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Lesson topic: “Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds.” Objective of the lesson: Development of methodological knowledge, as well as knowledge of diversity and difference

Classification of organic substances.

Chemistry can be divided into 3 large parts: general, inorganic and organic.

general chemistry examines patterns relating to all chemical transformations.

Inorganic chemistry studies the properties and transformations of inorganic substances.

Organic chemistry This is a large and independent branch of chemistry, the subject of study of which is organic substances:

- their structure;

- properties;

- methods of obtaining;

- possibilities of practical use.

Name of organic chemistry suggested Swedish scientist Berzelius.

Before early 19th century All known substances were divided according to their origin into 2 groups:

1) mineral (inorganic) substances and

2) organic substances .

Berzelius and many scientists of those times believed that organic substances could only be formed in living organisms with the help of some kind of “vital force”. Such idealistic views were called vitalistic (from Latin “vita” - life). They delayed the development of organic chemistry as a science.

A German chemist dealt a big blow to the views of vitalists V. Wehler . He was the first to obtain organic substances from inorganic ones:

IN 1824 g. - oxalic acid, and

IN 1828 g. – urea.

In nature, oxalic acid is found in plants, and urea is formed in the body of humans and animals.

There were more and more similar facts.

IN 1845 German scientist Kolbe synthesized acetic acid from charcoal.

IN 1854 Mr. French scientist M. Berthelot synthesized a fat-like substance.

It became clear that there was no “life force”, that substances isolated from animal and plant organisms could be synthesized artificially, that they were of the same nature as all other substances.

Nowadays organic substances consider carbon-containing substances that are formed in nature (living organisms) and can be obtained synthetically. That's why organic chemistry is called chemistry of carbon compounds.

Features of organic substances .

Unlike inorganic substances, organic substances have a number of features that are determined by the structural features of the carbon atom.

Features of the structure of the carbon atom.

1) In molecules of organic substances, the carbon atom is in an excited state and exhibits a valence of IV.

2) During the formation of molecules of organic substances, the electronic orbitals of the carbon atom can undergo hybridization ( hybridization this is the alignment of electron clouds in shape and energy).

3) Carbon atoms in molecules of organic substances are able to interact with each other, forming chains and rings.

Classification of organic compounds.

There are different classifications of organic substances:

1) by origin,

2) by elemental composition,

3) according to the type of carbon skeleton,

4) by type of chemical bonds,

5) according to the qualitative composition of functional groups.

Classification of organic substances by origin.

Classification of organic substances by elemental composition.

Organic matter



In addition to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, they contain nitrogen and other atoms.

Consist of carbon and hydrogen

Consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Limiting HC

Unsaturated hydrocarbons

Amino acids

Aromatic hydrocarbons


Carboxylic acids

Nitro compounds

Esters (simple and complex)


Classification of organic substances according to the type of carbon skeleton.

Carbon skeleton –it is a sequence of carbon atoms chemically bonded to each other.

Classification of organic substances according to the type of chemical bonds.

Classification of organic substances according to the qualitative composition of functional groups.

Functional group a permanent group of atoms that determines the characteristic properties of a substance.

Functional group


Organic class

Suffixes and prefixes

-F, -Cl, -Br, -J

Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine (halogen)

halogen derivatives






Alcohols, phenols

- C = O


Aldehydes, ketones

- al




Carboxylic acids

methanoic acid

- NO2

nitro group

Nitro compounds



- NH2

amino group

- amine


Lesson 3-4

Topic: Basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds


Reasons for the diversity of organic substances (homology, isomerism ).

By the beginning of the second half 19th century Quite a lot of organic compounds were known, but there was no single theory explaining their properties. Attempts to create such a theory have been made repeatedly. Not a single one was successful.

We owe the creation of the theory of the structure of organic substances .

In 1861, at the 36th Congress of German naturalists and doctors in Speyer, Butlerov made a report in which he outlined the main provisions of a new theory - the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances.

The theory of the chemical structure of organic substances did not arise out of nowhere.

The objective prerequisites for its appearance were :

1) socio-economic prerequisites .

