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All works are good in the preparatory group. Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group “All works are good”

Goal: To introduce preschoolers to the names of various professions and their meaning for people.

Software tasks:

Educational: create conditions for fostering respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions

Educational: introduce children to several types of professions, show the importance of work in a person’s life; expand children's knowledge about the profession of hairdresser, cook, dentist, seller, artist and teacher.

Developmental: promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory. Preparatory work: acquaintance with various professions, reading poetry and fiction, conversations about what children want to become and why, kneading shortcrust pastry.


Pictures with images of people of different professions, poster, presentation “There used to be professions”, tools of different professions. Ball. Dough, boards for rolling out dough, rolling pins, cookie cutters, baking sheet, aprons, hats, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Good morning!" -

Will you tell someone

And it will be for him

Very good morning,

And it will be a good day,

And good meetings,

And kind, of course,

Evening will fall.

How important and necessary

So that right in the morning

We wish you well!

Guys, today guests came to our lesson to look at our work. Wish them good morning. (go to the chairs)

Introductory conversation.

Voss: Tell me, where are your parents now after they took you to kindergarten? (Children's answers). That's right, at work. Your dads and moms have different professions. What is a profession? This is a business that a person learns and then works. What do your moms and dads do? Tell (children's answers). 8 people

Vos-l: “Profession is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.”

Voss: And I have prepared riddles for you. Whoever guesses correctly marks their profession with a magnet on the poster.

1. This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has mysterious powers:

Whoever he touches will become beautiful. (hairdresser)

2. Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And heals us from all diseases? (Doctor)

3. In the circus he is the funniest.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

That's what his name is: Merry fellow. (Clown)

4. Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

5. Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)

6. Who, tell me, is this

Protects our peace

He keeps order

Doesn't he tell you to bully? (Police officer)

7. Who dresses us in beautiful dresses,

Who sews our clothes?

To make it pleasant (seamstress)

Voss: And you guys know riddles about professions. (Children ask riddles). Well done, you remembered all the professions.

Voss: We're tired, let's rest.

Physical minute. (Builders)

A new house is being built on the next street.

Floor after floor is rapidly growing.

The builders work cheerfully and amicably.

They need to build a tall house by the deadline.

Vos: Guys, huh...(Children catch the ball and pick up the adjective.)

Builder, which one? - Skillful, dexterous.

Teacher, which one? - Smart, kind.

Which driver? - Attentive, careful.

What kind of loader? - Strong, mighty.

What tailor? - Diligent, kind.

Teacher, which one? - Kind, funny, smart. Etc.

Voss: Where does the teacher work? (children). And here is our kindergarten. Who else works in our kindergarten? Children lay out cards with d.s. employees.

Educator: - Do you dream about who you will be when you grow up? (children's answers - profession and what he does)

What will you need to do to become what you want? (Study, read books...)

But you have to be very persistent to achieve your goal. It’s not for nothing that they say “Patience and work will grind everything down.” That is, patience and work will help you become what you want.

What other proverbs and sayings do you know about work? Children's answers

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Time for work, time for fun.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The master's work is afraid. Etc.

Vos: There are a lot of different professions in the world and you have already named some of them. But in ancient times there were professions that do not exist now. Would you like me to tell you about the professions that existed before? (Yes)

Vos-l shows the presentation. (Factory reader, cooper, milkman, morning trumpeter, cab driver, stove maker, candle maker)

Voss: Guys, what do you need for work...? (tools). Choose cards with professions. Go to the table, pick up the tools that the profession needs on your card.

Voss: Who loves sweets? Ice cream, cookies, candy, cake? Who does this? Pastry chef. Do you want to be a pastry chef today? (Yes). What is needed for this? Children go to the work table, roll out the dough, choose molds and make cookies. They take it to the kitchen.

Summary of the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end. All the professions that we talked about today are very important and needed by all people. It is impossible to single out more necessary and less necessary professions. But most importantly, I wish you to be kind and sympathetic people. And it seems to me that you will choose the right profession.

Reflexive technique “Sun”

Voss: -Guys, I propose to evaluate our work. It's the sun, but without the rays. The rays need to be attached to the sun if you liked the activity. And the clouds if the activity was not interesting.

And at home, I will ask you and your parents to draw the coat of arms of your family. It should reflect your family’s favorite activities, hobbies, recreation, and professions that are passed down from generation to generation.

Irina Dementeeva
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “All works are good”

To develop children’s dialogical speech, improve the ability to write short stories about professions, and answer questions clearly.

Learn to form the names of professions from actions, enrich children's vocabulary. Draw children's attention to new people professions: artist-designer.

