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home  /  Health/ Russia will present the naval "Pantsir" abroad for the first time. Scandal in Paris: robbers attacked the head of the Rosoboronexport delegation Head of the Rosoboronexport delegation Sergei Kornev

Russia will present the naval "Pantsir" abroad for the first time. Scandal in Paris: robbers attacked the head of the Rosoboronexport delegation Head of the Rosoboronexport delegation Sergei Kornev

JSC Rosoboronexport is the only state intermediary for arms exports in Russia. Included in. Together with this enterprise, in 2017 Russia was represented at the French salon “Le Bourget” by 25 companies, including UAC, its members and Russian Helicopters.

According to the official representative Federal service for military-technical cooperation () of Russia Maria Vorobyova, at the time of the attack Kornev was returning from work. He was in a VTC car (Véhicule de Tourisme avec Chauffeur - a special category of chauffeured cars for foreign guests).

“At the exit from the tunnel, the robbers, breaking the glass and threatening physical violence, demanded money and valuables,

- said Vorobyova. “Thanks to his quick reaction and self-control, Sergei Kornev managed to keep his passport and documents with him. He received minor injuries during the attack and, fortunately, his health is not in danger. No hospitalization was required. The driver of the car was not physically injured."

The woman then ran after her attackers, but was confronted by a group of fifty people who beat and sexually assaulted her. The driver was rescued by police.

Four suspects were detained in connection with the incident. “The Russian Embassy in France is in close contact with the French regarding this incident. The police began an investigation. The FSMTC of Russia keeps this issue under special control,” added Vorobyova.

Let us note that in a similar manner, two tourists from Qatar were robbed in November last year in the north of Paris. The women were heading from Bourget airport to Charles de Gaulle airport when two masked men intercepted their car. The women were unable to fight back: the criminals forced them to stop and sprayed tear gas, after which they took away all the jewelry and personal belongings with a total value of more than $5.3 million.

This incident was not the last in a chain of robberies in the French capital at that time. In October 2016, American TV star and fashion model Kim Kardashian West was taken hostage and robbed at a hotel in Paris. 35-year-old Kim was at a residence in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, next to the Madeleine Church. Stars often stay at this luxury hotel. Kim herself lived there once, in 2014, before marrying rapper Kanye West. Late at night, Kim was talking to her brother Rob on Facetime.

The robbers allegedly entered the building around 2:30 a.m. and handcuffed the night guard. The robbers threatened Kardashian with weapons, then tied her up and locked her in the bathroom while they searched the room. According to a police spokesman, the robbers took with them two mobile phones and Kardashian jewelry worth a total of $11 million: a box of jewelry worth $6.7 million and a ring worth $4.5 million. A representative for Kardashian assured the press that the fashion model was not physically harmed, although she was in deep shock.

And the day after the Kardashian robbery, a 75-year-old businesswoman from Taiwan, Shaulan Wang, lost her valuables. Jewelry worth £180 thousand (about $218 thousand) was stolen from her apartment in Paris. Wang is the publisher of the Taiwanese newspaper Daily News and also the owner of the French fashion label Lanvin. The 4th of October

the woman slept during the day in her house, from which two robbers took jewelry worth between £137 thousand (about $166 thousand) and £180 thousand (about $218 thousand), including the ring that was on Wang’s finger.

The businesswoman's phones and various luxury items were also stolen. However, the police deny a possible connection between the two cases.

) I was once again convinced of how we will win.

The headlines themselves already sound like a guide to action: “Two Russians pursue their aggressors to the most disadvantaged neighborhoods”.

The festering reputation of the sub-Paris suburb of Saint-Denis has long surpassed the glory of all the “rookeries” and “raspberries.” And every Frenchman knows well that even in broad daylight, if you stop there at a traffic light, all the doors of your car must be locked and the windows raised, without single slit.

The two Russians who found themselves at the ill-fated intersection on Tuesday, June 20, did not do this. And so we received a sudden “visit” to the back seat, from where a couple of “locals” passing by on a moped grabbed the briefcase that was lying there and rushed away.

