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What natural conditions and resources are found in Russia? Extreme conditions Natural conditions and their features.

Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR

Buzuluk Financial College


on the subject "Operations with securities and currency"

Studying Queen Oksana Vyacheslavovna

Well IV Group 806 Private bussiness 121

Specialization Enterprise finance

departure date 01/21/2000

FULL NAME. teacher Sukhanova S.V.

Score______________ Date_______________

Study address 443080 Samara, 4th passage, no. 6, apt. 43

Place of work and position LLC SPC "Infosphere" secretary-referent

Topic: The concept of natural conditions and natural resources, their role in the development of the Russian economy.


I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….2

II. Natural conditions………………………………………………………...2

III. Natural resources……………………………………………………..4

· Land resources………………………………………………………...5

· Forest resources………………………………………………………………………………5

· Water resources………………………………………………………………………………6

· Mineral resources…………………………………………..7

IV. Natural resources as an economic factor………………………...9

V. Conclusion………………………………………………………..…………………11

I . Introduction.

Russia is a country richly endowed with a wide variety of natural resources. In terms of reserves of many of them, Russia holds first place in the world. Foreign travelers, scientists and diplomats have long admired the fabulous riches of the Russian mineral resources. The main wealth of Russia is its generous nature: endless forests, fields, seas. These are its regions, each of which plays its own irreplaceable role in the life of the country, giving it oil and gas, cars and scientific discoveries. It is about these riches of Russia, relying on which it is able to withstand difficult years, that my work is written.

II . Natural conditions.

The nature of Russia is known for its harsh climate, and, above all, for its long frosty winter. Climate determines a lot in the life of both the entire country and each of its residents. Of course, you can hide from the cold and snow in your house, but it needs to be heated and lit with something for many months. The harsh influence of climate extends not only to individual cities and regions, but also to Russia as a whole.

Natural conditions are objects and forces of nature that are essential at a given level of development of productive forces for the life and economic activities of society, but are not directly involved in the material production and non-production activities of people.

The concept of natural conditions has a historical convention. As productive forces develop, many elements of natural conditions are also natural resources. This applies, for example, to climatic, recreational, etc. The interpretation of the concept of natural conditions is not legalized. They are sometimes understood as the entire set of components of the geographical environment (this includes both geographical territory and Natural resources, and the natural conditions themselves.)

The concept of natural conditions is always associated with one type or another human activity, but it is not in any way constant, changes from one era to another, and strongly depends on the nature and level of production. For a long time the study of natural conditions was mainly associated with assessing their impact on various sectors of economic activity. For example, mining may begin sooner in deposits located in more favorable natural conditions, since it will be more economical. The cost of capital construction largely depends on the strength and water content of the soil, the degree of swampiness of the territory, the presence of permafrost and the mountainousness of the terrain. The cost of water supply, heating, lighting of houses and their construction varies in areas of warm and cold, humid and dry climates, in conditions of short and long daylight hours.

The natural environment must be “weighed economically.” The influence of natural conditions, affecting the productivity of social and individual labor, largely determines the amount of material costs.

Natural conditions also need to be assessed from the perspective of the living conditions of the population. They are one of the most important factors, facilitating or complicating the settlement and development of the territory, largely determining the scale, ways and forms of using its natural resources and economic opportunities. The favorability or unfavorability of these conditions, both in their natural form and modified as a result of anthropogenic transformations of nature, strongly and diversely affects all aspects of the life of the population: their life, work, rest, health. The solution to many socio-economic and economic problems largely depends on the correct assessment of natural conditions. According to experts, the cost of housing one person in different regions of Russia can vary by 7-10 or even more times. The features of human settlement from the first steps of the formation of human society were limited by environmental factors.

The overall assessment of the natural living conditions of people is contained in the level of comfort. To determine the level of comfort, you can evaluate about 30 parameters of the natural environment (the duration of various climatic periods with comfortable and uncomfortable temperatures relative to the season, an assessment of the thermal insulation required for each season, clothing, the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases, etc.).

Some parameters of the natural environment that determine the degree of comfort of the territory.

comfort of the territory

Period with higher temperatures

10 o C, days

Average temperature of relative period Duration of the heating season, days Annual heating characteristics of buildings, degrees. day Total thermal insulation of clothing, KLO-days Points Presence of areas with sharply rugged terrain Additional construction costs
Comfortable Up to – 2C 4000 600 8 -- --
Very comfortable 90-110 -2… -6 150-220 4000-5000 600-900 8 -- --
Hypocomfortable 70-90 -6…-10 220-250 5000-7000 900-1200 8 Distribution in limited areas 15-20
Uncomfortable 30-70 below -10 250-300 7000-9000 1200-1500 9 Can be everywhere
Extreme 30 below -10 300 9000 1500


Can be everywhere 120-250

III . Natural resources.

