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Interaction with parents of middle school children. Plan for interaction with parents of the middle group Perspective plan for interaction with parents of the middle group

Bratsk 2013-2014
No. Contents of work Date of implementation Responsible
1. Collect and clarify information about children and parents before 10.09 teachers parents
2. Place in the parent corner of the article:

"Daily regime"
"Rules for parents"
"Why no appetite"
"The Wisdom of Parental Love"
“What awaits us in the fall”

from 01.09 to 10.09

3. Design moving folders:
a) we work according to the “School” program
b) “Aibolit advises”
c) “Love nature”
until 06.10
4. Parent meeting on the topic “So we have become a year older”
a) characteristics of the age of children
b) consultation “This stubborn age”
c) memo “9 Commandments for Parents”

5. Individual conversations with parents on the following topics:
"Weather and Clothes"
“So that children are well-mannered”
6. Create visual material “The Rights of the Child” in a wall book 09/17 educators
7. Home visits to families: Kirill A., Alena B.
Goal: Meet the family
21.09 teachers
8. Hold a competition among parents for
the best autumn bouquet. 30.09 teachers
9. Together with your parents, prepare a “flower of joy” (photo of the child in any flower).
from 03.09 to 25.09
10. Offer parents a questionnaire
“Let’s get to know each other” 09/19 educators

No. Contents of work Date
1. Conduct awareness-raising work with parents about flu prevention. from 01.10 to 03.10 teachers

2. Place in the parent corner of the article:
"Watch out for the flu"
"Flu Shot"

3. Talk with the mothers of Yegor, Vanya, Pasha about the boys’ communication with their peers. Offer consultation “If you have a growing son”
from 06.10 to 10.10
4. Visit Nastya B. and Lisa V. at home.
Meeting the family. from 12.10 to 13.10 teachers

5. Invite parents to create a portfolio folder for their child, discuss all questions with the parents, and show a sample.
from 05.10 to 25.10 parents
6. Invite parents to bring photographs to use as business cards for the booths.
from 03.10 to 25.10 parents
7. Selection of complex exercises to strengthen the arch of the foot, prevent flat feet, correct posture for daily performance at home with children.
3 week teacher
Exercise therapy
8. Involve parents in the design of their family coat of arms (competition)
"The best family coat of arms." 4 week
9. Offer a questionnaire for parents
"Home reading in the family." 18.10 teachers
10. Photo exhibition in the reception area “Kindergarten and children” 10.25 teachers

No. Contents of work Date
1. Place the article in the parent's corner:
“So that the child is willing to put away toys”
"Happy children are good eaters"
"About our children." from 02.11 to 05.11 teachers
2. In a flip book, write down the articles “Late Autumn” 01.11 educators
3. Group parent meeting on the topic: “The health of our children.” 05.11 parents
4. Conduct a consultation with parents on the topic “Children’s questions and how to answer them.” from 09.11 to 10.11

5. Organize a photo exhibition on the topic: “Chronicles of one day. Children at play” 11/14 educators
6. Place new articles in the “movement” folder:
“How to help your child talk”
“How to develop a child’s speech” 11/16 educators
7. Create a library for parents “Everything about health” (brochures, small books). from 01.11 to 25.11 teachers
8. Conduct a conversation with a subgroup of parents on the topic:
“We teach independence and accuracy.” 26,27.11
9. Home visits to families: Matvey, Sasha G., Polina.
Purpose: To get acquainted with the conditions for the child 10,15,20.11 parents

No. Contents of work Date
1. Conduct consultations with a subgroup of children on the following topics:
a) “The speech of children depends on us, adults” (Pasha, Valya, Sasha G., Semyon).
b) “Features of speech development of younger preschoolers” (with the parents of Sasha O., Darina, Timofey


2. Organize a photo exhibition “Children’s Achievements” - “I can, I can, I love.” 2 week teachers
3. Visit the families of the pupils: Polina, Yana, Ksyusha. 3 week teachers
4. Create an album “Hello, New Year” (introduce traditions of holding a holiday together with parents; verses of songs about the New Year). from 20.12 to 25.12 teachers
5. Talk individually with parents about holding a family New Year's party (about New Year's costumes, about gifts, about the Christmas tree in kindergarten). 23,24,12 teachers
6. Organize parents to design a winter area for children to play and have fun: a slide, a “caterpillar”, a “basket”, snow figures. from 10.12 to 18.12 dads
7. Involve parents in the design of the folding book “Finger games for children of middle preschool age” (Sashi M., Vali). from 15.12 to 20.12 teachers
8. Competition “Best New Year’s Toy” (prizes at the parent meeting). from 15.12 to 25.12 parents
9. Design a thematic exhibition “My city has a birthday.”
(photos, books, drawings, souvenirs, postcards, models...). from 10.12 to 12.12 teachers
10. Conduct a parent meeting on the topic: “Toys for middle-aged children” 12/17 teachers