The rapid development of industry and trade from the beginning of the 19th century placed high demands on many branches of science, including organic chemistry.

They set before this science new tasks:

- producing dyes synthetically,

- improvement of methods for processing agricultural products and etc.

2) Scientific background .

There were many facts that required explanation:

- Scientists could not explain the valence of carbon in compounds such as ethane, propane, etc.

- Scientists chemists could not explain why two elements: carbon and hydrogen can form such a large number of different compounds and why org. there are so many substances.

- It was not clear why organic substances with the same molecular formula (C6H12O6 - glucose and fructose) could exist.

The theory of the chemical structure of organic substances provided a scientifically substantiated answer to these questions.

By the time the theory appeared, much was already known :

- A. Kekule offered tetravalency of carbon atom for organic compounds.

- A. Cooper and A. Kekule suggested about carbon-carbon connections and the possibility of connecting carbon atoms in a chain.

IN 1860 . at the International Congress of Chemists were the concepts of atom, molecule, atomic weight, molecular weight are clearly defined .

The essence of the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances can be expressed as follows :

1. All atoms in molecules of organic substances are connected to each other in a certain order by chemical bonds according to their valence.

2. The properties of substances depend not only on which atoms and how many of them are included in the molecule, but also on the order in which the atoms are connected in the molecule .

Butlerov called the order of connection of atoms in a molecule and the nature of their bonds chemical structure .

The chemical structure of a molecule is expressed structural formula , in which the symbols of the elements of the corresponding atoms are connected by dashes ( valence primes) which indicate covalent bonds.

The structural formula conveys :

Sequence of connection of atoms;

Multiplicity of bonds between them (simple, double, triple).

Isomerism - This is the existence of substances that have the same molecular formula, but different properties.

Isomers - these are substances that have the same composition of molecules (the same molecular formula), but a different chemical structure and therefore have different properties.

3. By the properties of a given substance one can determine the structure of its molecule, and by the structure of the molecule one can predict properties.

The properties of substances depend on the type of crystal lattice.

4. Atoms and groups of atoms in the molecules of substances mutually influence each other.

The importance of theory.

The theory created by Butlerov was initially greeted negatively by the scientific world, since its ideas contradicted the prevailing idealistic worldview at that time, but after a few years the theory became generally accepted, the following circumstances contributed to this:

1. The theory brought order to the unimaginable chaos in which organic chemistry existed before it. The theory made it possible to explain new facts and proved that with the help of chemical methods (synthesis, decomposition, and other reactions) it is possible to establish the order of connection of atoms in molecules.

2. The theory introduced something new into atomic-molecular science

The order of atoms in molecules,

Mutual influence of atoms

Dependence of properties on the molecule of a substance.

3. The theory was able not only to explain already known facts, but also made it possible to foresee the properties of organic substances based on their structure and synthesize new substances.

4. The theory made it possible to explain manifold chemical substances.

5. It gave a powerful impetus to the synthesis of organic substances.

The development of the theory proceeded, as Butlerov foresaw, mainly in two directions :

1. Study of the spatial structure of molecules (the real arrangement of atoms in three-dimensional space)

2. Development of electronic concepts (identification of the essence of chemical bonds).

Classification of organic compounds
Chemistry lesson in 10th grade

Chemistry teacher

MOUSOSH No. 6 Nyagan

KHMAO-Yugra, Tyumen region

Classification of compounds according to the structure of the carbon chain

Acyclic compounds are compounds with an open (unclosed) carbon chain. These compounds are also called aliphatic.

Among acyclic compounds, a distinction is made between saturated (saturated), containing only single C-C bonds in the skeleton, and unsaturated (unsaturated), including multiple C=C and C ≡C bonds.

Acyclic compounds

Cyclic connections -

Depending on the nature of the atoms that make up the cycle, carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds are distinguished.

Carbocyclic compounds contain only carbon atoms in the ring. They are divided into two groups with significantly different chemical properties: aliphatic cyclic - alicyclic for short - and aromatic compounds.

Heterocyclic compounds

(from the Greek heteros - other, different) - oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, etc.