For all their cunning, the couple on the moped also could not know everything in the world, and in particular, the fact that the man who owned the briefcase turned out to be Russian, a representative of a company working, according to the press, for the “Russian government.”

The man was traveling accompanied by a bodyguard. And the bodyguard was, by the way, a woman.

This state of affairs may not be new to you, if you remember galloping horses, burning huts and much more, in comparison with which a pair of black warriors on a moped is defined by the usual formulation “what a miracle.”

But the couple on the moped, as well as their relatives and friends, as well as, later, the French police and the press, were thrown into a stupor by the further development of events.

The Russians in a robbed car set off in pursuit of a couple on a moped, followed them through almost the entire city in its worst manifestations, until the couple on a moped realized that they would not be able to get away and led their pursuers to the very lair of the entire local “lads”, where more than 50 people came out to meet the riders in a few seconds.

In such cases, the French police stop even before entering the “neighbourhood”, knowing full well that if they lay a finger on any local violator, noisy “uprisings” with breaking car windows and massive arson will follow.

Therefore, the “lads” were numb with surprise when both seemingly “victims” got out of the car in a rage and grabbed the couple on the moped by the chests, not at all worried that they were surrounded by a fire-breathing crowd.

How everything happened there can only be told by those same “two Russians” who amazed the world, and by the local gang, who were so stunned by what was happening that they did not react in any way to the incomprehensible, but apparently harsh words (from the vocabulary of “Russian government”. ..) and even endured several pokes and shoves, which the “two Russians” managed to generously distribute to everyone.

But that's not all. The same “Arctic fox in the constellation Libra”, which is often remembered in interesting circumstances, as they say, awaits you ahead:

After the couple from the car got their briefcase back from the couple on the moped and exchanged explanations with the increasingly growing gang, the police were finally called to the scene.

Moreover, according to some reports, the police were called by the lads, not the Russians. She, the boys, was so shocked by the Russian invasion of her possessions, which were still in the category of untouchables, that, according to Pushkin, she simply could not come up with a better idea.

And so I decided to play it safe. Just in case.

“A bear is not a ferret after all” (c)

The police fell into an even greater stupor when they arrived at the scene and saw the situation. Not at ease with unexpected luck, the police grabbed four: two from the moped and two more from the crowd so that they would not appear.

And now a case has been opened against all four in the Bobigny prosecutor's office.

Everyone, of course, will be released in peace, as always. But the lesson for the good fellows will remain.

There is no need to be rude to strangers, as Belmondo’s hero said. And even more so for women.

In every stranger, under the most European-looking mask, a Russian aggressor can easily hide.

P.P.S. uv. Editors: We do not yet know whether we are talking about the incident with the head of the Rosoboronexport delegation S. Kornev. If yes, we cannot help but express our gratitude. Our respect to S. Kornev.

From the comments:

There's nothing special here. I came to study in France in 1992, and the French told me like an epic that just now they tried to take away a wallet from a Russian intern. (And you need to understand that at that time the French scholarship was about 1000 USD, and our salary was about 8). The guy gave chase, grabbed a stone urn on the way and hit the robber right over the violent little head. As reparation, he took all the cash from a descendant of the Tuaregs. Well, yours, of course, too. There was simply no word for tolerance back then. That's probably why.

Of course, the article is flattering for Russians, but the links still say that it was not the French Apaches who called the police, but the Russians themselves. Although the mere skill of driving a car, from which a moped could not escape through city streets and courtyards, evokes respect.

By the way, Parisians, in their comments, are full of sarcasm about the Parisian authorities, who cannot curb crime, and the bandits themselves, who have finally received a rebuff, propose recruiting a special corps of 500 Russian women to fight crime and predict the disappearance of some members of that gang , you know why...
They also write in the comments that in Putin’s country there is such a tough atmosphere for business, that our businessmen are seasoned guys... under Yeltsin, this means that our businessmen collected daisies

A blatant incident occurred near the French capital. The head of the Rosoboronexport delegation at the Le Bourget 2017 aerospace show, Sergei Kornev, after a day filled with business meetings and negotiations, returned to Paris in the evening. He was only a few hundred meters away from the “peripherique,” ​​as the ring road around the city on the Seine is called, when his car was attacked for the purpose of robbery.

