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Poems about love by Russian poets, classical poets. Classics about love: Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok, Yesenin


Again you lie in the night, your eyes open,
And you are having an old argument with yourself.
You say:
- He's not that handsome! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Everything doesn't go your way, damn dream,
You keep wondering where is the truth and where is the lie...
You say:
- He's not that smart! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Then fear is born in you,
Everything falls, everything collapses around.
And you say to your heart:
- You'll be lost! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!
(Yu. Drunina)


Everything is known: love is not a joke,
Love is the spring beat of hearts,
And live like you, with one mind,
Absurd, stupid at last!

Otherwise, what are dreams for?
Why paths under the moon?
Why hawkers in the spring
They sell flowers to lovers?!

Whenever there is no love,
There’s no need to wander around the gardens either.
Perhaps even nightingales
They would go from grief to the stage.

Why walks, silence.
There's no fire in your eyes, is there?
And the useless moon
It would rust in a heavenly warehouse.

Imagine: no one could fall in love.
And people began to sleep more soundly,
Eat more, shave less often,
I stopped reading poetry...

But no, it’s not for nothing that there is a moon
And the sonorous strumming of a guitar,
No wonder spring comes to us
And couples walk through the gardens.
(E. Asadov)

What does love know about love?

What does love know about love?
There is always fear hidden in her.
Everyone feels fear
If he suddenly fell in love.
How scary it is to lose later,
What was found on its own
Death whispers to us with a toothless mouth:
Everything will go away, everything will pass, quit it!

And I won’t let her fall.

I promise you all.
No, I don't believe in the death of love
Let the hatred die
Let her writhe in the dust
And the earth will fill her mouth.
But you, love, always shine
To us and others around
So that on your way
The death of love died suddenly.
I will lead love through trouble, like on ice
And I won’t let her fall.
My answer to seven troubles: where there is love, there is no death,
I promise you all.
(E. Yevtushenko)

I'm a child of love

I am a child of love.
I was whispered
I was kissed
from each other's skin
fingernails feverishly
scratched out.
I was chosen
I was exhaled.
Lovers in bed
fantasy is higher than Dali.
I was built by passion
sculpted with tenderness,
for they did not fall out of love with each other,
didn't fall in love.
...I was a flash of two souls,
become one body
For a moment.
To everyone who has not known love,
I want to give at least a little love!
I am a child of love
and for this I am jealous
many people pay.
Ah, love, even if there is only one,
to Russia,
and all of humanity will have enough.
(E. Yevtushenko)

Waltz by Candlelight

Love by candlelight
dance until the beep
live - in the now,
love - when?

Guys - at the clock,
girls with earrings,
live - in the now,
love - always,

Hairstyles - on the shoulders,
sweater cheek,
start - with now,
Wake up - always.

Kings? Look for fistulas!
Palaces are being crushed.
And the shoulders are still fresh
and irreplaceable.

When? Under whose kingdom?
It's not nonsense that matters
but what matters is that he came.
That your eyes are wet.

Green in the nights
taxi without a rider...
Strays for an hour,
stay forever...
(A. Voznesensky)

Tsvetaeva Marina

I like that you're not sick of me

I like that you are not sick of me,
I like that it's not you that I'm sick of
That the globe is never heavy
It won't float away under our feet.
I like that you can be funny -
Loose - and don't play with words,
And do not blush with a suffocating wave,
Sleeves touching slightly.

I also like that you are with me
Calmly hug the other one,
Don't read to me in hellfire
Burn because I don't kiss you.
What is my gentle name, my gentle, not
You mention it day or night - in vain...
That never in church silence
They will not sing over us: Hallelujah!

Thank you with my heart and hand
Because you have me - without knowing yourself! -
So love: for my night's peace,
For the rare meeting at sunset hours,
For our non-walks under the moon,
For the sun, not above our heads, -
Because you are sick - alas! - not by me,
Because I am sick - alas! - not by you!

Tsvetaeva Marina
You and I are just two echoes

You and I are just two echoes:
You are silent and I will be silent.
We once with the humility of wax
Surrendered to the fatal ray.
This feeling is the sweetest illness
Our souls were tormented and burned.
That's why I feel you as a friend
Sometimes it brings me to tears.

Bitterness will soon become a smile,
And sadness will become fatigue.
It’s a pity, not the words, believe me, and not the look, -
Only a pity for the lost secrets!

From you, tired anatomist,
I have known the sweetest evil.
That's why I feel like you as a brother
Sometimes it brings me to tears.

“Premonition of love is worse”
K. Simonov

The premonition of love is worse
Love itself. Love is like a fight
You got along with her eye to eye.
There is no need to wait, she is with you.

The premonition of love is like a storm,
My hands are already a little damp,
But there is still silence, and sounds
The piano can be heard from behind the curtains.

And to hell with the barometer
Everything is flying down, the pressure is flying,
And in fear of doomsday
It's too late to hug the shores.