Classification of compounds by functional groups

Compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. Other, more numerous, organic compounds can be considered as derivatives of hydrocarbons, which are formed by introducing functional groups containing other elements into hydrocarbons. Depending on the nature of the functional groups, organic compounds are divided into classes.

The molecules of organic compounds may contain two or more identical or different functional groups.
For example:

HO-CH2-CH2-OH (ethylene glycol);

NH2-CH2-COOH (amino acid glycine).

All classes of organic compounds are interrelated. The transition from one class of compounds to another is carried out mainly due to the transformation of functional groups without changing the carbon skeleton. The compounds of each class form a homologous series.

List of used literature and Internet resources

Gabrielyan O. S., Maskaev F. N., Ponomarev S. Yu., Terenin V. I. Chemistry. Grade 10. Profile level. M. Bustard, 2009

Chertkov I.N. Methodology for students to develop basic concepts of organic chemistry. – M.: Education: 1991

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Structure and classification of organic compounds. Chemical reactions in organic chemistry."

Test on the topic “Structure and classification of organic compounds. Chemical reactions in organic chemistry"....

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 2

Development of a lesson on the topic.

Classification of organic compounds

9th grade

Teacher: Nosova E.V.

Goals lesson:


To familiarize students with the main classes of organic compounds,

features of their composition and nomenclature.

Give the concepts: homological series, substances - homologues, characteristics characteristic of substances of the same homologous series.


Dialectical – materialistic, aesthetic, international.


Development of knowledge about the diversity of substances in nature, structural features

organic substances, the ability to write down molecular and structural

formulas of compounds. Development of cognitive interest in the subject,communicative qualities of students.

Equipment: textbook, presentation for the lesson, ball-and-stick models of methane, ethane, ethene, ethyne.

Teaching methods: partially search; explanatory - illustrative, visual, verbal

Lesson type . Learning new material

The lesson is designed for 9th grade students with high and average levels of motivation.

During the classes

I. Updating knowledge

1. Frontal conversation on issues from the previous lesson.

1) What substances are called organic?

2) Define organic chemistry.

3) Basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds by A. M. Butlerov

4) What is meant by chemical structure?

II. Learning new material.

Recording the lesson topic"Classification of organic compounds"

Lesson Objectives .

    Study the main classes of organic compounds, features of their composition and nomenclature.

    Find out the concepts: homologous series, substances - homologues, characteristics characteristic of substances of the same homologous series.


Currently, there are more than 25 million different substances. Some of them are found in nature, others are obtained synthetically.

Why are there so many more organic substances than inorganic substances? (slide)

The classification of organic compounds is based on the theory of structure of A.M. Butlerov. The main part of the molecules consists of carbon atoms directly connected to each other and forming chains.

1Study of saturated hydrocarbons – alkanes; other names for alkanes: saturated, saturated.

Recording the molecular formulas of the first ten representatives (children write using a textbook (O.S. Gabrielyan, p. 203, table 9)) (see slide)

B) recording the structural formulas of individual representatives of alkanes and their names, table 9 of the textbook. (Slide),

Reasons for the name: C1-C4 are historical, subsequent members of the homologous series are formed from the Greek series, which indicate the number of carbon atoms, with the addition of a suffix.

The international or Geneva nomenclature is considered the main one; its basic principles were adopted at the international congress of chemists in Geneva in 1892.

c) Derivation and recording of the general formula of alkanes, the presence of single bonds in molecules, a common suffix in the names of substances

INconclusion. A series of substances arranged in increasing order of relative molecular weights, similar in structure and properties, but differing from each other in composition by one or more groups - CH2-, is called a homologous series.

Substances of this series are called homologs, (- CH2) – homological difference

Thus, alkanes are hydrocarbons that have only single bonds, the general formula WITH nH 2 n +2 , in the name the suffix “an”

2 Study of radicals .

A) Demonstration of a radical on a model, formulation of the concept of a radical p. 200 (a particle having an unpaired electron or free valence),

Distinctive features in comparison with alkanes, we make notes parallel to the homologous series of alkanes.

