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There lived a ruler. Presentation on the topic: “In a fairy-tale country, on the shore of a beautiful sea, there stood a palace

The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are consistently implementing a plan to establish complete control over humanity and the resources of our planet. David Icke called this process "Total Tiptoeing" as "they" take small steps towards our complete and certain enslavement.

The plans of the shadow forces behind the NWO

Somewhere near the top of the pyramid is a super-elite organization, better known as the Council of 13 Families, which controls all the major events taking place in the world. As its name suggests, the Council is composed of the highest representatives of the 13 most powerful families on the globe.

All larger number people are beginning to realize that 99 percent of the world's population is under the control of the "elite" one percent, yet the Council of the 13 Families consists of less than one percent of the "elite" one percent, and no one is globe cannot apply for membership in this Council.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over us only because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves kings. These families include:

Rothschilds (Bayer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
Sinclairs (St. Clairs)
Warburgs (del Banco)
Windsors (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

(Most likely, this list is not final and some very influential clans are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild dynasty is undoubtedly the most influential and famous dynasty on Earth, and its fortune is estimated at approximately 500 trillion US dollars!

They exercise their power through a global banking empire that is almost entirely theirs.

The most important organizations that are trying their best to establish the NWO and completely enslave us include:

Downtown London (Rothschild controlled finance) - NOT part of the UK;

US Federal Reserve (finance – private bank, Rothschild-owned) – NOT part of the USA;

Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and intimidation tactics) – NOT part of Italy;

Washington, DC (military, mind programming, brainwashing and genocide) - NOT part of the US;

All of the above organizations function as separate states, operate in accordance with their own legislation, and therefore there is no court of general jurisdiction on the globe that could ever hold them accountable.

There are many secret societies in the world today that operate as branches of a mega-corporation owned by the Council of 13 Families.

Although they receive significant remuneration for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of "elite" dynasties, they have no idea who their masters are, and they have no idea what the real world looks like. real plan.


Another method of mass enslavement they use against us is the so-called education system. Schools have ceased to be what they used to be, and children learn to remember in them without thinking and blindly obeying.

In fact, this education system is too expensive and irrelevant to maintain in the Internet age.

“Why is it irrelevant?” you ask. Because the Internet gives us free access to an almost unlimited amount of information.

So why do we still spend huge sums on public education? Because the world “elite” demands that our children learn to obey unquestioningly and think in stereotypes.

What can we do about it?

Now the faith of humanity hangs by a thread, as the control of the NWO octopus spreads wider and wider. On the one hand, we are one step away from our complete enslavement, but on the other hand, we could easily destroy the pyramid of their power, simply by uniting against their deception and carrying out a peaceful revolution in the minds, hearts and souls of people.

For years I have asked myself what is their most powerful weapon that they use to enslave us. Is this weapon a poor education system coupled with the constant impact on our brains? Or is this weapon fear born of religion? Is it the fear of being punished by the system (being sent to prison or being killed), or is such a weapon an invisible enslavement using the monetary system?

In my opinion, all of the above together have had a gigantic impact on our community and the way we think, but their most powerful weapon is the handing down of the financial system!

Currency slaves

The financial system has quietly enslaved humanity and now we are being used as currency slaves. We work every day from 9 am to 5 pm, in boring and depressing conditions, without any creative or constructive incentive.

Most of the time, our only motivation for going to work is to get our next paycheck - and no matter how hard we work, we never have enough money.

Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (receiving multi-billion dollar revenues) pay tens of millions to their top executives and minimum wages to the rest of their employees?

This approach was carefully designed to ensure that a person constantly on the edge of the abyss would never have the opportunity for self-education, introspection and - ultimately - spiritual awakening.

So isn't that what it is main goal our stay on Earth? To become spiritual beings (obviously spirituality does not mean religious) and complete the cycle of incarnation?

“They” are not going to train people who can think critically and have spiritual goals. No, such people are dangerous for these families!

“They” want obedient “robots” who are smart enough to operate the machines and keep the system running, but stupid enough to ask questions.