No, worse. It's like a trench
You are sitting, waiting for the whistle to attack,
And there, half a mile away, there’s a sign
He is also waiting for a bullet in the forehead...

A. Pushkin

I love you, even though I'm mad,
Although this is labor and shame in vain,
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess!
It doesn’t suit me and is beyond my years...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I recognize it by all the signs
The disease of love in my soul:
I'm bored without you - I yawn;
I feel sad in your presence - I endure;
And, I have no courage, I want to say,
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your light step, or dresses sum,
Or a virgin, innocent voice,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - it gives me joy;
You turn away - I'm sad;
For a day of torment - a reward
I want your pale hand.
When you're diligent about the hoop
You sit, leaning casually,
Eyes and curls drooping, -
I am moved, silently, tenderly
I admire you like a child!..
Should I tell you my misfortune,
My jealous sadness
When to walk, sometimes in bad weather,
Are you going far away?
And your tears alone,
And speeches in the corner together,
And travel to Opochka,
And piano in the evening?..
Alina! have pity on me.
I don't dare demand love.
Perhaps for my sins,
My angel, I'm not worth love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can be expressed so wonderfully!
Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!…
I'm happy to be deceived myself!

“You and I are stupid people”

You and I are stupid people:
In just a minute, the flash is ready!
Relief for a troubled chest
An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry
Everything that excites and torments the soul!
Let us, my friend, be openly angry:
The world is easier and more likely to get boring.

If prose in love is inevitable,
So let's take a share of happiness from her:
After a quarrel, so full, so tender
Return of love and participation...


In the evenings above the restaurants
The hot air is wild and deaf,
And rules with drunken shouts
Spring and pernicious spirit.

Far above the dust of the alley,
Above the boredom of country dachas,
The bakery's pretzel is slightly golden,
And a child's cry is heard.

And every evening, behind the barriers,
Breaking the pots,
Walking with the ladies among the ditches
Tested wits.

Oarlocks creak over the lake
And a woman's squeal is heard,
And in the sky, accustomed to everything
The disk is bent senselessly.

And every evening my only friend
Reflected in my glass
And tart and mysterious moisture
Like me, humbled and stunned.

And next to the neighboring tables
Sleepy lackeys hang around,
And drunkards with rabbit eyes
“In vino veritas!” they scream.

And every evening, at the appointed hour
(Or am I just dreaming?),
The girl's figure, captured by silks,
A window moves through a foggy window.

And slowly, walking between the drunken,
Always without companions, alone
Breathing spirits and mists,
She sits by the window.

And they breathe ancient beliefs
Her elastic silks
And a hat with mourning feathers,
And in the rings there is a narrow hand.

And chained by a strange intimacy,
I look behind the dark veil,
And I see the enchanted shore
And the enchanted distance.

Silent secrets have been entrusted to me,
Someone's sun was handed to me,
And all the souls of my bend
Tart wine pierced.

And ostrich feathers bowed
My brain is swinging,
And blue bottomless eyes
They bloom on the far shore.

There's a treasure in my soul
And the key is entrusted only to me!
You're right, drunken monster!
I know: the truth is in the wine.

“I love you more than the sea, and the sky, and singing...”
K. Balmont

I love you more than the Sea, and the Sky, and the Singing,
I love you longer than the days I have been given on earth.
You alone burn for me like a star in the silence of the distance,
You are a ship that does not sink in dreams, or in waves, or in darkness.

I fell in love with you unexpectedly, immediately, accidentally,
I saw you - like a blind man suddenly widens his eyes
And, having regained his sight, he will be amazed that in the world sculpture is welded together,
That turquoise poured down excessively into the emerald.

I remember. Having opened the book, you rustled the pages slightly.
I asked: “Is it good that ice is refracted in the soul?”
You flashed your eyes towards me, instantly seeing the distance.
And I love - and love - about love - for my beloved - he sings.

“Love began in the summer”

N. Klyuev

Love began in the summer
The end is in autumn September.
You came up to me with greetings
In a simple girl's outfit.

Handed over a red egg
As a symbol of blood and love:
Don't rush north, little bird,
Wait for spring in the south!

The woods turn smoky blue,
Wary and dumb
Behind the patterned curtains
The melting winter is not visible.

But the heart senses: there are fogs,
The movement of the forests is vague,
Inevitable deceptions
Lilac-gray evenings.

Oh, don't fly into the fogs like a bird!
The years will pass into gray darkness -
You will be a beggar nun
Stand on the porch in the corner.

And maybe I'll pass by
Just as poor and thin...
Oh give me cherub wings
Flying invisibly behind you!

I can’t pass you by with greetings,
And don’t repent later...
Love began in the summer
The end is in autumn September.

“We met by chance, on the corner...”
I. Bunin

We met by chance on the corner.
I walked quickly and suddenly, like lightning,
Cut through the evening darkness
Through black radiant eyelashes.

