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Openwork anchovy brochure Borjomi party acorn. The culture of using a dictionary as a characteristic of a linguistic personality

Exercise 1.

Luxury, horsetail, speech, strongman, revenge, vegetable, help, borscht, puddles, groves, meetings, spectacles, radio broadcasts, posters, shoulders, good, powerful, clumsy, prickly, brilliant, backwards, immortalize, burn, unbearable, look, breathe, backhand, cut, flammable, false, dugout, lay, just, assign, help, rack, youth, broad shoulders, traces of fires, match, bitterness, roof slopes, wide open, make up, key, lily of the valley, harness, quiet, massage, near dwellings, rags, captivate, calico, alkali, drawing, hope, melodious, catch up, forget, sighted, eat, dense, rattling, several old nags, flying, viscous, beach, don’t cry, hold, entirely, exactly exactly, depend, alkali, knowledgeable, tasks, find, garage, Velcro, finish, power.

Exercise 2.

Bream, hang out, schools, powerful, fresh, cut, gallop, marry, meetings, spectacles, alkali, bag, broad shoulders, granaries, radio broadcasts, posters, shoulders, good, rhizomes, similar, clumsy, prickly, tenacious, skinny, endure, see, brilliant, supine, unbearable, look, lick, breathe, backhand, cut, smear, flammable, false, dugout, hot, lay, only, knowledgeable, shave, call, appoint, help, lie down, look, don’t cry, ashes , puddle, hold, want, completely, burn, flow, console, hide, drive, turn, already, away, eat, unbearable, flog, run, just like that, captivate, assign, quiet, sighted, dense, tasks , gap, power, comrade, key, retouch, many groves, midnight, do not disturb, anoint, discover, luggage.

Exercise 3.

You feel the bitterness of meetings, you open the garage wide, the air is fresh, the ivy hangs from the roofs of the dachas, the tornado is burning and hot, divert attention to solving problems, protect the crew from puddles, give the ball away, catch all the little things, the lily of the valley is fragrant, you notice the falseness of television programs, your voice is melodious , you will provide assistance as soon as you take a shower, entice young people to the match, look after your luggage, you can’t bear to cut your hair, a ray of sunshine is brilliant, the borscht is good, you burn your hand on the stove, you rush at a gallop from a steep slope, provide installation, you make a hole in the defense, you see the finish line, you judge unnecessary luxury, a large circulation of books for pedagogical schools, the doctor is knowledgeable and competent, you spin a hoop, a teenager is clumsy, you hit it backhand, your cloak is shedding, you buy an expensive brooch, your son looks like his father, you notice flocks of clouds on the horizon, a prickly hedgehog.

Exercise 4.

1. It’s good to threaten someone who is afraid of thunderstorms. 2. What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter. 3. Happiness does not float in the air, but is achieved by hand. 4. It doesn’t happen from day to day. 5. There is nothing to be afraid of who is not afraid of anything. 6. The day began to get dark, we decided to take a last swim. 7. The road climbs steeper and steeper up the mountain. 8. Something is visible in the distance. 9. He won't be able to do it. 10. It could not fail. 11. There is no need to give in to despair. 12. She will indulge in memories. 13. It seems that the performance will start soon. 14. It should end in three hours. 15. When there is a knock and the door opens, we will no longer be in the room. 16. We will soon have to part. 17. I want to speak out to the end; maybe visit some friends? 18. He is not feeling well.

Exercise 5.

1. A little squeamish. 2. It begins to get dark. 3. Everything possible is done for this. 4. You shouldn't be offended. 5. No one will be able to quarrel between us. 6. It should be a success. 7. When the final chord is heard, you will need to hurry. 8. It's time to get ready for the road. 9. This, of course, is given special significance. 10. It seems to me that someone is knocking on the door. 11. The film should end in half an hour. 12. The premiere will take place tomorrow. 13. You shouldn't be angry. 14. Construction will be completed in May. 15. I can’t work or write something today. 16. It’s easy to get lost in this forest if you don’t stick to the main channel. 17. Here the plain touches the mountains. 18. You need to make sure that this method is effective. 19. Something just hasn’t been working for me this morning. (L. Filatov)

Exercise 6.

Seize, battalion, play, trans-European, supernatural, express, injection, postman, beats, immense, window sill, zealous, filming, logs, lifts, interview, clerk, clerk, flaw, conjuncture, adjutant, object, ruffle, save, three-tiered, four-story, express, expression of will, announce, sneer, non-alcoholic, pan-European, diatomic, integral, pedestal, curls, entry, iron, needlework, curiosity, swagger, embrace, narrow, drive up, companion, go, move in, entrance, window sill, agitate, edible, fox, bear, loach, sarcastic, ant, subjective, organize, explanation, filming, broth, volume, inexplicable.

Exercise 7.

Summarize, post-impressionism, pre-July, unprincipled, super-refined, trans-Iranian, non-initiative, pre-infarction, superintendent, raise, find, pre-historical, inter-institutional, previous, non-inductive, pan-Islamism, super-interesting, play out, notorious, hopeless, counter-play, childhood, inter-publishing, non-fiction tasty, Transjordanian, disinfect, play along, not uninteresting, disintegration, pedagogical institute, artless, find, post-industrial, improvise, over-inventive, disinformation, find, sub-inspector, integrand.

Exercise 8.

Instigator, powerful, nurse, provide, delay, bridge, nails, assistant, appoint, sixteen, get ready, racer, mail, nine hundred, eternity, beg, smear, essence, manual, comfort, dream, hide, strum, fight, mowing, bone, midnight, take, pancake, donut, eight, precise, eighteen, vegetable, problem book, eight hundred, night, sixty, careless, alkaline, habit, cut, thinnest, thinner, get carried away, seventy, bakery, puzzle, stove maker, region, strong, fifty, fifteen, candle, petty, beware, rushing, now, tip, perpetuate, fuss, apart, seven hundred, mason, get a haircut, of course, daughter, don't disturb, six hundred, river, eligible, something, birdhouse, nine hundred, nineteen .

Exercise 9 (summarizing).

Supernatural, reveal, clerk, interior, nuclear-free, agitate, conjuncture, corrosive, rearguard, pre-anniversary, three-yard, courier, three-story, examine, eight hundred, eighteen, sixty, flaw, beg, nurse, nails, over-gifted, enraged, pedestal, tongueless, everyday life, subject, companion, monkey, interlingual, barrier, interpublishing, four-tier, lifting, adjutant, adjunct, injection, billiards, mezzanine, curiosity, third-rate, camel, housing, hives, pack, interbranch, narrow, transarctic, ultra-refined, artless, well-known, background, not uninteresting, pre-July, pre-October, pre-January, foreign language, three-pulse, transjordanian, trans-European, pre-infarction.

Exercise 10 (summarizing).

Burn a brick, open wide, cut off bread, traces of fires, powerful, now, delay, rushing at a gallop, falsehood, from the rooftops, from behind the clouds, help, key, dry land, hordes, mouse, comrade, ruff, beach, groves, tasks , youth, luxury, handsome, clumsy, hot, powerful, save, catch up, forget, cut, anoint, eat, unbearable, backhand, look, just, withdraw, battalion, play, trans-European, supernatural, play out, express yourself, injection, postman , beats, improvise, immense, disinformation, window sill, zealous, counterplay, counterattack, filming, super-inventive, artless, logs, rises, prospector, cultural inventory, pedagogical institute, expression of will, interview, flaw, clerk, opportunism, pedestal, adjutant, pre-anniversary, narrow . This is unlikely to come true. It's easy to breathe in the forest. Not a single sound is heard. Everything possible will be done.

Exercise 11 (control).

The stuffy night is ending. The morning comes, as always, cloudless, the air is scorching and hot, but around ten o’clock, at the junction in the west, the first thunder scatters across the fields. The father opens the window wide, listens and says: “If only it doesn’t pass by, if only this thunderstorm captures us.” Gleb announces: “Supernatural cloud!” He hurriedly tries to find fishing rods: after the thunderstorm, a frenzied bite should begin. According to him, this is a scientifically explainable fact. The air smells of weeds, and everything in nature freezes and shrinks. Flocks of clouds move closer and closer, a tornado swoops in, and cheerful lightning seems to be trying to cut through the entire depth of the powerful and immense sky. The first drops of rain hit the quadrangular slopes of the roofs. Immediately such silence reigns, as if all of nature is listening to this sound and, holding its breath, waits. The rain itself also listens and seems to be wondering whether it dropped those first test drops correctly. And, after hesitating, he decides what is right, because suddenly an energetic downpour breaks out and powerfully rumbles along the terraces of the dachas, hits the leaves of the trees of the surrounding groves, blows up bubbles on the surface of already flowing puddles and streams.

Exercise 12.

Strong muscles, long eyelashes, circus actors, your peers, street demonstration, eternal citadel, hotel construction, gypsy song, gypsy collar, tiptoe, precise circular, buy a bond, point at your daughter, oil tank, draw with a compass, dangerous provocation , gypsy dance, tobacco chickens, main information, strong shell, guests of the capital, famous quote, little chicken, dark-skinned youth, village barber, long tradition, sister's gift, freedom fighters, national treasure, bob tail, capital streets, thick eyelashes, chicken fluff, clock dial, eternal citadel, tight muscles, demonstrators, powerful cyclone.