Money is the eye of the “devil”

The roots of all the most significant problems inherent in our world are deep in the field of financial problems: wars, diseases, the plunder of the Earth, the enslavement of man and the creation of inhumane working conditions generate profit.

Our leaders have been corrupted by money, and humanity's overall mission on Earth has also been replaced by money.

So why do we need it in the first place? financial system? In fact, we don't need it (at least not anymore). Our planet doesn't charge us a penny for using its natural resources, and we have the technology to extract them without the use of physical labor.


More to the point, there are “brilliant minds” who have been talking about resource economy. One such example is Mr. Jacques Fresco, a distinguished industrial designer and applied sociologist who has spent much of his life designing the future.

The cities proposed by Mr. Jacques Fresco will be built by autonomous construction robots and will be environmentally friendly and self-sufficient, resistant to earthquakes and fires.

Other people are already discussing a transition plan to a future economy where there will be no need for money and all people will be offered best conditions to achieve their highest potential – all for the benefit of all humanity.

So my question is: are we ready to embrace the future and get rid of the control of the “elite” in a world without money, or will we allow a New World Order to arise?

The history of Russia has preserved the names of dozens of rulers - grand dukes, tsars, emperors - who ruled the destinies of millions of subjects, as well as their favorites and temporary workers who competed in wealth and power with crowned heads. Meanwhile, there is national history a whole series of sovereigns who, on the contrary, did not rule the country at all, despite the anointing and coronation: some due to the short duration of their reign, some due to “special circumstances.”

"RG" recalls those formal heads of state who did not actually lead the country.

Simeon Bekbulatovich. "Decorative" sovereign under the Terrible Tsar

The elevation of the Tatar prince Simeon Bekbulatovich to the throne of the Moscow kings in 1575 is one of the extravagances of Ivan the Terrible during the oprichnina. Historians still cannot logically explain why Ivan Vasilyevich, who had absolute control over the entire kingdom, suddenly abdicated the throne in favor of the insignificant Kasimov Khan, and he himself retired from the court and lived with ostentatious modesty and humility.

It is simply impossible to dwell in detail on the character of Simeon, who bore the name Sain-bulat before baptism, due to the lack of any abilities, be it administrative or military. Before his reign, he did not have to rule independently even a small principality, and in several minor battles near Novgorod he, as a commander, was demonstratively beaten by the Germans and Swedes. Historians see only talent behind him - noble origin (Genghisid, great-grandson of the Golden Horde Khan Akhmat, famous for, that under him, Ivan III the Great, grandfather of Ivan IV the Terrible, stopped paying tribute to the Horde), and his flexible character.

Apparently, it was for his complaisance that Simeon was put in charge. In fact, behind the pompous title of “Sovereign Grand Duke Semion Bekbulatovich of All Russia” there was no real power. The “decorative” tsar only put stamps on decrees, and all decisions were still made by the “retired” Ivan the Terrible.

“Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich was arbitrary and installed Simeon Bekbulatovich as tsar in Moscow, and he himself called himself Ivan of Moscow, and left the city, lived on Petrovka; he gave all his royal rank to Simeon, and he rode simply, like a boyar, in shafts, and when he came to to Tsar Simeon, sits down from the Tsar’s place far away, together with the boyars,” noted in the chronicles.

The “performance” with Tsar Simeon lasted for 11 months and in the summer of 1576 the Terrible Tsar returned to power again, giving the uncomplaining locum tenens the principality of Tver as compensation.

The “decorative” tsar only put stamps on decrees, and all decisions were still made by the “retired” Ivan the Terrible.

It is noteworthy that Simeon, who obediently ascended the throne, also calmly endured the loss of his formal power. Own the kingdom of Moscow? Fine. To reign in Tver? Also good. It is worth noting that after losing the throne, Simeon Bekbulatovich lived for almost 40 more years, outliving not only Ivan the Terrible himself and his son Fyodor, but also six other rulers of the country - Irina, Boris and Fyodor Godunov, two False Dmitrievs and Vasily Shuisky.

Irina Fedorovna. Queen for 36 days

The Tsar's wife, the Tsar's daughter-in-law, the Tsar's sister, the Tsar's aunt and the Tsarina herself - this is all about Irina Godunova, one of the most little-known rulers in the entire history of Russia. Only historians know about her, because Irina was in power for just over a month - from January 16 to February 21, 1598.

