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If the teacher combines love. L.N

“Educator”, teacher is one of the most difficult professions, in my opinion. The work of a teacher requires great endurance, patience, and assertiveness in his work.

A teacher should always work on himself, engage in self-development. “By teaching, learning yourself,” developing, developing your pets - these are some of his basic principles.

A true teacher is one who came to school by vocation. He will truly strive for the quality of his work, for professional excellence.

Eloquently and clearly described the teacher - master L. Tolstoy. I will quote his saying below:

“If a teacher has love for his work, he will good teacher. If a teacher has love only for a student, like a father or mother, he will better than that a teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for his work, nor his students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his student, he - perfect teacher».

Comments here, I think, are unnecessary.

Teacher's pedagogical skill

The easier it is for a teacher to teach, the more difficult it is for students to learn

L.N. Tolstoy

A lot of interesting things have been written and said about the teacher’s creative activity and his professionalism.

All teachers should be well acquainted with the names of such outstanding educational psychologists as A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya.O. Comenius, D. Locke, Pestalozzi and many others who made an inexhaustible contribution to pedagogical science.

Of no small importance in teaching methods are the works of Rybnikova, Ostrogorsky, Belenky, you can’t list them all. In a word, the creativity of all teachers and methodologists is aimed at improving the quality of teaching activities.

The quality of a teacher’s work, of course, first of all depends on psychological and pedagogical preparedness, ideological and theoretical orientation, etc.

Prominent Russian teacher and psychologist of the twentieth century P.F. Kapterev argued for the need for teachers to constantly work on their own development and improvement. “When teaching, a teacher must learn himself,” he wrote, “... There is nothing worse than a teacher who has come to the unfortunate thought that he is already learned and developed enough, that he has nothing to study for...

How can he, who himself is not developing, awaken in another what has died out in himself - education and development? Usually teachers who have finished their development do not develop others, they only teach, i.e. They communicate mechanically what they have memorized..."

To improve, a teacher must read a lot and keep up with the flow of information. He should be especially interested in manuals and books containing answers to questions that arise in his work. But in my opinion, N.V.’s book is very informative. Kukharev “On the way to professional excellence.” It contains a lot of useful information, both for beginning teachers and for those who have spent many years in school.

I will try to outline important points in my work.

What is teaching skill

True teaching excellence is born when both adults and children experience the joy of working together.

N.K. Krupskaya

In an effort to understand the secrets of professional excellence, the teacher mainly improves the methods of teaching and educating students, this is natural.

But the same methods often bring unequal quality results. It happens that even proven methods often lead to minimal success, and the teacher complains: “I did everything according to methodological development, but the children make noise and don’t listen.”

The success of a teacher’s work depends on the teacher’s personal character, relationships with children, in a word, on pedagogical skills. Due to this pedagogical skill it is legitimate to consider as a set of certain qualities of a teacher’s personality, which are determined by the high level of his psychological and pedagogical preparedness, the ability to optimally solve pedagogical problems (training, education and development schoolchildren).

What personality traits does a master teacher have?

The main qualities are knowledge of the subject of activity, the desire for self-education, work, love for children, exactingness, a sense of proportion, pedagogical tact, personal example, endurance, patience, sincerity, observation, ability to use the voice and much more.

The teacher's skill is manifested in his voice, facial expressions, and tone and gestures. The inability to use the voice borders on unsuitability for the teaching profession. An excessively loud teacher's voice affects the student's nervous state. Suddenly, the irritable tone annoys the students too.

The teacher’s speech should be accessible, expressive, and logically coherent.

Professional vigilance (insight) lies in the ability to penetrate into the inner world of your student, to find with him mutual language. This quality helps to avoid conflicts. Each teacher can add his own to the above mentioned qualities; the ones listed are necessary for each of us.

“If a teacher has only love for what he does, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for either the work or the students.

If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.” These lines by Leo Tolstoy perfectly characterize Juliet Nadgerieva. Mathematics teacher of MKOU secondary school in the village of Novy Urukh, honorary worker general education Russian Federation, and now - an honored teacher of the Republic of North Ossetia - A.