Exercise 13.

The porch of a house, the stigma in the fluff, admire the creator, feel with your heart, slam the door, look with a sly, ring a bird, a ringed penguin, a marble plinth, the clatter of horseshoes, keep up the good work, fill with lead, cover yourself with a blush, get a letter, an elegant mirror, a metropolitan dancer, dance evening, small lake, dancing on the go, rich duke, refacing a jacket, becoming a swimmer, pink dress, prancing on a horse, tiled stove, glossy paper, unsuccessful ending, cladding a dacha, refacing a dacha facade, falsehood of flatterers, help from followers, exemplary husband , clattering fly, luxurious palazzo, mezzo-soprano part, perform scherzo, father's jacket, black coat, small gun.

Exercise 14.

Construction of a hotel, gypsy song, collar made of chicken, walking on tiptoe, nosing at the dog, oil tank, drawing with a compass, tobacco chickens, residents of the capital, this quote, village barber, our tradition, sister's clothes, fighters for truth, national custom, scanty tail, straw mat, fresh oysters, red-faced gentleman, noisy auction, harmful bacillus, Lieutenant Ptitsyn, yellow daffodil, ringing cicadas, cigarette in teeth, Cossack villages, tail with a ring, ring a bird, forest lake, baby blanket, Barents Sea, dashing appearance , jogging, striped mattress, quickly heal, soon to heal, soft heart, melodic scherzo, Alexander Herzen, pepper patch, our Duke, easy to dance, young dancer, marvelous palazzo, crimson scarf, front side, hard shell, strict discipline, aria mezzo-soprano.

Exercise 15.

Cheap, bangs, prim, burning, rustling, shuttle, grille, fur, tap dancing, liver, whisper, burn on the hand, burned the hand, seam, silk, gooseberry, bees, set the house on fire, perch, driver, banjo, hairstyle, blinders on eyes, study, gluttonous, dandy, glutton, saddler, gutter, slap, juggler, chocolate, acorn, heartburn, bill, brush, millet, yellow, heavy, Borjom, ranch, callous, burned to the ground, motley, rosary, lye, test , major, crepe georgette, calculations, black, lit, house arson, hard, chewed, Pechora, Izhora, Pechorin, string, millstone, chauvinism, purse, millet, hood, what, nothing, worthless, walked, lye, jockey , highway, junk, Shostakovich, Chopin, Jonathan Swift, Giovanni Boccaccio, Shota Rustaveli, Correggio, Joliot-Curie, dude, clink glasses, anchovy, shock, ramrod, Bernard Shaw, Georges Simenon.

Exercise 16.

Canvas, armed, demarcated, ruff, kumac, chiseled, sexton, rug, baked, scalloped, uproot, girl, take care, dried, borscht, money, stewed, brocade, condensed, condensed milk, spend the night, overnight, uproot, uproot, hook, smoked, smoked, removed from post, crushed, princess, it became hot, river, shade, crushed, soul, flattered, scary, naked, naked, remember well, little bear, watered, amazed, attracts, bakes, flogs, penny, loaded, burnt, little hare, protected, tinned throat, doomed, doomed, editor, traveling salesman, demarcation, vest, little man, it's fresh outside, boiled, baby camel.

Exercise 17.

Hacksaw, simplified, stewed, smitten, rustle, whisper, black, canvas, cheap, twine, overnight, major, learned, funny, hedgehog, plush, lattice, bangs, prim, saddler, little book, paved, burnt, shepherd, slum, gluttonous, bake, candle, cut, wolf cub, debt, burnt, reed, suitor, heartburn, condensed milk, old woman, take care, bake, borzhom, key, floor, prudent, chocolate, abacus, roll, burn, burnt hand, little dog, millstone , test, locust, staff, foundling, burden, luggage, hood, retoucher, tractor, piece of paper, watchman, bunny, ratchet girls, poor thing, snowball, snake, conductor, married, shred, grandson, boyfriend, curd, red, hundred-candle , raincoat, plush, reportage, lever, brocade, knife wound.

Exercise 18.

Burnt, hedgehog, scientist, driver, canoe, grille, dash, baked, silk, chocolate, hand burn, set the barn on fire, hairstyle, perch, gluttonous, score, dandy, slap, tartan, study, heavy, burned to the ground, callous, prim , cheap, motley, uprooting, haystack, top, editor, river, hook, burnt, money, dried, crushed, guard, demarcate, protected, no matter, worthless, laughed loudly, ominously smiled, too hotly, drawing, cloud, alien, lying, baking, test, brick, major, reed, tongue, lead, glossy, tense, lightweight, hut, flogs, floor, doctor, comrade, key, big, Fomich, sighted, sore shoulder, crying bitterly, rein, prestige, paralysis, comrade, brocade, damage.

Exercise 19.

Study, slum, lattice, rattle, penny, cheap, ridiculous, removed from post, take care, luggage, loaded, little book, boiled, on the rampage, uprooting, thicket, condensed milk, old woman, girl, liver, stew, river, oven, key , cut, doctor, red, burn, burnt hand, raised by a friend, floor, armed, hood, gooseberry, conductor, demarcate, burn hand, chiseled, simplified, wolf cub, hedgehog, plush, major, scientist, shepherd, stopped, debt, teddy bear, retoucher, worthless, glutton, nothing to do with it, powdered, gloss over, heartburn, spoke too generally, turned awkwardly, became hot, behaves defiantly, it’s fresh outside, add more, tower, task, ax handle, soot, rack, footage , cloud, stranger, guarding, with a knife.

Exercise 20.

Squinting from the sun, a cup of coffee, a wonderful morning, a feeling of joy, the expanse of fields, life path, plank fence, illuminate the site, paving stones, smell evil, numerical code, soldier's overcoat, beg for mercy, machine oil, interesting reports, piano keys, parachute jump, useful brochure, impartial jury, sew with gold, ordinary miracle, cheerful girls , enter the thicket, orange lampshade, operatic adagio, stunted bush, Chuvash costume, punctured tire, complex code, fresh sorrel, famous Jules Verne, composer Ciurlionis, Longjumeau suburb, Siauliai city, actor Mkrtchyan, diamond necklace, endless expanse, today a bit hot, blue trousers, tin mug, woolen jacket, knocking on the roof, lived nearby.

Exercise 21 (control).

Sensing something bad, we walked along the shore, avoiding the flooded lowlands. Lightning flashed far ahead, it became increasingly dark and fresh. A frightened little hare jumped out from under his feet. Zuev tried to find the boundaries of the highway, illuminating the road with a flashlight, but its muffled light kept dimming, and Zuev turned it off in order to save the last glimmer of fire for an emergency. I came across something black and hard: it was a small stack of dried grass. Zuev lit a match, stuck it into the straw, the first piece of it flared up with a dark, crimson fire and set the rest of the grass on fire. The fire illuminated a clearing that had been uprooted by someone, the thicket around us and the banks of a muddy river ahead. The rustling and whispering of the forest was heard from everywhere, reflected by multiple echoes. We stood by the lit haystack and looked at the fire. It became hot and ominous, and useless thoughts entered my head. I regretted that I had lived, in essence, such a penniless life, I remembered my native Odessa acacias and the streets of the seaside city, in which I once found my wonderful love and to which I am still attracted. Then I thought that it was stupid to resign myself to the feeling of doom and that I should try to preserve my courage and the remnants of my will. We should have spent the night right here. Zuev touched me with his shoulder and said that we needed to decide to spend the night in the forest. Unlike me, he behaved well. He took a canvas bag of food from his overcoat pocket: stale bread, a can of stew and smoked fish. After dinner, we lay down near the fire, covered with only a cloak. “The fire will go out now,” Zuev said quietly, “damn it, this rain. We’ll have to migrate to the thicket.”

Exercise 22.

Responsive young man, difficult hike, cut a branch, walk through the forest, cracked voice, my predecessor, sunflower seeds, serve customers, bypass sheet, write a denunciation, marriage, pay off a debt, inscription on a book, successful purchase, give back, get lost flock, low building, non-local resident, sharp disharmony, obvious collusion, reveal imbalance, travel the whole country, proto-European language, prototype of the hero, his great-grandfather, proto-Slavic tribes, pro-fascist regime, insightful critic, odorous deodorant, deployment of troops, disorient the enemy, discredit a colleague , clear disposition, disinfection of the premises, developed disintegration, play a game, luxurious palace, class schedule, completely dissolve, ruin the work, find the criminal, search activities, issue a receipt, painted samovar, spread out below.

Exercise 23.

Divide, make, disturb, alarm, tasteless, boundless, unrealizable, send down, overthrow, unbending, scatter, praise, fireproof, redeem, expel, disappear, unsurrendered, publish, surrender, indulgent, unearthly, compress, unclench, embroider, sew, here, stitch, diverge, too, extraordinary, excessive, here, disappear without a trace, slacker, spread, ownerless, countless, prudent, calculation, count, disqualification, disharmonious, discomfort, ignite, ascend, gape, keep your word, hold out, burn to the ground , priceless, inglorious, streak out, worldview, move, push apart, dry up, silent, hopeless, remain silent, formless, intractable, interpret, meaningless.

Exercise 24.

