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The most popular idols. Idols of modern youth

AND Sofia Tarasova- popular foreign and domestic teenagers who every year increasingly inspire the younger generation to great achievements

Everything has long been known about adult idols, especially in the world of show business. Another thing is teenage role models who are in no way inferior to adult artists. Who, by their age, have achieved no less significant results on stage, in cinema and, of course, in the modeling business. But what makes young trendsetters so unique?

A striking example is the 15-year-old daughter worldwide famous actor Will Smith - Willow Smith. Despite the surname of the star parent, Willow surprises her fans more and more every year, discovering new facets of her talent - either as a singer or as an actress. And not so long ago, the young talent managed to win the heart of the famous Karl Lagerfeld. After all, according to the designer, Willow is not only a style icon, but also capable of representing the interests of the younger generation in the world of high fashion.

As for the dance sphere, this place has already been reliably secured by Maddie Ziegler is the mascot of American diva Sia. After all, Maddie is the girl who gained worldwide fame with her phenomenal plasticity after the release of the popular singer’s “Chandelier” video. And her dancing successes, which she achieved at the age of 13, forced millions of teenagers to sign up for choreography classes and believe in themselves.


Despite the fact that modern teenagers most often find idols among foreign celebrities, domestic show business also has someone to be proud of, for example, Sofia Tarasova. The young performer, who is currently 15 years old, has received recognition in other European countries, winning The Euro Pop Contest in Berlin, SanRemo in Italy and silver at Eurovision Junior. Now Sofia is preparing to conquer Hollywood. After all, he will soon take part in the WCOPA international championship with the support of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Los Angeles, where he will prove that it is important to do what you love and love what you do.

In turn, the 16-year-old American actress Kiernan Shipka has already managed to conquer Los Angeles, receiving the title as the most stylish teenager in Hollywood. Although at one time the girl gained popularity thanks to the television series “Mad Men,” where her outstanding acting skills and black belt in taekwondo could not go unnoticed.

But in order to conquer the world, you first need to conquer your country - this is the goal pursued by the popular teen group Open Kids, where the participants are from 13 to 16 years old. But during their not so long career path, the girls still managed to create a large army of teenage fans in other countries. Now the group is traveling around on tour and with their clear example they show their peers that you don’t have to wait until you grow up - you need to act now!

In July MU g.o. Samara "City Youth Center for Information and Analytics" a survey was conducted to identify the idols of modern youth. The survey took place on the busy streets of the city. Samara.

The purpose of the survey is to identify the idols of modern youth.
1. Determine the content of the concept “idol” in the perception of young people
2. Find out who is a role model for young people (leader public opinion, “idol”, etc.)

780 people took part in the survey. Of these, 426 were boys and 354 girls:
under 18 years old – 36%,
from 18 to 30 years old – 43%,
over 30 years – 21%.

Based on a representative gender and age quota sample, the calculated statistical error does not exceed 4.8%.

Education of respondents:
28% - average,
19% - secondary - special,
29% - unfinished higher education,
24% - higher education.

1. To the first question “Do you know who the “idol” is? 100% of respondents answered positively, then they defined the term “idol”. The answers were distributed as follows:
Ideal – 46%,
The one you imitate – 28%,
The one you love and admire – 11%,
Authority – 9%,
Someone who has achieved a lot – 6%.

2. To the second question “Do you have an idol?” 97% answered in the affirmative, the remaining 3% answered with words from the Bible “Thou shalt not make unto thee an graven image.”

3. To the third question “Who is your idol (in what field of activity)?” The answers were distributed as follows:

Musicians – 32%
(Basta, Stas Mikhailov, Michael Jackson, A. Vorobyov, F. Kirkorov, Machete, V. Brezhnev, Loc Doc) - for voice, appearance, lyrics.

Actors – 24%
(Keira Knightley, Ashton Kutcher, Brad Pitt, Natalia Oreiro, Angelina Jolie) are liked for their beauty and roles.