To cultivate cognitive interests and respect for working people.

Preliminary Job.

Making riddles.

Reading a poem by V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", stories about the work of adults. Looking at illustrations depicting different professions.


Pictures, letters, did. a game "Who needs what for work» , paints, brush, teapot templates.

Vocabulary enrichment: architect, librarian, mason, staff, phonendoscope, designer.

Progress of the lesson.

The children come in and sit on the chairs.

When you grow up, you will choose your profession.

What is a profession? (Job, the business that a person does)

What professions do you know?

Now let's try to form action words, knowing the names of professions.

Ball game.

Pianist - plays the piano;

violinist - plays the violin;

writer - writes books;

builder - builds a house;

a teacher teaches children;

taxi driver - carries people;

driver - drives the train;

doctor – treats people;

cook - prepares food;

librarian – issues books;

postman - delivers mail;

dressmaker - sews clothes;

mason - lays bricks;

painter - paints the walls;

nurse - gives injections;

architect - designs a house;

laundress - washes clothes;

pilot - pilots an airplane;

What would a person do work, he needs items and now we will find out

A game "Who needs what for work»

On the table there are objects necessary for certain people. professions: hammer, ladle, syringe, pointer, camera, scales, fabric and scissors, trowel, police baton, brushes and paints, etc. Children take turns taking any object and telling what profession a person needs it.

Who wants to talk about the professions you like? Start telling So: "When I become an adult, I will...". Name your profession, tell us why you like it, what benefits you will bring to people through your work.

Sample. When I become an adult, I will be a teacher. I like her because she is a teacher works with children: educates them, teaches them to sculpt, draw, glue, read poetry with expression, count and solve arithmetic problems. The teacher also instills in children hard work, friendly relations with each other, and respect for elders. The benefit of this profession is that after bringing their child to kindergarten, mothers go to work and don't worry. Their child will be supervised all day. I love my profession.

Children's stories.



The sun is shining in the clear sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket. (stretching - hands up)

And below are forests and fields -

The ground is spreading. (lean forward, spread arms to the sides)

The chosen profession should be pleasant and useful.

The great thing is that you already dream of having your own business when you grow up. And while we have not yet grown up with our favorite things, there have always been different games. And we'll play a game "Continue the sentence".

When I'm an adult, I'll be... you add a word-profession - for example - salesman. The sentence must be spoken from beginning to end.

I want to offer you the next game "Name your profession", whose name begins with the sound K or the letter Ka.

Today I want to introduce you to a new profession.

Look at these items. (2 kettles are different)

What is this? They are alike?

Who do you think made them different and why? There is such a profession as an artist-designer who creates each item so that it not only fulfills its purpose, but is also beautiful and easy to use. Look at the items in group and find those, which are the same in purpose, but different in artistic design. (Doors, windows, tables, chairs, dishes, vases)

The fact that we are surrounded by beautiful and comfortable things is the merit of artist-designers; this profession is ancient, since people have always created things that are beautiful and comfortable, and made their homes cozy.

Poem by S. Krupin "DESIGNER"

The designer decorates the house,

So that it would be cozy in it!

The closet will be moved into a corner,

Decorate the ceiling

And he will tell his mother

What should she do with flowers?

Where to place the paintings

Where to put the rug!

He - beauty constructor

Invite him too!

If you chose this profession, what would you do?

I suggest you paint the teapots so that they are different and beautiful.

Music is playing, children are painting teapots.

Well done guys today good job. But I want to suggest you, when you come home, draw yourself as what you would like to become by profession.

NOT. Pashtakova,



"Kindergarten No. 41 "Sun"

combined view of the city of Belovo"

Summary of the integrated lesson

in the preparatory group

"All works are good - choose according to your taste"

Target: Systematization of children’s knowledge about people of different professions.

Program tasks : Continue to teach children to identify a profession by description, to use the general word “profession”

Developmental: Continue to expand your vocabulary; develop expressive speech, the ability to construct a sentence lexically correctly.

Educational: To foster in children a friendly attitude towards each other, responsibility, and respect for people of different professions.

Educational areas:

"Cognition" -teach children to identify people's professions using a descriptive story.

"Fiction" - develop children's memory, expressive reading of poetry, and the ability to recognize fairy-tale characters

"Safety"- to consolidate knowledge about the correct handling of dangerous objects.

"Music"- continue to instill a love of music.

Attention! Attention! Today in the preparatory group of the school "Solnyshko" the game is being played: what? Where? When? Fairy-tale heroes will play against experts.