Conclusion. General formula of radicals, free valency. WITH nH 2 n +1

3 Unsaturated organic compounds - alkenes .

A) Task. Using the molecular and structural formulas of ethene, compose a homologous series of alkenes parallel to alkanes (molecular and structural formulas). (work in pairs)

B) Name the first representatives of alkenes. Pay attention to the general and special features of alkanes and alkenes.

Children formulate a conclusion about alkenes.

Conclusion. Alkenes are hydrocarbons that have one double bond, the general formula WITH nH 2 n , in the name the suffix “en”

4 . Unsaturated organic compounds – alkadienes.

A) Task. Using the molecular and structural formulas of butadiene -1,3, compose a homologous series of alkadienes parallel to alkenes (molecular and structural formulas). (work in pairs)

B) Name the first representatives. Pay attention to the general and special aspects of alkanes and alkenes, alkadienes.

Children formulate a conclusion about alkadienes. (see slides)

Conclusion. Alkadienes are hydrocarbons that have two double bonds, the general formula WITH nH 2 n -2 , in the name the suffix “diene”

4. Unsaturated organic compounds – alkynes.

A ) Exercise. Using the molecular and structural formulas of ethyne, compose a homologous series of alkynes parallel to alkadienes (molecular and structural formulas). (Work in pairs)

B) Name the first representatives of alkynes. Pay attention to the general and special features of alkanes and alkenes.

Children formulate a conclusion about alkynes.

Conclusion. Alkynes are hydrocarbons that have one triple bond, the general formula WITH nH 2 n -2 , in the name the suffix “in”

5. Oxygen-containing organic compounds

A) saturated monohydric alcohols

Exercise. Using the molecular and structural formulas of ethanol, compose a homologous series of saturated monohydric alcohols. (Molecular and structural formulas). (Work in pairs)

Name the first representatives. Pay attention to the common features with alkanes and the group - OH.

Children formulate a conclusion about saturated monohydric alcohols. (see slides)

Conclusion. Alcohols are compounds in which a hydrocarbon radical is bonded to a hydroxyl group - OH. General formulaR -HE, in the name - the suffix “ol”

B) Aldehydes

Exercise. Using the molecular and structural formulas of methanal, compose a homologous series of aldehydes. (Molecular and structural formulas). (Work in pairs)

Name the first representatives. Compare with alkanes, alcohols

Conclusion. Aldehydes are compounds whose molecules have the group - C = O related to


hydrocarbon radical (except for the first representative), in the name - the suffix “al” R - C = O


c) Carboxylic acids

Exercise. Using the molecular and structural formula of methane acid, compose a homologous series of carboxylic acids. (molecular and structural formulas). (work in pairs)

Name the first representatives. Compare with alcohols

Conclusion: carboxylic acids - these are compounds whose molecules have a group,

- C = O


associated with a hydrocarbon radical (except for the first representative). General formula R - C = O


Groups of atoms that determine membership in a certain class of compounds and the most characteristic properties are called functional groups.

6. Esters .

Products of replacement of a hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl group of alcohols with a hydrocarbon radical

General formula R 1 - O - R 2

Conclusion from the lesson. (Formulated by students)

Thus, there are very different classes of organic compounds: limiting ones, with single bonds between carbon atoms, which are connected to the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms, that is, saturated to the limit; classes of unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain double or triple carbons - carbon bonds and organic substances containing functional groups.

There are a large number of homological series that contain a large number of organic compounds, therefore, homological series of organic compounds is one of the reasons for their diversity. This phenomenon is possible due to the fact that the carbon atom is tetravalent and can form very different chain lengths of carbon atoms.

Specify the features of homologous series

III. Consolidation of knowledge.

1. We write in a notebooktitle "Organics in your hands"

We draw our palms in a notebook, number our fingers, write the name of the console, inside our hands there are tablets with three columns and fill them out.

2. Using the knowledge and “hands” acquired in the lesson, draw up structural formulas of substances of the studied homologous series that contain 5 carbon atoms and name them, highlight the functional groups. (Work in pairs) (pentane, pentene, pentadiene -1,3, pentine-1, pentanol, pentanal, pentanoic acid.)

3. Using the structural formulas of substances, the children determine whether they belong to a homologous series and name them.