No. Contents of work Date
1. Place in the parent corner of the article:
“Watch out for the flu!”
"Remedies for severe cough"
"Winter walk". 10.11.01 teachers
2. Organize a subgroup of parents for a conversation on the topic: “Family reading” 14.01 educators
3. Create a folder on the topic: “Advice from specialists.” 16-17.01 music. hands
physical hands
4. Invite parents to take an active part in the accumulation and design of the experimental corner. from 10.01 to 20.01 teachers
5. Teachers visit Timofey and Kira at home in order to familiarize themselves with the living conditions of the children.
6. Work with parents at a round table on the topic: Poems for 5-year-old children"
7. Change the material in the reception room on a weekly basis for the “Home Toy Library” on lexical topics. 2.3 weeks teachers
8. Consultation for parents on the topic: “What to consider when choosing printed board games.” 24.01 teachers
9. Open lesson for parents on speech development “Reinforcing the Russian folk tale “Kolobok” with a subgroup of children.” 26.01 teachers

No. Contents of work Date
1. In the lobby of the group, arrange a thematic exhibition: “Reinforcing the Russian folk tale “Rukavichka”.” 1-5.02 teachers
2. With the help of parents, replenish the library: “Little books, folding books for children” 1-10.02 teachers
3. Parents’ meeting on the topic: “Our life in kindergarten” (with viewing fragments of activities with children in kindergarten.” 02/15 teachers
4. Round table conversation with parents on the topic: “If a child sucks his finger” (Lisa, Valya) 02/17-18 teachers
5. Involve parents Sew costumes for the Russian folk tale “Turnip” in the creative corner (Egor’s mother, Pasha) 1-12.02 teachers
6. Conduct a consultation with a subgroup of parents on the topic: “Home reading” 02/20 educators
7. With parents, select material for the stand: “Raising preschool children in the family” 02/22 educators
8. Visit Nastya and Kira at home in order to identify the characteristics of the child’s behavior and analyze the relationship between adults and the child in the family. 24-25.02 teachers
9. In the parent’s corner, place a consultation on the topic: “Individual approach to the child” 02/26 educators
10. Frank conversation “Let’s talk a little about dad”

No. Contents of work Date
1. Release of a holiday newspaper: “That’s what a mother is (parents, teachers” 5.03 parents
2. Round table meeting with a subgroup of parents on the topic: “Cultivating independence and self-care in middle-aged children” 02.03 educators
3. Parents’ club “I myself” (consultations for dads: “Experiments, experiments with water, with snow”). 03.03 teachers
4. "Open Day"
- Open math lesson
- Regular moments 14.03 educators
5. Thematic consultation on the topic: “Training your fingers” (fingers help develop speech). (with a subgroup of parents) 01.03 teachers
6. Prepare material for a moving folder on the topic: “The character of a child depends on us” 03/15 educators
7. Spend an evening - leisure on March 8
- meeting with the poet A.V. Lisitsa (congratulations, poetry reading)
- festive tea party
- concert with children
- attraction games. 07.03 teachers
8. As part of book week, show parents the Russian folk tale: “The Goat is a Dereza” 03/25 teachers
9. Seminar - workshop for parents of children on the topic: “Games - activities with building materials” (teacher’s message, demonstration of the building, parents’ tasks). 27.03 teachers
10. Individual conversation with parents on the topic: “Daily routine and its meaning” 27-30.03 teachers

No. Contents of work Date
1. Thematic consultation on the topic: “Training the tongue” (with a subgroup of parents). 02.04 teachers
2. Exhibition of parent newspapers on the topic: “Family Traditions” (in a group). 1-10.04 parents
3. In a wall folding book, place poems by the fraternal poet A.V. Foxes:
"What a grown lady"
"Whiner" 04/16 educators
4. Set up a photo exhibition

MKDOU "Kalacheevsky kindergarten No. 1 of general developmental type"

Long-term plan for working with parents in the middle group for 2017-2018

To promote the establishment of cooperation between kindergarten and family in matters of training, education and development of preschool children.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
— improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents;
- identify and broadcast positive experiences of family education;
- promote the unity of the parent team in order to prevent interpersonal conflict situations;
- contribute to the establishment of trusting relationships between parents and kindergarten.

