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What is the educational environment of a school and how to identify it? “Specifics of the educational environment of basic secondary education (secondary level) Specifics of the educational environment of secondary general education.


The introduction characterizes the social significance and scientific relevance of the topic. The introduction should justify the choice of topic, its relevance, reflect the reason for research interest in it, formulate scientific problem, show the degree of its development in domestic and foreign science, reveal the goals and objectives of the work; describe the theoretical and methodological basis work, determine the object and subject, formulate a research hypothesis.

Main part

The first chapter in content is a theoretical part, which should have its own title. In this chapter, it makes sense to dwell on approximately the following aspects of the psychological and pedagogical phenomenon being studied:

· designation of a problem or group of problems considered by educational psychology on this issue;

· definition of basic concepts;

· history of the study, basic views on the phenomenon in educational psychology and, possibly, in other branches of psychology and other sciences;

· functions of the phenomenon;

· types of phenomenon;

· structure of the phenomenon;

connection with other phenomena;

· formation and development of the phenomenon (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages);

· manifestations of a phenomenon, etc.

The proposed scheme is given for guidance only and the final structure of the first chapter will depend on the chosen topic, the availability and accessibility of literature, and the structure of the work as a whole.

When presenting ideas that have authorship, it is necessary to follow the rules of citation: the quoted text is given accurately, without distortion, omissions in the author's text are indicated by ellipses; the text is placed in quotation marks, then the author's surname, the number in the list of references and the number of the cited page are indicated in parentheses.

After working on the first chapter, the conclusions of the chapter should be summarized.

The second chapter involves the development of a model of a developing educational environment (according to V.A. Yasvin) taking into account the methodological foundations.

The model of the developing educational environment of the institution (according to the topic) can be presented in the form of a picture, or described in the text of Chapter 2.

Based on the results, conclusions are also drawn.

The conclusion contains summary of the entire work and my own thoughts in connection with the problem presented in the work. You can dwell on the main results obtained during the work, present prospects for further work on the problem, and formulate some recommendations.

In general, we can say that the introduction and conclusion serve as a certain semantic framework for the main part of the work: the introduction precedes knowledge, and the conclusion demonstrates a new qualitative step in understanding the problem.

List of sources used

The psychological component of the educational environment is, first of all, the nature of communication between subjects of the educational process, against the background of which needs are realized, interpersonal and group conflicts arise and are resolved.

In this process, hidden meaningful situations of interaction between people acquire a distinct character.

This component bears the main burden of providing opportunities to meet and develop the needs of subjects educational process in a feeling of security, in maintaining and improving self-esteem, in recognition from society, in self-actualization.

Psychological characteristics The educational environment is, first of all, a complex, multi-layered “fabric” of interpersonal communication of its participants: teachers, children, parents, school administration - all those who are commonly called today the subjects of the educational process. It is this component that carries the main socio-psychological load and, in our opinion, is central among other structural elements of the educational environment of the school.

Information-didactic or organizational-methodological component of the educational environment

Role and capabilities modern technologies in organizing the educational environment

Specifics of the educational environment of preschool educational institution.

The educational environment of a preschool educational institution (DOU) is the most important factor, which determines the conditions for the success of the upbringing and training of preschool children within the framework of a personality-oriented and competence-based approach. The main goal of the educational environment is to maximally develop the inherent creative potential in the child.

The main thing that needs to be paid attention to when designing the educational environment of a preschool institution is the development of social and personal competencies of preschoolers, which is an invariable condition for the development and formation of a harmonious and holistic personality, and also becomes a priority task enshrined in the Law Russian Federation“On Education”, Federal State Educational Standard preschool education. (FSES DO)

At the same time, it is necessary to note the particular importance of the correct organization of the educational environment, acting as the general factor that would contribute to the formation and development creativity children preschool age, self-development of the individual as a whole. For preschool educational institutions highest value represents an ecological-personal model of the educational environment, which is presented as a set of all opportunities for learning, education and personal development, not only positive, but also negative. In other words, the educational environment presupposes the formation of a personality according to a given model, taking into account all the possibilities for its development located in the social and spatial-subject environment. At the same time, the educational environment must have a developmental effect, and this requires a set of opportunities for the development and self-development of students.