4. Among the proposed substances, find homologues of methane, ethyne, ethyl alcohol, etc. (See textbook by N.E. Kuznetsova and others. Grade 9. Wide variety of tasks)


What studied substances have you encountered in your life?

Why are alkanes called saturated - saturated?

Why are they called paraffins?

Why were other representatives of hydrocarbons called unsaturated??

Why are there so many more organic compounds than inorganic ones?

Assessing students' knowledge

IV. Bottom line.

Today in class we studied the homologous series of various classes of organic substances. Their characteristic features and general features.

We learned one of the reasons for the diversity of organic compounds

What else would you like to know about these compounds?


Write in your notebook, pay attention to the features of homological series.

Rules, in the textbook. Paragraph "Limits"hydrocarbons" to chemical natural properties .


O.S. Gabrielyan. Chemistry. 9th grade. M.: Bustard, 2007.

Sgibneva E.P., Skachkov A.V. Modern openchemistry lessons for grades 8-9. Rostov n/a "Phoenix" 2002

Shudrakov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Methodological development of the lesson

Chemistry 10th grade

Subject: « Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds»

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the general classification of organic compounds. Consider the classification of organic substances by the nature of the carbon skeleton and classification by functional group. Introduce the nomenclature of organic substances.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation.

Lesson type: combined

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Classification of organic compounds.

There are several million organic compounds in nature. Every year more and more new organic substances are created. To understand the huge number of organic compounds, it is necessary to classify them. There are different ways to classify organic compounds. We will consider two methods of classification: the first - by the nature of the carbon chain, the second - by functional group. (Slide 2)

The sequence of chemically bonded carbon atoms in a molecule makes up its carbon skeleton. This is the basis of an organic compound. Therefore, the first sign of classification of an organic compound is classification according to the structure of the carbon skeleton.(Slide 3)

Based on the nature of the carbon skeleton of an organic compound, substances can be divided into open or acyclic (the prefix a- denotes negation, i.e. these are open chains) and cyclic, in which the carbon chain is closed in a cycle.(Slide 4)

The carbon skeleton can also be unbranched or branched.(Slide 5)

Organic compounds can also be subdivided according to the multiplicity of bonds. Compounds containing only single C-C bonds are called saturated or limiting. Compounds with C=C or CC bonds are called unsaturated or unsaturated.(Slide 6)

Cyclic compounds are compounds in which the carbon atoms form a cycle or closed chain. Cyclic compounds are divided into two large groups: carbocyclic and heterocyclic. Carbocyclic rings contain only carbon atoms and are divided into alicyclic and aromatic. Heterocyclic compounds contain rings that, in addition to C atoms, contain one or more other atoms, so-called heteroatoms (Greek heteros - other) - O, S, N.(Slide 7)

We consolidate the new material by completing the following task No. 1: using the classification scheme, determine which class the presented compounds belong to.(Slide 8)

We consider the second method of classifying organic compounds, based on the presence of functional groups. We formulate the definition of a functional group as a group of atoms that determines the chemical properties of a compound and its belonging to a certain class of organic compounds. The functional group is the main feature by which organic compounds are classified into a certain class.(Slide 9,10)

We set the students a task: to consider the main classes of organic compounds from the point of view of the presence of multiple bonds. Let us consider in more detail the classes of organic compounds belonging to the group of acyclic compounds: these are the classes of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and alkadienes.(Slide 11)

In addition to hydrocarbons, acyclic compounds include substances containing various functional groups. The main criterion by which substances are classified as acyclic compounds is the presence of an open chain of carbon atoms. Let's look at the classes of oxygen-containing organic compounds in more detail. Slide 12

We consolidate the studied material. Determine which class the compounds belong to?(Slide 13)

What does the term "nomenclature" mean?(Slide 14) Moving from simple to complex, we will consider the principles of composing the names of organic compounds of the most important classes, including acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds.