Expected Result:

Pedagogical education of parents in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Educational Institution, attracting the family to their side in terms of unified approaches to raising a child, in order to reveal his abilities and capabilities.
Strengthening trusting relationships between teachers and parents, which helps create favorable conditions for the development of the child.
The interest of parents in the process of raising and educating children, their participation in a full educational process.
Improving the professional level of teachers.

Parent meeting plan
in the 2017-2018 academic year.
Middle group.

Month Parent Meeting Topic
September 2017 Organizational.
“Tasks of education and training for the academic year”
February 2018 Current.
“Child life safety”
May 2018 Final.
“How our children have grown and what they have learned this year. Organization of summer holidays for children"

Working with the parent committee:
monthly, as organizational issues arise.
Development of thematic consultations and additional demonstrations for parents:
Regular changes of information in the parent corner in accordance with current topics.


1. Design of the “Parents Corner”: “Daily routine”, “Recommendations of a psychologist, speech therapist”, “Tasks for the new school year”, “Learn and read with us”, “Our birthday people”, “Announcements”, “Health” , "GCD Schedule".
2. Photo report “This is our summer!
3. Folder “Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old.”
4. Organizational parent meeting: “Tasks of education and training for the school year.”
5. Consultation “Games with the family.”
6. Memo “Sports uniform for physical education classes.”
7. Consultation for parents “Why does a child need a theater?”

1. Joint work of children and parents “Gifts of Autumn”. Exhibition design.
2. Consultation “Toys for children 4-5 years old”.
3. Photo exhibition dedicated to the Day of Older Persons.
4. Consultation “Health-saving technologies. Finger gymnastics."
5. Consultation “Personal hygiene of a preschooler.”
6. Memo “The art of punishing and forgiving.”
7. Consultation “Vitamins for children”.

1. Consultation “On the need for vaccination against influenza.”
2. Consultation “Rules of good manners from infancy.”
3. Memo “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.”
4. Consultation for parents “Formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children.”
5. Memo for parents on developing healthy lifestyle habits.
6. Wall newspaper dedicated to World Children's Day.
7. Design of the exhibition for Mother’s Day “My mother is the best!”
8. Meeting of the parent committee (preparation for the New Year's party).

1. Memo for parents “Theme: Winter.”
2. Folder-moving “New Year”.
3. Involving parents in decorating the group and hall for the New Year.
4. Exhibition of drawings and crafts “Sorceress Winter!”
5. Issue of the New Year's newspaper with an invitation to the matinee.
6. Consultation: “How to dress children in the cold season.”
7. Consultation: “How to dress a child for kindergarten.”
8. Consultation: “How to spend a day off with children.”
9. Consultation: “Hardening preschool children at home.”
10. Consultation: “Prevention of colds in preschool children.”
11. Involving parents in winter construction on the site.
12. Competition of New Year's culinary recipes (creation of a collection).

1. Photo report in the section “Sharing family experience!”
“How to organize a day off with a child.”
2. Consultation: “The role of role-playing games in the development of speech in preschool children.”
3. Memo “How to determine a child’s temperament?”
4. Questionnaire “Does your child like to fantasize?”

1. Wall newspaper “News from a walk.”
2. Consultation for parents “Father as a teacher.”
3. Photo exhibition “Dad can do anything!”
4. Consultation: “The role of outdoor games in the life of preschool children.”
5. Participation in musical and physical education entertainment “Our Defenders”.
6. Consultation: “Tricky mathematics for preschoolers.”
7. Conducting a parent meeting: “Child life safety.”

1. Joint preparation with parents for the matinee on March 8.
2. Issue of a holiday newspaper (congratulations, invitation).
3. Joint creation of a mini-garden in a group.
4. Folder-moving “Maslenitsa”.
5. Consultation: “Is drawing so important in a child’s life?”
6. Consultation: “How to properly teach a poem to children.”
7. March 27 is theater day. Tips for parents: how to creatively develop a child.

1. Photo exhibition “From the life of our group.”
2. Consultation: “A child’s speech culture is born in the family.”
3. Consultation: “Children’s safety is the concern of adults.”
4. Consultation: “Diseases of dirty hands.”
5. Participation in the “Health Day” sports event.
6. Exhibition of children's creativity “Spring has come!”
7. Landscaping and improvement of the site and territory together with parents.

1. Conducting a final parent meeting: “How our children have matured and what they have learned this year. Organization of summer holidays for children.
2. Consultation: “What should children do in the summer?”
3. Consultation: “First aid for a child in emergency conditions.”
4. Conversations with parents whose children will attend kindergarten in the summer.
5. Homework for parents for the summer: collecting natural and waste materials.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 114 of a combined type” in the Sovetsky district of Kazan.