Specifics of the educational environment of primary secondary education (primary school).

Specifics of the educational environment of basic secondary education (secondary level).

Specifics of the educational environment of secondary general education(high school).

Specifics of the educational environment of an additional educational institution.

The introduction characterizes the social significance and scientific relevance of the topic. The introduction should justify the choice of topic, its relevance, reflect the reason for research interest in it, formulate the scientific problem, show the degree of its development in domestic and foreign science, reveal the goals and objectives of the work; describe the theoretical and methodological foundations of the work, define the object and subject, formulate a research hypothesis.
Main part
The main content of the work is located in the chapters between the introduction and conclusion. The main part, as a rule, cannot consist of only one chapter; it consists of two chapters.
The first chapter in content is a theoretical part, which should have its own title. In this chapter, it makes sense to dwell on approximately the following aspects of the psychological and pedagogical phenomenon being studied:
· designation of a problem or group of problems considered by educational psychology on this issue;
· definition of basic concepts;
· history of the study, basic views on the phenomenon in educational psychology and, possibly, in other branches of psychology and other sciences;
· functions of the phenomenon;
· types of phenomenon;
· structure of the phenomenon;
connection with other phenomena;
· formation and development of the phenomenon (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages);
· manifestations of a phenomenon, etc.
The proposed scheme is given for guidance only and the final structure of the first chapter will depend on the chosen topic, the availability and accessibility of literature, and the structure of the work as a whole.
When presenting ideas that have authorship, it is necessary to follow the rules of citation: the quoted text is given accurately, without distortion, omissions in the author's text are indicated by ellipses; the text is placed in quotation marks, then the author's surname, the number in the list of references and the number of the cited page are indicated in parentheses.
After working on the first chapter, the conclusions of the chapter should be summarized.
The second chapter involves the development of a model of a developing educational environment (according to V.A. Yasvin) taking into account the methodological foundations.
The model of the developing educational environment of the institution (according to the topic) can be presented in the form of a picture, or described in the text of Chapter 2.
Based on the results, conclusions are also drawn.
The conclusion contains a brief summary of the entire work and one’s own thoughts in connection with the problem presented in the work. You can dwell on the main results obtained during the work, present prospects for further work on the problem, and formulate some recommendations.
In general, we can say that the introduction and conclusion serve as a certain semantic framework for the main part of the work: the introduction precedes knowledge, and the conclusion demonstrates a new qualitative step in understanding the problem.
List of sources used

Educational program Municipal educational institution Pychasskaya average comprehensive school developed on the basis of state educational standards and exemplary educational curricula(Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, paragraph 36). The teaching staff is guided by the requirements of regulations that define the mandatory standard minimum content and requirements for the level of training of students.

The educational program of the municipal educational institution Pychasskaya secondary school is a regulatory and management document that characterizes two aspects of its activities: the specifics of the content of education, education and development of students and the features of the organization, personnel and methodological support of the pedagogical process and innovative transformations of the pedagogical (didactic and educational) system. The school has created a promising educational program. Article 9 of the Law “On Education” established the need for such a document and gave its definition:

« An educational program is a regulatory and management document that, on the one hand, definesthe provision of education corresponding to the levels of orientation, and on the other hand, characterizing the specifics of the content of education and the features of the educational process and the management of a given educational institution.”

The Educational Program project is a long-term project of a social and educational type.

The school's pedagogical system is designed as an open system.

The school is part of the whole social system, and its life activity is largely determined by influences coming from the wider environment. The school can, through its activities, actively influence its environment, that is, to act as an adaptive and at the same time adaptive system.

Formation of the educational environment

Section 1.

Purpose of the school. The main means of realizing the purpose of the OS.

Pychasskaya secondary school, being a municipal comprehensive educational institution, is focused on the training, education and development of students, taking into account their individual (age, physiological, psychological, intellectual and other) characteristics, educational needs and capabilities, personal inclinations. This is achieved by creating an adaptive pedagogical system and favorable conditions for mental, moral, emotional and physical development every schoolchild. The pedagogical system is based on early identification of children's inclinations, interests, and natural inclinations. The leading directions of training, education and development are the aesthetic, moral and physical improvement of students.