Juliet received this honorary title as a real recognition of professional competence at the end of last year. She is one of those teachers who combine teaching experience, a huge amount of knowledge and a truly creative, sincere attitude towards the very process of teaching students. They say about such people that they work with passion, devoting themselves to the work... And no ranks or qualifications can objectively evaluate the teaching skills of Juliet Nadgerieva.

Having managed to introduce creative notes into the exact science of numbers and calculations, she was able to find invisible strings in the soul of each of her students. Today its graduates successfully work in various fields of activity, but they all have one thing in common - gratitude to their beloved teacher. There is something extraordinarily bright in the soul of this amazing man, some kind of unshakable faith in the truth in his very in a high sense. Her soul is an eternal spring, her character is a stormy river that does not allow her to stand in one place and always calls her to move forward.

Juliet Ignatovna, who worked at the school for 30 years, is distinguished by her extraordinary erudition, attention to the experience of leading schools and teachers, and the ability to perceive and implement new things in practice.

Every day for Juliet Nadgerieva is scheduled by the hour: lessons, intra-school control, teacher councils, meetings, parent meetings, individual sessions with kids. And we also need to have time to do important household chores, because she is also a wonderful housewife, a caring daughter-in-law, wife and mother.

And even if everything in life is not always as easy as in mathematics, Juliet is confident that the path to teaching excellence lies through the hearts of students. And there is no doubt that they love their mentor.

Natalia Pavlova
Essay “If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher”


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Moscow Pedagogical State University» (MPGU)

Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

Performed: Pavlova Natalya Sergeevna

Profile: “Additional education (early creative development)»

Form training: part-time


Academic year: 2015-2016, semester 2

« If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is perfect teacher“- wrote Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, a great Russian writer, teacher, thinker, who devoted his entire life to children, education, and pedagogy. He had a huge influence on domestic and foreign philosophical and pedagogical thought.

L. N. Tolstoy assigned a decisive role in the formation of the spiritual world of children to human and professional pedagogical qualities teachers. To the main qualities teacher Tolstoy attributed love to children and to teaching work, as well as pedagogical art and talent teachers.

I completely agree that a teacher must combine love not only for business, but also to students. Only by combining these qualities the teacher will"perfect teacher» .

I think many will agree that the decisive factor in every profession is a person's love for his work. If the person doesn't like his job If it does not bring him moral satisfaction, then there is no need to talk about high labor productivity. A teacher must not only love his profession, but also love children. To love means to respect student, understand him, take care of him, protect him and find the greatest pleasure in all this. Teacher is much more than just a profession. Teacher– this is a state of mind and a desire to pass on one’s experience to other people. Be teacher - special mission, a special mindset of soul and mind, it is responsibility, dedication, patience, increased by knowledge, skill, and creativity.

Publications on the topic:

“My pedagogical philosophy” (Essay for the “Teacher of the Year” competition)“My pedagogical philosophy” “... Physical education– this is what ensures health and brings joy” Cratten When I think.

Essay “Teacher-speech therapist - it sounds proud!” And for me this is true. Even as a child, while studying at school, I dreamed of becoming a presenter or an actor, and of course, in each of these professions.

Essay “I am a teacher” Sooner or later, every person faces the question: Who should I be? I remember an essay in 3rd grade on the topic “Who I want.

Essay “I am a speech therapist teacher” As a child, I raised and taught dolls, I dreamed of becoming a teacher and being not only a teacher for children, but also a mentor and friend. I played often.

Essay “I am a primary school teacher” Essay - I am a teacher primary classes Carrying out analysis educational and methodological complexes for primary school I came to the conclusion that it is closest to me.

Essay “My profession is a teacher-speech therapist” Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 1 “Alyonushka” ESSAY “My profession is a speech therapist teacher!” Teacher speech therapist.

Essay “My profession is a speech therapist teacher” Essay “My profession is a speech therapist teacher” A modern speech therapist is, first of all, a teacher who, working with children, makes a contribution to their tomorrow.

