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Samarin A.V. Healthy lifestyle of student youth


Keywords: Health, healthy lifestyle, student youth

Keywords:Health, healthy lifestyle, students

The health of student youth is increasingly recognized as a primary task of the state, society and all its social institutions. Student youth are not only the vanguard of youth, they are also a highly educated and highly cultural part of society, which acts as an innovative reserve and potential elite of society as a whole, which concentrates in its views and ideas the potential for future political, cultural and economic transformations in society.

Health students are increasingly recognized as a primary task of the state, society and all its social institutions. College students - is not only the vanguard of the youth, it is also highly educated and highly cultured part of society, which acts as a reserve and innovative potential elite of society as a whole, which concentrates in their views and ideas of the potency of future political, cultural and economic change in the society.

A person’s lifestyle is the main factor determining his health. The lifestyle of a modern person is characterized by physical inactivity and hypokinesia, overeating, information overload, psycho-emotional overstrain, drug abuse, etc., which ultimately leads to the development of the so-called diseases of civilization. The diseases of modern man are caused primarily by his lifestyle and everyday behavior. An 85% increase in average life expectancy is associated not with advances in medicine, but with improved living and working conditions and the rationalization of the population's lifestyle. In our country, 78% of men and 52% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

A person’s lifestyle reveals a struggle between the biological (the desire to have fun) and the social (reason, morality). Depending on the predominance of certain trends, a person organizes his individual lifestyle.

Therefore, an important place in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle is occupied by the personal and motivational qualities of a given person and his life guidelines. A person’s personal and motivational attitude towards the embodiment of his social, physical, intellectual and mental abilities and capabilities underlies the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at preserving and improving people’s health, as a condition and prerequisite for the existence and development of other aspects of the lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is everything that in a person’s behavior and activities has a beneficial effect on his health. A healthy lifestyle helps maintain and improve health and is the basis for the prevention of most diseases. According to a number of domestic and foreign researchers, the health of the population depends more than 50% on lifestyle.

The health status of students is mainly determined by their lifestyle. The lifestyle and activities of students have changed so much in recent years that compensatory mechanisms have difficulty coping with the increased load.

Economic difficulties, reduced funding for preventive health care, passive forms of recreation, and increased workload during the learning process lead to an increase in morbidity and social maladaptation of students. 

The health of students is a necessary condition for studying at a university. High mental and psycho-emotional stress, forced frequent violations of work, rest and nutrition, a crisis of moral values, uncertainty about their future, change of place of residence and many other factors require students to mobilize forces to adapt to new living and learning conditions, form interpersonal relationships outside family and overcoming difficult life situations .

In his work A.V. Popov and O.S. Schneider note that the desire to achieve health through any one means is fundamentally wrong, since it does not cover the whole variety of interrelations of the functional systems that form the human body, and the connections of the person himself with nature - everything that ultimately determines the harmony of his life and health. Based on these premises, the structure of a student’s healthy lifestyle should include the following components: psychological comfort; optimal motor mode; balanced diet; rational lifestyle; gender and parental culture; preventive actions; safe behavior.

A healthy lifestyle creates for student youth a sociocultural microenvironment in which real prerequisites arise for high performance, work and social activity, and psychological comfort, the potential of students is most fully revealed, and the process of their self-improvement is updated.

Educational institutions are called upon to form a strong attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various stages of development. This installation is the leading one in the system of educating students at the university.

A healthy lifestyle largely depends on the student’s value orientations, worldview, social and moral experience. Social norms and healthy lifestyle values ​​are accepted by students as personally significant, but do not always coincide with the values. developed by public consciousness. Thus, in the process of a person’s accumulation of social experience, disharmony of cognitive (scientific and everyday knowledge), psychological (formation of intellectual, emotional, volitional structures), socio-psychological (social orientations, value system), functional (skills, abilities, habits, norms of behavior) is possible , activities, relationships) processes. Such disharmony can cause the formation of asocial personality traits. Therefore, at a university it is necessary to ensure the individual’s conscious choice of social values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and to form on their basis a stable, individual system of value orientations that can ensure the self-regulation of the individual, the motivation of his behavior and activities.

The main aspects of a healthy lifestyle for students are work and rest, physical activity, personal hygiene, rejection of bad habits, rational nutrition, environmentally conscious behavior, preventive thinking, etc.

A healthy lifestyle creates for an individual a social microenvironment in which real prerequisites arise for high creative dedication, efficiency, work, educational and social activity, psychological comfort, the psychophysiological potential of the individual is most fully revealed, and the process of self-improvement is actualized. In conditions of a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for health is formed in the student as part of general cultural development, manifested in the unity of stylistic characteristics of behavior, the ability to build oneself as an individual in accordance with one’s own ideas about a spiritually, morally and physically fulfilling life.

A healthy lifestyle of student youth as a determining factor in protecting and strengthening the health of students - the conditions and prerequisites for the social activity of a young person, the full expression of his spiritual and physical strength - presupposes, along with ensuring socio-economic conditions for full-fledged life activity, the purposeful formation of his consciousness and behavior, appropriate health requirements.

Introducing a student to a healthy lifestyle should begin with developing his motivation for health. Caring for health and its strengthening should become a value motive (the meaning of life at the moment in this matter), shaping, regulating and controlling the student’s lifestyle. The lifestyle of each person determines his ideas about the meaning of life, his attitude towards the world around him, towards himself, towards his health.

According to the forecasts of a number of researchers, the number of students classified for health reasons in a special medical group, i.e. category of students with health problems can reach 50% of the total number. Unfortunately, this trend will continue in the next 10-15 years, when the total labor force losses for 2006-2015. will amount to more than 10 million people. (on average 1 million people annually).

In the factorial model of health of the new generation, the share of lifestyle accounts for 50-55%, the ecological state of the environment - 18-20%, the role of heredity is estimated at 15-20%, health care - at 10-15%. Therefore, there is a need to study the way of life, which assumes that it is the differences in the life activities and life manifestations of people, and not their belonging to one or another formal legitimized sociostatus group, that are the main criterion for differentiation and typologization of way of life. First of all, it is necessary to have information about the attitude of young people to the surrounding reality and current events, about life goals and guidelines, about pressing problems and, most importantly, about ways to solve them.
A healthy lifestyle at the student stage is the most important social factor that passes through all levels of modern society, influencing the main spheres of society. I would like to note that today this is the main social factor that protects against negative consequences during the transition from youth to adulthood.


