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To bless the feat and glorify the achievements. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root

“I pray to God to bless your feat on the battlefield for the true good of the Fatherland...” From a letter from Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity Sergius Hermitage Ignatius (Brianchaninov) to General N.N. Muravyov. July 1855. Siege of the Kars fortress.

Discovery of Khiva

In the summer of 1819, the corvette Kazan dropped anchor on the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, in the harbor of Krasnovodsk. Nikolai Muravyov arrived here on the instructions of the military governor of the Caucasus, General Ermolov. He had to visit the Khiva Khanate, “closed” to Russia. " I had very little hope of returning; but he was calm and completely relied on the goodness of the Creator" Leaving the detachment on the shore, he set off under the guise of a “prisoner”, with reliable Turkmen guides. An orderly and an interpreter walked with him: “ They looked at us with curiosity and asked the guides what kind of people we were. These are Russian prisoners, they answered; Today their ships came to the shore, we caught them and are taking them to sell" At the Khiva border, Muravyov told the guards that he was the Russian ambassador. He was sent to the Il-Geldy fortress, kept as a prisoner for 46 days, and then... he was kindly invited to the palace. He presented Meghmed Rahim Khan with a letter from General Ermolov, held negotiations and returned safely to his homeland. He brought not only a response message from the khan, but also important strategic information. So 25 year old captain General Staff Nikolai Muravyov opened the road to Khiva for Russia.

Conscience and duty

Nikolai Muravyov and Dmitry Bryanchaninov were related and had been friends since childhood. Both went to military service. For Nicholas, the army became destiny. Dmitry chose a different path and at the age of 24 took monastic vows with the name Ignatius. However, they did not part; their correspondence lasted a lifetime and was a spiritual support for Muravyov. Over the long years of service, he went through many “hot spots”. Baptism of fire accepted in 1812, served in the Caucasus, was a participant in the Turkish and Persian campaigns. His fidelity to duty and personal modesty always aroused the respect of his colleagues. Having received the rank of general, Nikolai Nikolaevich did not change: “ He led a very simple life, avoiding all luxury. He slept in his office on a straw mattress, covered with an overcoat. I couldn’t stand pampered mama’s boys and careerists, whom I could smell a mile away" But the stern general always took care of his soldiers in a fatherly way. He dug trenches like everyone else and went into bayonet attacks - he couldn’t command “from the office”, his conscience wouldn’t allow it. He paid special attention to infirmaries. A paramedic who did not change the linen of the wounded in time was immediately sent to the guardhouse...

Double-headed eagle over Kars

At the end of 1854, Muravyov was appointed Caucasian governor and commander-in-chief. Was walking Crimean War, disappointing news came from Sevastopol. Muravyov called on his soldiers to feat: “ The time of trial has come for Russia. Let us also stand up for the holy cause!" The Caucasian Corps advanced to Anatolia and blocked the Turkish fortress of Kars. The allies of the Turks, the British, who built the defense of Kars “on last word equipment,” stated that the fortress was “inaccessible to the Russians.” Muravyov cut off all supply routes, kept the enemy under continuous fire and carried out powerful assaults. Despite the numerical (almost twice!) superiority of the enemy, in November 1855 a Russian flag. Thanksgiving prayers were held throughout our country. This victory was a heavy blow for the Allies and brought the end of the war closer. " You gloriously devoured the 30,000-strong Anatolian army! The British are unhappy with you, and in Moscow your portraits are already being sold everywhere“- brother Alexander wrote to Muravyov. Nikolai Nikolaevich did not want to bask in the rays of glory; he considered the best reward to be a memorable prefix to his surname, donated by the people - Karsky. In 1856 he retired - he was already in his seventh decade. Saying goodbye to the army, he said: “ In the Russian army I have always recognized the adornment and hope of my beloved Fatherland».

Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov) was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988.

A collection of documents about the Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War has been published. Patriotic War

June 22, 1941 coincided with the church holiday of All Saints who shone in the Russian land. On the same day in Moscow, the Soviet government scheduled the explosion of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki, and the transfer of the keys to the Epiphany Cathedral and the Church of Elijah the Obydennoy was to take place. At first glance, there was nothing unusual about this: the atheistic state was pursuing the usual atheistic policies. Only later will such a coincidence seem significant to many...