I invite the children to put on medals and go beyond the playing field. calling your name.

But at the beginning of the game, I ask the children to answer the following questions: “What professions do you know? What is a profession?”

The right to spin the top is granted baby name

Cockerel - Golden Comb - plays against experts (The teacher opens the envelope and reads the assignment)

Riddles about professions:

$11. Rakes the snow with a shovel, sweeps the snow with a broom. Did the guys guess who keeps it clean? (street cleaner)

$12. If the flame is pouring, the smoke is pouring out in a column. “Zero-one” - we’ll dial it, we’ll call him for help (firefighter)

$13. He is dressed in overalls and deftly paints frames. He whitewashed the ceiling and helped us do the repairs. (painter)

$14. Who is the most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses? (doctor)

$15. We teach children to read and write, to love nature, to respect the elderly (teacher)

The experts successfully completed the task and our score...1:0 in favor of the experts.

Music sounds, the next child spins the top. The arrow points to the sector...

Little Red Riding Hood plays against the experts

Please tell me what profession a person could be like this

D/game "Choose the word" "

Conscientious builder Brave fireman, pilot

Loving teacher Strict Policeman

Attentive driver, neat doctor

Knowledgeable teacher Cheerful clown

Well done guys coped with the task, and the score becomes...2:0

the arrow points to the next sector...

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet play against the experts

I often go to visit and carry one of the items in my hands. Which one then? (Balloon) There are syllables written on my balloons, try to make a word from the syllables and tell me what profession do the people work there? (kindergarten)

The experts successfully completed the task and our score was...3:0 in favor of the experts.

Znayka plays against experts

I read a lot, love books and magazines, and would like my children to answer the following questions? Do they know proverbs about work?

Well done experts, you have completed the task again, and the score becomes...4:0

Outdoor game "Who needs this item?" (Pointer, rod, book, steering wheel)

The children spin the top again, the arrow points to the black box. (question asked by teacher)

Think and say: Which tools should be handled with care and why? (axe, shovel, scissors, needle, sewing machine)

Blitz survey: give an accurate and complete answer

Who heals people?

Who paints the pictures?

Who teaches the children?

Who composes the music?

Who plays football?

Who cooks food in the cafeteria?

Who keeps order in the city?

Poem: -There are many different professions.

And we can’t count them all.

It doesn't matter who we are

It is enough to love your work.

Analysis:Well done, kids, they talked a lot about the work of adults, about their professions, about what is necessary in their work. Now come to me and get your rewards for the game.

According to cognitive development

Lesson summary for the preparatory group
on the topic “All works are good - choose according to your taste”

Target: continue to teach children to write short stories about their future profession, and to correctly construct complete sentences. Clarify knowledge about familiar poets and writers and the works they wrote. Remind children about some professions and equipment that are necessary for a particular specialty.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the works of Mayakovsky, drawings “My future profession”.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Motivation: Dunno comes.

Dunno:- Hello, Natalya Ivanovna! You are the most important person in kindergarten, I will always be the first to greet you.

Natalya Ivanovna:- Saying hello is a good job, polite, but I’m not at all the boss in the kindergarten.

Dunno:- Why? This is a kindergarten, teachers work here, and they are the main ones.

Natalya Ivanovna:- Not only teachers work in kindergarten; there are many other professions here. Guys, tell Dunno. We will continue our conversation about professions after breakfast.

2. - We decided to continue talking about professions. I exhibited portraits of poets and writers. They are familiar to you. Who did you recognize? Yes, there is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Name his works. - This is a portrait of A.S. Pushkin. Who remembers his works? - There is also a portrait of N.N. Nosova. What stories have we read? - And this is a portrait of V.V. Mayakovsky. Name his works. You and I read the poem “Who to be?” What professions does the author talk about?

And now we will play with you. The game is called "Who needs it?" I take the tools out of the box, and you say what it is and who needs it.

The teacher takes out chalk, a brush, nails, a set of products, threads, scales, a doll, a hair dryer, a light bulb, a calculator, and a steering wheel from the box.

3. - Many of you have already chosen a profession and even painted pictures. You will now tell about them. You must talk about:

  1. What do you want to become?
  2. Why do you like this profession?
  3. What are you going to do?

Children's stories and recording in individual notebooks.

Abstract of OOD "Professions" for children of senior preschool age. Topic: “All work is good”

Target: To clarify children’s knowledge about certain professions and tools.

