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Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences.  Official reductions in academic degrees

Candidate of Legal Sciences (abbreviation in Russian - к.л.н., in English - Candidate of Sciences (Law), or PhD in Law) is a fairly high, respectful scientific degree. In 2014, the Supreme Court declared partially invalid the second paragraph of the fourth paragraph of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the procedure for awarding academic degrees. According to the new rules, in order to become a candidate or doctor of legal sciences, it is not at all necessary to have a higher education in the field of jurisprudence. The main thing is the presence of a higher education, and it does not matter what branch of science it will concern in order to be able to be a candidate for the degree of candidate of legal sciences. So, how to become a candidate of legal sciences?

Basic requirements

Where can I get a PhD in this branch of science?

A candidate of legal sciences in the Russian Federation can be a graduate of any university that has a law faculty. Three best university The Russian Federation, offering the highest quality education in the field of jurisprudence, has remained unchanged for many years:

  1. Moscow State Law Academy;
  2. St. Petersburg State University.

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is one of the very first faculties to appear at this university. Scientists of this faculty are implementing a large-scale research program affecting a wide variety of areas of jurisprudence. Employees of this university regularly provide legal advice and legal support to international and government institutions. Actively participates in the development of federal bills. Many graduates of this university are prominent modern statesmen. More than 100 associate professors and candidates of sciences, as well as more than 60 doctors of legal sciences teach at the faculty. The Law Faculty of Moscow State University has 16 departments. The faculty has three laboratories:

  1. Legal cybernetics and computer science;
  2. Political Science;
  3. Comparative law and socio-legal studies.

At the Institute of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies at Moscow State Law Academy, about 60 specialists and bachelors complete their postgraduate studies annually. Consistently, at least 80% of them successfully defend their candidate dissertations within the time limit established by the legislative norms of the Russian Federation and the standards of the university and the Higher Attestation Commission.

At the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University, candidates of science are trained in 13 different specialties related to the legal field. The structure of the faculty consists of 10 departments, the so-called legal clinic, an extensive library and an expert legal center. The faculty appeared in 1724 and the idea of ​​its creation belonged to Peter the Great.

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Professional portrait of a candidate of sciences

Candidates of Science are highly qualified specialists with professional experience accumulated for at least three to four years after graduation from a university (master’s or specialty). Most often they are people a little under thirty, who are prone to research work and must have published scientific works. Most of these specialists are employees of various (academic, industrial) or university teachers.

Typically, an applicant for an academic degree is aimed at a further scientific and pedagogical career. Obtaining a PhD degree (or its foreign equivalent) significantly contributes to job growth both in the Russian Federation and abroad. In Russia, possession of this degree makes it easier to occupy the position of associate professor at a university or senior scientific employee at a research institute, and is also taken into account outside the scientific and educational sphere. Having a degree is absolutely necessary to obtain the academic title of associate professor. Holder of a PhD degree in Russia, continuing active research activities, in the future may become a doctor of science and professor.

Scientists with a status equivalent to a Ph.D. constitute the core workforce of many scientific organizations and universities in the world. According to the 2010 census, in Russia there were 595,526 people who had a PhD degree. The largest number of them lived in Moscow (197,897 people).

History of the “candidate” degree in Russia

Immediately after October revolution In 1917, all degrees, ranks and titles were abolished. The degree of Candidate of Sciences - already in the modern sense - was established together with other academic degrees and titles of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on January 13, 1934 and was inherited by the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet period.

The procedure for awarding the degree of Candidate of Sciences in the Russian Federation

Basic moments

The most important requirement for pre-defense preparation is the presence of publications published in peer-reviewed journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list. scientific articles, containing the results of the dissertation research and reflecting the scientific novelty of the research.

The dissertation research is carried out by the applicant under the guidance of a supervisor who has an academic degree of doctor or candidate of science in a given specialty, usually (but not necessarily) while studying in graduate school (adjunct).

The typical length of the text of a candidate's dissertation is about 150 pages, but there are no strict limits.

The dissertation defense procedure

Before defending the degree, the degree applicant must pass a series of exams (the so-called candidate minimum): in the history and philosophy of science, foreign language and specialties.