Natural resources are components of nature that, at a given level of development of productive forces, are used or can be used as means of production (objects and means of labor) and consumer goods. In its own way material form these are objects and forces of nature, the genesis, properties and placement of which are determined by natural laws; in terms of their economic content, these are consumer values, the usefulness of which is determined by the degree of study, the level scientific and technical progress, economic and social feasibility of use.

The most fundamental classifications of natural resources are based on their genesis and method of use. According to their genesis, land, water, biological, mineral and raw materials resources, resources of the World Ocean, etc. are distinguished.

In connection with the problem of limited reserves of natural resources, the importance of classification based on their exhaustibility increases: exhaustible, including renewable (biological, land, water) and non-renewable (mineral) natural resources; and inexhaustible natural resources (climatic, flowing water energy, etc.)

Classification by method of use is based on the division of resources into sources of means of production and consumer goods: resources of material production (resources of industry, including its individual branches, resources of agriculture and other industries) and resources of the non-productive sphere (including resources of direct and indirect use ).

Due to the limited availability of free territories suitable for use, the idea of ​​a territory arose as a unique type of resource, which is viewed from different perspectives: as a complex resource, a carrier of elementary (traditional) resources, with its size, location, natural and anthropogenic properties; How special kind elementary resource – place, spatial basis of activity.

· Land resources have always been the main asset of any country.

Russia's land fund is the largest in the world - 1707.5 million hectares. In the structure of the land fund, lands of agricultural enterprises and citizens engaged in agricultural activities account for 38.1%, 0.4% of the country's territory is occupied by settlements, non-agricultural lands (industry, transport, communications, military facilities) account for 1.2%, natural reserve fund - 1.2, forest fund - 51.4, water fund -1, state reserve -6.9%.

The area of ​​cultivated land in Russia is decreasing, but the availability of arable land per capita remains very high compared to other countries. Thus, in Russia it is 0.8 hectares, while in the USA it is 0.6 hectares, and in China and Egypt it is 0.09 and 0.05 hectares, respectively.

· Forest resources.

Forests in the Russian Federation occupy about 800 million hectares, or almost 2/3 of the entire area of ​​the country, and the total stock of forest plantations exceeds 81.6 billion cubic meters. Russia accounts for a significant part of the world's timber reserves, for which it ranks first in the world.

The forest wealth of the Russian Federation is mainly concentrated in the eastern regions of the country. An important indicator for assessing forest resources is the forest cover of the territory, in which Russia ranks 21st in the world (45%). Forests are a source of hard and soft (construction and ornamental) wood, raw materials for pulp and paper, hydrolysis, wood chemical and other industries and serve as a habitat for many game animals. Over 300 species of medicinal plants grow in Russia. Some plants produce resins, coloring pigments, essential oils and many other substances used in various industries and technologies.

Due to the wide variety of conditions, both on land and in the seas and with the significant extent of the territory from north to south and from west to east, the animal world. At the same time, due to the northern position of most of the country’s territory and the seas washing it, the fauna of Russia, in comparison with the fauna of tropical and equatorial countries, is relatively poor in the number of species. An important general feature of the distribution of fauna in Russia, as well as throughout the Northern Hemisphere, is that the number of species in general, as well as the number of species in almost all individual groups, increases from north to south. Another feature is the so-called zoning, i.e. in a clearly expressed connection between the distribution of animals and natural areas on land and at sea. This zoning is to a certain extent violated, on the one hand, by the presence of a certain number of widespread species found in several zones or throughout the country, and on the other, by some historical features of the development and formation of the fauna of Russia or its individual parts. Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of reserves of game animals and commercial fish. Based on their use, the activities of such important sectors of the economy as hunting, fishing, and sea animals are built.

Russia is one of the main suppliers of fur to the world market.

· Water resources

in comparison with other types of natural resources they have a number of significant differences. Water is irreplaceable, knows no administrative boundaries, and is in constant motion in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Its quantity and quality continuously changes from season to season and from year to year.