1. Generalize children’s knowledge about professions
2.Form ideas about the design profession
3.Continue to apply plasticine based applique
4.Improve skills in forming actions from the names of objects, enrich vocabulary
1.Develop coherent and dialogic speech, the ability to answer questions
2.Develop constructive skills
3.Develop memory, attention, logical thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste.
1. Foster a respectful attitude towards working people
2. Cultivate a desire to help.
Material: envelope, riddles about professions, pictures depicting people of different professions, ball, cardboard, plasticine, peas, seeds, oilcloth.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: I have an unusual envelope, let's see what's in it? There are a lot of mysteries here. Shall we guess?
I'm busy with the kids,
I spend all my days with them,
I go for walks with them.
I put them to bed
And, of course, I love
I am my profession. (Teacher)

Shovels snow
Sweeps the yard with a broom,
Did you guys guess?
Who keeps things clean? (Street cleaner)

If the flames are flying,
The smoke is pouring out in a column,
“01” we dial,
Let's call him for help. (Firefighter)

He's been in our dining room since morning
Cooks soup, compote and porridge. (Cook)

He's wearing overalls
He paints frames deftly,
He whitewashed the ceiling
He helped make the repairs. (Painter)
He will cure measles, and bronchitis, and sore throat,

Prescribe pills and vitamins. (Doctor)
He has mountains of goods -
Cucumbers and tomatoes.
Zucchini, cabbage, honey -

He sells everything to people. (Salesman)
We work as a team
They are bringing us sand and concrete.
We need to work together,
To build a new house. (Builders)

Hairdryer, brush and comb
He will deftly do his hair. (Hairdresser)
Educator. How can you name all the answers in one word?
- Well done, we will talk about professions today.
- What is a profession?
- A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.
Every morning, the adult members of your family go to work.
- Why do people need professions?
Didactic game “Who can tell you better about their profession”
Educator. On the table there are pictures depicting people of different professions. You need to talk about what a person in this profession does, explain what you need to know and be able to do to be a good professional.
(Child's story)
Educator. And now I want to test how carefully you can listen. You and I will play the game “Who owns the phrase? " I read out a phrase, and you answer what profession a person could say this phrase.
How to cut your hair? How about shorter bangs? (Hairdresser.)
Hello children, open your textbooks to page 33. (Teacher.)
Bring bricks and cement. (Builder.)
Today I will paint a landscape. (Artist.)
Open your mouth and say “ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-”. (Doctor.)
Which buttons should you sew on this blouse: white or black? (Tailor.)
How many kilograms of potatoes should you weigh? 25 rubles from you. (Salesman.)
Well done, you guessed all the professions correctly.
Educator: Let's play a ball game.
I will name the tools, and you will answer what actions are performed with them.
With a knife (cut, with a broom (sweep, with a saw (sawing), with a watering can (watered), with an ax (chop, with a shovel (dig), with a needle (sew, with scissors (cut), with a comb (combed), on a scale (weighed), in a saucepan (cooked, in a frying pan ( fry, thermometer (measure, brush (draw, hammer, ruler, tablets, paints, etc.
Educator: The sheet contains sentences about how people of different professions work, but there are mistakes made there. Try to find them. (Game "Confusion")
The cook prepared delicious oak. (Soup.)
A rook came to the sick man. (Doctor.)
A gardener waters flowers from the neck. (Water cans.)
The driver sits behind the bag. (Driving.)
The tailor sewed the cry. (Cloak.)
In front of the kids
Rat is being painted by painters (Roof)
They say one fisherman
I caught a shoe in the river.
But then he
The house was hooked. (Som)
Well done!
Educator: The next task is “The Fourth Wheel”. I will name the tools that people of a certain profession use. One of the tools does not apply to this profession. Define it.
Scissors, scales, mirror, comb.
Primer, pointer, saucepan, globe.
Saw, pills, thermometer, syringe.
Sewing machine, centimeter, watering can, needle.
Frying pan, knife, ladle, brushes.
Hammer, paints, thermometer, rake.
Educator: Do you know this proverb: “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him”? Try to explain the meaning of this proverb?
That's right, every person must work to live.
Educator: Today we will get acquainted with the profession of a designer. Designer is a new and very necessary profession. It helps us design the appearance of things. A designer is like a wizard: dishes, furniture, paintings, toys, and clothes turn into real works of art in his hands. Tell me, what animal will the New Year be dedicated to? (Year of the Horse)
Educator: Today we, like real designers, will make a “horse” craft. What do you think we will do first? (Trace the horse along the stencil, then spread plasticine along the contour, glue peas and seeds).
Educator: Well done, children. You got a lot of beautiful, unusual horses because we tried.
Every person must do his job well. After all, any work benefits people. And we already know that all professions are important.