Travel, starless, become generous, clear, boundless, endless, outline, expand, fry, disappear, silent, proud, unravel, overly, arrange, count, spread, calculation, countless, innumerable, take advantage of, fossils, tasteless, difficult to come to an agreement, straighten out , restore the plant, evaporate, descending, excessive, fall from the mountains, overthrow authorities, inexhaustible, indisputable decision, ascension, disperse into the area, cleared paths, unspoiled, unhealthy, inexhaustible, limitless, inflexible, dissolve, unrealizable, inescapable, proceed, insensitive , disappeared, counting chamber, aimless, merciless, unknown, estimated time, calculate the time, local residents, kindle, undone.

Exercise 25.

Put to the wall, fasten, exceed, pocket, press, dance, extol, dress up, appropriate, drive, accustom, force, seek, tradition, whistle, drive, exaggerate, shoot, hit, painfully, lure, apply, elderly, roadside, pin, superiority, wise, coastal, lie down, bewitch, succeed, sentence, block, wonderful, stop, try on, try on, stick, disgusting, unpretentious, fancy, prestigious, prima donna, pin, force, abuse of power, lie, gatekeeper, interpret wrong, accept, follower, hello, freedom, arrive in the city, stay in the city, grovel, judge, prepare, muffle, look after, very funny, charming.

Exercise 26.

Boring, interrupt, add, suburb, get up, embellish, exaggerate, downplay, play down the sound, increase capital, increase wealth, get fed up, overabundant, wrangle, let down, transform, shoot, acquire, move, extol, press, legend, ghost, strange, hide, listen, take off along the road, refrain, continuity, find, finish off, slaughter, limit, sign, advantage, contradict, unquestioningly, seduce, obstacle, Volga, overcome obstacle, notorious, stumbling block, device, fastidious, handsome, order, rush, decent, claims, reason, affection, do not fail, forward, hostile, homeless, despise danger, priority, privilege, oath.

Exercise 27.

Jokes, old age, Baikal, introducing, appeal, pretense, successor, radio, receptive, transitory phenomenon, visiting housekeeper, become poor, bow to the hero, bend the tree to the ground, impartial, immutable truth, inapplicable rule, prevail, belongs, misunderstand , turn, gatekeeper, unapproachable, break the law, get to work, commit a crime, humble, approach, very bad, serve, nature, despise the enemy, look after the unfortunate, prestige, present, prerogative, adventure, land, throne, indispensable, inapplicable, incessantly , continuously, impregnable city, criminal intentions, seaside, very amusing, present.

Exercise 28.

Contender, claim, prize-winner, prima donna, preamble, acquire, legend of heroes, give meaning, fell silent, pre-long, lakeside, Baltic, priority, privilege, example, primitive, sew on, presidium, punctuation marks, fly in, pretend, roadside, unfeigned, presumption of innocence, close the door, screw, hillock, pause, arrive at the station, remain in sadness, close the gate, put into practice, transgress cherished trait, start a task, increase income, invite guests, prepare for an exam, overcome, resort to help, neglect, pursue, hide, regrettable, take a closer look, adapt, claims, boundless, pleasant, put against the wall, distribute, seduce, shelter, neglect, irresistible.

Exercise 29.

To be in grief, to arrive on time, to publicize, to give importance, to betray a friend, to exaggerate successes, to embellish events, to downplay difficulties, to diminish somewhat, to extol virtues, to bring into conversation, to start dinner, to cross the boundaries of what is permitted, to close the door, to implement a plan, to be patient to the cold, undergo deformation, misinterpret, gatekeeper's closet, pretend to be deaf, biased, receiver, attractive, homeless child, irreconcilable, inviolable, inexorable, definition, bend down, attribute, dear, most serious, arrival, insurmountable, obstacle, unusual, stick, near the trunk , cheerful, grateful, sit down, obstacles, obstacles, homeless child, despise danger.

Exercise 30.

Impregnable, incessantly, continuously, priority, privilege, immutable, inapplicable, impartial, continuity, successor, radio, presence, to be in despair, to press, to indulge in despair, indispensable, inapplicable, enduring significance, boundless, freedom, hello, adventure, refuge, vicissitudes of fate, lie, unfeigned, pretend, close the door, bring to life, primitive, preamble, give meaning, bring to justice, break the law, start dinner, crime, adamant, bend the tree to the ground, bow to the hero, president, precedent, stumbling block, stick in a corner, argue with a neighbor, contradict, unquestioningly, advantage, touch, pursue, acquire, overcome obstacles.

Exercise 31.

Slightly lie, unfeigned, immutable, inapplicable, privilege, successor, radio, refuge, indulge in doubts, homeless child, unapproachable, crime, advantage, present, legend, presence, impartial, vicissitudes of fate, inflexible, remain in despair, unquestioningly, primitive, preamble , pursue, acquire, bow before the feat, president, touch, dowry, give meaning, bring to justice, prestige, despise danger, throne, privatization, bend a tree to the ground, start dinner, certainly, overcome obstacles, obstacles, obstacles, stick in a corner, hospitality, inapplicable, freedom, ghost, premiere, enduring significance, stumbling block, incessantly, fastidious.

Exercise 32 (control).

The impregnable forests here parted, and in these gaps boundless fields of ripe rye were revealed. They were adjacent to the city, constantly rising to the last limit of the earth, getting lost in the darkness - the starless and passionless companion of distant spaces. The grain was ripening, filling, and their dry rustling, the endless whisper of the ears of corn continuously ran from one distance to another, like the almost silent, but inexhaustible, incessant music of the harvest. And there, behind the grain, behind this freedom, countless Russian villages lay crouched to the ground. They were scattered all the way to the western border. From them came the pleasant smell of just baked bread - the unpretentious and welcoming smell of Russian villages. In the endless sky, barely noticeable lightning flashed faintly and shapeless, bizarre clouds floated by. They disappeared without a trace in the north, and their fearless radiance, overcoming all obstacles and obstacles, approached the ground, passed over my face, I closed my eyes to protect them from too bright light. I rubbed the corolla of thyme, pressed it to my face and longingly inhaled its unearthly smell. And I suddenly dreamed that nearby, behind the windmill, the sea had already opened slightly - my pipe dream - and that it was not the steppe that smelled of thyme, but its sands smoothed by the surf.

Exercise 33.

Knit a sweater, reproach for an offense, punish a criminal, win a heart, solve a mystery, be useful in a case, regret what happened, shiver from the cold, tease a cat, shock from what happened, mature in the fall, take notes, wither from the cold, see a friend, say hello , guard a warehouse, enjoy music, unfading beauty, an amazing occasion, enrich speech, bring to life, pay expenses, bless for a feat, blessed land, keep a promise, a fascinating story, a significant date, a captivating image, enchant the audience, castigate vices, fluttering banners , developing countries, join forces, replace a comrade, pacify a riot, chop wood, heat it red hot, carve a part, douse it with water, please a neighbor, belittle the importance, beg for mercy, fleeting consumption, ambitious plans, pure water.

Exercise 34.

peer, valley, unit, evaporation, sentry, distant, open the door, boil potatoes, save a child, clean shoes, make excuses, suffer, be silent, store, limp, guard the warehouse, local old-timer, dress, absorb, earthquake, be late, move, pull out, ride, tin, woolen, necklace, hot, bloomers, irritate, depict, express, generate, visit often, the wound will heal, chewed with lips, meeting, gatherings, saddle, nurse, turned gray with grief, plucked instrument, split a log, expose, amaze, dazzling, provide, look, tension, enraged, reach out, approach, medicine, inexhaustible, ghost in the castle, original, imitate the elders, seal with a signature, reluctantly, creak the door.

Exercise 35.

Enjoy the warmth, unfading beauty, amazing fact, get rich quickly, amaze the imagination, bring to life, pay expenses, bless for a feat, consumptive youth, blessed land, glorify heroes, keep a promise, fascinating story, signs of devotion and respect, famous writer, captivating image, to amaze the imagination, to charm everyone, to castigate vices, waving flags, developing areas, our association, an ambitious employee, a secluded house, to pacify a riot, to stop it, to chop wood, to heat up iron, to turn a part, to make boots, to light a room, to dedicate a friend, guess the answer, initiated into the secret, please the sister, beg for mercy, douse with water, frequency of sound, the purest spring, establish care, exhort the child, make an impression, elderly nurse, ghost in the castle, lick wounds, climb up, lean on the windowsill, grow thin from hunger, drag it with you, load the gun, thin out the onions in the garden.

Dictionary handling culture
as a characteristic linguistic personality

As noted by L.P. Krysin, Deputy Director of the Institute Russian language them. V.V. Vinogradov RAS, in the article “Ode to Dictionaries” (see the newspaper “Russian Language”, No. /2009), the most famous and in demand in our country are the dictionaries of V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegov, although over the past century and a half, many dictionaries have appeared in Russian lexicography - explanatory, spelling, dictionaries of correct pronunciation and stress, historical, etymological, dictionaries of the language of writers, etc.

Listing the advantages of Russian lexicography, L.P. Krysin notes with bitterness that “most of this countless wealth has not been mastered and is not being mastered not only by the “masses”, but also by the “intelligentsia”” and considers the linguists themselves to be guilty of this, who poorly promote their science, the education system and family education.

Citing examples of blatant speech illiteracy of journalists, commentators, TV presenters, L.P. Krysin speaks about the need to form culture of handling dictionaries, what should be provided in school curriculum In Russian. It is necessary to introduce sections into textbooks that would tell about the types of dictionaries and their purpose, how to use them, what information about a word to look for in which dictionary.