Agreed I approve

at the pedagogical council No. 1 dated September 1, 2016. Head Akhmetshin I.V.

______________ ______________

"__"__________2016 "__"__________2016



FOR 2016-2017.



Labutina A.G.

Kazan 2016

Long-term plan for working with parents in the Teremok secondary group

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year.

Target: Involving the maximum number of parents in the educational process carried out with children of the middle group.


1. Create conditions for openness of images in the group space (information from parents about upcoming topics of the week, children’s product, expected help from parents, parental participation in events, activities, routine moments, etc.)

2. Provide psychological and pedagogical education of parents in the following areas:

Features of development of children 4-5 years of age;

Creating optimal home conditions for the child;

Ways of communication and interaction with the child;

3. Introduce non-traditional forms of interaction with parents into work.

Expected Result:

A trusting relationship will be established between teachers and parents, which will lead to the creation of a favorable climate for the development of the child.

Parents will become interested in the process of raising and educating children.

Teachers' professional level will increase.

Children will have positive motivation to attend kindergarten.

Long-term plan for working with parents in secondary group No. 6 for 2016-2017





1.Designing a parent’s corner on the topic “Day of Knowledge.”

Joint preparation for the school year.

Goal: To target and involve parents in active, collaborative work in the new school year.

2. Getting to know the family: meetings, acquaintances, surveying families “Your wishes for the coming school year.”

Goal: identifying requests, interests and wishes when organizing educational and educational services in the Kindergarten.

3. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: open days, individual and group consultations, parent meetings, design of information stands.

4. Informing parents about factors affecting the child’s physical health (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement).

5. Joint holding of the “Day of Knowledge” holiday.

7. Photo report “Memories of Summer.”

Educator, specialists, parents.



5. Conversation with parents about how the family’s lifestyle affects the child’s health.

6. Introducing children to health-improving activities held in kindergarten.

7. Explaining the importance of children visiting sections or studios aimed at improving the health of preschoolers.

8. Informing parents about the age characteristics of children.

Parents' meeting "Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old."

Purpose: To provide knowledge about the age characteristics of children of middle preschool age.

10. Consultation “Home Library”.

Educators, parents.



1. Decoration of the parent corner “Autumn”. Competition of crafts made from autumn leaves “The Charm of Autumn”.

Target: Involve parents in joint visual activities at home, intensify the creativity of parents and children.

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Involving parents in joint observations with their children of seasonal changes in nature.

4. Consultation for parents:

“Daily routine and its meaning. Creating conditions at home for proper rest and development of children.”

5. Together with parents and with the participation of the medical and psychological service of the kindergarten, the creation of individual programs for the improvement of children’s health and support of the family in their implementation.

7. Questionnaire “My child”.

8. Observation from the inside “Rules of Etiquette”.

9. Promotion "Game Corner".

10. Problem round table “The need for safety is a basic need of a child.”

Teachers, parents, children, psychologist and honey. sister.



1. Exhibition of family drawings “What has autumn brought us?”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Involving parents in joint observations with their children of seasonal changes in nature.

5. Involving parents in joint preparations with their children for the “Autumn” themed holiday.

7. Training “Good morning”.

8. Round table “Familiarization with the rules of safe behavior on the street.”

9. Round table "Safety in your home."

10. Leisure “There are a lot of traffic rules in the world.”

Educators, parents, musicians. supervisor.





1. Decoration of the parent corner “Autumn”.

2. Competition of crafts fromvegetables, fruits, seeds"Gifts of Autumn"

Goal: To attract parents to joint creativity, to develop a desire to participate in the life of the group.

3. Action “Day of Good Deeds”.

4. Consultation “Preschooler’s Portfolio”.

Target: Offer parents a new activity that is useful for children and parents - making a preschool portfolio, give recommendations on production and design.

5. Familiarization of parents with the forms of work of a preschool institution on the problem of safety of preschool children.

6. Joint holding of a holiday dedicated to autumn “Autumn Ball”.

8. Round table “Educating with kindness.”

9. Preparation of the exhibition “Home Sketches”.

10. Exhibition of children's works dedicated to the Day of Elderly People.

Goal: To please loved ones with my works. Convey your love for your grandparents in your drawing.



2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Consultation for parents on proper nutrition for preschoolers.

5. Joint holding of “Health Day”.

6. Consultation “Why are prohibitions needed?”

Target: Improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

7.Parental forum “What books should children read?”

8. Exhibition of family photographs “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter!”

Teachers, parents, children.



1. Design of a parent’s corner on the theme “I am a man in the world.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Helping parents understand the negative consequences of destructive communication in the family, which excludes people close to the child from the context of development.