Based on the rate of renewal, natural waters are usually divided into slowly renewable - secular or statistical reserves - and annually renewable, or water resources. Need National economy V fresh water is mainly satisfied by annually renewable water resources, quantified by the size of river flow. The one-time volume of river waters on land is small; it is estimated at only 1200 cubic km/km, but thanks to the water cycle in nature, rivers annually discharge about 40-41 thousand cubic km/km into the World Ocean. The total volume of annually renewable water resources in Russia is estimated at 4270 cubic km/year, which is taken as the starting point for assessing the country's water supply. There are about 120,000 rivers in Russia, and almost all of them freeze in winter. Most of the rivers have a calm, flat flow. The Volga, the most typical river for Russia, is precisely such a river. Among the 2,000 fresh and salt lakes, Baikal is especially famous - the deepest lake in the world, the picturesque Ladoga, the harsh Onega and the polar lake Taimyr.

The territory of Russia as a whole is very rich in fresh groundwater resources. Almost half of the operational groundwater resources belong to practically non-renewable reserves, and their forecast assessment is carried out based on the possible discharge conditionally over a 50-year period of operation.

The most significant exploitable groundwater resources are concentrated in large artesian basins of the European part - Moscow, North-West, Sursko-Khoper, etc.

· Mineral resources.

Russia has a rich and diverse mineral resource base. The most common indicator for assessing mineral raw materials– mineral reserves, i.e. the amount of mineral raw materials in the bowels of the Earth, on its surface, at the bottom of reservoirs and in the volume of surface and underground waters, determined according to geological exploration data. For some mineral deposits, the amount of reserves of valuable components contained in them is calculated, for example, reserves of metal in ores. The magnitude of mineral reserves has varying reliability of their calculation, depending on the complexity geological structure deposits and details of their geological exploration. Modern farming uses about 200 types of mineral raw materials. There is no single generally accepted system for their classification. Depending on the physical or chemical properties of the extracted raw materials, from the sector of the economy where it is used, from the peculiarities of its occurrence in earth's crust known minerals are divided into groups. The classification of minerals based on the technology of their use is widespread: fuel and energy raw materials (oil, coal, gas, uranium), ferrous, alloying and refractory metals. Russia accounts for almost 1/2 of the world's coal resources, approximately 1/7 of the world's oil reserves and 1/3 of natural gas.

Important integral part The energy potential of any country is hydropower resources, which (like solar energy, wind energy, etc.) are classified as renewable. Therefore, their share in the total volume of all energy resources is calculated only conditionally. Russia, having a total hydropotential of 2500 billion kWh (of which it is technically possible to use up to 1670 billion kWh), ranks second in the world in this indicator, second only to China. In a special line of energy resources are uranium ores - the resources of a modern fuel base for nuclear energy. Russia, along with Canada, the USA, Australia, South Africa, France, and Niger, is a major producer and exporter of enriched uranium. The main deposits are located in Eastern Siberia, the Northern region, etc. On the scale of human history, the era of fossil fuels will take a relatively short time - either due to the limited availability of its sources, or due to environmental limitations. The energy of the future is the use of solar, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal energy. Of the above, the last one is already widely used.

Russia's geothermal resources are enormous. Their presence was also discovered in “cool” areas, which include platforms and areas of mobile tectonic regime, and the eastern volcanic belt.

The most important component of the mineral resource base is the ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as mining and chemical raw materials, mineral construction materials and other minerals of rarer use. Non-ferrous metal ores are widely used in various industries—electronics, radio and electrical industries, space and nuclear technology, rocket and aircraft manufacturing, and many others. Their global consumption for Lately increased several times. Large mineral resources are contained in the depths under the waters of the internal and external seas of Russia (shelves, continental slopes), in the coastal and bottom sediments of these seas. The subsoil of the shelves has large oil and gas deposits; in the coastal bottom sediments of the seas, mainly in the form of coastal placers, accumulations of tin, gold, titanium, zirconium, iron, manganese, etc. are concentrated. An important source for obtaining various mineral components is sea water. Greatest practical significance have dissolved mineral salts contained in it. From sea ​​water Compounds of bromine, magnesium, potassium, etc. can also be extracted.

IV . Natural resources as an economic factor.

Natural resources are land and subsoil, flora and fauna, forest and water resources, air and climate, i.e. everything that surrounds a person and forms the external conditions of his creative activity. The saying is true: if labor is the father of wealth, then nature is its mother. The availability and diversity of natural resources largely determines the capabilities of the economic mechanism. Because of this, along with labor, capital, science, and entrepreneurial ability, natural resources are one of the economic resources. Man has always used natural resources to satisfy his needs. But along with the growth of needs, the volume of elements of nature drawn into the process of economic circulation also grows. This is due to both population growth and qualitative changes in people’s needs. What once lay untouched in nature’s storehouses is increasingly being drawn into economic circulation.