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4. Maksimovich V.A., Koleda V.A., Gorodilin S.K. Organizational and methodological support for physical education of students based on types of physical activity; a manual for the course “physical education” for students of non-core specialties. Grodno Grgu im. Ya. Kupala. 2012

5. Popova A.V., Shneider O.S.. Healthy lifestyle of students. Tutorial. year 2012. Khabarovsk.

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Samarin Artyom Viktorovich,Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen State University, [email protected], 89199258882

Samarin A.V.,Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen State University, [email protected], 89199258882


Students belong to a special social group of the population, the health status of which determines the potential of the country. The health status of students can be analyzed according to several indicators: morbidity, its structure, lifestyle and quality of life. The paper presents overview data on the general morbidity of young students studying at higher educational institutions in Russia and Belarus. A comparative analysis of the structure of the general morbidity of students studying at various universities was carried out. The leading positions are occupied by pathology of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal and digestive systems, diseases of the eye and its appendage apparatus, a smaller share is made up of diseases of the nervous system and circulatory system. The data obtained make it possible to develop health-saving programs for student youth.

general morbidity

morbidity structure

university students

Begiev V.G. Issues of health and lifestyle of university students / V.G. Begiev, A.N. Moskvina. – Northeastern University. M.K. Ammosova, 2013. – No. 1. – P. 88–91.

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Gorbunov V.I. Medical and social aspects of the health status of students / Vozzhennikova G.V., Isaeva I.N., Makhmutova A.Sh., Osipova O.S. // Ulyanovsk Medical and Biological Journal. – Individual and public health – 2014. – No. 1. – P. 94–98.

Zuikova A.A. Cause-and-effect relationship between the lifestyle of medical university students and general morbidity / Petrova T.N., Krasnorutskaya O.N. // Electronic journal. Bulletin of new medical technologies. – 2013. – No. 1.

Ivanova A.I. Optimization of the health improvement system for university students and teachers / A.I. Ivanova, O.V. Kuligin. – M., 2010. – 125 p.

Isyutina-Fedotkova T.S. Social and hygienic problems of student health: historical aspect and current state / T.S. Isyutina-Fedotkova // Medical journal. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 31–34.

Kobylyatskaya I.A. On the issue of prevention of chronic diseases among students of the Institute of Civil Protection / Modern aspects of medicine and biology. – Izhevsk, 2013. – pp. 136–137.

Kozhevnikova N.G. The role of lifestyle risk factors in the formation of morbidity among students / Zemstvo doctor. – 2011. – No. 6. – P. 13–17.

Popov A.V. Complex social and hygienic study of the health of medical university students // Abstract of the dissertation for the academic degree of candidate of medical sciences. – M., 2008. – P. 10.

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Namakanov B.A. Health-creating technologies in teaching students of higher educational institutions / B.A. Namakanov, M.M. Rasulov // Health-saving education. – 2011. – No. 2. – P. 98–110.

Fomenko O.I. Health of medical university students as a medical and social problem / Journal: Astrakhan Medical Journal. – 2013. – No. 1, T. 8. – P. 284–286.

Shemetova G.N. Problems of health of modern student youth and unresolved issues of organizing medical and preventive care / G.N. Shemetova, E.V. Dudrova // Saratov Medical Scientific Journal. – 2009. – T. 5, No. 4. – P. 526–530.

Students represent a special group of the population, which is exposed to many risk factors: an ever-increasing amount of information, high neuro-emotional stress during test classes and examination sessions, features of everyday life and lifestyle. The special social status of students and the specific conditions of the educational process significantly distinguish them from all other categories of the population and make this group vulnerable to the development of chronic diseases.

In this regard, there is a need to optimize the activities of universities to create a health-preserving environment in the educational institution. The solution to such a complex problem is possible only by combining the efforts of all participants in the educational process. The criteria for assessing the health of students are morbidity, lifestyle and quality of life. The most objective characterization of morbidity is provided by a comprehensive study of its structure, prevalence according to the data of appeal and the results of preventive examinations.

In the structure of the general morbidity of medical students of the Voronezh Medical Academy, diseases of the eyes and adnexa were in first place (37.9%), diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue were in second place (15.8%), and in third and fourth place - diseases of the respiratory system (9.4%) and genitourinary system (6.9%). After 5 years, the structure of overall morbidity changed: the majority were respiratory diseases (17.0%), followed by diseases of the musculoskeletal and digestive systems (16.6 and 10.6%, respectively).

Research by V.G. Begiev and A.N. Moskvina (2010) showed that the first place in the structure of the general morbidity of student youth is occupied by diseases of the respiratory system (439.4 ‰), the second - diseases of the digestive system (164.4 ‰), the third - diseases of the nervous system (117.7 ‰). The authors emphasize that students living in an apartment have better health indicators than students living in a dormitory.

The greatest increase in morbidity among medical students of Ulyanovsk State University was registered for the following classes of diseases from 2007 to 2012: musculoskeletal system - 7 times (from 11.9 to 85.2), nervous system - by 28% (from 11. 2 to 15.7), endocrine system - 2 times (from 11.2 to 22.2), eyes and appendage apparatus - by 83.4% (from 14.5 to 26.6).

According to monitoring O.I. Fomenko (2013), in the structure of diseases of students at a medical university in Astrakhan, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (26.7%), diseases of the eyes and appendage apparatus (20.8%) and diseases of the circulatory system (19.9%) prevailed.

Among the somatic pathology of students at the Institute of Civil Defense of Udmurt State University, 9.6% were diagnosed with chronic gastritis, myopia of varying severity, psoriasis, grade I obesity, and chronic sinusitis in 3.2% each.

Surveys I.Yu. Galkova (2011) show that out of 1,700 first-year students at the Stavropol State Medical Academy, only about 40.0% of respondents can be considered healthy. The health of senior students is deteriorating. They (25.2%) more often have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum) than junior students (6.6%), musculoskeletal diseases (scoliosis, dorsopathy - 20.0% and 7.5%, respectively), nervous system - 34.0 and 10.2%, respectively.

According to an analysis of the health status of students at the Izhevsk State Medical Academy, the largest share (65.7%) falls on diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system (9.8%) and nervous system (6.0%).

A trend towards worsening health status has also been identified among students of the Republic of Belarus. A study of morbidity among students of the Belarusian State Medical University showed that the first place in the morbidity structure is occupied by diseases of the respiratory system (33.4%), second - by the nervous system and sensory organs (27.4%), third - by the genitourinary system (10.3%). Diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue each account for 5.0%.

Thus, a deterioration in health leads, first of all, to the formation of pathologies in students of the respiratory organs, musculoskeletal and digestive systems and diseases of the eye and its appendages, and, to a lesser extent, to diseases of the nervous system and circulatory system. This can serve as the basis for the development and implementation of health-saving programs for student youth both at the level of individual higher educational institutions and regions as a whole.

Bibliographic link

Kobylyatskaya I.A., Osykina A.S., Shkatova E.Yu. STATE OF HEALTH OF STUDENTS // Advances in modern natural science. – 2015. – No. 5. – P. 74-75;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"



An analysis of the health status of students showed that among students there is a general negative trend in the health of students, which is expressed in the fact that from the first year to graduation the intensity of references to negative symptoms increases significantly. The annual rate of such dynamics, which is influenced by: unfavorable mental states, problems in learning, in relationships with others and difficulties in independently solving emerging problems, on average reaches 10% for the entire contingent of full-time students.

