the Eternal Sands achievement and the Driver title. This achievement not only requires a lot of time and dedication, but it is also one of the rare ones.

Raise your hands, who remembers the great Treebelly tribe? There was a time when the only way for non-druids to get to Moonglade was to escape through the Treebelly Refuge. This shortcut connected Felwood with Moonglade.

The thing is that the Timbermaw furbolgs don't like adventurers roaming their territory, so the safest way to do this is to make them like you by raising your reputation. Most people stopped when they failed to become revered, but not all. You can get the accessory Timbermaw Protection. When Achievements were introduced, Blizzard decided to reward those patient players who made furbolgs fall in love with them.

This achievement is an oldie but a goodie and involves finding the box. Sounds boring, doesn't it? In fact, the box is not important, it is just a chance to catch Mr. Pinchy.

Mr. Pinchy is named after Homer the lobster in The Simpsons episode "Lisa Gets an A," and the magical cancer will grant you three wishes. These can be two different levels of 70 forms of Mr. Pinch, one is friendly and acts as your protector, and the other attacks you and your team or is a box of potion. There is no telling what you will get.

So, there are five rare achievements that you might not have seen in the game lately. What achievements do you consider the most rare? Leave comments.

Along with a large number of new gaming products, it became possible to receive achievements. This feature is available to all players who want to set new goals for themselves in the game, and also allows you to compare your character's achievements with other players, plus it's just fun!

Originally, World of Warcraft had 749 achievements covering all aspects of gameplay. For achievements, as now, one could receive various types of transport, companions, capes and titles. Some achievements have been changed, some additional rewards have been removed, and some have become Great Feats. But in any case, the number of possible achievements grows with each update and addition.

Achievements Window

In update 3.0.2, players saw a new button () in the character minimenu. When pressing this button, players could see the Achievements Window (the achievements window can also be called up by pressing Y).

The window title shows the number of achievement points earned by the player. Below is a list of the last four achievements received with the date of receipt. The achievement statuses for each achievement category are shown below. On the left in the achievements window you can see a list of categories of achievements that have been received or can be obtained. At the bottom of the achievements window there is a switch between the achievements window, the window of achievements that the guild has received (if the character is a member of the guild) and the character statistics window, where any interesting history associated with the character is recorded.

Types and categories of achievements

World of Warcraft has several types of achievements. To get some, it is enough to catch fish from a school, in others, kill players of the opposite faction of the required races or complete 2500 daily tasks. Some achievements can be seen only after completing another achievement, for example, studying 50 satellites, you can see the research status only after receiving the achievement for 25 satellites. There are also team achievements, which are obtained by completing all the achievements specified in it.

To view main achievements and team achievements, you can open the list of achievements by category:

  • Character: Achievements that can be earned by completing quirky challenges such as falling from a certain height, getting a haircut at a barbershop, or equipping your character with 25 different tabards.
  • Tasks: Achievements that can be obtained by completing tasks. Some must be completed within a certain number of days, and some can be obtained by completing the tasks indicated in the list, but you cannot get the entire list of tasks in one day, however, the next day there is a guarantee that the same tasks will appear.
  • Study: Achievements that can be obtained by exploring locations and entire continents. To obtain the main team achievement, you must explore all of the specified continents and worlds.
  • PvP: Achievements that can be obtained in arenas, battlefields or by participating in world PvP events.
  • Dungeons and Raids: Each final boss in the dungeon will reward those who kill him with corresponding achievements at various difficulty levels. Also here you can see some achievements that need to be completed only on the heroic difficulty level of a raid or dungeon under certain conditions of the boss fight, some are obtained without the death of the boss.
  • Professions: Achievements that can be obtained by gaining skills in various major and minor professions.
  • Reputation: Achievements that can be obtained by gaining Exalted reputation for playable factions in the game (sometimes multiple factions are required for one achievement).
  • Game events: Achievements that can be obtained during holiday periods such as the Fiery Solstice, Lunar Festival or Garden of Wonders by fulfilling the necessary conditions.
  • Pet Battles: Achievements that can be obtained by studying pets and participating in pet battles.
  • Collections: Achievements that represent collecting various items such as tabards, modes of transport or toys.
  • Special Content: Achievement section added in Battle for Azeroth. Includes achievements from past expansion sections for Class Hall, Draenor Garrison, Icegrasp, Tol Barad, Pandaria scenarios, and the new Island Expeditions.
  • Heritage: Achievements that can no longer be obtained due to the removal of currency, dungeon boss, faction, quest chain, event, and challenge mode in obsolete dungeons. When receiving an achievement from this category, the player is not awarded achievement points.
  • Great feats: Achievements that are very difficult, almost impossible or no longer possible to obtain in the world. When receiving an achievement from this category, the player is not awarded achievement points.
  • Guild: Were added to Cataclysm. Achievements that can be obtained through the efforts of several players. Here you can see the achievements of raids, dungeons, professions, obtaining rare items and from battlefields.


