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The task is to choose a rhyme. Verbal and logic game “Rhymes”

Card index of games “Games with rhymes”

Game "Good Elephant".

Once upon a time there lived a kind elephant,
He wrote stories.
I wrote good books,
And I gave them away to friends.
He loved to play rhymes
So that you don't get bored with your friends.
Here is a picture, here (a basket, a car, etc.),
Here is a daisy, here is (a bug, a piece of paper),
Here is my house, here is yours (little volume, catfish),
Here is the gun, here it is (front sight, dryer, mug),
Here's a donut, and here's (a book, a mouse, a lid),
Here is the neighbor, and here is (dinner, clarinet, vinaigrette).
So that we don’t get bored,
Let's choose rhymes.
(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)

Game "Gifts".

It's Monkey's birthday
Everyone brings congratulations:
The cockerel brought her a gun,
And the horse is (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc.).
White bear - chocolate,
A Hedgehog - (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)

Game "We play - we select rhymes."

Monkey and cuckoo, cockerel and cat
We decided to play with rhymes a little with the kids:
The monkey suggested: bear (then the children choose pictures).
The cuckoo echoed: reel,
The cat also purred: palm,
The cockerel crowed: bag, .
Task: Find rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, cone, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, pot, strap, top. They choose a picture and put a word into the poem.

Miniature rhymes

A mouse rustled in the pantry,
There was a (bump) under the pine tree.

Garik lives in our house,
He has a blue (ball).

Our capricious Masha,
She has (porridge) on her plate.

There is an old house in the village,
We came across a catfish online.

They took a volume from the library
In winter, the guys sculpt-(com).

Mice love cheese very much
Good cheese has a lot of (holes).

The wind was blowing very hard
There was a terrible noise everywhere.

A farmer lives with a sheep,
(monitor lizard) runs around in the desert.

Mom washed the floor clean,
Dad was waiting: when (goal).

A pack fell on the deck,
Because there was -(pitching).

My daughter writes a letter to her mother,
At the end of the story there is a (period).

The tailor chose red silk,
This means he knows a lot about fashion.

They played KVN for a day,
The audience liked everyone - (jokes).

There was a nut lying on the shore,
The fish was dragged away by a seagull.

Porridge is steaming in a bowl,
With tea it costs - (cup).

It was very bad in the fairy tale,
Until the (miracle) appeared.

The boy is crying very loudly -
He injured his finger with glass.

Onions grew in the garden,
A May beetle was crawling in the garden bed.

The bear didn't have enough honey,
The bee showed (sting).

In the raspberry patch the bear was grumbling,
Next to him there was a stream (murmured).

At night Arkady slept lightly,
I was afraid of the dark (terribly).

The athlete put on his jacket,
He is holding a racket in his hands.

The kids are waiting for the holidays -
Summer is red (coming).

The oldest in the group is Venya,
He has a friend - (Zhenya).

Green parsley bunch
The gluttonous one ate (a bug).

The woman screamed loudly -
Scared her - (toad).

In fairy tales they love a feast,
Everyone in the world needs (peace).

Concrete is being made at a construction site,
In the metro they will ask for a (token).

I bought a fashionable Klim vest,
I bought a theater ticket.

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Zhora,
He has a little sister (Laura).

Little Tanya is the most boastful of all,
She has a (brooch) on her hat.

The old leopard dreamed of the stars.
He wanted to fly to (Mars).

Seryozha forfeit lost,
The girls tied a bow.

A can fell off the table
Now Sveta’s wound hurts.

Vasya was on duty in the classroom,
He cleaned the floors with a rag.

There lived an old dog in the world,
He performed his service properly.

They gave Ram a pipe,
And a guard (booth).

Ilya has beautiful hair,
And a pleasant, sonorous (voice).

The leader issued a victory cry,
(rain) is not a hindrance to him.

You can't take someone else's
And, of course, you can’t (lie).

To give your hair shine,
We will need (wax).

Yaga didn't get the crown
The crow took her away.

The picture was painted by the creator,
I depicted a palace on it.