In addition, the dictionary is fertile ground for word games, for entertaining experiments and exercises with words.

The consequence of the lack of systematic work with dictionaries at school is that students often do not even realize their erroneous understanding of words and do not seek to clarify their knowledge by using dictionaries. High school students work as if nothing had happened with words whose meanings they do not understand.

Researcher N.E. Merkulova gives comical examples of how children interpret seemingly quite ordinary words ( openwork, anchovy, brochure, turban, sage, crushed stone and so on.). Students do not have the habit of turning to dictionaries “not only to find out the meaning of a word, but also to check, refute, and clarify their formulations.”

The formation of a student’s linguistic personality in the modern language space is traditionally associated with the constant improvement of his competencies.

Traditionally, dictionaries in Russian language lessons are used to form language And communicative competence, with the aim of students mastering linguistic wealth (explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, etc.), their awareness of the language structure, and the development of skills in using standard Russian literary language, which means skills in the field of orthoepy (spelling dictionary, dictionary of accents), in the field lexical norms(explanatory dictionary), grammatical (grammars and grammatical dictionaries), as well as spelling and syntactic skills in the field of written speech (spelling, reference books of spelling and punctuation difficulties, etc.).

In the textbook on speech development E.I. Nikitina suggests working with an explanatory dictionary for 5th grade, and children learn to interpret the lexical meaning of a word on their own. In the textbook A.D. Deykina, T.M. Pakhnova for grades 10–11, the text of the dictionary is used to improve reading-scanning skills. The problem of formation linguistic competence help resolve dictionaries linguistic terms, encyclopedic dictionaries and materials on linguistics.

A new stage in the development of the methodology is the formation cultural competence, although elements of this work have been used for a long time. Turning to the etymology of a word or phraseological unit is nothing more than identifying elements of cultural meaning in a lexical unit. A distinctive feature of cultural competence is that it is the pinnacle and involves reliance on language, linguistic and communicative competence. Newest methodological approaches to teaching the Russian language (working with keywords related to the sphere of culture, in the Russian language lessons L.A. Khodyakova, G.Yu. Klyueva, comprehensive analysis of the word by L.I. Novikova) are distinguished by the fact that in the process of work, including with dictionaries, a comprehensive formation of all four types of competencies occurs.

At the same time, dictionaries of a new type appeared: cultural dictionaries (Yu.S. Stepanov, V.P. Rudnev), an explanatory dictionary with etymological comments (N.Yu. Shvedova), explanatory dictionaries built on the ideographic principle (edited by L G. Babenko) and others. Consequently, the introduction of the achievements of modern lexicography into the methodological process is a necessary stage in teaching the Russian language.

Let us analyze what methods of working with dictionary literature are used in modern methods of teaching the Russian language using the example of A.D.’s textbook. Deykina, T.M. Pakhnova “Russian language: a textbook-workshop for high school” (M.: Verbum-M, 2001), which embodies a text-centric approach to teaching the Russian language and is distinguished by a variety of techniques for working with text. During the analysis, we identified 7 basic techniques for working with lexicographic text used in this textbook.

I. Dictionary entries are given in the text of the textbook entirely, with reference to the author of the dictionary, as an illustration of the phenomenon being studied. For example, a commentary on the phenomenon of synonymy is an example of a dictionary entry from Z.E.’s dictionary of synonyms. Alexandrova (Ex. 154, p. 130).

II. Working with text involves working with a dictionary. For example: “Read the text. Write down the borrowed words and find their interpretation in an explanatory dictionary or a dictionary of foreign words” (Ex. 176, p. 150). Assignment for the same text: “What is bibliography? Write down the dictionary entry for this word.”

III. Access to the dictionary is necessary to complete one of the tasks for the text. For example, “In what meaning is a polysemantic word used...” (exercise 147, p. 124; exercise 148, p. 125; exercise 164, p. 140, etc.); “What is the stylistic characteristic of this word?” (Ex. 148, p. 125); “Prove that the word... is polysemantic” (exercise 177, p. 152); “Analyze passages from dictionary entries. What do we learn about the peculiarities of using words?” (excerpts from the articles are given here) (Ex. 179, p. 154); “Choose synonyms for the word... Test yourself using a dictionary of synonyms” (exercise 179, p. 191); “Prove that words... are polysemantic” (exercise 292, p. 227); “Determine the meaning of words from the context... Check yourself in the dictionary. Which group of words according to usage do they belong to and why?” (Ex. 315, p. 244).

IV. The interpretation of an unclear word is given in the form of a dictionary reference. An interpretation of an unclear word is given, for example, an interpretation of the word firmament in the poem by A.A. Feta “I remember yesterday evening vividly...” (exercise 293, pp. 227–228).

V. The text of the dictionary is used as the didactic basis of the exercise.

1. The text of the dictionary entry is used as didactic material. For example, articles from “ Encyclopedic Dictionary a young philologist” (exercise 164, p. 140), from the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Literary Scholar” (exercise 261, p. 205). Tasks with title Texts on linguistic topics” also often contain articles from dictionaries of various types: from the “School Poetry Dictionary” by A.P. Kvyatkovsky (exercise 181, p. 155), from the “Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms” (exercise 182, p. 156).

2. The text of the article is used as a supporting grammatical structure, as a sample on the basis of which it is necessary to create grammatical construction in accordance with the grammatical topic being studied (exercise 262, p. 206).

3. A task that involves completing a dictionary entry.“Add an example to each dictionary entry illustrating the use of phraseological units in speech. If you have any difficulties, consult the phraseological dictionary” (exercise 189, p. 160).

VI. Referring to the dictionary as a task in itself.

1. Exercises to promote awareness of interpretation methods lexical meaning words in explanatory dictionaries. It is expected to compare dictionary entries in various explanatory dictionaries and analyze the structure of these entries (pp. 121–123) at a seminar lesson on the topic “Vocabulary of the Russian language.”

2. Exercises in which the text of the dictionary is used as reading material (when teaching types of reading).“Find 4-5 words in the explanatory dictionary that have a figurative meaning. Use scanning as a reading method - a necessary selection when quickly reading texts, focusing on the markings trans. Make diagrams of dictionary entries. What place does the element occupy in the structure of a dictionary entry? transfer?” (Ex. 152, p. 128).

For example, when talking about etymology - L. Uspensky’s dictionaries; V.V. Odintsova, G.P. Smolitskaya, E.I. Golanova; N.M. Shansky, T.A. Bobrova (p. 150); when repeating phraseology - dictionaries by V.P. Zhukova; N.S. Ashukina, M.G. Ashukina; N.M. Shansky, V.I. Zimina, A.V. Filippova (p. 159).

As we can see, in the new textbooks, work with dictionary materials is used in an extremely diverse way.

Reviewing modern lexicographic literature, O.I. Severskaya, senior researcher at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. V.V. Vinogradov, recommend teachers to have a fairly large list of authoritative dictionaries ( Severskaya O.I. New dictionaries - to help the teacher // Newspaper “Russian Language” No. 16/ 2009.)

We offer a lesson summary introducing the achievements of modern lexicography. The lesson is intended for high school students.

A dictionary is a friend and an interesting travel companion
on a journey through dictionary countries

The purpose of the lesson: improve skills in working with dictionaries and introductory reading skills.

Equipment: multimedia projector and presentation, handouts, exhibition of dictionaries, on each table sets of dictionaries for work in the lesson.

Organizing time: The class is divided into groups, the number of which coincides with the number of dictionaries presented in the lesson. During the lesson, each group's answers are scored. At the end of the lesson, the team with the most points wins.


(Ya. Kozlovsky)


1. Which of the famous Russian scientists stood at the origins of the “Dictionary” Russian Academy, in a derivative order located” (St. Petersburg, 1789–1794) – the first large (academic) explanatory dictionary Russian language in six parts?

(M.V. Lomonosov, V.K. Trediakovsky, etc.)

(V.I. Dal, he called his dictionary “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.”)

3. Under what pseudonym did he publish his literary works IN AND. How far?

(Cossack Lugansk.)

4. In what year was the one-volume normative “Dictionary of the Russian Language” published for the first time by S.I. Ozhegova?

(In 1949.)

5. Which of the following dictionaries is the most complete explanatory, historical and normative dictionary of the literary Russian language of the 19th–20th centuries:

– “Dictionary of modern Russian literary language” edited by A.M. Babkina, S.G. Barkhudarova, F.P. Filina et al. 1948–1965;

– “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, edited by D.N. Ushakova 1935–1940?

(“Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language edited by A.M. Babkin, S.G. Barkhudarov, F.P. Filin and others.” consists of 17 volumes and contains 120,480 words. It is also called the Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language. In 1970 it was awarded the Lenin Prize.

“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D.N. Ushakova consists of 4 volumes and contains 85,289 words.)

6. What is the name of the branch of linguistic science to which the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries belongs?


7. Dictionaries, according to their purpose, are divided into encyclopedic and linguistic (linguistic, philological). Name as many types of linguistic dictionaries as possible.

(Grammar dictionary of the Russian language, Russian spelling dictionary, Explanatory dictionary of foreign words, Concise dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language, Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language, Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language, etc.)