Athletes – 14%
(E. Isinbaeva, M. Sharapova, E. Plushenko, A. Ovechkin, A. Kabaeva) - for endurance, the will to win.

Family – 9%
(father, mother, brother, grandmother, grandfather) - for life experience, the ability to give advice.

Show business stars – 7%
(Ksenia Sobchak, D. Dibrov, Tina Kandelaki, Pavel Volya) - for talkativeness, sharp mind.

Politicians – 6%
(V. Putin, D. Medvedev, V. Zhirinovsky) - for education, point of view.

Representatives of the fashion industry - 5% (Kira Plastinina, Natalia Vodianova, Tyra Banks) - for beauty, ideas.

Dancers – 2%
(duet Las Twins) for plastic surgery.
Representatives of the arts - 1% (P. Coelho, Jack London) for books.


1. Modern youth know who their idols are, and almost everyone has their own idol, which they imitate and admire.

2. Young people find the greatest number of idols in the field of music and cinema. This may be a consequence of the influence of the media, which cover not only the creative successes, but also the personal lives of show business stars.

3. In general, young people love their idols for personal achievements, abilities and attractive appearance.

Who are they?

Youth are part of society. Without understanding the society in which young people live, it is impossible to understand young people themselves and their specific problems. Confucius advised listening to the songs that people sing in order to understand how people live and what they hope for. Where can one look for an idol if not in art? Music, cinema, literature provide a wide range of material for research and reflection. Thanks to them, you can understand what is going on in the depths of human souls.
The word “idol” itself has changed its meaning - now it is increasingly not an ideal role model, but ordinary person who achieved quick success and material well-being.
My friend and I conducted a survey to determine the most popular characters in the domestic and foreign film industry, artists, music performers, as well as to identify significant and prominent personalities of the 20-21st century. A research paper was compiled based on this survey.

Ace Ventura

The most popular film genre among 14-15 year old students is comedy. Largest quantity The votes received were: “Univer”, “Interns”, “Real Boys”, “Ace Ventura”, “The Best Movie”, “The Simpsons”, “Tom and Jerry”, “Shrek”. Students aged 16-17 also chose comedy, but the list of preferences also included large number other genres, such as psychological, military, historical films, thrillers, the love for melodrama has increased. The largest number of selections: “Taxi”, “Step Up”, “Harry Potter”, “We are from the Future”, “Masha and the Bear”, “House”, “Avatar”, “Twilight”.

Johnny Depp

The choice of favorite artists showed that students prefer the most attractive modern Hollywood movie stars - Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Keanu Reeves, and young popular Russian actors who can be seen in almost all modern series on all television channels - Maria Kozhevnikov, Daria Sagalov, Sergei Svetlakov, Mikhail Galustyan, Ivan Urgant, Garik Kharlamov.
Among the favorite movie characters were chosen: Neo, Jack Sparrow, Shrek, characters from the series “Interns” (exclusively young professionals).
Among the musical performers students most often chose: Lady Gaga, Christina Aguillera, Rihanna.


If we talk about influential and famous personalities of the 20-21st century, the top ten (in descending order) chosen by teenagers is:
1. Barack Obama
2. Michael Jackson
3. Daria Domracheva
4. Marilyn Monroe
5. Brad Pitt
6. Petr Masherov
7. Bill Gates
8. Joanna Rowling
9. Steve Jobs
10. Victoria Azarenka

Michael Jackson

Young people are attracted to people who are successful, famous, and have achieved a high social position. But not always what attracts our attention and interest should make us want to follow it. Man has consciousness and a certain freedom. You can say that you like this or that singer or actor, but you need to understand that his life is not your destiny.

Oh, fleeting youth. Quite recently, we at the editorial office of Find Out.rf were nostalgic for the stars of the 90s and were sad about how they had aged

(you can join our sadness).

Unfortunately, the idols of modern youth will sooner or later suffer the same fate. We decided to predict the course of events and played around with photos of current teen idols in mobile application FaceApp, which can “age” faces. So, what will (possibly) now popular video bloggers, rappers and other public figures look like in a certain number of decades? Let’s see!