Like all Soviet people, the Patriarchal Locum Tenens, Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), learned about the beginning of the war from a message from V.M. Molotov, and on the same day made an appeal “To the Pastors and Flock of Christ’s Orthodox Church.”

“But this is not the first time that the Russian people have had to endure trials,” said the message of Metropolitan Sergius. - With God’s help, this time too he will scatter the fascist enemy force into dust... Let us not disgrace their glorious name, and we, the Orthodox, are relatives to them both in flesh and in faith. The Fatherland is defended by weapons and a common national feat, a common readiness to serve the Fatherland in difficult times of trial with everything that everyone can.” In words from the address: “Our ancestors did not lose heart even in worse situations because they remembered not about personal dangers and benefits, but about their sacred duty to the Motherland and faith, and emerged victorious,” Metropolitan Sergius blessed the soldiers of the Red Army for unprecedented stories feat of arms.

These words were spoken at a time when, it would seem, the Russian Orthodox Church should have had neither physical nor moral strength left to resist its main persecutor.

Most of the clergy were physically destroyed, almost all churches were closed, there were only a few surviving church hierarchs...

Supervisor research project on the preparation of documents in the collection “Russian Orthodox Church during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” (M.: Krutitsky Compound Publishing House, 2009, 765 pp.), doctor historical sciences Lyudmila Lykova says:

By 1941, the Russian Orthodox Church had 3,021 operating churches, and about three thousand of them were located in the territories that became part of the USSR in 1939-1940. On the eve of the war, there were 6,376 clergy in the country (I note that in 1914 the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church numbered 66,100 priests and deacons).

In 1938, there was not a single officially operating monastery in the USSR. After the annexation of the Eastern Baltic states, Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and Bessarabia, there were 46 of them. From the highest clergy in the pre-war years, four people remained: two bishops and two metropolitans made up the entire episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since 1918, neither Local nor bishops' councils have been convened. If I may say so, religious life took on a focal character. This is how the Russian Orthodox Church greeted the beginning of the war.

Following Metropolitan Sergius, Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky) of Leningrad also sent an archpastoral message calling for the defense of the Fatherland.

The messages of the church hierarchs (and there were over 20 of them during the war) were not only of an inviting and consolidating nature, but also had explanatory purposes. They defined the firm position of the Russian Orthodox Church in relation to the invaders and the war.

Thus, on October 4, 1941, when Moscow was in mortal danger and the population was going through anxious days, Metropolitan Sergius issued an Message to the Moscow flock, calling for calm among the laity and warning the wavering clergy: “There are rumors, which one would not like to believe, that there are Among our Orthodox pastors there are persons who are ready to go into the service of the enemies of our Motherland and the Church - instead of the holy cross, they will be marked with a pagan swastika. I don’t want to believe this, but if, contrary to this, such shepherds were found, I would remind them that the Saint of our Church, in addition to the word of admonition, was also given by the Lord a spiritual sword, punishing those who violate the oath.”

On the territory of the RSFSR, the “Orthodox Mission in the Liberated Regions of Russia”, also known as the “Pskov Orthodox Mission”, was created. Under the auspices of the occupation authorities in the Pskov, Novgorod, Leningrad and Kalinin regions, throughout its existence from August 1941 to April 1944, it was in canonical unity with the Moscow Patriarchate. It was headed by Exarch Sergius (Voskresensky). And when the Metropolitan gave his consent to manage church affairs in the northwestern regions, he sincerely counted, first of all, on the revival of traditional religious life here. And on April 29, 1944, on the Vilnius-Kaunas highway, the car of Metropolitan Sergius (Voskresensky) was shot by motorcyclists in German uniform, killing the Exarch. The published collection contains for the first time documents from the funds of the Central Archive of the FSB of the Russian Federation, providing information about this murder.

