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Slavic State Pedagogical University in Kuban. Kuban State University

Slavic-on-Kuban State pedagogical institute is one of the youngest state universities in Russia.

The opening of a pedagogical educational institution was determined by the need to provide schools with teachers.

The institute was created thanks to the head of the administration of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban candidate pedagogical sciences, Honored Teacher of the Kuban Vladimir Ilyich Sinyagovsky, and the Rector of the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philology, Professor Vladimir Timofeevich Sosnovsky as a branch of the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute.

Tatyana Semenovna Anisimova became the director of the Slavyansky - Kuban branch of the ASPI.

On October 1, 1994, 45 students from the Faculty of Philology and 40 students from the Faculty of Mathematics began their studies. There were only 10 teachers, four of them were candidates of science. Three candidates of technical sciences (Zinoviev A.I., Zinovieva L.A., Garashchenko V.I.) and a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (Bokovikov A.G.) worked at the Faculty of Mathematics.

In 1995-1996, the repair and reconstruction of three new buildings continues, led by V.I. Sinyagovsky. Great contribution to development material base The institute was contributed by the head of the administration of the city of Krymsk Popov G.E., the city of Abinsk Radchenko V.P., Krasnoarmeysky district Lyakh V.V., Kalininsky district Galitsin O.I., heads Kovalevsky S.A., Vishnyakov S.D., Kletnoy V.A., Murzinov Yu.F., Prytkov V.I., Dolzhikov V.I., Chuprina A.A., Irshenko L.G., Simonenko V.V., Kuryachiy L.G., Klad A. A., Kudryavets V.P., Vasilchenko E.G., Sirota I.A., Abrosimov V.A., Udovichenko V.A. and etc.

In 1995, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education was opened, in 1996 - the Faculty of History and Law, in 1998 - Management, Economics and Technology, in 1999 - the Faculty foreign languages, in 2000 – Faculty of Valeology. In 2002, the faculty became the seventh faculty physical culture.

On initial stage Having an insufficient number of highly qualified personnel, the goal was set to build capacity, train its personnel by defending candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Already in 1995, scientific societies of students, schoolchildren and teachers were created at the university, the first scientific conferences, in the work of which the heads of education of the region and districts take part: Chistyakov V.I., Maletina L.V., Chernyavsky V.V., Kvasha V.P., Burun V.I., Berezhnaya I.A., are established close relations with schools in the region with the interested support and participation of directors: Statsenko R.M., Shilova O.D., Pyshna L.N., Korenevskaya V.G.

At the same time, the formation of scientific schools of professors A.I. Kochetov began. and Vertsinskaya N.N., Sadilo A.P. and Khrolenko A.T., Shchekoldina A.G. and Zarechnaya L.P., who trained dozens of young scientists.

On January 21, 2003, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Slavic branch of the ASPI was reorganized into a state educational institution of higher education vocational education Slavic - Kuban State Pedagogical Institute. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences T.S. Anisimova was appointed rector.

During the existence of the university, doctoral dissertations were defended by Zarechnaya L.P., Serogodsky N.A., Vinogradov B.V., Anisimova T.S., Shishkin A.B., Makhnovskaya N.I., Aleksanova S.A., Belyaeva M.Yu.

In 2005, SGPI opened postgraduate studies in 7 specialties:

  • 1.01.01 Real, complex and functional analysis(mathematical analysis)
  • 05.13.10 Management in social and economic systems
  • 07.00.02 National history
  • 07.00.10 History of science and technology ( Technical science)
  • 13.00.01 General pedagogy. History of pedagogy and education
  • 13.00.02 Theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language)
  • 13.00.08 Theory and methodology of vocational education

The mission of information support for the processes of education, training, and research activities is carried out by the SGPI library

Currently, 174 teachers work in 13 departments of the institute, of which 19 are doctors of science, professors, and 107 candidates of science.

There are 3,732 students studying at seven faculties in 13 specialties, 5 undergraduate areas and 3 master’s areas.

The Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute plays an important cultural and educational role in the western part of the Krasnodar Territory.

The main task facing the young educational institution is to preserve the scientific traditions of Russian higher education, prepare a competitive graduate, establish and strengthen traditions.


The Slavic Branch of the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute was founded in 1994. The opening of an institution of higher professional education for the training of qualified teaching staff became possible thanks to the initiative of the head of the administration of the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Vladimir Ilyich Sinyagovsky, and the rector of the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philology, Professor Vladimir Timofeevich Sosnovsky.

On October 1, 1994, 45 students from the Faculty of Philology and 40 students from the Faculty of Mathematics began their studies. The branch developed dynamically, new faculties and departments were created within its structure. In 1995, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education was formed, in 1996 - the Faculty of History and Law, in 1998 - Management, Economics and Technology, in 1999 - the Faculty of Foreign Languages, in 2000 - the Faculty of Valueology. In 2002, the Faculty of Physical Culture became the seventh faculty.