I can’t hear the nightingale’s trill,
Silences it (drill).

I saw a wonderful dream
That I went to (Don).

It's a dark night,
My (daughter) is falling asleep.

The cat has beautiful paws -
Fluffy shoes (slippers).

Vitya didn’t take his backpack to school,
I spent the whole day learning (the dance) there.

The ship arrived at a distant port,
The sailor is bringing a cake to his friend.

A soldier doesn't need a sled,
He will study (tanks).

The incident happened once
They turned the copper basin over.

Grandfather loves tobacco
And the grandson is (zucchini).

Exotic fruit mango.
Unfamiliar dance (tango).

There are bushes in the yard
They are very (thick).

There is a slide near the house -
Ice on it (crust).

Someone dug a big grotto
It turned out it was (a mole).

There is a gander living in the poultry house,
Runs in the forest (hare).

Glasha danced the polka,
She sang the song loudly (Klasha).

Grandfather went to chop wood,
And grandma - onions (weed).

The boxer cut his eyebrow with a blow,
And immediately ran (blood).

Brought a ship of athletes to the port,
They went to the (court).

There was a crumb left on the table,
I fed the birds (Proshka).

The roses ran away from the flower bed,
Very prickly (roses).

In the morning dew fell -
Go out to the meadow (spit).

Horses performed at the races,
We rode children (ponies) in the park.

The cat licked all the sour cream,
He wiped his mouth with his paw.

There was a donut on the table -
The mouse caught the smell.

In the kingdom of fairy tales a ball has been gathered
There were both old and (young) there.

The big boss needs a folder,
And, of course, in winter, a must (hat).

If children are walking in the park,
There is no need to break bushes (branches).

Pussy face warming in the sun.
The bowl is filled with delicious whiskey.

Natasha baked a cupcake,
Our (Rex) loves them very much.

The clown took off his funny cap
The grandfather planted a turnip in a fairy tale.

In the outer row there is a school desk,
There is a pen, a textbook and (a map) on it.

Let's wear a mask to the carnival,
The soldier will wear (a helmet) into battle.

The mouse saw the crust -
She dragged her into (the hole).

Arthur began to saw the log,
I hurt myself (knee).

A drop fell from the sky,
Not afraid of her (heron).

Faith's cutting failed,
Now it is in the magazine (troika).

Mila made a salad
I washed my (robe).

The cold is very scary for the hare,
But even worse (hunger).

I bought Gleb sour cream,
Vasily bought (bread).

Slowing down time,
The old (year) is leaving us.

Hops bloom magnificently in spring,
A bumblebee sits on it.

That guys start fights
Don't believe it! It's just (a lie).

A puppy was running in the meadow,
Lena wove a wreath for him.

There lived a giant in the world,
And he had a (pelican).

For a soldier it is strictly normal:
Always ironed (shape).

Arseny took the remote control in his hands,
He wanted to watch (cartoon).

The border guards have a post
They have (the bridge) under guard.

Daddy calls Ira:
"My daughter is (sweetheart)."

Fedya loves lard very much,
Everything is (not enough) for him, poor guy.

They love pussy series,
Buy at Trek (discs).

Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,
Then she paints her lips brightly.

A cloud floated across the sky,
A pike was splashing in the river.

The baker bakes bread for our table,
Gives out medicine (doctor).

There is sand on the river bank,
And there is (a forest) around.

The boat did not reach its goal,
He ran aground.

Petya washed his hands with soap,
All germs quickly (washed away).

A cat was sitting on the window
And meowed (a little).

The children ran and jumped
And in the evening everyone (tired).

Look, there's a steam locomotive,
He drove the trailers.

On a big green branch
The squirrels (children) are sitting.

Game "Rhymes".

We played rhymes and selected words.
Now let's play with you.
We'll show you the picture and tell you the word -
Which one will we take with us?
I’ll say accordion, and you’ll tell me (potato),
I'm holding my shirt, you see (the bug),
I took the basket, you bought (the painting).