Irina became ruler after the death of her beloved husband Fyodor I Ivanovich, son of Ivan IV the Terrible. It is worth noting that she was forced into power, due to the lack of male heirs of the deceased king. The only child in the marriage of Fyodor and Irina was a daughter who died in infancy, and the younger branches of the Rurikovichs did not remain in either Fyodor’s generation or his father’s generation.

During all 36 days of Irina’s formal reign, preparations were underway for the transfer of power to brother Boris, who facilitated the marriage of his sister to the prince and essentially ruled for the sickly Fedor, who was not noted for his administrative talents.

The queen was initially determined to take monastic vows, and neither the persuasion of the boyars nor the requests of the Moscow people could change her decision. On February 21, 1598, she blessed her brother Boris for the kingdom and went to a monastery, where she died five years later, without seeing the tragedy of the short Godunov dynasty.

Fedor Godunov. Tsarevich-cartographer

The young son of Boris Godunov reigned a little longer than his aunt Irina - from April to June 1605 - and, unlike his father, did not receive the attention of playwrights and composers. The short reign of Fedor was interrupted tragically and, according to researchers, if not for his violent death, history Russian state could have developed in a completely different direction.

It is known that from a young age, the son of Boris Godunov was preparing to rule the state and, according to eyewitnesses, he was better prepared for this than most of the heirs to the Russian throne before and after him. The young prince was distinguished sharp mind, was interested in sciences and public administration, participated in meetings of the boyar duma and already as a teenager had his own seal, that is, he could independently make decisions important for the country.

The son of Boris Godunov was better prepared to rule the state than most of the heirs to the Russian throne before and after him.

But Fyodor Borisovich had to ascend the throne during the most dramatic period of Russian history, in Time of Troubles. The impostor False Dmitry I approached the capital at the head of the Polish army, the tsarist troops, one after another, went over to the side of the rebel, and a conspiracy was brewing among the boyars.

On June 1, 1605, 16-year-old Fedor was captured by defecting boyars and strangled along with his mother. Officially, their death was explained as suicide. Of course, during these 1.5 months the young king did not have time to actually rule the country.

He went down in history as the first Russian cartographer: studying geography was his favorite leisure time. Fyodor Godunov's map has long been considered one of the most accurate and detailed maps Russia.

The unfortunate fate of the young king became one of the reasons for the subsequent unpopularity of this name among the heirs to the throne. Only once, almost a century after Fyodor Godunov, Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov ascended the throne.

Vladislav IV Vasa. Foreign Tsar

Pole Vladislav Vaza is a unique example in the history of Russia when a ruler to whom the government swore allegiance never visited not only the capital, but even the entire territory of the country. The choice for the Polish prince Vladislav fell during the Time of Troubles, when each new figure on the throne became the cause of new unrest in the country.

After a series of rapidly changing rulers - False Dmitry I, False Dmitry II, Vasily Shuisky, the Seven Boyars, the young son of Marina Mnishek - the prince from the neighboring Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth seemed to many to be a compromise figure who suited all court parties. On February 4, 1610, the boyars in Moscow took the oath of office to him in absentia, and for almost a quarter of a century, until 1634, he was titled Tsar of Moscow, although he did not actually rule the country.

In 1634, he received from the Romanovs a colossal compensation of 10 thousand rubles for refusing to be named Tsar of Moscow.

Reasons for this failure of an otherwise successful Polish king According to historians, there were several. Firstly, the Catholic Vladislav did not fulfill his promise before the oath to convert to Orthodoxy, giving the patriotic party a reason to break the contract. Secondly, the king took a lot of time and energy to manage the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and participate in European military conflicts. And thirdly, Moscow soon elected a new tsar - young Mikhail Romanov.

For 24 years, Vladislav repeatedly made attempts to turn the formal title of the Moscow Tsar into real power in the Russian kingdom, but he never achieved his goal. In 1634, he received colossal compensation from the Romanovs for refusing to be named Tsar of Moscow - 10 thousand rubles and made no further claims to the throne.