Although the achievement generally does not provide strong benefits to players, completing some achievements can earn companions, tabards, or titles.

The real reward for completing the achievement is for the player to hear this sound:

/script PlaySound("ACHIEVMENTSOUND") /script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Spells\\AchievmentSound1.wav")

which creates a feeling of satisfaction for all players who are trying to score as many achievements as possible.

We recently made some changes to the achievement system in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Achievements will now be linked to your account. This article will help you understand them and avoid misunderstandings.

Here we will talk about our plans and you can find answers to many questions. Overall, we never wanted you to play a character just because they have a lot of achievements. Let's say if character A has a Violet Proto-Dragon, then you may not want to play character B, who doesn't have it. Or if Character A has almost all the achievements from the Dragon Soul raid, you might not want to go into the raid with Character B and miss out on the achievement. Character diversity is good, achievements are great, and we don't want one to get in the way of the other.

Remember, this is the whole point of innovation. We could introduce additional achievement points that would be given for obtaining the same achievement by different characters. But this would only lead to the fact that you would have to play only the character with the most achievement points, and you would have to race headlong to achieve achievements with all the characters on your account. This would defeat the purpose of tying achievements to an account.

Most achievements will be account-wide

This means you only have to do everything you need to do once. Once you earn an achievement with one character, you will find it for all the others. However, if you obtain this achievement with another character, you will receive due congratulations. We decided that you would enjoy watching the main milestones of character development: reaching level 80, defeating a raid boss for the first time, or achieving perfection in your chosen profession. And congratulations from other players should make you happy. However, this will simply be a reminder of an achievement that is already on your account.

Most individual achievements will need to be completed from start to finish by one character

If you start earning an achievement with one character, you will not be able to complete this process with another (there are exceptions, read to the end). We don't think it's right to develop one character to level 60, another to level 20 and get the "level 80" achievement. Or, for example, if you already started exploring Thousand Needles with one character, then finish the exploration with the same character.

In addition to the usual ones, the game also has meta-achievements.
To obtain them, you must first obtain a number of other achievements. One of the most famous examples is The Long Strange Journey. Such achievements apply to the entire account. That is, you can get the “Wonderful Gardener” achievement with one character, and “Fire Guardian” with another, and this will not prevent you from getting the meta-achievement. Agree, otherwise it would look somehow strange: all the required achievements are there, but for some reason “The Long and Strange Journey” is not there. Again, if you need to explore Thousand Needles with one character, then you can explore Kalimdor with all characters.

There are a number of achievements that can only be completed through the joint efforts of your characters.
They are divided into two categories. The first ones, in principle, cannot be accomplished with one character. For example, an achievement for developing all characters on an account to level 90 (this is just an example, such an achievement may not exist). The second category is achievements that are simply too difficult to complete with one character: for example, 2500 daily tasks or 250,000 honorable victories. The joint efforts of various characters will help here.

We plan that all rewards received for certain achievements (mounts, pets, titles, etc.) will be available to all characters on the account.
I can’t promise this yet: to bring all these ideas to life, we need to do a lot of magic, but we’re working on it. The issue of level restrictions is still being discussed so that your level 2 dwarf doesn't suddenly end up as "Defender of the Shattered World" simply because a level 90 shaman earned that achievement. When the gnome reaches level 80, then it will be possible to flaunt the honorary title. You will also not be able to use pets, mounts, or titles from another faction. They will not disappear, they will simply be displayed only for the corresponding characters. Perhaps, as we refine the system, we will add some more exceptions.

This is the direction in which the achievement system will develop. However, we do not believe that this is the final version. I think we'll continue to make changes as beta testers explore this system and get feedback from them.

I wouldn’t say that BC and Classic were boring, but they didn’t have the zest that appeared in WotLK. By “highlight” I mean a new achievement system. The players had something to strive for.

WoW achievements

Whoever had more achievement points was considered a more successful character. But it would seem that all this was done only for the pleasure of the players and the players would not receive any benefit other than a tick in the achievements window. In fact, if you know which WoW achievements perform, then you can even get “material” benefits (in the game, of course). This will set you apart from all other players, and maybe even serve as a pass to some strong raid. I propose to consider all the achievements for which you can receive a truly pleasant bonus.


