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Manifestations of adventurism on his part. Adventurism adventurer adventurous

He does not choose nicknames himself - those around him can christen him at their discretion based on his dominant inclinations. He - swindler, player, racer, treasure and adventure seeker, snowboarder all rolled into one.

He lives in his own extreme world, created by his own laws. He doesn’t spew stories about himself left and right, but if friends ask, he can come up with another story:

    what is important is that everything that the “swindler” says is the purest truth! His head is constantly full of all sorts of “snowy” thoughts: he dreams of conquering Elbrus (his snowboard has already been everywhere), going to Africa (he got a map somewhere indicating the location of a hidden treasure), organizing races on the Dmitrovskoe Highway or the Garden Ring (Moscow fell asleep, I need to wake you up), play the main role in a nice movie (I’ve already played roulette). He is never embarrassed, he values ​​what he has own opinion, remains indifferent to criticism.

Brave guy! No matter what happens, he will always find a way out without dramatizing the situation. He has a pronounced masculinity - that explains everything!

Doesn't make unrealistic promises if he can't answer a question, he can simply avoid answering, but he won't lie. At the same time, he finds true pleasure in the thoughtful deception of a person who himself tried to deceive him (“Deceiving a deceiver is doubly pleasant!”).

He does not talk about his personal life - the information is always clearly dosed, the people around him themselves come up with romantic details and other delights. Understatement - characteristic, but not intrusive. He does not suffer from significant silence, nor does he strive to sow pathos around himself. Everything happens naturally and... brightly.

Dating can take place in the most unexpected places, saturated with the smell of extremes. Oh, if he falls in love, he will court you like no other! The moon will go to his beloved! But becoming his beloved is not easy: he needs to be surprised (he’s already seen everything!), lured with a secret that he will eagerly rush to solve (the main thing is that Mendelssohn’s march should sound no earlier and no later than the crucial moment). Understatement in a woman- the most important thing that can attract him.

"Lone Wolf" has vague ideas about family life. Although the most desperate representatives of our fair sex sometimes manage to drag him down the aisle, marriage can in most cases be short-lived. After a break (or divorce) in a relationship with a former beloved, he will never say nasty things about her; on the contrary, he will try to preserve friendly relations(unless, of course, she prefers scandals). He usually gets married late, even very late.

He has his own opinion on everything. A Lone Wolf will never do what the rest of the world is doing just because the rest of the world is doing it. He does what interests him, what brings him true satisfaction.

People unfamiliar with him are impressed by a strange person, but when they get to know him, they either become his ardent admirers, or become in opposition to him - there are no people indifferent to him. Many people secretly envy him - it seems to them that everything comes to him with ease.

He is disgusted by everything ordinary and traditional, but if circumstances are such that he cannot do what he loves, the “adventurer” worries about this terribly, but never gives up. And definitely gets his way.

He loves speed - there may be no brake pedal in his car at all. How does he stop? He doesn't stop! Loves it risk- it’s not about the laurels and champagne (although the “adventurer”, of course, is pleased), but about his soul, which always strives upward.

Believes in fairy tales about great love at first sight only in youth (in kindergarten). He never takes advantage of a woman’s defenselessness or her stupidity - he prefers mysterious, enigmatic, courageous women...

In bed - a genius, a sexual genius, gifted with energy, imagination, and sensitivity. He thinks not only about his own satisfaction, but also about the woman experiencing previously unfamiliar delightful feelings.

He always tries to decide everything himself, whether to listen or not to the opinions of others - the choice remains his.

His mother is advanced. Of course, she loves him immensely (her mother, after all), but she tries not to interfere. The “adventurer” lives independently and knows how to take responsibility for himself.

It’s possible to marry him, but it’s difficult. Firstly, it is difficult because marriage is too traditional (that says it all for him). Secondly, because he is unadapted to everyday life (this is traditional - that again says it all). Being married to him feeling of mystery needs to be supported (you can’t ask him to take out the trash, much less demand)! Otherwise he will leave...