With regard to the conditions and lifestyle of students, such important problems should be highlighted as: insufficient formation in the educational environment of positive social stereotypes related to such concepts as the value of health, a healthy person, a healthy lifestyle, risks in the field of health and life; the very wide prevalence of false stereotypes regarding socially determined bad habits, the main feature of which is individual and mass loyalty to them; poor personal awareness of health status, uncritical perception of negative symptoms and health risk situations, dangerously widespread and further expansion of bad habits and socially determined diseases; insufficient overall activity in using the opportunities for creative, developmental and collective forms of leisure created at the university and in the local community; signs of social disadaptation, weakening of the value attitude towards health, involvement in negative, asocial connections and types of life activities that appear in the student environment. When characterizing the lifestyle and health of modern students, it should be noted that among students, satisfaction with their own health prevails. Each student has a real opportunity to choose forms of life activity and types of behavior that are significant to him. Analysis of factual materials about the life activity of students indicates its disorder and chaotic organization. Students pay little attention to such factors as the medical activity of the population, hardening, sexual culture, despite the fact that the last factor should be very important and significant for young people. University management is increasingly paying attention to the problem of strengthening and preserving the health of students.

One of the most important roles in the system of preserving and strengthening the health of students is played by universities, which, in turn, due to the absence in Russia of a unified program for the introduction of health-saving technologies, often replace them with preventive measures. The main disadvantage of preventive programs is the use of the same type of prevention methods - information activities, various campaigns, means of physical education and sports. And the main problem in the implementation of preventive programs is insufficient attention to the empirical and theoretical basis for the development of preventive programs and the subsequent assessment of their effectiveness.

Conceptual approaches to the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of student youth are used in the Russian higher education system to maintain and develop the health of students. But there are some problems associated with the implementation of this or that theory. The first of them is the unresolved question of the correspondence of the described theoretical models to the sociocultural characteristics of Russian youth. The second is the orientation of Russian specialists when developing and implementing programs towards the specifics of the target population, that is, students. The authors of the programs strive to take into account the characteristics of students, most often on an intuitive level. This leads to a lack of defined impact goals and objectives and to planning based on available implementation methods. The third is the territorial heterogeneity of Russian students in terms of factors damaging health. It leads to the difficulty of developing standard preventive programs for implementation in all Russian universities.

Domestic models and strategies for improving the health of students are characterized by a fairly detailed development of both the theoretical foundations of this type of social activity and the applied aspects of ensuring its success. However, in terms of the practical application of the presented material, a number of problems arise that have not yet found a satisfactory solution. In the course of studying some of the theories and concepts of introducing health-saving technologies in universities, it turned out that in Russia there is no unified database of social projects and programs for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The main disadvantage of preventive programs is the use of the same type of prevention methods - information activities, various campaigns, means of physical education and sports. And the main problem in the implementation of preventive programs is insufficient attention to the empirical and theoretical basis for the development of preventive programs and the subsequent assessment of their effectiveness.

Recognizing the presence of social risk groups among full-time students, characterized by an increased danger of losing their social and physical potential (health, physical and intellectual capabilities, quality of professional training, legal consciousness, etc.), it is advisable to analyze and implement the concept of social work with students. The guidelines for such work can be the prevention and overcoming of maladaptive situations, raising awareness, improving lifestyle, eradicating social prejudices and bad habits. In carrying out this complex activity, it is necessary to rely on modern technologies of social work with youth and, first of all, to develop their own social and organizational potential and responsibility. To improve the health status of students, it is advisable to bring primary medical, social and health care services closer to such conditions of everyday life as home, places of leisure and recreation, and, of course, the educational environment. It is important to develop and implement measures to improve the health indicators of students. Preparation of targeted programs for the prevention of drug addiction, suicide, alcohol abuse, and accidents among this population. One of the central tasks is the implementation of the WHO concept of creating schools that promote health, which means that universities should have specialized institutions created for the purpose of promoting and preserving health.


Chapter 1. Characteristics of the lifestyle and health of modern students……………………………………………………………………………………….5

1.1 Analysis of the health status of students……………...…5

1.2 Conditions and lifestyle of student youth and its features……………………………………………………………………………………….....8

1.3 The role of universities in preserving and maintaining the health of students………………………………………………………………...………………………17

Chapter 2. Domestic and foreign experience of social institutions in preserving and strengthening the health of students……………………………..22

2.1. Conceptual approaches to the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of student youth in modern conditions………………………………………………………………………………...….....22

2.2. Domestic models and strategies for promoting the health of student youth……………………………………………………….….24




Students in modern Russia are a quantitative group in the social structure of the population and the most active part of youth. In socio-economic terms, students should be considered, first of all, as a reserve corps of specialists, mental workers in most professions. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of university students, occurring at a faster pace than the structure of the vocational education system. This growth was caused by the development of higher education towards expanding opportunities to satisfy the right to receive higher education and the interest of universities in increasing the volume of paid educational services due to insufficient budget funding.

Students are the most dynamic social group, which is in the period of formation of social and physiological maturity, adapts well to a complex of factors of the social and natural environment and, at the same time, for a number of reasons, is at high risk of health problems. The problem of student health is becoming increasingly relevant due to the socio-economic difficulties currently experienced by Russia. The social security of students is low, while the specifics of age and educational work require adequate social guarantees (medical care, nutritious food, material, sports and recreational support, etc.). The weakened state of the body and psyche, most often even before university, environmental problems, insufficient nutrition, physical inactivity, and the generally low level of valeological culture determines that more than half of the students are unhealthy, many of them are in premorbid (pre-morbid) states.

The importance of studying the implementation of health-saving technologies in higher education is due to the fact that one of the main problems of student youth is the average level of academic performance due to the high percentage of morbidity. As is known, the health of the younger generation is formed under the influence of biological and social factors. The ability of their body to maintain resistance to exogenous factors and adapt to changing environmental conditions depends on the normal physical development, functioning of students’ organs and systems. The growing flow of information, the need for deeper knowledge from specialists requires and will require more and more effort from students. In this regard, higher education faces a number of tasks to resolve issues of rational combination of work and rest for students, and the need to improve teaching methods.