She was wearing crepe, a transparent light gas
The spring wind blew for a moment,
But on the face and in the bright shine of the eyes
I caught the former excitement.

And she nodded to me affectionately,
She tilted her face slightly away from the wind
And disappeared around the corner... It was spring...
She forgave me - and forgot.

“I’m sorry that it’s winter now...”
O. Mandelstam

I'm sorry it's winter now
And you can’t hear mosquitoes in the house,
But you reminded me yourself
About frivolous straw.

Dragonflies fly in the blue,
And fashion swirls like a swallow;
Basket on the head
Or a bombastic ode?

I don't dare to advise
And excuses are useless
But whipped cream tastes forever
And the smell of orange peel.

You're interpreting everything at random
This doesn't make it any worse
What to do: the most gentle mind
Everything fits outside.

And you're trying to yolk
Beat with an angry spoon,
He turned white, he was exhausted.
And yet a little more...

And, really, it’s not your fault, -
Why grades and reverse?
You were created on purpose
For a comedic altercation.

Everything about you teases, everything sings,
Like an Italian roulade.
And a little cherry mouth
Sukhoi asks for grapes.

So don't try to be smarter
Everything about you is a whim, every minute,
And the shadow of your cap -
Venetian bauta.

About love


Again you lie in the night, your eyes open,
And you are having an old argument with yourself.
You say:
- He's not that handsome! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Everything doesn't go your way, damn dream,
You keep wondering where is the truth and where is the lie...
You say:
- He's not that smart! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Then fear is born in you,
Everything falls, everything collapses around.
And you say to your heart:
- You'll be lost! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!
(Yu. Drunina)

How to explain?

How to explain?
How to explain to a blind person
Blind as night from birth,
A riot of spring colors
Are rainbows an obsession?

How to explain to a deaf person
From birth, like night, deaf,
The tenderness of the cello
Or the threat of thunder?

How to explain to the poor guy
Born with fish blood,
The secret of an earthly miracle,
Called Love?
(Yu. Drunina)


Everything is known: love is not a joke,
- spring heartbeat,
And live like you, with one mind,
Absurd, stupid at last!

Otherwise, what are dreams for?
Why paths under the moon?
Why hawkers in the spring
They sell flowers to lovers?!

Whenever there is no love,
There’s no need to wander around the gardens either.
Perhaps even nightingales
They would go from grief to the stage.

Why walks, silence.
There's no fire in your eyes, is there?
And the useless moon
It would rust in a heavenly warehouse.

Imagine: no one could fall in love.
And people began to sleep more soundly,
Eat more, shave less often,
I stopped reading poetry...

But no, it’s not for nothing that there is a moon
And the sonorous strumming of a guitar,
No wonder spring comes to us
And couples walk through the gardens.
(E. Asadov)


- Nominative is you,
picking flowers
and the genitive is for you
the trill and clicking of the nightingale.
If it’s dative, it’s all for you,
happiness named in fate,
then accusative... No, wait,
I'm not simple in grammar,
want new cases
Shall I offer you? - Offer!
- The countercase is the case,
the recognition case is
loving, affectionate,
kissing is the case.
But they are not the same -
expectant and languid,
parting and painful,
and jealous is a case.
I have a hundred thousand of them,
but in grammar there are only six!
(S. Kirsanov)


I arrived two hours earlier
and walked more than two miles.
There were giant pines nearby,
snow layers underfoot.

You arrived two hours later.
Everything is frozen. I've waited too long.
I lived in peace for two more hours.
The Volga is already covered with thick ice.

The Ice Age was approaching.
Oxygen hardened. The peaks were white.
Zemshar was shackled in a white shell.
The anticipation was so great!

But as soon as you appeared - immediately
the first step became the melting of April.
Forget-me-not reached out to the eye.
The springs tumbled in the splash.

It became green and flowery again
in our warm colorful world.
Ice - as it was not, despite the fact that
I waited for you for four hours.
(S. Kirsanov)

What does love know about love?

What does love know about love?
There is always fear hidden in her.
Everyone feels fear
If he suddenly fell in love.
How scary it is to lose later,
What was found on its own
Death whispers to us with a toothless mouth:
Everything will go away, everything will pass, quit it!

And I won’t let her fall.

I promise you all.
No, I don't believe in the death of love
Let the hatred die
Let her writhe in the dust
And the earth will fill her mouth.
But you, love, always shine
To us and others around
So that on your way
The death of love died suddenly.
I will lead love through trouble, like on ice
And I won’t let her fall.
My answer to seven troubles: where there is love, there is no death,
I promise you all.
(E. Yevtushenko)

I'm a child of love

I am a child of love.
I was whispered
I was kissed
from each other's skin
fingernails feverishly
scratched out.
I was chosen
I was exhaled.
Lovers in bed
fantasy is higher than Dali.
I was built by passion
sculpted with tenderness,
for they did not fall out of love with each other,
didn't fall in love.
...I was a flash of two souls,
become one body
For a moment.
To everyone who has not known love,
I want to give at least a little love!
I am a child of love
and for this I am jealous
many people pay.
Ah, love, even if there is only one,
to Russia,
and all of humanity will have enough.
(E. Yevtushenko)

The gods whisper to me...