Scientific and technological progress has a huge impact on the problem of involving natural resources in the process of production of goods and services. This influence has a certain inconsistency, occurring in two opposite directions. Scientific and technological progress contributes to the rationalization of the use of natural resources: cheaper and more easily transported materials are identified (for example, natural gas); methods for more complete extraction and processing of oil are being introduced, associated raw materials are being used more fully; waste-free technologies are used. In agriculture, methods of more intensive farming and animal husbandry are being introduced; in industrial production, the transition to energy-saving and material-saving technologies is being successfully implemented, reducing the specific consumption of raw materials and fuel. Many synthetic materials have been invented that successfully replace natural resources.

At the same time, the development of science and technology leads to the expansion of old and the creation of new types of production that require the use of natural resources.

An important aspect of the problem of using natural resources is related to their geographical location. Most of them are not concentrated in developed countries, and in regions with a relatively weak level economic development. This situation makes inevitable the movement of natural resources on a huge scale from areas of their extraction to areas of their processing and consumption. According to experts, the value of proven Russian raw material resources is more than $28 trillion1. There is a problem: how to use these resources most rationally, ensuring an effective export structure, and eliminating the prospect of the fuel and raw materials industries becoming the predominant sectors of the economy.

Ownership of natural resources is of significant economic importance. State ownership makes it possible to use a number of natural resources free of charge in the interests of society (use of land for the construction of transport highways, exploitation of forests, water resources, mining, etc.) The use of natural resources in the private sector usually involves the collection of special taxes, rent and other payments that reduce profits.

In any case, natural resources are not unlimited and not eternal. This makes it necessary to constantly take care of their preservation and reproduction. For this, the following basic conditions exist. Firstly, it is necessary to carefully and rationally use what nature gives to humans (especially in relation to irreplaceable resources). Secondly, where available, effective measures should be taken to replenish natural resources (restoring and increasing the natural fertility of the land, planting forests, replenishing reservoirs). Thirdly, secondary raw materials and other production waste should be used as much as possible. Fourthly, it is necessary to fully support the environmental cleanliness of production and environmental management.

V . Conclusion.

Coming to the conclusion of my work, I would like to say that in any case, natural resources are not unlimited and not eternal. This makes it necessary to constantly take care of their preservation and reproduction.

For this, the following basic conditions exist.

· Firstly, it is necessary to carefully and rationally use what nature gives to humans (especially in relation to irreplaceable resources).

· Secondly, where available, effective measures should be taken to replenish natural resources (restoring and increasing the natural fertility of the land, planting forests, replenishing reservoirs).

· Thirdly, secondary raw materials and other production waste should be used as much as possible.

· Fourthly, it is necessary to fully support the environmental cleanliness of production and environmental management.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia. Edited by Professor A.T. Khrushchev. Moscow, 1997

2. Economic and social geography of Russia 1997 Grebtsova V.E.

3. Textbook economics. Edited by Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Associate Professor A.S. Bulatova. Publishing house BEK, Moscow 1997

4. Encyclopedia. Volume-12. Russia: nature, population, economy, Moscow

Natural environment

Natural environment (environment) is a generalized concept that characterizes the natural conditions in a specifically chosen place and the ecological state of a given area. As a rule, the use of the term refers to the description of natural conditions on the Earth's surface, the state of its local and global ecosystems and their interaction with humans. The term is used in this meaning in international agreements.

Environment - usually considered as the part of the environment immediately surrounding (hence the name) some living system(human, animal, etc.) and consisting of living and inanimate nature.

Environment is the habitat and activity of mankind, the entire world surrounding humans, including both the natural and anthropogenic environment.

IN modern era human activity has covered almost all geographical envelope and its scale is now comparable to the action of global natural processes, which negatively affects the state of the environment.

A special organization has been created at the UN - the UN Environment Program (UNEP). In order to draw attention to environmental issues, the UN established World Environment Day.

Natural conditions are a set of properties of the nature around us, which in one way or another significantly influence human life. Meaning natural conditions health, work and recreation of the population, which characterize the natural environment in a certain territory. These are extremely multifaceted phenomena. They make very different, often contradictory, demands on the natural environment. What promotes proper rest for a person is not always convenient, for example, for industrial construction. In the highlands it is possible to successfully develop tourism and some sports, but it is extremely difficult to erect buildings of factories and factories and lay transport routes there.