I see a sheep grazing on the field,
And the little boy carries - (drum),
An ant crawls along the path with a reed,
And a sparrow flies after him.

The violinist gives us Encore concerts,
Children are having fun at the circus (Circus Man),
In the spring, rooks arrive from the south,
All the children are treated by our doctors.

Target: Development in children phonemic awareness, sense of rhythm, memory.

During the preschool period, intensive speech development child. He gets acquainted with the richness of the sound, lexical and grammatical composition of the language. This is a period of intensive familiarization of the preschooler with the word - its semantic and phonetic side.

It is important to take into account that children with speech underdevelopment have reduced cognitive interest, so simply naming objects, their signs and actions may be a wasted effort.

First of all, it is necessary to encourage children to listen and hear. This will be achieved more successfully if you give verbal exercises a spirit of fabulousness, mystery, and emotional overtones.

Progress of the game:

1. Vocabulary work with looking at pictures - “adds”;

2. Emotional reading of the text with a choice of pictures - “Add-ons” by children.

3. Repeated reading of the text, in which children finish the word - rhyme without the help of a picture;

4. Memorizing the text using pictures (arranged in accordance with the text), from memory by children;

5. Work on expressive reading of text by children.

Adventures of a gnome.

There is a clearing in the dense forest,

At the edge of that….(hut)

And built this house

Our funny, cheerful...(gnome)

Wears a gnome cap

It stands exactly...(patch)

For such little spots

I bought a gnome...(shoes)

Early in the morning the gnome needs

Bring some firewood to ... (house)

I found a stream nearby,

Carry water to ... (seagulls)

One day, going behind the tree,

I saw... (a bee) on a flower

I ran forward after her -

Get sweet… (honey) for tea

There is a shadow on the ground from the spruce tree,

The gnome ran behind... (stump)

The noise rose to heaven -

Sounded loud with screaming... (forest)

The gnome shouted loudly: “Oh - oh!”

There lived a bee in the grass...(swarm)

From the stump he flew like a bullet,

Because there was... (hive)

Now the gnome took the basket

For tea I brought myself... (raspberries)

He brought blackberries

And lingonberries, and... (blueberries)

The gnome saved all the berries,

Invites... (us) to tea

Game "Finish the line"

A gray wolf in a dense forest met a red... (fox)

Trying to weave a cunning trail, jumping through the snowdrifts... (hare)

Mikhail played football and scored a goal... (goal)

This Lina is a good girl, she sculpts everything from... (plasticine)

Hey, don't stand too close, I'm a tiger cub, not a...(pussy)

Lyudmila went to wash her hands, she needed .... (soap)

And the saucers said: “We should……(go back)”

And the irons said: “We are Fedora....(not enemies)”

And now the brushes-brushes began to crackle like ..... (rattles)

I clean the puppy with a brush, tickle him... (sides)

Where did you have lunch, sparrow? - At the zoo, at ..... (animals)

The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for ... (us).

Game "Finish the line"

Sha-sha-sha - ……(bathed the baby)

Sho-sho-sho -…….(bathed well)

Shi-shi-shi - …..(don’t rush for a walk)

Shu-shu-shu -….. (I sew a shirt for the baby)

She-she-she - .... (resting in the hut)

Va-va-va - ….(there are bad words)

Wee-wee-wee - ....(pick a cherry from a tree)

Whoa-whoa-…..(there’s no one on the river)

Woo-woo-woo -…. (mowing pine grass)

We-ve-ve - .... (goats walk on the grass).

Game "Finish the line"

Sa-sa-sa - ... (very long braid)

When sometimes it’s lonely, suddenly a ringing bursts into the silence,

Walks calmly, slowly - Let everyone see. How good!

The shirt in which he walks is comfortable and durable …. Turtle

There are apples on the branches in winter, pick them up quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up, because this is... Bullfinches

One hundred birch soldiers stand holding hands.

Day and night. The garden is guarded all year round.

Those soldiers have long been called..... fence

So that we don’t get bored,

Let's choose rhymes.

(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)

Game "Gifts".