The gods whisper to me: You won’t recognize heaven,
You will know the torment of hell, the trembling of your heart.
Will you follow her
- you will lose joy
You will lose peace, you will not find happiness.
Will you follow her
- you will meet failure
And you'll make enemies to boot.
Will you follow her
- you will pay with bitterness
It will be too late, then you will understand...
People whisper to me, they don’t seem to be evil,
Looking down sadly:
Will you follow her
- relatives will curse
Yes, and strangers will not bless you.
You will follow her, says a friend and comrade,
Consider that our friendship cannot be returned.
Will you follow her
- you can’t cook porridge with it,
You'll just die of hunger...
Will you follow her
- life will become bleak,
Will you follow her
- to your own detriment...
And I followed her recklessly,
And to this day, even though I repent, I go...
(A. Transverse)


Love -
Delight of the soul and inspiration.
Love -
Intoxication with mad passion.
Love -
Warmth and tenderness are a delight.
Love -
There is a reward for all suffering.
Love -
Doubts, grief, pain and torment.
Love -
Hope, faith and separation.
Love -
Peace, trust, participation.
Love -
Water and fire, evil and happiness!
(T. Lavrova)

And for everything that goes sideways and seems like a sin, I will answer before God, before God and Verse... (c)

Yulia Vladimirovna Drunina

10.05.1924 - 20.11.1991

We buried our love
A cross was placed on the grave.
- God bless! - they both said.
Love has just risen from the grave,
Nodding reproachfully at us:
-What did you do?
I am alive!

Don't date your first love
Let her remain like this -
Sharp happiness, or sharp pain,
Or a song that fell silent across the river.

Don't reach for the past, don't -
Everything will seem different now...
Let at least the most sacred
Remains unchanged in us.

When love dies
Doctors don't crowd the room,
Anyone has long understood -
You won't leave by force
In arms...

You can't force your heart to light.
Don't blame anyone for anything.
Here each layer -
Like a knife
What cuts the threads between souls.

Here every quarrel -
Like a fight.
Everything is a truce here
When love dies
Even colder
In the Universe...


Life can be cruel
Like any war.
You've become lonely -
Neither a widow nor a wife.
It's sad, I know
It's immediately empty all around.
This is scary, dear, -
The sky suddenly collapses.
Everything is black, everything is gloomy.
But don't cry,
What can you think of here?
If there is no love?
Maybe kneel down?
Scald with boiling water?
Customize your application
To the trade union and party committee?
Well, let's say, let's say
What will they threaten him with?
And, scared, let him
Will come back.
The pathetic one will stand at the door,
Looks around with longing.
It will catch the hypocrite, -
Why is he like this?
Half-husband, half-prisoner,
Don't cry here...
There is no sadder crime
What is love without love!

There are fogs in your Baltic,
Snowy wind over my Moscow.
You won’t reach the lips you desire,
You can't mess up your hair with your hand.
I bury my head in books,
Black circles under the eyes...
On the evening sidewalks of Riga
I hear lonely steps.

Today there is blue in our mountains,
Today the sky is gray in the capital.
And my head is spinning -
Isn't your head spinning?

I don't send telegrams to Moscow,
I don’t captivate you with the shining Crimea,
I'm not calling you to come -
They come without calling to their loved ones...

We lose half our lives due to haste.
In a hurry, we sometimes don’t notice
Not a puddle on the russula cap,
No pain in the depths of your beloved eyes...
And only, as they say, at sunset,
In the midst of the bustle, in captivity of success, suddenly,
He will mercilessly grab you by the throat
Fright with cold hands:
Lived on the run, chasing a ghost,
In the networks of worries and urgent matters...
Or maybe the main thing is that he missed it...
Or maybe the main thing was overlooked...

There's a time to love
There is - write about love.
Why ask:
"Tear up my letters"?
I'm happy -
There is a man alive on earth,
who doesn't see
What time is it snowing
For a long time with my head
He brought that girl
That I sipped to my heart's content
And happiness and tears...
No need to ask:
"Tear up my letters!"
There's a time to love
There is - read about love.

And there were no meetings, but separation
It entered like a blade into the heart.
She entered without calling and without knocking -
Smart, careful and angry.

I said: "Do me a favor,
Disappear! It hurts so much with you..."

"No, I have settled forever,
I became your destiny."

Love passes.
The pain goes away.
And the grapes of hatred wither.
Only indifference -
Here's the problem -
It froze like a block of ice.


You are nearby, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

Thank you for these lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you, my dear,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

You are nearby, but you could
Can't meet each other at all...
My only one, thank you
For being in the world!