Of great interest is the issue of the relationship between physical development and academic performance. However, there is still no clarity on this issue. Many authors find a connection between the violation of geodynamics of students and deterioration in academic performance. Other physical developmental deficiencies may also affect academic performance. So, B.G. Ananev and his research have shown that the mental characteristics of unsuccessful students arise against the background of disorders of the central nervous system and weakened somatic status. Other authors associate students' academic performance mainly with the individual characteristics of students' higher nervous activity. V.G. Bauer points out that physical culture and sports are not just basic elements of development, socially significant constructs. M.Ya. Vilensky argues that increasing the educational potential of physical culture directly affects the formation of the personality of specialists of all profiles. According to E.M. Kozin, when considering a person’s future professional activity, it is imperative to take into account his state of health. In parallel, this problem was dealt with by such authors as: N.V. Tverskaya, A.Yu. Petrov, T.M. Rezer, V.I. Bondin. An analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the problem of the health of student youth shows that in recent years it has become even more relevant. The works note that the number of students in the special medical group has increased from 10 to 20 - 25%, in some universities it reaches 40%. During their studies at the university, students' health does not improve; a number of authors note its deterioration. By the second year, the number of cases of disease increases by 23%, and by the fourth - by 43%. A quarter of students move to a lower medical group.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the lifestyle and health of modern students.

Analysis of the health status of students

Health is the greatest social value. Good health is the main condition for a person to fulfill his biological and social functions, the foundation for personal self-realization. Many authors associate health with the body’s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. At the same time, three groups of factors influencing a person are conventionally distinguished: a) social, b) hygienic, c) psychological. The level of health is determined by the body's ability to adapt to them.

The lack of special statistics does not allow us to fully imagine the health status of student youth, however, data related to adolescence and the results of an analysis of the incidence of students who sought medical help give reason to consider the situation in this area to be very serious. Quantitative assessment of health during mass population surveys has acquired particular relevance in the last 20-30 years, when scientists began to use mathematical relationships between individual quickly measured indicators and the general state of health.

According to E.M. Kozin, when considering a person’s future professional activity, it is imperative to take into account his state of health. The U.S. health utilization rate (meaning social activity) is approximately 20%. In Russia today, such sufficiency of health corresponds to working people in 3 - 5% of cases. It is noted that in this case we should not just talk about the sufficiency of health in terms of longevity and sick leave, but about its effectiveness, when the innate qualities of an individual (humanitarian, mathematical, etc.) correspond to the proposal that allows significantly or completely restore waste of physical, biological, psychological health used to perform labor or social activities.

The first steps towards the future professionalism of an employee begin with his training in the profession. Emphasizing the connection between health and future professional activity, B.G. Akchurin notes that physical health reflects the degree of physical development of a student, his motor skills and abilities, which allows him to most fully realize his creative potential. Physical health is not just a desirable quality of a future specialist, but a necessary element of his personal structure, a necessary condition for the construction and development of social relations. The classic and fairly comprehensive definition of health as physical, mental and social well-being needs correction when it comes to professional health. In this case, indicators (elements) of psychophysical coupling come to the fore in the interpretation of health, ensuring the interaction of the biological component and the socio-technical environment. At the same time, some authors draw attention to the fact that health is the “most important” aspect of professionalism, others that it is reflected in the “psychophysical readiness of a specialist” and consists of the following components: sufficient professional performance; the presence of the necessary reserves of physical and functional capabilities of the body for timely adaptation to rapidly changing conditions of the production and external environment, the volume and intensity of work; ability to fully recover within a given time limit; the presence of motivation in achieving the goal.

According to analysts, the health status of Russian citizens already poses a real threat to national security. If measures are not taken to change the situation, it could become a heavy burden for the country. The government's actions include, as a priority, the creation of an all-Russian system for monitoring, assessing and forecasting the health status of the population, as well as the physical development of children, adolescents, and youth. Apparently, we should be talking about managing indicators that reflect the health status of students in the process of physical education. The amount of health must correspond to the requirements of the profession. Over the past 10 - 15 years, a number of higher educational institutions have developed “passports of professional psychophysical readiness of future specialists,” “health passports” and other normative indicators that make it possible to increase the health reserves of students. All of the above only confirms that specialists in the field of physical education have been working on this problem for quite a long time, but a unified system for assessing and managing the reserve capabilities of the body of future specialists has not yet been found.

Health also has an economic component, which is especially relevant at the present time, so creating conditions for physical education should also become a production task. In the work of G.L. Apanasenko notes that per 1,000 people involved in physical education and sports, there are 318 days of incapacity for work, and 731 days of those not involved. The study of the relationship between days missed due to disability and the number of hours spent on physical education made it possible to justify the volumes of physical education that are economically justified for the health of workers.

It is worth noting the fact that the overall relatively high satisfaction of students with their health in every third case does not correspond to objective indicators (frequency of acute diseases) and a set of recorded indicators of well-being. Overall, only a quarter of students consider their health to be good. The most common signs of deviations in the well-being of students are psychosomatic symptoms: fatigue during the day, drowsiness, irritability and headaches, inability to concentrate on classes, which disrupt the daily educational activities of a significant part of university students, numbering from a quarter to almost half of their contingent.

Thus, the general negative dynamics of students’ health over the years of study at a university is expressed in the fact that from the first year to graduation the intensity of references to negative symptoms increases significantly. The annual rate of such dynamics on average for the entire contingent of full-time students reaches up to 10%. In some faculties, during their studies, the proportion of students citing diagnoses of chronic diseases increases by one and a half times.

Sobyanina Galina Nikolaevna

Candidate of Biological Sciences Head of the Department of Physical Culture Sevastopol Institute of Economics and Humanities (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Crimean Federal University named after V.I.


Shuvalova Irina Nikolaevna

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Health and Rehabilitation

Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy (branch) of FGOAU VO "Crimean

Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky"



The article shows that when introducing innovative technologies into the educational process, it is necessary to carry out physiological and dynamic monitoring of the health status of students. Monitoring the basic physiological parameters of the body allows us to obtain objective information necessary for making effective management decisions. The analysis of the health status of pedagogical students indicates a significant spread of deviations in health status and a decrease in the main indicators of somatic health.

Key words: physiological monitoring, students, somatic health, educational space, morbidity structure.

Galina Sobyanina

Ph.D. (Biology science) Head the Department of physical culture V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Sevastopol economic-humanitarian Institute (branch)

Doctor of medical science Professor of the Department of health and rehabilitation V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Humanitarian pedagogical

University (branch)


Ag-ticle it is shown that the introduction of innovative technologies in educational process it is necessary to carry out the physiological and dynamic monitoring of the health status of students. Monitoring basic physiological parameters of the organism allows to get objective information necessary for making effective management decisions. The analysis of the health status of students indicates a significant distribution of deviations in health status and reduction of the main indicators of physical health.

Keywords: physiological monitoring, students, somatic health, educational space, the structure of morbidity.

In recent years, scientific research related to the problem of preserving the health of students in the higher education system has not lost its relevance. The subject of professional interest of specialists actively working in the field of pedagogy, medicine, physical culture and sports is the search for methods, techniques, technologies that can preserve and increase the health of students, optimally socialize them and adapt them to the new conditions of modern life.