The first nomenclature that arose at the beginning of the development of organic chemistry, when there was no classification or theory of the structure of organic compounds. Organic compounds were given random names based on their source (oxalic acid, malic acid, vanillin), color or smell (aromatic compounds), and less often, based on their chemical properties (paraffins). Many such names are still often used today. For example: urea, toluene, xylene, indigo, acetic acid, butyric acid, valeric acid, glycol, alanine and many others. This is a trivial (historical) nomenclature.

Rational nomenclature - according to this nomenclature, the name of the simplest (usually the first) member of a given homologous series is usually taken as the basis for the name of an organic compound. All other compounds are considered as derivatives of this compound, formed by replacing hydrogen atoms in it with hydrocarbon or other radicals (for example: trimethylacetic aldehyde, methylamine, chloroacetic acid, methyl alcohol). Currently, such nomenclature is used only in cases where it gives a particularly clear idea of ​​the connection.

Systematic nomenclature - IUPAC nomenclature - International Unified Chemical Nomenclature. Systematic nomenclature is based on the modern theory of the structure and classification of organic compounds and attempts to solve the main problem of nomenclature: the name of each organic compound must contain the correct names of the functions (substituents) and the main skeleton of the hydrocarbon and must be such that the name can be used to write the only correct structural formula.

Currently, rational and systematic nomenclature is used to accurately designate the composition and structure of organic compounds.

We will look at the basic principles of systematic nomenclature. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has recommended a nomenclature for use called IUPAC nomenclature. It should be noted that these rules are extremely complex even for a specialist. The nomenclature is not yet “settled” and changes are constantly being made to it.

The IUPAC nomenclature is based on a substitution principle. The structural formula appears to consist of a main chain and substituents.

In this case, the name consists of the following blocks (slide 15):

The key point in composing the name is the choice of the main chain.

Main circuit selection algorithm(slide 16) :

1) The main chain must include the senior characteristic group,

2) It should include multiple connections as much as possible,

3) The main chain should be as long as possible,

4) Select the most branched chain.

4) The chain is numbered so that the sum of the numbers of the substituents is the smallest.

A rule with a lower number takes precedence over a rule with a higher number.

To be able to use this nomenclature, you need to have a good knowledge of the names of the first representatives of the homologous series of alkanes and several of the simplest radicals.(Slide 17)

Organic compounds are considered as products of the replacement of part of the hydrogen atoms in the main carbon chain (parental structure) with various characteristic groups.

Names of straight alkanes

The value of n in the formula

CnH2n+2 Name of substance Molecular formula

1 Methane CH4

2 Ethane C2H6

3 Propane C3H8

4 Butane C4H10

5 Pentane C5H12

6 Hexane C6H14

7 Heptane C7H16

9 Nonane C9H20

This name structure can be referred to every time when studying the nomenclature of a particular class of substances, and to begin with, the principles of nomenclature are analyzed using the example of the names of saturated hydrocarbons.

For saturated hydrocarbons, the following naming algorithm can be proposed:

1. In the structural formula, select the main chain. For alkanes, such a chain contains the maximum possible number of carbon atoms. If there are several chains of maximum length, then the most branched of them is chosen.

2. The main chain is numbered so that the hydrocarbon substituents (side chains) receive the lowest numbers.

3. List the substituents with their numbers in alphabetical order, then write down the root of the name corresponding to the number of carbon atoms in the main chain and add the suffix -an.

4. If there are several identical side chains in the molecule, then use a prefix indicating their number (di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa, etc.). Numbers in names are separated by hyphens, and commas are placed between numbers.(Slide 18, 19)

Consolidation of new knowledge through independent work on determining the names of organic substances and drawing up formulas. (Slide 20)

III. Reflection.

List of used literature:

    Textbook Chemistry 10th grade O.S. Gabrielyan

    Lesson developments in chemistry M.Yu. Gorkovenko

Classification of organic substances. By composition: 1) Hydrocarbons (C, H) 2) Oxygen-containing compounds (C, H, O) 3) Nitrogen-containing compounds (C, H,N) According to the carbon skeleton: 1) cyclic : a) carbocyclic - alicyclic (cyclohexane, benzene) b) heterocyclic (N, O, S) 2) acyclic a) alkanes b) alkenes c) alkynes d) alkadienesAccording to the multiplicity of carbon-carbon bonds: 1) limit 2) non-limitBy functional groups 1) alcohols and phenols -OH 2) aldehydes and ketones 3) carboxylic acids 4) amines 5) nitro compounds 6) halogen derivativesSATURAL HYDROCARBONS ALKANE ( saturated hydrocarbons, paraffins, aliphatic compounds)
General formula -
C n H 2n+2 ; sp3-hybridization, communication- σ; corner109°28‘ - zigzag structure. suffix –an.