The applicant publishes an abstract of the dissertation (with a circulation of about 100 copies), which is sent to large companies a month before the defense. scientific libraries and universities of Russia, as well as members of the dissertation council and specialists in this field of science. In addition, the texts of the dissertation and abstract are posted on the website of the organization under which the dissertation council was created, which accepted the dissertation for defense.

The dissertation itself - also a month in advance - is made freely available to the library of the institution where the defense will take place, and to two official opponents, who write in advance and announce their review on the day of the defense. Opponents cannot be associated with co-authorship or place of work with the applicant; one of them must be a doctor of science.

During the defense, the dissertation author makes a report on the results of the dissertation work, answers questions from members of the dissertation council about his report, dissertation and abstract. Next, reviews from the leading organization are read out, as well as reviews received for the abstract. The applicant responds to the comments contained in these reviews. This is followed by official opponents speaking and answers to questions from opponents’ feedback. The final part of the defense is a free discussion, during which anyone present has the right to speak. Then the applicant answers the questions and comments raised during this discussion, after which they proceed to a secret vote, in which only members of the dissertation council take part.

Approximately the same procedure for awarding degrees existed in the USSR and continues to exist in some CIS countries.

Issuance of degree document

In case of a positive voting result, the documents (the so-called “certification file”) are sent to the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, where a decision is made to issue a candidate of sciences diploma. Typically, the consideration of a case by the Higher Attestation Commission takes several months.

Persons to whom academic degrees were awarded in violation of the established procedure may be deprived of these degrees by the Higher Attestation Commission, as a rule, on the basis of petitions from dissertation councils, at the meeting of which the defense of dissertations took place.

Types of PhD degrees by branches of science

Depending on the specialty in which the candidate’s dissertation is defended, the applicant in Russia is awarded one of the following academic degrees:

There is, but is not currently awarded, a PhD in Naval Science (awarded from the 1930s until the late 1970s). For some time (in the 1940s), the academic degree of a candidate in art history was called “candidate of art history.” The PhD degree in political science existed in the 1940s, then was abolished in the 1990s. reintroduced.

In the pedagogical sciences until 1950, a description of the narrow specialization was necessarily added to the name of the academic degree (“... according to the methods of history”, “... according to physical culture" and so on.). Sporadically, such clarifications were present in the name of a scientific specialty until the end of the 1960s. Academic degrees in psychological sciences began to be awarded in 1968. Before this (since 1953), the academic degree “Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (in psychology)” was awarded.

On September 25, 2015, the Higher Attestation Commission approved the passport of the new scientific specialty “Theology”. Now in this specialty you can defend dissertations and receive academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science.

Many specialties allow applicants to be awarded an academic degree in several branches of science, depending on the predominant subject area of ​​a particular dissertation. For example, in specialty 02.00.04 (physical chemistry), the degree of candidate of physical, mathematical, technical or chemical sciences can be awarded. At the same time, however, the principle of “one dissertation - one branch of science” is observed, regardless of the number of specialties of the dissertation and branches of science of the specialty. Also, a specific dissertation council may be limited in the range of degrees awarded, depending on the industry.

The list of degrees awarded to Ukrainian scientists basically repeats the Russian one, with the following exceptions:

  • Geological and mineralogical sciences in the titles of degrees have been replaced by geological sciences;
  • Candidate of Science degrees introduced physical education and sports, candidate of sciences in public administration, a PhD candidate in social communications. The branch of science “National Security” is also distinguished, but in it the degrees of candidates of military, technical, legal and other sciences are awarded - the degree of candidate of sciences in national security No.

International aspects

Analogues of a PhD degree abroad

The most common analogue of the Soviet and Russian degree of candidate of sciences is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). This degree exists in the USA, Canada and other countries.

In Germany, the equivalent of the Russian candidate's degree is the doctor's degree (German Doktor), despite its name.