Particularly noteworthy is the activity of the “partisan priests”, who on the occupied land of Belarus were sometimes the only link between the partisans and local residents. Let's name just a few names: priests V. Konychko, V. Bekarevich, A. Romanushko and many, many other patriots of the Fatherland deserve eternal memory our people.

The Great Patriotic War required the mobilization of all the country's resources. Millions of believers (and the fact of their presence was confirmed by the 1937 census data) fought at the front and worked in the rear. Illusions about the universal overcoming of religion quickly dissipated. Guided by civic feelings, hierarchs, priests and believers did not limit themselves to prayers for granting victory to the Red Army, but from the first days of the war participated in providing material assistance to the front and rear.

During the first two years of the war, the authorities actually did not interfere in the religious life of the country. Public anti-religious propaganda and the activities of the “Union of Militant Atheists” were curtailed. Since August 1941, publications about the patriotic activities of the Russian Orthodox Church began to appear in the press.

Despite the state of siege in Moscow, on Easter 1942, by order of the commandant of Moscow, the unhindered movement of believers was allowed throughout the night from April 4 to 5. In November 1942, Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) was invited to become a member of the Extraordinary state commission to establish and investigate the atrocities of the Nazi invaders. The church took part in the work of the All-Slavic Committee for the Fight against Fascism. Active participants in the cause of unity Slavic peoples became Metropolitans Sergius (Stragorodsky) and Nikolai (Yarushevich).

In fact, Metropolitan Sergius succeeded in legalizing the collection of money and things among parishioners (which was strictly prohibited back in 1929) only in 1943, when he responded to a telegram to I. Stalin dated January 5, in which he announced the start of collecting funds for the construction of a tank column named after Dmitry Donskoy, a response was received with permission to open a special account in the State Bank. With the receipt of the right to a central bank account, the Church actually became a legal entity. Over 8 million rubles were collected for the construction of T-34 tanks alone!

The workers of the Chelyabinsk tank plant took up the baton from the believers. In a short time, 40 tanks were built. They formed a column with signatures on the turrets of the Dmitry Donskoy combat vehicles. Its transfer to units of the Red Army took place on March 8, 1943 near the village of Gorelki.

Considering the high significance of the patriotic act of the Orthodox, on the day of the transfer of the column a solemn meeting was held, at which Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) of Krutitsky spoke to the tank crews. This was the first official meeting of a representative of the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church with soldiers and commanders of the Soviet Army.

Believers deserve memory and respect from generations besieged Leningrad. You cannot calmly read the lines telling about the life of a besieged city. This collection presents one of the most emotional documents in the chronicle of the war - “From an essay on the activities of the clergy and laity of the Transfiguration Cathedral (Leningrad) for 2 years of the Patriotic War.” Through his restrained narrative, the greatness of spirit and incredible self-sacrifice of Leningraders emerges.

In the inhumane conditions of the blockade, people not only remained human, but did everything possible to help their neighbors. All eight temples in the city were not closed either day or night. And Metropolitan Alexy (Simansky) did not leave the besieged city, experiencing with his flock all the hardships of the war, inspiring and instructing them.

Since the autumn of 1943, a “new” state-church course has emerged, when a period of organizational revival and strengthening of the Russian Orthodox Church, which had been drained of blood in the pre-war decades, began. This course began with the September meeting of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), Alexy (Simansky), Nikolai (Yarushevich) with Stalin in the Kremlin.

During the meeting, issues were discussed about the convening of the Council of Bishops for the election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the opening of spiritual educational institutions, Orthodox churches, the publication of a monthly church magazine, the allocation of premises for the Patriarchate (however, it was not the hegumen building of the Novodevichy Convent, as the hierarchs asked for, but a mansion in Chisty Lane, building 5, in which the German ambassador Schulenberg lived before the war). During that famous conversation, questions were raised about the fate of the convict in different years episcopate. Stalin allowed the preparation of a list for a possible amnesty. At the end of the conversation, Stalin informed the metropolitans that the government had decided to form a Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

On September 8, 1943, at the Council of Bishops, the twelfth Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Sergius, was elected. The collection widely presents his main decisions.