Rapper Gnoyny, who was in the deep underground before the historical version battle with Oksimiron, boasts a very cute appearance, which does not fit well with his rather cynical work. Well, in his old age, Slava will clearly charm all the surrounding grandmothers with his charisma and bright blue eyes.

Yuri Khovansky

Video blogger Yuri Khovansky can rarely be seen on camera without beer. Be careful, Yura, because of alcohol abuse, you can turn into the person on the right much sooner than you expected.


The author of the hit “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg,” rapper Face can show this photo to everyone who is interested: “What will your tattoos look like in old age?” As you can see, everything will be fine with them.

Maryana Ro

Star social networks Maryana Ro keeps up with her age: previously her content had a pronounced children's theme, now she pleases the public with materials for older audiences. And her romance with Face (you saw the aged version of it just above) became one of the most discussed events of 2017 among the “YouTube generation.”

Sasha Spielberg

We are very interested in what Sasha Spielberg will do when the bulk of her subscribers graduate from school and there will be no one to watch her bathe in a bathtub filled with chips. Maybe he will become a State Duma deputy or continue his career in cinema and release the film “Hack the Bloggers-2”? We are looking forward to it!

Diana Shurygina

Will Diana Shurygina, who caught a wave of popularity after the rape scandal, be able to stay afloat when the hype around this story subsides? Time will tell, but the chance is great, because for now this pretty girl is very far from the photo on the right.


We hope that in his old age Miron Fedorov will delight his fans with new albums and gather gigantic concert venues. Maybe by then a new king will appear in Russian rap, but loyal fans will still shake their heads with nostalgia to “Tumbler” or “The City Under the Sole.”

Alexander Petrov

We guarantee that in 40 years, those who are about twenty today will remember Alexander Petrov in much the same way as the older generation now speaks of Alexander Abdulov or Oleg Dal. As you can see, the actor’s charming smile and signature sly look will not leave him even in old age.

Nikolay Sobolev

In the right photo, Nikolai Sobolev looks as if he had just recorded a vlog about “Doctors’ disgrace in the clinic.” In fact, the blogger’s life is in full swing: by the beginning of 2018, almost 4 million had subscribed to his YouTube channel, and Nikolai himself was preparing for the wedding with his fiancee, model Polina Chistyakova.


It is unlikely that in his old age Ivangai will wear the same oblique bangs. It's a shame - it suits him.


Feduk (Fedor Insarov), whose career took off after the release of the album “F&Q,” will look something like this in his old age. Whether the software algorithm made a mistake will not be known soon.

Yuri Dud

At 31, Yuri Dud still heads the editorial board of the sports publication and is the most popular interviewer in the Russian segment of YouTube. Fans often call him “Vladimir Pozner’s successor” and are amazed at what professional heights Yuri achieved in his still, in general, young years. I wonder how soon he will become the host of an original show on some federal channel?

The question posed in the title of the article is asked by many in our society. But, probably, no one will argue that most often teachers have to face the task of identifying role models for our younger generation. Well, teachers of such humanities as history or literature cannot do without it.

Of course, in the hustle and bustle of life there is not always time left for purposeful comprehension of this important issue, but life itself does not allow you to forget about it, it brings you face to face with the problem.

To study the history of the Great Patriotic War in programs for students of technical schools and colleges, very little time is allocated, so a considerable amount of information has to be given on self-study. And then one fine day after the story in general outline about the partisan movement in the USSR, students are given the task of preparing essays about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. The name turns out to be completely unfamiliar to young people, but in Soviet times Every October child remembered him. Well, basically nothing. After all, that’s why these boys and girls came to study, to learn new things.

It is no secret that practically the only source for preparing abstracts is modern student is the Internet. Regular student Without further ado, he simply prints out the first material returned by the search engine and reads it only after the teacher reminds him that defending an essay implies at least familiarity with its content. A good student will still at least skim through the essay himself. Well, a great one can look at more than just the first link on the network, but try to get acquainted with several before printing the material.