In many European countries previously awarded a degree, the name of which in the local language contained the concept of “candidate”, which was abolished during the Bologna process. In this case, abolition does not mean the elimination of the corresponding level, but the replacement of the name with Ph.D. This happened in a number of CMEA countries - Bulgaria (Bul. PhD in Science, abolished in the mid-1990s), Czechoslovakia (Czech: Kandidát věd, Slovak: Kandidát vied, abolished in the Czech Republic in 1998, in Slovakia in 1996). In 2014, with the adoption of the new Law of Ukraine “On higher education", the degree of Candidate of Sciences was also abolished there and equated to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. A similar degree, preceding the degree of Doctor of Science and called in Latin lat. candidatus/candidata with the addition of the name of the science also existed in Denmark, Norway, and Iceland. In Yugoslavia, the degree of candidate of science corresponded to the degree of master of science (Magister Scientiæ, mr. sci, now abolished), as was the case in Russian Empire in the 19th century.


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for academic qualifications, recognizes the German academic qualification “Habilitation” at the level of the Russian academic degree “Doctor of Science”, and the German academic degree “Doktor” at the level of the Russian academic degree “Candidate of Sciences”. In the Federal Republic of Germany, recognition is the responsibility of the state ministries when it comes to issuing permission to use academic degrees in society, and the competence of higher education institutions. educational institutions, when it comes to the academic field, including research activities. These bodies recognize the Russian academic degree “Doctor of Science” at the level of the German academic qualification “Habilitation”, and the Russian academic degree “Candidate of Sciences” at the level of the German academic degree “Doktor”.

see also


  1. Candidate of Sciences / M. N. Volkov // Italy - Kvarkush. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1973. - (Great Soviet encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / chief ed.
Please tell me how to correctly agree: “Half of the candidates have (or have) violations”?

The plural form is preferred.

Question No. 238396
Which is correct: fire fifty-three candidates or fire fifty-three candidates? And why?

Russian help desk response

Right: dismiss fifty-three candidates. Although it is not clear how it is possible dismiss the candidate(i.e. those who have not even taken office yet).

Question No. 238208
Hello. Tell me, please, whether a comma is used when listing a position, title and academic degree when they appear before the surname and when they are located after it? What explains this? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Commas separate homogeneous names of academic degrees and academic titles, honorary titles: Doctor of Philology, Professor. But: Dean of the Faculty of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S. I. Sergeev.

Applications after the word being defined are homogeneous (see answer no.).

Question No. 237884
Good afternoon Thanks for the answer. Again, help is needed with coordinating the participle: "... candid atam, who are not specialists...". Is the ending of the participle correct?
Sincerely. Alyona

Russian help desk response

Question No. 236840
four candidates fight or wrestle

Russian help desk response

Right: are fighting.

Question No. 236358
Please tell me how to write abbreviations for phrases like “candidate of legal sciences”, “doctor of legal sciences”, etc. Through a space or together? That is, "candidate of legal sciences." or "PhD"?

Thank you

Russian help desk response

Spaces are needed: K. Yu. n. A space is a sign of a new word.

Question No. 232564
Good afternoon Now I accidentally came across your answer No. 221842 regarding the lowercase spelling of the word department (Obpartments) physical sciences. You answer that the word department should be written in lowercase, this really corresponds to the rules described in textbooks, but in all dictionaries, when it comes to the department of the Academy of Sciences, this word is written in capitals. Earlier I also asked you this question, and you answered me that it is in capitals. So how should it be done? This is an exception? And I also asked a question, to which I did not receive an answer, about abbreviations SNS (senior Researcher), junior researcher (junior researcher), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (candidate of physical and mathematical sciences), etc. Is it possible to write these abbreviations without periods? If there are many such abbreviations in the text, the result is solid dots. I beg you to answer. Thanks in advance to Natalya Nolde

Russian help desk response

Correct spelling with capital letter. Answer 221842 has been corrected, thanks for the note. Abbreviations with dots are used as commonly used abbreviations; abbreviations without dots cannot be considered correct.
Question No. 231869
Please tell me which is correct, candidate of “political science” or “political” sciences?

Russian help desk response

Candidate of Political Sciences.
Question No. 231835
Please tell me, are there any norms for reducing academic degrees? For example, how to correctly abbreviate “candidate of economic sciences”: k.e. n. or k.econ. n.?