Ivan VI Antonovich. Crowned Prisoner

The great-grandson of Ivan V, his namesake Ivan Antonovich, was crowned in infancy, but he did not actually have the chance to rule the state. In 1742, when the monarch was only two years old, a palace coup took place in St. Petersburg, not the first and not the last in the 18th century. The daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, came to power at the bayonets of the guards, and the young Tsar Ivan and his mother Anna Leopoldovna were arrested.

The crowned captive spent the rest of his life in captivity, practically not seeing people, with the exception of perhaps a couple of servants. In freedom, the overthrown Ivan VI posed a serious danger, first to Elizabeth, who had seized power, and then to Catherine II, so he faced life in captivity in the Shlisselburg fortress until old age.

Everything would probably have happened this way if not for the adventurous attempt of Lieutenant Mirovich to free the royal prisoner in 1764. To prevent the release of the dangerous prisoner, the guards stabbed the 23-year-old king to death. The unhappy life and violent death of the young man made the name Ivan unpopular in the future in the royal family.

By the way

Formally, “monarchs without real power” can also be considered Konstantin Pavlovich, to whom, after the death of Alexander I in 1825, the regiments in St. Petersburg swore allegiance, as well as Nicholas II’s brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who was listed as the ruler of the country in 1917. But it is worth noting that in both cases the power of these rulers was not universally recognized and both abandoned claims to Monomakh’s cap literally in a matter of days.

British Queen Elizabeth II In February 2017, she celebrated a truly stunning date: the 65th anniversary of the start of her reign. 91-year-old Elizabeth has broken all imaginable and unimaginable records of the British monarchy. Not a single one of her predecessors or predecessors ruled at such a respectable age. No one before Elizabeth managed to remain on the throne for such a long time.

At the same time, the queen has not managed (at least so far) to set a world record for the longest reign. History knows more fantastic cases. Thus, the pharaoh of the VI dynasty, Piopi II, allegedly was on the throne for 94 years. However, there is no complete certainty about this.

But what is certain is that Louis XIV de Bourbon, the king of France, also known as the “Sun King,” was on the throne for 72 years, which is a record in the entire history of the European monarchy.

King Rama IX of Thailand, who died in October 2016, fell slightly short of the results of his French counterpart: his reign ended at 71 years.

Naturally, the inquisitive Russian mind cannot do without the question: “How are ours doing?” Unfortunately or fortunately, Russian rulers cannot reach either Piop II, the “Sun King”, or Elizabeth II.

Ivan the Terrible - 50 years and 105 days

One of the most famous rulers of Russia, Ivan IV Vasilyevich, not only took Kazan, Astrakhan and Revel, not only surpassed all the tsars, general secretaries and presidents in the number of wives, but also surpassed everyone in the duration of his reign. He is the only one who has crossed the 50 year mark.

True, this result is not recognized by everyone. Nominally, Ivan IV became ruler at the age of 3, but he was crowned king only in 1547. Moreover, in 1575-1576. king who experimented with state structure, unexpectedly declared Simeon Bekbulatovich “Grand Duke of All Rus'”. For a number of historians, this is a reason to subtract the indicated time from the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

And yet, the majority recognizes Ivan Vasilyevich as the absolute record holder of Russia.

IvanIII- 43 years, 6 months and 29 days

Ivan III Vasilyevich, aka Ivan the Great, put an end to the Horde game. In 1480, Khan Akhmat did not dare to engage in battle with the army of the Grand Duke of Moscow, which went down in history as the “Standing on the Ugra”.

Ivan III made a huge contribution to the creation of the Russian state. Under him, the process of gathering Russian lands around Moscow went much faster. The foundations of a new state ideology were laid, the legislative framework(Code of Ivan III). And the marriage to Sophia Paleolog, niece last emperor Byzantium, became the reason for the informal proclamation of Russia as the legal successor of the empire.

Peter the Great - 42 years, 9 months and 1 day

Peter I began his reign at the age of 10 under the co-ruler Ivan Alekseevich, who was his brother, and the regency of their sister Sofia Alekseevna. All this, however, does not prevent the first years of his reign from being included in the total length of service of Peter the Great.