As is known, the leading tasks of higher education are: the formation of the basis of a comprehensively, harmoniously developed personality; the opportunity to realize unique human capabilities; preparing him for the future life, increasing socio-psychological adaptation and self-improvement. The formation of students’ needs, skills and

skills to acquire and put into practice a system of knowledge in their future profession.

However, it must be recognized that the success of studying at a university is achieved at a high price - a significant deterioration, and sometimes even loss of health. The objective reasons for this unfavorable situation are the colossal volume, novelty and complexity of the educational material that the student must master in a short period of time. To the intensification of work, one should add the widespread introduction of innovative technical means in educational institutions, which are the causes of a negative impact on the young body. In this case, a violation of the optimal balance between the educational load and the adaptive capabilities of the body is discovered, which over time leads to functional disorders of the body, the formation and progression of chronic diseases. The imperfection of compensatory mechanisms reveals a tendency to nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular disorders, decreased adaptation to various environmental influences, to physical and mental factors. It is also necessary to remember that students are yesterday’s schoolchildren who are not distinguished by a high level of somatic health. Thus, the further layering of a number of unfavorable didactogenic factors leads to a disruption of the motor-visceral regulation of the body, a violation of the fundamental parameters of the constitution, and a profound destruction of physical health.

Today, more than ever, higher education needs new non-standard approaches to solving the problem of preserving the health of student youth. High quality education can be achieved only by creating certain conditions for organizing the educational process. The modern education system is in constant search for effective programs and pedagogical technologies. Higher educational institutions are faced with a difficult task: to form health-saving behavior among students that can restore their psychophysical state after a serious illness.

school day, motivate students to systematically engage in physical education and sports, and cultivate a healthy lifestyle.

Despite a fairly large number of scientific studies, it must be recognized that clear, unambiguous pedagogical recommendations for the implementation of health-development programs in higher education institutions have not yet been fully developed, and the scientific basis has not been determined to determine the level of formation of students’ health-preserving skills. When introducing practice-oriented innovations into the educational process, it is necessary to carry out physiological and dynamic monitoring, which makes it possible to predetermine behavioral risks to the life and health of students. Studying the characteristics of the health status of students will allow us to identify the reasons for their impairment, both objective (genetic diseases, predisposition to a particular disease, acquired diseases under the influence of unfavorable environmental and social factors) and subjective (ignorance, non-compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle, lack of value systems , tendency towards negative social preferences).

The purpose of the work was to assess and analyze the level of somatic health of students studying at a higher education institution with a pedagogical profile.

Materials and methods of research. The study was conducted on the basis of the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky". The study involved 254 students studying in 1-3 years. The level of health and physical development of students was assessed using somatoscopic and somatometric methods. The study of the external respiration system was carried out using the spirometric method. The actual morbidity of students was assessed based on a medical preventive examination.

Statistical processing of the study results was carried out using the professional program STATISTICA v.6.0.

Discussion of the results obtained.

When studying the health status of students, it is necessary to take into account social and hygienic, medical and demographic indicators, conditions and lifestyle, structure and level of morbidity. For this purpose, at the initial stage of the study, an analysis of the health status of students at the time of their admission to the university was carried out (based on an assessment of outpatient records and according to medical certificate 086/u). As can be seen from the data in Table 1, at the time of admission to a higher education institution, a significant number of students have chronic diseases of various etiologies. Thus, out of the number of first-year students, 76 are practically healthy students. (55.5%), with various diseases 61 people. (44.5%). The incidence of 2nd year students upon admission to the university was, respectively, 41 people (54.7%) and 34 people (45.3%). The incidence of 3rd year students was similar to that of junior students and amounted to the following indicators: practically healthy - 36 people. (56.3%), with various diseases 28 people. (43.7%). An analysis of outpatient records revealed that a significant number of students (4.6%) have serious health problems. As can be seen from Table 1, in the structure of the identified pathology, the leading place is occupied by eye pathology (14.1%) and disorders of the musculoskeletal system (16.3%). Among those examined, a fairly high proportion were diseases of the digestive system (2.9%), cardiovascular system (3.6%), and ENT pathologies (2.9%).

Table 1

Distribution of pedagogical students by nosological forms of diseases (according to medical certificate No. 086/u)

Chickens with Number of students Number of practically healthy x Identified pathology

(according to certificate No. O86/u, outpatient records)

ODA Heart defects Eye diseases Gastrointestinal tract MPS ENT ENT COPD VSD Diabetes mellitus

I 137 76 19 5 22 5 - 4 2 4 -

II 75 41 14 1 9 1 3 1 4 1

III 64 36 12 2 8 2 - 1 2 1

Total 276 153 45 8 39 8 - 8 3 10

100% 55,4% 16,3% 2,9% 14,1% 2,9% - 2,9% 1,2% 3,6% 0,7%

In order to objectively assess the somatic health of students, an analysis of the actual morbidity of students was carried out (based on a medical examination). 92% of students were covered by preventive examination (Table 2). An in-depth analysis of the health status of students revealed a significant spread of deviations in health status and a decrease in somatic health indicators. When conducting a comprehensive assessment of health status, it should be noted that a significant portion (57.4%) are students with health problems. An analysis of the morbidity of young students has revealed a wide range of diseases. As can be seen from Table 2, in the structure of the identified pathology, the leading place is occupied by eye diseases (19.3%) and disorders of the musculoskeletal system (18.9%). Among those examined, a fairly high proportion were diseases of the digestive system (4.3%), cardiovascular system (3.9%), and ENT pathologies (3.5%). The survey revealed that many students showed initial signs of chronic diseases.

table 2

Distribution of pedagogical students by nosological forms of diseases (based on the results of a medical examination)

Course Number of students Number of students who completed medical examination Number of practically healthy diseases Identified (according to medical examination)

ODA CVS B-ni eyes Gastrointestinal tract MPS ENT ENT COPD VSD Diabetes mellitus

I 137 130 68 20 5 22 5 - 4 2 4 -

II 75 69 25 16 1 14 2 2 3 1 4 1

III 64 5 15 12 2 13 4 3 2 1 2 1

Total 276 54 108 48 8 49 11 5 9 4 10 2

100% 92% 42,6% 18,9% 3,1% 19,3% 4,3% 2,0% 3,5% 1,6% 3,9% 0,8%

Thus, the increase in the number of students suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and vision pathologies reflects the general trend towards an increase in this pathology among young students. It should also be noted that a comparative analysis of medical documentation when students entered a university with their actual state of health (during a comprehensive medical examination) showed almost identical results (r = 0.85).