It's Monkey's birthday

Everyone brings congratulations:

The cockerel brought her a gun,

And the horse is ... (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc.).

White bear - chocolate,

And the Hedgehog -...(marmalade, lemonade, etc.)

Game “We play - we select rhymes.”

Monkey and cuckoo, cockerel and cat

We decided to play with rhymes a little with the kids:

The cuckoo echoed: reel,...

The cat also purred: palm,...

The cockerel crowed: bag,... .

Task: Find rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, cone, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, pot, strap, top. They choose a picture and put a word into the poem.

Miniature rhymes

A mouse rustled in the pantry,

Under the pine tree lay -... (bump).

Garik lives in our house,

He has a blue...(ball).

Our capricious Masha,

She has ... (porridge) on her plate.

There is an old house in the village,

We came across the net -... (catfish).

They took a volume from the library

In winter, the guys sculpt -...(com).

Mice love cheese very much

Good cheese has a lot of -... (holes).

The wind was blowing very hard

There was a terrible sound everywhere...(hum).

A farmer lives with a sheep,

Running in the desert -... (monitor lizard).

Mom washed the floor clean,

Dad was waiting: when... (goal).

A pack fell on the deck,

Because there was -...(pitching).

My daughter writes a letter to her mother,

At the end of the story there is -... (period).

The tailor chose red silk,

This means he knows fashion...(a lot).

They played KVN for a day,

The audience liked everyone -... (jokes).

There was a nut lying on the shore,

The fish was dragged away by -... (seagull).

Porridge is steaming in a bowl,

With tea it costs -... (cup).

It was very bad in the fairy tale,

Until it appeared -... (miracle).

The boy is crying very loudly -

He injured himself with glass... (finger).

Onions grew in the garden,

A May beetle was crawling in the garden bed.

The bear didn't have enough honey,

The bee showed...(sting).

In the raspberry patch the bear was grumbling,

There is a stream next to it... (murmured).

At night Arkady slept lightly,

I was afraid of the dark... (terribly).

The athlete put on his jacket,

He holds...(a racket) in his hands.

The kids are waiting for the holidays -

Summer is red...(coming).

The oldest in the group is Venya,

He has a friend -... (Zhenya).

Green parsley bunch

The gluttonous one ate...(bug).

The woman screamed loudly -

Scared her -... (toad).

In fairy tales they love a feast,

Everyone in the world needs...(peace).

Concrete is being made at a construction site,

In the metro they will ask for -... (token).

I bought a fashionable Klim vest,

I bought a theater ticket...(ticket).

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Zhora,

He has a little sister...(Laura).

Little Tanya is the most boastful of all,

On her hat is ... (brooch).

The old leopard dreamed of the stars.

He wanted to fly to ... (Mars).

Seryozha forfeit lost,

The girls tied...(bow).

A can fell off the table

Now Sveta hurts... (wound).

Vasya was on duty in the classroom,

He cleaned the floors with a rag...(soaped).

There lived an old dog in the world,

He served properly...(performed).

They gave Ram a pipe,

And a guard... (booth).

Ilya has beautiful hair,

Not a hindrance to him... (rain).

You can't take someone else's

And, of course, you can’t... (lie).

To give your hair shine,

We will need...(wax).

Yaga didn't get the crown

Took her away...(crow).

The picture was painted by the creator,

He depicted...(palace) on it.

I can’t hear the nightingale’s trill,

It drowns it out... (drill).

I saw a wonderful dream

That I went to... (Don).

It's a dark night,

My...(daughter) is falling asleep.

The cat has beautiful paws -

Fluffy shoes...(slippers).

Vitya didn’t take his backpack to school,

I spent the whole day learning...(dance) there.

The ship arrived at a distant port,

The sailor is bringing it to his friend...(cake).

A soldier doesn't need a sled,

He will study...(tanks).

The incident happened once

They turned over the copper...(basin).

Grandfather loves tobacco

And the grandson is... (zucchini).

Exotic fruit mango.

Unfamiliar dance...(tango).