At the very least, the abstracts were prepared. What were the students ready to tell their classmates? The material might differ in small details, but the content was generally the same. It was said in these abstracts that Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was most likely crazy, having suffered from bouts of schizophrenia since childhood. The atrocities of the Nazis on our land were mentioned in passing, but a lot of attention was paid to describing how bad Stalin was and how cruelly he treated his people. Zoya’s act was declared absolutely senseless from a military point of view, immoral in relation to the Russian collective farmers who, because of the partisan, lost their homes. I particularly relished the fact that it was the Russians who demanded that the Germans cruelly punish the girl, insulted and beat her.

In general, the usual material in the style of exposing everything and everyone, accompanied by numerous assurances of disclosure terrible secrets, but very weakly supported by evidence.

And the students are not to blame for anything - they honestly completed homework. Of course, on the same Internet you can also find completely objective information about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and other famous participants partisan movement, but it is difficult to require students to review dozens of references to sources, especially since they are not studying to become historians, but to become auto mechanics, accountants, and electricians.

This is a small specific case, which, however, reflects a general trend in the formation of social ideals.

Despite the well-known biblical commandment - “do not make for yourself an idol,” we understand that no healthy society can do without these same role models. The process of society choosing its idols is very complex and is not always amenable to state control, although the role of the existing socio-political system should not be underestimated.

We can take the same Soviet era as an example. There was no shortage of ideals for the younger generation. The models could also be very specific people: Gagarin, Stakhanov, Panfilov, the same Kosmodemyanskaya. Along with this, there were also some kind of generalized images of the ideal Scientist, Cosmonaut, Officer, Party worker. Yes, there could be inconsistencies between the official ideology and the popular worldview; their ideas about the ideal did not always coincide - take Pavlik Morozov, for example. But on the whole, the system worked and contributed to successful socialization into the established society.

Today, this system that has developed over more than half a century is actively being destroyed before our eyes. Against ideals associated with specific historical figures sometimes almost entire black PR campaigns are launched. There are two main methods used for this. If possible, they try to refute the very fact of feats or achievements. An example from Kosmodemyanskaya has already been given. With the same ease we can find in world wide web detailed stories that the feat of Panfilov’s men was just an invention of Soviet journalists, that Stakhanov was able to set his records only with the help of an unfair calculation system and obvious additions and many more similar “revelations.”

If it is not possible to deny the very fact that a person committed any outstanding act, then the second method is used. Digging through dirty laundry begins, looking for any, even the most insignificant facts that can show the hero in a funny, ridiculous or pitiful way. Let's take, for example, the same Gagarin. In almost all recent publications in the media, the emphasis is not on emphasizing the uniqueness of this person and his achievements, but on showing his weaknesses, shortcomings, mistakes, which, of course, no one can avoid.

As for the previous generalized ideal images, they are destroyed by our very life. How many people today would agree to see a “hero of our time” in a doctor, teacher, scientist? Of course not! The hero must either achieve success or die brightly and tragically on the way to it, but in no way wage a miserable everyday struggle for existence.

The question naturally arises - who will take the empty places on the podium? Who will be the new idols of our youth?

The answers to this question are given differently. It seems to many people, especially from the older generation, that young people have found their ideals in the world of glamor, where well-groomed, fashionably dressed, successful boys and girls spend their days carefree, purposefully moving forward, wanting to become permanent heroes of gossip columns. It is no coincidence that the television program “Dom-2” causes such strong indignation, even lawsuits. Many grandparents see in this TV show and in Ksyusha Sobchak a kind of villainous temptation that drags young fools into the abyss of vice.

Here, however, the cause is replaced by just one of its consequences. In itself, “Dom-2” or any similar show is not something scary, and you shouldn’t think that teenagers are ready to see in these TV characters models on which they will build their own later life. I say this with confidence: opinion polls, of course, I didn’t conduct it, but I communicated with students on similar topics quite a lot.