The study of the physical development of student youth was carried out using somatoscopic and anthropometric methods. The main anthropometric characteristics were used as the studied indicators. Based on the obtained indicators, a number of indices were calculated, allowing for a comparative assessment of the level of physical health of student youth. The study revealed that the predominant number of students have an asthenic body type (Table 3): among first-year students this was observed in 59.9% of cases, among second-year students - in 52.0%, among third-year students - in 26 .6%. It should be noted that a significant number of those examined had a pronounced lack of body weight, mainly due to reduced muscle mass. The study also revealed that during the learning process

students, as they grow older, there is an increase in body weight. However, it must be noted that the students’ weight gain was not due to an increase in muscle mass, but mainly due to fat deposits. It should also be noted that the studies carried out revealed an alarming trend - suppression of the morphogenetic growth expression of young students was revealed. Thus, 81.8% of first-year students, 78.8% of second-year students, and 59.4% of third-year students are susceptible to retardation processes. This reaction most likely should be associated with neuroendocrine incoordination of the body and functional delay in physical development.

Table 3

Distribution of pedagogical students by type


Course Number of students Body type Retardation Quetelet index

asthenic normosten. hypersthene. (<23) (>23)

people % people % people % people % people % people %

I 137 82 59.9 43 31.4 12 8.7 112 81.8 131 95.6 6 4.4

II 75 39 52 20 26.7 16 21.3 59 78.7 61 81.3 14 18.7

III 64 17 26.6 28 43.8 19 29.6 38 59.4 46 71.9 18 28.1

Total 276 138 50 91 32.9 47 17.1 209 75.7 238 86.2 38 13.8

When calculating the Quetelet index, it was revealed that 86.2% of students are underweight. Thus, for 95.6% of first-year students this indicator was registered at the level< 20 единиц, недостаточность массы тела у студентов 2-3 курсов составила, соответственно, 81,3% и 71,9%.

At the same time, a pronounced weight deficit of the study subjects is noted mainly due to a decrease in muscle mass of the body, thereby indicating insufficient physical activity of the studying youth. The study also revealed that during the learning process of students, as they grow older, there is a statistically significant increase in body weight (p<0,05). Необходимо обозначить также, что прибавка весовых параметров студентов осуществлялась преимущественно за счет подкожно-жировых отложений.

The dynamometry indicators obtained during the examination also indicate a decrease and weakening of muscle strength. Extremely low results were obtained among first-year students in 16.1% of cases, among second-year students they were recorded at 11.6%, and among third-year students at 5.5% of cases. Below average, dynamometry indicators were detected in 66.2% of first-year students, 66.7% of second-year students, and 74.5% of third-year students. Unfortunately, the results of the study assessing the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) were not high enough. According to spirometry, vital capacity (up to 2000 ml) was detected in first-year students - 11.5%, in second-year students - 14.5%, in third-year students - 9.1%. The average values ​​of vital capacity were demonstrated by: 66.9% - first-year students, 63.8% - second-year students, 70.9% - third-year students. The data obtained indicate a decrease in vital capacity due to the exclusion of the diaphragm from the act of breathing and a decrease in chest excursion. Under such breathing conditions, the entire body, and primarily the cerebral cortex, experiences a state of hypoxia, leading to decreased performance, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, and lethargy.

Thus, the carried out dynamic monitoring and control of the main physiological parameters ensured the receipt of objective information about the level of health of students. An assessment of the structure and level of morbidity will make it possible to further develop scientifically based recommendations for improving and organizing medical and social care for students at a higher educational institution.

1. Studying the characteristics of the health status of students allows us to identify the reasons for their violations, both objective and subjective. By undergoing regular medical examination, the student receives reliable information about changes in the functional state of his body.

2. Analysis of the health status of pedagogical students indicates a significant spread of deviations in health status and a decrease in the main indicators of somatic health. Monitoring the current condition of students revealed a significant increase in pathology of the eyes, musculoskeletal system and digestive organs.

3. Considering the unfavorable level of health of student youth, it is extremely necessary to create optimal conditions in a higher educational institution for the implementation of preventive and health-improving measures.


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1. Zdorov"e studentov: sociologicheskij analiz / Otv. red. I.V. Zhuravleva; Institut sociologii RAN. - M., 2012. - 1 CD ROM. - 252 p. (in Russian)

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4. Semchenko, L.N. Social "noe blagopoluchie i uroven" zdorov"ja studencheskoj molodezhi po dannym ejo samoocenki / L.N. Semchenko, S.A. Batrymbetova // Humanitarnye metody issledovanija v medicine: sostojanie i perspektivy. - Saratov, 2007. - p. 136-138. (in Russian)

5. Uvarova E.V. Problemy podrostkov i molodezhi v aspekte demograficheskoj i social"noj bezopasnosti Rossii // Reproduktivnoe zdorov"e detej i podrostkov. 2010. - No. 6. - p. 16-31. (in Russian)

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Conclusion. An effective way to solve the problem of satisfying the wage functions of employees of municipal institutions could be to raise the minimum wage to the federal level. A motivated, interested employee, with a powerful potential of professional skills, knowledge, skills, who knows how and wants to work, is the basic basis for the success of any organization. Therefore, the ability of a manager to manage the motivation of his employees, i.e. creating an optimal work motivational background so that an employee does his job efficiently and effectively is one of the most important skills of a talented manager.


1. Order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated August 28, 2008 No. 462n Moscow “On the introduction of a new system of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary institutions of higher professional and additional professional education, subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation” Federation".

2. Decree of the Government of the Samara Region dated October 29, 2008 No. 416 “On remuneration of labor for employees of state health care institutions in the Samara Region.”

3. Economics: Textbook. 3rd ed., revised. and additional / Ed. Doctor of Economics science prof. A.S. Bulatova. - M.: Yurist, 2001. - 896 p.

UDC 614.39/378.17]-084(045) Review

Health problems of modern student youth and UNRESOLVED ISSUES in organizing treatment and preventive care

G.N. Shemetov - State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky Roszdrav, Head of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences; E.V. Dudrova - State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky Roszdrav, graduate student of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy.



G.N. Shemetova - Saratov State Medical University n. a. V. I. Razumovskiy, Head of Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Doctor of Medical Science; E.V. Dudrova - Saratov State Medical University n. a. V. I. Razumovskiy, Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Postgraduate.

Date of receipt - 02.06.09 Date of acceptance for printing - 27.10.09

G.N. Shemetova, E.V. Dudrova. Health problems of modern student youth and unresolved issues of organizing medical and preventive care. Saratov Medical Scientific Journal, 2009, volume 5, no. 4, p. 526-530.

The article presents data on the health status of modern youth and organizational forms of providing medical and preventive care to students of higher educational institutions. The main shortcomings in the provision of medical care to this group of people have been identified. The key points in optimizing preventive and rehabilitative care for students of higher educational institutions are highlighted.

Key words: morbidity, students, youth, treatment and preventive care.