Therefore, we cannot talk about natural conditions at all. They must be considered from a specific point of view, from the positions of medicine, agriculture, industry, transport...

Natural conditions are usually considered relief, climate, properties of soil and vegetation cover, the nature of occurrence of groundwater and groundwater, water regime surface waters, mining and geological conditions for mining.

The most important distinctive feature of natural conditions is that these are not material bodies and objects, but their properties, and they can only significantly facilitate or hinder the development of production, but are not directly used in it.

Rational management of a given territory, proper placement of industrial enterprises, specialization and concentration of agriculture, construction settlements and roads, design of bases and recreation areas - all this requires a thorough economic assessment of natural conditions.

Natural conditions usually mean a complex of factors such as the geographical location of an area, climate, topography, natural resources, flora and fauna, which exist independently of human activity. has a significant impact on people's activities and lifestyles.

Due to the large extent and predominance of temperate climate zone, a wide range of natural conditions occurs on the territory of Russia. The need for a special diet, clothing, infrastructure and housing depends on them. A quarter of the country's land is unsuitable for human habitation. The Volga and Chernozem regions are considered the most favorable. Below we consider the main components of the geographical environment that shape the natural conditions of Russia.


Due to the length of the territory, it is diverse. Basically, the country's territory lies at a moderate latitude. The seasons follow each other rhythmically. Winter is colder than in , summer is warm. In cold times, thaws often occur, and precipitation falls in the summer in the form of rain. Continental climate prevails in the west of Siberia, sharply continental in the territory of Central Siberia. The Far East is influenced by the monsoon climate.

The lands near the Arctic Ocean are under the rule of the Arctic climate zone. Winter temperatures drop to -30°C. Heat deficiency and polar nights make this territory unsuitable for economic activity. The subarctic belt is formed in the north. Within its borders lie the territories of the Russian and West Siberian Plains. Due to the swampiness, it is difficult to conduct economic activities here. The Black Sea coast has a subtropical climate. It is relatively warm here even in winter. Agriculture is well developed here.

Due to the flat terrain of the European part of the country, winds from the north penetrate the entire plain. Currents Atlantic Ocean bring warmth to . Half of Russia feels the influence of the Atlantic. In winter, warm winds from the south mitigate negative temperatures. They also bring precipitation with them. Without warm air coming from the Atlantic, the Russian climate would be much harsher.

Mountain ranges Far East do not allow Pacific air to penetrate deep into the continent. This is a unique region with a monsoon climate. Summer cyclones bring persistent rains. Winds rage in winter in coastal regions. In Siberia there are practically none, air humidity is low, so cold weather is more easily tolerated. Densely populated areas of the country are the center, southern regions and regions Western Siberia. The average winter here is 60 days.

Relief and geology

The contours of a country's lands significantly influence people's living conditions. Russia is located on several plates at once, differing in age from each other. The European part lies on the Russian Platform, which is billions of years old. It is dominated by flat land. The Siberian platform, on which the northeast of the country lies, is much older. The West Siberian Platform is a relatively young tectonic formation. It is pressed on both sides by neighboring plates, so there are many mountain ranges here.

The relief of the south of the country was formed under the influence of the wind. The mountains have been affected by glaciers over time. The coastal plains changed shape under the influence of the tides. Centuries-old floods have formed river valleys, ravines and ravines. They are widespread everywhere.

Three quarters of the country's lands are located on. The largest of them, East European, occupies 4 million km². Here the lowlands gradually give way to hills. Relief rises rarely exceed 500 m. From the Ural ranges in the east it begins West Siberian Plain, with an area of ​​2.6 million km². The third largest area, the Central Siberian Plateau, occupies a little more than 3 million km².

High mountain ranges predominate in the southern and eastern regions. Mount Elbrus has a height of 5642 m and is the highest point in the country. The Altai ranges are located between China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. The maximum height is 2000 m. The Urals are considered to be the natural border between and. The highest point of the complex is Mount Nagornaya, 1895 m. There are many mineral deposits in the Ural Mountains. The easternmost are the hills of Kamchatka, which still periodically erupt lava.

There are large islands and archipelagos in all of them. The New Siberian Islands, Franz Josef Land, Severnaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island are distinguished by mountainous terrain. to the east is Sakhalin. Not far from Kamchatka are the Commander Islands. The Kuril Islands separate the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Pacific Ocean. Large islands exist on. These include the Valaam and Solovetsky Islands, Olkhon.