He really accomplished a lot: he led the country to the Baltic, created a fleet, founded a new capital and, in general, turned a regional power into a European empire. Few people managed to spend their time on the throne with such benefit.

Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko - 37 years, 1 month and 4 days

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the baptist of Rus', is a record holder among rulers Old Russian state. Having become the Prince of Kyiv at the age of 18, Vladimir ruled for almost four decades, carrying out the country's transition from paganism to Christianity.

By the way, Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who began life as a pagan, can compete with Ivan the Terrible in the number of women and definitely surpasses him in the number of children. The latter circumstance became the reason for the brutal fratricidal struggle of Vladimir’s sons for the princely throne.

Catherine the Great - 34 years, 4 months and 8 days

Purebred German Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst, taking the throne Russian Empire as a result of the coup in 1762, she gave her new homeland as much as most of her Russian predecessors could not.

The “Golden Age” of Ekaterina Alekseevna brought Russia an increase in territories in the west and south, including the annexation of Crimea, and large-scale reform government controlled, final consolidation of the status of a great European power.

The paradox is that Catherine is like statesman the public is less interested than as a passionate woman. But here all the questions are not for the empress, but for the public.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - 32 years, 4 months and 20 days

The first of the kings of the Romanov dynasty, whose election by the Zemsky Sobor ended the period of the Great Troubles, - not the most famous Russian monarch.

But during his reign it was necessary to settle relations with Poland and Sweden, annex to Russia the lands along the Yaik, the Baikal region, Yakutia, access to Pacific Ocean, establishment of strong centralized power and much more. And even the German Settlement - a settlement of foreign specialists who arrived in the sovereign's service - was founded under Mikhail Fedorovich.

Joseph Stalin - 30 years, 11 months and 2 days

Joseph Stalin is the undisputed record holder among the leaders of the post-monarchical period. Here, however, it is worth mentioning that there are several opinions as to what point one can count from Stalin's rule: in some cases the period will be slightly shorter.

Stalin is also inferior in terms of reign to several monarchs not listed here, but significantly exceeds them in terms of influence on the history of the country.

Archangel Gabriel (“Angel of Golden Hair”). Novgorod icon. 12th century Wikimedia Commons


The birth of a boy in a princely family is a milestone in the life of the entire dynastic line, the emergence of new prospects, the hope for which is laid down by older relatives already at the naming ceremony. The newborn prince receives two names - a family name (princely) and a baptismal one, both are chosen taking into account unspoken rules. For example, in pre-Mongol Rus' there was a ban on naming a living relative (father or grandfather), and the names of uncles were the most relevant.

In conditions of constant travel, the prince was not always born in a mansion: for example, the Ipatiev Chronicle tells how in 1174 Prince Rurik Rostislavich traveled from Novgorod to Smolensk, and halfway in Luchin town the princess gave birth to a son, who received his “grandfather’s name” "Mikhail, and the prince's "grandfather's name" was Rostislav, becoming the full namesake of his grandfather.

Little Rostislav's father gave him the town of Luchin, where he was born, and built the Church of St. Michael on the site of his birth. The founding of a temple in honor of the birth of an heir, especially the firstborn, is the prerogative of the princes with the greatest power. For example, Mstislav the Great founded the Church of the Annunciation on the Settlement, the ruins of which can be seen to this day near Novgorod, in honor of the birth of his first-born Vsevolod, who bore the baptismal name Gabriel (one of the two main figures of the Annunciation is the Archangel Gabriel). In turn, Vsevolod Mstislavich, when his son was born, founded the Church of St. John “in the name of his son.”


tonsure - a social practice inherent in Rus' and, probably, others Slavic peoples. Thanks to the chronicle reports about the tonsure of the sons of Vsevolod the Big Nest (1154-1212) Yaroslav and George, we learn that this ritual was performed when the boy was two or three years old, and it consisted of cutting his first hair and mounting him on a horse, and some researchers It is assumed that the prince was dressed in his first armor.