As told" Rossiyskaya newspaper" Press Secretary of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC of Russia) Maria Vorobyova, at the exit from the tunnel, the attackers broke the car window and, threatening physical harm, demanded money and valuables.

As we learned, resistance was offered to the raiders, which allowed Sergei Kornev to keep the documents and passport he had with him. True, as the FSMTC press secretary told the RG, during the attack he received “minor injuries, but, fortunately, nothing threatens his health.” Therefore, the head of the Rosoboronexport delegation did not need hospitalization. According to her, the driver of the car was not injured during the incident. The police arrived at the scene. She managed to quickly arrest four people, including one minor, who were suspected of raiding a Russian official.

As Maria Vorobyova said, representatives of the Russian Embassy in France promptly went to the commissariat of the La Plaine-Saint-Denis district, where the emergency occurred. In their presence, a report on the incident was drawn up and relevant evidence was taken. When asked how Sergei Kornev was feeling now, the FSMTC spokeswoman replied that he was “fine” and that he continued to work.

The air show continues, Sergei Konstantinovich has a lot to do, and this is what he is doing now,” she clarified.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" contacted the head of the consular department Russian embassy Dmitry Mezhaurov. He said that the situation was taken under special control.

Hijackers attack motorists traveling from airports to Paris

French law enforcement agencies are carrying out the necessary investigative actions. We are in constant contact with them,” Dmitry Mezhaurov emphasized.

Indeed, these suburbs of the French capital, where people mainly live from North African countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco, have become hotbeds of crime over the past decades. It comes to the point that in a number of neighborhoods, if the police appear, it is only in the form of reinforced, actually militarized, patrols.

It is there that gangs of raiders are concentrated, who regularly attack motorists heading from Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle and Le Bourget airports to Paris. Moreover, the most convenient place for them is the Lundy tunnel (1357 meters) in front of Paris, where traffic jams usually form. And they act brazenly: they drive up on scooters or motorcycles to stuck cars (choosing more prestigious brands), smash the side glass to smithereens and snatch everything that catches their eye. Last November, two sisters, rich ladies from Qatar, were robbed in this manner. The bandits robbed them of five million euros worth of jewelry.

Despite the incident, Sergei Kornev continued to work at the salon in Le Bourges. Photo:

In February, a married couple from Russia became a victim of robbers. The couple flew by private jet to Le Bourget airport and headed to Paris in a limousine late that evening. Apparently, the criminals knew about them in advance. The car with the Russians was forced to pull over to the side of the road and they were robbed completely: they took money, jewelry, clothes - a total of 100 thousand euros.

It must be said that in Lately The raids occur not only on the highway leading to Paris, but also on other roads that motorists use to avoid traffic jams in the Lundy tunnel. They rob drivers according to the South American model at traffic lights, and also set up real traps. In particular, they tear down sewer hatches, in front of which, like it or not, you have to stop. Then they proceed according to the established scheme.

A legitimate question: why are the French police inactive? It works, a special flying squad has even been created that patrols in the danger zone. Some people are caught. However, new bandits take their place.

MOSCOW, June 22 – RIA Novosti. The car of the head of the Rosoboronexport delegation at the international aerospace show in Le Bourget in Paris, Sergei Kornev, was attacked by robbers; Four robbers were detained on suspicion of committing a crime, the motive of which is believed to be the theft of the driver’s handbag.

The fact that Kornev’s car was subjected to a robbery was reported by the representative of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) of Russia, Maria Vorobyova. According to her, the attack occurred on the evening of June 20 in Paris in the Saint-Denis area, when Kornev was returning from an exhibition in a rented car. The purpose of the attack was robbery.

“At the exit from the tunnel, the robbers, breaking glass and threatening physical harm, demanded money and valuables. Thanks to quick reaction and self-control, Sergei Kornev managed to keep his passport and documents with him. During the attack, he received minor injuries, and, fortunately, his health There is no threat. Hospitalization was not required. The driver of the car was not physically injured," a representative of the FSVTS told RIA Novosti.