We all say:
"We take care of those we love,
And suddenly we’ll slash,
Like a knife to the heart -
Yes, by the way.

I can't even explain
Thinking about the past,
Why do we break the thread?
Which souls are connected.
Tell me, oh, tell me - why?..
You are silent, lowering your eyelashes.

And I'm on your shoulder
I won't be able to forget it soon.
The snow won't melt soon,
And it will be cold for a long time...
Must be a person
To the one he loves, kind.

Two nearby became silent in the night,
Hiding insomnia from each other.
Loneliness silently screams
The world trembles with silent crying.

The world trembles from invisible tears,
You can't dry this bitter salt.
I hear SOS, frantic SOS -
Lonely souls rush about.

And the longer we live in the world,
Thus we are closer to the cruel truth:
Loneliness is scary together
It's just easier to be alone...

Someone is crying, someone is moaning angrily,
Someone lived very, very little...
My friend laid his head on my frozen palms.
So calm are the dusty eyelashes,
And all around are non-Russian fields...
Sleep, fellow countryman, and may you dream
Our city and your girl.
Maybe in the dugout after the fight
On her warm knees
Lay down with a curly head
My restless happiness.


Again you lie in the night, your eyes open,
And you are having an old argument with yourself.
You say:
- He's not that handsome! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Everything doesn't go your way, damn dream,
You keep wondering where is the truth and where is the lie...
You say:
- He's not that smart! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Then fear is born in you,
Everything falls, everything collapses around.
And you say to your heart:
- You'll be lost! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!


But love said:
-So what?
I will destroy this rust.

There were storms
And there were calms.
Oh! What fires there were!

But here's the thing -
I burned alone in that fire:
Rust remains rust forever:
And someone else's soul is someone else's.

It's not worthy to fight you
Once so loved -
I give up,
I'm retreating without a fight.
We have to
Remain human.
May I entrust my soul to you,
I'm in big trouble.
Code of honor
And I won’t break it here -
Just reproaching myself,
I'll leave...

Love is gone,
Wounded by two.
Her in your arms
Others accepted...
And from that moment
Torments me
For the offended guest

Love nostalgia
Don't call -
It's time for us to become
Kinder and wiser.
You know,
What a conflagration of love
Doesn't illuminate the soul
And they don't heat...

But still
I couldn't be happier
Although perhaps
Tomorrow I'll hang myself...
I never
Didn't veto
For luck,
To despair
For sadness.

I don't care about anything
Didn't veto
I never cry out in pain.
While I live, I fight.
I couldn't be happier
Blow me out
They can’t, like a candle.

At the end of a dark day
A warm ray suddenly caressed me.
Ran lightly through my hair,
Although I didn’t notice it myself.
Warm ray, slide over me later -
Over my abandoned cross.

"Impossible! Incomprehensible!" -
I repeat it a hundred times a day.
I touch you, my love,
Like to the crucifixion, rather to the fire.

No, I must be dreaming
(I believed in a miracle in vain),
As if lightning suddenly broke out
In the sad twilight of December.

And I'm invulnerable to you,
Even death.
All the stones are gone,
The bullets are gone
Don't drown me
Don't get burned.
All this is because
What's nearby
Stands and protects me
Your love is my fence,
My protective armor.
And I don’t need any other armor,
And there is a holiday every weekday.
But without you I'm defenseless
And defenseless, like a target.
Then I have nowhere to go:
All stones are in the heart,
Bullets in the heart...

I was running away from the frost - that's the problem:
There must be no escape from them.
Cold has shackled the land of Crimea
And they get to the heart.

I'm fighting the cold as best I can -
I go skiing to the mountains,
And in the evening
I repeat it by heart to keep warm
Our stingy, few meetings...

Yes, the heart was often wrong
But still didn’t settle in it
That caution
That fatigue
What we call indifference.

Everybody wants to know
Everyone wants to see
Everything stays young.
And I’m not offended in my heart,
At least I have no peace with him.


We stood by the Moscow River,
The warm wind rustled her dress.
For some reason, suddenly out of hand
You looked at me strangely -
This is how they sometimes look at strangers.
He looked and smiled at me:
- Well, what kind of soldier are you?
How were you really during the war?
Did you really sleep in the snow?
Having a machine gun installed in your heads?
You see, I just can't
Let me imagine you in boots!..

I remembered another evening:
Mortars were fired and snow was falling.
And he told me quietly dear,
A person similar to you:
- Here we are, lying and freezing in the snow,
As if they never lived in cities...
I can't imagine you
In high heels!..


We lay down near a broken fir tree.
We are waiting for it to start getting brighter.
It's warmer for two under an overcoat
On chilled, rotten ground.

You know, Yulka, I am against sadness,
But today it doesn't count.
At home, in the apple outback,
Mom, my mother lives.
You have friends, darling,
I only have one.

Spring is bubbling beyond the threshold.