Bishops released from exile and camps took diocesan sees and other church vacancies. Among them are the archbishops: Kazan - Andrey (Komarov), Stavropol - Anthony (Romanovsky), Tula - John (Bratolyubov), Astrakhan - Philip (Stavitsky), Krasnodar - Photius (Tapiro) and Ufa - Stefan (Protsenko).

Another promise made by Stalin at a meeting in the Kremlin about the opening of religious educational institutions was also fulfilled. In June 1944, the grand opening of the theological institute and pastoral courses took place within the walls of the Moscow Novodevichy Convent. The collection presents interesting documents on preparation for the opening, approval curricula, composition of students and teachers.

From November 21 to 23, 1944, in the building of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Council of Bishops announced the preparation of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. The authorities stated that the phenomena that are now occurring in the life of the Church, in its relations with the state, do not represent something accidental and temporary, but are in the nature of its approval of the position that the Church took in relation to the state in the pre-war decade and during the war years .

It is worth adding here that during this period there were plans in the Kremlin to use the authority of the Church in foreign policy, and, indeed, this policy turned out to be long-term.

Delegations of the Orthodox Churches were invited to the Local Council, which opened on January 31, 1945 in the Church of the Resurrection in Sokolniki. The authorities authorized all visits of necessary guests. Invitations were sent through diplomatic communication channels. Each delegation received strict instructions from above.

The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1945 received a delegation of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches that was extremely representative. Arrived at the Council in Moscow: Patriarch of Alexandria Christopher, Patriarch of Antioch Alexander III, Georgian Catholicos - Patriarch Kallistratos, representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarch - Metropolitan Herman of Thyatria, of Jerusalem - Archbishop Athenagoras of Sebastia; a delegation of the Serbian Church led by Metropolitan Joseph of Skoplyansky, a delegation of the Romanian Church led by Bishop Joseph of Arzhem.

The Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, the second of five held in the twentieth century, evoked a lively response from Soviet people. Their statements were carefully collected and carefully analyzed, as evidenced by the documents published in the collection.

On May 28, 1945, for the first time in the history of Russia, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The significance of this was great, first of all, for the revival of the spiritual influence of the Russian Church on the Orthodox flock of the Middle East.

Among major events 1945 was the September visit of Metropolitan Gregory (Chukov) of Leningrad and Novgorod to Finland. The trip was aimed at establishing good and canonically correct relations between the Orthodox Churches of Finland and Russia, after the Primate of the Church, Archbishop Herman (Aav) refused to return to the bosom of Moscow Patriarchy. The importance of this visit was so great that it was personally supervised by V. Molotov. But the reunion never took place either in the 40s or in the 70s.

The published collection became new important documentary evidence that during the most difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, the Russian Orthodox Church was with its people.

Special for the Centenary

Bless for a feat, make a dream come true

ness, tremble with fear, depict in a work

nii, enjoyment of art, irreconcilable opposition

nickname, terrible poverty, accused of all sins, exposed

reap shortcomings, expose vices, enrich with new ones

materials, life circumstances, association

enterprises, charm the interlocutor, punish the

foot, conquer with charm, dedicate poetry, era

Enlightenment, glorify the winner, hair straightened

fell in the wind, industry developed rapidly,

irritate over trifles, luxurious reception, threaten

war, belittle merits, beg for help, pay

debts, tighten construction deadlines.

Spelling alternating vowels in the root of a word

1. Occupy, conceive, waterproof, industry, pre-

believe, equalize, equalize, equalize, equalize

earth, spread, spread, moneylender, sprout, combination

melting, combine, level, swimming beetle, germinate,

creator, subtract, equalize, assume, burn out,

illuminate, burn out, burnt, spread out, subtract

nie, dip, grow.

2. Shine in the sun, shine with beauty, tan on

sun, burn out, new float, excellent

swimmer, quibble over trifles, freeze with admiration

creation, cause trouble, germinate seeds, growth

relics, waterproof raincoat, expected meeting,

run away without looking back, shrug, bow in

bow, light touch, free app.