Russian help desk response

There are two abbreviation options on _к. e. n._ and _cand. econ. science_.
Question No. 230546
Dear Help! Why did you dislike me so much? The fifth time I ask, well, finally answer! These formal and editorial comments do not reduce the scientific significance and effectiveness of the research described in the abstract; they characterize them as meeting the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for candidate dissertations. Which is correct? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: _as appropriate_. Sorry, it was not possible to answer all questions.
Question No. 229887
Hello! Tell me, sir, how to correctly abbreviate Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: _k. f.-m. n._ (with dots).
Question No. 229117
Is the phrase “we will be able to evaluate your candidacy” correct? It's about hiring. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

The phrase is correct.
Question No. 226901
On the eve of the elections, candidates begin to campaign. How right. Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

That's right: _in anticipation_.
Question No. 225560
Hello! Can I say: I defended my dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: defended his Ph.D. dissertation; Having defended his dissertation, he received a Candidate of Biological Sciences degree.
Question No. 225052
Which is correct: candidate of political or political sciences?

Russian help desk response

Candidate of Political Sciences. Only the abbreviation is not “p.”, but “plt.”. Cm.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biology. sciences
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. sciences
Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences sciences
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Art History
Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of History. sciences
Doctor of Cultural Studies - Doctor of Cultural Studies
Doctor of Medical Sciences - dr med. sciences
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Dr. Ped. sciences
Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences. sciences
Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology. sciences
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences
Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Sociology. sciences
Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences sciences
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmacy. sciences
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences
Doctor of Philological Sciences - Doctor of Philology. sciences
Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy. sciences
Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Dr. Chem.. sciences
Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics. sciences
Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law. sciences
candidate of biological sciences - cand. biol. sciences
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences vet. sciences
candidate of military sciences - cand. military sciences
Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Cand. geogr. sciences
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Cand. geol.-mineral. sciences
candidate of art history - cand. art criticism
Candidate of Historical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ist. sciences
Candidate of Cultural Studies - Ph.D. cultural studies
candidate of medical sciences - cand. honey. sciences
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences ped. sciences
candidate of political sciences - cand. watered sciences
candidate of psychological sciences - cand. psychol. sciences
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Cand. agricultural sciences
Candidate of Sociological Sciences - Ph.D. sociol. sciences
Candidate of Technical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences tech. sciences
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences pharmacist. sciences
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences - cand. physics and mathematics sciences
candidate of philological sciences - cand. Philol. sciences
candidate of philosophical sciences - cand. Philosopher sciences
Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Candidate of Sciences chem. sciences
candidate of economic sciences - cand. econ. sciences
Candidate of Legal Sciences - Candidate of Sciences legal sciences

There are also shorter, unofficial abbreviations for academic degrees:

Doctor of Architectural Sciences - Doctor of Architectural Sciences;

Candidate of Architectural Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Biological Sciences - Doctor of Biological Sciences;

Candidate of Biological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences;

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Military Sciences - Doctor of Military Sciences;

candidate of military sciences - candidate of military sciences

Doctor of Geographical Sciences - Doctor of Geographical Sciences;

Candidate of Geographical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences;

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Art History - Doctor of Science;

Candidate of Art History - Ph.D.

Doctor of Historical Sciences - Doctor of Historical Sciences;

candidate of historical sciences - candidate of historical sciences

Doctor of Medical Sciences - MD;

Candidate of Medical Sciences - Candidate of Medical Sciences

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Political Sciences - Doctor of Political Sciences;

Candidate of Political Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences - Doctor of Psychology;

Candidate of Psychological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences;

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Doctor of Sociological Sciences - Doctor of Social Sciences;

candidate of sociological sciences - candidate of social sciences

Doctor of Technical Sciences - Doctor of Technical Sciences;

Candidate of Technical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences;

candidate of pharmaceutical sciences - candidate of pharmaceutical sciences

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philology - Doctor of Philology;

Candidate of Philological Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy - Doctor of Philosophy;

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Chemical Sciences - Doctor of Chemical Sciences;

Candidate of Chemical Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics;

Candidate of Economic Sciences - Ph.D.

Doctor of Law - Doctor of Law;

Candidate of Legal Sciences - Ph.D.