There are bushes in the yard

They are very...(thick).

There is a slide near the house -

Ice on it...(crust).

Someone dug a big grotto

It turned out that it was ... (mole).

There is a gander living in the poultry house,

Running in the forest... (a hare).

Glasha danced the polka,

She sang the song loudly... (Klasha).

Grandfather went to chop wood,

And grandma - onions...(weed).

The boxer cut his eyebrow with a blow,

And immediately she ran... (blood).

Brought a ship of athletes to the port,

They went to ... (court).

There was a crumb left on the table,

I fed the birds... (Proshka).

The roses ran away from the flower bed,

Very prickly...(roses).

In the morning dew fell -

Go out to the meadow... (spit).

Horses performed at the races,

We rode the children in the park...(ponies).

The cat licked all the sour cream,

He wiped his paw…(mouth).

There was a donut on the table -

I caught the smell... (mouse).

In the kingdom of fairy tales there is a ball -

There were both old and ... (small).

The big boss needs a folder,

And, of course, in winter, definitely... (hat).

If children are walking in the park,

No need to break bushes...(branches).

Pussy face warming in the sun.

Filled with delicious “whiskas”...(bowl).

Natasha baked a cupcake,

Ours loves them very much... (Rex).

The clown took off his funny cap

The grandfather planted in the fairy tale... (a turnip).

In the outer row there is a school desk,

There is a pen, a textbook and... (map) on it.

Let's wear a mask to the carnival,

In battle, the soldier will wear... (helmet).

The mouse saw the crust -

She dragged her into ... (hole).

Arthur began to saw the log,

I hurt myself... (knee).

A drop fell from the sky,

Not afraid of her... (heron).

Faith's cutting failed,

Now it’s in the magazine...(three).

Mila made a salad

I washed my...(robe).

The cold is very scary for the hare,

But even worse... (hunger).

I bought Gleb sour cream,

Vasily bought ... (bread).

Slowing down time,

Old...(year) is leaving us.

Hops bloom magnificently in spring,

(bumblebee) sits on it.

That guys start fights

Don't believe it! It's just -...(lies).

A puppy was running in the meadow,

There lived a giant in the world,

And he had...(pelican).

For a soldier it is strictly normal:

Always ironed...(shape).

Arseny took the remote control in his hands,

He wanted to watch...(cartoon).

The border guards have a post

They have guards... (bridge).

Daddy calls Ira:

“My daughter is...(sweetie).”

Fedya loves lard very much,

Everything for him, poor guy... (is not enough).

They love pussy series,

They buy it at Trek...(discs).

Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,

Then she paints brightly... (lips).

A cloud floated across the sky,

There was a pike splashing in the river.

The baker bakes bread for our table,

Gives out medicine -... (doctor).

There is sand on the river bank,

And around there is... (a forest).

The boat did not reach its goal,

He ran into ... (stranded).

Petya washed his hands with soap,

All the germs quickly...(washed away).

A cat was sitting on the window

And meowed... (a little).

The children ran and jumped

And in the evening everyone... (tired).

Look, there's a steam locomotive,

He is a trailer... (driving).

On a big green branch

The squirrels are sitting... (children).

Target. Teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships and select rhyming words.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws the children’s attention to sheets of paper and “washers” (chips) lying in front of each of them.

“Have you forgotten the game of hockey? - the teacher is interested. And he clarifies: “The impact and where might the puck end up?”

Listens to the children’s answers, suggests the direction of the puck’s flight, for example: “The puck is flying above the goal, to the left of it.”

The teacher calls a child who wants to report from the hockey field (the child answers from his seat). Then another child comments on the hockey players' training. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher, standing behind the children, observes who moves the puck on a sheet of paper in order to later work with some of the children individually.

“Today I will not treat you to coffee, as we will play the game “Say a word” (“Choose a rhyme”),” the teacher says. – A very famous poetess Elena Blaginina composed cunning poems. Listen to them carefully."

The teacher reads E. Blaginina’s poem “There is still a game...”:

It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...
- New Year.