Essay “Speech therapist teacher is my profession, my spiritual path, my ministry” There are so many different professions in the world And each has its own charm, But there is none nobler, more necessary and more wonderful than the one I work with! WITH.

“If the teacher has only love for the work.

He will be a good teacher.

If a teacher combines love for

to his work and to his students - he is a perfect teacher.”

L.N. Tolstoy.

Since 1993, I have been working according to L.V. Zankov’s system, which allows students to form cognitive motivation for learning, create modern ideas about the world around us, conditions for the development of creative abilities in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Therefore, the goal of my work is to create an active personality in the best ideals public life, in the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty.

I consider it my task to develop and enrich the child’s personality with knowledge, skills, emotions, to form the key competencies of students that contribute to the value self-determination of a primary school student,

create psychological and pedagogical conditions for creative development child.

Even the most talented and experienced teachers cannot achieve the desired results if they do not coordinate their actions with the teaching staff, with the interests of children and parents.

To this day, there is nothing more important than including children in collective life in school and society, teaching them a job, helping adults, taking an active position in relation to study, work, and the world around them.

In relation to children I carry out it personally oriented model communication, I take into account the child’s personality with its individual, age-related characteristics.

When forming a children's team, I pay special attention to the development of friendly and creative relationships between children. This is facilitated by a system of conversations, classes, excursions, and collective creative activities. When choosing a topic, I take into account the requests of students and parents.

During the entire period of children’s education in primary school, I organize employment for students additional education. So, many children from the team attend music school, dance school, and sports clubs.

The children actively participate in festive events both in the life of the school and on a regional scale. Extracurricular activities help develop communication skills, Creative skills elementary school children, to bring children closer together, to understand each other.

I work closely with parents. I prepared a series of lectures for parent meetings that could enrich pedagogical knowledge in raising children. Lectures such as “The laws of family life - the laws of class life”, “Holidays and everyday life of our life” were listened to.

In 2008, declared the Year of the Family, several family holidays: “Dad, mom, I am a sports family,” “Our friendly family.” At the request of parents, meetings were organized with the school psychologist, who helped to reveal psychological aspect education and development of children. A parent committee has been organized in the class. Parents of students are my first assistants in preparation extracurricular activities, excursions, preparing the classroom for the new academic year.

Educational system of the class- This is a way of organizing the life activities and education of members of the class team. So in the first grade, students look like a “sand painting”, seemingly all together and at the same time, like grains of sand and placers. But help comes from older students - parents and children begin to do collective work, learn songs, poems, and draw posters. The connecting link in the formation of the classroom team is the teacher and the parent. Commonwealth: teacher – student – ​​parent is the body that determines success in creating a great team.

I'm an elementary school teacher. I think the word “beginners” speaks for itself. What will be the child's first steps in school life, so will the subsequent ones. It is truth. And I, like no one else, am responsible for the future generation, this is the essence of my professional and civil creed.

Whether a child’s personality will become free and creative depends on who we feel like when working with children: a warming sun or a cold cloud. If you are a cold cloud, it is one thing... completely different if you are the sun. Just as all living things on earth are drawn to sunlight and warmth, so children’s souls will be drawn to you, expecting you to respond to them with your love, kindness, tenderness, and generosity of soul.

« The Teacher must be the heart and the universe, the sun in the vast unknown world for children - this means not descending, but rising to the spiritual world of the students...

Look at the world with your eyes, go with them to the secrets of the unknown. Walk, illuminating their path and warming them with the warmth of your heart “until the last days of the end.”

Pedagogical skill is not an empty matter. “The success of teaching and upbringing is largely determined by the personality of the teacher, his skills and principles.” A.S. Makarenko argued that the teacher is the most decisive figure in the educational process.

Over 26 years of work, I have accumulated a whole set of rules and principles, many of which cannot be found in textbooks. Meanwhile, born of repeated practice and tested by life, these principles of faith and truth serve me and may be of interest to colleagues.