It seems old: every bush
A restless daughter is waiting...
You know, Yulka, I am against sadness,
But today it doesn't count.

We barely warmed up.
Suddenly the order: “Move forward!”
Close again, in a damp overcoat
The blonde soldier is coming.

Every day it became worse.
They walked without rallies or banners.
Surrounded near Orsha
Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us into the attack.
We made our way through the black rye,
Along funnels and gullies
Through mortal boundaries.

We did not expect posthumous fame.-
We wanted to live with glory.
...Why in bloody bandages
The blonde soldier is lying down?

Her body with her overcoat
I covered it up, clenching my teeth...
The Belarusian winds sang
About the Ryazan wilderness gardens.

You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,
But today it doesn't count.
Somewhere, in the apple outback,
Mom, your mother lives.

I have friends, my love,
She had you alone.
The house smells like bread and smoke,
Spring is just around the corner.

And an old lady in a flowery dress
She lit a candle at the icon.
...I don't know how to write to her,
So she wouldn't be waiting for you?!

And when I tried to escape from captivity
Your eyes, your lips and hair,
You turned into a downpour and the smell of hay,
The chirping of birds, the sound of wheels.

All the paths are closed, all the paths are confused -
So year after year is carried away...
I'm flying into the void, the lines are tangled -
If only the flight would last longer!

People get used to everything -
This is how it is on earth.
Don't you think about it as a miracle?
About the spaceship.

Our souls are strong and flexible -
You get used to trouble, to war.
Only to the miracle of your smile
It's impossible for me to get used to it...

The world is incredibly confusing.
And when things are bad for me,
In the darkest moments
I write funny poems.

You will read it and say:
- Very nice,
Life-affirming, at the same time.-
And you won't know how painful it was
Smile with a burned mouth.

I’m silent, fiddling with my gloves,
I humble my hearts interruptions:
I need to break away from you -
Like off the ground during a fight.

Yes, I had a blast - there was a war going on,
It was easier to become courageous.
You think I'm strong
And I am an ordinary person.

There is no such thing as unhappy love.
Doesn't happen... Don't be afraid to get caught
At the epicenter of a super-powerful explosion,
What is called "hopeless passion".
If a flame bursts into the soul,
Souls are purified in fire.
And for this with dry lips
"Thank you!" Whisper to Spring.

There are no right or wrong in love.
Is this element wine?
Like a stream of hot lava
She flies through destinies.

There are no right or wrong in love,
No one can be blamed here.
Sorry for the madman who lava
I would try to stop...

Smells like summer
Ripe strawberries -
Rivers again
Turned back...
Heart again
It stuck to my heart -
Only with blood
You can tear it off.

Smells like summer
Ripe strawberries
Autumn soon
Will be sad again.

Maybe it's time
It's time -
Take it from the heart?..


Call me!
I'll drop everything.
January hot, young
Sweeps up heavy powder
Light marks.

Fresh fluffy meadows.
The heaviness of weakened arms.
Even pine trees
drunk from the snowstorm,
Spun with us in the wind.

Snowflakes are melting on my lips.
Legs move apart on the ice.
A brisk wind, scattering the clouds,
He shook the cheerful star.

that the stars swayed
carry through life
unaffected by a bullet,
not forgotten along the way.

I am not used to,
So that they feel sorry for me,
I was proud that among the fire
Men in bloody overcoats
They called a girl for help -

But this evening,
Peaceful, winter, white,
I don’t want to remember the past
And a woman -
Confused, timid -
I fall to your shoulder.

How to explain to a blind person
Blind as night from birth,
A riot of spring colors
Are rainbows an obsession?

How to explain to a deaf person
From birth, like night, deaf,
The tenderness of the cello
Or the threat of thunder?

How to explain to the poor guy
Born with fish blood,
The secret of an earthly miracle,
Called love?

I do not like
Unravel the knots.
I chop them -
After all, the pain
The moment lasts.
Patience obedient oxen -
Not created
To be your driver.

No, if necessary -
I'll endure everything.
But if there is ahead
The result is the same,
With one blow
I'll cut the chain
And I'll leave into the night,
Trying to hold your back.
Without many words,
Without lowering your eyes...

But how many times do I slouch,
How many times!

I have never known betrayal in love,
I felt the beginning -
Slight list, unreliable berth
And she said to herself: “Tear it!”
That's why I probably didn't know
I have never cheated in love.

Even in friendship I could discern
The first light snow of the cooling season.
I broke the thread with a smile
And she joked: “See you!”
Only pride -
My anchor of salvation...

Now they don't die of love -
mocking sober era.
Only hemoglobin in the blood drops,
only for no reason does a person feel bad.

Now they don't die of love -
Only the heart is acting up at night.
But don’t call the ambulance, mom,
The doctors will shrug their shoulders helplessly:
"Now they don't die of love..."

Don't ask me about this.
Soldiers' graves are growing in the steppe,
My youth is wearing an overcoat.