G.N. Shemetova, E.V. Dudrova. Health Matters Of Modern Students And Unsolved Problems Of Curative And Preventive Aid. Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, 2009, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 526-530.

The health state of modern youth and the level of curative and preventive aid have been analyzed in the article. Basic disadvantages of rendering medical aid have been revealed. The main points of optimization of prophylactic and rehabilitation aid for students are presented in the study.

Key words: morbidity, students, youth, curative and preventive aid.

The health status of students is one of the predominant diseases. In addition, economic labor

of the country's youth groups, the problems experienced by the country, the widespread deterioration

numbering over 3 million people, is the destruction of the environmental situation, the collapse of many pressing problems of modern society. It is not by chance that social foundations cannot but affect the image. In Russia, 2009 was declared the Year of Youth and Health of Students. bowls Successful training of highly qualified... According to WHO recommendations, it is proposed to use

bathroom personnel ensuring sustainability of eco- consumption terms “young people”, “teenagers”,

nomic development of the state, is closely related to “youth” to denote the age period

maintaining and strengthening health, increasing from 10 to 20 years. At the same time, WHO experts highlight

performance of student youth. early adolescence - 10-14 years and late

At the same time, the ever-increasing requirements for - 15-19 years. The largest number of students at the highest level of training of medical specialists in higher educational institutions belongs to the age group from the level, due to the increase in the flow of scientific 16 to 25 years. By this age, young people have information, the introduction of innovative education - a certain health status, which is already formed by technologies, lead to an overload of students in previous years, especially during the years of Comrade. Their psycho-emotional stress of studying at school increases.

nyust^ adaptive reserves are depleted nyur^nyu^ According to the results of a comprehensive survey of bo-

endocrine and immune systems, increases most likely by 10 thousand high school students, it has been established that the Responsible

410004, Saratov st. 1st Station Ave., 7, gastrointestinal tract disorders were detected in 65-90%

Road Clinical Hospital, Department of Polyclinic Therapy, l-r-glt

tel (845-2) 41-2з-4з- teenagers, pathology of ENT organs - in 47-71%, on-

Email: [email protected] poor posture, scoliosis - in 38-65%, functional

ary cardiopathy - in 33-48%, diseases of the urinary system - in 25-40%, allergic pathology - in 11-31%. At the same time, an analysis of the results of a comprehensive examination of schoolchildren showed that the frequency of diseases among adolescents exceeds official statistics: for diseases of the digestive system - 6 times, diseases of the urinary system - 4.5 times, musculoskeletal system - 8 times. Research has shown that in 1997–2007, the incidence of both functional disorders and chronic diseases among adolescents aged 15–17 years increased by more than one and a half times. Accordingly, with this level of health, adolescents continue their education after school. Only 40% of applicants admitted to higher education institutions could be considered (according to medical documents) healthy.

Of course, the health status of student youth is largely determined by “school pathology.” However, during the period of study at the university, the level of physical health of students decreases even more, and the number of chronic patients increases from year to year. When receiving vocational education, there is a significantly higher prevalence of functional abnormalities and chronic diseases (985.9% versus 632.72%) in senior years compared to first years; at the same time, a faster increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases was revealed compared to functional deviations (the growth rate of chronic pathology is 73.2%, of functional disorders is 19.5%); On average, there are 1.5-3 diagnoses per student. More than 60% of students in secondary and higher educational institutions suffer from various chronic diseases, among which diseases of the respiratory system and nervous system come first. By the time they graduate, only 20% of graduates can be considered healthy. Consequently, during their studies at a university, students’ health objectively worsens.

The incidence rate in various universities of the country ranges from 650.1 to 750.8 per 1000 students per year. The structure of morbidity is dominated by respiratory diseases (57.8-72%), mainly acute viral infections of the upper respiratory tract; The proportion of diseases of the digestive system, the eye and its appendages, the musculoskeletal and genitourinary systems, injuries and poisoning is increasing. Despite the fact that the cost of preparing each student is constantly increasing, from 5 to 9% of students annually interrupt their studies due to academic failure due to illness.

The first attempts to assess the health status of students were carried out back in the 20s of the 20th century. Then the most common diseases were pulmonary tuberculosis (up to 18%), rheumatic heart disease (30%), anemia (10-65%), neurasthenia (10-28%), malaria. 30% of students had significant deviations in physical development. Among modern students, the largest share in prevalence is occupied by functional diseases of the nervous system, dental caries, chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, myopia, arterial hypertension, and diseases of the digestive system.

Issues of organizing and improving medical care for students have been and are being considered in a number of studies both in our country and abroad. Thus, in Finland, since 1946, services have been formed

health, which were an offshoot of the national Students Council. Since 1963, the University of Brussels has organized a psychological assistance service for students, and later, student mental health centers were created in Italy and France. A number of foreign authors who have studied the issues of medical care for students note that health services should take care of students at least at the age of 17-19 years.

For many years in our country, medical and health work among students was carried out in the conditions of primary health care, and subsequently in the conditions of a student clinic. According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated September 17, 1984 No. 653 “On measures to further improve health care for university students and students of secondary specialized educational institutions”, a “Temporary regulation on the city clinic (department) for serving students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions” was adopted institutions”, as well as “Temporary regulations on the medical health center of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions”. Doctors at the student clinic regularly monitored the health status of students, carried out treatment and preventive measures, dispensary observation and registration of patients, and annual medical examinations by medical specialists.

The organization of a student clinic for many years was considered the optimal and promising form of medical care for students. The average annual doctor attendance at the student clinic was 163.2 per 100 students. At the same time, the researchers noted the sufficient effectiveness of dispensary observation and, as a result, a decrease in the frequency of relapses of chronic pathology in those students who were systematically observed by doctors and received therapeutic measures.

Currently, in Russian universities there are different approaches to the formation of student health services, due to regional characteristics. Medical care for university students in different cities of the Russian Federation is provided by student departments of city territorial clinics, advisory clinics, medical units, as well as independent university and interuniversity health centers (paramedics and doctors), hospital and polyclinic associations (including departmental ones). Back in the 1970s, attention was paid to the possibility of organizing recreational activities and rehabilitation treatment for students in sanatoriums.

New forms of medical and preventive services for students have also emerged. I.A. Kamaev and his co-authors propose the creation of a consultative and methodological center on the basis of the student clinic on issues of medical and professional guidance for applicants. The “Student Health in the 21st Century” program has been created in Tula with the goal of developing and implementing specific packages of effective measures for the health and rehabilitation of students.

At the same time, in the current situation in the student health care system, a number of unresolved problems are identified, mainly related to

at once, organization and practical implementation of disease prevention and rehabilitation.