5. Involving parents in the improvement of the kindergarten site.

7. Business game “The role of the family in raising children.”

Teachers, psychologist, parents.



1. Design of a parent’s corner on the topic “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Introducing parents to the possibilities of labor education in the family and kindergarten, to the need to develop the child’s self-service skills, to help adults, and to have household responsibilities. Acquaintance with the best experience of family labor education through exhibitions, master classes and other forms of interaction. Attracting the attention of parents to various forms of joint work with children in kindergarten and at home, which contributes to the formation of interaction between adults and children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results of common work.

6. Consultation “Development of ideas about color, shape and size through educational games.”

Purpose: To provide in-depth knowledge about mathematical educational games for parents.

Teacher, parents.





2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

4. Informing parents about the benefits of walks and excursions for obtaining a variety of experiences that evoke positive emotions and sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.).

5. Joint participation in the sports festival “If you want to be healthy...”.

Goal: To introduce families to a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate respect for one’s health and interest in physical education through joint sports activities.

6. Game training “Always say “Yes.”

7. Workshop “The role of didactic games in the learning and development of children.”

8.Consultation “Day off”.

9. Photo report “Playing at home.”

Teachers, parents, physical instructor. culture, children.



1. Design of a parent’s corner on the theme “My city, my country.”

2. Workshop “Aggressive child”.

3 .

4. Joint planning with parents of weekend routes to historical, memorable places, and recreational areas for citizens.

5. Consultation “Four commandments of a smart parent.”

Target: To improve the pedagogical culture of young parents.

6. Project “My Flower”.

Educators, parents.



1. Consultation “Formation of the foundations of a culture of health in preschool children.”

2. Bird feeder making competition: “Birds are our smaller feathered friends.”

3 .

5. Festive event "Mother's Day".

6. Exhibition of children's creativity "To My Mother".

Target: Involve children and dads in joint artistic activities, and on Mother’s Day, please the group’s moms with handmade crafts and a newspaper.

Educators, parents, musicians. leader, children.



1. Workshop “Family school of safety”.

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading.

5. Conversations with parents about the prevention of colds.

6. Consultation “Sports equipment at home.”

7. Discussion “Formation of independence in children.”

8. Creative exhibition “Our mothers can do everything.”

Educators, parents.





2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3 . Recommendations for parents on home reading.

4. Involving parents in preparing the New Year tree (learning songs and poems with children, making New Year paraphernalia, Christmas tree decorations, carnival costumes).

5. Consultation “Winter games and entertainment”.

6.Photo exhibition “Movement is life!”

7. Crafts competition “Magic snowflakes”.

9. Training “Children’s safety on holidays.”

Educators, parents.



1. Decorating a parent’s corner on the theme “New Year’s holiday.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3 . Recommendations for parents on home reading.

4. Campaign “Help the birds survive the winter.”

5. Snow Town Competition.”

6. Questionnaire “Healthy lifestyle”.

7. Exhibition of drawings “The New Year has come.”

Goal: to evoke positive emotions in parents.

8. Design of the traveling folder “Russian Constitution Day”.

Educators, parents.



1. Decorating a parent’s corner on the theme “New Year’s holiday.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading.

4. Round table “Traditions of the New Year.”

5. Preparation of an exhibition of crafts and souvenirs “In the workshop of Santa Claus.”

6. Decorating a group room for the holiday.

7. Consultation “Joint targeted walks along the city streets during the pre-holiday period.”

8. Discussion “What to give a child.”

Educators, parents.



1. Decorating a parent’s corner on the theme “New Year’s holiday.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading.

4. A holiday held together.

Goal: To develop a desire to actively hold joint holidays, to receive satisfaction from entertainment prepared by a common team, and to foster cohesion.

5. Round table “New Year holidays - how to avoid troubles.”

6. Parents' meeting "The role of play in the lives of preschool children."

Goal: to give parents knowledge about the importance of play in the development of a child;

get interested in the problem; introduce the child to play in a family setting; listen to parents’ opinions on the problem, help get out of controversial situations, justifying them.

7. Oral journal: “The role of story-based play in the development of preschool children.”

Target: To acquaint parents with a variety of games - role-playing, and give them knowledge about its conduct, materials and tasks. Replenishment of role-playing games in the group with manuals.

Teachers, parents, music director, children.








2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Parents' recommendation for home reading (stories, poems about wild animals, birds).

5. Photo exhibition “Winter brought us a wonderful holiday.”

6. Workshop “So different.”

7. Consultation “Measures to prevent influenza.”

8. Memos for parents: “The art of punishing and forgiving”, “How to communicate correctly with children.” Individual conversations, discussion of specific problems and cases.