The needles glow softly,
The pine spirit comes from...
- Christmas trees!

The branches rustle faintly,
The beads are bright...
- They shine.

(“Or maybe they spark? They hiss?”)

And the toys swing -
Flags, stars...
- Firecrackers!

(“Not cuckoos? Not frogs? And, of course, not ears?”)

Threads of colorful tinsel,
- Balls!

(“Balls or Gifts?”)

Fragile fish figures,
Birds, skiers...
- Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and Rednose,
Under the branches of Grandfather...
- Freezing!


Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic: “I dreamed...” Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

Target. Teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements.

Progress of the lesson

“Today we will again learn to speak correctly,” the teacher begins the lesson. - Let's talk to you about the New Year holiday. All people, adults and children, were waiting for the New Year: gifts, guests, travel, beautiful Christmas trees. Tell us what you dreamed about before the New Year and how you spent the New Year holidays.”

The teacher listens to the child’s story, makes the necessary corrections, and asks clarifying questions. Then evaluates the answer, noting its logic and expressiveness ( unusual comparisons, emotionality).

Calls 2-3 more guys. He tries to listen to the stories of those children who spent the New Year holidays in different ways.

It is also advisable to listen to a child experiencing various kinds of difficulties in mastering native language. But this child must be prepared in advance and rejoice at his successes together with the children.

In order to add variety to the conversation and please the children, you can conduct didactic game“Pick a rhyme” using the following works:

The puppy looked through the window:
- What does... (the cat) enjoy?

- There are all sorts of people walking around here, look!
- Looks evil at the cat... (mouse).

- Maybe it’s enough, mouse, to be angry?
- Chirped... (tit).

Didn't say anything
Sleeping under the bed... (dog).

E. Lavrentyeva “Choose a rhyme”

* * *
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and... (face).

My dear children!
I really, really ask you:
Wash cleaner, wash more often -
I'm dirty... (I can't stand it).

Y. Tuvim. “A letter to all children on one very important matter,” trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkov

On the merry ones,
On the greens
Horizon Islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone walks... (on their heads).
Through the mountains
On a scooter
They go there
Bulls... (in tomatoes)!
And one scientist cat
He even drives... (helicopter).

Ya. Bezheva. “On the Horizon Islands”, trans. from Polish B. Zakhoder

Lesson 2. Reading the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”

Target. Introduce children to new things a work of art, help to understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.

Preliminary work. Having replenished the corner of the book with new collections of works, the teacher invites the children to find fairy tales, stories, and poems. You can divide the children into three groups. The first group will select fairy tales, the second - short stories, the third - poems. Groups of children will work in turns, and each subsequent group can look at the books of the previous group(s) to determine if they have the works they want to select.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher evaluates the children's work (their diligence and conscientiousness). Then he looks through the first stack of books. It makes more sense to start with collections of poetry. Children often classify fairy tales by A. Pushkin and K. Chukovsky as poetry. The teacher finds out whether this is legal and to which group of works this or that book belongs.

“This is a fairy tale in verse,” explains the teacher.

The next group of children proves that the books they have chosen are fairy tales (stories).

Having assessed the children’s knowledge and intelligence, the teacher reads to them S. Georgiev’s story “I Saved Santa Claus” (see Appendix). Then he asks whether they liked the new work and whether it is a fairy tale or a story.

Have you tried writing poetry? Some people succeed, and quite well. This kind creativity not that rare among people. True, it’s not easy to write real, good poetry, but it’s even harder to teach it to children. We won't teach, we will play. Maybe some of them will actually learn to compose, while for others the game will bring them pleasure and teach them to think.

For children, the process of writing poetry begins with the ability to select rhymes. Although games with rhymes are used by teachers when working with children, they are rare. This can be partly explained by the small number of options for game exercises. This is mainly a selection of consonant words and the often encountered game “Say the Word.” IN methodological literature they are presented by A.K. Bondarenko, G.A. Tumakova and others. The limited number of goals and objectives implemented in these games also explains the little interest in them on the part of teachers. But not children!