Principles born from my practice:
1. A teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom one learns.
2. Each child is a unique individual. I'm very afraid to see my little robot pets. The worst thing is teaching children to uniformity and like-mindedness.
3. Do anything as if it were yours " a swan song" Don’t repeat yourself, have your own style, boldly move away from templates, don’t copy anyone, look for your key.
4. Security of each child, emotional support. An offensive nickname, humiliation in front of the class, classmates, a harsh analysis of the culprit - these are the sources of children's tragedies. The teacher must sensitively grasp and read the child’s mood by subtle signs, including the eyes, and respond sensitively and in a timely manner.
5. The principle of gentle touch, tactile support. This principle means caring for the child’s personality. Children feel this surprisingly subtly.
6. The principle of three “NOTs”: do not rush, do not harm, do not blame children for their own miscalculations and mistakes.
7. Tolerance is a means of forming a cohesive team.
8. A parent is my reliable friend and helper. Achieving results only through joint activities of Teacher - Parent - Student.

No in primary school children who can be alienated, each of them believes the teacher. There are also difficult situations, unjustified stubbornness of the child, but I try to find an approach to the children, to win them over.

The main directions and methods of my work
Areas of work :
1. Cool self-government
Such a component of the educational system as children's self-government has a special influence on the development of a student's life positions. The creation of student self-government determines the natural combination of the child’s social needs with opportunities educational institution. When creating self-government bodies, the class teacher set himself the following goal: attracting every child to participate in public life, increasing social activity, creative potential children. Each student in the class has his own assignment, which allows him to feel like he is also integral part school self-government. In addition, there are shifts in the class creative groups, solving all the most important issues of the life of the team. The alternation of collective creative assignments allows each student to take an active position in building the work of the class, which has a positive effect on the formation of their organizational abilities, the ability to manage their self, to reveal and develop their potential and real capabilities.

Educational work is carried out in cooperation with the school children's organization " City of high school students."

2. Teaching
Target: development of cognitive activity.

1. Formation of the need for self-education;
2. Development of skills and abilities in educational activities;
3. Identification of individual abilities;
4. Development of independent thinking.
Forms of implementation: Olympiads in subjects; thematic KVN; brain rings; quizzes; brainstorming sessions.

With the transition to grades 3-4, children's general interest in learning decreases. The motives that prompted him to study in grades 1-2 have already been satisfied, but new ones that correspond to age characteristics have not developed. In addition, the very conditions of school life are changing. In order to overcome these difficulties, the teacher assigns an important place in his work to regular contacts with subject teachers, daily monitoring the progress of students, and individual conversations are held depending on the situation. All educational results are reflected weekly in diaries. The reasons for the failures are clarified, and after they are identified, the child and parents are individual work, ways to eliminate them are proposed.

According to the results of the school conference "Intellectual-2007", students became first and second degree diploma winners. Take an active part in school competitions in Russian language and mathematics – Artem Raspopov I place, Vika Shorokhova II place, Denis Akimov III place.

According to the results All-Russian competition“Russian Bear” 1st place in school – Lilya Garayeva, Vika Shorokhova, Lena Kabanova, Artem Raspopov,

and according to the results of the All-Russian Kangaroo competition, Artem Raspopov and Airat Begishev took 1st place in the school, and Vova Chlenov took 1st place in the district.

In the 2008-2009 academic year, according to the results of the All-Russian Youth Championship “Start”, 1st place in the school Lena Kabanova, 2nd place Vika Shorokhova, Artem Raspopov, 3rd place Lilia Garayeva

3. Diagnostics .
With the help of a school psychologist, students' levels of adaptation, anxiety, the state of the psychological atmosphere in the classroom, and motivation to study subjects are diagnosed. These problems are brought up for discussion at parent meetings. The diagnostic results show that the level of education of students in this class is above the school average. The atmosphere of goodwill prevails in the class; most of the children feel good in the class team and can freely express their opinions. Students have a high degree of satisfaction with life at school: they love their gymnasium, they have favorite teachers and favorite school subjects.