Yes, many people watch “Dom-2,” but the characters in the show evoke laughter at best, and very often contempt. An attempt by friends to compare a student with some participant in a well-known project can become a reason for serious resentment. In arrogant showmen, young people see only an object for ridicule and are not at all going to copy their behavior.

Many point out that the idols of today’s youth are oligarchs and politicians, that every student dreams, if not of buying a yacht longer than Abramovich’s, then of becoming a deputy of at least the regional Legislative Assembly. With these idols everything is much more complicated. It is, of course, impossible to deny that many, indeed, have, if not the desire, then at least the dream of occupying one of these posts. Another thing is that the concept of ideal is still much more complex; a role model is not necessarily the one who occupies a high social status or lives with maximum comfort.

In general, the attitude of our younger generation towards business leaders and politicians is a bizarre mixture of anger and envy. An absurd situation is being created in which everyone is ready to almost swear at any official, including the head of state, but at the same time would not mind taking one of the vacant positions in the vertical of power. Power ceases to be authoritative and respected, while still remaining desirable.

So we now do not have ideal generalized images of a politician and a businessman with a capital “P” in the public consciousness.

In fact, in our society now there is not just a change in ideals, which in itself would be quite natural. Every time must have its heroes, and some of the great people of past eras inevitably fade into the shadows, gradually turning into vague legends. In our country, it is not individual idols that are changing, but the very principle of the socialization process is changing. In the example of young people, this simply manifests itself most noticeably, because a person learns most social norms in childhood and adolescence.

Naturally, in any social environment, a person in his development constantly compares himself with others. This is not only an internal need of the person himself - the surrounding society is actively pushing him towards this. There are two main options for such a comparison. A person can focus on the best representatives of his society or a separate social group, understand that he is not one of the at the moment equal to your ideal, and strive to get closer to it.

This path is very difficult and long. It requires a lot of effort from the person himself, who has to fight laziness, self-conceit, and overcome himself. It is no less difficult for parents, teachers, and ideologists. The slightest falsehood is recognized by the child and causes a corresponding reaction of rejection. Every teacher or parent knows that if, for example, you constantly set the boy Vasya as an example to the boy Petya, then most likely Vasily will not see in the other boy an ideal to strive for, but will simply hate him. In general, there are many difficulties, mistakes and excesses are inevitable to one degree or another. But only with this version of socialization, when building your future according to the principle “I can and must become better, I want to be like ...”, is it possible for the successful development of not only an individual person, but also society as a whole.

Unfortunately, in our country we see the development of socialization in a different way. Comparing yourself with others naturally also happens. But people are guided by the principles: “there is much more around me.” bad people“or “it’s good that I don’t look like...”.

In a healthy society, this type of self-esteem is also present, but is usually limited to fairly specific and closed social groups. You can encounter such inverted ideals, for example, in places of deprivation of liberty. Since the human race from time to time gives birth to such monsters as Chikatilo, almost every prisoner has the opportunity to tell himself that he is not so bad compared to maniacs, pedophiles, Major Evsyukov. Unfortunately, we will most likely never have a shortage of negative samples for comparison.

But in our country, almost all young people today live precisely by this principle, and society, with the help of the mass media and with the connivance of the state, abundantly supplies young minds with negative examples. This path is easy and pleasant, does not require effort and flatters self-esteem. Looking at the glamorous boy from the TV show, it’s so easy to feel like a real man. And against the backdrop of most of the heroines of the same “House-2”, almost any girl will seem like a model of chastity, delicacy and kindness. High self-esteem and a sense of perfection are guaranteed.

But such narcissism against the backdrop of the wretched “heroes of our time” will sooner or later lead to crisis and stagnation. Society cannot move forward without positive ideals, without setting difficult tasks for its youth, without creating a desire to be equal to the best.

Recent events show that the state is not at all interested in this, and the path of development through comparing itself with the worst suits it quite well. We can only hope that the survival instinct of society will be stronger, and our children will not only not forget the old heroes, but will also be able to nominate new ones from among them.