Spelling vowels after sibilants and ts

1. Yellow, millstone, test, liver, bee, hood

sean, silk, gutter, study, comb, black, gooseberry,

condensed milk, stewed meat, overnight, dandy, joule, baked,

shorts, accounting, brush, cruchon, passed, no matter, burned-

2. Slum, prim, exemplary, yet, cheap,

major, general, chocolate, seam, ramrod, ratchet, she-

sweat, rustle, highway, damn, newlyweds, perch, even,

callous, cheboty, tap dance, shoptur, kharcho.

Letters and and ы after ц

Initiative, cyclone, scanty, medicine, plebiscite,

gypsies, cynicism, incident, civilization, chicks, ci-

ferblat, tsigeika, deficiency, citadel, quote, chicken,

Tsaritsyno, Kunitsyn, Yeltsin.

Vowel e

Epithet, pioneer, epigram, patient, voucher, accessory

ary, erudition, pince-nez, manager, echo, evolution, maestro,

aerobics, trajectory, excursion, poet, video, poem, duet,

diet, beefsteak, requiem, cafe, charter, policeman, ser-

vis, business, adapter, exclusive, presentation, entu-

ziasm, film library, energy, tour.

Voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of a word

Carrying firewood, having a conversation, the drizzle is drizzling, exhausting

roses frost (on trees), wedding, patronize

school, wet mitten, entertaining fairy tale, flexible

hose, apt definition, shiny buckle, small

thief, skilled horsewoman, fashionable haircut.

Consonants in prefixes and roots of words

save, hand over, make, burn, write off, building, health

level, here, not a thing in sight, explore, disappear, spread out

cover, dissolve, count, calculation, descend,

overthrow, overthrow, too much, on the sly.

Double consonants

1. Aggressor, neat, abstract, appeal,

apparatus, association, certificate, barricade, fiction

ka, immunity, colloquium, crystal, occupation, pa-

rally, passive, program, profession, director,

territory, ton, pulp, effect.

2. Aluminum, gallery, landing, five-ton, dithyramb,

drama, cartoon, corridor, resources.

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

1. Gigantic, valiant, serf-like, un-

prominent, idle, peers, happy, honest,

provincial, feel, clearly.

2. Shine, tasty, vile, skillful, inert

look, dangerous, former, eyelashes, peers, horror-

ny, participate, honor, procession, food.

Difficult words

1. Airmail, gasification, agro-industrial,

socio-political, socially useful,

lyro-epic, thousand-year-old, power plant, electric

trification, forty-kilometer, centipede,

half a kilometer, half a lake, half-darkness, half-sneakers, time-

calculus, vice president, exhibition and sales, two-

hundred and fiftieth anniversary, editorial board, Rostov-on-Don,

boarding school, block diagram, firebird.

2. Far Eastern, mutually beneficial, military liability

ny, above, military field, national economic

ny, winter-hardy, tragicomedy, Komsomolsk-on-Amu-

re, meat and dairy, power supply, highly ideological,

lavender, semi-final, research,

pure-haired, sincerely devoted, fifteen years old,

English-Russian, antipyretic.

3. Ski, cheerful, multi-million-dollar

distinguished, deeply respected, purely Russian, hard-

sick, eggnog, fidgety tail, spring-field

howl, uniform, vice-consul, water purification, temporary

escort, flight attendant, military leader,

Ivan-da-Marya, clairvoyant, world famous,

sycophantic, blue-black, highly educated

ny, press conference.

Prefixes pre-, pre-

1. Be ignorant, arrive in Moscow, pre-

give interests, give meaning to the words spoken,

successor to the traditions of the classic, buy a new receiver,

despise a coward, look after a poor relative,

to bow before the talent of a scientist, to bend the branches of the

lon, break the laws, get to work, implement

put plans into action, close the window, pretend to be asleep

important, passing success, coming worker, question

was a stumbling block, a perverse meaning,

a tribute to deep antiquity, the advantage of the attacker,

artist's vocation, acceptable option, privileges

rated layers of society, those in power.