At introductory reading the text is read as quickly as possible, but in such a way as to understand the main content and general structure of the text or select the main facts.

For this type of reading, it is enough to understand 70% of the text; the main thing is skill highlight and understand keywords. When teaching this type of reading, you need to learn to avoid unfamiliar words and not interrupt reading if they occur. The main thing is to be able to summarize the content of the text, those. synthesize the main communicative task of the text - what information it conveys and what thoughts are the most important. This type of reading is often used when working with specialized literature. Unlike viewing reading, at introductory reading The question already arises not only of what this text is about, but also what exactly it says on certain issues. We not only understand the content of what we read, but we can also prove our point of view regarding the content, characterize the main characters and evaluate their actions. In addition, we are able to evaluate what we read - whether it is interesting to us, whether it is clear, whether we have found something new for ourselves.


1. Determine the sequence of getting acquainted with the book:

– fragments of content;

– preface;

- annotation;

– title;

2. What, in your opinion, is the peculiarity of getting to know dictionaries (as opposed to a small text or a fiction book)?

3. Divide into groups to familiarize yourself with reading one of the dictionaries. Familiarize yourself with the dictionary according to the following plan:

2) Name of the dictionary. What information (already known and new) does it carry? (Note the subtitle.)

3) The publishing house where the dictionary was published. Is the dictionary part of a specific series?

4) What is the general impression of the book you are holding in your hands?

5) What did you learn about the dictionary from its annotation?

6) What is the table of contents of a dictionary?

7) Read the preface to the dictionary using introductory reading techniques. What basic information does the author convey to his readers in the preface?

8) What can you say about the features of the structure of the dictionary?

9) Read several dictionary entries to choose from. What can you say about their content?

10) Summarize your acquaintance with the dictionary. What interested you in its content and structure? Would you like to have this dictionary in your personal library or the library of a school, institute, or university? For what purpose would you use it?

11) Prepare a short report according to the proposed plan about the dictionary you were familiar with.

(Experts evaluate the quality and completeness of the information presented, the quality of the participants’ speech.)


(A fragment of a journalist’s interview with poets and translators about the role of dictionaries in their lives is used.)

1. Pre-text tasks

1. Using an accent dictionary, determine the stress placement in the word herald

2. Using an explanatory Russian dictionary, determine the meaning of the word arrogance. How can you determine the meaning of a phrase? national arrogance?

3. How do you understand the meaning of phrases? primitivist painting, naive painting?

4. Using a phraseological dictionary, determine the meaning and use of phraseological units with every fiber of the soul. Read the cultural commentary, determine the meaning of the word fiber .

5. Name words that do not have a double letter. If you have any difficulties, consult a spelling dictionary.




world (z, zz) opinion,



2. Text-based tasks

Familiarize yourself with the content of the text based on keywords.

Ivan Tolstoy: Sooner or later, the dictionary enters our lives, and you are surprised How could one exist without him? There are people who, already at the age of 10, are not too lazy to crawl out of their chairs and look up something in the dictionary, and there are people who are taught to use the dictionary by some inevitable dramatic circumstances of life. I invited my colleague, poet Igor Pomerantsev, and translator Alexander Livergant to our studio to talk about dictionaries. Igor, usually, if you ask a person if he likes dictionaries, he, more likely, will be surprised: what is there to love about them? Most people in the humanities use dictionaries, but to love a dictionary, you probably need either experience, a profession, or just an inclination. And here do you like dictionaries?

Igor Pomerantsev: I I guess, that writers should love dictionaries with every fiber of their soul, because without love it is impossible to work with language. I love working with the tongue, I love immersing my hands in it up to my elbows and, of course, in dictionaries too. Here's the observation I made: In the visual arts, so-called naive painting, primitivist painting, is possible. But in literature, poets and primitivist writers are impossible. Why? Because the paint is pristine, and language has its own roots, words have their own pedigree, their own biography, often these words are a thousand, two, three thousand years old. These are the ones thoroughbred words.

Ivan Tolstoy: Which dictionaries do you like best?

Igor Pomerantsev: I have a lot of dictionaries at home. There are so many surprises there. For example, you open - a card game bridge. It turns out that this word is of Russian origin. It turns out there is some old Russian word birich, and it means herald You scroll further through the dictionary - punch, which also entered the Russian language, and which was glorified by Pushkin. Look, this is an Indian word, from Sanskrit, which means five.

Ivan Tolstoy: Have dictionaries somehow influenced your worldview?

Igor Pomerantsev: Worldview, of course, is such a loud word, and it’s a little stupid to say about yourself: I have such and such a worldview. But, of course, I made some observations and small discoveries. For example, etymological dictionaries. It is truly a revelation, a discovery, when you realize that your dear, beloved, great language woven from other languages ​​that you speak, and Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew hum and rumble in your speech. Besides, Etymological dictionaries knock down your national arrogance. You understand that without foreign borrowed words you will be left naked, and goalless in the most literal sense. Let's go over the clothes. Shoes, shoes, sandals- not Russian words. Stockings, trousers- not Russian words. Sweater, jacket, jacket, cap, hat...

Ivan Tolstoy: Translator Alexander Livergant translates in both directions. What does using a dictionary give a person in general, except that he finds the translation he needs of a particular term?

Alexander Livergant: In my opinion, a dictionary gives a person only what a person represents himself. Very often the translator extracts from the dictionary only the meaning of the word and nothing more. You must meet the dictionary halfway. And then, in case of mutual feelings, the dictionary can teach you a lot. Because people who really love dictionaries sometimes flip through them unnecessarily or read a dictionary entry, which is what I really like to do. After you have found the meaning you need, it is simply interesting to find out how this or that word lives and in what direction the sometimes detective story of this or that concept develops. A dictionary can be a friend and a surprisingly interesting travel companion on a journey through dictionary countries. .

3. Post-text assignments

1. Determine whether these statements correspond to the content of the text.

a) Ivan Tolstoy believes that all people love dictionaries.

b) Igor Pomerantsev believes that primitivist writers are impossible in literature.

c) Dictionaries contain many surprises, with their help you can make many discoveries.

d) Etymological dictionaries do not knock down “national arrogance” from readers.

e) If you meet the dictionary halfway, it can teach you a lot.

2. Arrange the given phrases in a sequence corresponding to the content of the text. Determine who owns these replicas.

Your native, beloved, great language is woven from other languages... you speak, and Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew hum and rumble in your speech...

A dictionary gives a person only what a person represents himself. Very often the translator extracts from the dictionary only the meaning of the word and nothing more...

People who truly love dictionaries...sometimes leaf through them unnecessarily or read a dictionary entry...

Most people in the humanities use dictionaries, but to love a dictionary, you probably need either experience, a profession, or just an inclination...

Language has its own roots, words have their own pedigree, their own biography, often these words are a thousand, two, three thousand years old...

There are people who, at the age of 10, are not too lazy to crawl out of their chairs and look up something in the dictionary, and there are people who are taught to use the dictionary due to some inevitable dramatic circumstances...

3. Find a phrase that can be used as a heading for the entire text.

V. Homework

1. Make a plan for the text.

2. Underline the phrases in the text that you would like to remember. Indicate where this information can be used.

3. Convey the content of the text orally.

4. Draw conclusions based on what you read.

5. Write an essay based on the text you read.

VI. Summarizing.

Thus, we see that working with dictionaries is a necessary component in learning the Russian language. Using modern methods of working with dictionary material, actively introducing work with lexicographic literature into the learning process, subject teachers (not only Russian language and literature) can actively influence the process of students mastering the culture of using a dictionary. Vocabulary culture is part of the characteristics of a modern linguistic personality.

The relevance of the identified problem is evidenced by the I All-Russian competition of teachers “Dictionary - a teacher’s assistant”, held under the auspices of the Institute of Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov RAS and the publishing house “ACT-PRESS” with the assistance of “Teacher’s newspaper”. Its final took place in Moscow on September 28–30, 2009. The presented lesson was demonstrated by the author at a master class.

Merkulova N.E. Working with unfamiliar words in Russian language and literature lessons // Russian language in modern school. Annual collection of scientific and methodological materials. M.: MIOO, 2009.

Materials from the book were used to compile the quiz Protchenko N.F.“Dictionaries of the Russian language”: Brief outline: A manual for teachers. M.: MIROS, 1995. 72 p.

To answer this question, use the “Big phrasebook Russian language”, ed. V.N. Telia.