The robbers were not interested in Kornev

Later, details of the incident became known from the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Referring to the results of the preliminary investigation, she said that the purpose of the attack was the banal theft of the driver’s bag, which was on the car’s seat. Zakharova explained that the car was rented to work with the Russian delegation.

“As a result of the attack, the criminals stole the bag of the driver of this car,” the diplomat said, clarifying that the driver was a woman who was not a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In France, they commented on the attack on the head of the Rosoboronexport delegationThe country's Foreign Ministry expressed regret over the incident and assured that it would immediately inform Moscow about the results of the investigation. Police have already detained four suspects.

The bag contained the things of the driver of the car - money, documents. “The police were called. According to local police, four suspects were detained in hot pursuit,” Zakharova said.

In addition, following the incident, the Russian Embassy sent a note to the French Foreign Ministry with a request to thoroughly investigate this matter, Zakharova added.

Deputy spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, Alexandre Giorgini, said at a briefing that the French Foreign Ministry regrets the attack on Kornev’s car.

“We regret this incident, for which an investigation was immediately launched. We will inform the Russian authorities about its results,” the diplomat said.

Not the first time

This is not the first case of car robbery of VIPs in the French capital. In August 2014, a whole scene from a Hollywood movie played out here, when a group of eight armed men attacked the motorcade of a Saudi prince. One of the cars was cut off from the motorcade and then robbed - then 250 thousand dollars and some confidential documents disappeared.

And in February 2010, a robber on a scooter approached the car of Kristina Chernovetskaya, the daughter of the then mayor of Kyiv, standing in a traffic jam. According to the woman, her handbag was stolen, containing jewelry worth 4.5 million euros.

02/05/2019 Press release

Rosoboronexport JSC and NPO High-Precision Complexes JSC, members of the Rostec State Corporation, are organizing for the first time at foreign exhibitions a presentation of the Pantsir-ME ship-based anti-aircraft missile and artillery system developed and produced by the Instrument Design Bureau named after Academician A.G. Shipunov JSC.

Presentations of the Pantsir-ME air defense system will be held as part of the IDEX 2019 exhibition on February 18 and 19, 2019 at the installation site of its full-scale sample, which is presented in the center of the joint Russian exposition organized by Rosoboronexport - at the High-Precision Complexes stand (09-C20).

"Modern development trends navy are forcing maritime powers to equip their ships with reliable means of combating threats from the air - cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters and airplanes. Russia has developed a unique complex to counter almost any airborne weapon, which is presented at one of the world's largest arms exhibitions in Abu Dhabi. "Pantsir-ME" can be installed on most Russian ships and is excellent for equipping ships built by other countries. I am sure that he has a great export future in the countries of the Arab East, South-East Asia And Latin America", said Rosoboronexport General Director Alexander Mikheev.

ZRAK "Pantsir-ME" can be placed on ships with a displacement of 300 tons or more. The complex provides reliable protection of ships from all types of existing and future air attack weapons in the entire range of conditions for their combat use with an unconditional probability almost equal to one, including low-flying anti-ship missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

“Currently, the Pantsir ME air defense missile system has no direct analogues on the world market in the segment of shipborne air defense systems, and they are unlikely to appear in the near future,” noted Sergei Abramov, industrial director of the Armament cluster of the Rostec State Corporation. “Demonstration of a full-scale sample of the complex at the exhibition IDEX is an excellent opportunity to present the latest Russian development to our partners from the Middle East and North Africa, the strategic region of Rostec’s presence.”

The high effectiveness of defeating anti-ship missiles is ensured by the high tactical and technical characteristics of the Pantsir-ME air defense system. The complex is capable of simultaneously firing at four targets attacking a ship, while the destruction zone of anti-aircraft guided missiles is up to 20 kilometers in range and up to 15 kilometers in altitude. In addition, Pantsir-ME is capable of firing missiles first, and if the missiles miss, the target is guaranteed to be destroyed by artillery fire.