“Andrey is an impossible creature! - says Lena. - Despite his age, and he is already over forty, he is constantly looking for adventure. He, in my opinion, has climbed all the mountains that are in the North Caucasus, and is now going to the Alps. He surfs in the summer and snowboards in the winter! And he was always so enthusiastic, thirsty for bright sensations. I won’t talk about exactly what tricks it took me ten years ago to drag him down the aisle. By the way, you simply cannot call those events any other way. I developed whole plans to win his attention. Andrey, of course, firmly believes that this was his initiative. He is engaged in business, and he makes the whole process somehow unusual, creative or something. I remember that after the 1998 crisis he suffered greatly when he was declared bankrupt. But then he came to his senses, and step by step created the current company. By the way, Andrey is engaged in tourism. Of course, I try to keep up with him. After all, everything constant and banal bores him. I don’t have a single robe, Andrey hates dressing gowns.

His friends love him, they themselves are just as passionate people. When they get together, it feels like these are ten-year-old boys who have gathered for their children's council about the tactics of conducting “battles” with the neighboring yard.

Of course, compared to what Andrei was like before the wedding, he has changed a little in good side. I mean, he wasn’t bad, but now he feels responsible for me: if I’m not with him, he calls from all his trips, asking how and what. Naturally, I often worry, because accidents happen, but I try not to panic. Andrey is full of energy, but over the years he still changes. Maybe sometimes I can just lie on the couch, relax, and then hit the road again with renewed vigor!”

So, we figured out the main types. But it may be that the young man who interests you does not fall into any of the described types. “You shouldn’t rush into despair, there are a lot of men and they can’t fit into just six types. There are exceptions to every rule. Your potential hero can combine the qualities of two or three types, but one type still dominates. Get your bearings on the dominant components of his character.

Now about your reasons and types more specifically. So who do you need? A man in the house, a real master who is able to provide for his family? A man who knows how to make decisions and be responsible for them, a man behind whom you will be like behind a stone wall, then choose a potential hero who has the dominant character traits of the “real one.” You can rely on him for everything.

If you like permanent circulation of people and events, not just stone walls, look for an “activist.” Do you have a penchant for extreme sensations? Then you need an "adventurer"!

If you want to command the parade (of family life) yourself and you are not embarrassed by the prospect of having a henpecked husband, then you need a “baby”. If you are a masochist and love suffering, choose “ghost” or “ philosopher».

Everyone has heard the word adventurer at least once. But not everyone understands it. What character trait is called adventurism? Adventurer - who is it? These questions are very interesting, so let’s figure out what qualities such individuals have, and whether they are useful to a person.

Who are the adventurers?

An adventurer is a person who is not afraid of the most daring ideas; he is an adventurer who takes risks without any doubt.

Adventurism is a special behavior of a person, expressed in his passion for adventure, incidents that can cause powerful emotions and a rush of adrenaline.

This can manifest itself in extreme hobbies, risky undertakings, lawless, fraudulent actions, dangerous “exploits” committed by a person just for the sake of entertainment. But is an adventurer always a scoundrel and a swindler?

How to recognize an adventurer?

Adventurism is an individual thing. It may be present or absent in a particular person, which forms his tendency to adventure. If a person makes dangerous deals without any doubts, argues often and is not afraid to take risks, then they say that he has a “vein of adventurism.” These people are restless inventors and eternal adventurers.

An adventurer is a person who sets himself the most daring and extravagant tasks. All actions of such people are aimed at getting closer to their goal.

Adventurers are also characterized by such personality traits as maximalism, enthusiasm and the ability to not stop in the face of difficulties while moving towards their dreams. And adventurers’ distorted sense of fear can even push them to break the law if this is necessary to quickly achieve their goals.

Is it good or bad to have adventurism in your blood?

At first glance, adventurers live cheerfully and carefree; their lives are never boring or monotonous. But there is also back side medals. Risk is the main companion of an adventurer. And this is the answer to the question why the lives of many adventurers end tragically.