Mounting a horse symbolized the beginning of entry into adult, military life and demonstrated the physical capacity of a person. In contrast, when describing a person weak from old age (for example, in the report about the death of the “good old man” Pyotr Ilyich, who accompanied Prince Svyatoslav), the chronicler characterizes him as no longer able to mount a horse.

Saint Sophia Cathedral. Velikiy Novgorod. 11th century V. Robinov / RIA Novosti

The First Chronicle of Novgorod reports that in 1230, during the tonsure of Rostislav Mikhailovich, the son of Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov, who came with his father to Novgorod, Archbishop Spiridon himself “uya vlas” (cut his hair) to the prince. This ritual was performed in the St. Sophia Cathedral - the main temple of the city, which obviously served to strengthen the positions of the Chernigov princes in Novgorod.

First reign

The first reign under the father's hand often began very early. The aforementioned Rostislav Mikhailovich, who had just been tonsured, was left alone by his father in Novgorod under the supervision of Archbishop Spiridon. While the father returned to his city of Chernigov, the presence of his son in Novgorod represented the power of Mikhail Vsevolodovich here, and although this was not yet a rule, it was already the beginning of an independent political life.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich, the Novgorod prince, sent his son Izyaslav to rule in Velikiye Luki and defend Novgorod from Lithuania (“from Lithuania a mantle to Novgorod”), but next year The prince died simultaneously with the death of his brother Rostislav, who was with his father in Novgorod. It is possible that both of them were poisoned by supporters of the Chernigov princes. It is known that Izyaslav died at the age of eight, that is, his independent rule in Velikiye Luki began when the prince was only seven years old.

The Laurentian Chronicle reports in detail about Vsevolod the Big Nest seeing off his son Constantine (the latter was 17 years old) to his first reign in Novgorod. The whole family and townspeople come out to see him off, his father gives him a cross “guardian and helper” and a sword “reproach (threat) and fear” and says parting words.

Of course, an authoritative mentor helps the young prince during his first reign. So, for example, in the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon it is said that little Yuri (George) Dolgoruky was accompanied by George on his journey to Suzdal, and this coincidence of names, apparently, seemed to be something fateful.

The prince's son is a hostage

The role of the ruler's heir is not always pompous and attractive. Sometimes a teenager is forced to spend his childhood in the camp of his father’s former enemy. This tradition is also found in other medieval societies. For example, when the Norwegian king Olav Tryggvason (963-1000) defeated the Earl of Orkney, Sigurd, son of Hlödvir, the latter was baptized and baptized his people, and Olav took Sigurd’s son, nicknamed Little Dog, with him. While the earl's son lived at the king's court, Sigurd fulfilled his oath, but when the Dog died, Sigurd returned to paganism and ceased to obey the king.

Thanks to Russian chronicles, we know that the son of Vladimir Monomakh Svyatoslav was held hostage by the Polovtsian prince Kitan, and when Ratibor’s squad persuaded Vladimir to attack Kitan’s people, the most dangerous thing was to rescue Svyatoslav, who was at serious risk.

Great suffering was caused to the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich by the capture of his son Gleb by Vsevolod the Big Nest. Svyatoslav literally went mad: he attacks his former allies the Rostislavichs, then gathers for an urgent council immediate family- Olgovichi. Fortunately, the matter ended in peace and a wedding.

Participation in father's affairs

But the prince did not necessarily part with his loved ones so early. It is reliably known about many Rurikovichs that they spent their youth next to their father, participating in his affairs and campaigns, gradually adopting political and military skills. As a rule, such a picture can be seen during a tense military confrontation.

Geza II. Initial letter from Chronicon Pictum. XIV century Wikimedia Commons

Yaroslav Galitsky said to Izyaslav Mstislavich: “As your son Mstislav rides at your right stirrup, so I will ride at your left.” And Mstislav Izyaslavich really constantly accompanied his father in battles, and in addition, on his instructions, he went to his allies - other princes and to the Hungarian king Geza II, and went on campaigns against the Polovtsians.

While Mstislav was still young, negotiations with the Hungarian king were conducted by Izyaslav’s younger brother, Vladimir.
But the heir to the Kyiv prince grew up and gradually took over this and other functions, and his uncle was slowly removed from business.