The text is based on material from the site “Why we love dictionaries” dated July 16, 2006

Ph.D. ped. sciences,
associate professor of the department
philological education MIOO,

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 p. Novoorsk"

Novoorsky district, Orenburg region

Material for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam

“The letters O or E after sibilants and C”


teacher of Russian language and literature

Balandina Tatyana Borisovna

Novoorsk 2014


“O or E after hissing and C”

    summarize and systematize material on the specified topic; improve spelling skills; help graduates solve educational, cognitive and educational-practical tasks that require a complete and critical understanding of the text; highlight not only the main, but also redundant information
Repetition of theoretical material: Students repeat the theory step by step, independently performing the proposed exercises. Stage 1. Yo At the root of the word: walked, yellow, whisper.EXCEPTIONS: seam prim shock joule ramrod junk shorts Borjomi blinkers anchovy saddler artichoke glutton dude Zhora Zho (mythological tree of China)Zhom Zhok (Moldavian dance)hood chok, chokhom (all, wholesale) amikoshonnost' (familiarity) shorkatrustling (not to be confused withe horny) clickgooseberry Orochony (Even)major choglok, grebes (birds)shotta thicket (depression)slum evening (the day before)ratchet already (later) crazy kharcho clink glasses jam (congestion)irradiated zhokh (rogue) heartburn on the rampage show Chaucer Cruchon Pechorin burn (noun) - burn (verb) Shchors, Shaw, Sholokhov.arson (noun) – set fire (v.) chopik

Exercise No. 1

Desh...vy, h..lka, f..nka, j..nka, cat..lka, h..bots, w..lch, pizh..n, sh..vinist, sh..pot, sh ..roh, zh..rnov. rusty, h..rt,, chech..tka, sh..ry, g..lob, zach..s,, evening..r (the day before)psh..ny,, f..aul, sh..rnik, bech..vka,,gluttony, gr..rstka, birthday, liver, ranch.., evening..rka(newspaper), amikosh..stvo, sh..rty, brush..fabric, ch..khom (wholesale),worthless..much,, artiche..k.
Stage 2.


    at verb endings: protects, bakes, flows. in participle suffixes: baked, concluded. in nouns with the suffix – YOR-: conductor, massage therapist, trainee, boyfriend. in nouns formed from verbs:
overnight - to spend the night, uprooting - to uproot.5) in nouns and adverbs formed from participles: condensed milk – condensed, stewed milk – stewed devastated - devastated.
Stage 3

O is written in suffixes




Berezhok, jump, girl, bear, pear, hacksaw, penny, hedgehog; fresh, hot, general, But also.

Stage 4.

O is written at the endings of nouns and adjectives (an adverb is an unchangeable part

speech, that is, has no ending.)

in a big house, but want more, hedgehog, doctor.


Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling of these words:
Cheap..vy – penniless Knife - stove Retouch..r – major..r The purse is a rattle. Suitors are gluttons Funny..n – naked..n Ragged..m – naked..m.
Stage 5.


    After C, under stress, O is written in all morphemes: socle, lead-ov-y, starling-oh.
EXCEPTION: fly - tsokotukha, specovsky (from spec) and in some borrowings: duke, palazzo, scherzo, mezzo.
Highway, driver, ranch, chonguri (cargo musical instrument), majordomo (butler), jockey, juggler, chocolate, chauvinism, zholner (soldier of the Russian army, arranger of milestones), zholner (soldier of the Polish army), Giovanni Boccaccio (author of the work "Decameron")

Let's put it in one table:

O or E after sibilants and C in different parts speech.

Yo O The root of the word is stressed. WALKED, YELLOW, WHISPERED, but

Exception: seam shock ramrod saddler blinders shorts glutton Zhora zhom hood rustle gooseberry major thicket slum rattle crazy clink glasses irradiation heartburn show prim joule junk Borjomi anchovy artichoke dude jo jok choker chok chokhom shuffle uzho vechor zhokh zazhor cruchon Kharcho Shotty Choglok Great Grebe (s.) - burned (ch.) arson (s.) - set fire (ch.) Shchors Shaw Chaucer Pechorin Sholokhov


Make up phrases with these words and write them down, graphically explaining the spelling.
Locust..y, posh..k, foundling..m, nosh..y, luggage..m, bashlych..k. retouch..vka, tractor..m, paper..nka, guard..m, bunny..nok, cramp..vka, poor thing..chka, report..m, snow..k, baked..m, conductor..r, married..m, fluff..k, shred..h..k, hundred-candle..vy, smoked..nosti, trifle..k, obstetrician..r,, cloak. .vka, ladle..vy, Fomich..m, at the prince's..n, seductive..n, black..porny, kryush..n,, calico..vy.
For the result, contact your teacher or check yourself using a spelling dictionary. I wish you success!

Used Books

    E.S.Zenovich. Dictionary of foreign words and expressions M.: Astrel 2004 T.B.Balandina Dictionary-reference book /in manuscript/ A.I.Kaidalova, I.K.Kalinina. Modern Russian orthography M.: Higher school. 1973.

get wet, dip, waterproof, swimmer, swimmer-

ha, buoyancy, even character, catch up with the forest,

solve an equation, equation in series, equal!, grown-

shy, vegetation, thicket, shoots, Rostov, grow together-

Xia, jumper, jump up, upstart, jump in, gallop.

2. Accord, neat, appetite, barricade, bulletin

shadow, reins, gallery, gramophone, dessert, illusion, in-

telligence, calligraphy, caricature, cassette, collection

tiv, column, comments, communique, coral,

proofreading, correspondent, crystalline, crystal-

ny, metal, parallel, passenger, platform, pr-

privilege, procession, sum up, terrace, terror, troll-

3. Senseless, crumble, prostrate,

scatter, spill, dissolve, eruption, catch-

rises, overthrow, overthrow, stealthily, rise-

click, exclamation, solve, quarrel, arrange-

xia, pity, exhaust, expel, too much.

4. Twine, artichoke, seamless, borjomi, joule,

junk, jockey, perch, juggler, hard, combed, ka-

pushon, latch, major, worthless, chew,

millet, bees, hairstyle, gluttonous, prim,

shock, study, tap dance, blinders, rustle, dandy.

O. Hotel address, clock face, circus

number, theater administration, new motorcycle, circle-

face boy, fried chicken, cyanide

ly, tiptoe, scrape the floor, cynical

phrase, powerful citadel, gypsy camp, digital

set, strong cyclone, not far from Tsaritsyn.

6. Poet, extravaganza, minuet, phaeton, requiem, maest,

trajectory, pirouette, entrant, canoe, Suez, client,

hierarchy, silhouette, patient, figurine, ratio, duet,

hieroglyph, duenna, aloe, airplane, landmark, adequate,

muffler, stand, delta, cottage, pince-nez, dandy.

7. Local, oral, stormy, terrible, dangerous,

skillful, tasty, provincial, wonderful, whip,

crunch, giant, commandant, hooligan,

intriguing, amateurish, rider, rider, learner

stave, pasture, agency, adorable, furious,

vile, inert look, whistle, Hamburg, shot-


8. Lead, preach, confess, command

to overwhelm, intend, overwhelm, treat, spend the night,

to uproot, to dissociate, to dissociate, to

shade, dance, turn over, wood-

no, freeze, glaze over.

9. Red-hot, twice, for two, together, rashly, briefly

tse, close, draw, on the side, on the back, in reality,

early, plenty, locked up, fully armed, fully-

breathing, skipping, vying with each other, flatly, as before

mu, in vain, everywhere, slowly, simply, frequently

to, alternately, in pairs, in a circle, directly, at random

I like, following, like home, like a neighbor.

10. Tell me, which of you has been to the desert? A little-

Whoa? Nobody? Then shut up and listen. I'm also pro-

spent his youth not in the desert, but in Ukraine. It happened

you leave the house with the first ray of sunshine, run

overgrown boundary to the pond and admire the spreading

wandering around the surroundings. And all around are unmown

grass, sun breaks through the morning clouds

rays, and from the breath of the wind each stem vibrates

lek with not yet dried silver dew. And somewhere

in the distance a field spreads, the wheat sways, and these

You can’t take in the whole story with your eyes. But all this remained in yes-

sweet youth. What happened later in the difficult

unknown life! Fate took me to completely different places

places, and I saw what burnt-out earth looks like and

how races that are not yet completely dry fight for life

shadows and thirsty people and animals.

Test №3

1. Overalls, communication, switch, continu-

gent, smuggling, market conditions, corrosion, nomenclature

round, denomination, opportunism, optimist, panel, panoramic

ma, pantheon, pantomime, vicissitudes, triumph, route, ter-

rhetoric, tendency, effect, extravagant,

forwarder, exotic, elegy.

2. Flattering review, faux fur, simple-minded

deep words, interesting book, crossfire, vi-

Russian flu, sailing, private person, reeds

bushes, rare exhibit, verbal art

food, tasteless food, make a bed, send

letter, son's peers, honor the guest, dear

food, a contender for a prize, an unexpected incident.

3. Subjective approach, official subordination,

three-dimensional model, adjutant uniform, cross-game

training, inter-tier overlap, save

means, market conditions, supernatural

heat, superactive substance, bring charges,

join forces.

4. Defenseless creature, boundless distance, without-

caring person, dishonest deal, merciless court,

immortal feat, meaningless dispute, resurrect

from the dead, inappropriate cry, raise a disciple,

spoil a thing, eradicate evil, explore the area,

exhaust resources, bugs fixed.

5. Preamble of the treaty, remain ignorant, pre-

valuing trends, Volga forests, privileged

modified position, surrounding circumstances,

welcoming speech, attractive picture, pre-

overcome fatigue, surpass the enemy, get up from

chair, excellent case, love potion, pre-

raise a celebrity, turn into ice, turn-

deep meaning, heartfelt affection, fastidious

guest, exceeded authority.

6. Pale green, Western European, cloudy

brown, light blue, Far Eastern, bluish

black, last year's, dark blue, medieval,

rarely used, gray-blue, bright red, pale

but- pink, golden yellow, red-orange, blue

blind, naval, railway, transparent

but green, bitterly salty.

endurance athlete, buckwheat porridge, trusting

attitude, clear explanation, caring mother,

forgetful person, quartz lamp, lily of the valley

drops, clumsy child, nickel alloy,

a smart student, a stable boat, cherry jam.