School management is carried out on the basis of democracy, transparency, and co-management. Direct control pedagogical process implemented by the school director and his deputies for educational, educational and economic work.

Educational program schools are a holistic system of measures for humanization and humanization, differentiation and individualization of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, taking into account the needs of students, their parents, the public and society.

The school is located on the territory of the Pychasskoe municipal district, twenty kilometers from the regional center of the city of Mozhgi. In the school microdistrict there are preschool institutions "Kolosok" - kindergarten No. 1 and “Squirrel” - kindergarten No. 2; The House for arts and crafts for children; Children's Art School; hospital; village library. Parents of students work in agriculture, in the social sphere, at enterprises located in the village and the city of Mozhgi. Many work in the city of Izhevsk and travel outside the territory of the Udmurt Republic (work on a rotational basis).

Most families live in separate comfortable apartments, creating conditions for the successful education of the child.

8. Orientation in the values ​​of domestic and world culture.

Natural science

1. Scientific explanation natural phenomena observed in Everyday life, the formation of an initial worldview about the world and the environment.

2. Chemical literacy.

3. Environmental literacy.

4. The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.


1. The ability to distinguish works of art from works of pseudo-art.

2. Orientation in the main historical and cultural monuments of the countries of the languages ​​being studied.

3. Orientation in the values ​​of domestic and world culture.

4. Free orientation in monuments and cultural centers of the habitat.

Physical Culture

1.Valeological literacy (compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, the ability to provide first aid to oneself and others, knowledge and compliance with norms healthy image life).

3. Regulating your physical and psychological state with the help of special exercises.


1. Technical literacy (use of household appliances).

2. The ability to use a personal computer as a means of obtaining the necessary information.

"Content of competence"

Educational area

General cultural competence and elements of pre-professional and metoedological competence


1. Ability to conduct dialogue on English language in standard life situations

2. The ability to analyze a work of art taking into account its genre specificity; be aware of the personality of the author and the work in the context of culture and the modern era.

3. Finding necessary and sufficient conceptual grounds for comparison works of art at the level of intra- and interdisciplinary connections.

4. Use dictionaries and reference books at various levels, including the Internet.


1. Free orientation in basic mathematical concepts.

2. The ability to predict the answer to a task and evaluate the result obtained.

3. Knowledge of the place of mathematics as a science in the history of human development.

4. Ability to apply decision techniques mathematical problems when solving problems in various fields of knowledge.

5. Having ideas about information, its types, properties, measurement and information processes.

6. Mastery of processing technology various types information.

Social science

1. Mastery scientific knowledge about a person and the ability to operate with them for the purpose of self-knowledge and self-improvement.

2. Awareness of the role of man in transformative activities and awareness possible consequences human activity against oneself.

3. Mastering a system of knowledge about universal humanistic values, perceiving them as the most important life criteria.

4. Knowledge of the laws of micro- and macroeconomics, orientation in the world of consumer values.

5. Ability to work with periodicals and scientific publications.

6. Active citizenship.

7. Compliance with the rules, norms of behavior and laws of society.

8. Orientation in the world of professions, knowledge of one’s professional capabilities.

Natural science

1. Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to understand compliance with the rules of environmental behavior.

2. Using generalized and systematized knowledge to transfer it to a new life situation, to solve new life problems.

3. The ability to plan and conduct observations and experiments, predict their results, systematize data on various grounds (tables, graphs, diagrams), and formulate theoretical conclusions.

4. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life (choice of vitamin-mineral complexes and medications, food products, handling chemicals, choice of cosmetics, etc.)


1. The ability to interpret types of art taking into account their artistic language.

2. Interpretation of works of art based on their holistic perception.

Physical Culture

1. The ability to take responsibility for your health and the health of others.

2. Aesthetic culture of the body.

3. Self-regulation of your physical condition.


1. Knowledge of the modern information society.

2. Knowledge of technology for processing various types of information using a computer.

Integration of areas

1. Tolerant attitude towards reality (in judgments, behavior, assessment of events).

2. ability to self-esteem.

3. Ability to work in computer networks and master Internet technologies.

4. The ability to choose an adequate model of your behavior.