Educators, parents.



1. Decorating a parent’s corner on the theme: “Winter.”

2. Consultation “Winter injuries”.

Target: Update your knowledge about safety precautions outdoors in winter.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading (stories, poems about pets).

4. Recommendations for parents regarding active winter recreation with children (sledding, skating, skiing, walking, feeding wintering birds) and developing skills for safe behavior during recreation.

5. Compiling an album of photographs “Wonders of Nature”.

Target: Involve parents in creating an album, intensify joint activities.

6. Creative workshop “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family.”

7. Workshop “Hyperactive children”.

8. Drawing on the theme “Dangerous icicles.” Observation from the inside “Icicles and a safe route”, teach children to follow the appropriate safety rules.

Teachers, parents, children.



1. Decorating a parent’s corner on the theme: “Winter.”

2. Round table “Gatherings”.

Target: To unite a team of parents by holding a joint evening, to give them the opportunity to speak out on pressing problems, to cultivate a desire to find a way out of the situation peacefully, and to listen to the advice of a psychologist.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading (stories, poems about domestic and wild birds).

4. Recommendations for parents regarding active winter recreation with children (sledding, skating, skiing, walking, feeding wintering birds) and developing skills for safe behavior during recreation.

5. “Creation of the newspaper “Winter Walk”.

6. Consultation for parents: “Development of coherent speech in preschool children through theatrical play.”

Target: To acquaint parents with how theatrical games influence children’s speech, what educational tasks can be solved by introducing children to the theater.

Teachers, parents, psychologist.





2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Parents' recommendations for home reading.

5. Discussion with parents of the problems of developing children’s play activities, ensuring successful socialization and assimilation of gender behavior.

7. Consultation “Physical education!”

Teachers are parents.



1. Design of a parent’s corner on the theme: “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3. Recommendations for parents on home reading.

4. Involving parents in preparing for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia).

5. Workshop “Anxious child”.

6. Consultation “The role of the family in ensuring the psychological health and safety of children.”

7. Business game “Let’s take care of children’s health together!”

8. Exhibition: “Valentine with a surprise” (for loved ones with hands child).

Target: Develop a desire to please moms and dads with your congratulations, drawings, and good wishes.

Teachers, psychologist, parents, children.



1. Design of a parent’s corner on the theme: “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

2. Joint holding of a holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

3. Newspaper “The Best Dad!”

Target: To evoke positive emotions in parents and in children to be proud of their dads.

4. Consultation “How to choose a toy for a child.”

5. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “My Dad.”

Goal: To develop the desire to please dads with your congratulations, drawings, and good wishes; with the participation of mothers.

6. Consultation: “I need you, dad!” -

Goal: To provide knowledge about the importance of the role of the father in raising a child, to improve the pedagogical culture of fathers.

Teachers, music leader, parents, children.



1. Design of a parent’s corner on the theme: “March 8.”

2. Informing parents about the progress of the educational process.

3 . Recommendations for parents on home reading.

4. Involving parents in preparing for the “March 8” holiday (learning songs and poems with children, making holiday paraphernalia).

6. Workshop “Shy child”.

Educators, parents.





1. Design of the parent corner

Elena Mostova
Plan-program for interaction with families of pupils in the middle group

Parents are the main educators of their children. All other social institutions, including preschool educational institutions, are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement their educational activities.

Practice shows that not all families fully realize the full range of possibilities for reasonable influence on a child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and others do not understand why it is necessary. In all cases, modern parents need qualified assistance from a preschool institution.

The program of interaction with the families of pupils was compiled taking into account the Basic General Education Program of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 in the village of Vokhma" of the Vokhomsky municipal district of the Kostroma region

Target: To increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, to involve them in active participation in the educational process.

Tasks: 1. Create conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents.

Activate and enrich the parenting and educational skills of parents.

Implement a unified approach to the upbringing and education of children in families and kindergartens based on Federal state requirements.

Expected results: 1. A positive emotional microclimate for interaction with parents has been created;

2. The pedagogical literacy of parents has been increased on the basis of Federal state requirements;

3. The experience of interpersonal communication between children, parents and teachers has been enriched;

4. Productive creative interaction between teachers and parents.


1. “Memories of Summer.” Photo report.

2. “We create a developing environment in the group together.” Week of good deeds.

3. “The journey to the land of knowledge continues or only forward.” Parent meeting.

4. “Autumn is a wonderful time.” Exhibition of drawings and crafts.

October 1. “Age characteristics of children 4-5 years of age.” Consultation.