What does rhyme mean to children? According to K. Chukovsky, a child has a great desire to rhyme words: “Every rhyme gives a child special joy. And for groups of children, rhyme is even sweeter than for one or another child individually.” On the impact of rhyme on the child’s psyche L.M. Malysheva says this: “Children feel the charm of consonant words and lines very early; they often begin to rhyme themselves in infancy. It is very important to maintain this interest, because the sense of rhyme, like the sense of rhythm, is one of the steps towards understanding poetry, its conventions, its special language.”

The pedagogical appropriateness of games with rhymes can be explained by the value contained in them. Rhyme is a pair category. In it, one word necessarily implies another. J. Rodari, reflecting on the nature of creativity, notes that cognitive function rhyme explains why rhyme gives children more pleasure than simple consonance. He writes: “Phonetic similarity forces the poet to look for semantic connections between words - thus, phonetics gives birth to thought.”

By playing the “Select a Rhyme” series of games with children, we essentially introduce children to the mechanism of selecting rhymes when composing poems, riddles, etc. It is very important that these game exercises They form a system of classes for teaching children the technique of versification. You can start playing with simple variations with children as young as 5 years old and continue throughout school year with children of the pre-school group, and then after, with schoolchildren. Schoolchildren can be asked not only to choose rhymes, but also to compose similar exercises themselves.

It is best to introduce preschoolers to the concept of “rhyme” using the chapter “How Dunno composed poetry” from the book by N. Nosov. I can't think of a more ingenious explanation! And it turns out that rhymes can be selected in different ways :

1. Select consonant words orally or from pictures:

Bunny - polar cod; globe - bus.

2. You need to find a rhyme “hidden” in the subject itself:

Goby - barrel; goat - eyes.

3 .The name of the item in one picture must rhyme with the name of the part of the item shown in the second picture:

Mouse - pan - lid; ear - onion - husk.

4. In order to rhyme the name of the first picture with the name of the second, you need to name the object depicted in the second picture differently:

A) Name the subject with a general word:

Pillow - doll - toy; door - bear - beast.

b) Find a synonym for the name of the item:

Cat - basket - basket; shelf - basket - wallet.

V) Give the item an apt description:

Leika - Baba Yaga - villain; carrot - fox - cheat.

G) Choose a metaphor:

Bank - steering wheel - steering wheel; leaves - broom - Anisya.

d) Rhyme can reflect relationships and connections between objects:

Bones - children - guests; pen - girl - granddaughter.

5. To find a rhyme for the name of the first item, you need to think and guess:

A) Who or what the object shown in the second picture can become:

Drum - lamb - ram; rhinoceros - milk - cottage cheese.

b) Who or what was the object depicted in the second picture:

Lollipop - crow - chick; foam - Pinocchio - log.

6. The name of the first picture rhymes with the name of the item in the second picture in a diminutive form:

Cat - fish - little fish; ring - coat - coat.

7 .To get a rhyme, you need to change both words (picture names):

A) Educate plural nouns:

Axe, ball. Axes are balls.

Bank, tank. Banks are tanks.

b) Form new words using suffixes:

Flag, iron. Flag - iron.

Boy, hat. The little boy is a little hat.

8 .The name of the item shown in the picture must rhyme with the adjective.

Peas - disheveled; shovels - shaggy.

9. The name of the object shown in the picture must rhyme with the verb:

Shark - dived; tit - dreaming.

10. The name of the item shown in the picture must rhyme with the adverb:

Chocolate - sweet; elephant - quiet.

The selection of rhymes in such creative games stimulates children's mental activity. To arouse in the child the desire to think, to revolve in the cycle of thoughts, logical problems, to revive his ideas - this is the implementation of the “principle of the optimal relationship between the processes of development and self-development” (N. Podyakov). In such games there is a formation personal qualities child. He asserts himself in them, feels confident and resourceful. For all children, rhyming games are exciting, surprising, interesting and exciting, allowing the teacher to solve educational and educational tasks, building relationships with children on the basis of equal partnership.