The prince’s first independent activity is not always successful: there were some incidents. Thus, the Ipatiev Chronicle reports how Vladimir Andreevich sent wine to the Hungarian squad, led by Mstislav Izyaslavich to help his father, near the town of Sapogynya, and then Vladimir Galitsky attacked the drunken Hungarians. Mstislav’s father and the Hungarian king then had to take revenge for the “beaten squad.”

Wedding and children

The wedding was arranged by one of the older relatives - father, uncle or even grandfather. An amazing feature of ancient Russian weddings is that very often they were held in pairs: two brothers, two sisters or simply close relatives celebrated the wedding at the same time. So, for example, in article 6652 (1144) of the Ipatiev Chronicle it is said that two Vsevolodkovnas (daughters of Vsevolod Mstislavich) were married, one to Vladimir Davydovich, the other to Yuri Yaroslavich.

The age at which people got married was, by our standards, simply outrageously early: for example, the daughter of Vsevolod the Big Nest Verkhuslav married the son of Rurik Rostislavich Rostislav (the same one who was born in the town of Luchin) at the age of only eight years, but this was exceptional - a significant case even for that time. The chronicle tells that her father and mother cried as they escorted the bride to the groom. Rostislav was 17 years old.

If everything goes well, after the wedding the groom receives another patron in the person of his father-in-law (for example, the mentioned Rostislav apparently liked Vsevolod the Big Nest: the chronicler reports that his son-in-law comes to him with military trophies and stays for a long time), It also happens that for some reason the father-in-law turns out to be closer and more important than the father.

The appearance of children in a princely family is important not only as a prospect for the distant future: a full life for a ruler is unthinkable without heirs.

Thus, it is with the absence of adult sons that researchers associate the vulnerability of Prince Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (son of Vladimir Monomakh) and his exclusion from active political life. Even the boyars say to his younger brother Yuri Dolgoruky: “Your brother will not hold Kyiv.”

However, the large number of boys in the princely family (Yuri Dolgoruky had 11 of them, and Vsevolod the Big Nest had nine) also entails many difficulties, and first of all the question arises of how to allocate them equally with lands and stop the inevitable redistribution of power.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir. 12th century Palace temple of Vsevolod the Big Nest. Yakov Berliner / RIA Novosti

Father's death

The death of a father is a serious milestone in the life of any prince. Whether or not your father managed to visit the Kiev table, whether he provided you with a good reputation among the townspeople, how his brothers are disposed towards you and, no less important, who your sisters were married to - these are the range of questions on which life now depended a completely independent prince.

The above-mentioned Izyaslav Mstislavich, Mstislav’s father, did not have such an advantageous position in the family account, but excellent opportunities opened up for him precisely thanks to the marriages of sisters and nieces who married the most influential rulers of Europe and Rus', which played a noticeable role in Izyaslav’s successful struggle for Kyiv .

Immediately after the death of their father, his brothers quite often strive to seize the vacated table and sphere of influence and push their nephews aside. Vsevolod Mstislavich, transferred by his uncle Yaropolk to Pereyaslavl after the death of his father, was immediately expelled from there by his other uncle, Yuri Dolgoruky.

To prevent sons from being in a disadvantaged position in relation to their father’s brothers, the practice of transferring children “into the arms” of the brothers arose: an agreement was concluded according to which one of the two brothers was supposed to help the children of the one who would die first. This is exactly the agreement that was concluded between Yaropolk and Vsevolod’s father, Mstislav the Great. An uncle and nephew whose relationship was sealed in this way could address each other as “father” and “son.”

The last will of the prince

Quite often, princes died in strife or from illness; this happened transiently. However, in situations where the ruler foresaw his death in advance, he could make attempts to influence the fate of his lands and his relatives after his departure to another world. Thus, the strong and influential Chernigov prince Vsevolod Olgovich made an attempt to transfer Kyiv, which he had received in a fierce struggle, to his brother, but was defeated.

An even more interesting case is described by the Galicia-Volyn Chronicle at the end of the 13th century: Vladimir Vasilkovich, a famous city organizer and scribe, understands that a serious illness did not leave him much time.