2. “How to choose a remedy for colds and flu.” Consultation.

3. “The child and the road. Rules of conduct on the streets of the village." Movable folder.

4. “Golden Autumn.” Shared fun

5. “How to answer children's questions.” Memo

November 1. “A safe road through the eyes of children.” Exhibition of drawings

2. “The role of family and kindergarten in shaping children’s health.” Movable folder.

3. “Dad, mom, I am a very friendly family.” Photo exhibition

4. “It’s good to be with mom.” Shared fun

5. “The level of speech development of children 4-5 years old.” Consultation

December 1. “Child safety.” Parent meeting

2. “Be healthy!” Consultation

3. “What will Santa Claus give? How to give New Year's gifts." Movable folder.

4. “So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble.” Consultation.

5. "New Year's toy." Competition-exhibition.

6. "New Year's holiday." Joint holiday

January 1. “Snow buildings.” Good Deeds Day

2. “Help your child improve his health.” Consultation

3. “The ABCs of traffic.” Consultation

February 1. “The role of the father in raising children.” Movable folder.

2. “Our wonderful dads.” Photo exhibition

3. “We will serve in the army.” Joint sports festival.

4. “Gallery splints are one of the measures to prevent viral infections.” Consultation.

March 1. “Mommy’s beloved.” Photo newspaper.

3. “Games and exercises to develop children’s speech.” Memo

4. "Games in between." Consultation

5. “Children play, let’s play together.” Parent meeting.

April 1. “Computer in children’s lives.” Consultation

2. “Take care of your teeth.” Sliding folder

3. “Music and children” Pedagogical universal education

4. “The road does not tolerate pranks - it punishes without pity.” Newspaper.

May 1. “Our favorite kindergarten.” Photo exhibition

2. “Attention! Street!" Thematic exhibition (books, manuals, games).

3. “Hello, summer!” Final parent meeting.

June August 1. "Children's Day." Joint sports and music festival.

2. “Summer vacation together.” Newspaper

3. “Red summer is a great time for health.” Consultation

4. “Safety first!” (Rules of conduct with children near bodies of water). Consultation


1. Program of education and training in kindergarten / Edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, - M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 208 p.

2. Zenina T. N. Parent meetings in kindergarten. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. 2007. – 96 p.

3. Zenina T. N. Parent meetings in kindergarten. – M.: “Center for Pedagogical Education”. 2007. – 80 p.

4. Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings: Middle group. – M.: VAKO, 2009. - 256 p.

Interaction with parents of middle school children.

September -2016

Meeting the family

Parents' education

Cooperative activity

1. Sociological study of families

1. Parent meeting on the topic: “Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old”

2. Consultations -

a) “Healthy parents - healthy children” b) “About vaccinations”

c) “The role of family and kindergarten in raising a healthy child”

3.Design of information stand

- “Parents for you.”

- "Daily regime"

4. Exhibition of children's creativity “Memories of Summer”, “Golden Autumn”.

5. Health corner (sanitary bulletin) “Toughening up children”

6. Familiarity with the statutory documents and local acts of preschool educational institutions;

7.Conclusion of parental consent agreements.

1.Creating a library.

Participation in preparing the group room for the new school year.

Involve parents in preparing physical education activities “Zayushkina Hut”

Sports festival “Hello, Autumn”

October 2016

Meeting the family

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Cooperative activity

Questionnaire “Take care of health from childhood”

General parents' meeting "Main directions of educational and health work with children for the 2016-2017 academic year"

Report on the work done for the 2015-2016 academic year, monitoring results.

Consultations: “The role of family and family in raising a healthy child”

"Health walks"

"The role of the father in raising a child"

"Disorders of the musculoskeletal system"

"Play with me. Outdoor games with children."

Health Corner (sanitary bulletin) “Children’s Nutrition”

Making crafts for the exhibition “What did autumn give us?”

Involve parents in preparing physical education activities “Autumn”;

"Visiting Aibolit"

Involve parents in organizing the Golden Autumn fair

November – 2016

Meeting the family

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Cooperative activity

Questionnaire “What practical help on issues of education and training do you need?”

The stand “My Dear Mommy” is dedicated to Mother’s Day.