2. The president of the country, the presidium of the state

advice, ignore the advice of colleagues, overcome

difficulties, present an unexpected gift, persecution

to pursue noble goals, to grovel before superiors

worthwhile, candidate for the post of director, exaggerate

your merits, increase your wealth, come to the right

conclusion, an extraordinary adventure, acquired

sti necessary experience, purchaser valuable papers,

embellish the merits, describe the situation without

embellishment, biased judge, get used to the circumstances

government, unreasonable claims, coming

servants, to increase the capital they have received.

Letters ь and ъ

Adjutant, nuclear-free, inter-tier, entrance, se-

save, supernatural, trilingual, sagiti-

rove, notorious, broth, trellis, objective,

sarcastic, narrow, obliged, window sill, be able to, kids,

volumetric, piano, champignon, forklift, ki-

but shooting, stubble, lotion, integral, injection, ba-

rier, rearguard, pedestal, rise, flaw, weeds, fel-

Related information.

This text is old, initially it was just an introduction, but, ultimately, it became a separate story.

In general... A hero comes into the world - a hero saves the world. And what in fact(supposedly) behind this pathos?

Some reflection - and don’t judge strictly...

Bless for the feat.

Bless for the feat.

On the topic of mockery of the canons.

Congratulations, you are the Chosen One!

The young knight, looking around warily, rose from the marble floor, onto which fate had unexpectedly thrown him after a peaceful rest from the labors of war.

The ceiling was lost in height and the uneven fluttering of candles. The candles not only fluttered, but also smoked, dripping cheap wax onto the carpet. The smell of burning wool tickled his nostrils. Magic mirrors, which were supposed to impress the viewer by showing him his true essence, were frightened only by the thickness of the layer of dust on them.

But all these little things were unimportant to the knight; he was more concerned about the phrase uttered by an unknown person. The voice, in contrast to the decoration of the hall, was truly impressive. It swept under the ceiling like a whirlwind of leaves, made the mirrors tremble, instilling a desire for suicide in their glass soul, and gently died down somewhere in the corridors.

Who am I? – the knight repeated, slightly closing his eyes in fear and anticipation.

There was a rumble under the ceiling. Several lightning flashes.

There was a respect-inspiring silence, interrupted by a spectacularly fallen mirror.

Someone sighed heavily and otherworldly.

“...Well done, dad,” a blurry shadow that appeared above the fragments said gloomily in a rattling voice (at first even mistaken for the ongoing ringing from fragments bouncing on the slabs). - A good start.

Having reduced the otherworldliness by a couple of points, someone sighed - no longer heavily, but threateningly. The shadow waved its hand and disappeared.

Let's continue... You are the Chosen One, - the deep baritone again penetrated the somewhat stunned knight. – For I will entrust to you the deliverance of the world from sins and vices...

The young man held his breath. The voice was mesmerizing. The fragments flashed through endless forests with curved towers rising from the thickest thickets, distant seas, ancient fortresses surrounded by the fires of war - the world was patiently waiting for its savior.

Well, well,” said the shadow skeptically, leaning on the knight’s shoulder and sipping tea from a cup in the shape of a skull. – Enough quoting, speak in your own words, or have you forgotten what happened last time? Is one time not enough? I almost dragged you to the stake... don’t you dare... mm... don’t you dare shut my mouth... we have democracy... freedom of speech, after all...

She vanished again, dropping the cup. There was a sniffling sound that had lost all signs of otherworldliness and the sounds of a struggle.

The knight, who had completely ceased to understand what was happening here, suddenly winked at the princess in the nearest fragment.

“Goat,” the owner of the baritone said with feeling and yelped in fear. The shadow giggled, appearing nearby again.

Define the boundaries of what is permitted,” she said loudly, flashing a snow-white (and unexpected) smile of forty-eight teeth. - Who are them... who are you?.. knows the knights, will bring them... Have you forgotten Torquemada?

The knight almost physically felt how the air thickened and became electrified.

Torquemada was a relic of the past,” the baritone said dispassionately. - And we didn’t have it.

Whom? Of the past?