The desire to get the required dose of adrenaline sometimes forces them to act outside the law. Not all adventurers are necessarily swindlers and swindlers, but almost every criminal has a thirst for adventure, which forces him to commit illegal actions for the sake of his goal.

Some are sure that an adventurer is a dishonest and unprincipled person. This is partly true. Adventurism as a character trait is not inherent in absolutely truthful and law-abiding citizens.

A little more about adventurers

If you think about it, it is adventurous people who most often become heroes of adventure films and books. This is all because their life is full of surprises and exciting, but not always safe events.

Probably the most famous adventurer in Soviet cinema is Ostap Bender. Both individual citizens and entire groups suffered from his cunning scams. But at the same time, this character is optimistic, cheerful and savvy, which arouses the sympathy of many film lovers.

Speaking about movie heroes, one cannot help but recall Agent 007 - a brave, brave, courageous favorite of women. If James Bond's character had not been adventurous, it is unlikely that he would have been able to accomplish his feats.

The personality trait we are considering is characteristic even of some cartoon characters. The cartoon adventurer is His cunning friend Fox Alice has the same qualities. Using all sorts of fraudulent means, this couple tried to extract the last money from poor Buratino.

As you can see, adventurism is not always bad, but at the same time it is not always good. If this character trait is one of the facets of your personality, try to present and use it for the most positive purposes. If the soul asks for another adventure, remember that there are limits to the law and boundaries safe behavior that must be adhered to.

And Cortez, Odyssey And Ostap Bender- a man of grandiose plans and inspired improvisations. The main skills are to start on time, switch on time, get away on time. Magnificent negligence and elastic risk, ahead of chance by chance - this is how the heroic pilot flew Valery Chkalov; This is how a brilliant chess player played his best games Tal, this is how the great boxer boxed Laszlo Papp, who left undefeated, and Columbus I was looking for India and found America...

But it seems that this type still manifests itself most noticeably on the criminal path...

This is only because the criminal path enjoys clearly inflated attention from society. There are also adventurers among honest accountants.

Well, and among journalists, I’ll tell you...

It’s clear that the profession requires it. And there are so many women adventurers, of all different types, classes, scales, scope, level and flight!..

It seems to me that if a person is not an adventurer, at least a little, at least in some way, then he is simply not interesting and he himself is not interested in life...

By the way, what is adventurism? Life style? Attitude to the world? Some kind of ideology?

I think with the dictionary myself... “Adventurer” is an adventurer. From the English “alvencha” or the French “adventure” - “adventure”, arbitrary from the Latin “alvenio” - “happen”, “happen”, “appear”, “attack”, “arrive”... In the spectrum of the Latin root word are felt flashes and rumbles of fate hiding behind the horizon...

Going towards chance, towards the unknown, towards fate...

Tester of Fortune, yes, you can do that. Risk taster - known or unknown. Risk-taking is a leading or one of the leading qualities. And also a craving for struggle, for a full life display.

The lowest adventurism is impudence, arrogance, recklessness.

Middle-practical - risky entrepreneurship or military audacity.

The highest is the conquest of distances, depths and peaks on earth and in heaven, discoveries and invention, poetry and music, the daring of thought, beauty and goodness.

And to what level should we classify, say, ? - This talkative and pissy male, card sharper and informer, for all his impudence, was a coward. A trickster, scoundrel and freeloader of the ordinary variety. Real men are adventurers - Alexander the Great, Gaius Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte...

Yes, but where did they all end?..

But is the only worthy end for a great husband a quiet death in his own bed at an old age?..

I understand that by definition there cannot be safe adventurism, just like safe sex. But we are talking about luck, about winning against fate, about victories over Fortune, aren’t we?.. And for example, this bloated arrogant and great scoundrel named Napoleon- I'm sorry, I'm not enthusiastic about him - in the end I lost, I lost everything.

But after him there was a code Napoleon, left a big mark on history... What is considered a win and what is a loss in the final analysis is always the question... Starting with the campaign in Russia, adventurism Bonaparte acquired the features of rock-fighting, like life Caesar in his last years. As soon as the Adventurer begins to hold on to what he has conquered or advances too much in one direction, Rock, without hesitation, presents the score...