In my eyes there are charred pipes.
Fires are burning in Rus'.
And again unkissed lips
The wounded boy took a bite.

You and I didn’t find out from reports
Great retreat to suffer.
Self-propelled guns rushed into the fire again,
I jumped onto the armor as I walked.

And in the evening over the mass grave
She stood with her head bowed...
I don’t know where I learned tenderness, -
Perhaps on the front road...

Like gray hair in curls,
In the autumn foliage
Gold is already flashing -
Not in vain.
In the stacks
In the still scattered hay -
Touching signs of September.

And the crows caw frantically
About what's coming soon
The swifts will fly away...
How unnoticed the summer flew by,
How unnoticed
Life flashed by!

Please help me fall in love,
My dear friend, again in you,
So that lightning flashes in the clouds,
So that the fanfare flashes, trumpets.

So that youth repeats itself again -
Where are her winged steps?
I love you, but do me a favor:
Help me fall in love again!

It’s impossible, they say, I don’t believe it!
Yes, and you, please, don’t believe it!
Maybe the loss of love -
The biggest loss...

This page, of course, does not pretend to be a complete reflection of the poet’s work. Here are only the works I liked...

Yulia Drunina

Yulia Drunina was born in a difficult time - one evening she and her peers danced at prom, and the next morning war broke out. The fact that war has nothing to do with woman's face the poetess understood immediately, even though she was eager to go to the front line. But she wrote poems not only about pain and despair, about death, about constant shelling; love themes also occupied a huge part in her work. Drunina wrote love poems mainly about her lover and future husband, Alexei Kepler:

Your love is my fence,
My protective armor.
And I don’t need any other armor,
And there is a holiday every weekday.

In these lines you can immediately feel all the warm feelings that the poetess felt for Alexei Yakovlevich. Despite his respectable age of 50 years, teaching and film director work, Kepler was an incorrigible romantic, like Yulia Vladimirovna. But unfortunately the director was married, and the poetess was married. Drunina dedicated poems about love to the lawless feeling that endowed them both; despair was visible in her works of those years:

There is no such thing as unhappy love.
Doesn't happen... Don't be afraid to get caught
At the epicenter of a super-powerful explosion,
What is the name "hopeless passion"..."

But after six years of torment and suffering, Yulia Drunina dotted the “i” and went to her beloved, taking her daughter with her. A conscious and already mature marriage brought many happy moments to the couple; Julia dedicated a huge number of poems to her husband. Friends said that it was Alexei Yakovlevich who “took off her soldier’s boots and changed her shoes into glass slippers.” The poetess felt in him a protector, a nanny, a father and a mother; he replaced them all.

Drunina wrote poems about love so sincerely that she quickly reached a wide readership. She also turned to prose and journalism, and her productivity, thanks to such support and care, increased significantly. Alexey Kepler and Yulia Drunina lived in a happy marriage for 19 years, some admired them, and others ridiculed them. But, perhaps, everyone can envy this couple and their mutual and long-lasting feelings.

You are nearby, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

But when Alexei Yakovlevich passed away, something broke in the poetess’s soul, and this is noticeable in her works. From that moment, Yulia Drunina began to write poems about love in complete despair; they began to be saturated with grief and sadness due to the loss of a loved one. Drunina's poems about love were filled with mortal melancholy, since her knight, support and friend were no longer in her life.

I miss many things in Moscow:
And about
Why are you and I apart?
And about steep mountain roads,
Where we happened to meet.

She remained a romantic until last days, but longing for her husband, hopeless situation and loneliness forced her to live by inertia. IN last years During Drunin's life, she wrote poems about love only occasionally; the muse gradually abandoned the poetess. In the end, she could not stand it and committed suicide. Yes, Yulia Vladimirovna achieved her goal - she became closer to her beloved, but even despite her action, readers will not be able to remain indifferent to the lyrical works of the poetess.

You are nearby and everything is fine

You are nearby, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you, my clear one,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

Thank you for these lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you, my dear,
For the fact that you exist in the world.

You are nearby, but you could
Can't meet each other at all...
My only one, thank you
For being in the world!

Don't date your first love...

Don't date your first love
Let her remain like this -
Sharp happiness, or sharp pain,
Or a song that fell silent across the river.

Don't reach for the past, don't -
Everything will seem different now...
Let at least the most sacred
Remains unchanged in us.


Again you lie in the night, your eyes open,
And you are having an old argument with yourself.
You say:
- He's not that handsome! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Everything doesn't go your way, damn dream,
You keep wondering where is the truth and where is the lie...
You say:
- He's not that smart! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

Then fear is born in you,
Everything falls, everything collapses around.
And you say to your heart:
- You'll be lost! -
And the heart answers:
- Well, so what!

We buried our love...

We buried our love
A cross was placed on the grave.
"God bless!" - both said...
Love has just risen from the grave,
Nodding reproachfully at us:
- What did you do? I am alive!..