On January 21, 2003, by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Slavic branch of the ASPI was reorganized into the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute.

On September 15, 2011, a new stage in the life of the university began. By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the FSBEI HPE "Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute" was merged with the FSBEI HPE "Kuban State University» as a separate structural unit (branch).

Currently, the Branch provides training in both pedagogical and non-pedagogical areas. New centers are opening, scientific laboratories are being created, new curricula and programs are being introduced.


In the entire history of the university, it was headed by two people.

Since 1994, the director of the Slavyansky-on-Kuban branch of the State Pedagogical Institute, and later the rector of the Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute, was Tatyana Semenovna Anisimova.

On May 12, 2010, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Anton Ivanovich Yatsenko, was appointed acting rector of the institute.

Structure and areas of training

The structure of the Branch currently includes 5 faculties, 9 departments, 2 museums, 6 research laboratories, a printing house, 2 Centers, and a scientific library.

Faculties and departments

  • Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Technology

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and Methods of Teaching Them

Department of Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education and OTD

  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of General and Professional Pedagogy

Department of Psychology

  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Biology

Department of Physical Culture and Natural Biological Disciplines

  • Philology

Department of Russian language and literature and methods of teaching them

Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Methods of Their Teaching

  • Faculty of Economics, History and Law

Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines

Department of History and Methods of Its Teaching


  • Center for secondary and additional vocational education.

Programs are implemented at the Center professional retraining and advanced training, preparatory courses are organized.

  • Center for Promoting Employment and Employment of Students and Graduates.

The center selects personnel for educational institutions region, organization of temporary and permanent employment of students and graduates, interaction with territorial employment authorities.

Areas of training

The university prepares bachelors and specialists in the following areas of training:

  • Teacher Education
  • Psychological and pedagogical education
  • Management
  • Information systems and technologies
  • Special (defectological) education
  • Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

Five master's degree programs are being implemented:

  • Philology
  • Management of an educational organization
  • Biology
  • Story
  • Economy

Postgraduate studies are open in seven specialties:

  • Real, complex and functional analysis
  • Management in social and economic systems
  • National history
  • History of science and technology (technical sciences)
  • General pedagogy. History of pedagogy and education
  • Theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language)
  • Theory and methodology of vocational education


To date, the KubSU branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban has a significant material and technical base:

  • 11 academic buildings
  • Multimedia Audiences
  • Computer classes with free Internet access
  • 6 scientific laboratories
  • 2 libraries with free access to databases of the largest Russian and foreign electronic libraries
  • 3 dormitories
  • Fitness and fitness center with tennis court
  • Information and Computing Center
  • Two student clubs
  • Printing house

Scientific life

Scientific work is carried out within the framework of two priority areas: “Comprehensive regional studies of Kuban” and “Integrity as a principle of the modern educational paradigm.” Ten Doctors of Science are developing scientific directions in their fields of knowledge in the form of scientific schools. The university annually holds a large number of scientific events at the international, all-Russian and regional levels. Undergraduate and graduate students of the university are winners of all-Russian and regional scientific competitions, recipients of presidential and government scholarships Russian Federation.

student life

In terms of organizing educational work, the branch is the leading university in the Krasnodar region.

Student government and youth public organization students and employees "MOST" represent a special form of student participation in management student life university

The university is implementing such priority areas as the volunteer movement “Land of the Living”, training teaching staff for educational work with children “Ekos”, ecological camp “SELM”, School of student self-government activists “Leader of Kuban of the 21st century”.

Creative teams have many awards and prizes at the regional, all-Russian and international levels.

For a number of years, university athletes have been participating in competitions at the Regional, Russian and International levels.

Famous teachers

Shchekoldin Arkady Gavrilovich, Excellence in Public Education, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, awarded the Ushinsky Medal, Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Anisimova Tatyana Semenovna, Excellence in Public Education, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education, Honored Teacher of Kuban, Doctor historical sciences, Professor.

Shklyarenko Alexander Pavlovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, the only specialist in therapeutic physical education in the field of pediatric orthopedics in Russia, member of the European College of Sports Sciences.

Famous graduates

Evgeniy Lukyanenko, a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education, world champion and silver medalist of the Beijing Olympics in pole vaulting.

Yana Maltseva, graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, world champion in taekwondo.