4. Working with parents.
The essence of interaction between the class teacher and parents is that both parties should be interested in studying the child, discovering and developing him best qualities and properties necessary for self-determination and self-realization. Such interaction is based on the principles of mutual respect and trust, mutual support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other.

Forms of work with parents:

1. survey;

2. conversations;

3. consultations;

4. parent meetings;

5. visiting family;
6. holding joint hours of communication between the class teacher, parents and children;
7. holding joint events.
Parents of this class are frequent guests at cultural and sporting events at both the classroom and school levels.

Working together allows us to find solutions to difficult educational situations. As the results of the survey show, parents believe that a favorable moral and psychological climate has developed in the children's team.

5. Civic-patriotic education.
The priority type of activity in the educational system of the class is civic-patriotic education. Lessons on courage are held, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and local wars. The guys are active participants in rallies, ceremonial lines, actions and the “Soldier’s Shawl”, Memory Watch.
6. Valueological education
Target: formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

1. introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;
2. teaching constructive ways to get out of problem situations. To implement this direction, events are held: “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, “ Useful habitshealthy image Life", Health Days. Students are active participants in presidential competitions, competitions, cross-country skiing, etc.

7. Moral education
Target: instill moral norms and rules of behavior in society.

1. formation of hard work, honesty, justice, respect for elders;
2. development of the ability to empathize;
3. development of feeling self-esteem and the ability to respect the dignity of others.

Forms of implementation of this direction are: cool watch, conversations about morality, meeting with interesting people, joint events with parents, tea parties, etc.
8. Research activities of schoolchildren
Target: Stimulating the development of the intellectual and creative potential of the personality of a younger child school age by developing research capabilities.


1. Contribute to the development of children's creative research activity.

2. To stimulate in younger schoolchildren the development of interest in fundamental and applied sciences, familiarization with scientific picture peace.

3. Promote research educational programs.

In the period 2006-2007, she organized the work of the Small Scientific Society of primary school students “Iskorka”. The result of the work was the first Scientific and practical conference younger schoolchildren.

The young researchers proved the relevance of their work; the best, according to the jury, were awarded diplomas. Mikhailova Vika 3rd grade. “What are my classmates afraid of?” - 1st place, leader N.Z. Mikhailova ; Dubova Lena, Zaitseva Dasha 4th grade “How does music influence a person?” - 1st place, leader Andreyko I.F.; Antipova Dasha 2 "b" class. “My puppy – ball – drink” - 1st place; Dergunova Katya 2 "b" class - "Water-solvent" - 2nd place; Guryanova Dasha

2nd grade - “My pedigree” - 2nd place, leader N.P. Anisimova; Nigmatzyanov Timur 2 "a" class - "The influence of variable weather on the behavior of aquarium fish" - 1st place; head Shorokhova V.V.

this work was continued in the 2007-2008 academic year. April 11, 2008 school year At the municipal educational institution “Gymnasium No. 1”, together with the department of pre-university education of OSU, the 1st regional conference for junior schoolchildren “Spark” was held. This conference showed that research activities younger schoolchildren develop cognitive interests, observation skills, logical thinking, prepares children for further more serious research.
All of the above directions educational work interconnected. Throughout the work, the idea of ​​cooperation is clearly implemented. Such work contributes to the achievement of positive results in the educational process.
Education methods

Formation of behavior Formation of consciousness Stimulation


Exercise - Encouragement


Training - Competition

Requirement -Subjective-

Ethical conversation pragmatic


Example -Nurturing -Approval
situation - Rewarding -

The emphasis on the process of education today is explained by a deep understanding of the need for development and formation spiritual and moral spheres of students, where education is a means to achieve the goal - raising a new person of the 21st century.

The formation of a student’s personality in accordance with the presented moral ideal - a guideline in his personal self-development - is the result of education, upbringing and development. (see model of a primary school graduate)

Teacher, be the sun radiating human warmth. be a soil rich in the enzymes of human feelings, and this knowledge not only in the memory of your students, but also in their souls and hearts.