Torquemada,” the baritone barked. – What does he have to do with it anyway?

The shadow looked longingly at the spilled tea.

“I say, define the framework,” she responded no less decisively. – What sins and vices should we rid the world of...

A gust of wind extinguished half the candles. The leaves swirled thoughtfully in place. It seems that in this short moment the unknown person managed to compile a list.

“The Chosen One,” clearing his throat, the baritone continued soulfully. The knight jerked in fear. -You are pure in heart and soul...

The shadow muttered indistinctly that, they say, all this is good, but it’s still nice to wash at least once a year, at least in the rain.

“Ah,” the knight raised his hand, “for what?”

Isn't it clear?

He’s a smart boy...” came to the knight. - Everyone else was ready for fire and water...

There was a snap of fingers and the screams died down.

The knight shook his head.

Could you specify?

In terms of?

The knight busily took off his helmet. Underneath were short-cropped hair and narrow glasses.

“You are taking an amateurish approach to the question,” he began. – The world, if you think about it, is not so easy to save. To begin with, who does he need to be saved from? From demons, terrorists, sorcerers, vampires? What combat system is required? What time period and universe?

There was silence. Several mirrors clinked, but, apparently, this situation did not require a spectacular turn, and therefore they remained intact.

A shadow flew into the hall through the wall, carrying something wrapped in thick fabric under its arm.

Dad, I understand.

What exactly? – the owner of the baritone asked sourly.

I told them - take the dumber barbarian from the mountains, and you - other worlds, other worlds... Well, here, other worlds. You dragged a gamer.

The second mirror fell to the floor, muffling the sensual curse.

The shadow chuckled, not without gloating. Apparently, there were precedents.

And, in principle, what is possible? As always, we partially erase the memory and send him off to heroic deeds. Do you need a knight? So here he is, all guts and all,” the shadow patted the guy on the head and handed him the candy. - Gamer. Good, well-fed, smart, moderately fixated. Brains work in the right direction.

The knight grinned uncertainly, backing away.

How do you know?

Dad, you’re like a child... Just give him a push and he’ll take off - hurry up to open the doors, we don’t pay for repairs. Now we'll get him a weapon...

The guy didn't have time to react. The shadow immediately weighed the bundle he was holding in his hands, and, swinging it, hit the knight on the top of the head with all his might.

Gamer is an ass. In his eyes, the pupils of which met on the bridge of his nose, for some time there was nothing but quiet tenderness, then they began to slowly peck eternal questions: who am I, where am I... Without waiting for the “smart boy” to ask them, the shadow lifted him to his feet and with a couple of strong slaps in the face brought the chaos in the head of the future hero to its highest point, simultaneously pushing a package into his hands.

You won't give me a receipt, will you? Keep in mind, this is a government instrument, handle it accordingly. Clean, sharpen, lubricate... but what am I talking about? It's a magical weapon, you know? – the shadow moved its fingers threateningly, expressing some extremely important thought for the world. The guy understood little, but he caught the general concept and nodded. - You tell a story, and that’s enough for him.

“Okay,” muttered the young man. The shadow sobbed tenderly, pressing the helmet onto his head.

And I already like you. Do you want a kiss?

The guy refused, trying to keep the glasses balanced on his nose from falling off.

This is right. You shouldn’t kiss strangers without presenting the relevant certificates from the relevant institutions,” the shadow suddenly grabbed his ear tenaciously and whispered hotly: “Listen, I don’t know where you’ll end up, but don’t look at the princesses.” All bitches, all of them, I swear on myself! That's how it is. Got it?

The knight nodded sadly, wanting only to get away from here.

Dad, you can send it!

The young man disappeared.

The shadow shook its head.

Is the sword really magical? – the interrogation continued.

As if this stuff in the pantry wasn't enough.

One of the fragments helpfully showed a knight coming to his senses. Holding his stomach, he crawled to a stream flowing past and dipped his head into it.

There was an indefinite groan.

Stop eating. Dad, you will lead him by the hand.

Let him choose his own path...

I've already chosen one. Either you lead by the hand, or you will get out of the second fire yourself...