Inviting parents to Mother's Day

Consultations: “Cultivating a child’s interest in books”;

“Hygienic education of children is a prerequisite for the formation of a healthy child”

"Respiratory viral and enteroviral infections"

Exhibition of works dedicated to Mother’s Day “This was made by the hands of our mothers”

Organization of an exhibition of children's creativity. "Flowers for Mom"

Involving parents in organizing: 1. Health-improving leisure activities: “Evening Tale”;

2. Physical education: “Fun starts”;

3. Mother's Day holiday.

Involve parents in making attributes for the children's game “We are the cooks” (caps, aprons)

December – 2016

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Parents' education

Cooperative activity

Conversation “Cultivating goodwill in communication” (individual with the parents of Grisha Sh., Roma G.)


a) “Teaching children Ph.D., which must be done before bedtime, before sitting down at the table.”

b) “How to behave as an adult when a child is playing”

c) Consultation for parents during a period of sharp drop in air temperature.

Open Day.

Group parent meeting “Movement and Health”

Showing fragments of physical education classes using non-traditional equipment.

Exhibition of works made by children together with their parents: “Winter's Tale”.

Involving parents in the production of non-standard equipment for games for the physical development of children.

Involving parents in organizing: 1. Outdoor physical education classes “Visiting the Christmas tree”

2.Holidays: “New Year is coming to us”

3. Entertainment “What do you like in winter”

Group decoration for the New Year.

Involving Parents:

1. To the design of the album “Types of Transport”;

2. Making attributes for the game “Chauffeurs” and involving children in basic assistance.

January – 2017

Meeting the family

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Cooperative activity

Questionnaire “Formation of civic identity in a preschooler”

Conversations with parents about the state of health of children based on the conclusion of a kindergarten nurse.

General parent meeting “The role of the family in raising a young citizen”

Genus. showcase “Winter games and entertainment”

San. bulletin “Flu and its prevention”

“Making garlic curls to prevent influenza”

Preparation of anthropometric data for parents.

Involving parents in organizing the physical education holiday “Hurray, holidays!”

Health Day “Hello, Winter Winter”

February – 2017

Meeting the family

Informing parents

about the progress of the educational process

Parents' education

Cooperative activity

Conversation with the parents of Maxim G., Daniil K. “So that the child follows all the rules of behavior at the table”

Conversation with parents about the state of health of children according to the conclusion of a nurse.

Genus. showcase “How to protect children from colds”

Consultation: a) “Prevention of flat feet”

b) “Hardening”

Parents' living room "Heroes in our family"

Exhibition of crafts “Dad can, Dad can do anything”

Entertainment "We are playing"

Involving parents in organizing: 1. physical education “Winter Fun”

Involve parents in making attributes for the game “Shop”

Involve parents in organizing the sports and musical festival “Maslenitsa”


Meeting the family

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Cooperative activity

Questioning parents on the physical development of children.

Conversation with parents about the state of health of children based on the conclusion of the nurse's nurse"

Stand “My Dear Mommy”.

Consultation “Physical education of weakened and frequently ill children.”

Consultation: “Domestic injuries, prevention measures. First aid"

Consultation: “Day routine”

Visual information stand “How to increase immunity”; "Bow of the Seven Ailments"

Involve parents in the organization:

1.Musical and physical entertainment “My mother is the best”;

2. Physical education “Visiting the ball”

Involve parents in making attributes for the p/game “Birds and Cat”

April – 2017

Meeting the family

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Cooperative activity

Conversation with parents about the state of health of children based on the conclusion of the nurse's nurse.

Conversation on the topic: “Vitamins all year round”

Survey “Parents’ satisfaction with the quality of educational services in preschool educational institutions.”

Folder – movement “The world around us and possible dangers to the life and health of a child”

Open Day “Our kindergarten welcomes guests”

Involve parents in organizing physical education:

1. “Visiting the circus”

2.Health Day. Musical and physical education entertainment “Sport is strength and health”

Community work day for improvement of group plots

Exhibition of works completed by children together with their parents: “Space Distances”

Invite parents to make attributes for the sports game “Hare and Wolf”

May – 2017

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process

Parents' education

Cooperative activity

1. Conversations with parents about the state of health of children based on the conclusion of the kindergarten nurse.”

2. General parent meeting. Results of the year: education, training, development of students. Results of diagnostics of children's health status.

3. Group parent meeting: “What have we achieved in a year”

4. Reminders: “Life safety and others”, “It is impossible and necessary.”

5. Message “Organization of summer holidays at MBDOU”

Consultation “The child goes on a hike”

6. Sanitary bulletin “Contrast air and water hardening”

1. Discussion club “Safety on the road from home to kindergarten.”

2.Parents’ living room “Let’s not forget their great feat”

3. Plot-game activity with parents “Journey to the spring forest”

1. Exhibition of works completed by children together with their parents “This Victory Day...”

2. Community work day for landscaping the territory of the village

3. Involving parents in the organization:

1).physical education “Journey through the physical education area”

2). Happy Starts sports festival