8. Broken stick, broken line, oiled

porridge, oily jacket, rolled wire, rolled

ny road, trodden road, trodden road, sti-

early linen, washed tablecloth, pickled cucumber,

unsalted soup, boiled milk, shot bird,

shot game, confusing question, confusing circumstances

ties, knitted scarf, tied knot, oil

eyes, oily hands, poisoned wolf, hunted-

fresh beast, smoked sausage, raw smoked sausage,

woven tablecloth.

9. Unknown writer, completely unknown

writer, a completely unknown writer, not at all

famous writer, far from famous writer,

a writer unknown to us, not a well-known writer at all

tel. True stories not made up by us

stories, not yet invented stories, absolutely not-

made-up stories, stories not made up by anyone.

Lesson unlearned, a lesson not learned by the student,

a lesson not learned by anyone, not learned at all

lesson. A hated person, a ridiculous incident, a touch

to come in accidentally, a very unfortunate answer, extremely un-

a deliberate decision, a completely uninteresting book,

not at all an entertaining story, not at all entertaining

a repentant criminal, of no interest to anyone

message, not at all necessary, far from random

The answer is by no means verified.

10. It’s worth talking a little about the Wild Master

more details.

The first impression this guy made on you

man, there was a feeling of some kind of rough, heavy, but

irresistible force.

Nobody knew where he came from in our district;

it was rumored that he was descended from fellow nobles and co-

seemed to have stood somewhere before in the service, but nothing

they didn’t know anything positive about it, and there was no one from anyone

learn. Also no one could say positively

what he lives with. He did not engage in any craft,

I didn’t go to see anyone, I knew almost no one, but the money

He had some, small ones to be sure, but he did have them. Vel

he behaved not only modestly, but there was no

nothing modest, but quiet. He lived like no one

didn’t notice anyone around me and absolutely didn’t need anyone.

They obeyed him immediately and willingly, although he did not

I just had no right to order anyone

be that as it may, but even he himself did not express the slightest

claims to obedience of people with whom the case

but encountered.

I was especially struck by the mixture of some kind

innate, natural ferocity and the same innate

day nobility - a mixture that I have never met

in no one else.

(I. S. Turgenev.)

Test No. 4

1. Charming smile, copper mug, narrow

pants, loved one, little bug, new

catch, local circulation, inappropriate joke,

morning jog, travel agency, grind-

ba bread, plant trees interspersed with bushes.

2. Founding congress, supernatural forces

lia, transatlantic flight, season premiere, non-

completed object, unfinished play, old

sexton, modern interior, predict the next

events, tickets to the mezzanine, filming,

a new necklace, the will of the people, find a flaw, syg-

play billiards.

3. Transformer, school, succeed,

interrupt, suspend, hide, touch, attach

measure, arrival at place of residence, transform,

surpass, adherent, attraction, extol,

stop, serve, belittle, dress up, surpass

walk, amusing, save, lift, transform

called, above, excess, coercion, accepted

lemy, bring, overcome, wise, instill.

4. Drum beat, dun horse, tin poo-

Govitsa, pyrite deposit, sand dunes

ki, herring barrel, silver wedding, minted

step, ramming blow, hydrochloric acid, cereals

products, organ concert, suet, pheasant

nursery, cutesy manners, sand pit, oil

5. Help, siskin, borscht, speech, silence, daughter, crying, cloak,

rook, pencil, garage, beam, ball, key, rags, trembling,

luggage, hoop, falsehood, knife.

6. Theater studies, land ownership, gold mining

bright, life-affirming, colorful, winter-hardy,

land use, fabulous, seaworthy, multi-

respected, sweet and sour, kneeling, co-

non-state farm, equestrian, machine-building,

vavo-red, large-caliber, afforestation, forest

calculus, general education, literary criticism,

motorcycle racing, museum-apartment, residence.

tram, studied at the lyceum, wrote in a notebook on mathematics

Ke, there was not a single blank notebook, he lived in the city of Kaza-

neither, I was vacationing near Astrakhan, a construction site in Siberia,

monument in Volgograd, riding through the desert on a camel,

juice from carrots, on an apple tree branch, lilac bush.

8. Unfair, inexplicable, not fair at all

a considerate act, not simple but complex relationships,

the heat is incredible, not at all the old general, uninteresting

wrong book, unreasonable creatures, inaccurate answer, inaccurate

pretentious appearance, a bad year, not at all difficult

dacha, unheard of audacity, irreconcilable opponents

ki, uninhabited island.

9. As if, as if, as if, however, only, here

Well, it’s unlikely, look, here, let’s go, after all,

well, hardly, something, somehow, they say, we are waiting, sir, something

from someone, from nowhere, again, with someone, I still managed,

quite, it would rain, if only.

10. At the gates of the hotel of the provincial town of NN entered

challah is a rather beautiful spring small britzka,

which bachelors go to: retired lieutenant colonels,

staff captains, landowners with about a hundred souls

peasants - in a word, all those who are called state

ladies of average quality. There was a gentleman sitting in the chaise, not a

a brown haired man, but not bad-looking, nor too fat,

neither too thin; I can't say that I'm old, but

Well, not so young. His entry into the city did not produce

kind of absolutely no noise and was not accompanied by

den nothing special; only two Russian men,

standing at the door of the tavern opposite the hotel, made

some comments, however, related more

to the carriage than to the person sitting in it.

(Ya. V. Gogol.)

Test No. 5

1. Light up, turn yellow, valley, stop, meeting,

dedication, population, insult, consolation, mystery

natural, wilting, spring, rainy, brownie,

accusation, conspiracy, battalion, absorption, tension

rebirth, revival, dazzling, bullfinch, insult

leniation, notice, lodging for the night, talk, pay-

Xia, mafia, koschey, notary, happy.

2. Half past seven, halfway, half Asia, half a meter,

half the sky, half past eleven, half a point, fifty, half-

rovka, half a liter, half Moscow, half the country, half a dining room

spoons, half-bucket, half-year-old, short-coat, po-

luliter, half-fainting, half-crazy.

3. Executive assistance, comfortable hotel, con-

convertible currency, fine things, ambitious

person, state nomenclature, overseas

dishes, a solemn ceremony, lost civilizations

tions, brilliant analysis, collective security,

irreconcilable opposition, criminal actions, se-

correct coefficient, two-way communiqué.

4. Carefree, boundless, hopeless, hopeless

careless, boundless, helpless, tactless,

defenseless, insensitive, endless, excessive

silent, silent, heartless, appeal, ascendant

denition, restore, reproduce, excessively, descending

to overthrow, overthrow, overthrow, overthrow.

5. Find opportunities, ultra-refined man-

ry, pre-June events, disinfect,

sum up expenses, simple outfit, new

sports equipment, spread misinformation, charge

mother taxes, successful counterplay, withdraw funds,

super-inventive idea, inter-game competitions,

I've been working since I was little.

6. Lie, Kuzmich, cloak, rye, knife, buckshot, goods

risch, smear, smear, lily of the valley, appoint, villages,

young ladies, songs, flow, frontier, earlier, thinner, luck, pa-

camps, tasks, hut, burning, subtlest, landscape, return

soot, passage, trifle, trailer, beg, cut, cake,

mighty, smear, comely, bake, odorous, sword, game, wood

7. Antique, swan, unique, cranes

new, strange, informational, duck, millionth,

polished, genuine, hardwood, artistic

ny, pickled, mad, solemn, glass-

artificial, cranberry, straw, lunch-

ny, peaty, mental.

8. Didn’t read, didn’t watch, didn’t, didn’t want, didn’t bother

hang out, don’t argue, can’t sit still, can’t wait, don’t want to,

to be perplexed, to captivate, to dislike, to hate, to be unwell

feeling unwell, not feeling well, not getting enough sleep, not eating enough, being neglected

9. Keep in mind that during the week, due to drought,

hee, unlike others, in the form of a cloud, due to the storm,

from abroad, due to a change in the schedule, which-

then like a ball, like some kind of object, in continuation

anniversary of the year, instead of a concert, in accordance with the plan-

plan, accompanied by security, with the assistance

partners, at the level modern science, say something

in conclusion, due to the harsh climate.

10. The snowstorm became stronger and stronger, and

the snow was dry and fine from above; it seemed like it was starting

freeze: the nose and cheeks are very cold, often pro-

a trickle of cold air ran under the fur coat, and it was necessary

wrap up. Since I, without spending the night, was already driving the sixth

a hundred miles, despite the fact that I was very interested

was the outcome of our wandering, I involuntarily closed my eyes

and dozed off. Once I opened my eyes, it was time for me-

there seemed, as it seemed to me at first, a bright light,

illuminated the white plain: the horizon expanded significantly

widened, the black low sky suddenly disappeared, and when I

looked up, it seemed to me at first that

the clouds parted and only the falling snow covered the

(L.N. Tolstoy.)

Test No. 6

1. Touch the beautiful, concerning this -

th, gentle touch, could not imagine, difficult

assume, addend, fold in half, depose

rub on yourself, make the bed.

2. Privileged position, nine points

storm, official meeting, participate in a conference

tions, marching is important, philosophical motives, joint

new enterprise, racial discrimination, exquisite

objects, pressing problems, inert views, heavenly

well-known terrorist, newly minted businessman, gu-

mana ideals, new sneakers, colossal success.