The main thing for me is that the child, when parting with me, wants to meet again. My teaching philosophy is very simple - every child leaves with a victory. One solved the problem, the other came up with a bright story, composed a fairy tale or a poem. He had a creative epiphany. He made a discovery for himself. I rejoice at every victory of every child. It is very important that the child considers himself smart, talented and believes in his strength, in the fact that a difficult, but undoubtedly promising future awaits him.

Give, give the first success!

Let a person believe in himself!

Let it be in a surge of hot joy

Feel like a descendant of everyone,

Who created, who made the world richer...

Give, give the first success!

So that, without hiding young pride,

A man like a young eagle

He jumped into the sky and found himself,

Your path in the Universe is marked!

Give, give the first success! –
These words of the poet M. Kugultinov are my motto in working with children.
To sum it up, I agree: everything depends on skill. And mastery itself is the result of hard work on oneself. If you are going to be a teacher, then be a professional – a master of your craft.

Tolstoy proved himself not only as a theoretical teacher, but also as a practical teacher, as a teacher, and a talented educator. Tolstoy conducted his lessons with artistic skill, emotion, and inspiration, captivating children, discovering the talent in everyone.

Tolstoy assigned a decisive role in the formation of the spiritual world of children to the human and professional pedagogical qualities of the teacher. His work “General Notes for Teachers” represents pedagogical recommendations, many of which have not lost their significance for modern school teachers. Tolstoy considered the main qualities of a teacher: love for children, for teaching work; pedagogical art and talent of the teacher.

“IF a teacher has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher.

IF a teacher has only love for the student like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work or for the students.

IF a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.”

Tolstoy demanded that the teacher constantly work on himself and improve his skills. A teacher is a creator and researcher. “Every teacher,” Tolstoy said, “must know that every invented method is only a step that he must take in order to move on” (8, 15).

The development of L. N. Tolstoy’s pedagogical ideas in the modern world is in no way associated with their modernization or anything related to historical conditions that time. We comprehend and take what is in tune with today’s school and pedagogy.

In 1928, Tolstoy’s youngest daughter Alexandra Lvovna built a school named after him and was its first director, laying the humanistic principle at its foundation.

Today it is a school-gymnasium named after Leo Tolstoy, which does not recreate the Yasnaya Polyana school of the last century. According to the head of the experimental work, V.B. Remizov, “L. Tolstoy’s school is like educational institution a new type" is a metamorphosis of the best that exists in domestic and foreign pedagogy, and Tolstoy here is a symbol of spiritual quest and health, in it is the great wisdom of centuries and peoples.

The concept of this school is based on the idea of ​​developing a physically healthy personality of a child, at the center of which is the personality itself, its internal resources, its ability to self-heal.

A means of developing a child’s spirituality is a new object - the “Cup of Life”. In the process of live communication with children, different aspects of life are touched upon: the dear Motherland, the planet of people, the culture of eras, the father’s house, the inner world of a person, a period human life from childhood to wise old age and immortality. This subject is not for evaluation, it is intended to form inner freedom, a culture of feelings, understanding and communication.

First-graders not only of this school, but also of other experimental gymnasium schools study from a unique textbook - Tolstoy’s ABC, republished in modern Russian orthography, remaining faithful to Tolstoy’s texts.

The Yasnaya Polyana school-gymnasium abandoned traditional labor and natural history lessons, replacing them with an integrated environmental discipline. Teachers are working on the content and methods of teaching new subjects, imbued with the pedagogy of student-centered learning.

Members of the literary circle of the Yasnaya Polyana school turned to Alexandra Lvovna Tolstoy, who, as fate would have it, lived in the USA since 1929, with a request to answer their questions and received a number of letters in response. Here is an excerpt from a letter dated January 15, 1976

“...No matter how far the Yasnaya Polyana school is from me, it is always close in thoughts and feelings, its students are close and dear, and I will always, until my death, carry you in my heart. How happy I am that work started by me, continues... I wish the main thing - to preserve all the spiritual qualities that my father preached about in his books: love for people, faith in everything bright and joyful, love for all living things and nature” (Teaches, newspaper No. 29, 1990).