At the Branch of Kuban State University in Slavyansk-on-Kuban:

  • A modular rating system for assessing students' educational achievements has been developed and implemented.
  • An innovative model of the educational system is being implemented, which has won the All-Russian competition four times over the past five years.
  • More than 30 targeted socially significant programs, supported by grants, have been developed to implement youth policy in cooperation with regional and municipal authorities, legal entities, and public organizations.
  • Opened Center early development child "Umka" and children's summer school in English"Rainbow".
  • The “Career Guidance” and “K-Unified State Exam” programs of the Testing Center at Moscow State University “Humanitarian Technologies” are being implemented.
  • About 40% of full-time students receive both a major and an additional specialty at the same time.
  • Students study for free and receive a state scholarship.
  • Students who have achievements in academic, scientific, and sports life receive scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, the Head of Municipal entity Slavyansky district.
  • Students, undergraduates and graduate students have the opportunity to undergo internships at the largest universities in Europe.
  • The library provides free access to bibliographic and full-text databases of the largest Russian and foreign electronic libraries, in particular, there is a virtual reading room of the Russian State Library, which provides free access to full-text electronic library dissertations.

The branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University" in Slavyansk-on-Kuban was created in 2012 on the basis of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Slavyansk-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute" by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 2301 dated September 15, 2011 .Right to exercise educational activities confirmed by license series 90Л01 No. 0009015, registration No. 1982 dated March 3, 2016, issued Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science (Appendix No. 5.3). The branch is accredited as part of KubSU according to educational programs higher education and secondary vocational education (Appendix No. 4, series 90A01 No. 0016862 to the certificate of state accreditation dated March 27, 2019, series 90A01 No. 0003197, reg. No. 3042).

And about. branch director - Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation Leus Olga Viktorovna.

Currently, in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities, The branch provides training:

in areas of training (specialties) of higher education

Bachelor's degree

  • 44.03.01 Pedagogical education
  • 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education
  • 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education
  • 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)


  • 44.05.01 Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

in specialties of secondary vocational education – training programs for mid-level specialists

  • 02/09/02 Computer networks
  • 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security
  • 44.02.01 Preschool education
  • 49.02.01 Physical culture

Material and technical base

The branch has at its disposal 7 educational buildings, 2 dormitories, 1 conference hall, and a sports and recreation complex. Auditoriums for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, rooms for independent work equipped with presentation and computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. All buildings are connected into a single computer network with Internet access.

The structure of the branch includes three faculties, four departments, a department of secondary vocational education, a library, student and sports clubs, the Umka child development center, a center for additional professional education, a publishing center, and an information and computing center.

The branch employs 91 teachers, including 80 full-time teachers, of which 47 are candidates and 7 doctors of science.

Number of students branch as of September 1, 2018, there are 1,604 students, of which 1,316 people are studying in higher education programs, 288 in secondary vocational education programs.

Main scientific directions and schools of the branch

Scientific schools:

  1. Innovation processes in education: creative and axeological approaches.
  2. Theory and practice of measuring latent variables.

Scientific directions:

  1. Comprehensive study of the Eastern Azov region of Kuban:
    • Linguistic portrait of the region: Ethnolinguistics. Onomastics. Lexicography;
    • Historical, cultural and socio-economic aspects of the study of regional space;
    • Habitat and genetic diversity of the biota of the Slavyansk region of the Krasnodar Territory as a factor natural heritage Kuban.
  2. Spectral analysis and local description in the complex domain.

Educational and social work branch

The branch has repeatedly become the winner of All-Russian competitions on organizing the educational process in an educational institution: All-Russian competition educational systems of educational institutions (2008), All-Russian competition of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation S. M. Mironov “I will be appreciated in the 19th century” (2009), All-Russian open competition of scientific research, inventive and creative works students (2009, 2010), the All-Russian competition of youth socially significant initiatives, undertakings and experiences “World of Youth” under the auspices of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture (2009, 2010) and others. In a regional competition among student labor teams, employer organizations hosting student labor teams, and educational institutions, forming student labor teams, the branch’s “City of Masters” pedagogical team regularly takes part. According to the results of the competition, the KubSU branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban is among the top best in the category “The best educational institution in the Krasnodar region that actively forms student labor groups.”

The student club of the branch has nine associations, incl. creative: folk amateur student group "Folk Dance Theater "Meridian", female vocal group "Lady Blues", male vocal group "No Problems", folk song ensemble "Razgulay", vocal and instrumental group "Sale", creative theater association " Intelligentsia", photo club "PROfoto", intellectual: club "What? Where? When?”, Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful.

The branch has deep sports traditions. Today the following people work and study in the branch: Master of Sports of the USSR, Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, 19 people have the first sports category, 24 have mass sports categories. Traditional Health Days are held annually with students studying at the branch passing the standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD). The pride of the branch is the student women's national powerlifting team, which is a six-time Champion of Russia among universities in the bench press and classic bench press. The team has repeatedly won the championships of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory, championships among higher educational institutions of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, and at the Samson-42 Strength Sports Festival. In the Spartakiad of the university branches, the branch in Slavyansk-on-Kuban for the sixth time took 1st place in the team competition. The basis for sports training is ten sections operating in the Burevestnik sports club.

Branch starts acceptance of documents June 20, 2019 For applicants applying for a contract form entrance tests are carried out directly at the branch. Information about admission can be obtained from admissions committee, on the KubSU website and on the branch website.