One of the most important and serious shortcomings contributing to the deterioration of the health of students is the lack of a unified methodological approach to the organization of medical care for this category of the population. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 653 dated September 17, 1984 “On measures to further improve health care services for university students and students of secondary specialized institutions” and “Regulations on the city clinic providing medical care to students of higher education and students of secondary specialized institutions” of 1985 are outdated and do not meet modern technologies for organizing medical care for students. The Unified Nomenclature of State and Municipal Health Care Institutions approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and currently in force does not at all provide for the existence of a “Polyclinic for Students.”

In many higher educational institutions of the country, existing student clinics have been reorganized into territorial clinics. For example, in Astrakhan, in September 2005, students began to be served in city clinics at their place of residence or at their place of temporary registration. Dispensary examinations of students are carried out in clinics at the location of the educational institution. Foreign students, purchasing a voluntary health insurance policy, can be served in any medical institution of their choice.

In some Russian universities, primary health care is provided to students by therapists in the health center located in the dormitory. Lack of space, lack of specialized receptions, clinical diagnostic laboratory, and functional diagnostic services significantly reduce the quality of medical care for students.

Often, high-quality medical care is inaccessible to a significant portion of young people due to the high cost of care, since consultations with qualified specialists and modern diagnostic and treatment methods are expensive.

When analyzing the system of medical monitoring of students, other shortcomings can be identified - from the lack of computer monitoring technologies to insufficient attention to the issues of disease prevention and health improvement for university students at all levels. Despite the existence of specialized services - prevention departments and rehabilitation treatment/rehabilitation departments, the main conductors of preventive work should be outpatient specialists. However, clinic physicians and general practitioners working with students pay little attention to the issues of primary prevention, in particular, respiratory diseases, timely identification of risk factors for this pathology and people at risk. Despite the fact that a number of studies have demonstrated the feasibility of using the screening method as a tool for the timely organization of primary prevention and rehabilitation measures for various pathologies, screening technologies are still used at the stage of primary care.

cabbage soup is used extremely rarely. Practically no methods of prenosological (preclinical) diagnostics have been developed, and there are no trained specialists capable of carrying it out at the outpatient stage. However, in some European countries, patients with bronchial asthma, for example, are identified through telephone screening. The method is based on the American Thoracic Society questionnaire with additional questions regarding work and work limitations. In order to identify risk factors for respiratory diseases, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Finnish students. As a result of the study, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and atopic dermatitis were diagnosed.

There is clearly insufficient work to ensure control over manageable risk factors, although the importance of these measures has been stated by a number of authors. In particular, there are more than modest results in the fight against active and passive smoking. Methods for the primary prevention of allergic diseases, including complexes of non-drug, training effects, have not been developed.

Little attention is paid to such important aspects as dispensary monitoring of the health of students and their timely registration at the dispensary; providing medical care to students in the clinic and at home; Questions about the timing of students’ treatment from the onset of the disease have not been studied; timeliness of prescription and volume of treatment, presence of complications in acute diseases. There was no analysis of temporary disability due to chronic diseases among students; There is no data provided on the effectiveness of certain recreational, health and rehabilitation programs.

According to Yu.P. Lisitsyn, an important component of disease prevention is the medical activity of students, which has sharply decreased in recent years, which could be due to the destruction of the once orderly medical examination system, the low quality of annual medical examinations of students, and often their profanation. According to a survey (289 people in 4 cities of the country), despite the high prevalence of pathology, only 17% of young people note that they are registered at a medical institution, that is, regular, tangible medical supervision for a teenager is not carried out, although it is obvious that it is at this age that effective correction of pathological abnormalities is possible.

With regard to young people, both medical reports are important, since this contingent should be observed with sufficient regularity in medical institutions, and students’ self-assessment of their health and sense of self. Research conducted by N.I. Kosyakova shows that less than 20% of students who consider themselves healthy actually turn out to be healthy. Almost all those examined lacked the skills of rational organization of work, mental hygiene, and leisure, and had extremely low medical activity. According to young people, their own role in maintaining health is reduced to a minimum: only 6% of respondents constantly monitored and strengthened their health; 11.8% took care of their health as much as possible and necessary. Thus, we will

The implementation of preventive work should be combined with educational programs, but there are serious shortcomings in this direction. Often, preventive measures carried out by medical workers among young people are formal and ineffective, and do not motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle, change their behavior towards safety, or acquire life skills. In addition, the success of preventive measures at various levels largely depends on the qualifications of medical personnel involved in improving the health of students.

Deserves special attention when working with a group of people who often suffer from respiratory viral infections (the frequency of ARVI during the year is more than 3 times). Patients who have suffered severe forms of ARVI, with concomitant diseases, often note residual effects in the form of bronchopulmonary changes, asthenia, pathology in the hemogram and immunogram. A group of such patients needs full-fledged rehabilitation measures and immunoprophylaxis. However, these activities are often not carried out properly.

According to a number of authors, from 20 to 30% of therapeutic patients treated in hospitals could receive significantly less expensive rehabilitation treatment in day hospitals. The creation of day hospitals on the basis of outpatient clinics is one of the ways to intensify the diagnostic and treatment and rehabilitation process. However, these opportunities are used extremely rarely in relation to students.

The health of young people is of significant medical and social importance, which is determined by the pronounced trends towards an increase in the incidence of this population in almost all classes of diseases, including chronic diseases, as well as the magnitude of economic losses. From our point of view, the concept of optimizing preventive and rehabilitative care for students of higher education institutions should include:

Improving the regulatory framework, resource, personnel and methodological support for medical care for students of higher educational institutions; ensuring the quality and accessibility of health care and treatment and rehabilitation care;

Introduction into practice of working with students of screening technologies to actively identify the most significant factors and risk groups for the most common pathology among young people and taking measures to reduce the impact of controllable factors; conducting annual preventive examinations;

Carrying out standard preventive procedures and recreational and health activities for students - vitamin therapy, influenza vaccination and other vaccinations, monitoring the sanitary and epidemiological regime, monitoring the work of the canteen (especially in the preparation of dietary dishes);

Establishing an optimal schedule of study sessions with sufficient time for rest, physical education breaks, and proper nutrition;

Consulting students with a psychologist and psychotherapist on appealability;

Organization of physical education classes in training mode and exercise therapy, as well as the allocation of time in the curriculum of the Department of Physical Education for conducting classes in the fresh air;

Development and implementation of effective technologies and methods of restorative treatment and rehabilitation;

Development of information and educational direction, overcoming the passive attitude of students towards programs to improve and correct their health with increasing individual motivation to maintain health (introduction of health passports);

Increasing the level of training of medical personnel working with students, primarily on issues of valeology, preventive and rehabilitation medicine.

The success of health improvement and rehabilitation treatment of students largely depends on the organizational forms of work, methods of health improvement and medical rehabilitation, the level and quality of training of personnel involved in therapeutic and preventive activities among young people.


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