ALKENES (olefins, ethylene hydrocarbons)

General formulaCnH 2n , one double bond (=); sp2hybridization,communications- σ, π; corner120°, angular molecule.

According to the IUPAC nomenclature in the name -en

ALKYNE (acetylene hydrocarbons)

General formulaCnH 2n-2 , sp-hybridization; triple bond (≡).- one σ- and two π-bonds;corner180°, linear molecule

According to IUPAC nomenclature - suffix-in:


General formulaСnH2n-2; two double bonds.

According to IUPAC nomenclature, the suffix in the name is -diene , two digits of the position of double bonds are indicated).

Based on the relative arrangement of double bonds and chemical properties, dienes are divided into three groups:
1. Dienes with adjacent positions of double bonds are called dienes
with allene or cumulated bonds. CH 2 =C=CH-CH 2 butadiene -12.

2. Dienes with double bonds separated by more than one single bond are called dieneswith isolated connections (similar to alkenes): CH 2 =CH-CH 2 -CH=CH 2 pentadiene-14

3. Dienes with 1, 3-position double bonds are called dieneswith conjugated connections. CH 2 =CH-CH=CH 2 butadiene-13(divinyl)

Main representatives:

CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS Cycloalkanes (naphthenes, cyclanes, or cycloparaffins)

General formulaСnH2n ; sp3 hybridization; σ-bonds C-C and C-H.

According to IUPAC nomenclature -h and the basis is the carbon chain of the cycle.

The cycle is numbered starting from the carbon atom that is associated with the smallest radical

For example,


General formula of aromatic hydrocarbonsC n H 2n-6 . ; sp2 hybridization, σ bonds S–C and S–Hlie in the same planep-electronscarbon atoms formsingle cyclicπ electron cloud , concentrated above and below the plane of the ring. angles are equal120 0 .

Benzene C6H6 – the ancestor of aromatic hydrocarbons. All C–C bonds in benzene are equivalent

The rest are organic c-va-hydrocarbon derivatives containing functional groups. General formula R-X, where X is a functional group.




Connection class








R-OHC nH 2 n +1 OHWITH 6 N 5 HE










R-C(O)-R 1 WITH nH 2nO




carbon fiberisloYou

RCOOH C n H 2n+2 O 2

Oic acid

N.H. 2

amino group

Amines primary amines secondary amines tertiary

R-NH 2 R 1 -NH-R 2 R 1 -NR 2 -R 3


NO 2

nitro group

nitro compounds

R-NO 2 C n H 2n+1 NO 2



fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine

halogen derivatives

WITH n H 2n+1 G al



R-O-R 1 C nH 2n+1OH






amino acids

N.H. 2 - C n H 2n - CUN

NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES 1) systematic (IUPAC), 2) rational, 3) trivialRules for constructing the name of an organic compound according to IUPAC nomenclature: 1) Select the main chain of the molecule, determine functional groups, the presence of multiple bonds. 2) Number the main chain on the side where the substituent is closest, the multiple bond 3) The name of the compound is based on the root of the word, denoting a saturated hydrocarbon with the same number of atoms as the main chain. 4) List the substituents in alphabetical order, indicating their location in Arabic numerals. For example, - 2-methyl; - 3-fluorine If there are several identical substituents, their number and position are indicated, for example, 2,5 - dibromo-, 1,3,4, -trimethyl-. Please note that numbers are separated from words by a hyphen, and between each other by commas. 5) A suffix characterizing the degree of saturation is added to the root: -an (ultimate, no multiple connections); -ene (in the presence of a double bond); -in (in the presence of a triple bond) Next, Arabic numerals show the location of multiple bonds. For example, hexine– 2 .