At least call it the Academy of Luck, I won’t be offended. Seriously: I do not promise anyone, including myself, the slightest leniency from the totality of external circumstances and forces that do not depend on us. We work only with those chances that depend on us.”

Levi V.L., Genius of desire, M., “Book Club 36.6”, 2012, p. 77-79.


Adventures there may be bold exploits, exciting adventures, aimless adventures, unexpected incidents, major achievements in life or business ventures. Adventurous events give rise to psychological and physiological arousal, which can be either negative or positive. For some people, adventure, a risky adventure becomes the main thing in life (see extreme sports: street, parkour, etc.). Milan Kundera defines adventure as "a passionate discovery of the unknown."

Adventure- a concept used in many contexts and situations. For example, it is a key component of stories, legends and fairy tales, dramas and plays; used in plots and plots of books, films, musical works and computer games. Adventure also used in education, sports, tourism and other forms of entertainment. Examples of such adventurous genres of use adventures include:

  • Adventure film is a film genre.
  • Adventure game is a computer game genre.
  • Adventurous education - using discussion and challenging the unexpected events for training.
  • Adventure racing involves competition between participants; extreme sports.
  • Adventure tourism offers tourists the opportunity to have an exciting journey full of encounters and unexpected obstacles.


A character in a play about the 18th century.

List of adventurers

In the history of Europe XVII-XIX centuries. It is customary to single out a category of people with a dubious, sometimes scandalous, reputation, who left a noticeable mark on the events of that era. As a rule, they traveled widely, were active in politics, were suspected of espionage and had unknown sources of income or were impostors, or simply ascribed to themselves an aristocratic or exotic origin. The French adventurers of the 18th century are especially famous. Epithet "adventurer" in this context, it is correct to use for characters who acted approximately before the First World War, i.e. in old regime Europe.

Conquistadors and other pioneer travelers should be considered as a separate category in the Russian language, although in English language they are often referred to as adventurers.

“They wear fantastic uniforms of some Hindustani or Mongolian army and have pompous names, which are in reality counterfeit jewels, like the buckles on their boots. They speak all languages, claim to know all the princes and great men, claim to have served in all armies and studied at all universities. Their pockets are full of projects, their tongues are full of bold promises, they come up with lotteries and special taxes, unions of states and factories, they offer women, orders and castrati; and although they don’t have even ten gold pieces in their pockets, they whisper to everyone that they know the secret of instilgae aip (preparing gold). At the greedy court they show new tricks, here they mysteriously disguise themselves as Freemasons and Rosicrucians, there they present themselves to every prince as experts in chemical cuisine and the works of Theophrastus. For a voluptuous ruler they are ready to be energetic moneylenders and counterfeiters, pimps and matchmakers with rich connections, for a warlike prince - spies, for a patron of the arts and sciences - philosophers and rhymers. They captivate the superstitious with the drawing up of horoscopes, the gullible with plans, the gamblers with marked cards, the naive with secular elegance, and all this under rustling folds, an impenetrable cover of unusualness and mystery - unsolved and, thanks to this, doubly interesting...”
Stefan Zweig.

XVII-XVIII centuries

Mata Hari. She was the daughter of a Dutch shopkeeper, and started a rumor that she was the daughter of an Indian princess. Shot for espionage.

XIX-XX centuries

  • Lola Montes - dancer, lover of Ludwig I of Bavaria
  • Tolstoy, Fyodor Ivanovich (American)

External links

  • Adventure novel. Dictionary of literary terms.