  1. Complete 3000 thousand and receive the title “Seeker”. If you have a lot of free time, completing so many tasks will not be difficult.
  2. You can do several achievements at once. " Loremaster"- you need to complete about 800 tasks in the Eastern Kingdoms. You will receive the title " Loremaster"and a tabard.
  3. As you complete tasks, you will discover an insane number of new locations. You can try to get the achievement " Discoverer". To get it you need to open all the places in the world of WoW. For this WoW achievements You will receive the title "Researcher" and the Explorer's Cape.


  1. Some achievements are just not written like that. For example, for 100,000 victories in PvP you can get the title “Son of the Alliance” (if you are a Horde member - “Son of the Horde”).
  2. The title “Bloodthirsty” is obtained for 250,000 victories in PvP.
  3. There is an achievement related to reputation and it is called “Conqueror”. You need to achieve maximum reputation on three battlefields (gorge, lowland and valley). Having achieved reputation, you receive the title “Conqueror”.
  4. You can receive not only titles, but also mounts. So for killing all the leaders of the opposing faction you can get a war bear.


  1. By collecting any 25 tabards, you can get another tabard, which looks the most beautiful of all.
  2. By collecting 50 of any means of transportation, you can get an albino dragon, which you simply won’t find anywhere.
  3. By collecting another 50 (that is, one hundred) vehicles, you can get a blue or red dragon.
  4. Achievement “Learning is Light! " asks you to find and read eight books. For fulfilling this requirement, you will receive a special book that can teleport you to the top of the Violet Fortress.

Dungeons and Raids

  1. If you use the random dungeon finder, you can get the achievement “Looking for You! ". The point is to complete heroic dungeons with 50 different players. Receive the title "Patient".
  2. “I’m looking for everyone! ” is almost the same achievement as “Looking for you! “, only here you need to do 2 times more work. For this achievement you will receive a companion " Pygmy Pugel«.
  3. For other difficult raid achievements " Glory to the hero of the Cataclysm", you can get mounts and dragons.
  4. The achievement “Pacific” gives the same title. You can get it in Pandaria by destroying all embodiments of negative emotions.

Game events

  1. The title “Subotologist” is obtained by completing certain scenarios on Saturday.
  2. WoW achievements in the hopmaster branch will give you the item “Keg of Honorary Brewmaster”.
  3. The most recent achievement " Love fever"will give you the title " Love struck«.
  4. The main achievement of “Winter Veil” will give you the title “Merry Man”.
  5. The main achievement of "Children's Week" will give you the title " Benefactress«.
  6. The main achievement “Pumpkin” gives the title “Pumpkin”.
  7. Achievement " Long and strange journey" is the most difficult and longest of the category of gaming events. Completing an achievement requires a lot of achievements preceding it, which are completed over the course of a whole year.
  8. Main achievement " Lunar Festival"Gives the title "Wise".
  9. Main achievement " Fiery solstice"Gives the title "Guardian of Fire".
  10. Main achievement " Pilgrims' Feasts"Gives a title and a companion.
  11. Accordingly, you can get other titles in the event branch; you just need to open the corresponding tab in the game and read everything carefully.

Pet fights

  1. In this category you can note some achievements that will open access to daily .
  2. For the achievement " It's time to open a pet store» you will receive a special companion.


  1. The title “Diplomat” is obtained by achieving Exalted with the factions: Sporregar, Kurenai and Timbermaws.
  2. Title " Champion of Cenarius» obtained by achieving maximum reputation with: Cenarion Circle and Cenarion Expedition.
  3. The title “Messenger” can be obtained with maximum reputation with all six main factions (Alliance or Horde).
  4. If you're obsessed with reputation with factions, you can earn maximum reputation with everyone who comes your way. This will give you even more titles, such as: “Exalted”, “Beloved” and so on.
  5. When you receive maximum reputation with the Knights of the Black Blade and the Silver Vanguard, you receive the title " Silver Defender«.

Great feats

There are a number of achievements that are not displayed. These WoW achievements it is very difficult to get, because you need to be the very first everywhere. This could be an achievement: " Conqueror of death«, « Conqueror of Naxxramas", "Magic Seeker", " Heavenly Intercessor" and others. You need to not only complete them, but also be the first on the entire server, which in itself is almost unrealistic, so there is no point in considering such achievements in more detail. I'll just tell you about a couple:

  1. "Tribute to Immortality" gives a crusader horse. The achievement will only be completed if you complete dungeon 25 without dying.
  2. « Tribute to fanatical madness"gives the title " Silver Defender". The achievement is only completed if you reach the chest in the raid, which is much worse dressed than the items in the chest itself.

In general, there are still a lot of such achievements, so don’t be afraid and feel free to experiment!