Natural resources

Russia has a quarter of the world's reserves. Most of them grow in the Far East and Siberia. On the territory of Europe, green areas remained along. The use of wood is poorly developed, and many trees are lost during transportation.

Forests provide people with animals, mushrooms and berries. People actively collect plants that are popular in folk medicine. A hunt for fur-bearing animals is underway. Species diversity of fish is observed in all the seas washing the country. Large inland reservoirs are generous with their catch.

Thanks to its diverse tectonic structure, the country is rich in mineral resources. More often, deposits are located in folded relief forms. The Kola and the lands of the Kursk magnetic anomaly are the main sources of ores. Cuprous sandstones, polymetals and iron ores occur in the Urals and Transbaikal region. Rich sources of natural gas and oil are located in the Stavropol region, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. These non-renewable resources lie deep in the West Siberian Platform. Coal is mined in the depths of the East European Valley.

The country has so many mineral resources that they can fully satisfy the needs of the population. Expensive ones are sold on world markets, but sales volumes are gradually declining. State policy is aimed at implementation, not conservation own resources. The supply of some minerals is measured in just a few decades.


Forests occupy slightly less than half of the state's land. There are more of them in the Asian region. grows in the temperate climate zone. The forests are represented by evergreen trees: spruce, fir, pine. Larch is widespread throughout the taiga.

Broad-leaved and mixed forests are located just to the south. These include maple, elm, beech, oak, and linden. People destroyed most of the green zone for the sake of grazing livestock and building settlements. Tree harvesting is carried out in the Arkhangelsk, Perm, Tomsk, Irkutsk, and Amur regions.

A strip of small-leaved forests stretches from Europe to the Far East. The main representatives of vegetation are alder and birch. They contribute to the restoration of green areas.

All forests are federal property. The state can transfer them for rent or free-of-charge temporary use. There are protective, reserve and operational forests. In areas with high population density, forests are completely developed.

Natural conditions

Natural conditions

a combination of natural factors – geographical location territory, natural resources, living and inanimate nature and other components and phenomena of the geographical environment that exist regardless of human activity. Natural conditions include relief, climate, regime of rivers and lakes, vegetation, fauna, etc. Natural conditions have a significant impact on the location of production, settlement of people, development of agriculture, etc. At the same time, unlike natural resources, do not directly participate in human economic activity. Sometimes identical aggregates are called natural conditions and natural resources, for example. climatic conditions or resources.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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To the question: What natural conditions are considered comfortable for residents of the middle zone? given by the author User deleted the best answer is Comfortable weather means a combination of meteorological values ​​in which healthy man does not experience heat, cold, or stuffiness, that is, he feels in the best possible way. Comfort zone by meteorological conditions is not standard for all people and depends on the climate zone, time of year, weight, body size, state of movement or rest, clothing, specifics of human production activity and other factors (see clause 7.1). Centuries-old traditions play a significant role in assessing the weather comfort zone.
the indigenous population, their adaptation to the local climate, the hardening of the body to heat or cold. In the pre-revolutionary past, even in winter, children went out into the snow barefoot. The reaction to weather and climate anomalies depends on both age and gender: in older people it manifests itself more clearly than in young people, at low temperatures women feel more comfortable than men, etc.
Visitors have requirements for comfortable conditions depend on the degree of irritating conditions of a non-native climate, relative to the climate in the place of permanent residence. For example, for lightly dressed people coming to the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria from the northern regions of Russia, a state of comfort occurs at equivalent effective temperatures (EET) of 12.5-18.5°, from the central regions - at 16.5-20.5° , from the southern regions - at 16.6-24.5°C. These data indicate a shift in the upper comfort zone of northerners towards lower temperatures.
According to N.M. Voronin, seasonal fluctuations in comfort limits average 2-3°C. A shift in the comfort zone is apparently also due to general global warming. But this assumption is the subject of special research.
As a result of research by physiologists, it turned out that the most objective indicator of thermal comfort today is not the air temperature, but the weighted average temperature of the skin surface. The optimum comfort when assessed by skin temperature is in the range of 31-33°C (Table 9.2). In this case, the most representative place for its determination is the forehead area.
Depending on the weighted average skin temperature and heat sensation of the subjects, at a relative humidity of 30-70% during the day (taking into account the thermal insulation of clothing), I. S. Kandror and co-authors [Kandror et al., 1974] carried out a physiological and climatic typification of the weather on 9 types (see Table 9.2, left side). As you can see, excessive thermoregulatory load occurs at skin temperatures of more than 34°C (very hot) and less than 23°C (extremely cold).