He had no heirs - only his only adopted daughter, Izyaslav; other relatives irritated Vladimir with their active interaction with the Tatars.

And so Vladimir chooses from everyone the only heir, Mstislav Danilovich’s cousin, and concludes an agreement with him that Mstislav will take care of his family after Vladimir’s death, will marry his adopted daughter only to whomever she wants, and to his wife , Olga, will be treated like a mother.

For this, all the lands of Vladimir are transferred to Mstislav, although the order of inheritance suggested that they should have been divided among other relatives. What Vladimir bequeathed was accomplished successfully, but a key role in this matter was played by the guarantee from the Tatars, whom Vladimir himself did not like so much.

One fairyland There was a palace on the shore of the beautiful sea. There lived a ruler who had three sons. The father loved his sons, and they reciprocated. The children grew up kind, obedient and hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - his sons were often sick for a long time. In one fairy-tale country there was a palace on the shore of a beautiful sea. There lived a ruler who had three sons. The father loved his sons, and they reciprocated. The children grew up kind, obedient and hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - his sons were often sick for a long time. The ruler invited the most wise people countries and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done for people to live happily ever after?” The wise men deliberated for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “Human health largely depends on lifestyle, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler of the sage listened and ordered to open a health school for all the children of his country. The ruler invited the wisest people of the country to the palace and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done for people to live happily ever after?” The wise men deliberated for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “Human health largely depends on lifestyle, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler of the sage listened and ordered to open a health school for all the children of his country.

According to the beautiful rose, people get sick because they do not know how to enjoy the beauty of the world around them and each other’s successes, and joy is a special wisdom and illnesses are afraid of it. According to the beautiful rose, people get sick because they do not know how to enjoy the beauty of the world around them and each other’s successes, and joy is a special wisdom and illnesses are afraid of it.

Cold juice with ice cream You’re not supposed to drink together. Of course, it looks like a delicacy, But your throat will hurt afterwards. A scratch on your finger Believe me, it’s not a trifle You can’t forget it with your finger! Petya watches TV all day long, but he’s too lazy to go for walks and study. But in the evening he can’t sleep: His head hurts; he can’t turn his head. Kolya’s older brother explains to Petya: It’s brother TV’s fault. The southern sun gives us a tan. Only a fire will happen on your body if you stay under the sun all day. After sunbathing for half an hour, immediately into the shade! On a hot day on South Beach, Popsicles are always on sale. But everyone knows and is clear: Eating a lot of it is dangerous! Both sore throat and bronchitis are present in every serving!

What to do if your brother or sister gets sick. For chills: For chills: Wrap up; Give a warm drink (tea with raspberries, cherries); Put a heating pad on. At high temperatures: At high temperatures: Ventilate the room more often; Give fluids frequently; Place a cold compress on your head; Do a rubdown (1 tbsp. vodka, 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. vinegar).

Test “Your health” I often have headaches. I get headaches often. I often have a runny nose. I often have a runny nose. I have bad teeth. I have bad teeth. Sometimes my ear hurts. Sometimes my ear hurts. I often have a sore throat. I often have a sore throat. Every year I get the flu. Every year I get the flu. Sometimes I feel sick. Sometimes I feel sick. Some foods and medications cause me allergies. Some foods and medications cause me allergies. All sorts of diseases easily stick to me. All sorts of diseases easily stick to me.

What you need to do to be healthy. Smile, say kind words to each other. Smile, say kind words to each other. Eat healthy food. Eat healthy food. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. To wash hands. To wash hands. Do physical exercises, etc. Do physical exercises, etc.

Riddles Who treats you when you are sick? Who treats you when you are sick? What is the name of a doctor who treats adults at home? What is the name of a doctor who treats adults at home? Children? Children? Teeth? Teeth? Eyes? Eyes? Ears, throat, nose? Ears, throat, nose? What medical institutions do you know? What medical institutions do you know? Which doctor treats sore throat? Which doctor treats sore throat? Which medical institution should you call a doctor from? Which medical institution should you call a doctor from?