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Adventurism” is in other dictionaries:

    adventurism- a, m. aventurisme m. 1906. Ray 1998. Tendency to risky adventures or unseemly acts, adventures. Ush. 1934. Brave and honest, he was not capable of adventurism and showing off. He.. will not risk the lives of scouts without benefit,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Behavior or activity of someone, characterized by risky, unprincipled actions for the sake of achieving easy success or gain; adventurous spirit... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    ADventURISM, adventurism, many. no, husband (book). Tendency to risky adventures or unseemly acts, to adventures. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ADventURISM, huh, husband. A penchant for adventure. | adj. adventurous, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 1 passion (106) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Political: activities carried out without taking into account objective conditions, awareness of responsibility for the consequences of political actions. Characteristic of groups losing power and not having the opportunity to come to power democratically. Political... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    adventurism- schillerization Special view shine [English-Russian gemological dictionary. Krasnoyarsk, KrasBerry. 2007.] Topics gemology and jewelry production Synonyms schillerization EN aventurism ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Adventurism- (French aventure) – 1. in psychopathology, a tendency towards risky, dubious undertakings, adventure, motivated solely or predominantly by the need for sensory variety, vivid impressions, thrills, and... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

I’m an adventurer in everything. I can’t live by the rules, realizing that they were written and worked out over thousands of generations to suppress the individual. All. who has achieved something. in this life you are either a talent or an adventurer. Adventurer from French is a discoverer. Therefore, adventurism is a developed, also a talent. Living outside the rules is the motto of an adventurer. People also call such people crazy. I'm a fish. example from personal life. 12 years of work at school. a history teacher. living in an apartment. Having two small children, not having a penny of savings in my pocket, 69 hryvnia one fine morning, I make a decision in 2 minutes. How long can you not love yourself? What if I don’t go to school? life flies. burns out like a candle. and I will live it according to stereotypes? and I didn’t go. irresponsible? Maybe someone said what is and isn’t allowed in this life? I told myself I want complete freedom. in everything. but I’ll try, I’m tired of living, counting pennies, I have to save for a new coat, etc. I wrote advertisements on sheets of notebooks and posted them around the city. I got into real estate for a long time; it wasn’t easy to tell everything, but the spirit of adventurism pushed me. recruited 18 people to work. Puffing out her cheeks while playing, the director peeked out from around the corner every morning. praying that no one would come to work because there was no money in their pocket, the wind was blowing, and I was ashamed to confess to people. I rented an office from a party that promised me not to take anything for 3 months until I got promoted, people believed me. I am grateful to them. Now I have a business in 9 cities of Ukraine. Without a penny of money, I started a business, but with people who also didn’t have a penny. They ran with me on foot around the city... but you think that’s all. not a year later in business in the morning. standing near the mirror. I’m almost going to work where a bunch of people are waiting for me (clients who brought money for the work) I make a decision according to my inner desire “I want to go to the sea” I call a teacher friend whom I haven’t seen more than a year“I’m stopping by now, we’re going to the sea.” she “you were joking.” “I have 500 dollars in my pocket for swimsuits” ... I liked the word dissection in one night I study the topic and, without investing a penny, I show it to prominent people of the city on a bet. how you can earn money without investing a penny. having only desire and a loose tongue. not knowing the topic, having no experience in the agricultural business, I earned $150,00 in 2 weeks of dissipation through mediation, but I have the talent to think and come up with schemes right up to the point in the conversation. It's so great to break away from the generally accepted laws of life. be in harmony with your inner child and fulfill his desires to do and live as you want and what you want. suffer at night not to sleep, hatch a scheme for the implementation of a well-thought-out and desired operation. going to the bank to accomplish what you have in mind is a feeling like jumping with a parachute for the first time. but there is another side of the coin. learn to see your desires so that they are not to the detriment of others, your environment should be moral and understanding and at least perceptive of you. I learned to even accept unsuccessful results coolly, but I tried to do this, then do it and when the time comes to die, I won’t regret that I was afraid to implement the ideas I wanted to implement. I don’t exist, but I live and I won’t have anything to regret, I fell 100 times, got up, fell again, got up again, but I lived freely and at the behest of my heart and soul. They don’t like people like that, but the advantage of an adventurer is that you don’t need their love , don’t give a damn, they go to the sea with me because I want it, they work with me because I want it so. etc. the main thing is not to harm anyone and control yourself and your desires, I am a Pisces not a Scorpio