There is no such thing as unhappy love...

There is no such thing as unhappy love.
It may be bitter, difficult,
Unresponsive and reckless
Can be deadly.

But love is never unhappy
Even if she kills.
Anyone who doesn't understand this
He's not worth happy love...

Call me!

Call me!
I'll drop everything.
January hot, young
Sweeps up heavy powder
Light marks.

Fresh fluffy meadows.
The heaviness of weakened arms.
Even pine trees
drunk from the snowstorm,
Spun with us in the wind.

Snowflakes are melting on my lips.
Legs move apart on the ice.
A brisk wind, scattering the clouds,
He shook the cheerful star.

that the stars swayed
carry through life
unaffected by a bullet,
not forgotten along the way.

Now they don't die of love...

Now they don't die of love -
A mocking sober era.
Only hemoglobin in the blood drops,
Only without a reason does a person feel bad.

Now they don't die of love -
Only the heart is acting up at night.
But don’t call the ambulance, mom,
Doctors will shrug their shoulders helplessly:
"Now they don't die of love..."

Cross everything out. And start all over again...

Cross everything out. And start all over again
It's like it's the first spring.
Spring, when we were rocking on the crest
Drunk ocean wave.

When everything was holiday and new -
A smile, a gesture, a touch, a look...
Oh the ocean called Love,
Don't retreat, come back, come back!

You will stop loving me...

You will stop loving me...
If this does happen,
can't happen again
Our first dark summer -
Everything is knee-deep in dew,
Everything is covered in nettle stings...
Our first summer -
How stupid and happy we were!

You will stop loving me...
So, in the furious Crimean spring,
Partisan spring
You will not return to your youth with me.
There will be another one nearby -
Probably younger, clearer,
Only in my youth
You won't be able to return with her.

I will forget you.
I won't even dream of you.
Only through your window
Suddenly a blind bird strikes.
You will wake up, and then
You won't be able to sleep until dawn...
Will you stop loving me?
Don't rely on that, my dear!

There are no right or wrong in love...

There are no right or wrong in love.
Is this element wine?
Like a stream of hot lava
She flies through destinies.

There are no right or wrong in love,
No one can be blamed here.
Sorry for the madman who lava
I would try to stop...

It's not worthy to fight you...

It's not worthy to fight you
Once so loved -
I give up,
I'm retreating without a fight.
We have to
Remain human.
May I entrust my soul to you,
I'm in big trouble.
Code of honor
And I won’t break it here -
Just reproaching myself,
I'll leave...

When love dies...

When love dies
Doctors don't crowd the room,
Anyone has long understood -
You won't leave by force
In arms...

You can't force your heart to light.
Don't blame anyone for anything.
Here each layer -
Like a knife
What cuts the threads between souls.

Here every quarrel -
Like a fight.
Everything is a truce here
When love dies
Even colder
In the Universe...

And when I tried to escape from captivity

And when I tried to escape from captivity
Your eyes, your lips and hair,
You turned into a downpour and the smell of hay,
The chirping of birds, the sound of wheels.

All the paths are closed, all the paths are confused -
So year after year is carried away...
I'm flying into the void, the lines are tangled -
If only the flight would last longer!

Love is gone...

Love is gone,
Wounded by two.
Her in your arms
Others accepted...
And from that moment
Torments me
For the offended guest

Love nostalgia
Don't call -
It's time for us to become
Kinder and wiser.
You know,
What a conflagration of love
Doesn't illuminate the soul
And they don't heat...

Impossible! Incomprehensible!

"Impossible! Incomprehensible!" -
I repeat it a hundred times a day.
I touch you, my love,
Like to the crucifixion, rather to the fire.

No, I must be dreaming
(I believed in a miracle in vain),
As if lightning suddenly broke out
In the sad twilight of December.

I have never known betrayal in love...

I have never known betrayal in love,
I felt the beginning -
Slight list, unreliable berth
And she said to herself: “Tear it!”
That's why I probably didn't know
I have never cheated in love.

Even in friendship I could discern
The first light snow of cooling.
I broke the thread with a smile
And she joked: “See you!”
Only pride -
My anchor of salvation...

I was waiting for you...

I was waiting for you.
And she believed.
And she knew:
I need to believe to survive
eternal fatigue
Chilling dugout graves.
I survived.
And a meeting near Poltava.
Trench May.
The soldier is uncomfortable.
Unwritten right in statutes
For a kiss
for my five minutes.
We divide a minute of happiness into two,
Let it be an artillery attack,
May death come from us -
per hair
And next to it -
the tenderness of your eyes
And affectionate
broken voice.
We divide a minute of happiness into two...

And there were no meetings, but separation...

And there were no meetings, but separation
It entered like a blade into the heart.
She entered without calling and without knocking -
Smart, careful and angry.

I said: "Do me a favor,
Disappear! It hurts so much with you..."
"No, I have settled forever,
I became your destiny."