3. Raise, play, super game, super interesting,

collect, misinformation, background, sports equipment,

super-intelligent, beat, notorious, pre-

infarctive, super interesting, uninitiative,

previous, hopeless, search, become commonplace.

4. Interrupt, succeed, touch, exaggerate

to burn, to burn, to crush, very unpleasant, to dance,

increase, embellished, lovely, wise,

cheer up, stand up, subdued, subdue,

subside, transform, hinder, refraction.

5. Foggy, wood-burning, young, wool, leather,

clay, linen, rat, snake, revolutionary

tion, tin, silver, pork, nightingale,

blue, remarkable, living room, television, sofa

naya, windy, sleepy, foamy, artistic, multi-

outnumbered, foreign, desperate.

6. Drummer, bath attendant, concrete worker, speaker,

shopkeeper, plumber, newspaperman, typesetter, porter,

defector, handler, loader, trainer, orderly,

polisher, sawyer, carrier, carrier, story-teller

chik, assembler, wrangler, coal miner, installer.

7. Eleven, million, billion, sixteen,

eight hundred, eighteen, six hundred, twenty-five thousand-

eightieth, eightieth, nine hundred and fifty

seventy, fifty, fifteen, thirteen, one hundred and fifty-

eight millionth, octal, three point six

tenths, hundred years old.

8. Unresearched manuscript, unresolved questions

dew, true stories, invincible on-

genus, an object not noticed by us, a sleep-deprived student

nickname, unprecedented success, unjustified claims, nothing

a peak not conquered by anyone, to be indignant about

unfulfilled obligations, indescribable joy,

task not solved, undeserved reproach, not believing

in miracles, not worth attention, I don’t remember anything -

9. During the year, during the illness, throughout

the lecture, in continuation of the story, in conclusion

cancellation of the concert, in the conclusion of doctors, due to

careful handling of fire, as a result of the case

about smuggling, in view of the upcoming departure, it is necessary

keep in mind, contrary to predictions, friends came out

to meet us, went to meet friends, to

over several years, pay attention to

similarity of these phenomena.

10. Belinsky was there, which is rare among us, indeed.

passionate and sincere person, capable of enthusiasm

selfless devotion, exclusively devoted to the truth,

but not proud, who knew how to love and hate

selflessly. People would probably be surprised if

we realized that this cynic had a chaste soul before

modesty, soft to the point of tenderness, honest to the point of knighthood

stva. Without being familiar with any foreign

languages ​​(he even read French with great difficulty)

house) and not finding anything in Russian books that could-

to satisfy his inquisitiveness, Belinsky inevitably

le had to resort to talking with friends, to

questioning; he gave himself up to them with all his feverishness

with the heat of his soul that thirsted for truth.

(I. S. Turgenev.)

Test No. 7

1. Paper, mitten, mixed, mixed,

frost, drizzle, request, groove, flexible, sharp,

narrow, threshing, mug, estate, book, pipe, frozen

cart, mongrel, brooch, money, cramming, potato

ka, frog, cart, slip, jog, rush.

2. Reins, yeast, squealing, buzzing, burning,

cerebellum, burns, burnt on fire, juniper, brez-

there lives a dawn, a lit lantern, burnt sugar, red

beer burns.

3. Benefit, duet, maestro, register, spectrum, aloe, white

floor, neckline, Raphael, cottage, save, pirouette,

silhouette, stand, eucalyptus, echelon, project, expedition,

dandy, sir, pince-nez, epigram, dean, diet, canoe.

4. Nail, stick, add, attend,

apply, break the law, call, affection,

lovely, forward, covered, follower,

commune, bow down, crime, superior-

special, addiction, extol, unforeseen, pre-

ascend, strange, entrust, transform.

5. Priceless, long, leather, bee, cotton

new, living room, glass, medicinal, spring,

icy, temporary, ruddy, crimson, stone,

decided, bought, met, abandoned, cheers

ganny, genuine, true, wooden, autumn,

snake, windless, pig, silver, pocket-

new, mysterious.

6. Sleep in bed, get out of bed, play

site, located on the square, on the edge of the village,

walked through the village, along the alley of the garden, walked along the alley, said

kal on a horse, rode on a horse, report the decision

the play, talk about the exhibition and its opening, ver-

escape from the harbor, reflect in an epic novel, live in

7. Sailor, valiant, Odessa, Kazan,

weaving, giant, heroic, January, Circassian-

sky, german, low, fishermen's, candidate's, vyaz-

cue, close, fraternal, Siberian, passenger,

slippery, freckled, plank, brutal, chunky

chatty, October, Caucasian,

8. Attack, examine, guess, educate,

reread, honor, anticipate, whistle -

to fight, to fight, to insist, to increase, to strengthen, to support

melt, spend the night, narrow, treat, finish,

to time, to ring, to walk, to summarize

9. At a glance, in a hurry, alone, in revenge,

firstly, secondly, three times, secretly, red-hot, from afar

ka, out of spite, forcibly, subsequently, a little, in a

sunny, comradely, little by little, French,

bearish, in Circassian, for a long time, roughly, tightly

firmly, dead, alive, forcibly, to the left, completely,

before dark, initially, white.

10. The thunderstorm was approaching quickly. She's like a bird, that's all

more often flapped huge gigantic wings in the wild

of course, the cloudy sky, cut through the air with its beak

spirit, and its whistle, and the rapid scream that came

from above, fell to the ground more and more sharply, more impatiently,

deafening the entire neighborhood. Flying above and blinding

sparkling zigzags of lightning, she seemed to be looking for victims

twu. The river was covered in dark gray waves that

in the middle of it, it seems, they were rushing about randomly, but closer

lined up in rows towards the shore. It seemed like the river was just around the corner

bursts into tears like an offended woman, and only with difficulty

the house holds back tears. An alarming sound ran across the water

ripples: a little more - the river surface will boil and foam.

A dark gray shaft of clouds, arching, incandescent

came from the side of the nearby forest. swooped in

wet cold wind with the smell of rain. Tight

the wave madly tore our tent and, picking it up,

Like an old newspaper, she rushed away with her.

Test No. 8

1. Combination, shine, shine, calculated, non-

touched, assumed, picky, liquefied

burn, grind, burn, burnt, fireproof, na-

lean, grown, age, touch, touch-

new, adjective, application, burnt,

burn out, grow, settle down.

2. Appeal, banknote, hotel, gallery, ac-

simulation, clinic, intelligence, collector,

art, rack, skillful, director, philanthropist,

millionaire, same age, Dutch, Gennady, Apollo,

elegy, play, drama, youth, cassette, sneakers, television

gram, crystal, operetta, operetta, illustration, co-

reader, correspondent, special correspondent.

3. Proclamation, worldview, revival, increased,

recreated, excised, frenzied, exquisite;

extreme, excessive, striped, striped

4. Cheap, evening, silk, yellow, millstone, labor

shot, test, liver, millet, study, chocolate, seam, black-

stvy, tap dance, highway, gooseberry, cup, hood,

no matter, fur, bee, prim, perch, shock,

ramrod, brush, kharcho, dandy, lye, little wolf, re-

chonka, chicken, compass, cynicism, dial, jockey,

shortage, brochure, parachute.

5. Letter, dress, button, time, solo

minka, zavalinka, bedroom, little sparrow, little eye, knives-

check, shed, worker, pocket, suit, word

ever, little book, chapel, cherry, reading room, raisin

minka, refugee, little pole, glass, goryushko,

mistress, willy, cudgel, friend, tobacconist,

strength, hatchet, giant.

6. Roasted goose, fried sausage, fried

pies in butter, frightened people, frightened crow,

roasted nuts, red-hot oven, lacerated wound, torn-

a long sleeve, a handsome man, written by a famous

artist painting, broken penny, broken car

car, mad quarry, mad man, gru-

married car, unloaded goods, wounded soldier, wounded

a soldier wounded in the arm, wounded near Kiev, steamed

onion, steamed seeds.

7. No one went to anyone, someone knocked on

door, nothing stopped him from working, something happened,

didn't see anyone, didn't have anyone to ask, didn't talk to anyone

consulted, no one to exchange a word with, no one

don’t be sad, don’t have anyone to stay with, don’t turn to anyone

chatting, not interested in anyone, nothing to drink tea with,

It’s no secret, don’t rely on anyone, something

who participated in this, someone has a stigma in the cannon, he

met someone, saved some stuff, nothing to talk about

grieve, took a draw, the thing turned out to be a draw, with no one

there were no complaints from the parties, nothing to compare with, not about

no one to remember, no one to rely on, no one to rely on

lean on.

8. Plowed field, detained passenger, pro-

the path taken, the book read, showered with cute

stemy, plucked goose, disheveled girl, propis-

tanned with tar, cut with a knife, fired with

on all sides, bombarded with questions, a dispute started,

deed ridiculed, bread sown, shot down

a beautiful bird, rich air, a beaten path,

watched movie.

9. Casually, dryly, quietly, in a hurry,

on the sly, in reality, for show, wide open, at random, unintentionally

pezh, sometimes, afternoon, midnight, flatly, as before

mu, in your opinion, without looking back, without stopping, abroad, abroad

border, after midnight, from under the arm, in the old days, without asking,